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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  February 25, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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regain his lunch break. try now for free. is it, ai or download the app by more than liebermann at the pentagon. >> and this cnn closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelioma victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 808592400. that's when 808592400 >> hello again, everyone. thank you so much for joining me this sunday on for the beginning, ukraine, where the war is now in its third year, ukraine's president volodymyr zelenskyy remaining defiant in telling the world that there is no no option but to win the fight against russia. and in a rare admission zelenskyy said 31,000 ukrainian soldiers have died since the war began. cnn cannot independently verify that figure, but us officials estimate that the death toll would be much higher closer to
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70,000 soldiers on the front lines. ukraine's weapons and ammunition are running desperately low. and right now, or doesn't appear to be much hope that more us aid is coming quickly at a press conference earlier in kyiv, cnn's kaitlan collins asked zelenskyy about that >> it has been two years now, obviously since this war started. but for the first time since russia invaded us aid to ukraine as seriously in doubt that a total standstill in congress. do you still have faith in the us congress >> now g, i'm not congress year. >> well, it do have hopes for full for for for the congress would be positive i'm sure there will be a positive decision because otherwise, it will leave me wondering what kind overbroad we are living in because of that with account on i'm going to support you. we
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do know we need this support within a month, right. mats malala both parties in different formats and the president, those sets power those in positions knowing they know that our request has been to get this assistance in the month they know that as regards aerial defenses, we do know that they don't know we need more if we speak about that today, we get some insight >> but well, >> anyway, most of the money will be left in the us with companies what did he producing and the types of weapons we need. so let us not forget about that. this is not about twice regarding the congress, the war in ukraine there are certain steps like good or to guarantee is some very specific
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concrete things. there is a very serious specific concrete things about money. and we don't see the challenges and they yes. but we do count on the bess are remaining democrats had the leader of the democracy worldwide >> all right, we've got full coverage of today's developments. let's get started with kaitlan collins. kaitlan after that press conference, you had a one-on-one with president zelenskyy. what did he say? >> yeah, we went further into that conversation about usaa because there's so many conversations here at this moment that they had, of course, marking two years since russia invaded ukraine. obviously, a lot of different dynamics at play when it comes it's the mobilization of the draft here. what their next tactic is on the battlefield, zelenskyy replacing his top general with someone new, a new commander in chief. but really, everything has centered on this conversation about us aid and what is going to happen because
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zelenskyy obviously it's been to washington many times. he has made these appeals to the us congress. but what we know is the reality on the ground in washington, is that right now, it's at a total standstill and that $60 billion. so it was in the package that was passed by the us senate has gotten nowhere in the house and the house is on a two-week recess still as of this moment so it hasn't shifted at all. speaker mike johnson hasn't made clear what he's going to do with it. and so we talked about some of the claims that were made by lawmakers here, including one by us lawmaker who i should note, voted against this aid package. and this is what zelenskyy said in response. >> senator jd >> vance, who was in munich at the security conference but didn't meet with you? he said that even if you got the $60 billion in aid, it is not going to fundamentally change the reality on the battlefield. what's your response to that? >> i'm not trying that he understands what's going on here we don't need any
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rhetoric of from people who are not deeply in the, you know in the war so to understand it is to come to the frontline to she what's going on to speak with the people, than to go to civilians to understand what will be with them. and that what will be done without this support and he will understand that millennials, people have been killed we'll be killed >> he doesn't understand it because he doesn't understand. of course, he got the god bless. you, don't have the war on your territory so that is his response to a senator who is against sending any more aid to ukraine. senator jd vance, obviously. but one thing that zelenskyy has also been contending with as he's been meeting with lawmakers, who do support sending more aid to ukraine. senator chuck schumer at the top, democrat in the senate was just here in recent days, fred, so have been republicans in the house like congressman brian fitzpatrick of pennsylvania, who is introduced his own bill to try
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to get aid to ukraine passed. and so zelenskyy says he's relying on those kinds of conversations when he says he does have hope for the us congress that there will be more usa. but what he is also making very clear are the implications and what is going to happen on the battlefield if they don't get anymore usaid fred, right? >> he's making it very clear while he doesn't wish this on anyone, he also seems to understand that unless you're in his shoes, do you really or any of the ukrainian and shoes you can use sometimes really understand what they're going through well he is making his pleas loud and clear in so many aweis. thanks so much kaitlan, of course, we're going to continue to watch and look forward to seeing your entire one-on-one interview with president zelenskyy let's getttttt tomorrow night at nine eastern on the source with kaitlan collins. let's talk more about this. priscilla alvarez is at the white house, so priscilla, what kind of responses coming from the white house? >> well, the white house is continuing to ramp up its pressure on republicans and particularly putting a focus on house republicans. because as
