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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  March 21, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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started today, this is cnn the world's news
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>> a brazen ambush, a daring escape. and now we're watching a frantic manhunt for a dangerous inmate with ties to a white supremacist prison gang. the latest on the search plus or. down wall street, the dow flirting with a number that investors once thought impossible, one thing fueling the economy right now, surging home sales and that market could heat up even more with historic changes to how we all buy and sell homes. >> and dodger blues and betting scandal involving baseballs, biggest star and his best friend and printing now to overshadow opening day, we're following these major developing stories and more all coming in right here to cnn news central
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>> right now an urgent manner one is underway in idaho for an escaped inmate unknown member of a white supremacist prison gang, along with his armed accomplice officials believe his escape was part of an ambush for sure coordinated attack resulting in three corrections officers being shot skyler mead was being discharged from a hospital in boise, idaho early wednesday morning. he's the one on the right. he was set to be transferred back to prison where he was doing time for aggravated battery on a law enforcement officer with a gun as he was leaving mead's alleged accomplice, nicholas unfun our open fire and then he took off with the inmate in a gray 2020 honda civic. police are warning that both men are imminent and credible threats to law enforcement and the public as well. cnn's natasha jen joins us now with the details and the tasha bring us up to speed with the latest on this search >> or boras, this >> all started because >> the corrections department said that skyler meet had injured himself and needed
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urgent medical care. that's why he was in the hospital. and as you mentioned, he was about to be discharged at around on to am wednesday morning when all of this happened, when allegedly this accomplice nicholas up and our fired at corrections officers, hitting two of them, ones and critical but stable condition. the other has non injuries when the hospital called 911 boise police arrived and shot at an armed person at the hospital well, who turned out to be a corrections officer. luckily, that person also has non-life-threatening injuries. here's the boise police chief talking about the ordeal we, believe that this was a coordinated attack, ambush on the department of corrections officers and certainly a planned endeavor to free him from custody. they are dangerous. they are armed and they have shown a propensity for violence >> here's what we know about skyler. meet the escaped inmate
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he was serving time for aggravated battery on a law enforcement with a firearm. he has a known ties to the area nights. he has tagged two's on him, suggesting that as well. he was taken to the hospital, as i mentioned, after self-injurious behavior escaped and a gray honda civic he was serving time starting in 2016 is supposed to be serving 20 years. as far as the suspected accomplice. let's take a look at him, nicholas unfun are 511, about 100 60 pounds brown hair, hazel eyes he's again a known associative skyler mead also considered armed and dangerous. there is a warrant for his arrest, a $2,000,000 bond here for aggravated battery against law enforcement and aiding and abetting an escape so boris, this is a very tense situation. it's been more than 24 hours now that they are out on the loose somewhere. and again, that gray honda civic, who knows if they're still in that vehicle, but that's where they were last seen and that's the
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vehicle that authorities have put out for people to be on alert for yeah, a lot for folks to be on the lookout for natasha chen. thank you so much for the update, erica. thanks. >> are also falling some major stories on the economy. this our looking at wall street markets really rallying for a second good day after the fed decided to keep rates unchanged and talk of future cuts. now pushing the dow closer to 40,000, you can see they're flirting with it for the first time and it's 128 year history on main street, home sales and expectedly so word last month hitting the highest level in a year. and that of course was despite those rising mortgage rates. so what does all this have to say for us? let's begin first with those markets. cnn's matt egan is here with more so getting close to 40,000, walk me through what we're seeing today, man well, today could be a historic day for the market. dow 40,000 is within sight flirting with that level only around 150 points away. and a lot of people didn't think that we would be at this point in the market
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right now because a lot of investors and ceos, economists, they were predicting a recession right around now instead, it's looking more and more like a soft landing and ultimately that's good for corporate profits. >> and >> yes, stock prices as well and factor, of course, is the federal reserve on interest rates are still high at 23 year highs, >> but we may be >> getting some help on the way because bet officials just 24 hours does it go signal. they are still planning to cut interest rates three times this year. that is good news for consumers and for investors. >> i >> also think it's important to think about where are the markets have come from they're just four years ago, markets were in freefall during the scariest days of the covid crisis at one point, the dow was below 19,000 so basically markets have moved doubled since then, which is pretty impressive. one other point here is i know that i'm wall street. what's good for wall street is not always good for main street, but a lot of households, more than half of the households have exposure to
