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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  March 23, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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>> if the winds are to survive the vow taken by elizabeth, the second the longest reigning monarch in british history is a model for her successes >> i can whether it be long or short shall be devoted to service is motto, which have been borne by many of my ancestors. and noble motto >> i said >> hello and welcome everyone. i'm michael holmes. appreciate your company coming up here on
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cnn news room as russia are real from the nation's worst terror attack in decades hey, buddy me, a putin appears to lay blame on ukraine without offering proof the princess of wales said, she is touched by the outpouring of support following her cancer diagnosis am the united nations secretary general visits rafah, calling the blocked aid to gaza a moral outrage, telling israel, but nightmare mustang bases cnn newsroom with michael holmes >> the death toll from the terror attack at a russian concert hall is now 133 and officials say they expect it to go higher. russia has declared sunday a national it's an all day of mourning. people have been placing flowers and stuffed animals outside the hole to remember the victims investigators say they've arrested for alleged government and seven other people russian
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state media says the suspect's face, life in prison if convicted meanwhile, russian president vladimir putin is suggesting without evidence that ukraine was involved in the attack. ukraine strongly denying any such thing. the us, which warned of a terror attack in russia weeks ago says there is no evidence whatsoever that ukraine played a role. in fact, vice president kamala harris says the us knows that isis-k based in afghanistan is responsible, and isis has claimed responsibility for the attack cnn senior international correspondent frederik pleitgen has more on the attacks and the aftermath the burnt-out shell of the crocus city hall just outside moscow, even half a day after the attacks, parts of the rubble >> still smoldering the local governor serving the places where gunman killed so many >> two >> here and three there.
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governor andrey vorobyov asks three here they say hundreds of firefighters still on the scene of what russian president vladimir putin called quote, a bloody and barbaric attack his security services on high alert. >> you could he do an extra one in all regions of the country, additional np, terrorists and np sabotage measures have been introduced. >> the >> main thing now is to prevent those who are behind this bloodbath from committing a new crime >> it was friday evening when the attackers went on their rampage, firing at people point blank, eyewitnesses say killing men, women, and children, then setting the concert hall ablaze friends and family standing by, hoping for news of their loved ones. authorities searching for the many still missing >> studio managers bonus, >> i don't know what to do. this man says desperate for news of his wife. i feel completely hopeless moscow is
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hospitals flooded with dozens of injured. russian authorities say that death toll will likely continue to rise >> thank you in advance for your patience. >> the us said it had warned moscow about the threat of a terror attack. and isis has claimed responsibility. but russian authorities seem intent on blaming think someone else after several arrests overnight, the kremlin pointing the finger at chi >> even if his ponytail all stored direct perpetrators of the terrorist attack all those shot and killed people were found in detail if they tried to hide and move towards ukraine, where according to preliminary pinera data, a window was prepared for them on the cranes side, i can to cross the state border. there's going agreements. >> ukraine denies the allegations. key of saying they had nothing to do with the attack near the scene of the attack, many are laying flowers in memory of the victims. vladimir putin has declared sunday a day of mourning
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promising a russia united in grief and retribution and oblivion for those behind the attack. for plug-in, cnn berlin ukrainian president zelenskyy has responded to the kremlin's allegations about his country's possible involvement. he said they fit mr. putin standard playbook, which is to blame someone else for russia's problems. mr. zelenskyy also said, it's something anyone could have seen coming should the grainge concerned. >> they have brought hundreds of thousands of their own terrorists here on ukrainian land to fight against us. and they don't care about what is happening inside their own country yesterday, as all this happens, instead of dealing with his fellow russian citizens addressing them, the wimp putin was silent for 24 hours thinking about how to tie this to ukraine. it's all absolutely predictable >> that was a lot of couture is a former russian tv host now
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working as editor in chief of the summers dot on line, i joined me now from new york. thanks. doing so i wanted to start by asking what you make of what we're being told about these suspects. and importantly, what appears to be at least summit attempt by russia to invoke ukraine into the narrative. the messaging from putin. so far, what are your thoughts? >> well, nothing surprising to me because as soon as i heard about the horrible terrorist attack and i began reading a telegram, channels of putin's leading propaganda peddlers and it was obvious from the very beginning that they would blame ukraine no matter what they'll do their best to flying the so-called ukrainian trace. and so when putin spoke and address the nation today, it was no surprise to me whatsoever any
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wendy pointed out so get the car with terrorists with the terrace was making toward the ukrainian border. in fact, it turned out just an hour later that the car was stopped bowl so few to the border with belarus, not ukraine. but who cares? yeah >> and like if given yesterday, even already yesterday you could read on the russian media implications that ukrainian trace would eventually be found and it didn't take administrative innovative. russia's former president, long two boast few paragraphs on his telegram channel i pretty popular one read by millions by the way, where he said that if it turns out that the terrorists are from ukraine, or if ukraine is behind this then we should
