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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  March 24, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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>> if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one 4,000 >> hello again, everyone. thank you so much for joining me. i'm fredricka whitfield. all right. the countdown is underway for i don't trump the former president is just hours away from two major legal threats colliding and new york tomorrow is the deadline for him to post a nearly half billion dollars bond in his new york civil fraud case. his attorneys have asked an appeals court to allow him to post a smaller bond or none at all >> but the court it has not reached a decision yet on friday, trump claimed he has the cash to cover the bill, but his lawyer told cnn that trump does not actually have that cash on hand. meanwhile, new york's attorney general has already filed judgments in westchester county and new york city where trump owned properties. so first which
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indication the state is preparing to seize his assets if he can't pay up this all playing out as trump is expected to appear in a new york courtroom tomorrow. we're a judge, may set a date for his hush money trial involving a $130,000 payment to adult film star stormy daniels. or let's begin with exclusive cnn reporting on yet another trump legal case. this one, the georgia election subversion trial fulton county district attorney fani willis is speaking to cnn about the timeline in that major trial and efforts by the former president to get it delayed. cnn's is that cohen joining us now? so zach, what is willis saying? >> yeah, fred fani willis is adamant that the case against donald trump and his fellow co-defendants in georgia remains on track despite the fact that we spent the last two months wondering if fani willis could even be disqualified from this case she has for now seem to survive that judge mcafee as said, that she can remain on the case, but it's still an
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open question as to whether or not an appeals court will take up that ruling and could potentially overturn it now for but for now, fani willis is trying to shift attention back to the case itself, back to the criminal charges against trump and the co-defendants in georgia. take a listen to what she said when she spoke exclusively to cnn yesterday about the state of the case as it stands >> now, my things we're continuing to work it and i think the media and especially organizations like your own at the paying attention all why that was going on. we were right and responsive briefs. we were still doing the case and the way that it needed to be done. i don't feel like we've been slowed down at all. i do think that there are efforts to slow down its train, but the train is coming >> so willis insisting that work had continued behind the scenes the last two months and that things are still moving forward. she still has a lot of legal hurdles ahead of her, and as i mentioned earlier, that disqualification the question is still lingering out there. but for now, fani willis trying to push this message that things are back on track and georgia and wants a trial date set. she's previously asked
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for a trial to start on august 5th of this year. my source is telling me that she's wants that trial to begin. and once before the 2024 election, and once the judge to put that on the calendar all right. >> and then to new york as trump is facing a deadline tomorrow to secure nearly a half billion dollars for bond for his civil fraud judgment. what is expected, what does everyone bracing for >> yeah, it's a great ring expect that the prosecutors co process or setting the stage to start seizing some of trump's assets if he can't come up with the cash he owes about $454 million plus interest in this civil fraud judgment trump insisting that he had the cash in a truth social post last week his lawyer than kind of contradicting that to cnn saying no, he didn't mean that he had that money on hand. but if you can't come up with the cash, you could see prosecutors moving to take and seize some of his properties, whether
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that's properties in new york or elsewhere, remains to be seen. >> all right. is that cohen thanks so much. >> all right. joining me right now to talk more about all of these legal developments is jeffrey jacoby votes. he is a white collar criminal attorney and an adjunct law professor at american university jeffrey great to see you. all right. let's talk about that. >> forage a case. first, district attorney, fani willis says she's ready to go. the train is coming and already that trial was set for august 5th is it likely to stay on that schedule? >> well, what's interesting is 40 fani willis is moving forward aggressively. people were saying, what should she do? you have for the decision by judge mcafee? she's charging foad. the train is on the way and it's not clear whether the georgia court of appeals will even take this case. so if it moves forward, what's interesting is she wants to pick a trial de, which could in fact conflict with the january 6 trial date if the court the supreme court rules
