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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  March 16, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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that an excuse, you know, is that a reason to take away our livelihood or to look at us as less, lesser than a human being. and i think at that time i had this idea of this place. well, in my head, but that was a major catalyst for me to gorka. i need to start really putting pen to paper now because this play urgent in that moment, and it is an amazing play for black boys is on now, the garrick theater here in london's west end until may 4th. and of course, you can watch our whole interview with ryan kelly cameron next week online, you'll find it and all of our shows online, as i said, as podcasts that slash podcast. and on all the major platforms. i'm christiane amanpour in london. thank you for watching and i'll see you again next week >> hello, everyone. thank you so much for joining me this saturday on brig a whitfield?
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no. you do not need to adjust your televisions? yes. >> a little change on your screens. welcome to our new space here in atlanta. this is our new studio so are new home state of the art gorgeously bright and still the most important place for news and information. so let's get started. >> cnn's, breaking news. >> and we begin this our width breaking news, release and a philadelphia suburb had issued a shelter in place order after three people were shot to death, in what officials are calling a domestic related incident, a man honda is now underway for the suspect who is considered armed and dangerous. >> it's >> all unfolding in falls township, pennsylvania, a bucks county community about 30 miles north east to philadelphia. we have team coverage of this breaking news. we'll get to former philadelphia police commissioner charles ramsey in a moment. but let's get started with cnn's polo sandoval, who
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has the latest, what can you tell us about the shooting? >> very active situations. so this information is still luminary, but it is official coming directly from authorities there and falls township, pennsylvania, you mentioned it's actually a suburb of philadelphia. the following information coming directly from jeff dense, who's actually the township chairman of the board of supervisors. they're and according to dense, they are currently investigating what he is describing as a spree killing that took place in the township. this morning. he's saying that this is domestic three people were killed at two different residences. and the actor than or the suspected this case, then allegedly carjack to citizen at a third location den saying that this suspect is currently armed and dangerous and his location is currently unknown authorities there, fred and false township saying that they are closely working with the bucks county district attorney's office, as well as the fbi. if they tried to track down this individual at this point, we don't have
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really much suspect information available coming from authority since again, this happened not long ago, and this information is preliminary, but just to give you a sense of the concern right now, so neighboring townships, including some information that i've seen for middleton township police department. now, asking residents to shelter in place, though they do not believe that the suspect may have made it to their community, they are still taking those precautions. so really does give you a sense of the scope of the magnitude of this investigation. because though according to authorities, this may be a domestic-related incident, the fact that an armed and module is still in the community would certainly be concerning for officials. and finally, i do want to add that sentence. danny freeman speaking to the district attorney's office, who said that they are still gathering details at this point. this is still a very active, not only investigation, but also a manhunt. and the da's office promising to get back to freeman there with some additional more information as well. but again, this is what we have at this point about
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this shooting that left at least three people killed in false township, pennsylvania this morning, fred. >> all right. paulo, i keep us posted as you learn any more information, let's bring in now cnn, senior law enforcement analyst charles ramsey, a former philadelphia police commissioner, chief great to see, you know, that, you know, this area. well, what are law enforcement officials up against with the terrain there, this location well there was, a car jacking that took place in that area and it's believed that the suspect may be the one involved in that car jacking. so they actually have a vehicle that they are looking for right now, a great honda crb is what the news is currently reporting. and also he has ties to trenton, new jersey. this is a suspect who they know, who the individual is. it's a very fluid situation right now. so the key is really to try to locate this individual and certainly the pennsylvania state police, new jersey state police i contacted the philadelphia. they certainly
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have alerts out just in case he's headed in that direction. and so everyone is on alert looking for this particular car and this particular individual, there is a photograph of the person that has been posted online by the police, so it's a matter of time before they get them, but it does seem like he knew the victims. this wasn't random. this was targeted, at least that's the information that they have as of now. all us can obviously change as the investigation proceeds. >> and reportedly armed and potentially dangerous. again, at least three now reported dead. with this incident taking place in two different locations, shelter in place. how is that conveyed to people yet the same time law enforcement are asking for the public's cooperation >> well, that would be posted on facebook or any other kind of social media. you have something called reverse non-one won many department to
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use where recorded messages are sent out to people in a given area, alerting them of the danger. many businesses i've already shut down sesame place for an example, is one that was shut down. target stores, home depot's just out of an abundance of caution, not that the individual may be headed that way. not that this may be an active shooter in the sense of someone just coming in randomly shooting a lot of people but you certainly don't want to take any chances there was the st. patrick's day parade that was canceled. unfortunately, because of this. so it's trying to keep people safe until they get this individual in custody. >> all right. we've talked about the two residences and now you ever reminded people to about this suspected car jacking taking place? place now, at a third location. so law enforcement has to both investigate all of these places as active crime scenes. yet the same time conduct this manhunt. what kind of concerns do you have, if any, about resources?