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respond severely, harshly, cruelly death for death. that's very bad. and what he wrote was interesting because the defense, the defense minister, did announce this past week that there would be more russian battalions created a bigger army. do you think putin could be using some spurious your client, ukraine link in order to justify a broad florida mobilization of troops especially given the loss of the manpower on the battlefield >> absolutely the most important thing now is not even who actually who actually did that but what the consequences will be, what putin will use this as a pretext? explore, and modelization, and other wave of modelization or restoring death penalty in russia. because right now russia is a member of the european council, which
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means it has a moratorium on death panel to when it comes to why which has claimed responsibility, of course, and it's put out videos and photographs and so on. yeah, russia is an ally in waves of the taliban, which isis k is targeting, how much of a target is russia for isis-k, isis-khorasan well, that's sam, that's that's a very difficult question because you should better ask ics spokespeople about that because i mean, isis is obviously an organization the forbidden in russia. and seems like russian propagandists >> joan >> bind it is version about isis, like margarita simonyan, putin's chief mouthpiece yesterday >> road >> that it's not isis is costly and hopefully is a very rude, diminishing word that russians use to address ukrainians so another russian
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tv broadcaster to host. all guests can be bought, was also famous propagandist and putin's russia >> she broke that. we don't believe it's it's isis in russian >> we are confident these ukrainians arm behind us. so right now again they are they're not even considering the isis version. >> of course, putin, he just won the election. he has always portrayed himself the only one who can provide security for russia and for russians. what is something like this attack, particularly after the us? not warned him it could happen. well, what does this do to his reputation on the streeter among russians? does this hurt his invincibility if you like, what are you hearing? >> judging by what i hear and what i read on the social media and what i hear from my friends, russia, including my acquaintances who who used to
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favor the war his reputation is definitely in danger to put it mildly, because look putin made a point of building this vertical power headed by the russian security forces. and so the russian security forces are now the god almighty force in russia. >> the most respected >> the very well-paid part of society and turns out that they've been hunting their own people all the time over the past few years. they've been hunting and and his team. they've been calling them extremely and terrorists they're spent billions of rubles, if not dollars on funding. this file. and finally, hunting dissidents. side and outside of russia. and now it turns out that cannot
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secure, they cannot ensure security four most goodbye. and what happened, i mean, russians are asking questions. dennis five couture, thanks so much >> thank you >> tributes pouring in for the victims of that attack me in moscow and st. petersburg in russia, people leaving flowers and toys at a makeshift memorial. there was a similar picture in ukraine's occupied city of donetsk were small memorial was created next to a sign saying simply russia and in germany, people, people left flowers and candles outside the russian embassy in berlin. chancellor olaf scholz took to social media to condemn the attack. other world leaders also issued their condemnations or offered their condolences include the president of france, the prime minister of india, and the leaders of china and north korea the prince and princess of wales, or quote, enormously touched by the
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public support she's received after revealing she's been diagnosed with cancer. that's according to a statement from kensington palace. it comes as good wishes and sympathies have been pouring in around the world cnn's max foster with more from london >> a massive shift in sentiment here in the uk from friday into the weekend. if we go back to friday morning, we're really that peak point of speculation and fear about what happened to what people calling the disappearing princess on social media. but then we had that extraordinary video that came out on friday entirely kate's idea. i'm told and she described what happened after what she now describes as major surgery in january, a recovery process then the news that they had found some signs of cancer and then into chemotherapy in late february. and then there was this really key process for the princess, which was how to deal with the children to reveal it to them, to help them understand it. and then at that
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point, they could reveal it to the world. so that announcement was very much timed for the end of the school term at which point they could reveal it to the world whilst protecting their children. so they really calling for privacy at this point, we will be seeing prince william public engagements, but not nearly as much as we're used to. kate will try to go public engagements if she can, but really she's not gonna be out full time until she has been given the all clear from dr. so they're calling for everyone to respect their privacy, the media, but also the public. and then you have a question about what happens at this place, buckingham palace. there's a huge amount of pressure at the top of the royal family right now, there were four senior royals full-time public duties now we have to they are queen camilla and prince william, both of whom have partners who have spouses who have cancer. and they have families to worry about, but they also have to represent the monarchy but as the late queen, queen elizabeth used to say, you have to be seen to be believed. if we're in this role. so they understand, they have to
