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tv   Inside Politics With Manu Raju  CNN  March 10, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more. one day date, 5234987. >> um, rafael romo at the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn >> we continue to follow the breaking news out of haiti. the us embassy announced they have evacuated all non-essential personnel because of the heightened gang violence near the us embassy compound and the airport. >> an embassy did not say how many people they evacuated, but said that they will remain open. the haitian government announced a state of emergency after the capital city of port-a-prince was hitting by a wave of coordinated gang attacks in an attempt to overthrow the government well, thank you for joining us this morning. >> inside politics. sunday starts right now
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>> fired, up. >> what he says he wants to be a dictator. i believe the president hits the trail, drop when i have a very different value set of an unobvious already is the former president hits back it's not an age thing. it's a competence thing. >> and razor thin, we're going to have a knife fight over every single district. >> we go one-on-one with the party leaders in charge of winning the house >> republicans are vulnerable because they're not governing, they're in charge of the do nothing congress plus would control of the senate in the balance. we sit down with kari lake. >> do you still believe that you're election was stolen and spring forward. >> what we're doing now is bad for health. >> we'll congress make daylight saving time? >> permanent >> in this place? there's always someone that has a reason to be against something inside politics that's reporting from inside the corridors of power starts now
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>> if morning, >> welcome to inside politics sunday, monday, raj there are two 140 days to go until voters head to the polls. and an absolutely vital wishes campaign rematch between president biden and former president trump is already taking shape all with enormous stakes for the country and the world the two men held dueling events last night in the battleground state of georgia we're all know donald trump sees a different america an american story of resentment, revenge and retribution we see a future where we defend the basic freedoms, not take him away we're seizures. we see a future reward work, not just well a future for all americans presidency, for all americans are jordan get out the vote >> for president biden, the event was part of a far more
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aggressive campaign as he tries to take on one of his biggest vulnerabilities, his age of 81 and tries to rebuild a frame coalition in reverse is sagging poll numbers. >> the >> former president meanwhile, took to the rally stage with one of his fiercest congressional all eyes marjorie taylor greene, who had engaged in a tense exchange over immigration with biden during the state of the union last week, a speech trump attacked as he ridiculed biden stutter two nights ago, we all heard cookie joe's angry, dark, hate-filled rant of a >> state of the union address wasn't it didn't it bring us together emerging border brink? the country together i'm going to bring it together. >> it's not an age thing. it's a competence thing >> right? let's break this all down with my great panel this morning. cnn's melanie zanona, isaac arnsdorf from the washington post and the wall street journal's catherine lucey good morning to you. all.
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it's been a busy weekend again, which is good for us to talk about a lot to digest, including how the biden campaign is clearly a new phase in this campaign posted the union or more precise messaging opposite aeration, new multimillion-dollar ad campaign, and just it's stepping into higher gear. look at how what their plans are. but over 100 new battleground offices, they announced that they're operating their hiring 350 new staff members. they put up this $30,000,000 ad buy less, they're going to run valle it over the course of next six weeks, put it all across media catherine, give us a sense of what the strategy is inside the biden campaign as they move into this new phase. >> yeah, they really saw the state of the union kind of a kickoff, right? of the general election post-super tuesday. they're pumping money into ads into these battleground states. >> and that's >> really where you going to see the fight is in these states as you saw the president out in georgia and michigan, he's gonna be out another their states in the next coming week,
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in the coming week and they're really trying to do what they're doing. a new couple of things. but i think two key things. one is there 20 address the age thing head-on. you see in this ad, they're trying to say look at age as experience. it's i'm able to do things for you because of my age, because of my background. and then they're really trying to draw this very sharp contrast with donald trump and talk about how they see his policies as dangerous. you tell the president saying he'd be a dictator, that he's going to threaten your freedoms. and then to talk a lot about key freedoms like voting rights and abortion. >> and the result that you mentioned, the ad that came out just yesterday, they announced as part of this massive ad, buy and taking on the issues that voters say they're concerned about. the president's age look i'm, not a young guy. that's no secret. but here's the deal. i understand how to get things done for the american people for four years, donald trump tried to you pass an infrastructure law and he failed.