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>> while the, resources will be provided, there's no question about that. the pennsylvania state police, obviously, it's always there to assist any way they can. this may be a case where the atf bi will jump in to provide that support and assistance this happened in a township falls township. that is really not that large and doesn't have that large of a police departments. so obviously there'll need some support. but there are a lot of agencies in an area that worked very, very well together. and so i'm not concerned about resources right now. the focus has to be on catching this guy before he can hurt anyone else. they don't know if he's got anybody else in mind as a target. those three people who unfortunately were apparently killed it was known to this individual, so they just have to do the best to try to find this guy and believe me, they're pulling out all the stops to try to get them as part of the man hot. it's also anticipating what this person's next moves. may be
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based on the actions that have already happen so what do you believe that there zeroing in on this car jacking, you mentioned trenton, new jersey being a place of familiarity. what can you anticipate law enforcement is doing to try to get ahead of this person's next move. >> well possible routes. i mean, you know, mobile now if he's in that vehicle and i'm sure they've already pretty much confirmed that this is the same individual just from description and so forth. and the car jacking victim, by the way, had no affiliation with this guy at all and the person was not injured according to report or to it was just a straight car, jackie. so now they're trying to figure out where he would be heading toward trenton and trend is not that far from where the shootings took place, is actually closer than philadelphia would be. so they're probably going under your assumption. he said it in that direction, but you can't take anything for granted
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because you just don't know so they'll have aerial support, don't have support on the ground certain checkpoints and things of that nature, that there'll be doing to try to track this individual to find out where that person is right now. and they may switch cars. he may do a lot of things, but right now they're just doing everything they possibly can following any leads. they have they do have a license plate number. they've got all that. i'm sure that's being flashed on interstates. hopefully, someone sees someone gives a call to police and they can zero in on this guy. >> all chief charles ramsey. thank you so much. of course. we'll have more on this man han as we get any more information all right, now, let's turn to the presidential campaign trail where donald trump is facing a political setback. and at the same time scoring a legal win former vice president mike pence, now saying he can't endorse trump and the 2024 general election. pen says the two had profound differences on
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various issues there were also a multiple rulings in trump's criminal trials in georgia. a judge ruled that fulton county district attorney, fani willis, can continue prosecuting trump's election subversion case in that state, trump and his co-defendants had spent weeks trying to get her kicked off that case and then in new york, trump has succeeded in his goal to delay the hush money trial against him. the judge overseeing the case agreed to push back the start of the trial, which was scheduled to begin on march 25. >> all right. first, that unexpected announcement from former vice president pence saying he cannot in good conscience vote for trump. cnn's kristen holmes is in washington with more on this stunning repudiation >> former vice president mike pence, unequivocally, not endorsing his former boss, former president donald trump. here's what he had to say during an interview with fox news. >> it should come as no surprise that i will not be endorsing donald trump this
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year donald trump is pursuing and articulating an agenda that is at odds with the conservative agenda that we governed on during our four years. and that's why i cannot in good conscience endorse donald trump in this campaign. >> now let's surprising and unsurprising one, mike pence was probably the most loyal soldier to former president donald trump, but that you had a fracture relationship after january 6, for president trump blamed mike pence for not overturning the election after they had launched a pressure campaign against the former vice president to try and not certified the election overturn the results in 2020, which pence did not agree to do once the two are running for office, former president donald trump saying that pence was week that he didn't have the courage to do what? he needed to do on january 6, pence had started to push back before having to drop out of the race. it will note when he dropped out, donald trump said that pence should endorse him kristen holmes, cnn, washington
