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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  February 24, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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>> that afternoon, i'm fredricka whitfield in atlanta alongside my colleague christian amanpour in ukraine, will get to christmas jonathan, mohamed watching two major stories unfolding today, including a pivotal moment on the campaign trail in the us. south carolina, republican voters are racing to the polls today, aiming to pick their next presidential nominee, former governor nikki haley, also casting her ballot in her home state of south carolina. she's hoping to boost momentum on the trail as she challenges donald trump, former president is hoping another landslide victory tonight propels him to the nomination chris john >> here in kyiv, fredricka officials and people are also watching this election closely as this solemn two-year mark of the start of the russian invasion is also a turning point. today, the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy is urging his citizens to remain hopeful despite russia's brutal and relentless
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aggression. and yet on the front lines, weapons and ammunition are running desperately low. the nato secretary general jens stoltenberg is vowing more aid and calling the situation on the battlefield, quote, extremely serious. meantime, russia's defense minister chose the day to me, this stay with his troops inside parts of eastern ukraine that they now occupied. now over in the city of dnipro, an apartment building was struck on friday by russia's shahid drones provided by iran. two people were killed in an in kharkiv and odessa. they will also hits. you can see on this map how much closer to the front lines it is then kyiv. and that makes dnipro is emergency hospital a life saving stop for the wounded ukrainian soldiers who coming in from the battlefield, even though ukraine does not officially release casualty figures, we've got a rare look inside as the war enters its third brutal year the parking lot to denise
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bros. metric of hospital is jammed with ambulances. these patients are the lucky ones fully stabilized here after their wounds have been treated, they are being evacuated to hospitals in ten other ukrainian cities. it's a bloody carousel because they're making room for the next wave of casualties in the resuscitation. ward directors hrishenko tells us in the two years of russia's full-scale invasion, 28,000 frontline soldiers have been brought to this hospital alone from 5,200 patients, where very serious, very, very serious every day, every night, >> 5,200 patients from the avdiivka don't donetsk region and the injuries are grave shrapnel from artillery, mines and other direct fire avdiivka is the town that recently fell, and that's where these soldiers have come from. but in the next
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word alone in his room, army sergeant versili juilliard was injured on sunday operated on monday, and had three limbs amputated he says the russians are basically just throwing meat at us mobilized men who run it us in an open field. do you have enough troops and enough ammunition how do you fight them? >> to joke with us. >> we're on our own lands. his vassili, we fight to the last and do not give up. if they get past us, our families will be next we have no right to lose waiting in the corridor outside his worried parents for the tired of being, you know, he didn't ask us to go said mikalak, we didn't tell him not to. he said he had to evolve and his mother, halina tells us because he said i'll do everything i can and everything that's in my like so many
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ukrainians, they've given their son to the defense of this land ever since putin started robbing them of it ten years ago the director tells us nonstop surgery every day all day in all the operating rooms, contributes to the 95% survival rate, which is higher now after ten years of improved combat surgery and techniques every operation, every patched up patient is a matter of patriotic duty even giving blood is marked with a celebration here we run into american hedge fund and philanthropist whitney tilson who's raised money for ambulances, generators, battery packs but beyond the humanitarian, he sees the big picture. >> i think the stability of the entire world depends on the west helping ukraine stand up to this aggression. because if we let putin win i think this
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is just the beginning >> and somehow incredibly like the other wounded warriors we've spoken to, vasili says he wants to get back to his comrades on the eastern front. >> you and your your >> soldiers still highly motivated. you've been fighting for ten years while i have no choice. he replies, do you understand? of course, i'm motivated as for the lost limbs, he says he can be a trainer. he can still be useful in this fight with from here, looks like it last a lot longer than anyone thought the spirit and the resolve of that ukrainian soldier and the ukrainian people have inspired millions around the world. here with me now in kyiv is the deputy head of the office of president. and he is egos of core. welcome, welcome back i just want you to just to talk from the heart odd about people like vassili and others who have multiple amputees, who
