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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  March 6, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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plus, and microsoft's image crater. and they tested them using these prompts related to the presidential election to see if they could get them to create potentially misleading images related to the candidate it's or election fraud and what they found is that in 41% of their tests, these ai tools we're creating potentially misleading, photorealistic images and i think it's just really speaks to just how real these concerns are that these new ai tools could create misinformation that could cause harm and confusion ahead of not just the us election in 2024, but elections around the world already just this week, we've seen separate reports that internet users were creating ai generated images of black people supporting former president donald trump and an effort to sway voters so very real concerns here what these researchers say needs to happen is that these ai companies need to get better at proactively detecting when users are trying to create these misleading images, especially when users are using these so-called
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jailbreak tactics that are specifically designed to get around the company's role, sara clare duffy, and it's really important story as we marched toward november, especially. thank you so much for your reporting there. >> one man deliberately got 217 covid vaccine shots over 29 months. that averages one shot every four days in the process, he basically became a walking experiment of covid shots and the impact on the human immune system. bring in cnn's meg tirrell. she's got more on this. and what this one man became, this study he became the center of what happened okay. >> he is okay. >> that's the first thing to say. the second thing to say is absolutely nobody should do this. this was of course not with any medical guidance that he was doing this. he was actually being investigated by the authorities in germany where he was when he got these 270 contain shots that's how medical researchers found out about him. and they started to study him. it's a 62 year-old man. he got these 217 shots
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over 29 months, as he said, that averages for a day, but there was one month in january of 2022, he was actually getting two shots per day on most days of that month, one in each arm. >> now, they started to look at him he was toward the end of this around 214 shots in and what they found is that he did have more immune cells in terms of antibodies and t-cells, then a comparator group who just got three vaccine doses. but as immune response wasn't any better or worse necessarily than that control group. importantly, also, he didn't report any vaccine-related i'd effects which is kind of hard to believe, but that is what they say in this paper. >> he >> never got covid, although they say they don't know if that's because of all these vaccinations are because of his behavior or something else guys. but this guy can consider it a walking experiment. never any charges pressed against him in germany. but he is okay. this tells us that at least these shots appear to be safe at this quantity, if not recommended at that level, guys, not recommended at that
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level. as varchar, it's good to zoo meg. thank you so much. >> the breaking news in and to the road for nikki haley next hour she will announce that she's dropping out of the race. acute moment as this race effectively becomes a general election matchups today >> dan, what are the candidates saying? wounded, dangerous, and unpopular? that is how president biden is describing donald trump this morning as a rematch between the two is almost certainly happening right now. georgia state senators are about to hear testimony in their own investigation into fulton county da fani willis. i'm kate baldwin. was sara sidner here in new york. john berman is in colorado. this is cnn news central >> cnn breaking and the breaking news. welcome to the first day of the rest of this
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presidential campaign. and his president federal campaign and his rematch between a current president and a former president with the breaking news this morning that nikki haley, the former governor of south carolina i know is about to officially announce she is dropping out of the presidential campaign this following the disappointing showing on super tuesday, she will make that announcement shortly in charleston, south carolina. we've got live pictures of this event where she will make that councilman again shortly. we also have learned she will not endorse anyone, at least in this speech, and she will say, donald trump, has to earn the support of nikki haley voters. nikki haley's support very quickly being becoming the terrain with which this campaign will be fought over in the coming days. if not, the weeks and months, it could be crucial to victory for both donald trump and president biden. the biden campaign put out a campaign memo even before the announcement from nikki
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haley that she was dropping out that seemed to specifically target those nikki haley voters. so we've got a lot to cover this morning as we see this unfold before our very eyes. i'm joined by kylie atwood, who was at the nikki haley event, alina train is in washington also kylie first, let's go to you. what are we going to hear? >> well, nikki haley is going to end her presidential campaign today after running for president for more than a year, she's going to speak here at her campaign headquarters in charleston, south carolina to folks on her staff, to people that she is close with here in her home state of south carolina to explain to them that the she has reached the end of her campaign now, she is not going to come out and endorsed former president trump immediately. sources familiar with their plans telling me that she's going to make the case, that he needs to earn the support of her voters. that's not all surprising. she has been making the case over the course so the
