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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  March 22, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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79594061 >> call now cnn central. today, seven all right. >> it's friday, march 20 seconds right now on cnn this morning, brand new cnn polling out just this minute from two key battleground states how voters in pennsylvania and michigan feel about the biden-trump rematch, plus new york attorney general taking the first step towards seizing 1, donald trump's prime properties in the northern suburbs of new york, and changes to the iphone that might be in your hand right now, what's apple's next move?
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>> after getting sued by the justice department >> it >> is 06:00 a.m. here in >> washington live. look at the jefferson memorial when the sun comes up, we'll be able to see the cherry blossoms there, can't right now. good morning, everyone. i'm casey khan. thanks so much for being with us on this friday we made it just in to cnn. we have brand new polling from two critical battleground states that flipped from red to blue in 2020. >> there are signs of >> trouble for president biden, who almost certainly needs both pennsylvania and michigan in his column, if you wants to win in november in pennsylvania, it's a dead heat with each candidate earning 46%. biden's still strong, they're among women and voters of color. >> but >> take a look at michigan trump currently holding an eight point advantage among registered voters. trump's advantage coming for more support from independence and young voters there. let's get straight to our political
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director, david chalian, whos here. we're also joined by republican strategist sarah longwell, cnn political commentator karen and john present hand is the co-founder of punchbowl news. >> david, >> we have so much everywhere from this pole, but let's, let's start with the top line this number is out of michigan is the biden campaign going to be surprised by this? and what's going on underneath this. that's causing this problem. >> well michigan seems to be a particular problem for the biden campaign and has been pretty consistently are poll, in november, december case he had trump up ten points, they're biden has edged up little bit. >> you >> mentioned independence. i think we have a look at independence in michigan and you can see that biden is woefully underperforming what he was doing in michigan in 2021, independence clearly in michigan as part of his victory there in 2020, according to the exit polls and here in our he is way underwater with
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independence. i don't know >> i'm not sure. okay the independent breakdown, if we do, we'll put it up >> and the other you mentioned young voters. the other thing i would take is female voters in michigan, in pennsylvania on there in pennsylvania, you see, he's performing as you would expect, biden to form with women. it's an advantage category for him, not so in michigan, there almost evenly divided among women, between the two candidates that obviously if they're evenly divided among women, that's gonna be a real problem across the board for joe biden? yeah, karen 20 what's up with that >> so couple of things i would say. one, just looking at the averages of a couple of in other posts, the margin is about 3%. so again, this is going to continue to go up and down, but couple of things i would say, number one, let's remember that in michigan, we have a strong governor, a strong democratic party, and not just women, but we have a swath of voters who came out to vote around reproductive freedom. and so i think i just need, but those against clearly a problem with women emission. >> well, let me finish this
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>> but clearly. >> so what >> that tells me is those voters are still get double. they're still there. that's the end. in its march, april. right. and so yes, you always want to be paying attention to it, but i don't think it's time to set our hair on fire as what i'm saying, because we have plenty of time to have a conversation gen. with voters and the other last thing i'll say very quickly is we're also starting to see internally ways to have conversations with voters who are angry about gaza and part of it is acknowledging that anger. but what we're seeing is voters are willing to acknowledge trump is a bigger threat that other issues also matter to them greatly that's important because that's the way we're going to try to move some of those numbers in michigan. i just want >> underscore one thing karen says in are in both of these state polls, roughly a quarter of the electrodes that they're not locked into their decisions and that they could change their minds just to speak to which you think, which obviously could sway how these states go. if those people move, and it is early, so there's no so get out. there are real warning signs here for the biden campaign, right?