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on absolute immunity and denies trump's motion. so right now, it's not clear when the trial date will be, but she's moving forward, judge mcafee? the mcafee allowed discovery to continue. and so she is on her way. >> okay. so now let's talk about that new york fraud case, trump's half-a-billion-dollar bond is due tomorrow, a few days ago. he claimed he had the cash to cover the bill is attorneys then tried to correct and said now he doesn't sell if he doesn't come up with the cash tomorrow what kind of movement do you see on seizing his property? is that immediate or does it trickle trickle and throughout the week relate well, you know, fred is, first of all, it's interesting, somebody may need to file an affidavit because trump is saying one thing, his lawyers are saying another thing, and it could impact on the court of appeals decision as to whether in fact he has the funds to meet the bond, but trump is
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coming trying to come up with the money he's trying trying every which way his truth, social is going public allegedly it's not clear where the transparency will be, whether the sec will be looking at it i don't think letitia james wants to go into the real estate business. she may have the she made file leans on these properties and have the new york supreme court hold it. but she's looking for cash as well, which is easier to monetize. obviously. but it's a fairly complicated situation. it's easier for her to put liens on properties in new york than it would be for her to go out of state, for example, in mar-a-lago in florida but she is moving expeditiously. she already is posting leans in westchester and she's showing she's not going to back down. >> well, what went in her office already know, whether he has the cash >> well that's interesting because now with the judgment against him, she could take a
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discovery deposition, an asset deposition, to find out really what cash he has because he says one thing his lawyers say another thing. we don't know what the truth is because she went meant that would allow whether the ag's office are really you know, if it were the irs for that matter, would be able to access his accounts to know and see what's there because of this? judgment. now. well, you would think so and i think once they start enforcing the judgment, if they're able to do that, they will find out for sure but for example, on real estate some of it is held there are leans by other people or by insurance companies or buy real estate companies so we don't know how much cash he really has available for his real estate. and we don't know what assets he has. i mean, for years, he said how richie is and for years, others have said he's not as rich as he says he
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is. so now we will find out yeah. >> all right. jeff rage a couple of its thanks so much. it's going to be an interesting thank you. >> that's the best word i can come up with. >> interesting all right. thank you. >> thank you. all right. >> is alaska senator lisa murkowski leaving the door open to potentially leave the republican party. she spoke to cnn's manu raju on capitol hill >> i don't think that it can be defended what happened on january 6 was was an effort by people who stormed a building in an effort to stop an election. i wish that that as republicans, we had a we had a nominee that i could. get behind. i certainly can't get behind donald trump. >> are you considering being in
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an independent at this 0.0? >> i think i'm very independent minded. >> officially officially i just regret that our party is seemingly becoming a party of donald trump. >> you becoming an independent caucuses public kids. that's something you are open to. >> i i am navigating my way through some very interesting political times. let's just leave it at that >> there's that word interesting are, and i want to bring into congressional reporters right now the hills michael schnell, and the new york times or louk broad water. good to see you all right. so michael, you first add a you extrapolate what she's saying >> clearly, lisa murkowski. murkowski, right. they're struggling with the trajectory that the republican party is headed towards. of course, donald trump, the presumptive nominee. there are pumps presumptive gop nominee, someone who she did not support schumer endorsed nikki haley shortly before she dropped out of the race, and we've seen a number of other republicans who
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haven't been supportive of trump in the past. for example, mitch mcconnell careen into the direction of president foreign presidents goes on and clinches the nomination, but lisa murkowski right there, you heard her standing her for ground saying that she can't get behind him. that's sort of leaves her in political no man's land struggling to find a home as report republican party moves away from her. she's clearly grappling with that predicament right now. obviously, leaving the door open to potentially being independent and leaving the republican party it i think that sense tremors >> lisa murkowski has always been very independently minded. donald trump has tried to defeat her in her last selection, and she turned back his chosen candidate the hard right tried to take her out to cycles ago and she ran a write-in campaign. and one and alaska. so she has independent political power in alaska, and that gives her some freedom from donald trump because she is so powerful in her home