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>> all right. you want to be right now to talk more about these developments is david swirled lake he is the senior staff editor for the new york times opinion. great to see a david hey fred. >> okay, so what is behind the >> former vice president, not falling in line like so many other gop rivals he has chosen. he's not backing trump yeah i think i've vice president pence is now looking to the history books. he's been a congressman, governor, vice president of the united states. and his 2024 primary campaign flamed out very quickly. he knows he's not going to be president. so now he wants to focus on how he's going to be remembered in history. and i don't think he wants to be remembered as someone who was trump's vice president. then when a different way from him on january 6. but then knuckled back under to him in 2024, and that to me is what this is about. it makes sense, it makes more sense than him ever trying to run for president earlier in this cycle and he has made his
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position clear and i think that's gonna be about it for him. >> do you see that there will be any real political impact as a result of pence's decision because we know after all, trump back in the day added pence to the ticket to boost his credibility with evangelical cool voters and some of the most conservative republicans. and now without that kind of endorsement, will it really matter >> fred? i don't think it'll make a bit of difference after five minutes after we talk about this, look, the reality for vice president pence is he was always darren diffie did and darned if he didn't, he he ran 2024 on the idea that he had served trump's loyal at loyally, and yet had not done the one thing that trump moos wanted him to do on january 6, there was no constituency in the republican primary electorate for that position the one person who broke through in that primary was governor haley hey, she's out now, but at least she sort of established herself as a credible alternative vice
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president pence is a spent political force and republican voters are not going to punish president trump for not having the endorsement of his former vice >> okay. and then let's shift gears a little bit. trump had rather mixed week in the courtroom in the many courtrooms were so far he has succeeded in delaying most of his criminal trials. but if one or more of these big cases does go to trial before the election do you believe it could make an impact at all >> i think you could make an impact, fred, but i don't think it's going to be the determining factor in 2024 >> it would be >> good for the public to hear one of these cases, especially the georgia case, which could be televised before election day because i think there will necessarily be a conviction or because it will be outcome determinative. but simply so that the voters can hear evidence against the former president and make up their own minds about what they think if that case goes forward, are one
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of the two jack smith federal cases goes forward. i think it's more information for the body politic, but the india, if any democrats ever had it that trump being convicted would somehow mean that he would not win the election or that a trump trial or trump conviction would win the election for president biden and democrats hopefully they've disabused themselves of that notion because that was never going to be the case. >> all right. david's where we'll leave it there for now. thanks so much. thanks for joining us in our new studio. appreciate it. thank you. even though you're a far, but you're really here to >> all right. >> well, nathan wade, the top prosecutor on the election subversion case against donald trump. i've walks away from the case. it comes just hours after the georgia judge ruled district attorney fani willis could stay on the case if wade were to leave. so what does happen now >> united states have scanned with jake tapper tomorrow at
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against former president donald trump allowing fulton county district attorney fani willis to continue prosecuting that case? georgia law will give both sides until march 25th to appeal the decision trump's attorneys have already signaled that they do plan to appeal while willis is allowed to stay on the case, there were conditions for willis just stay. her lead prosecutor nathan wade has to go cnn's nick valencia has more. >> the lead prosecutor on the georgia election subversion case against donald trump and his allies, stepping down he says, in the interest of democracy, in dedication to the american public, and to move this case forward as quickly as possible. nathan wade handing in his resignation letter hours after judge scott mcafee ruled district attorney fani willis could stay on the case only if wade goes, willis accepting the resignation of the man with whom she was romantically involved, writing, i will always remember and will remind everyone that you were brave
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enough to step forward and take take on the investigation and prosecution in his ruling, mcafee concluding the defense failed to prove willis financially benefited from hiring wade, but this finding is by no means an indication that the court condones this tremendous lapse in judgment or the unprofessional manner of the district attorney's testimony during the evidentiary hearing judge scott mcafee wrote rather, it is the undersigned's opinion that georgia law does not permit the finding of an actual conflict for simply making bad choices. mcafee also describing willis fiery testimony last month as unprofessional been intrusive into people's personal lives. you'll confuse, you think i'm on trial? people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020. i'm not on trial no matter how hard you try to put me on trial. >> and her january remarks at an atlanta-area church as legally improper oh, she played but no >> isn't it them playing the