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represent monarchy out in public, but they've got to balance that with a really tough, traumatic time back at home. that's a big challenge going forward, but they're asking for public patients really, as they go through that process max foster cnn, buckingham palace dr. karen knudsen is the ceo of the american cancer society. as she joined me now and thanks for doing so. let's start with this. kate spoke of yeah know, telling the children the news. i know you've spoken about that process. it must be such a difficult thing for any parent to have to do >> it absolutely is. >> and so as a result, we actually provide some guidance about this on our website at they were can cancer society because it is in fact such a common challenge in question obviously, what to say to children depends on the child themselves, the relationship and the age. >> but >> there are some guidelines that i think are common to any conversation. one is to be just
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honest about what's going on. but to of course, do that in language that people can understand words that children can understand. it's important to of course balance too much and too little information. so be transparent in a way that you think is appropriate but some common things that often people forget. one don't forget to tell the children about physical changes that may happen better to get ahead of that story so that they know ahead of time what to expect we find that that is a really important concept let them ask questions and then finally understand that sometimes children blame themselves and will not necessarily communicate this to you. so get ahead of it, let them know that it didn't no way is their fault or is any reflection on them. and it's just something serious that there parent is battling. but it's not the fault of the child and processing it together. >> very >> important and very difficult when you're a member of the royal family. >> of course, i want to take
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advantage of >> you being the ceo of the american cancer society. do you expect or even hope? that from this awful news for kate that it creates a conversation for others who either have cancer or worried about it, or their families perhaps people turning to more screenings, becoming more aware absolutely. i'm so glad you asked that question, you know, as we look at cancer trends over the last several decades, we are alarmed by the rise in early onset cancer. cancer is happening and people have an earlier age than we would normally expect. so trusting yourself and your body, being seen if something doesn't seem right >> but also >> every time you're at your primary care physician asking that question, what is the right cancer screening plan for me? have the conversation prompt. prompt the conversation yourself. because it is much more than just about your age. it's about your age, your family history, and your own medical history, and exposures
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to develop the right. this right. screening plan for every individual. and that's so important because we know that early detection saves lives, saves lives full stop. there's too much of a greater survival rate for someone who's cancer is detected early stage stage one, compared to someone who has cancer is detected while after it's become spread throughout the body. >> that is such great advice and yeah, hopefully, hopefully people are encouraged in some good will come out of this oval news. dr. karen knudsen. thank you so much. i appreciate your time. >> thank you for having me >> now. we're learning more about high level talks to free hostages held by hamas. what issues are still holding up the deal will have that when we come back >> numbers move you. >> but some >> can stop you in your tracks, like the tens of thousands of
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ingredients, serious side effects can include allergic reactions, some severe like anaphylaxis and liver problems. these are not if it's covid acts lovin >> un secretary general antonio guterres is calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in gaza. he spoke during a visit to the rafah border crossing on saturday, guterres said nothing justifies the horrific attacks by hamas on october 7, but added that nothing justifies the
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collective punishment of the palestinian people either >> a long line of block relief trucks on one side of the games the long share though of starvation. >> on the others. >> that is more than thrace. it is a moral outrage >> hundreds of people rallied in tel aviv on saturday calling for the release of hostages still held in gaza. it comes as top officials from the us and israel have been in doha trying to work out a hostage deal with hamas through mediators cnn's paula hang cox with the latest on the negotiations >> we're being told that steady progress was made, but there are still differences to be worked out. this coming from a source briefed on the matter saying that the cia director bill burns leaving doha on saturday night. now we also understand from a diplomat whose close to these tools books that the israeli security
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chiefs also leaving on saturday night, but they've left technical teams in place now, in the past, when technical teams have taken over, it's either to hammer out the details or it's time to wait for some kind of response from hamas. we don't know which is the case on this particular occasion. then what we did here from this diplomat was that there were some areas where there is still a difference of opinion specifically on the entry of humanitarian aid into gaza and also on israeli military repositioning in gaza. now we do know that hamas has said previously during these negotiations that they want all of the israeli military to leave the gaza strip when there is a temporary ceasefire in place, something which the israeli government and military has said is simply not possible for them. to do so what we are hearing is steady progress. but lot various a fair bit that's still needs to be worked out.