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the stock market either directly through stock ownership or indirectly through for one k plans and mutual funds. so really this is good news for main street two. >> let's take a look to at these home prices. so home prices are up home sales to even with these rising interest rates. it still looks though like it is a seller's market off for buyers >> yes. still tough >> out there for buyers, but we >> are seeing that buyers are starting to dip their toes in more. we learned just this morning that existing home sales unexpectedly surged last month by 10% that is the fastest pace in a year. one of the reasons is being because inventory has gone up significantly. so that is good news for people who are trying to buy. maybe you're gonna have a little bit more selection. i do think though the bad news is on the mortgage rate front, we just learned that mortgage rates ticked up again, nearing seven and then of course, home prices they went up again 6%
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higher year-over-year to a new record of $384,000. that is good news for everyone who owns a home because they are feeling that wealth effect. but of course there's a lot of people eric is still on the outside looking in yeah. >> matt, appreciate it. could see you. thank you >> force >> let's discuss the whole market with an expert page. turner joins us now. she's the host of cnn sister network, hdtvs, fixed my flip. she's also currently storing and rock the bloc page. thanks so much for being with us this afternoon. i want to get your take on the landscape that matt just laid out for us it does sound like a seller's market well, it is. but, you know, we need the buyer's and high bores. thank you for having me. we need the buyers in order to sell the homes. so we have to figure out how we're going to massage this relationship, especially with the new nar laws that are changing. and make it work because housing,
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the housing mark it as what one fifth of our economy >> yeah, that's an important point i want to get to the changes in those laws is, as you described them, those policies, but mortgage rates are surging. how do you think that's factoring into your clients, how they view buying and selling right now, what are you hearing from them? >> well, you know, there's so much chit chatter and the challenge is that a lot of buyers tend to listen to the chitchat are the goals around especially on social media. and that's where typically people get all of their homebuying information from instead of first going to a qualified home buying specialists in real estate the agent, but i feel that if we can just connect with our buyers in whatever market urine and tell them when i first bought my home over 25 years ago, the interest rates were well over 8%, and i did okay, so it's about education. it's about really massaging the new landscape of real estate right now because it has to work out because without buyers we can't sell homes.
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>> yeah, part of that new landscape is the national association of realtors settling that major nearly half billion-dollar antitrust lawsuit against them. they were accused of inflating commissions and that ultimately cost homesellers how do you think that decision potentially making it less expensive for your clients to buy and sell, how do you think that could impact the market >> i think it will impact the market until we massage massage it out. so for example, for sellers, you know, people are thinking, oh, the home prices are gonna go down dramatically and we're going to have this huge slash, but that's not true. three going from six which was an average commission, it was not. i've heard and i've seen around, you know, what was required was never required, always negotiable. that six even if it turned into 3% it's not enough to cause this big, huge slash prices with holmes on the buyer side, that's where more of my concern comes in, especially
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with first-time homebuyers until we're able to figure out how we can have the 3% covered for them. meyer, if they're not able to afford to pay a real estate professional, even though right now the seller can pay the concessions on the virus behalf. so there's just a lot of creativity that have to happen in the market right now. >> in, quite a bit of massaging, as you described it, page turner, appreciate your perspective. thanks so much >> thank you, board. >> of course. >> still have this >> hour on cnn news central asia, cash strapped, donald trump's is that bankruptcy? >> is not an >> option for him to pay bond. but does his campaign's bank account agree and new details about just how many london hospital staffers tried to access the princess of wales medical records and important update there plus with only a week until opening day. baseball's biggest star is caught up in a daniel involving his interpreter gambling and potentially theft >> that's still ahead. stay
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with this is the big dam time to kane, who that do >> when you're the leader is asked to clean up and respiration. how do you make like it never even happened? >> happened >> brand >> whatever comes your way. >> there's a pro for that serve broke. like it never even happened >> is to being a young man, be cowboy well game against is staff i get back to my roots.