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race card when they only question the judge also saying reasonable questions exist about the timing of willis and wade's relationship. >> when did your romantic relationship with ms willis began? >> 2022, mcafee writing the district attorney, chose to continue supervising and paying wade while maintaining such a relationship, as long as wade remains on the case, this unnecessary perception will persist. >> i don't think it's a good day for the justice system >> defense attorney scott ghrab, been faced off against willis during the case when he represented trump, ally can chesebro, one of the four co-defendants, to take a guilty plea. >> i hope and expect that the criminal defense lawyers in this case will appeal this decision. and i hope the georgia court of appeals has a different view than scott mcafee. >> she's not equipped to do the job and that case should end immediately. the former president's >> legal team vowing to fight on. we will use all legal options available as we continue to fight to end this case, which should never have been brought in the first
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place. attorney steve sadow said trump's georgia attorney steve sadow is expected to appeal the decision which could lead to more delays prior to these allegations surfacing against fani willis. she had asked for an august trial date. what's unclear is if she can get this case back on track for a trial before the november election. unlike the federal charges that trump faces state charges have different implications because even if trump wins the 2024 election he would not be able to pardon himself from this case. >> all right. thanks so much. a nick valencia here to discuss is former maryland prosecutor and the author of get off my neck. black lives, white justice, and a former prosecutors quest for reform will take about your book and a moment, debbie hinds. thank you so much for being with me. so let's talk about this georgia subversion case of 1st da fani willis likely has a deep bench on the team, right? lead prosecutor wade had more of a team manager roles, so legal victory for willis. she's still has a team. is wade easy to
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replace >> she had a difficult time even getting a special prosecutor, the govern, the former governor, turned it down for all the reasons that probably most lawyers would turn it down because of the fear of threats and having to have bodyguards. they're nathan wade was not the first. he was not the first pick whether or not she wants to go with another special prosecutor based on how much work he has already done in the case would be up to her and we really don't know that just because he was a special prosecutor and he has a lot of knowledge about the case that doesn't mean she has to determine to pick someone else. and it is going to be difficult for her to find when someone all right. >> so if she doesn't replace wade, is it an issue of elevating somebody who's already on the team or perhaps they may have to multitask a little differently because as you say, it was very difficult to recruit from outside to
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bring someone in. does it just in shifting those who are already in an on the team >> so sure. here's what i think because the case is now rolling down the track. she has always indicated that she was able and willing and ready to try it very quickly. i think it would be difficult to bring someone in who has not been involved in the case from the beginning. again, that's still her option, but i think it would be very difficult. this is not really like baseball or football or any of the sports that you see where the first dring quarterback, it's injured and then you just bring in the second, third, or fourth, it really doesn't work that way in a complex case like this. i think that she would probably lean more into someone who's already on the team. >> okay. now, what about for her her role, she has been the face of prosecuting this case. do you see her taking kind of a
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backstage approach or do you see that she will still be out in front? >> i think it's anything this case has probably emboldened the fire in fani willis. all that she had to endure basically, what i think was a baseless motion on the plot of the defendants i think that this is going to embolden her. she is to say she is the da, but more important i can lay she knows a lot about rico, which is the georgia standard, is also not one that you can just bring in people to replace other people. one because of the difficulties of getting the statute and she's been so successful with those cases before. i basically see if you saw her on the stand, she is going to bring it back to where it should be brought, that this case is about these defendants trying to steal an election and not about fani willis. okay. and as promised love you to comment about your book. you have a new book coming out and get off my neck, black lives, white justice, and a former prosecutors quest for reform besides the killing of george
