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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  February 29, 2024 10:00am-11:01am PST

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's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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1808836464. that's 1808836464. >> i'm jeremy diamond in tel aviv. and this is cnn dueling >> visits to the border with the election just months away, president biden and former president trump are heading to texas on the same day, only miles apart as immigration emerges as the top issue on the minds of voters this could be one of the most important days in the presidential campaign so far, plus can he claim immunity? the supreme court agreeing to take up donald trump's claim that he should be shielded from prosecution over anything he did while in office ahead, how the courts have seemingly given trump and assist as he tries to delay delay delay and coming under fire while waiting for food more than 100 killed in gaza as aid trucks were delivering badly needed resources now for countering claims over exactly what happened and whether this
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latest incident could derail ceasefire talks. we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here. to cnn news central >> today could be a defining moment for one of the defining issues of the 2024 campaign. and that is the crisis at america's southern border. both president biden i didn't and former president trump are on their way to texas to visit border cities and receive briefings from officials. trump set to arrive a few minutes from now. biden here, just in the next hour. and of course it's not either of their first trips to the border here in recent weeks, trump has ramped up his often ugly immigration rhetoric. and last night he promised to round so up into port unprecedented numbers of immigrants if elected as for biden, he's seeking to go on offense and weighing some new executive actions after republicans in congress blocked a bipartisan bill to address
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the crisis kristen holmes is in eagle pass awaiting from a rival, priscilla alvarez is in brownsville ahead of the president of priscilla to you first, this marks a shift in the white house approach. tell us what they're thinking here. >> it is it's an extraordinary move for a white house that is distanced itself from border security. and one that sources tell me when it came up within the walls of the white house would ultimately be some tense conversations about the issues at the us-mexico border. but the white house and campaign officials see this as an opportunity now, especially after the failed senate border bill that was a bill that included some of the toughest border >> security measures in recent memories. and while republicans worked on it, they ended up backing away from it at the encouragement of former president donald trump. so president biden is coming here for today to hammer republicans on that point and make the argument that it is the republicans who carry the
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responsibility for not securing the border because they walked away from a deal that would have offered solutions. and that is what campaign officials and white house officials are banking on that voters will make the connection between this potential solution and republicans walking away from it and it comes, of course, at a critical time, we're going to presidential election and we're seeing in polls that americans are starting to rank immigration as one of the most important issues. so president biden, while he's been dogged by this over the course of his administration is now trying to turn the tables on republicans and seize all on the issue, trying to take advantage of it in this moment are border crossings are though, and when republicans have indicated that they don't want to move forward on a measure that was agreed to in a bipartisan manner between the senate and the white house. >> who's the president meeting with priscilla >> the president is going to meet with border patrol agents frontline personnel, as well as with local leaders. we do not know if he's going to see
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migrants. he's going to be at the border patrol facility behind me. this is a sector that is not as busy as other parts of the us-mexico border at ranks the fifth among all of them. so there hasn't been a surge here as there has been in the past. it's also a place along the border that has robust infrastructure after seeing crisis under the trump administration, but still the president plans to make his argument on republicans here. take a listen to what white house press secretary karine jean-pierre previewed we came to his visit later today >> the folks who are getting in the way here are republicans. they are getting in the way they are doing it because of what donald trump is telling them to do for their own, for his own political gain. and so this is where we are right now. so the present is going to take it directly to the american people >> so again, the president going to work to try to make the connection between this potential solution in the senate border bill and the republicans who walked away from it all right, priscilla, thank you. kristen, on the eve of trump's visit, he has vowed