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last few months that trump cannot win a general election unless he expands the party in a while. she did not get enough support to keep her campaign alive. she did beat former president trump in two states, and she had a significant portion of the electorate that voted for her or in a number of states. so she believes that her voters want a different pathway forward. and former president trump is going to have to speak with them, make the case to them that they should be supporting him. now, one thing that i do want to point out is that she initially said that she would endorse whomever became the eventual nominee. how many of the republican party that was last summer, but recently, she has been giving a number of reasons for why she's no longer felt bound to that pledge. and i also think it's important to note that former president trump's team knows that they are going to need nikki haley supporters, but we haven't seen them actively reach out to those supporters and it's worth noting that just last month, donald trump said that
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those who are donating to nikki haley's campaign or permanently barred from maga. nikki haley told some reporters last week that those comments really stuck out to her that that was really concerning for her to hear the former president say that. now we'll have to watch and see what the dialogue between the two of them looks like as she is attempting to put herself in a position of power, even though she is ending her president jill campaign, john right? >> kylie atwood in charleston, standby. that's the opposite of outreach to nikki haley. and nikki haley supporters. so let's go to alayna treene now, any sign over the last few minutes, few hours since the news came out, the nikki haley was suspending her campaign that donald trump, the trump campaign we'll change the tenor of their approach to that. haley support >> well, i was a couple of things i want to note here, john. one is that this was their goal with super tuesday and donald trump wanted to have a decisive enough when across
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the board and all the super tuesday states to ultimately force her out of the race. and so they're very happy seeing that is exactly what's going to be playing out in the next hour or so. but luck to get to your question and to address some of what kylie brought up is donald trump can trump's campaign understands that they need to do work with moderate voters with independent voters, with the people who went for nikki haley and they saw yesterday on super tuesday that nikki haley did very well with suburban voters, a key voting group that his campaign knows they need to pursue and to try to win over. now i know that they had been eager to have him become the presumptive republican nominee as soon as possible so that they could start really working on those plans and setting up their general election campaign in earnest. that means really fanning out their ground game strategies and a number of the battleground states like wisconsin, georgia, arizona, mr.. all places where they recognize they have work to do. now, the other thing i want to note that colleague kylie brought up is about the
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endorsement and that she's not going to be endorsing immediately. that is going to frustrate donald trump. we know that he is long very annoyed and angered by nikki haley refusing to drop out. and even now, he wants to see people like nikki haley, and others, all of the republican holdouts who have been looking for an alternative to rally around him. and so i think that will not go along way with the trump campaign. and i don't think it will do much to really have them potentially look to embrace her at all. i don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. john >> well, we will all be watching carefully to see what nikki haley says, not just what she says though. also how she says it. that will be very interesting in perhaps something that donald trump will want to see as well. all right, let's go back to sarah. sarah. >> all right. thank you, john, joining us now to continue the conversation, cnn senior political commentators, david axelrod and scott jennings. all right. haley going to announce she's out. we're expecting that in less than an hour now
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and the big question is what happens? what does she say? and does she actually endorse donald trump or does she take a moment? we're hearing from s. e. cupp, by the way just last hour. she said she is learning from her campaign that haley plans to make trump work for her voters. what does that mean >> mean she's going to trump off. i think that's one thing. it's going to mean, but listen, i'm not surprised i've actually lived through some of these were campaign ends. that's been pretty competitive or in tone at least, and it's not natural for candidates to immediately reconcile but look, my observation of her is that she's been a very skillful, a very determined and a very a relentless candidate, but she's also been pretty cautious about not crossing certain lines. and that says to me she wants to preserve her optionality in the future in the republican party. and so at