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right. there's no doubt about that, but it is in those warning signs, you can see possible you can see you back >> sarah lemon. let's bring up the third party question mark here because we've talked we'll start talking a lot about this, right? that if this is biden trump head to head, it's one thing, but it's not going to be. there's likely to be third-party and we have this. >> let's look at pennsylvania. the choice for president when you add in robert f. kennedy jr. and cornell west, you'll see biden gets 40, 38%, donald trump, 40% kennedy, so this is actually the breakdown of who they pull, pull from right? so this is attempting to answer the question of if kennedy is on the ballot in a given state who does he hurt? and among democrats, 14%, they're kennedy, 12% gop. so he's pulling slightly more for biden, but there is some effect on trump as well. what do you see in this will look, i've said for a long time when it comes to the third parties and
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kennedy's more of a wildcard than maybe like a no labels candidate would be there. they pull from different people, but the fact is you are not building a pro joe biden coalition for this election. you're building an anti-trump coalition ben that is your big broad coalition and you need center-right independence. you need soft gop voters in that coalition. and so anything that's splits up the anti-trump coalition ultimately hurts joe biden breast. >> what do you see here? i mean, i know when you when you talk to folks on the hill in particular about the concerns that they have and some of these these midwestern in states. and you're listening to karen funny, say, here are the arguments that we could make. what do you think but actually work >> i think a lot of words she's talking about. i mean, they're going to spend the biden campaign and democrats will spend $1 billion in the next eight months, seven months against trump. and they have a huge financial advantage, which is a big deal. i mean, superpacs kind of level that out, but they'll have a big financial advantage and they'll just they're starting a really
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aimed directly at trump talking about chaos and everybody remember what january 6 was like, remember what the last year of his presidency was like? i think those will be effective messages, but there's clearly on the hill the concern about this. and you talked about michigan senate race there, and that's going to be tight pennsylvania as a senate race, kasie should be fine there, but form because a lot of money, but there's other places where wisconsin has another as a senate race. that there were some polling out there this week showed trump had a slight lead. >> i mean, >> those three states pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, those were huge four >> well, yeah, the >> blue wall right there, but he's also got issues and nevada he's also got issues in some of these other swing states. i mean definitely i think on the hill there's a lot of concern about by less sun than i think a month ago where six weeks ago? yeah. before the state of the union, right. yeah. so because there was a lot about him personally but now i think it's okay would karen wistia with what's the path what's the winning message were? how do you get this together? and we should just
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>> note the blue wall that we talked about so much, right? joe biden could get reelected to the white house just by keeping the blue wall, you can lose arizona, he can lose nevada. he could lose georgia. >> if >> he can get wisconsin, pennsylvania michigan, still in his corner. and that's why this michigan thing is such a concern for them. he's president again. so that's the importance of those states, right? cementum. >> why having a strong party and michigan and a strong infrastructure versus what we're seeing on the republican side, actually matters because that is how you reach voters. and again, having just gone through so a special election, anna election specifically, reproductive rights were on the line. those are not just democratic voters, those are people you can still, you're still talking to and messaging two to sarah's point, building that coalition. >> david actually, let me give you the quick last word. i am actually really interested in what you think about the third party thing, especially robert f. kennedy jr. yes. >> so what you just pulled up in pennsylvania when you showed how each party was looking and you said 14% of dems go for kennedy, 12% of republicans. i
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call that an even split basically that he didn't maybe but i'm looking more here at the 75% and at that biden among dems, is it 75% and trump among republicans? but 80% biden right now is having a tougher time holding onto his coalition, then trump is having holding onto. his, and that is something that is the work ahead in these next eight months for the biden campaign >> really interesting considering we've spent so much time talking about how nikki haley shows the problem trump has with his coalition. that it's actually biden, that's challenge. there david, thank you very much for kicking us off. great to be able to start the show with the new numbers. i kinda next the biden campaign taken a page out of the trump playbook, assigning a new nickname to the former president, plus new video of unrest at the border in el paso, texas i'll show you that. plus the alabama woman who faked her own kidnapping >> we're here to get your side of the store. >> why do we keep ending up
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here? you >> can't write this stuff united states of scandal with jake tapper. it's sunday at nine on cnn demand for energy is growing. and so is the need for american oil and natural gas. it's time to turn the lights on >> america is resources are abundant. our nation is a global leader in reducing emissions and innovators and delivering more energy sources to secure our future. 9.10 americans agree, american oil and natural gas are vital to our account lights won't scalp play with us anymore. >> he has something called osteoarthritis pain. it's joint pain that hurts him all the time. what scale? now? there's labriola, the first and only once monthly injection to control your dog's oa pain. veterinary professionals administering the brettler, who are pregnant, trying to conceive or breastfeeding should take extreme care to avoid self injection, which can cause allergic reactions like
