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tv   CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta  CNN  March 8, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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maintenance litter is the game changer. try it today, go choo, pretty >> me and you was introduced good. >> keep your head held high. >> just like momtaz >> guests to stay was my sister some may have gone to meet again. we need to look like we put but you
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good morning you >> were alive in the cnn newsroom. i'm jim acosta in washington today, democrats are breathing a sigh of relief after president biden's fiery state of the union address and his impassioned speech that lasted border an hour the president's son ought to diffuse concerns about his age and draw a stark contrast with the maga movement. he lambasted his republican rival more than a dozen times without ever saying his name referring to former president donald trump, simply as my predecessor, republicans in the meantime, sat on their hands. most of the night, not even president's call to defend democracy he could elicit a unified response and he had no qualms. the president had no qualms about pointing that out >> history is watching just like history watch three years ago on january 6 when i surrection storm this very capitol in place, a dagger to the throat of american democracy. my predecessor and some of you here seek to bury
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the truth about january 6, i will not do that. this is a moment to speak the truth, the bury the lies >> within moments of taking the floor of the president jousted with heckling house republicans, specifically on the issue of immigration in november. my team began serious negotiation of the bipartisan group of senators. the result was a bipartisan bill with the toughest set of border security reforms. we've ever seen >> you don't think so you don't like that bill that conservatives got together and said it was a good bill. >> i'll >> be darned. >> that's amazing. >> that is not how republican leadership wanted the night to go with many blatantly ignoring speaker mike johnson's call for good behavior. take a look >> not really. >> i making
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>> lincoln riley, an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal that's right. but how many thousands of people being killed by legal to her parents, i say my heart goes out to you, having lost children myself. i understand let's go straight to cnn's arlette seinz over the white house. arlette, what's the mood over the white house this morning >> well, jim the biden's advisors are feeling pretty good about his performance last night, they believe that he accomplished what he set out to do, laying out that vision for a second term, but also trying to provide that stark contrast with former president donald trump. prompt biden never named his predecessor by name, but there was no mystery about who he was talking about a last evening. and one thing that his campaign team has pointed me to is the fact that they saw a
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real fundraising boots boost around the president's state of the union address, 09:00 p.m. and ten piano hours when that address was taking place? we're the campaign's best online fundraising hours since the launch their campaign, they argue that's a sign of the enthusiasm and energy around the president's messaging. but the president in his address also tried to quell some of the concerns people have about his age and stamina. you saw him come out with a very fiery political the goal speech, taking aim at trump, tangling with republicans in the house chamber there over issues like immigration and taxes. a key question going forward is whether he will be able to maintain that fiery energy as he hits the campaign trail a bit later this afternoon, he will make his first stop traveling to battleground, pennsylvania. he'll be be visiting a suburb of philadelphia, the suburbs, of course, will be very important for biden. is these trying to woo moderate, independent and especially suburban women voters in areas like philadelphia tomorrow he has to
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georgia vice president harris and heading out west to arizona and nevada, we are expecting travel from both of them to ramp up in the coming weeks. but really what the biden campaign and the problem president or trying to do today is trying to build off of some of that momentum, some of that energy is from last night's address. we'll see how exactly that translates with voters once he hits these battleground states all right. >> arlette saenz over the white house. thank you very much joining me now to discuss is democratic congressman ro khanna of california, who serves on a member of a number of committees. and as the deputy whip for the congressional progressive caucus, congressman thank you very much this morning. i'm sure you're a little tired like everybody else is after last night. but let me ask you this a lot of folks in your party wanted to see the president get fiery last night. is that what you got >> it was a brilliant speech. it was a passionate speech. i'm actually more energized as as the house democratic caucus. i mean, look, the president delivered, but the best part actually was not when he was most fiery. it was at the end here he said, it's not about age, it's about values. i was called the youngest guy. i've been called someone who is old,
