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tv   CNN Newsroom With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  March 5, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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all virtual check your financial wellness score at united states of
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scandal with jake tapper next sunday, a nine on cnn >> super tuesday is finally here, 16 states and american samoa are casting ballots in their primary contests right now, as donald trump hopes to push nikki haley out of the race at officially start is rematch swift, president by and secretary of state, antony blinken holds a high-stakes meeting with the qatari prime minister in hopes of making headway on a ceasefire in, gaza. >> hello. i'm wolf blitzer in washington, and you're in the cnn newsroom happening now across the country, americans are heading to the polls and making their voices heard at this hour. voting is underway in all 16 super tuesday states. and what effectively could be the beginning of the end of the 2024 presidential primaries?
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tonight, barring a major upset, the country will be one step closer to the contentious rematch that many americans do not necessarily want for democrats, president, excuse me. for many americans, for democrats, in particular, president biden's path to the domination remains virtually unchallenged, but questions remain about whether voters disillusioned by his support for israel will stay home. and on the republican side, with more than one-third of the total delegates at stake tonight could be nikki haley's last stand as trump, inches closer to clinching the nomination he's on track to win more primaries and caucuses than any non-incumbent republican candidate in history. cnn has crews coast-to-coast staying on top of all these races. let's start with cnn's dianne gallagher. she's just outside thanks. charlotte, north carolina, update our viewers where you are dianne. >> yeah. well, if i'm in
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>> beautiful cornelius, north carolina, we're voters have been coming in steady here at the town hall precinct, casting their ballots, not just for the top of the ticket, but also for a very healthy down-ballot. many reasons they are choosing from, from governor to local offices. and we've been talking to very energized voters here in north carolina who list issues like the border, education abortion, and democracy as their top. their top issues when they are pulling those ballots now in north carolina, you have to vote for what you are registered with, but there because they large number of unaffiliated registered voters and they can choose whichever ballot they want when they go in to the polling place. and many of those individuals have told us they are choosing the republican ballot today. i've talked to doubt several who say that they are using it as a form of protest vote against former president trump >> i chose to vote republican, but i'm an independent
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>> who did you vote for? do you mind me asking? >> nikki >> haley why vote against trump? >> do you feel that if nikki haley were the republican nominee, she is someone you could vote for in a general election >> no, i would not have been for her either. i would vote democrat. >> this is a protest vote. yes. >> now, i've also talked to trump voters here who chose a republican ticket, who tell me that they want to restore where they were four years ago, wolff, again, there were very important down-ballot races here as well. and many of those voters told me that education and the future of the state of north carolina what is on their mind when they go in and pull that ballot for them >> all right. dianne gallagher in north carolina for us. thank you very much. let's move out west right now. cnn's brian todd is joining us live from utah and right near salt lake city. i brian, it's primary day democrats are headed to the polls, but republicans, they're doing something else. tell us about that
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>> that's right. wolf here in utah today, it's a caucus format, not a primary format. they switched to a caucus format in 2016. and so the voters are not going to be getting here until later on this evening. the voters will arrive here at about 06:00 p.m. local time tonight. that's 08:00 p.m. eastern time. first let's set the scene for you. this is where the caucus site is, where the foot of the beautiful wasatch mountains take a look at that view here in sandy, utah. we're at alta vista high school at the foot of the wasatch mountains and sandy just south of salt lake city. this is the caucus site, alto high school, a massive high school out here the voters will be walking in the front entrance over here later on tonight. again, they arrive here at 06:00 p.m. local time. that's 08:00 p.m. eastern time. they say they register, they check in. they listened to some speeches. we are told that presidential surrogates will not be here speaking, but there'll be circuits for down-ballot candidates like governor and senator speaking. so you'll, there'll be hearing some speeches with the vote in earnest will start at 07:00 p.m. local time here. that's a 09:00 p.m. eastern time. the