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some point it wouldn't shock me if she endorsed trump, but it would be a little startling if she did it today. >> i think she's missed. i think she's misunderstanding who the people are that voted for her. if you look at the weekend polling that came out, if you look at some of the exit polling we did on the super tuesday tuesday states, these people were not really trump voters to begin with, in 2020, a lot of didn't vote. republican ever. i mean, she attracted some democrats, she attracted some independents who behave like democrats. her, she became an avatar for the people who dislike trump the most. so the idea that donald trump is going to go out on some reconciliation tour and convince all the never trumpers that were in her campaign. that's not going to happen. and so there may be there may be those some impetus for him to try and reconcile because of her donors. because one thing we know is that he is desperate for money and he wants some of those people on board. so that may curb his instinct, which is never to be reconciled
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reconciled, but to be on the on the attack. but this point you make about who these people were yet, so yes, a lot of people who voted for her yesterday and through this period have been democrats who were free because there was no democratic contest, independence who are leaning in in biden's direction wanted to engage in mischief, but there were a body of republicans there who more college-educated republicans, suburban republicans, and trump does need to be concerned about that because that's a place where biden can do some business. you're >> taught new, talked about donors. and i want to put up this truth social that donald trump dead many moons ago. but as the campaign was going, and he talks about those who donated to haley's campaign he calls her birdbrain if we could bring that up and there it has meant that in the nicest way and the nicest way possible, he calls her birdbrain. and then he goes on to basically attack donations, people, donating people donating to haley
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campaign isn't just large scale donors these that's attacking the very voters, potentially that he may need in the general, what do you do about that? >> well, i think they they assume that the people who were donating to her after it was long past the point of the possibility we that she could win are never going to be with him anyway, so they didn't feel like they had anything to lose to access point about needing to reconcile with some of these college educated, moderate, some of the donor class. this is part of the algebra of this campaign. if you're donald trump you see this outflow of college-educated voters. can you replace them with an inflow of this working class multiracial working-class, non-college-educated coalition. you're starting to see it show up in the polling getting almost a quarter of african americans in the new york times poll, winning hispanics. so really you're seeing these huge amount of shifting sand and for biden, can you convert these college-educated voters who have probably behave as republicans for some chunk of their life more than you did in
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2020. you're going to see significant flow. the question is, is one enough to replace the us? yeah. i mean what you tell what would you tell joe biden? he's got a speech state of the union speech on thursday. what does he need to say? or is there something he can say to try and bring in not only some of haley's voters but some of the democrats who have gone out out and decided, i'm going to vote uncommitted. >> yeah. look, i think more than anything, what he needs is an identifiable and motivational narrative for the campaign campaigns, we always talk about issues and issues are very, very important but narratives are important as well. what is the story he's telling about what his presidency is about why he's worked on the issues he's worked, who is working for, and how he sees the future and set up a contrast with trump trump was a guy who is consumed by his past. that's the story that he needs to tell them are night and i think it has to be heavy on the things that people are concerned about if you're
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privileged, you sit around and you talk about democracy. i do but if you're, if you're sitting around the kitchen table and you're you're worried about your grocery bills, you're probably not talking about that. so he needs to bear down on the things that the american people are concerned about and talk about how the things he's doing are meant to help their lives and improve their lives david axelrod, scott jennings. thank you. always a good conversation appreciate it, kate. >> we have new details on the biden campaign's plan and strategy to take on donald on front. now, as this rematch between the two is all but certain at this point. and right now in georgia, state senators are hearing testimony as they launched their own investigation into fulton county da fani willis, you're looking at live pictures there and a bipartisan group of lawmakers is speaking out this morning as they push forward on a national security package, a by partisan bill that includes woods border security measures, and much needed aid to ukraine
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with any issue, but it's especially a problem when you have time-sensitive existential matters and joining me an hour two co-sponsors of this going house bill, democratic congresswoman marie gluesenkamp perez from washington state and republican >> congresswoman lori chavez-deremer from oregon. thank you both for joining me this morning. congresswoman gluesenkamp perez why is this bill the right solution? >> when >> house republican efforts, they weren't like republican only efforts weren't. and by the bipartisan senate deal, it also wasn't well on a system where you require both parties this is the only piece of legislation that has support from republican leadership republican leaders like fitzpatrick and chavez deremer. and if you want to build a durable deal, that's what it takes and that's what we're committed to. >> congresswoman chavez-deremer. do you think allowing a house vote on this bill, if it came down to it