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>> i got it done. >> trump took away the freedom to choose. >> i'm >> determined to make roe v. wade the law of the land. again. >> donald trump believes the job of the >> president is to take care of donald trump i believe the job the president's to fight for you. >> can we do one more take look? i'm very young, energetic, and handsome. what tell him i doing this for? >> it looked this came right after trump as super pac put out an ad going after joe biden's age, even though trump has just four years younger we can all see joe biden's weakness. if biden wins can he even survive till 2029? the real question is, can we can even survive? how do you see this playing out? >> yeah, the trump campaign followed up and basically put those two adds together. they took the clip of him, the beginning of the biden ad of him saying, i get that i'm old
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and then all of those clips of him showing his age the biden campaign argument here is basically there are worse things then being old and drawing that contrast with trump. and it's interesting to hear the way that trump talks about it as well when he says, this isn't about age is just a number. this is about something else because they're very aware and trump himself is very aware that he's not that far behind biden exactly. >> and meanwhile, trump is, as we know, has so many legal issues that are going to be a major factor as we head into the campaign season, they hope it's not they want to delay, of course, it was criminal trials. they may be successful. we'll see how all this ultimately plays out, but then he's got the civil issues into as well as the 91 million dollar bond that he had to post on friday as he appealed that judgment in the case against him in the e jean carroll case in new york, he was found liable for both sexual abuse and defamation in 2022. and defamation. just remember that because last night, trump, at this rally brought it up and
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we'll see if that lead it's the any legal issues for it >> i just posted a 91 by 91 million on a fake story, totally made-up sorry. >> i >> get sued for defamation. that's where it starts. and this is democrat operatives. these are all her lawyers are big democrat operative. this woman is not a believable person all right >> but let's just remind he owes her is decided at 3.3 million for reputational repair, emotional harm, and punitive damages for malicious statements. >> and he says that he just can't help himself. >> yeah. one thing i was looking out for was whether he would shift his message in a way now that we are in more of a general election rematch because this was so much a part of his message in the primary. he was using these court cases to paint himself as a victim and a martyr. and it worked at least with the gop base. but i think it's another question when it comes to a general
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election, how much are you going to want to bring up these court trials around the campaign trail, even he is going to have to juggle them in terms of the calendar, but it's not something thing that i'm sure his team wants him to be talking about all that much. >> will the biden team even touch this especially if they're not, why it's so far they haven't. the president has not wanted to go there. you could see this from outside groups are democrats, but i think the biden team really wants to focus on the policy contrast. and that's really what you're going to see is them continue to make this argument about here's what a donald trump or another donald trump term would look like compared to what another joe biden term would look like. >> it was notable though that biden was camp painting miles away from fulton county where donald trump is facing criminal charges. so it does seem like they're trying to acknowledge it in some ways, even if they're not addressing it. and we're seeing them side-by-side more, right? we saw them both down at the border also, you're going to see more of these moments where there's a thrust together >> in meanwhile, the biden team is dealing with and trump really does. the threat of
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third-party candidates, the independent candidacy of rfk junior qualifying for a pair of battleground states like michigan in particular, that one is going to be a big battle in november in nevada, new hampshire hampshire, and a hawaii, the campaign says they met the signature threshold to qualify in michigan, south carolina, georgia, and arizona. they say they've met enough. the super pac also says they met enough to qualify how big of a, who is, who does rfk junior pose a bigger threat to trump or biden? >> this is an ongoing debate. both campaigns have obviously tested it in polling and they can make arguments one way or the other, and you can see the thinking kind of shift when trump will attack him or not attack rfk junior. but, but we've all seen in elections going back to 2000, how a few thousand votes to a third candidate can tip a very close state. yeah if that happens again. all right. >> coming up, a republican senator is shocking and misleading story. it was fodder for snl last night
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>> good evening. i'm abby philip >> first and foremost i'm a mom and like any mom, i'm going to do a pivot out of nowhere into a shockingly violence story about sex trafficking rest assured. every detail about it is a real except the year where it took place. and who was president when it happened? >> yeah, she was going erin burnett outfront week nights at seven on cnn >> from meat free monday to sizzle pans sunday so many ways to save life. ready wallet, happy. that's 365 by whole foods market >> it's a new day.