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dam good >> kane who that do >> it might be well, if you would ask yourself are you better off than you were four years ago? >> have you heard that before? that's ronald reagan delivering one of the most iconic frankly, debate lines in politics. are you better off now than you were four years ago? biden team trying to flip the script on trump, asking voters in 2020 for that question? >> that i see the disinfectant. and is there a way we can do something like that? by
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injection inside, we're doing really, really well. >> i think what, how thousand americans a donkey, they were dying. that's true. and you it is what it okay. >> cnn's priscilla alvarez joins us now, live from the white house. priscilla. good morning. >> you don't have to >> say we talk a lot at this table and i think a lot about how people have turned off politics, right? there's kind of this sense that people are over it and i often think maybe it's to do just with the division and i'm sure that there's some of that then i also forget that we all went through this just collective national trauma that was covid and that's what we were dealing with from the white house at the time. and like no wonder everyone wants to forget about it but it does seem like the biden campaign thinks that there is some advantage to them to try to remind people what it was like when trump was president, we were all going through that at the same time together well, exactly. kasie, because oftentimes we talked to voters, they sort of think about the trump administration ending in 2019, 2020 is forgotten in a lot of people's
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memories and so that is what the president and his campaign are bringing back to the fore because again, they were prompted by former president donald trump and look in a lot of cases, this ad is a classic example of two candidates sparring in real time, but it's notable notable because president biden is engaging in this more often in this case, releasing this ad. but the night before he was at a fundraiser in texas where he previewed this message since he took on this question by his republican rival donald trump enlisted what was happening in the united states in 2020, talking about the state of the country, the crippling health care system and the thousands of deaths that occurred over that time. and it is part of the broader strategy by this campaign to remind voters about what it was like under the trump administration. it's not just the pandemic. they often go talk about january 6, about immigration and about a whole host of issues. now, it can be precarious for democrats, but it is a a path that deciding to
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take now all right. >> priscilla alvarez, force at the white house. priscilla, thank you. very much for that panels back here the other thing we've got going guys, is the biden harris team trying to get in on the trump nickname situation they've gotten not a winning campaign. colon broke dawn, hides and basement. karen, do we think broke down as the same ring to it? >> a lot. of the trump >> nicknames have not to give him too much credit. yeah. i mean, it's it says it directly. so while i'll give them that as somebody just branding, but yeah, i would go for destitute, dying and give me a few more syllables because the factor maize multi-racial a little, a little, a little ration, just to have fun with what will be a really significant point in this campaign, which is where's it going to get the money? i mean you know, the question is also think about what the source when we see how is able to put it up, who pays? where's that come from? and what do they expect for the money that they will give him because he's certainly not looking to spend any of his own money on this. >> no, it does not seem to run
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20. >> yeah. debbie doll on something like that. we were talking were wiped off or we were workshopping as before if you're going to do it, do it right look, trump has big financial problems personally. he could go there, talk about him maybe going bankrupt again, but he's also maybe build up by truth, social, going public. he may get access to billions of dollars. yeah, as soon as next week which is which is fortuitous. yeah. i mean, it's unbelievable and if you look at the people buying the stock of the company, that shell company that owns it is, it's really kind of a movement thing. it's really what's happening. it's not true. social is not making any money. it's making like $4 million a year. it's not doing. so look, i think the thing about trump is he is enormously you don't have to explain who he is. he doesn't he's not a new candid hears his third time running for president. he starts at a beat me, everyone knows who trump is. like. i mean, it's not, it doesn't have to play by the same rules as other presidential candidates. so it's kinda
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equalizes them, but it's also he's got all the downsides, right? >> well, this does undermine what everyone knows about him the apprentice, et cetera. all right, up next, it's apparently come to this. more lawmakers getting threatened over tiktok plus the faa's move that could ease flight delays this summer sunday. >> oh wrongfully convicted menn freed after more than a decade. >> i can't believe i'm saying you face-to-face. >> jake tapper reveals how the legal system field and is very personal quest for justice. the whole story with anderson cooper sunday at eight on cnn, michael's lowest prices of the season shop now for up to 70%, i'll store why it's gore huge deals on spring stems, art and craft supplies, and custom brains plus they won't offspring floral and decor and all ether decor. and here's another way to save well, changing question are you keeping as much of your investment gains as possible? my taxes can erode returns quickly, so you need attacks optimized portfolio at creative