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mass deportations. if reelected, tell us what he's been saying. >> yeah, this is not something that's new. donald trump use this kind of rhetoric to take him to the white house in 2016. it's part of what helped him get elected, and it's something that he's continued to say in 2024, he has asked called for mass deportations. he said he was going to round up migrants this is part of his campaign strategy so he wants a general election against president joe biden to be about immigration. there's a reason that he's in eagle pass today. this is not the area where the most migrants are crossing, but this is the most politically charged area. this is really the epicenter of the standoff between texas governor greg abbott and the biden administration over who is in charge of border security? but who is likely going to be here with trump today, who has endorsed donald trump, has used state resources to put razor wire on buoys in the middle of the rio grande river, put them on train cars all lined along the border here. and donald
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trump is going to toward those areas, he's going to talk to the national guard, is going to be briefed on the situation and he's going to deliver remarks as you noted, we heard a preview of those remarks yesterday. here's what he said >> as president, i will carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in american history to remove joe biden's illegals and murderers because that's what many of them are donald trump using rhetoric. again, that is not surprising. he has always used this sort of fear, stoking rhetoric when it comes to immigration. and right now, his team does see an opportunity to continue to double down on this topic as you heard, priscilla say, we are in an election year and that polling suggests that voters are very, very concerned about immigration. so expect him to continue talking about that, as well as linking immigration to a spate of recent crimes. brianna. >> all right. kristen holmes live for us there on the border. thank you for that. >> so what will these >> two political rivals
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actually in counter when they get to the border and they talked to folks. let us talk now to someone who's been on the ground doing just that for months. cnn's rosa flores brianna, let me show you what former president donald trump is going to see here in eagle pass. this is shelby park. you can see a lot of the militarized vehicles, the humvee that's behind me >> this is the >> biggest stage when it comes to the border issue, when it comes to the fight between the state of texas and the federal government as to who should be enforcing border security. now, i want you to look beyond this fence because this is going to give you an idea of what president trump is actually going to see near the stage where we're expecting him to actually speak. you can see that there's a lot of equipment more fencing, more razor wire more militarized equipment this is where he's going to be touring. he's going to be able to see the rio grande, some of the razor wire
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on the rio grande and shipping containers that form a border wall along the river now, this is where the border buoys also are. that's another big fight between the federal government and the state of texas. they're just down river. some of the razor wire on here that's where the legal battle is happening. also between the federal government and the state. now, a lot of the people here from eagle pass have opinions about the president stopping by. some of them are for his visit, others are against a community group had a press conference today about their thoughts. take a listen mr. trump >> change your ways because what you're doing is you're hurting the people that need the most help our community. if you were to study the demographics you know, it's not easy. it's not easy being on the border. and this unwanted attention to son wanted
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military station of our community is unwelcome. you're not welcome. now, president >> biden is also here in the state of texas, but he is downriver in brownsville, texas. what he's going to see as much different than what you see here. this looks very militarized. this area has been taken over by the state of texas border patrol is not allowed to patrol in this area. so it's gonna be very different what president biden is going to be seen and what former president trump is going to see behind me, brianna >> all right. rosa flores, thank you for that. boris let's discuss the issues at the border now with a democrat who represents a border district, actually one that's right between where we're going to see >> president biden and trump later today, texas congressman henry iquail are joins us now a congressman, thanks so much for being with us. this is biden's first visit. of course, this is biden's first visit to the border in over a year. a year that as you know, saw record shattering numbers of migrant
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crossings and you were calling on the white house to be more aggressive on this. well, before we got to that point, do you think the white house and democrats generally should have done more and focused more on immigration sooner >> absolutely. we should have been talking about immigration why should democrats seed? that to the republicans? why should we do that? we live at the border. we want to see strong border security, but still be respectful of immigrant rights. we can do both at the same time. but i'm glad that the precedent and other democrats are starting to shift to the middle where most are the voters are ad, but more importantly, we're border communities are at. >> you were describing a shift by the white house and i think that that is fair. we've seen a change in how the white house has put forward policy from an acting executive actions on broad humanity qatarian parole to now, apparently, according to sources considering actions