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but you know what? i've always stood for compassion, for dignity, for decency. and that's american values and that's what i'm going to fight for, for america's future. and i thought he connected in a very deep way. >> i do want to ask you about immigration because that really flared up is a big issue last night, there was this moment when the president was sort of rattling off the number of agents that would go down to the border as a result of the bipartisan immigration legislation that had been making its way through congress until it was blocked by a republicans. and there was this moment where you saw james lankford, the senator from oklahoma. you might not have seen this because you were on the house floor, perhaps you've seen the video sense where he mouths the word true, agreeing with the president at that moment. i just have to ask you if we have some of the video, we can show it to our viewers. >> i >> just have to ask you, congressman, after this speech last night, is there any more of an appetite on the republican side to get that bill through the congress
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>> i appreciate senator lankford acknowledging that what he was saying is that the president was right, that the president was willing to compromise, that the president had a real plan for border security that had support for republicans, and that donald trump, for political reasons, sabotaged it because he wants to run on the issue. my hope is that people will see the response to president got that he is in the business of having solutions of fixing things and that it will move my colleagues. but unfortunately, the republicans have really been focused on carrying this president down and helping donald trump not solving issues. >> and the president also confronted the conservative justices on the supreme court who overturned roe versus wade. let's listen to that the decision overturned roe v. wade, the supreme court majority wrote the following and with all due respect, justices, women are not without electoral, electoral power. you're about to realize just how much variety just
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>> curious, what did you make of that moment? how did you feel about the president almost going after the supreme court or the conservative justices on the supreme court. and how critical is this issue is going to be in the fall? >> well, he did it with humor and decency, but he showed in a few lines just how out of touch the supreme court justices and their black robes have been on the court for decades, are with modern american life. i mean, for them not to understand that women have the right to an abortion and that elected officials and politicians shouldn't be coming in the way of them and their doctors. and that their decision actually has led to things like banning ivf in alabama. they're just out of touch and i think that's what the president was highlighting and how do you think the president handled the israel hamas war? in his address last night? and should he have more forcefully called for a ceasefire? should he be demanding a ceasefire right
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now? >> well, look, i've been outspoken that the president should call for a permanent ceasefire and release a full hostages, and that we should stop transferring weapons to israel that are being used to kill civilians while there, we don't have aid getting to people. but i thought the president last night spoke with such empathy about the suffering in gaza. it's the most empathy i've heard from him. he acknowledged that over 30,000 people have been killed. he acknowledged the 2 million who've been displaced. he acknowledged that we need to do a much better job of getting aid in, and he sent to israel's don't block the aid. so i appreciate where the president has come on the issue. >> do you think that's going to remain a political vulnerability for the president if he does not demand that permanent ceasefire that you just talked about a few moments ago >> well, first, jim, it's a substantive issue. i mean, people are being killed there. i know people in my district who have had generations of
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family members killed. i mean, it's such a horrific, heartbreaking issue. so i really, really hope that they will do everything possible to get for a ceasefire, at least through a ramadan. but i do think that this remains an issue for many young voters, progressive voters, young jewish voters, muslim american, arab american voters, voters of color. and that the president really has to try to get this war to end. i've said that directly to him and his team, and i'm glad that he at least used the word ceasefire in the speech. and i think they've come a long way on the issue >> and i have to ask you, i want to throw too much of a curveball to control room, but some of the antics that we saw last night on the house floor, congresswoman marjorie taylor greene wearing the maga hat. there was another congressman wearing a t-shirt trump's mug shot on it. that said never surrender. what is going on during the state of the union speeches. i mean, the house speaker, mike johnson, called
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on his members to not do this sort of stuff. is it just totally out of control? now, you're on the house floor. you're we're witnessing all of this in real time. what's going on >> it's sad that we can have some civility and a koran that people are hurling insults at the president of the united states from the house florida look, i sat through four state of the unions that donald trump delivered. i never yelled insults at him. i never acted up net neither than anyone in the house democratic caucus and we had impeached him twice, but we still gave him the courtesy because he was the president of the united states elected by the american people and i just wish that regardless of party, we could do that, but i don't think that's going to reflect well on them. i think the american people expect in those situations that we rally around the president that's not rolling around a democrat, it's not rallying around joe biden, it saying he is the leader of our country, and we owe our respect to the office of the presidency