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state what, she's saying is something that a lot of senators, republican senators will tell you quietly. they just don't want to say it out loud that trump has not been good for their party and has led them in a bad direction. but lisa murkowski is the rare 1 who will actually go out and say that okay. >> look, let me also ask you about this sort of new drama. new drama again, around the speaker of the house, mike johnson congresswoman marjorie taylor greene this time holding a motion to vacate over his head are you surprised to see this happening again or was it bound to happen again >> yeah. no, i'm not surprised the current makeup of the republican party and the one person motion to vacate, which is the rule in the house means that any member at any time can essentially call for the speaker's head. and especially any member who wants to get attention. and marjorie taylor
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greene has done this. she's not actually called for the vote, but she's made it known that she has this hanging over speaker johnson's head. i think what's different this time as you've had a number of democrats pro-am actively come out and say, if marjorie taylor greene or anyone on the far right tries to take out speaker johnson over something he does that we think is sensible, such as sending aid to ukraine are keeping the government open. that they would motion to table it and perhaps put their votes on the line to save are republican speak you're even though they disagree with most of his policy. >> and michael real quick, does johnson keep his job >> i think at the end of the day he doesn't it's because of that reason of what luke said is that we're seeing a number of democrats who don't want to repeat the chaos and the paralysis in the house that we saw back in october following kevin mccarthy's ouster for this time around, democrats are saying, well, if you give us this and if you cooperate with us on this, this turns on these terms, particularly sending additional aid to ukraine, which speaker
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johnson said is going to be next up on the legislative to do list when lawmakers returned from recess, if they can send aid overseas, i think that would be a big incentive for democrats to as a louk table this motion into vacate unless speaker johnson live another de in the job, right. >> that's quite the bargaining tool. all right. i'll look broad water and michael schnell, good to see you both. thank you >> thanks, fred. >> all right. >> federal regulators are clamping down on united airlines, new details on the measures the faa is considering, following nearly a dozen flight safety incidents in the last month and amid scandal brewing, baseball superstar shohei ohtani and his dodgers are set to play at home tonight and we've just learned that he's on the lineup she central weekdays. that's seven eastern cracked windshield schedule would save flight and will come to you to fix it. this customer was enjoying her
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i'm not talking about bragg. cash backing word. we talking about cashback, cash back in, cash back, like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback leaks lives, cia secrets. >> valerie play. >> now worry >> plane draw or play lives were it's >> yes. my children. this is >> horrifying united states of scandal with jake tapper. >> new >> episode tonight at nine on cnn >> all right. more than 260,000 people are without power in the northeast after a winter storm brought heavy, freezing rain and snow. cnn meteorologist elisa raffa is tracking these storms burr? >> yeah. we've got colds >> mill and blowing snow up on the top of this storm, but then it will says a warm side where we've got severe thunderstorms that are really firing up right now, watches and warnings are in play and you can just see just how dynamic this storm is ruled as snow popping up in minneapolis and then you've got the showers and thunderstorms is that are stretching across
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oklahoma and that's where we're finding this severe part of this too, where we're looking at severe thunderstorm watches that are in effect across most of oklahoma and texas. were looking at some tornado warnings that we have found as well, because some of these storms can continue to rotate with this storm just being so putin has such a big wind fields, so that will create the severe storms and that will also blow around some of that blowing snow as well. that's it's going to create the blizzard conditions so pretty typical for march to see everything with the kitchen sink and a storm like this, even some fire weather conditions in parts of texas it says fred, i guess people forget you see the calendar and it's like 00 spring time. i'm bringing out the lighter fabrics. no, not yet >> all right. thanks so much. lisa all right. after a slew of troubling incidents, the federal aviation administration is taking a closer look at united airlines over the past month 11 incidents made headlines, including a plane sliding off the runway and a tire falling off a plane during
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take-off, the agency is also warning united that it may have to put it its future plans on hold. i'm joined now by former ntsb managing director and cnn aviation analyst peter goelz of peter great to see you. so what's the significance of this kind of increased oversight? >> well, i think it shows that the whole industry has been under the microscope over the past couple of months. and united has been at the forefront unfortunately. and the faa, united, as 950 aircraft, they are the third largest carrier in the world. and they've had a number of troubling incidents. i think some of them the importance has been magnified because of just the general scrutiny of the industry. but the faa is taking no chances and they've instructed their certificate management management offices that oversees united to step up