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count will be about an hour later, so the votes would become an later on tonight from here in utah. and it's pretty simple format. here's a ballot. take a look. you've got ryan binkley as one candidate, but then you have nikki haley and donald trump. this is a pretty easy ballot to fill in. fill that in, then put it in to a basket or some kind of a container and they count them all up, that count will be taking place at about 08:00 p.m. local time, 10:00 p.m. eastern time, 32 precincts are in here. so this can be a lot of voters, hundreds of voters coming in take part in this caucus. they're going to be in 32 different rooms. then they're gonna be counting it in a separate room, will hopefully be able to bring that to you live and show it to our voters as it's happening. that's what makes the caucus format kind of so interesting and fund to cover because it's so dynamic. and they'll give us access in here later on tonight to show all of it to our viewers, wolf we'll be watching together with you, brian todd. thank you very much. brian is in utah. let's discuss all of this with cnn political commentator, and democratic strategist paul begala republican strategist, former rnc communications
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director doug heye republican strategist sarah longwell, and former communications director for vice president common hello, harris, ashley etienne, paul, the voters. they will have their say today. what are you going to be watching for specifically? >> i want to see how strong trump is. he has shown weakness in these primaries that i did not suspect i from the beginning, i still do think trump is gonna be the republican nominee. but i had viewed him as this colossus within his party. even in iowa, which probably the most conservative electorate we've had 10% of all. i will republican caucuses and he said they would vote for biden over trump by trump only lost 6% of republicans in the last election. and he still lost. >> he's losing 10203040 and some of these primaries deny him lose all of them to joe biden in the fall, believe me. >> but he's he's really showing some weakness that i'm surprised to see doug. >> what are you going to be looking for? >> that same thing, but especially with suburban voters. so cornelius, north carolina, where diana's about
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20 miles north of charlotte, outside of lake norman, a lot of suburban people who live there and work in raleigh especially suburban women well, if i was in north carolina this weekend and went to nikki haley rally in raleigh and they had to move the venue to larger venues twice to accommodate crowd size. there's something happening within the republican party. same thing's true with democrats as we saw in michigan. but very clearly voters are saying we don't want to see this movie again, and there's weakness with both candidates. this does the movable object against the resistible force and all polling says from voters don't do this. >> it's interesting because trump's base, sara, is pretty solid, set in stone. but what about with suburban women with more moderate republicans out there? how's he likely to do? >> yeah, look the number that i think about all the time now is 30%. it looks like about 70% of the republican party, or just with trump all the time. that's big, that's a big number. however, that 30%, where do you see it? you see 30% roughly who saved trump is
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convicted of a crime that they won't vote for him. 28% voted for nikki haley haley up self-guided republicans voted for nikki haley in michigan, voted for her in south carolina, and that 30% number is also the number of republicans who do not think the election was stolen. and so that is the persuadable group that donald trump is really soft with. they want to move on from trump. they don't like trump. that's the part of the party we're really going for. and so i agree he's weaker with that group in that group includes a lot of suburban women, a lot of college educated voters. that is who trump has historically done really poorly with and they're more out on him now than ever. >> just to get your thoughts after know and i was going to say in a sizable percentage of sizable percentage of that 30% is saying that they wouldn't vote for donald trump under any set of circumstances. and that's a problem. that number was upwards of 250,000 people in michigan. that really swayze and election. so i think one thing that's not to paul's point is being put a spotlight on is donald trump's current vulnerabilities now only is there a lack of enthusiasm beyond his base? but he is
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underwater in terms of his fundraising. you know, he's got there's questions about whether or not he can bring in nikki haley's voters if she runs the course, she continues to put a spotlight on these vulnerabilities for him and really make the case that republicans really have no other choice other than stay home or go joe biden let me get the dog to weigh in on that specific point. how vulnerable is trump in a rematch with biden right now, what they're both vulnerable, that's that's the reality. and it's why voters are saying we don't want any of this democrats. i talked to emails, i had this morning about the new yorker article with biden, very scared that biden can't win. i talked to a lot of republicans aren't pure trump republicans and the glorious leader is always right. we're saying, we've got real problems here as well. and it's why this electorate, i think is so nervous, moving forward. and it's why tonight's interesting because of the two of all the states that are in their north carolina and virginia sort of they only two that are swing states watching those results. north carolina is going to come in pretty late by the way, those are gonna be interesting for november, because nikki, i