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now, we also know on sunday that survey already defense minister yoav gallant will be heading to the united states on the invitation of the us defense secretary the national security advisor, jake sullivan, the topic we're being told is the hostages in gaza, how to get those hostages out and also how to make sure more humanitarian aid can get into gaza, given the fact that the un is still warning of an imminent famine in parts of the gaza strip. there will be a separate israeli delegation that will go and the biden administration will try and convince them that there are alternatives to this major ground offensive tip in wrapper. the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, they will be carrying out shortly. now also, there was another tragedy in gaza city at the kuwait roundabout. this is
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an area where we know many desperate people are waiting for food. it's an area where some of the aid convoys come through, which is why people are congregating. they're hoping to be able to get some food or water. now we hear from officials in gaza that 19 people for what and more than 20 injured. they say that if the israeli military opened fire on those people that were waiting for the aid convoys to come through. now, as we often have in these cases, we have a very different narrative from the israeli side, the military saying they are reviewing the incident, but they said hey, that they were helping this convoy. and the convoy was attacked and looted and they did not open fire. so as we often see two very different narratives to what happened. but at the end of it all, there were many deaths and many desperate people still waiting for food and water paula hancock, cnn, doha, qatar
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hundreds of anti-abortion activists took to the streets of wellness areas on saturday. they were demanding the three-year-old more than legalized abortion in argentina be repealed abortion rights as long been a divisive issue in the south american country with strong catholic ties, the nation's newly elected president, javier milei, is opposed to abortion rights he pledged during his campaign to hold a constitutional referendum on the law i'm michael holmes living golf is next for our international viewers, for our north american viewers, i'll be right back with more here. >> okay, everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition. for strength and energy >> ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals nutrients from yoon health, and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein >> we're building a better postal service. all parts working in sync to move your
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with me, michael holmes right now, russia says at least 133 people were killed in that terror attack on a concert hall outside of moscow. and officials say that death toll is expected to rise inside the whole cleanup crews have been working to clear debris after the shootings and the massive fire. russia and investigators say they've arrested for gunman and seven other people, isis claiming responsibility for the attack outside the concert hall. people are leaving flowers and stuffed animals to remember the victims russia declaring a sunday, a day of mourning >> daniel bitumen is the >> director of the security studies program at georgetown university. he's also a senior fellow in the transnational threats program at the center for strategic and international studies a good voice to talk about this width. good to see you. i want to i do ask you about the narrative emerging so far the russian suggestion that the suspects were heading to ukraine, putin said a window
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was prepared for them on the ukrainian side to cross the border. >> or >> you concerned that pre-tax will emerge and develop to blame ukraine to tie it to the attack somehow some russian media is already doing that >> so put in and the broader regime apparatus supporting him is going to try to blame ukraine for everything. >> but >> historically there has been no connection between isis-k and the ukrainian government so far, at least i've seen no credible evidence that there's any connections. so this seems like pure propaganda. >> yeah, that's me difficult to blame ukraine when ice, this has taken responsibility. they published photographs of what it says are the suspects video as well, albeit with blurred faces in front of an isis flag putin has an even mentioned dice so why do you think that is >> putin has campaigned and really for decades on keeping russian save and for many years the number one threat was jihadist terrorism. and we saw
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attacks unfortunately and sadly, like the one we just saw on the concert hall in russia in the past. and he's the one saying i'm going to stop all these by admitting that it's still jihadist terrorism that he hasn't solved the old problem. then he's admitting failure and his part instead, he wants to say it's the me we're attacking now. >> if it does become undeniable, more undeniable that isis is behind the attack. does putin? then have to respond or look weak if he doesn't and does he have the capacity to respond against isis because he's stuck in ukraine. what would he do? >> so he certainly using almost all his military assets on ukraine. >> but you can do a high >> profile bombing campaign or raid, or attack of some sort, something very limited, but that shows well and television as a way of trying to claim to the russian people that he striking back the us, of course, says it warned russia are about the threat of an attack by isis. and putin