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serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal dehydration >> urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking far sega and call your dr. right away. if you have symptoms of this infection and allergic reaction or ketoacidosis you have chronic kidney disease. it's time to ask your dr. for far sika because they're places you want to be. >> if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help so i can take all these trips because priceline has all these amazing deals and that's when i said deal >> on your right is our infinity deal. >> i am deals the deal's army, 30 or heavy price >> y, asleep numbers, smart bad. >> can it keep me warm when i'm cold >> wait, no, i'm always hot. >> sleep number. does that can
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i make my sides? >> after i make my side firmer sleep number does that can help us sleep better and better please speak number does that 94% of smart sleepers report better sleep? now say what do thousand dollars when you put just select sweep number for smartphones and an adjustable base ends monday shop now at sleep, i'm more than liebermann at the pentagon. >> and this cnn >> donald trump is facing a cash crunch on two fronts on the legal side, he scrambling to come up with that nearly half 1 billion by monday as a result, all of his civil fraud liability sources tell us he is now in panic mode as he struggles to find anyone to underwrite that massive bond. and then of course there's the campaign side. where trump is lagging way behind president biden since cash hall, part of the reason trump in his packs are spending more on legal fees and they're actually bringing in cnn's alayna treene is following all the cash here. so donald trump is really leaned in into this idea that the legal and the political fights here are really one in the
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same, but it's becoming a pretty significant financial squeeze, isn't it? it is, and it's a financial >> squeeze on two fronts because one, you have the trump campaign which was far lagging behind the biden campaign when it comes to the their financial operations. i mean, we saw i'm just going to give you some of the numbers to underscore that we saw in february, donald trump brought in ten million compared to joe biden's campaign, bringing 21.3 million and then cash on hand, donald trump had or entered march with 33.5 million cash on hand while biden entered marked with 71 million. so that just i think underscores some of that for you and i mean, part of this and when i talked to the trump campaign, is that look, joe biden is the incumbent and he didn't really have to fend off primary challengers like donald trump. they're hoping that now a donald trump is the republican nominee. essentially, that this, it will help them hope able to raise more money and we've seen over the past several weeks now, while biden spin out there on the campaign pain trail, donald trump is actually been kind of
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absent from the trail as ever since he secured enough delegates to become the nominee. instead, he's been meeting behind closed doors with donors, with hosting fundraisers, attending fundraisers there's really trying to raise more money for their campaigns side, but you're totally right. the legal side of this is another massive strain on their finances and we know as well that donald trump's campaign is really been trying to pinch pennies where they can, they've been trying to save on uber first on hotels, on venues, choosing different venues are going rallies altogether because of that. and so the financial and legal part of this is very much at the forefront and when it comes to these packs and other they're paying for these legal costs. how long can that actually continue? >> it's a great question. i think. >> so. save america, donald trump's leadership pac has leading super pac has been the one that has mostly been underwriting donald trump's legal healthiest. there are some other areas they've been pulling on money, but this is the one that's taking on the brunt of the cost. and we also got some new numbers from the ftc filings as well save
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america spent nearly by $0.6 on legal bills in february and that far exceeded the amount that they brought in. so they are very much hurting as well. we know last year they spent more than 50 you $5 to help underwrite donald trump's legal fee. so it isn't very sustainable. and this is something, this is why you're seeing donald trump and his team very concerned about not just the legal fees, he has a bunch of trials coming up. a lot of mounting expenses for that. but also these judgments and everything we're seeing play out with this 455 or 50 do $4 million bond that is due on monday. that's part of why there's panic behind the scenes because all of this together have lagging when it comes to his campaign fundraising numbers. all of his mounting legal bills, those are putting immense financial strain on the campaign and they very much that's why they're meeting with these donors. they need to bring in as much money as they can mean it makes sense instead, as you point out, and that was the graphics are really show right? the devil really is in the details when you look at the difference in fundraising, lena, thank you for us
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>> speaking of major money and tight deadlines, congress now has until midnight tomorrow to avert a partial government shutdown. overnight. they unveiled a 1,000 page $1.2 trillion bipartisan bill that we're hoping they'll be able to read all of and then vote on the deal provides billions and added funding for things like border security, national defense, and childcare but some hardline republicans are demanding a shutdown, trying to get more out of the deal and attempting to derail or delay the process let's discuss with republican congressman andy bore of kentucky congressman. thanks so much for sharing part of your afternoon with us. so the house is expected to vote on this tomorrow under suspension of the rules, there's already some friction there. you then also need all 100 senators about even a single object action to pass it is that really going to happen i think it's going to happen in respectfully, if i could can alter the narrative a little bit, i am going to vote in