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asked the question because nikki haley spent a lot of time at a public event arguing against trump's electability, i want you and our viewers to listen to this >> at some point, maybe we should say the reason that america keeps losing is because of donald trump. in order to change it, it's going to take a lot of courage courage from everybody here. courage for me to run and courage for every one of you to know. don't complain about what happens in a general our election. if you don't vote in this primary >> so that's exactly what i heard her say in raleigh on saturday and she also makes the point that is not just about her if she's going to win, if donald trump could win, he could lose. it's pretty close all the polls seem to be in the margin nikki haley wins with big margins, and that means governors, senators, school boards, members of congress, if republicans want to have a big night, she's making the case. she's that person for the big night come november. what do you think, sir? >> yeah. look i think that what nikki haley does next is
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actually the most interesting question, because her rhetoric against trump right now is she's really turned it up. and i think nikki haley has got to burn the boats. this republican party has moved away from candidates like nikki haley, i think she's right. i think she would be in a general election she would win by huge margins. but she's not going to win this republican primary. she's just not because the republican party drop out after tonight. i do think she's going to probably drop out after this and i think my whole hearted hope is that she does not endorse donald trump because that would build permission structure for all of the republicans that she has been talking into who really like her where she's been making the case about how unfit he is. it gives them permission to say while i don't want to vote for joe biden, so i'll go ahead and vote for donald trump. if she withholds her endorsement, her criticisms against trump stand and they do real damage to him on the democratic side, actually, what stands out to you, the dynamics going into tonight >> i think there's a couple of questions for the president.
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one is, where is this uncommitted vote on a land? i mean, the protesters coming out of michigan so that they were going to take it to the other states and all the way to the doing that that's the real question. whether or not they don't see a lot of organized opposition to biden in these other states where they can vote uncommitted like they did in michigan? >> yeah. and i think that is a question whether or not but beyond that, i think he's in a strong position. we're not giving him enough credit. again, he's outraising the rnc outraising donald trump. he's gotten incredible so we'll record you, compare that to the republican side. they're wrong on the issues that are going to drive out voters from abortion to guns and crime. those other issues. but i think the president is in a strong position going into tonight. again, turnouts up so far that's a good sign for him. but otherwise, i think it didn't give us very quickly pause, button this up. >> he's got a joe biden has got a boost enthusiasm with young people and people of color. >> that's the heart and >> soul, of democratic party, particularly actually for him is problems with black men and hispanic men, far more than
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women. >> but he's >> got a boost that enthusiasm and he's got, he's got to do it >> he'll, >> do in the campaign trail. but thursday nights stay the union. i'm >> watching to see how he speaks to those folks to see how he >> does. >> all right, guys. thank you. to all of you very, very much. stay with cnn as we follow all the races on the super tuesday, i'll be back 04:00 p.m. eastern alongside kate baldwin for our special coverage. still ahead this hour, the race to replace the senate minority leader, mitch mcconnell is heating up big time, right now. but with the republican party's identity major transition, where should the next leader stan, we'll go live to capitol hill plus secretary of state antony blinken just met with the prime minister of qatar and said there is an opportunity for an immediate ceasefire in gaza. in minutes, he's going to be talking to an israeli war cabinet official and a major rival the prime minister and its head you, who might be able to actually move that forward and when elon musk took over