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katie britt told a jarring story this past week during the republican response to the state of the union >> address, a graphic tale of sexual violence. she says she heard the southern border i spoke to a woman who shared her story with me >> she >> had been sex trafficked by the cartels starting at the age of 12 she told me not just that she was raped every day but how many times a day she was raped? this is the united states of america. and it is past time in my opinion, that we start acting like it president biden's border policies are a disgrace. >> but the incident did not happen during the biden administration or even in the united states, but actually in mexico in the statement to cnn, her office defended that passage from her speech claiming that the story was in
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line with the problems at the border, saying that during that quote, dangerous journey to cross into the united states, children, women and men are being subjected to gut-wrenching, heartbreaking horrors in our own back yard. our panel is back so this was really supposed to be a shock signing moment for k break, someone who is being elevated in the republican >> ranks given this huge opportunity, she's faced enormous criticism for her delivery. but now this this passage was not true the way she presented it what what's the fallout? yeah. >> i mean, the story itself that she told it is not inaccurate. what's dishonest is the way she tried to link into the biden administration, the way she tried to link it to something that was happening in the united states. and it was just such an unforced error her for her and addition to picking the kitchen table as the setting, in addition to the delivery which was widely criticized and mocked. and this is just the risk of doing the rebuttal. these are notoriously tricky. you're going from watching the president in this room with hundreds of people.
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there's a lot of energy to watching someone deliver a straight to camera alone in a room. and we've seen how this is tripped up. past politicians, including rising stars. it looked like it's happened to her as well. i mean, i would say i don't think this means her end is here because in the future of the republican party, she still has a very long career ahead of her, but it's embarrassing. >> yeah, i like marco rubio is still around here we had the ball a moment and he's he's a senior member in the senate as well. so look, this all came of course, one of the state of the union there was that unscripted moment that happened that actually got biden in a bit of hot water with his own party, would marjorie taylor greene der the the state of the union said say, they are the name of laken riley. of course, the 2022 year-old jordan student who was allegedly killed, allegedly at the hands of someone who is in the country illegally biden use the term illegal immigrant and that caused some backlash within on the left. and he was asked about that last night and he walked back that specific word i'm documented version. i
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shouldn't have usually gosh, as undocumented and look, when i spoke about the difference between trump on me, one of the things i talked about in the border was but here's the way he talks about vermin, the way he talks about these people polluting the blood. i talked to my what i'm not going to do, what i won't do, i'm not going to treat any any any of these people what disrespect look, they built the country >> and then last night in rome, georgia, trump went after biden for that walk-back now here's the? >> legal and i say he was an illegal alien. he was an illegal immigrant. he was an illegal migrant any shouldn't have been in our country and he never would have been under the trump policy and biden, you should be apologizing for apologizing to this killer. >> trump also met with laken riley's parents at that event. how do you see this playing out? >> well, you can see biden
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sometimes likes being attacked from the left on immigration. it makes him look more moderate and appeal to the voters that he needs to win this election. so he's looking for those moments where he can kinda call the republicans bluff is i will shut down the border. i do want to pass this border bill. i will say laken riley's name and there are ways that they are clearly a lot of americans can relate to, maybe not always using the most piecey where that was a big part of donald trump's appeal. >> and one of the reasons why biden was an oppressor was concerns and criticism on the left over not just the terminology that's one aspect of it, but also he shift on immigration. he did on this bipartisan border security deal, move much further to the republican position in that angered so many folks on the left. you say you're seating on this issue where they thought they had the high ground just years ago and now they fear that they don't. and i caught up with one senior democrat and the congressional hispanic caucus but as walking castro of
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texas who had a warning for the president >> he's gotta be careful not to go down that dark path that donald trump has taken us. when he talks about the border and he talks about immigration because what donald trump has done in his rhetoric is put a target on people's backs. that's part of what concerns me is when i heard that, because the president has act to his right on policy, it's a big concern, not just for hispanics, but democratic voters. we need democratic voters to come out and i don't want us to do things that fundamentally deflate the inspiration and the willingness of democrats to come out and vote and that's an interesting comment. i don't want to do things that fundamentally deflate the inspiration and the willingness of democrats to come on and vote. in other words, you go to the middle, i immigration, you risks angering the left and that is just the balancing act that biden has struggled with on this issue. >> that's the line that he's trying to walk and it's a