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the oversight. >> so how might this impact unite and might it cause delays certain number of planes that won't be up in the air as scheduled. >> well, i don't think it will impact delays, but they may have certain regulatory decisions online, whether to drop or expand root whether to increase the number of flights to a city, those kinds of decisions may be putting back. but i think the key thing is for the faa to look at these 12 or so different events to see if there's a connection can they connect the dots? i have a sense that the industry really lost a lot of their senior people after covid, who retired and. they may have lost a lot of their institutional knowledge that provided safety oversight. and there may be a problem there. we'll see what
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the faa has to say. >> and then white this end up being an extension of the ongoing investigations involving boeing since boeing is the manufacturer for many of a united's jets >> well, if any of these events tracked back to the actual manufacturer that then there will be a problem, but the ones that i've looked at, the engine issue, let's certainly is not necessarily a boeing issue engines are made by ge or rolls-royce or the going off the end of the runway that going to look closely at that the condition of the runway and the crew but they'll see if the emphasis of safety is that the highest levels throughout the organization. and sometimes that's slips all right. >> peter goelz, good to see you. thanks so much. that's in your bread >> amid a scandal brewing baseball superstar shohei ohtani and his dodgers are set
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to play a home tonight. more on that next >> this is the big dam it's time. to paint that. do why choose asleep numbers smart bad? can >> it keep me warm when i'm cold? >> wait, no, i'm always hot. >> sleep number. does that can i make my side softer? >> i make my side firmer, please. >> number does that can help us sleep better and better >> sleep number. does that 94% of smart sleepers report better sleep now say what do thousand dollars when you put just select sweep number smartphones and an adjustable base ends monday shop. now at sleep
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prisoner releases as part of this this wider deal that has been discussed here in doha, those indirect talks between hamas and israel. so this still well apparently according to channel 11, means that they have agreed to release 700 palestinian prisoners, 100 of them have are serving life sentences this, point for having killed israeli nationals. now, in return, we understand three channel 11 that it will be fought israeli hostages currently being held in gaza. now, this senior source that they are quoting says that they are israel is willing to make significant compromises in order to try and bring these abductees home. now we do know that to just ten days ago, hamas is counterproposal had suggested between 701 fires and palestinian prisoners to be released. and we also know that one of the significant gaps over recent weeks, and in fact months between these two sides
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eyes, when it comes to the mediated talks, was exactly not just the numbers of palestinian prisoners to be released, but which palestinian prisoners and the fact that according to to this report, there have been one serving a life sentence that have been approved to be released. is really a move forward at this point. points hearing from a source that there is steady progress being made. >> and you said israel has agreed. but still, what's hanging in the balance? once potentially >> well, this is israel agreeing to the us proposal. of course, hamas has to agree to it as well the technical teams are still here in doha, so presumably there were talks going on behind the scenes to figure out if this is too hamas is liking as well. frederick great keep us posted as you'll learn. paula hand cox-1 doha. thank you so much >> all right. still to come. time is running out. the dire warning from the un as the
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baseball star to pay off gambling debts that he had run up with a bookie and california where sports betting is still illegal. but that story contradicts what mizuhara said earlier this week or last week, that ohtani knowingly paid ms to do harbors debts for him as a favor. what camila bernal joining us right now in los angeles where the dodgers will pull lay ball tonight kamila, what's the latest? >> hey, fred, yet this is a day that a lot of dodgers fans were waiting for watching. shohei ohtani play here at home. but as you mentioned, it comes with so much controversy we're talking theft millions of dollars lies gambling, and like you mentioned, two investigations, the irs and major league baseball. let's recap where we are right now. shohei ohtani's longtime interpreter, ippei mizuhara was fired after ohtani's lawyers accused him of massive that's