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just want to go back to the front. they still highly motivated, but they are exhausted and they do have dwindling weapon supplies and ammunition what, what can they count on us to forget heroes? they're leaving heroes there are role model, they are role model for each and every >> question, every nation in the world. but right, sure two year's award, 730 days they are tired. they're exhausted, but their level of morale is much haven't anywhere else, anywhere else in the world. and yes, they need support and buy support when you weapons, ammunition scarcity of ammunition, some time in something which is which is really difficult. the battle for that's what we hear from him. >> that's why i'm >> in my president, the government tirelessly talk to each and every leader, please. it's still not enough. it still can be done much better european union can be 1 million ammunition, which had promised
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are the countries have give for more artillery more battle tanks the fighter jets could finally come have to country. we need this in order to win every day, every minute, every hour counts. the time is running. >> you've had a very important delegation. i mean, you've had us senators yesterday. you've had european leaders, including the commission president ursula von land and she said today in her press conference with your president that ukrainian soldiers in the last two years have saved europe. and i just wondered whether you think that there will be the amount of weapons and ammunition that was promised to you, whether they gave you any hope that it would be coming? >> i am positive now about the european union as an institution and the individual european union members look about the declared amount of military support just for this year, we're having from germany ran from france, were having from other member states of the un, from uk, we're heading, hopefully we'll be
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having from yes, after the adoption of this supplementary budget. >> we are hopeful we are optimistic. but you know, there has to be nor spare time, no procrastination, non-bureaucratic. we do understand sometimes it takes time to produce sometimes it says bureaucratic procedure, sometimes it looks like courage to make this decision. take example from ukraine, we don't have time to think over to procrastinate. we need to win the war. you, we all need to win them and as your president says, all the time, we are fighting this war for you. so you don't have to send your sons and daughters if we lose and putin carries on into, into a nato country, he said, in munich on the panel that i had with him, we, i can tell you, frankly, we don't have the heavy weapons, therefore, for our people are our main weapon right now. how long do you think you can wait? >> you can not wait we cannot
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wait. i cannot afford a europe cannot afford ukraine to win. we're really to wait. we're really prevented struggling of russia aggression here in this country, we stop this russian aggression, this definitely not the second strongest terminal the world, but destined definitely not the weakest one. we stopped for the time being. but we need to defeat them finally. and yes, you owe whole europe needs to defeat them. because otherwise, the aggression will spread. we need to deter russia. >> we need >> to make russia understand any escalation is aggression is unbearable for them. and you repetition of aggression. they should not even think about this. that's why ukraine is making the security guarantees. that's why ukraine is aiming to become a member of eu and nato. to win. >> and what do you make of the fact that the russian defense minister has been inside your territory today, they've occupied it, but inside your territory, praising bestowing metals >> haley, they'd have to show
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to sap into their people displaced me a propaganda effect the elect, major victories on the battlefield. let me look you did lose avdiivka recently and they are pushing towards your second biggest city, kharkiv in the northeast withdrawn from avdiivka. very simple reason because we save >> people and look, this is a small town of avdiivka which they are fighting for for already ten years starting from thousand and 14, if this is their major victory i mean, they are having big problems. they will never even capture the whole donbass as they claim in your thousand 14. but yes they have to show something today, people because they are people living in the air in the wall of propaganda that's it. >> very finally, i said that even here people are watching the us elections, even the primaries, because it matters in terms of the supply lines for here, is that correct? >> while everyone is watching the elections of primaries. but if you asked me i mean, look, my president is regularly talking to both parties to both chambers just recently, who was in munich, met him delegations