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that would severely limit asylum, actions that are very reminiscent of former president donald trump. i'm curious how you feel about the potential for those executive actions to me bill forward >> what i think the precedent is. president biden will do an executive order that will follow the law. and i just do it but for political reasons now, there will be some people that don't believe that he should do that, that we should have open borders. we don't want to have open borders, but the precedent can take certain actions. at some of it, of course, a lot of us should i say we'll need a lot of congressional funding and maybe changed some of the authorities. but there's some things he can do right now that can stop the flow of people. for example, in december they talked to the mexican government what we're getting 1012000 people a day. now it's being cut in half. what happened? we didn't build new border wall. we didn't add new border patrol. we didn't have at any new technology what happened was we work with
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mexico to do its part in the southern border with guatemala. so there are a lot of things that the president can do. a show there'll be legal challenges, of course. but i think he needs to take some legal action, but congress needs to fund more judges, more asylum officers border patrol pro technology that we're helped the president do his job >> another question of what happens in congress will get to in a moment, but i'm curious about what you say to critics that would say that this white house is only focused on this because there's an election a few months the way and they see it as a liability >> well, i again, i can't go into the minus the why the white house doing this, but some of us have been calling for this for many years and i'm glad that the white house and other democrats are starting to understand that we got to address the issue we're all looking at the same polls. we're all looking at the same pose and we know this is a liability to democrats in the
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precedent on less to the president starts acting like he is now i want to make sure he continues moving to the center. >> congressman, you you alluded >> to seeding the narrative to republicans. i want to talk about that narrative here are some recent comments from former president donald trump on immigration >> they're poisoning the blood of our country that's what they've done. the crime is going to be tremendous. they're coming from prisons, they're coming from mental institutions, insane asylums that terrorists, hannibal lecter theories coming in. lots of them were taken in murderers and drug lords were taking in people that are very, very sick with diseases that will be spread all over our nation congressman, you well know that just about all of that is totally detached from reality. but when donald trump and other republicans point to specific cases of alleged highness acts
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by undocumented migrants, like we saw recently with laken riley and georgia and new york and other places. >> do you >> think that your party has done a good enough job to pierce through that perception that trump and others have fostered about immigrants well, that's exactly the point that i made at the very beginning. we cannot see the narrative to republicans or the former president we're all they do is they keep saying things that don't match reality. but if they keep repeated over and over and over again, then that's the only narrative that people are going to hear. this is why it's so important that democrats go into the issue, talk about border security. >> and >> if they're able to do that, but then i think we will have a more balanced conversation when it comes to border security, shrunk border security, but still balanced the rights of immigrants >> a congressman henry cuellar, we have to leave the conversation there. appreciate it, sir >> thank you so much.
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>> of course >> i had this hour on cnn news central, the supreme court agrees to take up donald trump's immunity claimed, but not until april. what that means for his election subversion trial and the chance that it actually happens before november's election and shut down almost herded lawmakers set to vote moments from now on a deal that would avoid a partial government shutdown on friday at midnight. >> the speaker though, is >> facing some serious backlash from his own party. remember it was this kind of deal that cost kevin mccarthy his job. we're following the latest. >> but >> first killed while waiting for food in gaza more than 100 palestinians are dead, many trampled and run over some of them shot. after israeli defense forces opened fire on civilians gathering around food, aid the impact this may have on ceasefire negotiations. the conversation just moments away >> backroom deal cia secrets of fares, bribery, corruption,
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through >> yet your car, your way. get it with gurus. >> i'm evan perez at the federal court in washington. and this is cnn. >> this afternoon, we're following a horrific incident out of gaza vulnerable citizens caught in the crossfire of the israel-hamas war we should warn you some of the images you're about to see are graphic. this is what it looked like on the ground after israeli forces opened fire. as people were waiting for food from aid trucks, the palestinian ministry of health says that more than 100 were killed and nearly 800 were injured cnn is unable to independently confirm those numbers. >> a local journalist on the scene says that most of the deaths came from the chaos that erupted after israeli soldiers started shooting which led to trampling as the aid trucks we're trying to escape. but an idf spokesperson contradicted eyewitness accounts saying there were two separate deadly incidents involving aid trucks.