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millions of dollars and placing bets with bookmaker that is currently under federal investigations is according to espn and the la times, who first reported on all of this, cnn did speak to a spokesperson with the irs that confirm that e pay me hora and a man by the name of mathew bowyer are under investigation now. mathew bowyer is a former bookmaker and we did speak to his lawyer here's what she said >> we've learned during the course of the investigation is that ohtani's name was on one of the wire transfers to mr. boyer's organization to cover a bet but as far as mr. bowyer understood, the bet was from epa or it was being covered by mr. ohtani for >> now the problem that a lot of people have is the changing stories, right? because ohtani's representatives first said that yes, he was aware of that gambling debt, and then
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later said no, he had no knowledge of all of this. >> the >> aasb and also saying, look, we spoke to me, zahra, who said, yes, he was that he was aware of the debt and that he offered to pay the debt and pay it himself because he didn't want any more problems with gambling, then he came back and said, i lied. ohtani had no idea essentially walking back. everything he told el as pn. so it's just changing stories that really are conflicting and getting a lot of people confused over what exactly is happening here. there are a lot of media outlets right now saying that ohtani we will speak to the media tomorrow. so we'll see what he knows. safe bread. well, that will be interesting >> and intriguing indeed, are a camila bernal. thank you so much. and we'll be right back. >> check. >> we hear nothing. >> a space shuttle accidents, usually not one thing. it's a series of a is that part of the wing coming apart? >> space shuttle columbia have final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn
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>> i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles in this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you >> 800, a21, 4,000 it's the harrowing story of a wrongfully convicted man and the decades long effort to exonerate him. cnn anchor and chief washington correspondent jake tapper reports justice delayed the story of cj rice on the whole story with anderson cooper, jake fred, i've been reporting on cj rice's case for years, including a cover story for the atlantic in 2022. and my dad, one of his fiercest advocates who was actually his pediatrician, testified in court back in 2013 that cj rice was not physically capable of committing the crime that he was accused of. he was wounded, he had been shot a few weeks before and could barely walk.
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unfortunately, cj had a horrible defense attorney and he ended up in prison for a crime that he did not commit i have finally gotten to meet him in person as a free man on monday, he was officially exonerated. by the commonwealth of pennsylvania, one of the most moving parts of tonight's documentary about cj rice and his imprisonment and exoneration deals with the relationship between cj and my dad, who's at three and their correspondence since 2016 take a listen >> a belief. 2017 back the tavern hopefully as is that a region? everything is good as can be given any and all circumstances >> may 2019, their cj april to 12 2020 december 2021, february 13, 2022. >> these ladders for my dad >> did you look >> forward to getting them?
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>> i did. yeah, i did mike lot really? >> yeah. because it's a it's a constant so you get used to constants in jail. but most of them are demeaning or not so personal >> but a >> letter with ink on it from somebody on either side of the water as personal that makes you feel human there was genuine that the cannon concern has a five, he for me it was genuine i'm sure wise will have much more of my conversation with cj rice tonight on the whole story with anderson cooper >> at 08:00 p.m. fred. >> all right. thanks so much, jake. we look forward to that. be sure to tune in to the all new episode of the whole story with anderson cooper, one whole hour 1 whole story tonight at 08:00 p.m. eastern pacific right here on cnn >> all right. still to come nbc, the network is facing
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backlash for hiring former rnc chair ronna mcdaniel from one of its own, the stunning rebuke from former meet the press moderator, chuck todd, next tonight a wrongfully convicted menn freed after more than a decade. >> i can't believe i'm seeing you >> face to face with jake tapper reveals how the legal system failed and he's very personal quest for justice. the whole story with anderson cooper tonight at eight on cnn >> even the most chilling parents know what it's time to go into protect mode nothing kills more viruses on more surfaces, than lysol disinfectant spray this is not just another e glass because it evolves with you. >> it adapts. >> it is the first e glass made just for you this is not just design because you're ii
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mandarin orange tenders? i >> what about you? >> three classic tenders for butterfly ram, four baby. oh, win. >> no. >> always a competition. >> i am the shrimp bought with verizon business on limited, i get 5g truly unlimited data unlimited hotspot data >> so no matter what, i'm running this kitchen, make the switch, it's your business. it's your verizon >> mornings cough, ingestion. >> i'm feeling better all in one and done with new mucinex kickstarter hey better now the morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me?