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dismiss those warnings. he called them provocation and blackmail. how does that hurt putin, having been warned, dismissing the warnings, and then the attack happens? so to >> the extent that russians are able to access that information to me, that's quite damning. there was very specific information. >> the us >> embassy released it and told americans and others to watch out. and it seems like russia did not follow through. so it's not just that they failed, is that they were warned and they failed showed or do you expect the us might declassify or release it's intel about the isis threat if nothing else to blunt the notion of russia blaming ukraine that's possible. >> the united states though, will be very careful because whatever source it's getting this apparently quite good information from its going to want to protect. and if be classifying risks that the united states probably won't do it, but they might at least provide some more details >> how else might putin
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leverage this, especially? invoking ukraine and so on, even without evidence, can, can you see it as a pretext, perhaps through have a general mobilization? >> it's possible. i will use this >> as an excuse to tell russians looked ukrainians are so evolved, not only attacking our military, they're attacking concert hall. and as a result, tried to either increase recruitment or the ferocity of military attacks but russia is already doing almost all it can against ukraine and putin has already encountering some desperate political situations when he tries to call up more reserves. so he doesn't have two main options, right? >> good point. i'm though all of this does come literally days after the russian election, you had 87% of the vote to putin are staying in some his messaging is always been, he's not going anywhere he's the only one who can provide security for russia. what, what is something like this due to his messaging his
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reputation on the street, especially so soon after the election it is embarrassing to them and it does under katia is reputation as the protector of russia he's going to try to show strength. he's going to try to both tell russians that he's there and protect them and do some visible efforts to show he striking back. but there's no question this makes him look bad. >> daniel volume and ghraieb analysis. good to see you. thank you so much >> thank you for having me >> and we're just getting word of a new russian attack on the ukrainian capital keeps maire reporting explosions in the city and says ukraine's air defenses are activated. he also words resonance to take cover and not leaves shelters. the mayor also says, ms are fragments fell in one area in the capital and emergency crews were headed to the same >> well, it all went down to the wire, but >> the us has dodged a partial government shutdown after the senate passed a new spending bill in the wee hours of
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saturday morning president joe biden later signing the bill into law, kevin liptak, looking back at the law itself. and another congressional battle looming in washington president biden's signature on this government funding bill does take the threat of a government shutdown off the >> table until september. and it really does punctuate what was quite a tortured saga over the last several months to secure funding bill that would provide funding for the federal government for the fiscal year 2020 for in a statement, president biden emphasizes that this keeps the government open. he says that invests in the american people and strengthens the economy and national security. but he also acknowledges this was a compromise and not everyone got everything that they wanted and you are seeing both sides emphasizing what they say. they're getting out of this bill for example, their 2000s new border patrol agents funded as part of this package, 8,000
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more detention beds for migrants. and you hear republicans emphasizing how this bill strengthen security on the southern border. what you hear democrats emphasizing is the billion dollars for federal childcare and education programs like head start. and the hundred and $20 million for cancer research also included new money for alzheimer's research. what this bill also does is cut funding to the un agency that's responsible for getting aid to the palestinians. the biden administration jen has accused some members of that agency of aiding hamas. now, in that statement, president biden does point to the next big funding battle on capitol hill, which is this fight over more aid to ukraine in you'll remember president and biden he is requested, $60 billion in additional assistance for ukraine that has stalled on capitol hill as many
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republicans, particularly those closely aligned with the former president donald trump they say that they won't approve any more assistance to keep a president biden has said that this is necess, necessary and you are hearing ever more urgent calls from the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy, who has said that if american aid dries up, that ukraine could lose this war. now, the house has gone on break for easter for two weeks, so we won't see any movement on that ukraine aid in that span. what we do understand is that the house speaker mike johnson has tasked members of the house with coming up with some options for providing that ukraine aid but it remains very unclear at this moment how that will move forward. and in a statement, president biden says that it's time to get this done kevin liptak, cnn washington the clock is ticking on a huge deadline for donald trump, the former president