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you heard there from katelyn, the senate passed a foreign aid package with those $60 billion in additional aid to ukraine, but it remains stalled in the house which has been on recess. but today, the national security adviser, jake sullivan, went a step further and called out house speaker mike johnson by name the reality is that putin gains every day that ukraine does not get the resources it needs. and ukraine suffers. and there is a strong bipartisan majority in the house, standing ready to pass this bill if it comes to the floor? and that decision rests on the shoulders of one person. and history is watching whether speaker johnson will put that bill on the floor. if he does, it will pass, will get ukraine what it needs for ukraine to succeed if he doesn't, then we will not be able to give ukraine the tools required for it to stand up to russia. and putin will be the major beneficiary of that now the white house asked for this $60 billion in additional funding last year. and since
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then, over and over, president biden has framed this not only as support for ukraine, but also as a matter of national security for the united states. and in recent days, white house officials have been linking battlefield losses in you craig directly to congressional inaction especially last weekend when ukraine had to pull out of a town because they were low on ammunition. so the us making clear here what happens if this aid doesn't get to ukraine. and of course, the white house is limited and what they can do, what they have been doing over the course of the weekend. the president in particular is reaffirming the us support for ukraine in talks with us allies. but here at home, the pressure this week is still on house republicans, the white house trying to get them to take up that bill all right, priscilla alvarez. thank you so much. we're also following major new developments today out of the middle east hostage negotiations are now scheduled to resume tomorrow and qatar, after positive talks in paris, the white house says negotiators have come to an understanding on some basic contours of a deal to bring
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israeli hostages home from gaza. hamas is not yet signed off on the potential deal. and officials warn that there are still key hurdles to clear >> representatives of israel, the united states, egypt, and qatar met in paris and came to an understanding among the four of them about what the basic contours of a hostage deal for temperature very ceasefire would look like i'm not going to go into the specifics of that because it is still under negotiation in terms of hammering out the details of it there will have to be indirect discussions by qatar and egypt with hamas because ultimately they will have to agree to release the hostages. that work is underway. and we hope that in in the coming days, we can drive to a point where there is actually a firm and final agreement on this issue >> as negotiations continue, the us is sending its top humanitarian aid official to the region. there she will meet with israeli palestinian authority members and jordanian government ben officials to
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discuss the urgent need for critical supplies in gaza. cnn's jeremy diamond is tracking all the latest jeremy. what are israeli official saying about these hostage negotiations? are they more hopeful than any other time? >> well, it's certainly clear that we're in a very different place that we were at the beginning of last week, fred, when it seemed like we were at a standstill in these negotiations. now, there's at least some real discussion happening. some several of very serious meetings, including that latest summit in paris. and it appears that the israeli delegation that traveled to paris on friday returned to israel yesterday with at least a guarded sense of optimism, feeling like they didn't come back empty handed. the israeli national security adviser salhia nagbe, saying that he felt like it might be possible to move forward. that was based on the impressions of that that negotiating team, the israeli prime minister for his part, says that he believes that a deal can be made, but that it depends on hamas moving off what he is described as. hamas is delusional demands we're all
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working on it. >> we want it. i want it because we want to liberate the remaining hostages. we've already brought half of them back. and i appreciate the effort, the combined effort of visual the united states to bring back the remaining hostages. i can't tell you if will have it, but if hamas goes down from its delusional claims and goes down, can bring them down to earth. then we'll have the progress that we all want. hamas started out with just crazy demands and it's it's too soon to say if there if they've abandoned him, but if they do abandon them and get into what you call the ballpark, they're not even in the city. they're in another planet, but if they come down to a reasonable situation, then yes, we'll have a hostages. i hope so. >> so not a lot of detail there from the israeli prime minister, but there is clearly some momentum here. israeli set to send a delegation to doha,