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floyd, what provoked you to take this direction in your book? >> so i had been thinking about writing a book for a very long time, like kinda convinced myself that it wasn't something that i could do. but honestly, with everything that happened in 20 20, it was just changed a lot of people's minds and mine included. and where we're seeing in tie this in with the fani willis and all of the trump cases. and this was something someone on twitter mentioned that it just seems like and it does seem like that the only people who are really heavily prosecuted he did our black and brown people. and that is something that has to change. it seems like the people that have power as in this case, are getting a pass. so in my book what i talk about are ways to reform a system to that everyone can join in whether it's regular people or community or the lawmakers or whatever. but we have to make this system what we call the
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criminal justice system, work for everyone, not just for the poor, under-privileged, undervalue people in society and work solely for those of us, those people that are fluent. so that's what i want everyone to get out of my book. are there things that we have to do don't give up, hope. my book is based on the things that my mom said, who was always about hope that you have to have hope. and i hope and i believe that this sunday system can work, but we're going to have to do a lot of work to do it that i outline in my book. >> all right. author and former maryland prosecutor debbie hinds. thank you so much. >> thank you for rican >> all right. much more on our breaking news, a deadly shooting outside philadelphia, right up to this >> what happens to the golden boy of new jersey? i engage in a >> with another man did you want to be outed? united states of scandal with jake tapper are gonna get a therapist if they're having an interview, which i definitely new episode
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>> i hope it rains against him i'm paula reid in washington and this is cnn closed captioning >> brought to you by our firm has offered a free book about mesothelioma for over ten
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years. mesothelioma is really all we do. >> 808724901 we continued to follow the breaking news out of a philadelphia suburb, a shelter in place, order remains there after >> three people were shot and killed and a manhunt is now underway for the suspect who is considered armed and dangerous. it's all unfolding in falls township, pennsylvania a bucks county community about 30 miles miles northeast of philadelphia, which my next guest knows well former philadelphia police commissioner charles ramsey. all right, chiefs. so three different scenes right now. what is going to be the focus area? >> well, i mean, where the homicides took place in two different locations. so i see those scenes have to be processed. the car jacking took place in a third location. it is now my understanding that the car has been recovered in trenton, new jersey. and if that is the case, then the man hunt now focuses on trenton.
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they know who this individual is, which bay aidid him pretty quickly, which leads me to believe that it was either a witness that was there that saw this individual knew who he was, or one of the victims was able to tell the police before they passed away who the individual was. but in a in any event, they were able to id i'm pretty quickly which now they're going through his criminal background is criminal record. find out where it was he arrested before acquaintances, people that he may now go to to seek shelter, all those kinds of things in order to try to track this guy down. but if in fact that car was found in trenton, new jersey, they'll process that so that would be a fourth location that they would be processing that particular vehicle now for print and any other evidence that would tie him to that particular car jacking. >> what might be some of the other tools, obviously, there are cameras everywhere on highways, on city roads, state roads. all those thoroughfares are they are investigators
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poring over some of those cameras, right now, see if indeed the suspect can be connected with that vehicle located in trenton, et cetera yeah. >> they're doing all of those kinds of things, pulling all that evidence, going through it. >> it does take time. there's a whole team is probably devoted to doing nothing but that. but then there's a separate team is actually involved in the actual manhunt to find the individual he is arn he is dangerous. they have to catch them as quickly as possible. you don't know whether or not he has other people in mind in terms of trying to harm. so it's really imperative that they catch him as soon as possible. so there's a whole lot of things going on right now behind the scenes, you have crime scene processing taking place. you've got people going into this guy's background trying to figure out where he might be. you've got people on the ground. now the truth and new jersey police the state police in jersey as well as detectives from bucks county and from false township that probably are already on their