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now, only one day away from having to post them nearly half bond in his new york civil fraud case. this week, trump claimed he has the cash to tabula some that his lawyer later clarified he doesn't actually so we have that much cash on hand investigators did approve a deal on friday that made his struggling social media platform a public company which could technically make him billions. but that is just the first of many steps before trump could actually get his hands on any cash from such a deal. meanwhile, new york's attorney general is now taking steps to possibly seize trump assets and properties if he can't pay up >> earlier, >> cnn senior political analyst, ron brownstein touched on how foreign investment may factor into the republican presidential candidates financial dilemma we obviously don't know where where he's looking for the money or if in fact he is listening foreign governments, but there are,
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there are a lot of >> indications already of entanglements of his finances with foreign countries and foreign interests. i mean, his family, jared kushner and multi-billion-dollar investment from the saudis, trump benefiting from the saudi investment in the creation of a competitor to the pga. the report that showed foreign government spending about $8 million in trump properties, particularly his hotels and particularly the government of china while he was president, that when counterintelligence experts are looking for weak links, they are always looking at the people in the national security apparatus who are financially strained. and here we are looking at something we haven't seen before. a president, a potential president, who is facing this kind of financial crush, even if it might be relieved down the road by this truth, social public offering turning to mr. trump's other legal cases, fani willis defending herself. she is, of course, the district attorney here in georgia, who is prosecuting donald trump's
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election subversion allegations she recently avoided being dismissed from the case after a hearing revealed she had a romantic relationship with her lead it prosecutor, he laid are resigned. but the embattled de a defendant, her credibility at an easter event on saturday >> i don't feel like my reputation leaves to be reclaimed. let's say for the record, i'm not embarrassed. mighty thing. i've done audience. my greatest crime is i had a relationship with a man, but that's not something that i find embarrassing in any way and i know that i have not done anything that's illegal willis says she does not believe that the cases against trump and 14 co-defendants has been hindered and warned, quote, >> the train is coming still to come here on the program in his lights-out for famous landmarks around the world all to observe earth, our more on the sites and the mission >> after the right and
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reservoirs are drying up in chile how residents or coping with a years-long drought. that's when we come back check, we hear nothing. >> the space shuttle accidents using one thing to series of events is that part of the wing coming apart space shuttle columbia, the final flight or mere sunday, april 7 at nine on any dries jack gohlke i'd go to america as fast for a comprehensive quality eye exam. sounds good i'll go call america's best because i care is health care. and you deserve the best. >> if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with par sega because their places you'd like to be for cql can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections in low blood sugar a rare life-threatening bacterial
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free tax deal raw to 369369. today >> hundred and 90 countries around the world mocked earth, our on saturday with landmarks like sydney opera house switching off the lights for one hour it was a way to show support for the environment and raise awareness about climate change. in paris, the eiffel tower unplugged powering down at the designated 08:30 p.m. local time the lights only stayed off for seven minutes rather than the hour that's usually observed though several landmarks in india participated in the event which was started in 2007. this is a historic railway terminus in mumbai and in the capital new delhi, the typically brightly lit how ridge went darker as well and
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india's presidential palace took part in the event showing solidarity with the movement to try to save the planet some people in northern chile are being forced to ration. their drinking water because of a years-long drought in the region. cnn's isabel rosales reports reservoirs in northern chile. don't look how they should. years of drought in the andean nation has left reservoirs, bone dry, and locals with limited water access. 1 has completely dried out and he went to perez races livestock here he says he doesn't have enough water to give to his animals are mild >> the man and man, it's really bad. it hasn't rained, it's critical. i managed to get some water from a well over there because i have no water to give them. it makes me sad because my animals are thirsty all of us human beings have to have water >> in the country. the drought has affected many signs of life. according to 2023, data from the world resources institute, chile is facing
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extreme water stress using more than 80% of its available water resources it is very difficult. >> the >> water situation is critical. i hope god remembers the rural poor and the farmers >> the lack of water is leading people to limit how much they drink in a day says one local resident consuming on what we consume very little water, so we have to plan well to have a no water for central and southern celia have had rainfall helping refill reservoirs. however, the north has had very little and remains drawing >> it has not reigned in our area for years. so now a few years ago, only 15 milliliters of water was recorded on you. >> okay? >> one go farmer says for business at home is no longer working due to the lack of water because he do >> if we had water, we would all have a different life. i don't think it's just us. it's all the people here isabel result was cnn