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qatar tomorrow to continue these negotiations. we understand that it will be a working level officials working on some of the technical issues of this deal. but the israeli prime minister also making very clear that if there is not a deal in the coming weeks that israeli forces will move into that southernmost city of gaza, of rafat were 1.5 million palestinians are currently sheltering the israeli military, currently reviewing plans for military offensive there and also to evacuate the civilians. there is something the israeli prime minister says, he's committed to doing. >> yeah, lots of things hanging in the balance there. jeremy diamond and priscilla alvarez, a white house as well. thanks to both of you. let's talk talk more about the situation again in ukraine where we heard in an interview with our kaitlan collins, that president zelenskyy is saying it's impaired for them to try to get more us aid. steve hall is a cnn national security analysts and a former cia chief of russia operations. steve great to see you. so let's begin with zelenskyy's comments. not
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only making the plea to the western community, including the us for more aid, but he's also saying that the losses have been great. some 30,000 soldiers have been lost, but us officials are claiming that number is much higher, maybe even double somewhere around 70,000 either way, it's a significant loss to that country, but they seemed to maintain an a hopefulness that they actually can win against russia. what do you think? >> you know, all of us have been talking about this fred for the past couple of years and, you know every rush or watch her that i know has been wildly off about something. so it's really, really hard to predict you remember at the beginning of this, we're all like, oh geez, you know, moscow is going to overrun kyiv here in a number of days. and then that didn't happen is very embarrassing for the russian. so this is going to be a long war. it's going to go back and forth, back and forth. but one thing that zelenskyy is absolutely right about is if they do not receive the aid, the assistance from the west
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and more specifically from the united states. it is going to be either very, very difficult or almost impossible for them to actually protect territorially. all of ukraine. and i think that's what it has zelenskyy worried, not to mention at least some western and us politicians. >> yeah, putin is watching this. and of course he's finding, he's going to look for moments in which to gain some momentum or take advantage of this kind of public discussion about the deficit that ukraine is feeling. so hop changing its strategy on a dime, on a constant. as the world talks about what aid is or isn't going the way of ukraine well, first of all, this has been a very good couple of weeks for vladimir putin. i think we can see that just in his demeanor and what he's done and said, i think vladimir putin is now beginning to, beginning to be able to tell all of those doubters and
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i by doubters, i don't mean people in the streets. you might be protesting. i mean those around him. his inner for most circle who might've said jesus, this really going to work. initially, he was essentially saying look over the long run, if we hold it there, the west and the united states specifically will lose focus. they'll lose their nerve, they will stop supporting ukraine one way or another. just have patients well, now two years later, he can say, look if the patient's is beginning to pay off, it's up to the west asked again to show him that he's wrong, but i think he's feeling pretty good about things and will continue along along the same path that really he's been continuing since the very beginning. >> and put it has reason to believe he should feel good. i'll leading up to elections which are just coming up in a few weeks. i mean, obviously he has no challengers, but what is his disposition here >> again, i think very positive elections are election in name. it's ridiculous in russia has already installed predetermined. it's just pageantry that said it's also politically sensitive because people can come out and protest
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and so forth. that said, who's left to come out and protest? which is who's going to lead that navalny know, he's dead. all the other opposition is serious ones. he is either taken off the chessboard by killing them or just marginalize them and managed to penetrate the organization so they can't be affected. so again, i think he's feeling very, very good about that. and again, he has no problem whatsoever. sending hundreds of thousands of young russian men to their death so that they can win ukraine and until russian society says we're not going to put up with that, it's looking very good for vladimir putin personally as well as how it's going in ukraine. >> all right. steve hall, we'll leave it there. thanks so much. >> sure. >> all right very frightening. an american couple is believed dead after their boat was allegedly hijacked by three prison daibes coming up. what investigators are saying about the case. and a migrant welcome center in san diego has closed its doors after running out of funds. still ahead and the chaos it is created for the community and the migrants
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greene chooses >> people with business for my solutions because t-mobile was helping our operations and experiences hundreds of thousands of ban would reliable 5g connectivity now's the time to accelerate your business >> united states of scandal with jake tapper. tonight at nine on cnn a virginia couple may have been killed after their yacht was allegedly hijacked in grenada by three >> escaped prisoners, policing grenade to say the suspects are back in custody and cooperating with the investigation, joining me right now is cnn correspondent polo sandoval. what do we know about what happened? >> so you know, fred, there's still a lot of information missing coming from authorities, so we've actually reached out to the family of this couple that authorities fear may have been killed recently. and here's what i can tell you about kathy brundle and ralph henry, according to their sons, why hadn't chance to speak to a few moments ago, kathy and ralph had been preparing and saving for you years to go on what's been described as an