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because this is how politically sensitive some of these issues have become an election year. do you think allowing a house vote on this bill is worth speaker johnson putting his speakership at risk >> absolutely. i think speaker johnson has opened the door to this we've spoken to this speaker. he recognizes how important these issues are i think it's a simple message. we want to make sure that we're securing our border. why should i care? why would murray care? why? what our colleagues care? because it's affecting our state, it's affecting the country fentanyl overdose deaths have risen dramatically. we have to secure our borders. >> this the bill allows for that conversation as well as give the aid to our allies. so they can secure their borders. so the message is simple. we work together we should care about what's happening in our respective states. we should care about what's happening with our colleagues across the aisle, and we should care what's happening as a national security basis for this country? america is watching
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and we want to make sure that we're doing the right thing. and that's why we stepped up and we elect the speaker know, and we are hoping that we will have a good bill to bring across that the president it will sign. so we're going to work hard and doing that >> the message may be simple and clear and you guys presented quite well the politics of it unfortunately seems to be quite the opposite in this moment, rather, in terms of simple, quite difficult actually, congressman gluesenkamp perez, who do you believe? it is going to be harder to convince to support this effort? the hard right of the republican conference, or the hard left of the democratic caucus? >> and do that thing that we need to remind everyone is that this is not a bill that just, you know, burns money paying people with clipboards to study something. this is good american jobs, family wage jobs, build the munitions that support our values of democracy. and i think it's easy to think about something as, you know what happens over there. and this is just about
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europe and russia. know, when you have a unprovoked attack on democratic nation and you allow that to go unchallenged you invite more chaos across the world. so it's not just about ukraine, it's about do we support are these values of democracy and how do we do that? and so i think the way that we talked about it really matters and keeping it focused and narrow is going to be key to this legislation moving forward in key to getting getting more are getting the votes needed to come along with you. that's for sure >> for both of you. >> because there was a lot going on with elections today. congressman chavez-deremer, you told politico at the end of january, you didn't have any plans to endorse anyone anytime soon in the republican presidential primary, we are standing by in just a little more than 30 minutes now to hear from nikki haley haley is going to be ending her campaign this morning are you happy to have done trump at the top of the ticket for your reelection?
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because that's what he is now going to very quickly be looking at being the party's nominee. >> yes, it seems like we're going to hear from that she will suspend her campaign and the republican nominee will be donald trump. and we will move forward with that. as far as my race goes again, similar to two years ago, keeping it local is what matters. i'm a former mayor mom, i'm a business owner. i work hard with my colleagues across the aisle. that is how a lot of these swing seats are going to be. and it is important to me to make sure that we stay focused on that and so as we move through my campaign, i will stay focused on those issues of what matters this right now is priority. and i would imagine in the next 30 minutes to an hour, other things come a priority and will take those on as they come forward. >> you guys, i'm very sure you guys are capable of handling at all. there's no question in my mind about that finally, congresswoman gluesenkamp, perez in 20 in 2022, you u1,
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what had been a republican held seat. looking at your reelection race, do you have concerns having joe biden at the top of your ticket? >> you know, i did not come here to be a cheerleader for either party. i am going to fight for the values i believe in, but i think that we have to turn things back towards the values and not like celebrity or personalities because then our crews to an individual and not to two our cultural values. and i think we all lose when we make it about celebrity and not our compass, our moral compass well let's highlight here right now, a democrat republican coming together, standing shoulder to shoulder to talk policy and to push forward on >> policy where we can find shared values it's good to see you both. thank you both for coming on today >> thanks. thanks. sara. >> that was nice to see kate. i agree with you. all right. nikki haley, live pictures
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behind me. we are waiting for her big announcement. the announcement that she will suspend her 2024 bid for the white house. we have new reporting on how she made that decision. also, right now, key testimony happening live in georgia as the state senate investigates fulton county, da fani willis your favorite rock diblock >> teams are back for redemption and the first-ever waterfront homeland animation showed you do this it's time to seekers when the lock all new monday night at nine on hgtv americans are doing their best to get by, but with an uncertain economy and prices still rising, budgets are stretched thin. and washington new capital regulation is another bill. americans can't afford basel three end game will make loans, utilities, and groceries more expensive and make it harder to access that's credit. families seniors, farmers, and small