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best apparel in the game. >> i'm david culver, in port-au-prince, haiti. and this the cnn closed captioning brought to you by >> if you or a loved one have mesothelial will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 welcome back. new video >> shows hundreds of migrants rushing at the fence that an el paso border crossing as border agents tried to hold them back yeah, x, we don't know what happened before this video was recorded. so it's unclear what led to the events that you are seeing here. order officials
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say that they had the situation under control in, additional personnel were deployed the razor wire is located several hundred yards from the actual border wall where the migrants were all stopped officials say, every migrant that breached the fence was arrested are the faa making a move that could ease flight delays this summer in the new york city area, pay attention if you're an lga frequent flyer, the agency says it will relocate the control of the newark, new jersey airspace to philadelphia to address congested traffic. the faa confirming they've got an agreement with the air traffic controllers union that will make the changes by the end of june. >> interesting >> and tennessee's governor has signed the elvis act into law. it is designed to protect the voices of all artists in the state from deepfake,
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artificial intelligence so that is an actual human elvis impersonator. of course, the eldest act replaces tennessee's personal rights protection act in 1984, which only included very specific protections for artists. the new law protects the use of an artist's name, image and their voice. the things that we need in this day and age. all right. >> more than 50 million people are under flood watches it's across the e storms bring in more snow to the great lakes and upper midwest and they've seen all winter welcome to spring. let's get straight to our weatherman van damme, derek. good morning >> not fun. >> no. check this out. we have a quick hitting three to six inches of snow. if you're located in milwaukee, madison, grand rapids, michigan, you can see that batch of snow moving through right now, very active on the radar by the way, that storm is going to conjoin combined, i should say, with another storm system along the east coast, currently located across the gulf post-state.
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that's going to produce a thumping of snow for the ski country across neural, the new england, but also warm enough to bring rainfall to the east coast. in fact, we have flood watches and effect from the nation's capital right through boston and coastal maine two to four inches of rain, national weather service warning of urban flooding possible, even some local river rises as well, two to four inches of rainfall across miami dade. so be aware, this is all thanks to a storm system and this cluster of showers and storms that's moving into southern florida, they are going to combine, look at how these storm system is, pull the moisture together, creating the rain for the i95 corridor, snow for the higher elevation. >> and then we start her to focus our attention on the next approaching storm system across the midwest. there's a snow and rainfall totals again, two to four inches of rain. yeah. that's a wet weekend for new york city. heads-up, minneapolis. you have the potential to experience over a foot of snow by the early parts of next week as the storm system brings strong winds and heavy snow to the region jim
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casey, lots going on and the weather. >> my personal short weather forecasts, derek is lots of bluey forecast for saturday morning >> thank you. awesome very much. the kids that is have a great weekend. i really appreciate it. >> i >> come up next year, the trump properties that could be targeted for seizure in just three days. plus the epic upset in the nc double a tournament and will leave you with the real elvis. >> we'll be right back >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight from your sunday, april 7th, nine once >> no >> tome old spice. you can use on your pits chests and even you'll toes >> oh, that's fresh
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today it for on cnn >> yet this the new york attorney general is also preparing to seize trump's westchester golf course yeah. say the attorney general showed up at his golf course and yelled for closer very clever >> all right. if donald trump is unable to post a $464 million bond in his civil fraud case by monday. the former president's private estate and golf course in westchester county, new york could be seized by the state we're into newly available records. new york attorney general, letitia james filed judgments in the suburban county earlier this month indicating the state's preparing to seize those properties. trump now has four days are going to post that bond, convinced an appeals court to let him post a smaller bond or defer the payment until after his appeal. the >> panel is back with thus
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sarah longwell were debating this yesterday in terms of like how this cuts if if this actually goes forward and letitia james starts like putting proverbial padlocks on these properties. i mean, what do you think she should do? >> i, mean i think she should follow the law. and if he's not paying his bond and if that is the result of a lifetime of swindling people and cheating people. and that makes them not want to put up bond for him then. so be it and look politically i've sort of generally on all this legal stuff, i'm just like do the right thing, do what the law dictates. and the politics. >> there's only so much you can think about it. >> that is >> true that the base voters will throw back their heads and how all about this? that's what the base does and it causes them to rally around him to see him as a victim >> but for >> people who've been only pay so much attention, who are these swing voters? but what they see is, oh man, the guy is getting foreclosed on and it really undercut some of his.