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way to trenton in order to coordinate the investigation with with those authorities, there, how n-channel how challenging is it for all of these jurisdictions to coordinate or do you only see that this is advantageous? >> well, it's advantageous in a lot of ways because it brings more resources to bear and it's not unusual. i mean, you know, criminals don't tend to use maps to stay within a particular jurisdiction. i mean, he go wherever they can go, but they can also be very predictable. i mentioned earlier that he was tied to treat new jersey. where did they find a car? trenton, new jersey. so i mean, there's only so many places he can go where he's comfortable, where you can seek shelter he may very well tried to force his way into a location. so now, people in trenton and net area need to be on the lookout. they need to be aware. they need to be sheltering in place until the authorities are able to locate this individual, but they will get it. there's really no question in my mind since
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they've identified him there'll be able to locate him. the question is whether that there'll be able to take him into custody without any any incident at all taking place. so hopefully, no one else gets hurt. >> and as we were talking, not only have the identified him, but now police are willing to share the identity of the suspect is 26 year-old andrew gordon and then of course, as we get any more information about this ongoing manhunt will bring it to everybody. chief charles ramsey. great to see you. thanks so much. >> we'll be right back >> i'll just use caught in the. trap any couldn't get out. >> vegas was having an identity crisis. it was the beginning of the downfall, but vegas had a different idea. >> hey guys the story of sensitivity tomorrow at ten on cnn. >> tax season is hunting season for identity thieves, which is why tax fraud was up 30% last year. live lock alerts you and works to fix problems with a
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provide a chance for us to four months between treatments with proviso, ask your dr. this situation with wolf blitzer weekdays at six point cnn >> russian voters are again going to the polls today on the second day of a three-day presidential election but there isn't much question about the outcome. there are no genuine the opposition candidates on the ballot, leaving president vladimir putin set to secure a fifth term, a victory that would keep him in power through 2030. but there have been some sporadic acts of violence over the vote, including fires at polling stations and people spoiling ballot boxes with die. matthew chance joins us live now from moscow. matthew, do we have a sense of how this turnout has been so far >> yeah well, in terms of the >> turnout. so we're getting sort of pretty regular if not live updates from the russian central election commission about how many russians who are eligible to vote have actually
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cast their vote so far, the moment the figure is just over 52% and that's after two days, essentially of voting in this three-day voting processes and other de the go tomorrow, which is sunday local time, is going to be a real focal point, not just because it's the last day, but also because it's the day that alexey navalny's widow and navalny's team, the prominent in opposition figure, of course who, who died in his arctic penal colony last month. it's on that day that navalny team have called on opposition supporters across russia to go to polling stations and to spoil their ballots or vote for somebody who isn't putin, who, who's on the ballot as a form of what they believe would be a safe protest. and so we don't quite know what that's going to look like yet, or how the authorities are going to react. but the authorities have issued a stern warning saying that anyone who attends an
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unsanctioned protests will be dealt dealt with with, will be facing strict legal consequences. so that's another potential flashpoint up until now that have been a number of, as you mentioned, acts of defiance, people splashing, inke and green dye into voting boxes, and even lesson attacks at various places across the country. >> well, and i also want to ask you, matthew about russia's claim that it killed up to 300 ukrainian soldiers with the so-called vacuum bomb. what can you tell us about that? >> yeah, a vacuum bomb, a thermo barrick bomb is another another word, word for it. these are extremely powerful, but subnuclear munitions that have been in use in the battlefield in ukraine for some time now this was an announcement made by the russian deputy defense minister essentially, all the deputy of the defense staff anyway, saying that in an attack in an undisclosed location by russian forces, 300 ukrainian service
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personnel were killed. that's been quickly rebutted by the ukrainians who have told cnn that's nonsense. the trouble is, we don't have here at cnn any way of verifying battlefield losses on either side of the conflict. and so moment it's just a question of one side saying one thing and the other side rejecting it. fredreka. >> all right. matthew chance in moscow. thank you >> and we'll be right back tomorrow on the whole story two men missing our lives, just stop both died to deputy, he was the last person you see them alive and a decades-long search for the truth, the whole story with anderson cooper tomorrow at eight on cnn. >> thing your family does >> someone made it in the day. but where did it come from ancestry can help me find out what a year. it's on sale now