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you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business. was still a alvarez at the white house and this is cnn a possible lightning strike may be to blame for a fire aboard a carnival cruise ship, a passenger shot this >> video from the cabin where you can see the flames and
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smoke pouring out of the ships exhaust funnel. and it took about two hours for the fire response team to actually put the flames out. there were no reported injuries to guess, but to firefighters were treated for minor smoke inhalation. the cause is still under investigation. >> and in >> case you're march madness bracket is totally busted. you may consider shooting your shot with two lottery jackpots up for grabs. know tickets matched all six numbers last night for this $750 powerball prize which means even more, is up for grabs tomorrow. powerball says it's the 35th drawing without a jackpot winner since there weren't any winners for the mega millions drawing on friday, that jackpot there eric jumped to an estimated 1.1 billion for tuesday night. that's a combined total of nearly $2 billion who's gonna be lucky? >> all right. one of the most
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popular brands of bottled water in china has become the target of an online boycott, but it has nothing to do with taste or price tag cnn's marc stewart explains if you live here in china, there's a good chance you drinking dong fu spring bottled water. it's the country's biggest maker of bottled water sold on almost every stroke three-quarter, including here in beijing. the company is owned by china's richest man, but his wealth has been shrinking fast in recent weeks. thanks to an it expected backlash. jones, shen shen is facing online attacks accused of being not patriotic enough. in part because of the designs of some of his product packaging on the bottles. you can see a temple. you can see a crane. some chinese people feel these images are inspired by japanese culture sure. now that's upsetting to some people because of longstanding animosity between the two countries. some chinese people even claim the red bottle tab
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resembles the shape of the japanese national flag cnn has reached out to nongfu spring for comment a perfect storm that is triggered a nationwide boycott with people uploading videos of themselves pulling nongfu spring's water off stores shelves, all in the name of patriotism all of this is proving to be a heavy blow to business. the online campaign has cut into nongfu's sales as well as its share price. wiping about 3 billion off its market capitalization since the end of february, according to a cnn calculation. but views on the streets are much calmer >> gimbal. notice, we should have a fair and just attitude that we shouldn't be intensifying conflicts that serves no good for our own government either >> maybe it is inspired by japanese architecture, but it could also be inspired by traditional chinese architecture. if you look back
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in history, then in japan, learn from china two i think it's wrong to be connecting product design to politics >> as beijing tries to rally behind the private sector in the midst of an economic slump many worry this war on bottled water could see the business community's confidence dry up even further. marc stewart, cnn beijing all right, new today if it sunday. >> oh, >> a very fiery moment today former republican national committee chair ronna mcdaniel, made her first appearance on nbc's since being hired by the network as a paid political analyst and she feels some tough questions about her time with the rnc >> do you disagree with trump's saying he's going to free those who've been charged. >> i do not think people who committed violent acts on january 6 should be freed. >> so you disagree with that? he's been saying that for months on a why not speak out earlier? why just speak out about that now? >> when you're the rnc chair, you kind of take one for the
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whole team right now i get to be a little bit more myself, right? this is what i believe. i don't think violence should be in our political discourse republican or democrat >> meet the press moderator, kristen welker disclose at the top of her show that mcdaniel scheduled this interview before nbc news announced her hiring. the show's former host, chuck todd, who is now the networks chief political analysts while he was on the invited panel today and he didn't hold back blasting the network's decision. take a listen >> look, let me do with the elephant in the room. yeah. i think our bosses owe you an apology for putting you in the situation. because i don't know what to believe. she is now a paid contributor by nbc news, i have no idea whether any answers she gave to you was because she didn't want to mess up her contract i'm she wants us to believe that she was speaking for the rnc when the rnc was paying for and look, there's a reason why there's a lot of journalists and nbc news uncomfortable with this because many of our