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i'm a super rich guy. and i think it highlights the fact that he has been achieved, that he has been convicted of things. and so i think the idea that broadly helps him is wrong. i think at narrowly helps him with the people who are already inclined to warn him. i think it chips away with the people who are skeptical of him. yeah. so i want to show you something that trump's lawyer in this case, alina habba, had to say about or didn't have to say when she was asked on fox news this is again, goes to the question of how is trump potentially going to put up this bond she was asked directly about whether foreign governments or foreigners could potentially pay it watch what she just think about what she's not saying much is there any effort on the part of your team to secure this money through another country, saudi arabia or russia, >> as joy bihar seems to think well there's rules and regulations that are public. i can't speak about strategy
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that require certain things and we have to follow those rules. like i said, this is manifest injustice. it is impossible, it's an impossibility, i believe they knew that what did she not say? >> she didn't say it was not >> know she did not say no, but he could go to don't drop has a lot of rich friends. he could go to one of them. but think about this if he were to do this and he's elected president, you have one person or a foreign government having this kind of leverage over president hey, states is shocking, but this was always the issue with the trump hotel this is the issue with jared kirschner. now he's doing deals, real estate deals overseas. are they doing deals as a way to get money to trump? i mean, this is, this is because trump could never separate would never separate his business from his political life. and this is what you have, right? >> very briefly >> again, i think it raises a lot of questions. how's it going to find the money? and where does it come from? and
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then when we watching and what do those whoever gives it to them, what do they want for whatever it is they give him. >> i don't understand why it's hard to say no. the russians, the foreign governments are not going to pay the money and she did not, she did not say no. >> all right. >> now, this capitol police looking into an uptick in threats and concerning messages, the washington post reporting that the surge began after tiktok started urging its users to contact their lawmakers about a possible ban of the app app. threats like this one, which was made against senator thom tillis events and thought i will find you issue you that's people's jobs and not my only entertainment and people make money off their two, you know? >> i'm >> trying to get rich like that. anyways, i'll shoot you and find you in, touch you in a pieces >> not great. grez, is this backfiring on tiktok you yeah.
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>> members definitely. were have been very upset. it happened before the house vote on the tiktok bill now you're seeing it on senate side i'd we did have in the period after january 6, there was a huge surge of threats. its member, they are to start protecting and public. you see membered individual members getting enormous protection which they needed. and now it receded somewhat. but this, this is brought back out into the for, i think some of this is just i mean, this is just idiocy here. i'm i do think what would tiktok to the pressure campaign that they've tried to use their own tiktok users to call members and pressure them. and when they have this, this doesn't help them. >> well, then they can't win. the argument is they're upset and concerned about the national security implications of the app being able to influence people in their politics. >> i mean, they just sort of proved the point, right? >> i did cause up threatens to shoot a senator yeah. >> yeah >> so sarah longwell, you are always out talking to voters
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and gauging what they think and you had a fascinating focus group of people on this topic, on tiktok. and we pulled together a couple of the responses from some of the young people you talk to you. let's watch or listen. i'm sorry >> what you're worried about affiliate little app. i just find that ridiculous. this has to do with the fact that a lot of the support for palestine is coming from that app. >> and >> they don't like the fact that a lot of people are now more knowledgeable politics wise because of tiktok. >> obviously we do have more pressing issues the government should be addressing >> that progressive generation z biden voters. very interesting. what else did you learn? >> so we did both a group of progressive young people on tiktok and a conservative group of young people on tiktok and they sound very similar to one another, both a little conspiratorial about y, the government wants to get rid of tiktok. they think it is because our government wants to withhold information from them. the conservative said that that's where i get my vaccine information. and the progressives are saying, this
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is where i'm getting my information about gaza. and they thought that that the government is trying to suppress things and so the other thing is they really were repeating back what tiktok is telling them about why our government wants to ban tiktok. and one of the things they are really focused on is the idea that cut these content creators. it's their job, it's how they make money. and so this is one of the things tiktok has been putting out there even heard it in that clip, and people think like that is how i'm trying to make money because people now, these young people see that influencer style as a career, that lots of people they know do. and so they see it as removing a like an employment access to employment, which is exactly what tiktok has been telling them. this is it's about, yeah, interesting >> chinese own company telling young people, yeah, be online and that's how you're gonna make money. and that's how you're gonna be famous. >> it's always intriguing to me >> that we're so willing to give up our data and information when it comes to an
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app, whether it's tiktok, whether it's pick your poison, right? twitter. >> and yet when people think, like you said, the government, that's when they get nervous. but you're already giving it a way and they're making money off of you people. how people don't make that connection, but clearly t's a generational divide here that lawmakers are going to have to figure out how do you bridge deck? yeah >> are they going to do it? breath? are they gonna do it in this line? >> you know, i mean, there's we had a story that we'd punchbowl we just showed this week commerce secretary gina raimondo was calling commerce, the commerce committee chair, mary maria cantwell about this. i don't know. i think it's up in the air. i don't think it'll be the house bill that will pass. >> right? it might be different version where the government has to decide whether commerce or some other agency decides what they do. i don't know, but i do think to your point, you raised this is what with fascinate me. you even have a younger members of congress are think this is wrong. >> and >> there is a split on the left