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from senate and house and both democrats and republicans every person says, you need ammunition, you need our support. we will do this its own internal business. we will tackle it, and ukraine will get weapons. >> so you're confident of that. thank you so much indeed. >> and back to you, fred. >> all right. yes. this election consequential in so many ways all right, let's pivot now to south carolina where that primary is underway, voters are heading to the polls today to pick between former president donald trump and nikki haley. trump is the overwhelming favorite in a state where haley served six years as governor while trump is hoping for a decisive victory today a haley vows to continue with her campaign regardless of today's outcome. we have a team of correspondents scattered around the palmetto state. let's begin with boris sanchez in rock hill, south carolina. boris i set the stage. what is at stake today and what's the activity like there today? >> a fred, there is plenty at stake, as you said, a
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head-to-head competition between former president donald trump and former governor of south carolina, nikki haley. a loss for haley would be a big deal considering that she was a popular governor in this state. the former president holds a commanding lead in polling, will get to the implications in a moment, but i want to show you what's going on behind me. i'm gonna keep are here getting set for more voters to come. and this is the registration booth for voters give their id, they grabbed their balanced, then they go over those booths in the background, you see a couple of voters. they're casting their ballots. i want election worker described it as a giant pencil where it fills in their boat on a piece of paper. then as that gentleman is doing right now, they walk over to a tabulating machine. they insert their car, they get an i voted sticker and then they head out the door of the votes are going to be tabulated later in the evening polls here closing at 07:00 p.m. i do very quickly want to get outside because we have a nikki haley supporter here, sam, who has been patiently
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waiting to chat with us sam, thank you so much for being with us. you're on live with cnn. you voted for nikki haley because donald trump did something that upset you. what was that? >> well, i was just telling you, your colleague that i was i really felt that immigration was an important issue and i was really surprised that there, was such a wonderful bill that i wasn't perfect, but it made me feel like, oh, we're making steps when it can progress and then when he went out completely against it, i felt like that was one thing. i was like that's just too far, like we need to make solutions we don't need more problems. and that was something for me, sam, we appreciate you sharing your perspective with us today. good luck. thanks for waiting outside for us. so one voter in one precinct giving you an idea of what this comes down to the trump team, though very confident about their chances in south carolina tonight, i want to send it to my colleague, alayna treene, who's been monitoring the race here for some time, alayna yes. >> well, boris, you're exactly right. the former president's campaign is very confident about their chances here in south carolina. and they're really hoping that this will be
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the state where they can deliver the final blow to nikki haley's campaign. but we are here in mount pleasant. i gini more elementary school and i just want to show you this on line of voters. a very impressive turnout here for many people who are eager to cast their votes and have their voices be heard. and i do just want to quickly mention an interesting dynamic and something that i'll be watching today is this has an open primary in south carolina, and that means that republicans, democrats dependence all of them are able to participate. i did speak with one voter. her name is kelly and she said that she is a registered democrat, but she actually came and voted for nikki haley today and said that was after haley's campaign had sent a flurry of messages and phone calls do are encouraging her, but also other democrats to come out. and that is something that we've been hearing from the haley campaign that they are hoping that moderate voters, independent voters, and even some democrats, could potentially make a difference for her here in her home state fred, back to your >> all right. alayna treene. thank you so much in mount pleasant, boris sanchez, also
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in south carolina, rock hill all right. and join cnn for live results and analysis of the south carolina republican presidential primary coverage begins tonight at 06:00 p.m. right here on cnn. so much more to come on the south carolina republican presidential primary, including this at any moment now, donald trump is set to speak at the cpac conference. his final message on this election day after the break united states of scandal with jake tapper tomorrow at nine on cnn. >> you know, if you or cashback and you could earn on everything which is one car, chase freedom and limited because all you're off the rakin or grabbed, fracking, your cash back in jazz back on flap jacks, baby back, for tacos at the taco i'm working on my six pack switch to a king sweet, silent retreat. silent retreat. >> he >> answers this back kids. all right. now, madison, have a cash, back when everything you bought will chase freedom