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relief products we also make proactive urinary tract health product. you cora is a life stage right today at your >> welcome back. we're getting new details following that shooting outside philadelphia. philadelphia, rather according to an official, the suspect, andriy gordon has barricaded himself with hostages in trenton, new jersey pretty the city where the shootings took place falls township, pennsylvania will now lift the shelter in place order they're more details at the top of the hour. >> all right. >> israel's war cabinet is scheduled to meet today to discuss guidelines for its negotiating team that will attend next week's ceasefire talks and qatar us officials say they're cautiously optimistic about this next round of indirect talks between israel and hamas. meanwhile, the speech by us senator chuck schumer calling for new elections in israel sent shockwaves that are still being felt from washington to jerusalem in his address, the
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senate majority leader gave a stunning rebuke of prime minister benjamin netanyahu with unusually strong words four, a us senior politician signaling the democrats growing frustrations with the way israel is conducting its military campaign in gaza cnn senior white house reporter or kevin liptak in joining me live outside the white house now. so kevin, what is the president saying? >> no, the president is embracing this speech that schumer delivered last week. and even though he is not explicitly endorsing this call for new elections and israel, what is most interesting sometimes is what he didn't say. and in this case, what you didn't hear from president biden is explicit condemnation of that viewpoint. listened to a little bit of what he said in the oval office yesterday >> you made a good speech, you expressed serious concern sure. not only by him up by many americans. >> now we do understand that schumer did warn senior officials here at the white house before delivering that
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speech, there did not appear to be any concerns raised over the diplomatic fallout or the political fallout we did hear from john kirby, the national security council spokesman yesterday, who said that president biden himself was not calling for new elections in israel. that that's a decision for the israelis to make, but it is hard to interpret this series of events as not the latest sign that this relationship between this white house and this government in israel is not careening towards complete fracture. you do here mounting frustration inside the white house from president biden on down at how netanyahu has seemed to reject a number of american recommendations when it comes to the war in gaza, whether it's taking more steps to protect civilians, whether it's taking more steps to get humanitarian aid in, whether it's the future of a palestinian state these are all things that netanyahu has publicly broken with the white house on president biden and prime minister netanyahu, who once spoke on a daily or weekly basis at the onset of this conflict, have now not spoken by phone for more than a month,
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and you do see a much more public break sort of on the horizon, as israel says, it's preparing for a major operation and rafah, the white house has said that something like that should not go forward without a credible plan to protect the millions of civilians who were sheltering in that city. as of yesterday, the white house says that they haven't seen such a plan. and certainly there are steps on the table, i think for president biden and the white house protect respond if israel were to go forward. so you do see this relationship really taking a toll, and president biden and white house officials certainly growing more and more frustrated as this conflict goes on, fredreka. >> all right. kevin liptak at the white house. >> thanks so much >> all right. here's an idea. start your weekend with five uplifting new stories, including the story of a catholic school teacher in minnesota who pulled off an epic surprise by getting married in front of the whole school listen every saturday as part of cnn five things.
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customers visit legacy >> this is cnn, the world's news net this is cnn breaking news >> hello again, everyone. thank you so much for joining me.
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i'm fredricka whitfield. we continue with our breaking news. a suspect in a triple homicide taking place in a philadelphia suburb has now reportedly barricaded himself with hostile in trenton, new jersey. three people were shot to death. they would officials are calling a domestic-related incident in pennsylvania before investigators, say they were led on a man hunt and now it is cross state lines into new jersey. here is the suspect, according to police 26 year-old andriy gordon. he is considered armed and dangerous all of this beginning in falls township, pennsylvania, a bucks county community about 30 miles north these to philadelphia. we've got team coverage of this breaking news, which is now zeroing in on the trent, new jersey area as well. we'll get to former philadelphia the police commissioner charles ramsey in a moment, but let's begin with cnn's danny freeman. you're very familiar with the philadelphia area, but now we're talking about a
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manhunt that is now


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