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>> the >> israeli government says the incident is under review. president biden says he's also looking into what happened right now. what i don't have or you go >> cnn's clarissa ward is following the latest developments for us. clarissa, what more are you hearing about this from the idf and from eyewitness accounts? >> so there's two different versions of the story, essentially, brianna, the idf is saying that these were two separate incidents that the convoy of roughly 30 trucks came under attack, but under mass looting by individuals, desperate individuals in northern gaza as those 30 trucks pass through that, that then precipitated some kind of a stampede. they described
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drivers of the trucks you know, potentially having run people over in the melee. but that's a very different scene than what we heard described from eyewitnesses on the ground who say that essentially israeli forces opened fire after the truck was sort of set upon by these people who were looting i think at the end of the day, what this underscores of what you hear from aid agencies again and again, is that this is a kind of tragedy that has been predicted and warned about for weeks and months because of the nature of the humanitarian catastrophe in gaza, because of the fact that you have hundreds of thousands of people on the brink of famine. and so now there is real urgency as to how to better implement the distribution of aid in gaza to avoid events like this taking place it's again, and to avoid what the un has called a full blown famine, just one step away. if this issue doesn't get
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resolved >> and clarissa hamas is now >> warning that this incident could impact ceasefire talks. what do you hearing about that? >> well, hamas has come forward and they have said that this does complicate things. we've also heard president biden acknowledging that it complicates things. we know that he's made phone calls to the leaders of egypt, to the leaders of qatar who are actively involved in these negotiations. but i would say at the same time, there's a sense that while it may complicate the ongoing negotiations for a deal, it does put more urgency and more impetus on the need for some kind of a ceasefire. and this is something bars when you talk to any aid officials who have spent time on the ground in gaza, they will say it is just not possible to distribute the amount of aid that's needed to the scale and scope of the desperation of the many people, the more than 2 million peoples
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who are living there without some kind of a ceasefire. and what a day? he's really want to see is some kind of a heads-up before that cease-fire would come into place so that they could be ready to move those trucks in. important for our viewers to remember before october 7, 500 trucks a day would go into gaza and that was without a catastrophe. dystrophy at the best of times in the past few months, it's been maybe 250 trucks a day, four days last week, there were just ten or fewer trucks a day. so that obviously is not a sustainable situation. and there's a real fear that we'll see more tragic incidents like what took place this morning if this does not get rectified, are resolved soon. >> and this grim >> milestone, clarissa 30,000 death toll is now where we are. i mean, it's almost unfathomable. the scale of the casualties there in gaza is that also driving home? the need for there to be a change here in a respite for civilians
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>> but i think we're seeing it clearly from the white house. we're seeing it also in the uk that this policy of publicly supporting israel and privately applying pressure has not really succeeded in the way that officials would have liked to see that the pressure to stop killing two, at least mitigate the deaths of civilians to allow more aid into the gaza strip. none of it seems to be translating and we still hear prime minister netanyahu talks talking about the importance of going into rafah for the idf, even though we have heard outrage and condemnation across the board from various governments, but also from aid officials who are warning of an absolute armageddon like situation tuition. if that goes ahead as potentially plan. so it does seem like there is a lot of pressure on biden both domestically, politically, but also internet personally in terms of the reputation of america globally, it remains to
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be seen though, how exactly this will be resolved or dealt with >> clarissa ward reporting on the situation thank you so much, clarissa next, firefighters in texas are now facing the largest wildfire in that state's history. and it is only expected to get bigger. we're going to have a live report and the justice department has now opened an investigation into that emergency door blow out on a boeing jet back in january. what? this is going to mean >> the greatest stage >> the total lifetime regrow, the champions have tbs. >> hi, my name is kim and i am 41 years old. i've been given the opportunity to work from home. so that means lots of video calls. i see myself more
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>> 80087 to 4901 so it's now more likely that former president trump will not face a federal trial over his actions on january 6 >> before november's general election after the supreme court agreed to hear trump's arguments that presidents should enjoy total criminal immunity for their acts while in office, that will delay trump's trial over elections subversion that was supposed to start next month. and while the supreme court weighs a separate trump case, colorado's plan to disqualify trump from his primary ballot. a third state just moved to kick trump off of its ballot in illinois, judge ruling that trump is disqualified because of the 14th amendment's ban on insurrectionists holding office with us now we have cnn justice correspondent jessica schneider okay. let's start with the supreme court and presidential immunity that it will hear arguments in late april. how soon could it decide then? >> well, what's interesting is the supreme court's actually hearing this case faster than it normally would usually when