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twitter, he immediately fired several top executives. today. they're asking a judge to get them there severance pay, stay with us. you're live right here in the cnn newsroom >> super tuesday he is tonight at 06:00 p.m. on cnn, mainstreaming. i'm mad. >> you're introducing nets black psoriasis. he thinks is flaky read patches are all people see. >> oh, tesla is the number one prescribed pill to treat blacks arise oh, tesla can help you get clear. don't use a tesla if you're allergic to serious allergic reactions can happen. oh, tesla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting some people taking your tesla had depression suicidal thoughts, or weight loss, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache may occur. >> live in the moment. >> as june dr. about oh, tesla >> so i can take all these trips because priceline has all these amazing deals and that's when i said deal on your right is are any deal deals the deals
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the war the israeli war cabinet member benny gantz just wrapped up a meeting with defense secretary lloyd austin. gantz's a political rival of prime minister benjamin, a tiny out and israel is making it clear that guns is not representing the israeli government during his trip to the united states gantz has also set to meet with secretary of state antony blinken had just a short time ago blinken met with his qatari counterpart to talk about a possible ceasefire, lots of meetings with a lot at stake today. cnn's chief national security correspondent, alex marquardt, is here with me, alex, they're so many parts. what do you expect to emerge from all these? >> it's been a series of really important high-level meetings. today, wolf, first with the qatari's this was supposed to be a conversation about what they call the strategic dialogue, but it is clear from listening to what the two gentlemen said before that meeting that the focus really is on getting to a ceasefire and getting more aid into gaza it is certainly there's an emphasis on getting the
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ceasefire done, which qatar has been helping with. but secretary of state antony blinken making clear that even if that doesn't happen, more aid needs to be allowed into gaza that israel has to open up more crossings. israel so far has refused to do that. that's why we seen these airdrops taking place over the last few days by the us and jordan. and that is something that benny gantz will have been hearing throughout his meetings. the importance of getting more aid into gaza. as you noted, he had meetings today with both the secretaries of defense and the secretary of state, the vitamin attrition, essentially rolling out the red carpet for one one of benjamin netanyahu's biggest rivals. that is certain to anger prime minister netanyahu. but the us administration outputting a lot of pressure on israel to get more aid into gaza, to get it where it needs to be as the humanitarian situation gets even worse by the de, qatar plays such a significant role because it does have good connections, good relations with hamas, >> they host hamas and so they have been at the middle of these negotiations about how to
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get to a cease-fire ended is clear that the negotiators are still trying to work to get this deal across the line, essentially to get israel and hamas on the same page where it stands now, wolf is the biden administration is saying that israel has essentially already agreed to the framework and the ball is in hamas's court. israel has been demanding a list of the hostages who are alive, and those who are dead. so they know who they will be able to get out in a hostage exchange. so far, hamas has not given that list and there have been conversations in cairo over the past few days to get this ceasefire done, israel did not attend those meetings. and just yesterday, we heard from the foreign minister of egypt who says that there's still work to be done. the administration wants to get this done by ramadan, which starts early next week >> yeah, let's hope that that happens. it would be important, especially if those hostages can go home. our thanks very much. thanks for that the >> ceasefire talks continue on the heels of a new and very disturbing report from the united nations. it says
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hostages held in gaza have been sexually abused we found clear and convincing information that sexual violence, including rape, sexualized torture >> cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment has been committed against captives and we also have reasonable grounds to believe that such violence may still be ongoing against those still held in captivity >> the un report comes after a un team actually visited israel to analyze and verify information on conflict-related sexual violence during and after the october seventh hamas attacks. cnn's bianna golodryga has been following this story very closely. she's joining us right now. bianna, what was the big takeaway from this un report? >> we're quite a few takeaways. wolf, look, this was an important report because it finally should shut the door to anyone who's questioning the reports of sexual violence committed on that day. and
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after now, pramila patten, who is a un special envoy on sexual violence in conflict, had spent two-and-a-half weeks on a fact-finding mission in israel. and speaking with over 30 people, independent organizations, government organizations, going through 5,000 photographs and also came to this conclusion. there are reasonable grounds to believe that conflict-related sexual violence occurred during the october 7 attacks? >> in >> multiple locations across gaza periphery, including rape and gang rape in at least three locations in addition to that, wolf, as we played already, what's really important to highlight is there's ongoing concern that the hostages that remain in gaza, especially the women, are vulnerable to ongoing sexual plus sold and violence given the conclusions that she's reached, which is why the un is calling for a ceasefire to allow the release of these hostages as soon as possible, because that is a big concern given the mounting