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adventure sailing their catamaran from virginia to the caribbean. in fact, they had sold their home at this ship, this vessel rather was their home, according to nick borough, cathy's son, everything they owned was on this vessel and according to what they have been told by authorities, these they were in grenada. that is when authorities believed that three individuals that were in custody on a nonrelated case apparently escaped custody authorities believed that they then hijacked kathy and rows vessel and it wasn't until this past wednesday that they located that catamaran on or near st. vincent. and those three individuals that are in custody, and we're told are speaking to authorities right now. this map, we'll give you a sense of where the simplicity was found. and according to kathy son they had again, been preparing for this. the family still holding onto hope the family has been told that there
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is still an ongoing search in and around st. vincent for any possible signs of cathy and ralph. however, they are also coming to terms with the possibility and based on what they've been told by investigators there in the caribbean, that this may have a negative outcome, a tragic one that they may no longer be alive. and here the two key reasons why are their sons telling me that they believed that that might be the outcome here. now, only were items reportedly taken from the boat and found on these individuals that are in custody but also there was blood that was located on that catamaran and possible signs of violence, a struggle, a clear indication that their parents may have been injured. so again, they're holding onto hope that they are certainly preparing for the worst possible outcome for this virginia couple that is currently still missing, presumed are feared. i should say, dead the caribbean. >> how awful. all right. paula sandoval. thank you >> thanks, fred a san diego migrant center closes after
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running out of funding, adult migrants released by border >> patrol would use the cetera to make travel arrangements to other destinations. and now san diego county says, after spending $6 million in fall five months, it can no longer keep the center open. i'd like to bring in now cnn national correspondent camila bernal. camila. what happens now >> hey fred. so now that the migrant welcome center is closed, what happens is that border patrol agents go back to doing what they were doing before it was open. and that's dropping off these adult migrants transit center in san ysidro, california. but this exposes the problem and it has been criticized and people are wondering who then is responsible for these migrants after they're processed and released by border patrol agents. there are some that have said that it's not safe to have these migrants being dropped off at the transit center, especially when you're talking about dozens and dozens of migrants dropped off at the same time. now, keep in mind those $6 came after the county
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of san diego declared a humanitarian crisis because of an influx of migrants crossing in this area. and the non-profit groups that we've talked to have told us? yes, they've seen an increase. they saw a decrease he said some point and have again, been seeing those numbers go up. it takes about 1 to run a center like this every month. that's according to the non-profit that ran the welcome center. this was an area where migrants would just go for a couple of hours. they would maybe have a meal, wi-fi, and make those let's travel arrangements to go somewhere else in the us. but now what they're saying is the more migrants you have, the more money it takes to accommodate them and they do not have the money. the county of san diego's says that they've exhausted all of their options. they're asking the federal government for help, but have not received a response. so if san diego is not paying for it, if the federal government is not paying for it, well, then it has to remain closed because there is no money. so it would of course, impacts the county
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of san diego, but it also impacts the migrants who now don't have those resources after they're released from border patrol custody, but they will of course, have to go through that asylum process. so it's not just released seeing migrants that crossed after or after they cross, they do have to go through that process and they have been processed by border patrol, fred. >> all right. camila bernal thanks so much. thank you. >> shortly ahead, republican presidential candidate nikki haley is looking to michigan with hopes of turning her campaign around. that's next me and, you was introduced >> you keep your hit him >> just like mom taught us guests to stay >> was my son >> sunday and gone to meet again. we need to look like we but you said it people
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now swept all of the gop nomination contest to date, trump's overwhelming victory last night, it gave him even more of a decisive to lead over the former south carolina governor. but haley is vowing to continue her campaign fight, at least through super tuesday, which is nine days from now, joining me to talk about all of this. and more is sabrina siddiqui. she is a white house reporter for the wall street journal, also with me is mychael schnell she is a congressional reporter for the hill. great to see both of you. so sabrina, you first, as expected, trump won big in south carolina, but nikki haley is vowing to push on. this must be welcome news for the biden campaign, right? to see haley continued to attack trump and sometimes splitting trump's focus. >> absolutely. because it's otherwise not clear what former governor haley's path to the nomination is. and in fact, the voters that she is seeking to appeal to more moderate