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it grants cases, this late, they're not heard until at least he's talked over. so in that sense, the supreme court is sort of fast-tracking this decision. but even despite that, they won't even be hearing arguments still the week of april 22, we don't know the exact date yeah, but it will be that week. and then presumably it's only two months till the end of their terms. so it's very likely this case, this immunity decision won't actually get decided until june, maybe even late june, maybe even the last week of june and at that point, if the supreme court says donald trump is not immune, that's when it would get kicked back to the federal trial court. and even at that point, brianna, if we're looking at the end of june the court says you can start this trial. the judge in that case don judge tanya chutkan, she's already said, even once i get the greenlight to go ahead, we're still going to have to wait about up three months to get pretrial motions all taken care of all the things that need to happen before trial. so we're not looking at any potential trial to even start until maybe late september and then we're just
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about a month away from the election. so it is very likely and possible so will that this whole case would not get resolved before the election? >> yeah, it's so important when you look at how this affects the timing here. now, talk to us a little bit about illinois jumping on this wagon of kicking trump off the ballot. it's it's on hold for the time being, but tell us about how this affects things there. now the third state where a judge or judges have ruled that trump should be taken off the ballot. this state, illinois, as in the other states, it's paused their ruling for now an early voting is already underway in illinois. their primary is march 19th, so trump will be on the ballot there. it's just a matter of as this process goes forward, will those votes actually be counted? so the judge has said, yes, trump should be taken off the ballot. there any votes against the for him shouldn't count. she paused her ruling until tomorrow. in the meantime, trump's team just appealed. so it's possible that the ruling will be on pause even even longer now that trump's team has appealed. but remember
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brianna, you and the supreme court weighing in on this it's exact issue whether state judges even have the power to unilaterally take candidates off the ballot. it seemed blood during the arguments. they were not going to say that, judge just could do that. so if they rule before any of these other legal proceedings play out, it would render all these moot and trump would be on the ballot in those states. >> so just to be clear, illinois court deciding that trump should be kicked off the ballot. it's on hold, however, people have already cast votes. exactly. >> it's already underway. very confusing. all right. jessica schneider, very confusing for voters let's talk more about this now with former deputy assistant attorney general, tom dupree first on the timing tom of what the supreme court hearing this immunity issue is going to do how do you see this affecting things? considering the timeline that just just laid out there >> i think jessica laid it out very accurately. i think the
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supreme court, they're going to hear argument at the end of april. they will give us a decision, possibly in may, probably in june, but very possibly not until the end of june. keep in mind, this is actually lightning speed for the united states supreme in court compared to the way they hear normal cases. of course, this is anything but a normal case. and i think a court understands that it does need to expedite things that can't drag its heels too much. there's a very strong public urgency in getting decision, getting a clarity on this immunity question sooner rather than later. >> so they could technically still hear this case. but then what issues the federal election subversion case, what issues would that be raising for you? what issues is that going to be raising for the public when it comes to the perception of things moving so closely to election day okay >> sure. well, i think the big perception is going be what how the department of justice sees this. in other words, the department of justice is going to be faced with a scenario where when this case returns to the district court, assuming
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the court, the supreme court says that trump is not immune and if there's gonna be a trial, the justice department is going to face this choice. here are going to have to decide if they still want to move ahead with this prosecution, even if it means having a trial in september or october, it's possible that the judge herself will take that decision out of the department's hands by not scheduling a trial so close to the election. but if she's does hey, i'm willing to hear this case in september or october, the ball will be in squarely in merrick garland's court and he's going to have to make that momentous call about whether to have this trial move ahead before the election. we don't know >> if anyone wasn't on board with this at the supreme court, right? we don't we don't know if anyone dissented necessarily that's correct we we don't know and i should note that's not uncommon for these types of orders. often the supreme court, when they say they're going to hear a case, they will typically do it as they did in a very short cursory decision. so it doesn't surprise me that we didn't see any descends and
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keep in mind that the schedule that they set for this is not that different from the schedule that jack smith and self had proposed to the supreme court if they were to grant this case, it's a little bit slower than the special counsel wanted, but not dramatically. so all right, tom. thank you so much. obviously. obviously a lot to work through here and we appreciate you doing that with us forest >> so at any moment, we're going to see a major vote on the house floor. lawmakers are attempting to pass this stopgap spending bill to prevent a partial government shutdown set for tomorrow at midnight. cnn's melanie zanona joins us now live from capitol hill. melanie some hard-right republicans are criticizing house house speaker mike johnson for making the short-term deal with democrats trying to buy more time to come to a larger agreement on a longer-term spending bill. >> is this stopgap measure expected to pass >> well, boris is expected to pass. i know we've seen a few failed floor votes around here lately. this is not one of them, but that does not mean that this load is not going to come out with a little drama.