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now, nikki haley is expected to end her presidential campaign making remarks in south carolina, which effectively moves this race into a general election rematch between donald trump and joe biden. cnn's harry enten is back with us to talk about this road ahead as this first talk about this moment that nikki haley finds herself in, what do you see in the numbers that shows that this is where the end of the road was for nikki haley? >> yeah. i mean, look, kate, it comes down to numbers. it comes down to delegate math and where we were before last night, look 1,215 delegates are needed to win the nomination. donald trump was ahead, but he was only 276. nikki haley was at 43, so you know, a relatively close race, one in which trump was still a long way from the nomination. but let's jump forward to where we were after last night. look at that. what do we see? we see that donald trump was up to 1040 delegates very, very close to that 1,215
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needed. so the fact of the matter was nikki haley at just 86 delegates. the math was the story of last night. it just became math that i think nikki haley looked at and realized there really wasn't much of a road to head with donald trump very close to clinching the nomination. >> and that i mean, that's why super tuesday is called that. yeah. >> that's because of the delegate math and because of what can happen and how the momentum can either be completely sucked out of your campaign or fueled depending on what happens. so effective when we look at a general election rematch? >> yes. where do >> joe biden and donald trump's start out? >> so let's go ahead and we're going to look at the race to 270, right? because at the end of the day, it's all about delegates. here's the 2020 map, right? joe biden won with 306 electoral votes. donald trump got 232. what look at where our projections are right now, are race ratings right now? what do we see? we see something completely different. we see donald trump at 272 joe biden, it just 225. so if the election were held today, which obviously isn't we have months and months to go. donald trump
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would be a heavy favorite and he is flipping states at this particular point, we would expect it like georgia that joe biden won nevada, that joe biden one arizona state joe biden won toss-up. same and the upper midwest, same with pennsylvania and michigan where we obviously held that primary last week at this particular point, leaning republican. so folks, if you have it in your mind that donald trump is just popular enough to win the republican nomination, lose that thought because at this particular point, when matched up against job biden donald trump is a favorite, which is something we couldn't say at any point in 2020 and really wasn't something that we could say at any point in 2016 when he was matched up against hillary clinton and a long general election ahead. thanks very long. thank you here. thank you, sir. >> all >> happening right now, as we speak, a georgia state senate committee is holding a hearing and you're watching that lie behind me as the fight over da fani willis, her fate intensifies, right now, a defense attorney for one of donald trump's co-defendants is in this willis is election subversion case is testifying,
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you're seeing that happen after being subpoenaed in the case, cnn's nick valencia is joining us live. give us some sense, nic of what we are going to see today and what this is all about, and what she's saying at this hour. >> hey, there. good morning, sara. this is day one. and what will very likely be a long process for this georgia committee as it begins its investigation into whether or not fani willis misused public funds and whether or not there was a conflict of interests. and i want to be clear about something. this committee does not have the power to remove fani willis. they can recommend fani willis he removed. they can draft new legislation and tried to turn that into law. but what they can do in the immediate is they have the power to subpoena and they've done exactly that and they've subpoenaed defense attorney ashleigh merchant, the attorney for trump co-defendant, mike roman, who was the first to launch. these are level, these bombshell allegations. i talked to her last night and she says she expects to be asked about the money surrounding this case, the money that changed hand documents that she was able well, to obtained invoices contracts. the invoices that show that discrepancy of the
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payment between nathan wade and his other special prosecutors on this case, john floyd and anna cross. he was paid about $100 more than those individuals but we're not expecting to hear anything that we haven't heard in court already. i ashleigh merchant was sworn in about 30 minutes ago. she's currently being questioned right now by this bipartisan committee six republicans three democrats, and they are expecting her to answer questions that they want to know about this potential misuse of public funds. we expect this to last several hours and afterwards, sara, there will be a press conference held about any developments that we hear today. sara. >> all right. i know you'll be watching every detail. nick valencia. thank you so much to you and your team >> and we are minutes away now from nikki haley set to speak in charleston, south carolina, where she is expected to end her presidential campaign. this as the biden campaign, is casting donald trump as quote, wounded, dangerous, and unpopular keeler. this morning why the biden by biden's campaign manager says they now see a clear path to victory