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>> all right. congressman ro khanna of california. thank you very much for your time this morning. we appreciate it. >> thank you, jim. >> all right. >> in the meantime, immigration as we were just talking about a few moments, go provide us some of the most fiery moments at the state of the union but will it be the issue that is a make or break, a matter for the president come november. we'll talk about that next. >> backroom deals, cia secrets, affairs, bribery, corruption, prostitution shan >> there >> so much more to the store in knighted states of scandal with jake tapper next sunday at nine on cnn >> from need the dot >> to need it. now so many ways to say life ready, wallet, happy. that's 365 by whole foods market. >> what makes a medicare supplement insurance plan like an aarp medicare supplement
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innocent young woman who was killed why am illegal that's right. >> but how many thousands of people >> being killed by legal? to her parents? i say my heart goes out to you, having lost children myself i understand let's discuss more now with the atlantic's tom >> nichols and cnn political commentator maria cardona, i should say tom, thanks so much for being with us. appreciate it. what did you make of that moment? >> and it's always unfortunate to have this kind of behavior at the state of the union. i mean, it's in a way, it's kinda fun like the way the british prime minister's question time is right? >> but that reminded me of what we saw last night. yeah, absolutely. what you see with prime minister time and great britain, you're absolutely right. >> right. >> but i think i think it's unseemly. the president started deliver an address. sometimes it's a good address, sometimes it's not great, sometimes
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it's partisan, sometimes it's uplifting, but it's not a conversation with some oh, attention seekers in the congress. >> he's the guest of the house. >> and should be >> treated that way and instead it becomes this kind of look at me in my funny hats stuff that i think is just i think it's unfortunate. i wish people wouldn't do it yeah. i >> mean, but that's just sort of the state of affairs, right. i mean, this is happening at every state of the union. it's it's sort of the way it goes. and marie are here. it's been surreal. let me talk to you about this. i mean, one of the moments that came up during that piece of video when marjorie taylor greene in the present, we're going back and forth president irked a lot of conservative or a lot of progressives, i should say when he used the word illegal, when he was going back and forth with marjorie taylor-greene, what was your reaction to that? >> so i kind of jumped as well when i heard that word. but when i went back to actually look at the back-and-forth, he was playing on what she had
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said. she had said illegal. he said yeah, illegal oh, but how many thousands are killed by legals so it was him defending the latinos. a lot of folks who want to be compassionate towards migrants say, hey, wait a minute, there's no human being as illegal. why is he using that kind? >> and you're absolutely right. and he knows that and his team knows that. and i think the point for what we should all be focused on is what he said in the broader context. he talked about the border bill and really put it at the feet of republicans about how they turn their back because they only wanted to weaponize it but he also did something last night that made progressives very happy, which has he talked about the bill. he presented the very first day. and when he was president, that had a comprehensive approach, he talked about not just border security and strong and smart border security, which democrats have always been for. but he talked about pathways to citizenship those words pathways to citizenship
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are key because i think all of this has been lost in our focus on just having border enforcement, which is critical. but we know democrats know the president knows, and the vast majority of americans know and support that. what actually solves this problem is to do both smart border security as well as increased legal pathways so that migrants can come here and work and contribute the trillions of dollars they have to our economy. >> and tom, i mean, one of the interesting things that happened last night was this moment we talked about with ro khanna a few moments ago where he's talking about the immigration bill and they flash over to james lankford. the republican senator from oklahoma and he's mouthing the word true after the president rattled off all of the agents and judges that would be part of the legislation it's kind of an incredible moment because it was lankford who republican leaders put in charge of that negotiating in process. and
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then he sort of got thrown under the bus on the whole thing >> yeah. i mean, you can't blame lankford for sanctum south after all that work. and after all the arrows that and rocks that were thrown at him, that what the president said was basically true because that was it's the deal they had worked out and >> i thought it was important that president biden called out his predecessor as he kept calling him for basically trying to wreck the ongoing business of the sitting house but it was a very interesting moment because republicans were sitting on their hands and doing the high school. i rolling and head shaking like they were having to get chewed out by their english teacher but for lankford to sit there, you know, very attentively and then to nod and say that's true. i mean, that was that's an important moment because it affirmed to people who care about this stuff, most of the people in that chamber or they just don't care about policy.