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really hard one, especially if you think about what biden is trying to do to win this election, is bring back this coalition of people who voted for him in 2020. and that includes a lot of young people, a lot of activists a lot of folks who don't like the kind of immigration policies that he has been supporting. and so the idea that some people might sit on the bench are seeing the couch is a real concern. >> and that is definitely the concern they'd have to deal with in the months ahead. all right. coming up, we go out. we go one-on-one with the party leaders charged with winning a majority in the house and then we'll speak with republican kari lake and one of the nation's most important senate was caught the trap he couldn't get out. >> vegas was having an identity crisis that was the beginning of the downfall. but vegas at a different idea, vegas, the story of sensitive next sunday at ten on cnn, life, diabetes. there's no slowing down each day is a unique blend of people
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for the house is on a knife's edge or the limited number of pickup opportunities for both parties and the likelihood that the >> next majority could also be razor thin. but the leaders in charge of each party strategy detailed to me this past week how they see the playing field and how candidates in swing districts will adjust to the top of their tickets. right now, republicans only have a 219 to 213 majority, and democrats are targeting 17 gop-held seats in district biden won, while republicans are focused on five democratic-held seats in districts, trump won and i'm for other swing district seats currently held by democrats who are retiring this year. and even as republicans have struggled to govern in this messy, and chaotic hundred and 18th congress, they are bullish about their chances. in november. congressman richard hudson, who chairs the house gop's campaign arm, says trump will help us candidates are you going to hold the majority? >> absolutely. we're going to grow the majority for several
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reasons. the political environments the best political environment, republicans of having a long time, mainly because biden's policies have failed also because of the recruits. we got the best recruitment class. we've ever had. >> if you look at the battleground, the 250 seat majority days are gone because of religion we're going to have a knife fight over every single district. but you look at four democrats swing seat retirements, their great pickup opportunities for us. >> how did super tuesday change things for it was a huge help for us. so you've talked to donald trump, you are mar-a-lago talking about some of these races. can it be helpful in the 18 biden districts where republicans serve absolutely but how i mean, like he's not can't be popular in those districts. >> well, right now he's popular everywhere is one in every battleground state and i think the turnout models are much different than a person central election year for us brings out a lot of voters that don't vote in the midterms. and so i think it's net positive >> what if he's convicted, will that make it harder for you guys? let's to hold the majority most americans see these all as what they are as
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political politically motivated, who you encourage your members to campaign? >> with donald trump? >> sure >> i mean, each candidate can make up their own mind what they want to do. i'll be campaigning with president trump and i think he's going to help us across the ticket. >> look in some ways you expected campaign chairman to be very optimistic in bullish. but look, this has been a period of time where republicans, things have been going a little better for the gop after everything that we haven't seen tuesday one is generally as they hoped, redistricting fights have not been as bad as they fear, particularly in new york biden numbers are not helping them, but despite all that, they have a lot of real challenges. trump being one of them is hudson being realistic about growing the majority? >> yeah. i mean, i think the pool of potential battleground districts, as he mentioned there, it's shrunk because in recent years there's just been so much redistricting and gerrymandering that you're not going to see a 60 seat wave eye on either side. so it is going to be a smaller pool. it is going to be a knife fight, as he said, but i will say that up
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until this point, republicans have really felt like they could lose the majority in november that that was going to be the case. it has started to shift a little bit. they see immigration and the border as a huge issue for them. they feel like they have the wind at their backs do you ever medusa a controversial republican candidate and a key primary dropped out. there have been a couple of things breaking their ways, which is fueling that confidence you heard from hudson, but it's going to be tough. it's going to be close for both parties and abortion is still a huge, huge liability apps republican, absolutely, it's a big liability and the trump top of the ticket always has an impact down to get it, you're facing two pretty unpopular candidates for president. so what does that mean down ticket. that's a question that i also put to the democratic campaign committee. chairwoman suzan delbene about the top of their ticket and the impact that it will have on her vulnerable members so i just spoke to richard hudson and he told me that republicans will not only hold the majority, they will grow the majority. >> what do you say to him? >> i strongly disagree and all you have to do is go talk to