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favor of this bill. there's good and there's bad. it's a bipartisan compromise. but even my republican colleagues who are going to vote, no, i don't think that they want a government shutdown. i think that's a mischaracterize station. they want a fiscally responsible trajectory for our country were $34 trillion in debt. and we we need to reduce spending. and the reason why i'm on net i'm going to be for the bill is not because it's perfect. it's far from perfect. but boris, what this is, is it represents for the first time time in a decade, the first overall cuts in non-defense, non be spending that is incremental progress, not nearly enough, but it is incremental progress. and for a bipartisan divided congress, i think that's a win and we'll take it to be fair, congressman, i think some of those colleagues of yours would prefer a shut to this package. they want concessions on border security specifically, let's look at the details. this bill provides $917.6 billion for customs and border protection, including almost half $1
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billion for additional border patrol agents. and it funds roughly 40,000 detention beds for undocumented migrants. it does not though, at any money for border wall funding, congressman tim burchett, matt gaetz as well they say that this is not enough. they want to get more. what's your message to those republicans >> well, they're right, it's not enough. it's definitely not enough. but again, on net, what does it do? does it? marginally are incrementally helped the border situation, which is a total crisis of the president to making. yes, it does because it funds border patrol agent personnel to 20 2000s. that's the same level that we passed in our own republican her2 bill. it it funds additional technology at the border, including autonomous security. towers and fentanyl detection equipment. in addition to cross-border tunneled detection technology, we need that it's surges. the number of detention facilities that we need. so is it perfect? does it finish the
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wall? does it reinstitute remain in mexico? all the policies, the successful policies of president trump? no, it does not. but it does do some of the things that will hold this administration accountable for their disastrous open-borders policies so look, i agree with my republican colleagues are going to vote. no, it's not perfect. it doesn't do all that we need to do. but i'm going to do anything i can to marginally improve the situation mission at the border >> on that note about perhaps doing something that would improve the situation even if it's not perfect. >> i >> want to compare what's in this spending bill to that bible partisan bill that republican senator james lankford put out last month that one would have actually provided more funding for border security it would include more than half $1 for the border wall, which is something yet republicans have demanded. it would have funded 50,000 detention beds as opposed to 40,000 on top of that, it would have expedited deportations, crackdown on asylum claims, limited
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humanitarian parole also allow the president to shut down the border of crossings past a certain number >> and >> it would have provided $60 billion in funding for ukraine, which had badly needs right now. why support this bill? when that bill went so much further and did so many things that republicans have been asking for, for a long time >> valid and legitimate question, boris, but what you failed to mention in that list of very positive reforms and including the ukraine assistance that i support. what it didn't, what would it also included was codifying the illegal crossings it it it surge 7 billion that that so-called bipartisan border bill or immigration reform bill, also provided seven billion dollars to sanctuary jurisdictions. that would be a huge additional magnet for illegal migration. that's not what we need right now so yeah or so get ensures efforts, there were the bill didn't
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codify allowing illegal crossings. and set a threshold of undocumented crossings that would have allowed the executive to say shut down the border right? now that's very different than saying we're going to allow us through >> no no board. that's a different interpretation. >> it did. and i'm not wow, i'm citing senator lankford own words who described this as the most conservative immigration package put forward in a generation. >> look, jd james was a friend and he's a good man and he he is well-intentioned and what he tried to do, but his hands were tied because he was negotiating with open border people who support amnesty, the problem we have in that bill what the white house was that it put in federal law boar's, it put in federal law and amount of of, of illegal crossings that simply does not exist in current law >> we know exactly different than the idea that humans shooting, the idea that he wanted to negotiate with people that were asking for amnesty,
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that bill didn't contain anything related to amnesty. democrats essentially conceded well board and they gave republicans with wanted pathway to citizenship boris, >> it had 7 billion for amnesty jurisdictions. you're just wrong that's not true. that bill would be a magnet for more illegal immigration. and look at the what we need is hr to what we need horse is is border security. we need to reinstitute the successful policies of the trump administration. we need to finish the border wall. we need remain in in mexico. we need the migrant my migrant protection protocols. we need to end this disastrous catch and release that resulted in a murder of laken riley in other that bill would have done this boundary would've ended the poll the american people are sick and tired of this administration creations dangerous policy that has resulted in 300 individuals on