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this for steve. what's the message from trump today >> well, fred, the former president, might be hours away from finding out the results of the south carolina republican primary. but this is very much a general election speech that is happening right behind me right now. he is squarely focused on four, on president joe biden. he has now been talking for about 20 minutes and he has not even mentioned former south carolina governor nikki haley. so this is very much setting the stage for that showdown that we are likely heading toward. in november. and he is using his time to cast a dark vision of the country. if joe biden is re-elected, promising that he will make changes reverse everything. joe biden has done since taking over and putting back in place the policies that he enacted during her his for you years as president and as you said, fred, this has become almost like a trump rally. this event, this used to be a gathering of conservatives from the sort of across the political spectrum. however,
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this is very much a trump centric rally. he is not only the most favorite person here, but he has also been using it to test and audition potential vice presidential candidates. we've seen a number of individuals get up here and address this crowd, trying to convince the former president and his fans that he, they deserve that second spot on the tickets. so very much a trump rally here and they are hearing from him right now. he is casual to go from here to south carolina but he will watch those election results come in. they are hoping for a big win that may actually put an end to this race. >> all right, steve contorno. thank you so much. in maryland, right. much more right here in the cnn newsroom, ukrainian president zelenskyy is urging hope as his nation enters its third year of war against russia. cnn is live in ukraine after the break >> tonight the south carolina republican presidential primary, haley trump head-to-head as trump surge
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shows no signs of slowing we will make america great. again, can haley do what >> it takes to stay in the race? >> this is the time to make your chores. >> join cnn and the best political team of the business or five results in analysis, the south carolina republican presidential primary, special coverage begins tonight at six eastern on cnn and streaming on back >> we've come from a long ladder cowboys. >> when i see all >> was at illinois race i see how our legacy can go >> meet the jennifer's gen x and y and gen z. each planning their future for the chase mobile app. >> gen x is planning a summary. portugal, with some help from jp morgan wealth plan let's getttttt whiskers to why is working with the banker to budget for her birthday? >> you only turn 30 months. >> and gen z, her credits goal, then. hello, new apartment three jens getting a head with
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to express their unwavering support for ukraine after a phone call with >> president volodymyr zelenskyy, the joint statement comes at a time while us funding for ukraine remains unclear joining me right now is cnn white house reporter accumulated chalice. what have you learned? camila well, fred, earlier today, biden had a meeting, a call with leaders in the g7. and on this call that we are told lasted for more than 90 minutes. the leaders on this call just really reiterated their continued support for ukraine and their unwavering commitment to ensuring that it has the region sources. it needs to really fight its battle against russia. now, it's really coming at this time on the domestic end in the us, while congress is still stalling on passing the national security supplemental package that would provide the necessary aid to ukraine in order to provide it the resources it needs to fight this battle. and so really on this, kali really emphasized
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what they're going to do and this commitment to it. i want to really read a quick statement that came out of this meeting and they said, i quote as ukraine enters the third year of this relentless war, its government and its people can count on the g7 support for as long as it takes. now, next week, congress comes back in session and you can expect that biden is going to keep pushing lawmakers to try to pass this bill forward to give the funding that it needs to ukraine. fred. >> all right. camila dechalus. thank you so much from the white house. all right, let's go back to kyiv now and christiane amanpour. christiane >> now fred as the war does mark its second year, entering its third year, they are clearly also looking at the g7 and some of them were in kyiv today, president zelenskyy, earlier telling his countrymen not to give up when you push us not >> today, unfortunately, each of us has someone to keep a
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moment of silence and honor the memory of together, we bow our heads 730 days of pain. but at the same time, 730 days of hope and maybe just put it would levy ukraine and its allies are now facing some challenging questions with support and supplies dwindling and facing some tough losses president zelenskyy has called for a new counter offensive joining me now from london is ukraine's former defense minister, andriy zagorodnyuk. welcome to the program. can i just start by asking you, minister what a how do you see a new counteroffensive? what do you think the president means given the very questionable successes? because of the previous one >> but we certainly must win. this is for sure, and the whole country is working on this victory. and there's absolutely no other way for ukraine to establish peace in the region.