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republicans or independents are the types of voters who the biden campaign would also hope to secure support from the november general election. and that's actually been the primary challenge for haley. that primaries are not typically decided by the voters that she is garnering support from. there. usually determined by the republican base which as we've seen, is firmly behind former president trump. i mean, you mentioned that he has swept virtually every early nominating contests so far he's favored to win, going into the michigan primary, as well as most of the super tuesday states. so it's not really clear that nikki haley has a path it very much seems that the writing is on the wall, even if trump's frustration, she refuses to drop out >> and michael, the race in michigan. well, biden has his own challenges, right? some democratic politicians,
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activist groups unhappy about biden's position on the israel hamas conflict are pushing for democratic voters to choose the option uncommitted. on tuesday's ballot, how much of an impact might this make for biden? >> yeah, we saw congresswoman tlaib's saying that in her home state urging folks to vote uncommitted and not for the president. of course, they've had their fair share of battles, particularly in the past few months since the october attack, hamas against israel. look, this is not something that biden campaign wants obviously as the incumbent, they would what an easy glide to the nomination without these difficulties left and right up. but at the end of the day, i don't think it's going to really have a big effect. biden, of course, is the incumbent. he has support from a wide majority of the democratic party. there may be some outliers here and there who are voicing concern with his policy and how he's acted on certain issues similarly, this issue of the israel-hamas war, but at the end of the de, i think that biden is going to be fine. he's going to have
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plenty of support there in michigan and his eyes will then be the focus will be on november when those states weigh in against whoever the republican nominee is. of course, the expectation it will be trump. >> and michael, while i have you, let's shift gears to capitol hill while facing another friday deadline to avoid a government shutdown. does it appear how speaker johnson can once again find a last-minute compromise and avoid a catastrophic government shutdown yeah, fred, we're back here again, this is the fourth time this congress that lawmakers are finding themselves up against this government funding deadline. the potential for a partial government shutdown on friday. look, some folks thought that we can maybe see those compromise government funding bills be released today. but i've been talking to sources throughout the day. the expectation is that we will not see those pieces of legislation today, which is not a great sign for the race to fund the government by friday, we need to ac those bill, see how much support they have, and then we have to see how speaker johnson handles them in the house. so
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the longer that we take to actually see this legislation, it does no favors for staving off a shutdown, but look on those three previous times, we found ourselves up against a deadline. congress has found a way to fund the government. oftentimes you don't see too much movement until you're right up against that deadline in washington the week is plenty of time to get something done. but right now, lawmakers are definitely behind the eight ball and there's still plenty of work to be done. >> okay. >> and sabrina, abortion was already expected to play play a major role in the november election. now, this, i mean, this week, the alabama supreme court ruled that frozen embryos are children under state law. so what are you hearing from lawmakers and the biden campaign? pain about how this divisive issue might impact the general >> well, i think that abortion and reproductive rights more broadly is going to be a centerpiece of the biden campaign's messaging as well as the messaging for the democratic party. it's an issue they do really well on you. we saw that of course in the 2022
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midterm elections when abortion is a key reason why democrats outperformed expectations and republicans are all over the place on this issue. i mean, we've seen them dance around. at what point would they support a ban on abortion? and now you have this issue of ivf, where you've already had some republicans walk back statements on the ruling in alabama because ivf is how millions of people have become parents across the country. so it runs counter to the pro-life messaging within the republican party to suggest that you would support any policy that would crack down on access to to ivf treatment. so this is something that i think the republicans would much rather not be a focal point in the campaign season, but democrats, i think you could absolutely expect them to really hammer the gop on this issue and for abortion to be a feature of their other campaign all right, we'll leave it there as sabrina siddiqi, mychael schnell. great to see both of you have a great week
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>> thanks, fred. >> all right, some michigan voters are planning to protest the war in gaza with their votes coming up. how these voters are using tuesday's primary to send president biden a warning more on that straight ahead >> why you ran hates america tonight at eight on cnn >> sometimes the lows of bipolar depression field darkest before dawn with kept lighter there's a chance to lead in the light. kept lighter is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar one kept lighter it treats both bipolar 1.2 depression and in clinical trials, movement disorders in weight gain were not common. >> call your dr. about sudden mood changes behaviors are suicidal thoughts antidepressants may increase these risks and young adults, elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke report fever, confusion, stiff, or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life-threatening or permanent these aren't all the serious