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the terror watchlist apprehended at the southern border under his watch. and how many the ghada ways we don't even know 1.8 million gotta ways that the border patrol has identified that doesn't even count the number of individuals who they haven't even detected. americans are dying of fentanyl overdoses. the cartels are exploiting the southern border. the chinese communist party is working with the cartels to exploit this kentucky ends are dying and at record levels because of fentanyl coming across our southern border this is a crisis that every american, whether you're a democrat or republican, it's totally unacceptable what is happening at the southern border and it's a homeland security, national security crisis. it's a crime. prices, and what it could be fixed overnight this if this president actually wanted to secure the border, and he clearly does not i think any executive action that he might take to shut down the border or to take steps that donald trump i'm took would be blocked by federal courts as the steps that donald trump took actually were blocked by federal courts is very hard to
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say that all of the issues caused by immigration are just a minute when they've been happening for a generation >> wait a minute. wait a minute. why is it though, if that's true, if that's if the executive actions don't make any difference in the courts really intervene. why is it that illegal crossings are so? so much higher today under joe biden and they weren't were under under president trump. why is this? the individuals on the terror watchlist are far higher today, crossing the border than they were under president trump. it's because trump, i'm not going to protect the questionnaire whether the executive orders have been effective. it's clear that they haven't the number there's aren't trending in that direction, but some of the more extreme executive orders that republicans have demanded that the white house take, just like with president trump, they would have gotten blocked by a federal courts. further, to just say that it's not true. okay. >> the >> president has these a judge in san francisco la country? former president trump and
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executive orders that he pushed forward that same judge would have done the same thing to joe biden. in fact, i'm pretty sure he did when it came to certain specific policies wrapped around remain in mexico nevertheless, congressman and bohr, i look forward to picking up this conversation with you in the future. there's a lot to talk about. we appreciate your time, sir. >> all right. thanks, boris. i appreciate it. of course. we'll talk soon. >> next. the investigation into a data breach at the london hospital were princess kate underwent surgery, is now growing we have new details about who tried to access her records that have just been released and massachusetts doctors say they've successfully performed a first of its kind transplant, how pigs could actually save people suffering from kidney disease. stay with cnn news central. we're back and just >> sanity needs a save space you've had a show were right and left talk to each other. >> cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher saturday at eight on cnn from meat free
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>> closed captioning brought to you by mesobook if you or a loved one have mesothelial not we'll send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to >> you 808 to 14000 new report, say at least three hospital staff members are now being investigated for allegedly trying to access princes catherine's medical records both the princess of wales and king charles were treated the same london clinic back in january. the king for an enlarged prostate and practice catherine for abdominal surgery. will british media report king, charles's medical data was not compromise in this alleged breach seen as ana stewart joining us now from london with the very latest. so anna, any further word today from the palace >> well, safe, kensington palace said this is a matter for the london clinic that is for the hospital. and we've actually had no comment at all from both buckingham palace at this stage. so now we have at least, or sorry, up to three staff members from that
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hospital who are being investigated for a potential breach. the idea that they try to access the private medical records of the princess of wales, which of course is wrong. it's illegal and it could see them be prosecuted. it's been taken very seriously. me by the data regulator here in the uk, the ico, also by the hospital investigations have been launched. what is unclear though, is whether that breach was actually successful and whether these medical records were compromised. erica so as we wait for the answers to those questions, as i understand it, queen camilla was out and about speaking with some well-wishers earlier today, what more did she share anything about the king's condition? >> yes she spoke to well wishes and northern ireland earlier today and actually she said the king is quote, doing very well and he continues to work from home or work from a palace perhaps. and he was busy today. he received a two new high commissioners from singapore and tanzania. meanwhile, i think it should be said that queen camilla has really stepped up. she's done a number for engagements. she was in the