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evidence that they've accumulated independently. now, in addition to israeli investigations and what we've heard from witnesses and from other hostages that have been released. there's a lot of concern right now, wolf, about what is happening in gaza to those hostages, especially the females that remain in captivity. >> you know, it's interesting because the un team also bianna looked into allegations that palestinians being held in detention in the west bank are also being subjected to various forms of sexual violence. what more can you tell us about that? >> so this part of the report actually came later. this was not part of the initial so fact-finding mission because the dates that were secured and the allegations that were already in place prior to pramila ups patents visit did not include these allegations. so here's what she said because she did visit the occupied west bank during this trip and she said in her report, quote, some forms of sexual violence against palestinian men and women in
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detention settings during house raids at checkpoints were reported though the mission team did not visit gaza, the office will continue to monitor the situation. so this is something that they included in the report, but something that pramila patten said needs to be further investigated. israeli authorities are already saying that this is part of their internal investigation as well. so obviously will continue to follow this story. but wolf, if i could just end on this, though they did note that there were multiple locations where there was raped, there was gang raped horrific events that they say there's enough evidence to suggest that they indeed happened. what it is really upsetting and tragic in lot of rape situations, especially in a wartime setting, is that they may never get to the complete conclusion and bottom of just how prevalent this was and how widespread this was, they were hoping that witnesses could come forward. they did speak to witnesses or they did note that they were not able to speak to any survivors of sexual we'll assault. sadly, we know that most of them had been killed,
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but even those that had survived did not feel comfortable enough to come forward. that is not unusual given the circumstances, but i'd like to play sound from pramila about what she said about the importance to continue this investigation. >> the true prevalence of sexual violence during 7 october attacks. and thereafter, mouth me, take months or years to emerge and may never be fully known given that sexual violence remains chronically under-reported crime in every conflict affected setting so wolf, the investigation continues again to reiterate what's really important here is that you have an independent >> body, a third party that has been in israel for about 200 weeks investigating all of these claims. and once and for all that should shut the door to anyone, any serious person really doubting these horrific, horrific allegations and crimes >> they are certainly horrific. i'm bianna golodryga. thanks for all your excellent
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reporting on this very important issue. we appreciate a very, very much and we'll be right back with a lot more news. >> what, happened to the golden boy of new jersey. i >> engaged in an affair with another man. >> did you want to be outed again? >> knighted states have scandal with jake tapper. >> you gotta go to therapy is if they're having an interview with jake tapper, new episodes next sunday at nine on cnn >> when you have chronic kidney disease? there are places you'd like to be like here and here not so much here far seeker, reduces the risk of kidney failure, which can lead
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my name is oluseyi and some of my favorite moments throughout my life are watching sports with my dad. now, i work at comcast as part of the team that created our ai highlights technology, which uses ai to detect the major plays in a sports game. giving millions of fans, like my dad and me, new ways of catching up on their favorite sport. case now called bunny hundred 814997 i'm rafael romo at the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn. >> for years, john thune has been mitch mcconnell's side as the two men shaped and shepherded the republican agenda in the us senate. but now the republican whip from south dakota is hoping to take center stage. thune is officially announcing his bid