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they couldn't care less what they're about is staying there and helping donald trump who will then help them get through their primaries. but for people who care about this stuff, that's an important moment to have a democratic president and a very conservative republican senator basically on the same page about immigration at the state of the union in front of millions of people tom hold on, hold on. are you saying that the congressman who was wearing the never surrender t-shirt doesn't care about policy. i can't believe you would say such thing. >> i don't want to judge too quickly from judge a book by its cover or congressman by his t-shirts but there is fundamental un-seriousness there. yes, that's that is what i'm saying, and that's my suspicion. i is this coach. yeah. justice maria, when he was done speaking, the president was down on the floor and this is what president biden loves to do. he's almost still a foreign member of congress. sometimes, i mean, the way he operates on these states in the union, and he had
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this exchange with a couple of fellow democrats sent to a top of the other side >> that cognitive >> i mean, if there was an indication as to how the evening went for the president, i mean, he even he was joking about this cognitive impairment issue. i mean, how much of this do you think was put to rest last night? isn't gonna be a lingering subject. do you think in the months that people have short-term memories next week maybe fox will be running a montage all day long doing it all over again. but what do you think? yeah. >> look, i hope it was put to rest, but it will be something that republicans will continue to try to underscore because they had nothing less night the president school them, took them to task, showed them that he is ready to fight, that he is not going to essentially be intimidated by them it was the best of joe biden telling us
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that he is going to give us the best of america and that moment i think for republicans, they really didn't know how to react, which is why you're hearing this morning. the only criticism they have is that it was too political because they had nowhere to go on the whole issue of oh, he has cognitive impairment, you know, look at his know, they saw who they're going to have to deal with and i think that they are very concerned about that and i think it will continue to be put to rest because this is the beginning of joe biden continuing to show americans who he is and how hard he's going to fight for us. and that is the beginning of the salvo of this campaign. >> and tom, i mean, let's talk about the republican responsible, but the senator katie britt of alabama, she has been considered kind of a rising star in the gop right now. she gave the response to the state of the union let's listen to some of that to think about what the american dream can do across just one generation in chest
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>> just one lifetime. it's truly breathtaking. the true, unvarnished state of our union begins and ends with this our families are hurting. our country can do better tom, what did you make of that? and also the optics of where she was sitting in delivering that response. i mean, a lot of folks took note of that as well. >> well, in the words, if i may paraphrase, president george w bush that was some weird stuff, man you, know a whole kitchen setting and that kind of the very labored and breathy and wavering voice deliver. i mean, i've never seen i have to be honest here and say that was my introduction is senator brett. i've never seen her. eye you have never heard her speak and
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i actually thought that they work that the excuse me, the republicans, were going to put somebody out. young vital tried to draw a parallel with joe biden and that was unnerving in a way that whole business i think the kitchen locale you know, i mean, it was a little too on the nose for a party that's had problems with women and reproductive rights and women's rights. >> the whole thing was a little creepy. i thought all right. well, maria tom, we could go on and on, but we won't do that. but thanks very much for your time this morning. really appreciate it. thanks so much. >> thanks, guys. >> all right. less than 24 hours after president biden's warning about democracy his predecessor, as he called it's night is hosting the prime minister of hungary this morning down at mar-a-lago, man criticized for rolling back rights, rolling back democracy in his his own country, we will talk about the importance, the significance of all that next
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trump's team, a senior adviser telling me that this was a social meeting by that they meant a friendly meeting with no agenda. now of course, it's hard to believe that within man like orban and a man like trump, but there is absolutely no agenda, but that's what they're telling us today, is that they might put pictures out, they might even put a readout out, but the one thing to really note here is that this cannot be an official meeting because donald trump is not currently a world leaders so he has no obligations to report any part of his conversation with the hungarian prime minister. the other thing to point out here is that the white house did not issue a formal invitation into orban and on top of that, orban did not reach out for any sort of meeting with anyone on the biden administration. >> this is significant >> because donald trump is not only may the former president, but also he is the presumptive republican nominee. he could be president again, and it gives you an idea of where he might align himself with world leaders if you were to be reelected, it's off, it's not that surprising. donald trump has always said that he admires these authoritarian leaders of