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so what do you think of my trade and now it just went up way up. >> not-so protect your investment. what are your american made products at, whether tech >> consumer cellular, this is sam call me healthier >> this is a bot dial. >> well, somebody's but just thought i let you know that we'd consumer cellular, you can get the same exact coverage as the leading carriers but for up to half the price i'm evan perez, that federal court in washington. and this is cnn >> ahead of tuesday's primary in michigan, more on that movement, asking democrats in michigan to vote uncommitted. it's designed to send a message directly to the white house of an opposition to biden's support israel in its conflict with hamas. this morning, governor gretchen whitmer addressed that growing movement >> any bolt that's not cast for joe biden supports a second trump term, a second trump term would be devastating, not just on fundamental rights it's not
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just on our democracy here at home, but also when it comes to foreign policy, this was a man who promoted a muslim ban, ban. this is, i think i'm a very high-stakes it's moment. i am encouraging people to cast an affirmative vote for president biden >> muslim americans helped president biden win michigan in 2020. and now his response to israel's military campaign in gaza leaves their support up in the air. cnn's dianne gallagher has more on their grassroots effort a pivotal november battleground, the road to the white house runs through michigan. you don't win without michigan >> but some democrats are using tuesday's primary to put president joe biden on notice a warning to biden and his administration that they need to hear our calls and heat our demands and respond to what it is that we're asking for, which is an >> immediate and permanent ceasefire using their ballots to protest the president's handling the war in gaza by voting uncommitted in the
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democratic primary >> it's a humanitarian vote. it's a protest vote. the gross fruits. listen to michigan campaign, vote uncommitted, launched by members of the state's large arab american community. just three weeks ago, has expanded to count progressives and young voters among its supporters, like pontiac city councilman, mikel goodman because we are often told many times that the power that we have assistance in the us is through the power of the ballot. and this is us using that power or no one who his voting uncommitted wants trump. they want was happening in gaza to stop more than 30 state and local elected officials endorsed the campaign, as did rachida to leave the first palestinian american woman to serve in congress if you want us to be louder come here and vote uncommitted. >> organizer safe for most today's message is about the primary, but there's a lingering warning. >> you need to call for a ceasefire because it will save
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lives and be because it's the necessary thing to do politically. otherwise, you, president biden will be handing the white house to donald trump. >> the biden campaign has acknowledged michigan's importance in this election. but allies of the president aren't quite sounding alarms over the uncommitted primary strategy yet. >> i'm hoping and expecting that these folks will come vote for joe biden in november. but right now, they have an issue they want to brought attention to and it's working. that's why we have in early presidential primary, the uncommitted campaign's goal is modest our threshold is 10,000. uncommitted votes because that strategy is based off of the numbers that trump won in 2000 16 against hillary clinton in 2020, biden won michigan by more than 150,000 votes. but some biden supporters like former congressman andy levin, say the president's prospects this november are uncertain. >> i mean, i'm gonna do everything i can to get him
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elected in november. >> all i'm >> saying is i don't know if we can succeed unless we change course. and by the way it's the right thing to do. >> he says he voted uncommitted in the primary, not because his support for the president is wavering. >> well, i think the great danger for joe biden here in the michigan primary is that he would win with no indication that he has a problem with no visibility of how angry people are dianne gallagher. thank you so much still to come. hollywood's biggest names honored their own at the screen actors guild awards, the moving tribute to one now of our favorite funny girls after the break >> backroom deals, cia secrets fair? bribery, corruption prostitution >> there's so much more to the store. >> united states of scandal
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the story of sin city, 109810 on cnn. >> oh, the stars were shining on the red carpet at the first screen actors guild awards. since the actors strike ended last november, the show is different from others or is and that there were no commercials, no bleeps, and plenty of time for acceptance speeches because it was streamed on netflix last night's biggest winners included beef oppenheimer, and the bear. cnn's elizabeth wagmeister has a look at some of the must-see moments we are here on the carpet at the screen. actors guild award, where the best in film and television is honored >> in voted on by the there's themselves. and what a night it was barbra streisand, honor for lifetime achievement, presented by none other than jennifer aniston. let's take a look. look at that moment. >> barbara
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>> that's all you have to stay and you know >> you know, right. that face that voice that talent. it is a once in a lifetime talent. and how lucky that it is in our lifetime. i had to say to my fellow actors and directors, i've loved working with you playing with you, and inhabiting that magical world of the movies with you and most of all, i want to thank you for giving me so much joy just watching all of you on the screen. thank you for that >> there was even a reunion with the devil wears prada with meryl streep and hathaway and emily blunt taking the stage together it's an age-old question where does the character end on the actor begin?