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to turn the lights on >> america's resources are abundant. our nation is a global leader in reducing emissions and innovators and deliver bring more energy sources to secure our future >> nine in ten >> americans agree american oil and natural gas are vital to our account lights happening any moment now, >> nikki haley, expected to end her presidential campaign. she will make that announcement during a speech in charleston, south carolina, hometown, joining us now, cnn chief national affairs correspondent, jeff zeleny jeff, i understand you've learned some new information about the decision-making behind the scenes for haley to make this announcement today >> good morning, sara and kate. oh, we did. i mean, talking to a variety of haley advisers, particularly in the aftermath of the decision, we learned actually that the former for governor made this decision
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last night as the results were coming in, and one of the reasons i'm told us that there were sort of eyeing this threshold of what could be 40% in some of these states. like she did in new hampshire, like she did in south carolina. they were looking at the suburbs of virginia and she did a right outside washington. she was over 50%, but over for all, she did not meet that threshold that they had in their mind of what she would need to really make the case to go forward. she did very well in some suburban areas, not quite as well and others, but never mind the fact that was not enough to overcome really the strength of the former president inside the parties. so she made the decision to step aside, but she suspending her campaign. i'm told that language is always interesting because at least open the possibility should something happen. and she is not expected to endorse the former president at this point. she believes the burden is on him to sort of rally at some of her supporters. but if we think back to the last week, one thing that caught our attention was that she was not advertised saying in virginia, not
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advertising in north carolina, in texas, in minnesota in any of the super tuesday states. so this all happened organically. her results last evening, who came in, she was obviously getting a lot of news attention, but it became clear that she knew that super tuesday would be the end of the road but look, most presidential campaigns do not end on this note, most candidates do not leave in an elevated position. she certainly does leave in an elevated position, certainly from starting a year ago. >> and jeff, i'm just looking down kylie atwood at some great new reporting as well, that reinforces what you're getting in here. during kali atwood reporting that top officials on nikki haley's campaign told major donors in recent weeks that super tuesday would dictate whether or not haley stayed in the race according to two sources, familiar, because that gets to the one thing that nikki haley didn't have a problem with leading up to just yesterday, jeff, which was money and that was one of the
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one of the many ways and reasons why she was able to stay in the race. >> without a doubt. i mean, it certainly sustained her from iowa where she finished third to new hampshire, which she was pretty distant second, but it's sustained her because there was a market for her candidacy her donors certainly we're interested in her and many would like her to keep going. but the question here is keep going to what i mean, the reality is she is 52 years old does she have a future in this republican party? we shall see even at 52, i think the biggest question hanging over all of this is she the future of the party or she the past and by sort of going on beyond her capacity or ability to win, i think perhaps could have been detrimental in the long run here, but as she always talked about how she's an accountant by trade, she said, i'm not a lawyer, not a politician. she's an accountant i'm told she did not want to end sort of in the red, so she would expect
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has at least some money in her campaign. coffers. she may have a significant amount and that can be used for whatever comes next for her. but again, it's hard to know if she's the future of the party for her ideas represent the past in at least this era of the republican party. >> jeff, we heard from lindsey graham. senator graham was speaking to dana bash yesterday about what he thought that she was going to do and what kind of expected her to do, which was come into the fold? and eventually go ahead and endorse donald trump. what are you hearing from the campaign on that note as to what is she going to do when it comes to donald trump, who is going to be the nominee. if you look at all the numbers look, it's not going to happen immediately. it will definitely not happen in this speech. she certainly leaving the door open for it to happen down the road. but she has been quite pointed in recent weeks about how she believes that the former president is not good for the republican party. she believes the former president cannot win
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a general election. so it's hard to come back from that immediately. and it would not be good for her own brand, quite frankly, if she did, she would sort of look in authentic. but you can tell she knew politically speaking inside today's republican party, her saying those things was not going to help her necessarily. she sincerely believes them, so we will see about an endorsement down the road. it certainly will not come anytime soon and not for sure today. >> sir. >> that's what we heard. i've heard from a fundraiser and donor day, haley last night that she became she became more of a cause, than a campaign for that segment of the party >> and what is that? the past is that the future? that's yet to be seen as jeff's report and donald trump will need if he wants to win. >> great point. it's good to see you, jeff. thank you so much. and we are standing by right now. >> for >> what is very likely the final remarks of nikki haley's presidential campaign. you see the podium right there charleston, south carolina. we will take you to her announcement lot gayle king and