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isle of man yesterday, belfast today, she went to the car, so visited sorts of minister visited local businesses. she visited the rifles regimens and received a sleep schedule is full on as you would imagine, as you have to pick up some of the slack from other working members of the royal family being and off sick, but worth noting, yeah, queen camilla, very busy, age 76. erica, very busy. all right. and appreciate the update. thank you >> up next here, baseball superstar shohei ohtani in the spotlight. but for all the wrong reasons today after the dodgers fire his longtime translator, amid accusations of massive theft there is much more to that story at a, just released report reveals disturbing details and a deadly car accident that killed mitch mcconnell's sister-in-law, angela chao check >> we hear nothing but >> space shuttle accidents, usually not one thing. it's a series of events is that part is a wing coming apart
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started just 799 a month call, 1803558999, or visit home >> and rafael roma, the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn >> with baseball is opening day just a week away. the sport is dealing with a bombshell headline, a gambling scandal alleged to involve not just any player, but arguably the sport's biggest, best and definitely it's highest paid star, shohei ohtani. cnn's coy wire joins us now with more coy. what's going on with his interpreter? >> hi boris. the explanation of how things all went down changed so quickly. it really stands out shoheiohtani spokesman originally telling an investigative reporter at espn that ohtani was covering the gambling debts of his longtime interpreter and friend, epa and these who hora to the tune of 4.5 million. but then ohtani's flores that on wednesday saying ohtani was the victim of massive theft. this all came to light because federal investigators are looking into
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an illegal california gambling operation as first reported by the la times according to espn ohtani sent millions of dollars in wire transfers from his bank account to an alleged bookmaking operation with musah hora, originally telling espn on tuesday that the transfers were to cover his losses, but that ohtani had quote, zero involvement in the bedding and meso joro also said he didn't know that gambling was illegal in california. espn says he also said that ohtani wasn't happy about his desk, but decided to pay it off for him. well, as espn was getting ready to publish their store on wednesday. ohtani's lawyers sent out this statement saying, in the course of responding to recent media inquiries we discovered that shohei has been the victim of a massive debt than we are turning the matter over to the authorities on wednesday meso hora walked back much of what he originally told you spn, saying that he had lied and that ohtani had no knowledge of his gambling activities. his debts, or any efforts to repay them. cnn is
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attempting to contact me, zahra, we've reached out to local authorities, major league baseball will not comment at the moment. now, mezzo hora was in the dugout for wednesday mlb season opener against the the padres. he was seen smiling, talking to ohtani, but ms o'hara was fired by the dodgers after that story came out a sarcoid. what kind of impact do you think this is going to have? on ohtani during the season? >> so we're talking about boris as you know arguably the biggest sports star in america right now, one of the biggest in the world. he was already this huge draw and now he's on the la, la dodgers after signing the richest deal and american sports for ten years, $700 and now he's going to have to move forward without me, zahra who has been with him ever since he stepped foot in america. mezzo joro was so much more than his interpretative. he was with him wherever he went. we're talking workouts, promotional events, a meso her was even a catcher for him when he competed in the 2021 home
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run derby, losing the person that has been your one constant since moving to the us certainly boris not going to be an easy adjustment for ohtani moving forward as he starts to season coy, if i wind up in a 4.5 million dollar hold because of my gambling, i hope i can count on you to help me pay that off by cored wire. thank you so much. eric. >> i will asserting that some either headlines were watching this. our new toxicology report shows senate minority leader mitch mcconnell sister-in-law, angela chao was drunk at the time of her fail car it's in an texas last february. the county sheriff's office says her blood alcohol level was 0.233. that's nearly three times the legal limit. when she mistakenly backed into a pond on the ranch. the incident report also notes the fifth year-old was seen on surveillance video walking, quote, unsettling to her vehicle while continuing to hold her cell phone in a right hand. despite efforts to save her child died after being submerged in the car for more than 20 minutes a short time from now, joshua hartfield, the last of these six former
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mississippi police officers who pleaded guilty to torturing two black men will be sentenced earlier. former sheriff's deputy brett mcalpin was sentenced to more than 27 years. in prison. that is the latest punishment handed down. and what has been a very emotional three days in federal court, the victims sharing horrifying accounts of abuse by the self-styled goon squad. >> and >> president biden announces another round of student loan forgiveness today, totaling $5.8 billion for nearly 70,000 public sector workers. teachers, nurses firefighters, and others serving their communities are eligible for the student debt cancellation after making ten years of monthly payments the white house says 380,000 borrowers may ultimately be eligible for debt relief within the next one to two years >> well, >> historic operation is now showing the lifesaving in potential for new kind of organ donation that does not rely on humans. >> that's laura coates live