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professional dealings with the rnc over the last six years have been met with gaslighting, have been met with character assassination so it is that's where you begin here. and so when nbc made the decision to give her nbc news has credibility. you got to ask yourself, what is should she bring nbc news? >> it's sunday, it's meet the pressed, being very candid. all right. the us state department has evacuated more than 230 americans from haiti, while all the capital port-au-prince faces mounting chaos and gang violence, many americans are struggling to escape due to safety concerns, while others are choosing to stay behind with their loved ones. cnn's david culver has this exclusive look at the difficulty cope escapes >> the challenge for us citizens trying to leave port-au-prince begins as soon as they start driving to the us
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embassy getting their involves driving through either gang controlled or gang contested territories. it's dangerous and it's unpredictable. and armored vehicles we saw that firsthand and yet this is the only way out for sop the airport has shut down and many feel trapped in recent is the us embassy began evacuating citizens who could make it to the embassy managing the safety of those evacuations is regional security officer steve strickland how does haiti, how does port-au-prince today compared to your past 19 years? >> there's nothing like port-au-prince, the security situations here or nothing like anything i've experienced before. i've spent time in afghanistan pakistan iraq in africa, and the unique, unique circumstances here. i have not seen a parallel to those in any other security environment that i've served >> amid these challenges, there are some who fear americans are being abandoned and gang field
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war zone >> the truth of the matter is literally on a daily basis. there are phone calls that we're engaged with at the highest levels of us government, where the number one topic is safety and security. how do we help? get us citizens out of, out of the country to a safe place >> launching these evacuation flights from the capital is a critical first step. jenny geom in her five-year-old son, conrad, registered a few days ago she's had to leave behind her mom and other loved ones so as to get back to them their home in new york get into the embassy is terrifying. it's a potentially deadly commute. some who had confirmed their spots canceled last minute, either emotionally unable to leave behind loved ones, or just unable to get to the embassy safely. so is there an option to go from here and go pick them up is that even in reality, it just really isn't unfortunate. the security resources that we have are stretched so thin, the ability
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to do that it's really a non-starter. we just don't have that capacity to do it. we'd love to do it. it just simply an impossibility the unfortunately, with some seats, unclaimed at the last minute our team as us citizens, is able to travel out with them and chronicle their journey the board in gang-controlled territory on a patch of land that's secured and surrounded by a robust and reassuring american military presence we take off for the dominican republic there are a lot of mixed emotions for those who get out gratitude and relief for get in here safely, as well as guilt and fear for those still in port-au-prince, knowing that what's happening on the other side of this border is getting worse. each passing our david culver, cnn sounded looming. go dominican republic >> and kensington palace is speaking out on behalf of the prince and princess of wales
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after receiving a flood of support and well-wishes following princess kate announcement of her cancer diagnosis friday, a spokesperson from kensington palace says the couple is quote enormously touched by the kind messages from people here in the uk across the commonwealth and around the world in response to her royal highnesses message, they're extremely moved by the public's warmth and support and are grateful for the understanding of their request for privacy this time and quote in friday's video, pose, the princess said doctors discovered she had cancer after having abdominal surgery in january and she is now in the early stages of chemotherapy treatment i'm fredricka whitfield. thank you so much for being with me this weekend. the cnn newsroom continues with omar jimenez right now


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