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and the right. i do think the thing about what's so powerful about tiktok i can i think members, ms and i think it's mrs. its people, their own age talking to them and that it's not a sitting here talking to its people, their own a truck and for them from there watching videos exactly. and they find that more believable that we sit there talking to him. and also, none of these people read newspapers, which just kills me, but they don't renounce his favorite because i love i clear my life is newspapers. these young kids don't read newspapers the way we read. they do get their >> news on tiktok. that's >> which is huge problem. yeah. yeah. >> all right. our panel sticks around right now, secretary of state antony blinken's in tel aviv making a push for an immediate ceasefire in gaza. we'll bring you that plus brand-new cnn polling from two key battleground states the biden trump rematch >> demand for energy is growing. and so is the need for american oil and natural gas. it's time to turn the lights on >> america's resources are abundant our nation is a global
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minister benjamin netanyahu, and his war cabinet in tel-aviv, while cia director bill burns is in doha to meet with israeli qatari and egyptian officials to discuss hostages negotiations and a gaza ceasefire the republican-led house panel now suing to justice department tax attorneys in an effort to compel their testimony in the hunter biden probe the lawsuit alleges that the attorneys defied subpoenas an alabama woman polymerizing and cte for faking her own kidnapping last year, carly russell pleaded guilty to making a false police report. she was sentenced to probation, community service, and an $18,000 fine i'm very disappointed in the decision not to give any jail time she gave an apology today. unfortunately to me, it's like 78 months late >> russell told the judge that she was dealing with, quote, various emotional issues and stress a huge march, man is
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upset last night, 14 seat oakland knocking off three seed kentucky 80 to 76. >> oakland's wind power armed by goalkeeper who became the fifth player in ncw history to make 103 pointers in a single game >> if your >> brackets busted my like it was pretty bustos at this point. i got to be honest. all right. we've got brand new cnn >> pulling in from two states that could very well determine the outcome of the election in november, voters in pennsylvania and michigan more dissatisfied them, pleased with the trump-biden rematch? no surprise, couldn't be closer in pennsylvania, 46% each biden strong, they're among women and voters of color. >> but it's it's a different story in michigan where trump is currently holding an eight point advantage with strong support from independence. and young voters joining us now san political commentator and the host of cnn's smr, carnage, michael summer cottage. michael, i love hanging out with you on friday. thanks for being here. >> thank you for saying that, casey, i'm thrilled to be here as well. >> so you're native son of
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pennsylvania? i grew up mostly in the philadelphia suburbs. what do you make of the tie their and the difference between the pennsylvania numbers and the ones in michigan. what about michigan makes it different? >> i was surprised by the disparity as well because i tend to see them in similar terms similar composition of the electorate let me say one thing is a preamble and not to be a debbie downer, but let's remember this in 1980, i think the number was 14 that jimmy carter was leading ronald reagan by an ultimately ended up losing by ten so there's a lot of time on the clock having said that, like you i'm a political junkie, so i love this stuff. i think it's women in independence. i mean, my cursory analysis of the data thus far suggests the president biden is trailing among women and independence in michigan, and that that's not taking place in pennsylvania. why that's the case? i'm not sure, but that's a trouble sign for him. what's a better sign? i think for president biden, is that thus far as between both states, they look at it more as a referendum on trump than they look at it as a
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referendum on biden and by my analysis, that's exactly how joe biden was able to win in 2020, because people were going in there and throwing clever as to how they felt about donald trump. not so much that they were voting for joe biden. >> yeah. and our sarah longwell has here on our panel has been saying that that is the coalition, right? it is an anti-trump coalition at the end of the day, if it's a referendum on trump, the biden team definitely feels like they're in a much better position michael, let's talk about dollars will trump because he has just three days to post half $1 billion in bond here. and we seeing these new filings. they're not new. they came in in early march. we just learned that she filed these judgments in westchester county for some properties up there trump's trying to scramble how to do this, that biden campaign is calling him broke dawn. what do you see it? in all of this politically i see a conflict between that which is best for donald trump personally and that which is best for donald trump politically. for example, it's probably in his personal best interest to declare
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bankruptcy. personal bankruptcy, something that he's not done in the past, but he has done with business entities relative to atlantic city but he doesn't want to do that because he thinks that takes away from the brand. and then similarly, it would be in his personal best interest to continue to fight the seizure of his real estate. the kasie i'm not so sure that's bad for his political interests because my take away is that these four indictments strange as it sounds, have benefitted him at least with republicans. the optics of his real estate being seized by letitia james, i think might really motivate the base and cause some who are not in his camp to take a look at it and say, wait a minute, maybe it's gone a bit too far. >> you don't think that the bigger risk is to this idea that he's this great because honestly it's exposed the fact that he doesn't have half $1 billion lying around when he constantly is out in public or used to be out in public saying, i've got billions of millions of dollars in cash okay. >> and is if this election cycle we're not nutty enough.