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and that is because this stopgap spending bill is going to need significant democratic support in order to get it over the finish line. the same goes for next week when they're going to try to pass six long-term funding bills, which speaker mike johnson had already warned his conference that it's not going to contain some of these hardline demands that is right flank has been pushing for. so that has sparks some internal frustration inside the gop and it is really put johnson on defense. take a listen >> the appropriations appropriations process is ugly. democracy is ugly. this is the way it works every year, always has, except that we've instituted some new innovations. we broke the omnibus fever, right? that's how washington has been run for years where we're trying to turn the aircraft carrier back to real budgeting and spending reform. this was an important thing think to break it up into smaller pieces >> so we'll be watching very closely to see just how many republicans end up supporting the stopgap funding bill leadership hoping that more republicans support it than
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democrats if they don't, that couldn't problem for johnson. but after that, this bill will head to the senate where they are hoping will be able to pass it tonight and avoid yet another looming government shutdown just tomorrow. boris >> melanie zanona live from capitol hill. thanks so much for the update. we do have some breaking news just into cnn, the alabama house is just approved a bill to protect in vitro fertilization services across the state. it now heads to the senate where if it passes governor kay ivey has said that she will sign that into law. >> the >> legislation provides civil and criminal immunity to those providing services related to ivf of course, this move comes as multiple alabama clinics paused ivf treatments after the state supreme court ruled that embryos are in fact children still ahead on cnn news central texas is racing to contain a record breaking wildfire we're going to take you live to the panhandle. there were more than 1 million acres have already charred frank sinatra had
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connections with the mafia, and all these nightclubs were owned by the mob. >> you didn't want to make those guys that he was too hey guys, the story of sensitive sunday at ten on cnn >> right now, you get a free foot august up weight just by foot login to add to get one free, just scan the qr code the promo code, fal fogel. it only works. i'm not a saturday. scream buddy. >> you >> still got a landline or your house auto now subway out? >> she found the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for sheath bounce or tick to a once-daily pill from moderate to severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear scan, it's like the feeling of finding your bag is back we're finding psoriasis, can't deny the splendor of these once-daily sertich two was proven better, getting more people clear skin than the leading to don't take if you're
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allergic reactions may occur, can fire, may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them tell your dr. if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine, no plan to emerge as you
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1808836464. that's 1808836464 he's known on capitol hill. and this is cnn much of northwest texas right now, is an ash covered wasteland from deadly wildfires the biggest of the five now, burning is this smokehouse creek fire. and that has become the largest in texas history, the second-largest on us record it's burned more than 1 million acres in the panhandle region. another 31,000 and neighboring oklahoma. the fire killed 83 year-old grandmother, joyce blankenship. her grandson, told cnn that her house was gone, saying that there was no way that she could have gotten out one local official reportedly said at least 5,000 heads of cattle couldn't get out of the way of the flames. many
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survivors have lost everything though they do remain thankful for their lives. >> listen to this you're kind of helpless or trying to gather >> stuff that figure out what thing is named the canceled >> it's heartbreaking but we've been through this >> we want to take your nauta fritch, texas, where cnn's lucy kabanov is reporting live at lucy. you've actually been seeing snow there, but there is serious concern that by the weekend the weather is going to change and it will make conditions much more difficult for fire air fighters >> that's right. and before i get into the weather for the weekend, i just want to address the situation here. you mentioned, you know how a lot of the landscape here in texas
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is covered with ash. it's hard to tell right now whether this is snow or ash flying through the air. this is snow >> but the area for quality is just atrocious. that is just one of the many things that residents here in fritch and large part of the texas panhandle have to deal with now that buyer largest up the fires is now over 1 million acres. that's just to give me some reference, more than five times the size of new york city we are experiencing in cooler temperatures today. so there's been snow all through amarillo. we drove through that snow storms here. there was snow, there was hail there's a bit of rain. it's sort of the all of the weather asked for weather is going to help put out the why if the fires it's certainly going to help a dampen and contain them to summit extent. but with such a large area burning, it might not get all of it. and what were expecting for the weekend is once the snow system passes through, we could be seeing strong winds around 30 miles an