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orban. he said, when reached you, some people don't like him because he is too strong, nice to have a strong man in control we'll have a country >> but the two >> of them, in addition to just keeping praise on one another, they also seem to be almost drawing from the same political playbook. i want to play for you what they've both said on immigration he stole told you legal migration. we have actually build that wall and it stopped illegal migration. >> we had the strongest border in history. we built 500 miles of wall very similar policy there on immigration. they have also aligned on various other things. both of them have said that the war in ukraine wouldn't have happened if donald trump was in the white house, something donald trump obviously loves to hear from viktor orban. they've also aligned on attacking the free press. again, we will wait to see to talk to people who are in the meeting to see if there is a readout, make sure we
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report that out, jim. >> all right. kristen holmes. thank you very much joining me now for more on this. ian bremmer wasn't of the eurasia group and gzero media, ian, great to see you this morning a lot of americans might be grabbing their heads and saying, okay, he's meeting with the leader of hungary. what's the big deal? >> what is this >> of this meeting for the viewers at home are trying to sort this one out. >> well, i mean, of all of the countries around the world thinking about whether there might or might not be a trump presidency. in short order, the europeans, the principal allies of the united states in the world today, are the ones that are most concerned. they are worried that trump will be too close to russia to willing to throw president zelenskyy and the defense of ukraine under the bus and uncommitted to the european union and nato. there is one european leader that is on the other side of that
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argument of every one of those arguments. and that is viktor orban and hungary he's the one liter in europe that consistently has said that he has a more russian model for his own countries, governance, a nationalist model, not a democratic model. >> he, he's the one that has said that he doesn't want to provide additional economic support for the fight against the russia has in ukraine. and he also has been the most euro skeptic of leaders among the eu members. so no surprise that orban in this regard is most interested to warm up to donald trump >> yeah. >> i mean, viktor orban has sort of become a kind of a darling of the far right if vladimir putin is not part of the conversation, a lot of folks on the far-right are praising viktor orban. they had a cpac conference if i'm not mistaken, in hungary at one
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point over the last couple of years tucker carlson went out there and so on. and trump has been praising viktor orban out on the campaign trail. what, what's that all about? >> well look i think, the danger here is that trump has said on many occasions that when he becomes president, he's going to end the war in ukraine in one day. and you wonder why would it take him so long? i mean, he's obviously a very capable guy, but more seriously, this is someone who would be pushing zelenskyy very hard i'm to accept a partition except ukrainian occupation from the russians of their land. and also you know, basically get a ceasefire for that. now, if that happens, many american allies will strongly opposed trump and will align with the ukrainians, but not viktor orban. his policy would be, let's normalize with russia. let's start trading with them again, it's only hurting our economy. let's work with the americans. and when or
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ban does that, that becomes more attractive for other leaders? robert fico from slovakia would tilt in that direction, may be meloni, the prime minister of italy, and certainly populist opposition movements that support trump, like for example, those of marine lepen and eric zemmour and france pulling above that of macron today. in other words, you this is, or ban is the leverage point that would allow a trump-led united states it's to drive a wedge into europe and into nato. its potentially an existential crisis in 2025 for those allies, i'm not trying to panic anyone when i look at other countries around the world, i look at america's asian allies, for example, mexico, canada, india, the gulf oh states, they don't face these kinds of crises from a trump presidency. but the europeans really do, especially given the nature of the war in