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now comes the possibility that next week, at least on paper, his net worth doubles. >> i >> thought that i felt that truth social was bombing. i had no idea that there was an ipo coming and the potential for the parent organization of his social media platform for him to put as much as $3.5 at least on paper in his pocket. he couldn't sell it for six months. but that's like a new wrinkle to all of this that frankly, i hadn't seen coming yeah, i didn't either. i mean, there's some rules around that, right in theory, he's not supposed to sell it or borrow against it for six months, but the people that control it, are trump supporters >> i, keep saying to people that we have no idea what's about to unfold in this campaign that individuals whose names we don't even know right now and events that we could never forecast are about to unfold in a way that couldn't be imagined. i mean, it's just that kind of a cycle. unlike anything i've seen in the past. and this is the latest example of what i'm talking about. >> yeah.
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>> so speaking of things that are unique to this election cycle, michael, i'm obviously one of the issues democrats really want to focus on is reproductive rights, abortion in the wake of dobbs, there was a letter that i want to ask you about matt rosendale, conservative congressman wrote to the veterans affairs administration, the va announced they're going to extend coverage, health coverage for ivf services to single people and to same-sex couples that already exists for there is some coverage already in there for traditional, i guess, what these congresspeople would call traditional families. they wrote and they said that, look, ivf is morally dubious yes. and should not be subsidized by the american taxpayer. they talk about the surplus of embryos that's generated. then they talk about how the government shouldn't be involved in tweaking they not should not try to remake the nuclear family isn't this exactly the thing? like all republicans
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were trying to win elections are saying they shouldn't say ivf is morally dubious >> i think you're playing with fire on this issue. i mean, the recent episode in alabama and the outpouring even in alabama for those who wanted to make sure that they protected reproductive rights. and particularly for couples that were struggling to have children children. i think showed that ivf is a little different than just the conventional choice or abortion argument to tie this all together, to go back to the polling data that you asked me about initially in michigan and pennsylvania, i was interested to see that ahead of reproductive rights, ahead of even the border, which surprised me. it's the economy that noses out those other issues shoes as to what's top of mind. >> in >> the end, both sides have something that's going to motivate their base on one side, it's the border and it's crime. and on the other side, it's reproductive rights. and maybe the economy will have to see all right, michael's mcconnell's wouldn't even get to talk about bob menendez, who's now not running as democrats. >> what, what, what makes him think that independence would warm to his legal peril been
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what and nutty thought that's my that's my belief. okay. gold bars, >> michael gold bars thank you very much. >> i appreciate i had so >> thank you for your time. >> i'm michael. make sure everyone should watch your show every saturday and 09:00 a.m. right here on cnn. thank you >> thank you. >> all right. now, there's this. if you're an iphone user, you may or may not. i hate the green messages that you receive when you're texting someone who doesn't also have an iphone, perhaps they have an android. you're not alone. attorney general merrick garland degree he's with you. you announced yesterday those texts will be a central part of the doj's new landmark antitrust lawsuit against apple >> as any iphone user who has ever seen a green text message or received a tiny grainy video can attest apple's anticompetitive conduct also includes making it more difficult for iphone users to message with users of non-apple products. we allege that apple has consolidated its monopoly
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power not by making its own products better but by making other products worse >> so one of the, one of the things that's in this lawsuit is something that came out of tim cook, those ceos of apple's own mouth, when someone asked me about this very issue, watch that exchange that's make it personal, but i can't see my mom's certain videos or she can't see me certain videos. and so we leave your mom an iphone buy your mom an iphone. is this is this the right move by the justice department? what do you think? >> oh, yeah. and you have state ags in that's also what's fascinated me is they helpful stock took a hit. it lost 113 billion in a couple of days. and that's only 4% of what apple's worth. i mean, it's a three-year was at $3,000,000,000,000 company i think this is, this is a big deal. they'd been talking about this for a while. an apple is getting hit all over it's getting hit in the eu, it's getting find it's getting facing lawsuits where he could face more lawsuits here. this