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hour on saturday. we could also be seeing temperatures soaring back to the '70s. and so the combination of that new a hotter, drier air could really spark the fires and the big concern is any areas that hadn't been put out by this current weather system? but just spread so quickly the way that we saw it at the beginning of this week. and so that is certainly a challenge for firefighters that could hinder firefighting efforts but i also want to give you a sense of the damage that this fire could do. you could see the building behind me belongs to a local hero named janis. the car completely burned to a hospital all of this she said happened within minutes and that is the threat that is facing residents here this coming weekend. if those hot temperatures, those strong winds pass through boris, just one sad story out of so many we've already heard from the region. lucy kafanov live from fritch, texas. thank you so much >> listen to >> problems for boeing. have been pilot after last month's door plug blow out at 16,000 feet, how it could know expose
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the company to criminal liability based on a previous settlement they made with the federal government pete muntean explains just a moment >> how do i look? >> perfect, good boy. >> we are a young how can it let me do my work and some pride >> sorry >> streaming exclusively on max >> my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis helped me back now with sky rizzi, i'm all in with clear skin. >> thanks again we've >> sky rizzi three out of four people achieved 90% clear skin at foreman and most people were clear even at five years. >> sky >> rosie, it's just four doses a year after to starter doses,
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serious and cancer before treatment get tested for tb, tell your dr. if you've had an infection like >> symptoms, source new skin growths path had cancer or if you need a vaccine, prcs are rare, potentially fatal brain condition maybe possible some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. >> feel unstoppable. ask your dr. how lasting remission can
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golf, but need 775383882 or visit home >> the lead with jake tapper, cnn to date for closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law. >> mesothelioma victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 808592400. that's when 808592400 boeing is now facing the most serious probe, yet over january's door plug blow out the justice >> department has launched an investigation beijing. and what's more is that boeing could be in deeper trouble
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because we've passed agreement that have made with the doj over earlier incidents. those two deadly plane crashes back in 20 18.20, 19. we have cnn's pete muntean is with us now on this. >> tell us about this >> doj probe that involves the blowout. it's not good for boeing and it just just adds on to the mountain of investigations not only into the door, plug into it in itself, but also boeing's quality control at the factory. and now the justice department is really piling on here. what does it all mean? well, this could expose boeing to criminal liability if the justice department finds that boeing violated their agreements after the 737 max eight crashes of 2,018.20, 19 that deferred prosecution agreement was reached back in 2021 at avoided a charge of conspiracy to defraud the united states. boeing admitted to fraud. >> it's >> controversial because crash victims families were not consulted here. that deal was set to expire january 7, two days after the door plug
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incident took place on january 5, that agreement back in 2021 cost boeing to have billion dollars and included a 243 million criminal fine. no comment from boeing on this latest development also, no comment here officially from the justice department, but this is happening as these multiple double investigations all appear to be coming to ahead this week, just yesterday, the faa came down hard on boeing saying it has 90 days to produce a plan to fix its quality control. the faa's audit into boeing is still ongoing about its quality control issues there a report expected sometime next week on that, but this is all as the tsb is still probing the quality control issue at the center of all this. why did the 737 max-9 in question leave the factory bound for alaska airlines without those four critical put bolts that hold the door plug in place. that's what the ntsb found in its preliminary report. and just monday, by the way, an expert fant panel found boeing factory workers really lived in fear of
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retaliation for reporting safety issues to their managers. so it's a layer upon layer here and we're just starting to peel back the onion on this briana. >> yeah, that's exactly the opposite of how they shouldn't feel this feel emboldened to speak out and make sure people are safe. so what's the way forward for boeing here? >> well, the quality control audit really sort of confirms in some ways some of the big fears that people have here that boeing has really lost its way. and now the big question is where there'll be a major change in leadership after the max eight crashes of 18 and 19 that led to a big leadership change and the ceo level, they've now let go the programme leader of the max program, and they've installed a new quality control leader. but we'll see if this is enough to really change the culture at boeing. and that is what seems to be the problem now yeah, sure. does as pete, thank you for that. and ahead on cnn news central will following the latest from the border where president biden and former president trump are set to arrive just minutes miles apart
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