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there's a massive movement about helping you drain around europe. and there's a lot of different projects, different initiatives in all kinds of parts of the western coalition, to help your brain to find the way to get the upper hand. so just pick and basically establish an advantage. but there is no alternative scenario because there any alternative scenario would mean that russians are pushing forward and we cannot afford well, as you know, they are incrementally and it's been not very good for ukraine on the battlefield recently, >> using or withdrawing from avdiivka and the secretary general of nato saying it's a very serious state on the battlefield right now, talking about support and europe, et cetera trump urine, london. what kind of technologies, what kind of help are you trying to drum up for your country right now >> i'm in london to brownlee for for for few days because
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there's a technology meetings and conferences happening here on defense side, there's the technological landscape of the war is changing extremely dramatically over the last month. so the previous doctrines are becoming irrelevant. the ways to conduct a land war becoming irrelevant and drones are changing essentially. drones and other new technologies, including electronic warfare and so on. changing pretty much everything wait out. the war has been, it's been fought. and we do see a lot of, a lot of common efforts in order to basically to enable ukraine to maintain an already established in some cases, technological leadership in this direction i have to say that despite russia is moving ahead right now, they're moving with enormous losses. the lowest energy you've got more people than in the in afghanistan who are for example, which has been conducted for like ten years. so that is they do move very slowly and extremely painfully,
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but at the cost which we, for example, in ukraine would never, we would never do that because we value our people. we care about our our soldiers and officers and so on. so i don't think that russia can sustain that adwan, that advancements in the long run, because essentially they will run out of weapons since and run out of people but for us, it's more important to find an asymmetric, to find the non-linear answer to the, to the russian challenge. and that's what we're doing so that's really interesting because they do have a numerical advantage to you. let's face it, and they are getting huge numbers of drones and missiles from places like iran and north korea. and the defense minister boasted this week that they are pumping out a drones per day. that they could up until now, ukraine had the advantage in drone warfare >> do you think >> it can reestablish that
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>> yes. yes, absolutely, it can. and we look very closely what russia is doing in that space. in that technological area. they do have some quite substantial innovations. but at the same time, we're absolutely see the limit of it. we understand that what they're doing is beatable and we can get getting that reestablished advantage quite quickly within a realistic period of time. let's say. but at the same time of course it's a substantial challenge because they're pumping huge money into this, into this product. objection and they avoid the sanctions very some sanctions they would white easily and get most of the chips and circuit boards from the, from the western countries. but in any ca, ukraine is a massive technological startup nation right now developing a lot of different new projects which i'm sure we'll comparison >> really interesting as you await the delivery of supplies, weapons, ammunition from the
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united states. it's so interesting to hear you talk about how these technological digital, and all those advances are being developed by yourself the fbi, your country. thank you very much. andriy zagorodnyuk. thanks a lot >> and up next, i'm going to speak to cnn's chief international security correspondent, nick paton walsh. he's been covering ukraine for much of the party as two years as the country enters. now, its third year of war over russia's invasion, what he's seen on the ground after this break united states of scandal with jake tapper tomorrow at nine on cnn, everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile, new censored in clinical white provides two shades, whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitive your production. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients when
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commitments to boosting ammunition production. and recently agreed to a funding deal worth more than $50 billion because the deal comes as president, president volodymyr zelenskyy spoke to ukrainians today, insisting their defiant nation will succeed. now cnn chief international security correspondent nick paton walsh is here to, and you've been here and there along this frontline for much of the past two years, you're joining us from zaporizhzhia breccia, which is south of where i am. how have you seen the wall developed change go back and forth over two years? >> yeah, i mean, it's been a terrifying roller coaster for ordinary ukrainians, but i think really throughout we've seen what a dedicated population of men who defending their own homes, often so many of them with no previous battle experience at all have been able to do if given the right tools by the west. and i think to krisjanis important to cast our minds back to two years