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to replace mcconnell as the party's leader. cnn's lauren fox is joining us right now. lauren as the number two republican foun is considered by some as mcconnell's successor, but with the conference getting more and more fractured, could that actually hurt his chances? >> yeah. we're still months away, wolf from this race, really taking shape. and in a lot of ways, it's wide open. republican senator was still have a long way to go before many of them will make up their minds about who they think should succeed. mitch mcconnell as the republican leader. and so far you have two men who were jumping into this race, john cornyn, who previously served as the republican whip and john thune who currently serves as the republican whip, as you noted, sun has worked really closely with mcconnell over the course of the last time several years, but before that, senator john cornyn worked very closely with mitch mcconnell when he was in the number two slot, we did get some news this morning though. john brown and also a member of republican leadership, has
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decided he will not run for republican leader instead, he will run for that number two slot as the republican in whip is thune and cornyn are now facing off in that leadership race. so a lot of moving parts happening right now as people are moving up, as people are ascending within the common prince, you're starting to see those lower tier races also take shape. in this case, barrasso announcing he's going to run for that number two slot. >> significant races indeed, senator rick scott, who lost a bid to unseat mcconnell after the 2022 midterms is set to hold a press conference today ahead of a lot of speculation, he may also get into this race last night he met with donald trump over at mar-a-lago. how much influence could trump have in the senate leadership race? >> well, certainly that is one of the key questions going into this race dynamic over the next several months one thing to keep in mind though wolf, is that this is a secret ballot which means lawmakers will go
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behind closed doors to cast their votes and despite the fact that trump may have tweets, despite the fact that trump may post on truth, social or make his preferences known, no one will ultimately know how each individual senator actual votes when they go into that room to cast their ballots and you hear from a lot of republican senators saying that despite the fact that they trust, or they have confidence in donald trump. they also argue this is about the republican conference. this is about individual senators making decision about who should be serve as their leader. this is a moment for trump to really exert his influence. so it's a huge open question right now, wolf, lauren fox on capitol hill. thank you very much. and when we come back, it's the busiest day in the primary season is donald trump hopes to sweep nikki haley off the campaign trail and out of the race, stay with us, urine, the cnn newsroom it's super tuesday,
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16 races, one consequential day >> and no one can bring to you like cnn and the best political team is super tuesday special coverage begins tonight at 06:00 p.m. on cnn and streaming on max >> it's the cabinet still go buy more, safe, more sale, say 40% on gracious home custom cabinets and up to 40% on custom stock and premiere cabinetry collections. this sale ends march 5. hurrian today to get your dream kitchen and get more wow, for less, we have a garage door that doesn't lift. >> so i went on angie took me just a handful of minutes, or vendors who were knowledgeable, they did higher quality work. >> they wanted us to be happy with the work done. it as well it is a beautiful ghraieb. say it started today at, feeling from a backed up god we are lacks works naturally with the water in your body to help you go for your. gut and your mood will follow for eight
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joining us right now. ron, you just wrote an excellent article for as we watch voters head to the polls today, how do you see trump's grip? fundamentally? the changing the gop. >> yellow. >> i >> need the primary so far have sent us a important dual message about the state of the republican coalition. as you say, the clearest message is that this is donald trump's party. his coalition is the largest faction in the gop. and if you look at the way of life acted officials are behaving especially the younger ones elected since trump's emergence. it's likely that he is going to be the dominant figure in this party for a while. for example, virtually all of the republican senators elected since 2018 voted against the aid to ukraine or rejection of the reagan era you about america's role in the world symbolized by mitch mcconnell, who is stepping aside. but having said that, what the primaries are also showing is that there is a meaningful slice of the gop
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coalition that remains resistant to this vision a quarter, a third, maybe higher in some states where nikki haley is the time and money to campaign. but there is a portion of republicans are an easy about this, who feel disconnected from it. and the question remains, whether biden can harvest any of that and just support for himself in november, given their doubts about him as well. >> in your important article, ron, you also write this and i'm quoting you now in important ways, trump is a different candidate. that he was in 2016. this time he's much stronger among and more reliant on the party's most conservative elements. what does that mean? heading toward a general election in november? >> yeah, he's more ideologically defined in the primaries that he was last time in 2016, there really wasn't much different in his support between moderates, somewhat conservative and very conservative voters. that wasn't much difference between voters who are not evangelicals and those who were now those gaps are much bigger. trump is