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ukraine, which isn't going so well right now, that's also probably a part of why biden decided to lead his state of the union speech last night? with ukraine forcing all of the republicans that support his policy and don't support trump to stand up and applaud and we even saw applause from speaker johnson in response to those comments last night. and that was an important moment for the president the i thought that was important as well when you saw the house speaker sort of politely clapping on this issue of whether or not ukraine should get more aid. i mean, that was perhaps a slight indication of maybe where that negotiation process is headed i also wanted to ask you about the president stressing that democracy is is on the ballot. that was a key focus of his speech last night. let's listen >> my purpose tonight is to wake up the congress and alert the american people. this is no ordinary moment either. not
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since president lincoln and the civil war and freedom and democracy being under assault at home as there are today. what makes our moment rare is that freedom and democracy are under attack at both at home and overseas. at the very same time >> yeah and what did you make of that part of the speech and i guess also when the president was talking about january 6, it was sort of a muted response coming from the republican side of the aisle. many of those members of congress voted to overturn election results. last time around. so perhaps that's to be expected, but i mean, this was not a full throated, you know, everybody was on their feet cheering the president as he was saying, let's save democracy of course not. i mean, look, it's powerful, but it's also divisive. and the reason it's divisive is because trump's supporters support trump in part and maybe enlarge part because they believe that democracy does not work for
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them, that the representative democracy that's being touted by president biden and by elites, and not just in the political space, but also in the media space. >> corporates >> bankers, you name it that these are people that are promoting democracy for their own interests, their own self-interests, and that they want someone like trump to break that system to attack those people. because otherwise, what's in it for them? so the idea that you're defending democracy if large percentages of your population don't believe in that democracy anymore, don't accept the legitimacy of those political institutions. and we see that in survey results, time and time again, the united states people don't trust their congress. the supreme court the executive, the media, the church. i mean, all of these core institutions that are sort of foundational to why the united states is the superpower it is today to why the us was founded well, before it had a lot of power. >> that's why trump is so
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successful. at trump doesn't speak to the division. he's a symptom some of it he's taking advantage of the fact that so many people don't buy that part of biden's speech >> all right. well, it's going to be quite the contrast from what we saw last night with trump and viktor orban later today, we'll be watching that as well. i know you will as well. ian bremmer, thanks so much for your time this morning. really appreciate it. >> see it? yep >> all right. in the meantime, pretty sure this is not supposed to happen. a united airlines flight loses a tire during takeoff, where that tyre ended the up and how it's a miracle. nobody got hurt here. that's next >> united states of scandal with jake tapper next sunday night on cnn >> from need the dot to need it. now >> so many ways to say life ready, wallet, happy. that's 365 by whole foods market
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44, 40 for this justin donald trump has filed notice that he will appeal the 83.3 million dollar judgment >> in the e jean carroll defamation case. cnn correspondent kara scannell joins me now with the latest kara. there's, there's more to it than just that. it sounds like he's posted a very large bond as well. let's go with on yeah, with just the deadline right around the corner, donald trump is now posted a bond for $91.3 million. that's to cover the judgment of $83.3 million in the e. jean carroll case. the district court's rules are that they've require about 110% of the bond because this will stay the judgment, meaning that e. jean carroll can't take the money until the appeal is done, so they always want a little extra security. so donald trump has made the bond in this case or have been big questions about how he would come up with this money. there are more there's more information coming into the docket that we're still going through, but he has made the deadline to post this bond meeting, the $91.3 million of
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the court requires this is of course comes as he is also facing a very significant bond of $454 million in the new york civil fraud case. he's required to post that my march 25, there had been questions about how he would come up with the money. so we're seeing that he made this first deadline, which is the smaller amount of money. but the big question maine's of will he make that next deadline now he has asked an appeals court in the civil fraud case to allow him to not post that bond until the appeal is over. the court is expected to issue a decision by the end of this month. also, though that is when the deadline is so that could be another judgment that comes down to the wire and whether donald trump can make it. but for for now, he has met the deadline. he has posted the bond in the e jean carroll case, and he has said he is going to appeal the judgment and he's asking the judge to not allow carroll to collect this money so he can appeal that a standard practice that's expected to be approved. the only question would be if there's any issues with this bond, but again, it is now in the so just hands,