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voters across the country. they're tired of the extremism, the lack of interest, and actually governing from republicans. they're in charge of the do nothing congress, they should campaign your canvas should campaign with biden i think our can't, we've had candidates campaigning. i think they're out there our map is always going to be a little different in terms of where the congressional races are and where there might be the the most focus from a precedential standpoint but i think the president has a strong record that helps and also things that trump actually will be a net benefit because they can energize base and bring out voters. he does not think it's going to hurt them in there 18 biden republican districts. whether reaction to them. >> well, there are incapable of making it the decision on their own. they are the party of donald trump >> yeah. what's interesting is that you don't see as many vulnerable members in bracing biden, perhaps as you might see among republican members, maybe there's a difference in how
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they handle it. how do you think these members in these districts and in the senate races too, will deal with biden and they come, when it comes to their states and districts. >> in other always a calculation we see every cycle for folks and some of these swing districts, but biden is obviously running at the top of the ticket. and it's hard to run away from that. >> obviously, i'm try and try some try and there has been some chatter up, people being worried about what they're biden will be a drag at the top of the ticket. you're seeing obviously the presence campaign investing a lot in valgrind areas, trying to get a lot of beating on fruits on the ground, a lot of staffing try and really trying to elevate this message that he is helpful and is delivering, which i think in a lot of these swing districts is key. they want to really show voters that they have been delivering on priorities like infrastructure, like health care and so forth. >> so i mentioned republicans who are embracing trump, but there are actually a fair amount in the house and the senate who's simply are just not there yet. i asked just a lot of republicans about the
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fact that trump, he after super tuesday he became the presumptive nominee. he was on the way to the nomination. so what are they going to get behind them? >> some of >> them just wouldn't answer >> me to endorse trump. are you going to endorsed mccain? mr. cain, can you respond >> are you going to endorse him >> at the end of the day? this is about the american people. they will determine who the next president date not may not anybody in this house or chamber. >> are you going to endorse trump >> what i will tell you is that we can't afford four more years by the administration. are you going to support trump? let's said, are you supporting trump? figure that out >> you're going to vote for him. >> i've answered that thank you >> so trump is the nominee. are you going to support them >> what hoosiers decided to do is hoosiers choice. i don't have anything to say about my own i'm the election i said enough. >> but he still harbor those
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same concerns. >> nothing's changed from my standpoint i trust the people i represent to make their own decisions about who they're going to vote for it i mean, in some of those senators are not up for reelection like senator todd young and he is, he's not there yet in a lot of members aren't what do you think of that? >> i didn't know billy on the street was back on the air >> yeah. i >> think it probably is trickier actually in the senate where there's a lot of overlap between the seats that democrats are defending. whereas in the house and the battleground states for the presidential, whereas in the house, i mean, a lot of this is going to be like like you said, in new york, where the democrats have pickup opportunities because of the redistrict yeah, exactly. >> some of them >> were in those swing districts, the counties brian fitzpatrick been one of them, wouldn't say if it is supporting trump, mike lawler said he didn't want to get into that, and others, carlton, dan dan newhouse want to ten republicans who voted to impeach darn chop, not saying
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if he will endorse him here, but you're seeing that's the republican hand-wringing about trump that is clearly still existing. then there's the republican political operation, their strategy we talked about immigration in the last segment. there was a vote last week in the house on a bill of named after laken riley democrats said it was a overreach that republicans were taking advantage of a tragic situation lot of them didn't vote for it. well, the ones who didn't vote for it are now good, being hit by a new campaign ad from the house gop campaign arm going after them for their votes joe biden's open caused this even worse. extreme house democrats refused to protect victims you're saying that at here for the first time, melanie, what what's behind this and it's pretty clear what they're trying to do here. but they successfully campaign on crime and past election cycles. they're trying to reap, replicate that safe. >> here. they're actually linking crime and the border. what they see are going to be
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there to biggest issue his comment november and they're going to go after democrats repeatedly on this issue, not just on that vote, they're going to use everything against them that they can and you even saw a democratic leadership allowing members to vote their conscious on that piece of legislation because they knew that there were some democrats were going you have to vote yes for it. and a lot of them who vote yes when those vulnerable democrats yeah, absolutely. >> including some of them who ran for the senate. and speaking of the senate, control of the senate is also up for grabs in november, it could all come down to arizona up next our conversation with republican candidate kari lake do you believe that your election was stolen >> taiwan on this initiative, business? tonight at eight on cnn >> my day ensures uncomfortable dracula. >> let's wait back against discomfort with new poly group power mac told and covered, it has superior your hold plus keeps his comfy all day with its pressure absorbing layer that i am pulled up by. >> if you're now qatar would ask for all she ever worry. we