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much more reliant on evangelical voters i, much stronger among very conservative voters. and the biggest divide that we saw in 2016, which was education, is even bigger this time, trump's support among non-college republicans is overwhelming. i mean, around 70% so far in most of these states. but among college educated voters, he is still facing much more resistance and that really is, as i say, nikki haley is leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for joe biden about where he can go. it's the same kind of voters that we saw in 2018, 2,020.20, 2,020.20, 22 reject republicans and move toward the democrats. why biden became the first democrat since harry truman in 1948 to win maricopa county in phoenix suburban white-collar voters. the difference of course, is now these voters have had a four-year exposure to biden and his record, and they are very negative on him. so how these double negative voters, these republican leaning voters, in many cases, white-collar voters
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or down on trump, but also down on biden they sort out is obviously going to be critical in november. >> as you know, we could see trump all but clinch the presidential nomination on the republican side later today. but the question of what will happen to nikki haley's voters in a general election certainly remains. what do you think happens? >> well, look, at least 60% of her voters in each of the first three states, iowa, new hampshire, and south carolina, said in the ap vote cast study, they would not vote for trump. and a general election, 80% of them. and our exit polls, right? it's the research say that he is at least in each states that he is not fit to be president if he's convicted good of a crime. now, i have not met a strategist either party who believed nearly that many of them in the end would abandon trump. but if even a meaningful slice do that becomes a problem. and as i said, the question is the problem, the challenge for biden is that many of those voters are negative on his performance as well. they liked
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the economy better under trump. and he really has to focus their choice on the issues where they have the most hesitation about trump. the idea that he is a threat to their rights on issues like abortion, to their values, and to democracy itself. of course, biden faces wolf as you know, the reverse problem, which is that he is looking at his torok defection at this point among black and hispanic voters of trump is in the polling that's come out this weekend double. i think the share that any republican has had among black voters and he's in the '40s among hispanics. whether trump can sustain that all the way to november is a question, but there's no doubt that both coalitions now are showing some fractures good point there ron brownstein. thank you very, very much happening now, the jury selection is underway in the involuntary manslaughter trial of the michigan high school shooter's father. you'll remember the teen's mother was convicted last month. stay with us. you're in the cnn newsroom tonight eight super tuesday, 16
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races, one consequential day. no one can read to you like and the best political team in the business, super tuesday special coverage begins tonight at 06:00 p.m. on cnn and streaming on max, my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis let me back now with sky rizzi, i'm all in with clear skin. >> thanks again >> it's a >> with sky rizzi three out of four people achieve 90% clear skin at for months. and most people were clear even at five years >> sky rosie, it's >> just four doses a year after the starter doses, serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your dr. if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine or planned to
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it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done. hundred 8149977 erin burnett outfront tomorrow at seven on cnn in michigan. jury selection is underway for the father of the teenage gunman at oxford high school, james crumbley faces four counts of involuntary manslaughter, one count for each of the students. his son murdered back in 20 21. his wife was convicted last month and all four counts seen jean casarez is joining us right now. jayne how will the trial of james crumbley differ from that of his wife? >> well, the world differ because the emphasis is going to be different. james crumbley is the one that purchase that gun for his son and there was no secret. it was an early christmas it's ms present, a nine millimeter sig sauer gun, and his name is the registered owner. he's on the receipts,