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it today, go chew pretty >> backroom deals, cia secrets, affairs, bribery, corruption, crossing the two >> there's so much more to the story. united states of >> scandal with jake tapper sunday, a nine on cnn, closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money. all when 808592400. that's when 808592400 today the medical world is hailing a transplant milestone that they hope brings them a giant step closer to addressing the extreme shortage of organs we should give our viewers a heads-up. this image is graphic for the first time a genetically modified kidney from a pig was successfully transplanted into a living person so that's according to the scientists and surgeons at
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massachusetts general hospital in boston, the recipient, a 62 year-old diabetic who had to return to dialysis last year after receiving mean a human kidney that ultimately failed. here's one of the surgeons just moments after the procedure >> a bomb. >> but i >> of blood flow into the kidneys the kidney picked up immediately on started to make urine when we saw the first urine output hey everyone in operating room. boston. applause it was truly the most beautiful kidney i have ever seen the, most beautiful kimmy i've ever seen seen in health reporter jacqueline howard, joining us now with more of these details. i mean, this is pretty remarkable at first question though, how is the patient doing right now? >> it's absolutely remarkable and the patient is doing well. his name is rick suleiman, and he is still recovering this
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procedure happened on saturday. it was a four hour long surgery were told he's doing well. he's recovering from that surgery and the science behind this is really fascinating. what we know about the pig kidney itself is that it was actually edited with 69 genomic edits to make it more compatible with the human body, we know that as part of this procedure, the doctors relied on mount monoclonal antibodies to make sure that ricks immune system did not reject this orange again and this idea of using animal organs like a pig, kidney, and humans has been a part of ongoing research and actually boars and erica, cnn, we were able to exclusively tour a facility that raised and genetically modified pigs for this kind of science. the facility is owned by the company e genesis, and they've done a lot of work in this area. and one of their pigs was
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the donor of this pig kidney for rick's layman's procedure. now, like i said, rick is still recovering but he did say in a written statement that when he was told he could use a hague kidney as a organ transplant procedure, he said, quote, i saw it not only as a way to help me, but a way to provide hope for thousands of people who need a transplant to survive and as part of that statement, he went on to thank his medical team, but this idea of using animal organs to help many, many patients out there in need of an organ is a remarkable, remarkable area to watch. and this is just one successful step. and that goal potentially in the future and so that point, it makes it more likely if it is successful that we'd see animal organs used for people who have been on waitlist for a long time for >> organ transplants
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absolutely. >> i mean, bore it's more than 100,000 people are currently on a waitlist for an oregon and we know that it's estimated about 17 people die each day while waiting for an organ and kidneys are actually the most commonly organs that we see in need. so that's an area where we see the most patients who need that specific oregon. but i will say this is the first successful kidney transplant from a pig to a human. so we really have to see how rick recovers, how he does over time. i'm the medical team says that they hope the kidney will last at least two years, but again, this is an unknown area, so we have to wait to see what happens next. but again, it is an exciting moment right now. and in science and medicine yeah, clearly congrats to rick and i hope the best for him moving forward, jacqueline howard, thanks so much for you
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to stay with new central were back in just a few minutes >> leaks, slides, cia secrets. maori play salary plane draw or play. lives were at stake >> yes, my children. this is horror of fine united states of scandal with jake tapper, new episode sunday a nine on cnn >> from friends coming over to mom's coming over so many ways to save life, ready while it happy, but 365 by whole foods market >> tourists tourists, let's turn into science tourists photographing thousands of miles of remote rural rates that can be analyzed by ai in real time so researchers can identify which areas are risk and help life underwater
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>> we're following breaking news to start this, our unborn sanchez, alongside erica hill and cnn newsroom central issues in for brianna keilar today. starting and fulton county district attorney fani willis is pushing forward with her goal of starting donald trump's election interference trial this summer. >> sources telling us she plans to ask judge scott mcafee to put that case on the calendar after a two-month detour. of course i'll willis fend off an effort to be removed from the case siemens, that cohen joining us now with the very latest. so bring us up to speed. once it on the calendar this summer, what are the chances? >> yeah. boris and erica, multiple sources telling me that look, fani willis is going to once again asked judge scott mcafee to set a trial date for donald trump and his remaining co-defendants in the georgia case and set one for as soon as this summer that would obviously be before set one


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