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>> what happens to the golden boy of new jersey? i >> engage in affair with another man >> did you want to be how did he indicted states of scandal with jake tapper i'll go there go to therapy is if they're having an interview with jake tapper, new episode next sunday at nine on cnn >> one of the nation's most critical battleground states is an arizona were not only the presidential candidates will be battling for it's 11 electoral votes, but it's also a state that could determine control of the senate. and just last week there was a major shakeup in the senate race when independent sen. kyrsten sinema, who caucuses with democrats announced she would not run again. and i'd paved the way for a hugely significant head-to-head race between kari lake, a maga and trump ally and conservative and progressive democrat ruben gallego our melanie zanona sat down one-on-one with kari lake soon after the news broke that sinema would not run again kyrsten sinema said she is not going to be running for reelection. do you think this makes the path easier for you in arizona? >> i think it does. i think she
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obviously was looking at the polling the same polling that we're looking at. and i'm sure rubin guy goes been looking at and she was going to get anywhere between 14 and maybe 18% of the vote. that's just not enough to win a race. it's not enough to win an election. so i think it actually does help us. i think she was pulling a few democrats and republicans as well. and if you end append yes but as she tries to appeal to moderate voters, lake is answering questions about her past including her bogus claims of widespread election fraud in >> her loss of the governor's race in 2022, and trump's reelection bid in 2020. >> if you had been vice president would you would have certified the 2020 election result is these are these are crazy. this is like a hypothetical going forward and hypothetical going backward. i'm not going to entertain that. what i will entertain is talking about how do we go forward and going forward when we get an america first? >> president? >> and some great leadership in the senate and the majority we're going to do great things
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for the american people. >> do you still believe that your election was stolen? >> we hadn't major problems in our election and we're really working to resolve those problems. we still have some court cases what i'm concerned about going forward in the next election is at my radical opponent, ruben gallego wants to give nine to 12 million people who've poured in illegally invaded our country the ability to vote. he wants them all to vote. that's wrong. >> did anyone give you advice to not talk about the 2020 election? no >> 2020 election. i think it was a rigged election. president trump, i don't i believe it was but what i'm trying to do is look forward >> does officer he was not available for an interview, but his spokesman released a statement saying, quote, kari lake will say or do anything to gain power, including banning abortion and challenge the results of the 2,020.20, 22 elections. >> and it was an iowa we saw there, of course is here. so what do you make of the how great interview by the way, and
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what do you make of the fact of her move here? she's sort of trying to moderate, but also embracing those same claims in the past and same positions but recognizes that this is a state with a huge amount independent voters, and she has to appeal and especially with sinema out of the race, there's this huge pool of independents and centrists who are up for grabs. clearly both her and gallego are trying to make a play for those and she's tried to moderate her position on a number of things. he's tried to mend some fences, including with john mccain kane and his family. she famously criticized john mccain in the past. she's tried to walk back some of her positions on abortion, which is again going to be a huge issue. >> and you heard her there >> denying the 2020 election when saying, i still want to look forward though, i don't want to talk about this stuff, even though she can't help herself but still embrace what has been central to her maga fryer brand identity, which is election denialism. and i think it's really, you can see in the interview how much she was struggling with, trying to express moderate positions while also not keeping her base at an arm's distance. that base
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that made her into the candidate she is today is such a fascinating rice and meanwhile, you talked to her about one of these issues of course, there's she may have to deal with it. she says, senator, what to do about ukraine aid still stalled in congress at a critical moment, the gop is bitterly divided over this issue and she has a very strong position about where she stands would you support the foreign aid package that they ultimately did pass did include border, but it didn't i don't support sending more money to ukraine >> when the spring offense any circumstances. i don't see a circumstance where i would know what i think this is a war that's been lost. >> his war has been lost speaks to where the base is on such a key issue well, the republican base, the maga base. yeah. and i'm particularly trying to tie the issue of ukraine funding to the us border. but can also, i know a lot of mccain republicans who are not in a
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mold of john mccain and much more interested in america's place in the in the world. traditionally and not ready to forgive and forget all those slights and insults from kari lake. yeah. >> this all comes as we are a >> bunch of competitive senate races in november. if you look at the senate map here the challenge for democrats. so there are two states texas and florida. those are really there only pickup opportunities here and that and the race for the majority goes through a number of states that donald trump won in 2020, including in ohio and putting a west virginia which is retirement, they open seat there at montana, who? jon tester, who i caught up with last week and i asked him about biden's impact and what that may mean for his race biden standing ahead of november has not good so what does that do for you? i mean, the fact that he is really underwater versus trump and almost all of these