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>> and in the us it appears winter is making up for some lost time more than 20 million people are under winter weather alerts us to winter storms move across the country, one over the northeast and new england and another through the northern plains and midwest where some cities could get get more snow in the first week of spring. then they saw all winter minneapolis could get up to 14 inches of snow by tuesday, eclipsing the 11 inches, it's short, it's soar over the entire winter, which was by the way, their warmest winter on record video released by authorities in the philippines shows china's coast guard using water cannon on a civilian boat in a disputed part of the south china sea. it happened saturday near the second thomas shoal and area long contested by beijing and manila official said chinese vessels also encircled the philippine coast guard ship and the china later installed floating barriers to block
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access to the shoal. the us condemned china's quite dangerous actions. the latest in a string of maritime clashes between the countries the race is on depict the winning lottery number in the us still ahead, the latest on the billion-dollar jackpot >> i mean, yeah no way why would i use kayak to compare hundreds of travel sites at once i like to do things myself i do my own searching >> use chi it >> i can >> trust anything else to do the job right >> hi act search one, and done. or spas out there for those 60 years and older, protect against rsv with a wreck sv a
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idea but don't know what to do next. collin van help today, they can help you get started with your idea called now 8007100 zero to zero >> well, i was no jackpot winner in saturday nights powerball drawing, pushing monday's lottery prize to $800 million. but that's peanuts compared to the mega millions jackpot, which is now well over 1 billion. after no one pick the winning numbers friday night, the next day drawing is tuesday. don't bother. it's mine as cnn's polo sandoval explains, these big prizes seemed to becoming more common >> well, here are the us lotto jackpots exceeding 1 billion used to be rare, but not anymore, especially look at the numbers that have been laid out by financial comparison website, nerd wallet. they conducted a recent analysis and found that eight of the ten largest lotto jackpots in history have been reached in just the last three years and half of those eight, we actually saw in 2023. and then there's the other question of
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why we're seeing these on a more frequent basis, nerve while it also trying to answer that question. well, for starters, both major lotteries, mega millions and powerball, they changed their rules of the game, making it even harder to win. so every time there's no winner that jackpot amount will basically increase. and it continues to happen until there's an actual winter rising interest rates here in the us may also have something to do with it. they affect the advertised jackpot amounts which are actually based on annuities. remember any anybody who wins it's usually given the options of either getting that lump-sum cash amount or several annuities over several years. and then finally, there's simply more people playing the lotto nerdwallet, finding that every time that jackpot amount exceeds 1 billion usually people who may not be playing the lotto might think twice and actually will buy a ticket. and because of that, they're essentially more people playing and all those sales part portion of those actually going into the jackpot. but the odds are still
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so poor that it doesn't necessarily matter how many people are playing. mega millions estimating that the odds of winning in tuesday's drawing one and over 300 million polo sandoval, cnn new york american basketball phenom caitlin clark is leading iowa to the next round of the ncw, a women's basketball tournament. after she scored 27 points in the showdown against holy cross on saturday. the number 16 seed crusaders held their own early in the game so for falling to the hawk eyes 91, 65, clark of course, is the all-time top scorer in the ncw is division one, with a career points total of just shy of 3,800. iowa takes on west virginia next baltimore, orioles fans are mourning the death of the team's owner, peter angeles died on saturday, according to his family they say he had been in ill-health for several
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years, adding, quote, the family thanks to dr.. nurses and caregivers who brought tampered to him in his final years, angeles had one the orioles since 1993, but agreed in january to sell the team in a deal that's still needs to be finalized. peter angeles was 94 years old. >> next for spending part of your day with me. i'm michael holmes. you can follow me on x and threads and instagram at home, cnn, stick around. i'll have more news for you in just a minute. >> this is the big gaffe >> cain's that do it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same. but if fisher investments were clearly different, different
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fast-acting reliefs. absolutely 369369. today >> hello, and welcome everyone. i'm michael holmes. appreciate your company coming up here


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