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so he is in control of the care that custody and the safekeeping of that gun. that's going to be really i think exhibit a for the prosecution. also that text that ethan wrote to his friend in his bedroom, one died as they were texting back and forth. he and his friend, he said, you're not asked my dad for mental health treatment. i need help, but he laughed at me, told me to suck it up and take a pill. or the defense fought hard to not get that into this trial because they say, look, you have a right to confront your witnesses. we can't confront a text they did not win. that is coming in. and so the only way i think the defense can really work around that is to put james crumbley on the stand. alternatively, it could be argument, but i think another issue that has come up is that the prosecution wanted and they are getting two more witnesses in this trial. number 11 of the students that were shot but not killed. and from sitting in that courtroom during ethan crumbley's hearings, that is emotional
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testimony to see a minor, a child talk about getting shot. secondly, the previous gun owner of that nine millimeter is going to take the stand. that was a us gun that james crumbley purchased. and he's going to testify that he got a cable lock with it we already know a cable lock came with the gun that james crumbley purchase. we don't ever see it being used in any picture, so prosecution is going to have that. but i think one big thing i just have to leave you with this. the defense really wanted to change the venue because wolf you just said it was about a month ago that jennifer crumbley was convicted in that same courthouse in that same courtroom community is infused with his guilty verdict and they said, your honor, we need to go to another city in michigan got the judge refused. so jury selection today to get that jury is right in the same community our jean casarez reporting for us. thank you very much. just ahead a satellite that detects methane is about to begin its patrol from space. we'll explain
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>> worthy of more get started at i mourn liebermann at the pentagon. >> this cnn closed captioning brought to you by mesothelial mom. it's all we do with local offices throughout the country. and his hope you get the compensation you deserve, 800 to eight to 44, 44 fossil fuel companies and governments are on notice. a brand new satellite will now be tracking methane gas emissions around the globe. cnn chief climate correspondent bill weir has more 321 ignition and lift off >> paid for by the likes of billionaire jeff bezos and other donors. >> the non-profit >> environmental defense fund just launched a new kind of i in the sky methane sat is designed to circle the earth every 95 minutes or so.
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cutting-edge detail, spot plumes and leaks of planet cooking pollution long associated with the production of natural gas if carbon dioxide is a blanket of average thickness, overheating the earth for centuries, methane is like a blanket seven feet thick, with over 80 times the heat trapping power of co2 for about two decades after its release. sometimes it leaks from old equipment or orphan wells, and sometimes when there's no one to buy it companies just burn it and a practice known as flaring. >> what we found here in the permian basin is that operators are wasting enough gas to heat about 2 million homes a year in 2021, edf took us up over the oil and gas fields of texas to sniff out methane leakers with a specially equipped airplane remember carbon dioxide down here >> and this is nothing, but now they can fly over every oil and gas basin in the world, or 80% of global supplies are fracked
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and pumped. >> we can basically create a movie of what's going on with respect to methane emissions before we can just take snapshots when we had a plane in the air and we can yes. permission to fly. >> this is a whole new game. it really creates an enormous leap forward in our ability to really understand greenhouse gas emissions. >> while other satellites can spot methane, what they find is often kept private but etf says that in about 18 months their data will be open and free on google earth engine for anyone to see. >> you just, you have a real clarity now, a clarity we've never had before. and i think people realize you don't have to accept what somebody says, whether that's a government or accompany, you can actually directly look at it, see what it is. and that is completely different than anything we've ever had for greenhouse gases. what i referred to as we're going to have radical transparency and what has been the response from the oil and gas companies that you're doing
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this? >> well, i think many of the company's see this as a real opportunity because they really do believe and i suspected that they're doing a good job, but many of them aren't. >> it gives >> countries and companies the tools to select who they buy gas from and where that gas comes from. the first time they'll have the ability to make really informed decisions. and those informed decision we'll have enormous positive impact on the climate >> our thanks to >> bill weir for that >> report that before we go a very quick and special thanks to one of our many loyal viewers for watching breaking news this morning, the united states supreme court ruling that former president donald trump cannot be removed from any state's ballot. i think the real breaking news here is what lets her not appear to be merging we all be coming >> i want to just say this, the
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