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issues, it can't be helpful for a guy running in montana >> it's honest to goodness, is a totally different rates were on their own race. he's going to run his race and i don't think it really matters much. i've got my own brand. we're going to talk about things i've done we're going to talk about what i wanna do in the future. so i think the president will be in a close race. he says, i will be both can win. >> last comment coming from a pennsylvania democrat, bob casey. i mean, that's where biden, of course, will be campaigning a lot. he's not going to montana trump's going to win. montana's, but casey's made the determination. i got to stick with biden. that's really how we're going to move when together, we're going to lose together and providing won pennsylvania in 2020. he has he's a scranton native, his political brand dates back a long way. there, there
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>> hi where trump is going to be heavily favored to win there, as well as montana, montana, and ohio. those are probably gonna be some of the toughest states for democrats to hold onto. and they don't have a lot of pickup opportunities either. that's the other flip side, especially now that you have joe man and he stepped out of west virginia, that puts another one in republicans map that is almost certain flip of course. all right, coming up on this day when the clock spring forward, is it finally time for congress to make daylight saving time permanent >> never argued it. some motion important issue facing a republic, but it's one that matters. everybody's got an opinion on it one way or the other >> this is the big dam >> that doe
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>> i'm arlette saenz at the white house, and this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by >> mesothelial mom it's all we do with local offices throughout the country and does help you get the compensation you deserve. 800 to eight to 44, 44 it's that time of year when the clocks spring forward. and of course we lose an hour of sleep. and that change brings us burger mornings, but also lighter evenings and that's something many on capitol hill want year-round. since 1966, states have been allowed to decide whether they make the bi-annual switch but critics say switching back and forth is actually bad for our health >> and two years ago >> the senate surprised many when it actually passed a bill to keep the us permanently on daylight saving time. but the house never followed suit. and since then, nothing has happened senator marco rubio sponsor that senate bill
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>> why >> have you not been able to get this done in this place? there's always someone that has a reason to be against something. i mean, my view of it as we should just pick one and stick with it. you're around, but countries so i guess at some point that some people argue that it's too dark in the morning. when kids go to school, the reverses, you know, there's a lot of places in america we want kids to be outdoors and if you don't have lights at a park, you're pretty much done by 05:00 p.m. for 30. so but either way, my bigger challenge, my my bigger complaint is switching back and forth. i just don't i don't get why we keep doing that. >> rubio's fellow floridian republican vern buchanan sponsored a similar bill in the house and our change, this big difference, especially we want seniors in florida, so that extra hour or you come home, get >> some time or the kids outside go for a jog, whatever you want to do. that's what everybody is pushing to me for the last ten years >> but while floridians might be happy with staying on daylight saving time further north, that would mean sunrise is in the winter, is late as
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09:00 a.m. and taken from congressman dan newhouse, a republican from washington state i'm not opposed to stay in a one time, but what i wouldn't be sure of is if we pick the right time and i'm not sure daylight savings is right standard. maybe the better speak, as washington state, it's dark. >> yeah >> that's right. so we've got to look at all the impacts make the right choice. and then i think stay on a onetime, make sense >> but in the house, the bill remains stuck in the energy and commerce committee, which happens to be shared by a republican from republican congresswoman from, you guessed it while she did state that chairwoman cathy mcmorris rodgers told me she does have quote concerns about making the time change in permanent. when i caught up with her on friday, she would not say whether it's time for a change committee going to move on that bill were looking at the bill will get back i guess. only time will tell that's it for inside
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politics sunday, you can follow me on x, formerly known as twitter at mk raju, >> follow the show at inside politics. and if you ever, ms an episode, you can catch up wherever you get your pods gas just search for inside politics. now up next saved the union with jake tapper and dana bash. jake's guests include senators james lankford and raphael warnock, as well as north carolina's democratic candidate for governor, josh stein. thanks again for sharing your sunday hey morning with us. we'll see you next time >> next the president singled out his work during a fiery address to the nation republican senator james lankford joins j plus as biden hits the trail in georgia democratic senator raphael warnock weighs in state of the union, live next if you have graves disease and blurry vision, you need clear answers. people with graves could also get thyroid disease or ted, which may need a different dr. find a ted is specialist at is-it >> okay. everyone our mission is to provide complete balanced
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