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visit it >> i'm rafael romo at the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn all right. >> we have live pictures from charleston, south carolina where any minute now former governor nikki haley is going to announce she is suspending her presidential campaign. >> we got >> word of that just a few hours ago, even before though that news broke, the biden campaign had sent around this
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strategy mo, where they talked about the importance of nikki haley voters and how the fact that donald trump has had trouble with them is really an opportunity for the biden campaign. with me now is to communications director for the biden harris 2024 campaign. michael tyler. michael great to see you. who is do you think then nikki haley voter described to me who that person is >> well, good morning and thanks so much for having me. yeah. listen, i think nikki haley's voters have made it very clear exactly who they are. these are the voters who have agreed with nikki haley when she stood up to trump for the chaos, the division, the extremism that he represents since insofar as the modern republican party right now, they are the voters who rejected maga extremism in 2020, who've rejected maga extremism in 2022, and moving forward even throughout the beginning of the republican primary process are now rejecting donald trump and maga extremism moving forward. so if you agreed with nikki haley when she stood up to trump the things like election denialism
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for the chaos and division that he represents. there is in fact, i'm going to be at home for them in joe biden's campaign. and so we're encouraging folks to go to joe and sign up, but they agree how does the president plan to reach them and maybe how does he plan to reach them in the state of the union address tomorrow night? >> yeah. well, listen, i think the state of the union address is going to serve as another moment to further cement the choice in this election for the american electorate writ large. and of course, for nikki haley supporters as well, you're going to have a president and joe biden, who's going to lay out the historic record of accomplishment from the first three years that's everything from creating over, over almost 15 million new jobs, 800,000 manufacturing jobs, the work that he's done to lower costs for americans. but we'll continue to communicate the vision for the future, right? how are we going to continue to bring this country together? so we'll talk about what we want to accomplish. of course, starting with restoring roe v. wade as the law of the land. but on all the work that we have achieved so far, there's
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still work to do, the work that he's done to lessen the burden of student loan debt, right. to the tune of 138 billion, just billions left to go getting the first bipartisan gun safety legislation done in a generation, but in a second the term banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines capping the cost of insulin at 35 bucks for our seniors in a second term, we're going to get the cap down to 35 for all americans. so the work continues moving forward and the contrast will be incredibly clear between a president who's fighting every single day to bring the american people together in search of solutions versus donald will trump, who simply represents chaos division, revenge and retribution and is only fighting this for himself. and so that's going to be the fundamental contrast to the american people in the state of the union. and moving forward and think that's going to be something that resonates with the american electorate writ large. and obviously some of haley's supporters here continued to reject the extremism represented by donald trump michael tyler, great to talk to you. we know it was
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hard. you had a brave a fire alarm in your building, so we appreciate the work from you getting in front of the camera thank you so much for being with us and kate's era as we await this big announcement from nikki haley, it will be so interesting to see how she phrases it. how much does she lean into the work that donald trump will have to do to earn not just her support, but the support of her voters. >> he said it all, and we are waiting, that's going to happen in just a few minutes here. thank you so much for joining us. this is cnn news central. cnn newsroom with jim acosta up next we're here to get your. >> side of the store. >> why do we keep ending up here? >> you can't write this stuff. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper next sunday night on seats, sometimes the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn with cap later, there's a chance to lead in the light kept lighter is proven to deliver significant relief across
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on cnn this is cnn breaking news >> good morning. i'm jim acosta, joined by my colleague wolf blitzer. any moment now, nikki haley address the nation. sources tell cnn that in minutes from now, she is expected to suspend her presidential campaign. we are told she will not endorse her rival former president all trump, at least for now >> i want to go to our reporter who's over at haley's campaign headquarters in charleston, south carolina. like kylie atwood is watching what's going on do we have any sense kylie, what we can specifically expect her to say >> well, listen, i think nikki haley is going to come out here and thank the people that voted for her talk about the factors that she ran her election on conservative fiscal policy the need to be close with us out why is when it comes to foreign policy, a number of things, but she is


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