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>> well, as we've just seen, marilyn miranda priestly. so just like twins >> right? i don't think >> anything like morant. no, no? >> that wasn't a question >> by all means, move at a glacial pace. >> you know how that >> rules me. >> this is the first major award show to air on a major streaming service with netflix streaming, the sag awards hello belief that of course comes on the heels of the sag strike, were actors were fighting for better streaming residuals on the carpet just before the show started, we spelled the sag president fran drescher, about why this night is so momentous. let's take a look at what it was a very arduous here. unrelenting stress. it demanded a great deal of courage and perseverance and we rose to the
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occasion. we held out we hungarian, and we ended victorious so all as well, that ends well and now we can celebrate ourselves and also being on netflix, where people can see this around the world which is actually a first >> now of course, the sag awards are the final award show before the oscars, which is just weeks away. elizabeth wagmeister, cnn, los angeles though exciting. thanks so much. elizabeth. >> thank you so much. we'll be right back >> thanks to the game. >> we should be in this next sec. >> hey, that's a good look, boys >> let's just happened >> telling you this place is court for every team, for every discover. >> this will be a goldmine of local intel. just you wait. >> so tell us about this corn
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>> grow your business easily with freelancers, fiber news night with abby phillip tomorrow at ten eastern on cnn >> closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law >> mesothelial more victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 808592400. that's when 808592400 his wife
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had cancer and he had a baby with his girlfriend all while running west president jaketapper or has a preview of the >> shocking story of john edwards affair on united states of scandal thanks fred, this week we're going to take a look at the scandal that brought down former north carolina senator. and two time presidential candidate, john edwards. edwards was a crusading trial attorney and family man, once the biggest rising star in the democratic party kind of this john grisham character come to life until an article in a supermarket tabloid revealed that he had an extra marital girlfriend and she was pregnant and then of course, potential federal campaign violations tonight, you're going to hear from the woman at the heart of it all, edwards, former girlfriend, rielle hunter this is just some of what she told me. this is what she said about how she first crossed paths, crossed paths with then senator edwards you're at the regency hotel.
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god, it's in 2006. were you there to meet him being there was a fluke. >> what was he by himself? >> who he was? a business meeting. i was with my friend or at a table and john edwards was behind her and he kept looking at me as though he knew me as well. and then we got up and left and when we were standing on the corner, john edwards turn the corner and saw me there and he literally like almost jumped into my arms and my response, what came out of my mouth was you're so hot and >> what did he say back? >> well, i thank you. i said i can help you and he said, i want to hear. he said, could you can you come over so you want him to his room? i did i didn't feel like it was sexual either. you didn't know? >> i did not because it sounds like there was an attraction. >> you said you're so >> i know i know. i i know i
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what a sexual i get it you're gonna hear more from real about how the relationship unfolded and then it all came crashing down. taking edwards political career with her and with them tonight on united states of scandal fred >> all right. hello again, everyone. thank you so much for joining me. i'm fredricka whitfield big new developments today in the ongoing efforts to bring israeli hostages home from gaza sources. tell cnn negotiations are set to resume tomorrow and qatar, following progress made during talks talks in paris this weekend, the white house says negotiators have come to an understanding on some basic contours of a deal to bring the hostages home. but if officials warn there are still key hurdles that must be clear. hamas has not yet signed off on the potential deal. also this week, the us is sending its top humanitarian aid aid official to the region in hopes of improving critical supply shipments to gaza


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