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but trump has made this deadline, jim. >> all right. very interesting. kara scannell. thank you very much. now to a very troubling mid-air scare. a united airlines flight made an emergency landing after a wheel fell off mid-flight, have you seen this video if you haven't, take a look just moments after the flight took off from san franc francisco, you can see one of the tires there it is right there on this boeing triple-7 simply falling off the plane midair. the massive tyre landed in a nearby parking lot, crashing into multiple cars luckily, nobody was hurt. cnn aviation correspondent pete muntean joins me now to talk about this. pete, we're not supposed to have tyre's falling off of planes tires pop, jim, they catch fire occasionally rarely ever. do they fall from the sky and onto the ground from a commercial airliner. this was the scene yesterday, its efforts, its go international airport 11, a.m. pacific time. that's triple-7 going to osaka and japan and here on the bottom the plane,
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this is the left main went landing gear. you can see the tire there has separated from this set of six wheels in pretty alarming. and this was caught initially by plane spotters who were doing a live stream on this on youtube. you could see the tire fall to the ground. apparently it bounced a little bit and then into the employee lot there at sfo. that is the tire roped off by the police. there in the employee lot, cause a fair amount of damage to cars on the ground. each one of these tigers weighs about 265 pounds, but doesn't include the weight of the wheel hub. you could see it looks like it hit the fence there then it hit that toyota corolla there than it ultimately had a tesla air traffic control was really the first one to notice this. >> and i want you to >> listen to the radio transmissions they made two other airplanes telling them to a board there landings, and that they had to clean up the runway. listen 151 goal around,
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go around this war, 51 the same, 151 heavy thing. the last departure lost the whelan departure. so we're going to have to set to the runway down. see, i know that tailwind know. so it's probably going to be a few minutes. are you guys? >> three of the, missing tyre. okay. so one of the issues here and one of the big questions the faa will ask is how did this happen? was this a maintenance induced issue may be because this airplane flew in 24 hours before from paris. there's a maintenance phase for united airlines there in san francisco. >> was this >> something that simply broke? that may be the simplest answer. unlikely that this was a boeing induced issue though this plane wasn't really knew, like we saw on the seventh 37 max nine door plug blow out back on january 5th. this was an airplane built >> 22 years ago. united airlines says they'll do anything they can for the customers who are on board this plane, about 250 of them also anything that can for the people who had their cars destroyed by this. imagine getting the gall from the
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police saying that your car was destroyed by a tire from the air. hope united gives them some points or maybe some status, at least jim yeah, i hope that's in their auto insurance policy. that's a unique one >> and the other >> thing the other thing, pete, is that we're lucky that nobody was hurt on the ground. i mean, that could have just been totally catastrophic, landed somewhere. >> and when you think about the force, i mean, these wheels take a lot of punishment and the ground with a fair amount of g and also they're really heavy, so you're right, it is very lucky that no one was there on the employee lot. we heard from somebody in the employee lot who is right around the corner and pulled up when this just happened, jim all right. >> pete muntean. thank you very much. we'll be right back >> calling the trap and he couldn't get out >> vegas was having an identity crisis. that was the beginning of the day. but degas, at a different idea vegas, the story of sensitive next sunday at ten on cnn, with moderate to severe
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diamond in tel aviv, and >> this is cnn making history on this international women's day, nora alma rushi has officially become the first ever >> female arab astronaut after two years of hard work, she graduated from nasa training this week. i'm a rushi is a mechanical engineer and one of two candidates selected by her home country the united arab emirates to enroll in the nasa program. shinar nine fellow graduates are now eligible for flight assignments and we wish them godspeed and we wish all of you a great weekend. thanks very much for joining me this morning. i'm jim acosta, our next hour of newsroom with wolf blitzer starts after a short break. have a great weekend >> happens to the golden boy of new jersey. i >> engaged in affair with another man did you want to be outed united states of scandal with jake tapper? >> i gotta go to therapy is if they're having an interview with jake definitely you episodes next sunday at nine on
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