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is a big deal. >> i sort of feel like i should give a conflict of interests disclosure when i cover this story only because i have want like a wire watch 23 there's for apple devices that i own, they're sitting on this table. the thing that apple says, sarah, and they're not wrong about this, is that the reason i want to buy all this stuff is that it works together, right? like my watch works with my phone, my phone, or my ipad. like i sit down at my computer at home, it seems somehow knows everything i've done on all the devices that are attached to the same apple id. it's like if remembers where i am in my episode of the morning show, even if i've watched it on to plate, you know, it's that's what they're selling people, right? >> i >> mean, do you think the justice department, i mean, do they have a leg to stand on here? i don't really know. i've never been bothered by the green bubbles that is not a thing i knew about. i'm surprised it's so controversial. >> look, it doesn't function and as well if you have someone you're talking to on an iphone, he's right, like if you tried to send a video to someone who is like a green bubble? yeah, not in their universal imessage platform. it doesn't work as well. and then all we >> user shame them into buying an iphone.
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>> exactly what happens, right? and i don't know the >> legal ins and outs. i do know that if you want to compete with apple, you've got to make better products that we all want to use. the reason we have all these products as we'd like them, they work well. they're easy, they're intuitive >> but his answer is exactly apples. that's their business strategy. it's like we will make you buy an apple product because your friends have though, because if you liked this cool phi phone or you're watch, you want it to match, you want me in the apple universe. the one thing i'll say about this, i know we're making light of it, but interesting data showing that yes, people are concerned and frustrated about inflation, but they seek corporate greed as a major driver of inflation. so when we think about what's underneath those numbers who people are blaming, that answer from tim cook. i can tell you that's not playing going to play well with people who say, well, maybe i can afford to buy an iphone for $1,100 by the way, guys, not to shape, yeah. right. yeah. i mean, does
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anyone at this table have something other than an iphone? >> no because we've been shamed, the debiting. >> that's why we i like make better products and compete like they make really good products. that's why we all have them. >> yeah. and yeah, it is a walled garden, but i kinda like the garden. it's a pleasant garden. forget syndrome very i mean, i want you to stay in a secret. >> good. yes, when i was growing up, they fell out of favor microsoft. and now here we are. if i bought him, if i had bought one share of apple stock for every apple product i have bought in my life, i would not be sitting here because i would be living on an island somewhere. all right. >> thank you, guys. it's great >> i will leave you all with this. >> this is fun. french president emmanuel macron, getting a mixed reaction to an instagram post in which he throws, shows off his boxing skills, be photos of macron hitting a punching bag, reposted by his official photographer earlier this week some have linked to the pictures to his increasingly tougher stance against moscow
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speaking of moscow, it does draw some comparisons to russian president vladimir putin, who is known for his let's call them aggressive photo-ops playing sports riding horseback, shirtless >> you know, i mean, hey, this stuff is >> nothing new. it's not new in the us president biden has been photographed, but it really doesn't really compare honestly to shirtless vladimir putin. but here's president biden riding a bicycle. >> donald >> trump, always played golf when he was in the oval office, barack obama famously got on a bus a ball court installed at the white house. and the french president, macron needs a sparring partner. i might suggest outgoing senator at utah, senator mitt romney areas boxing, former heavyweight can vendor holyfield for charity from these busy, i'm only a phone call away. mr. macron. i think you'd honestly wind, but what are you gonna do? all right. thanks everybody for being with us today. thanks for joining us. happy friday. i'm kasie hunt. don't go anywhere. cnn news central starts right now


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