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ago, two of the key expectations people had as this conflict was widely predicted by western intelligence. the first, essentially that it was likely that western nations wouldn't be that unified in their response. will that proved to be wrong? there was an extraordinary unity in western response, but that has sadly slowly eroded over time. and the second expectation was that the russian military would simply sweep through ukraine, that it will be a quite a fast walk for the third biggest army in the world. but that turned out to be incorrect. they turn out to be staggering and competent their equipment, not necessarily working up to expectations, but slowly over time i'm that expectation has begun to be realized again. and so i think the two years have sort of put us from a place where we were surprised by certain givens not being met. now slowly coming to reality again. and i think the important one to christiane and all of this is the notion of russia's patience and tolerance for pain. they don't deal with multiple electoral cycles here. i don't know how many us
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presidents vladimir putin's on now, i think it's about four or 05:00 a.m. essentially, he has the capacity to wait this out to wait for that moment when western unity begins to phrase lightly. now of course, you've seen an extraordinary parade of european and western leaders in kyiv today, pledging more. but the real big one that they're missing. is that $60 billion from the united states. and the mere idea that that's not coming. we first heard about it in december, predictions it could take weeks to be felt on the battlefield that has been an extraordinary blow to morale here is made many people we talked to question quite what the steps ahead of going to be and it's ultimately what the kremlin always been waiting for that moment where the wes an outlier in its unity in the past begins to think about its own concerns or in the case that the us deal with its own sort of extreme prejudice in parts of the republican party. and that sadly is why the months ahead may get more complicated for ukraine, christiane yeah. >> i mean, it was going to ask you about those months ahead, but i wanted to ask you about where you'd be in this week
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and you infer sandwich ukraine loudly celebrated liberating more than a year ago. >> what did you see there? >> yeah. i mean, look, it's not terribly bleak. this was a vibrant place two years ago that we saw russian troops walk into after ukrainian defenses collapsed. and in those two years, it's been occupied horrific for much the population liberated quite fast. the russian forces with drew than it had intense flooding that damaged part of it. and now it's in this awful phase where locals talk about the worst shelling, frankly, that they've seen of all of this war and coming here to a quieter place, for example, russia, you actually get to remember the difference, like all night long in ukraine, sorry, in kherson, there was the thought of artillery in and out. we had drone pass overhead heavy machine gun far, it's winnowed out the population there to the elderly who simply can't afford to go or be anywhere else who race between food handouts to try and kick themselves sustained over time. and that sense of a ghost city really nothing like an actual
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liberation or return to normal life that makes i think many ukrainians fearful as for the future, russia's across the river, willing to hit targets around that city. most locals think they're probably trying to hit something military, but don't care if they hit something civilian. and that's reduced or ordinary life there to very little, indeed. and i think that is a dark sign for many ukrainians living here. the notion that though have a really push russia back far enough away to get back to the life they had two years ago. and i know many ukrainians speak to here, remembering today quite what it was like before all this nightmare started, but also seeing no real either way out other than continuing the fight, christiane nick. >> thank you so much from zaporizhzhia. and let us not forget that this has been a ten year war, not two years, full-scale invasion, two years ago. but this has been a ten year war. ukraine has lost thousands of people there now desperate for more weapons and ammunition keep fighting this
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fight, which is for essentially themselves, obviously, for the safety of europe, for the safety of the us space, democratic and rules-based international order. and again, they say it's great and we're so grateful for so much of the aid when time is of the essence. now and as we heard so many times on the front line, soldiers are having to choose when to fire back, how much of their limited ammunition to spend and to judge when to do it. it's not like they have unlimited ammunition right now and they talk about waves and waves of russian soldiers charging at them, as they said to me like meat grinder material, charging at them across a field. so the casualties on both sides very high. but here the motivation, even amongst the severely injured, the multiple amputees who i've been speaking to remained so incredibly high that it's humbling actually,
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to watch fred back to you, it is indeed in globally so much hanging on this conflict and the outcome chris john, thank you so much. we'll check back with you. all right. still to come, right now in this country, voting is underway in south carolina for the republican president trump primary, our political team is there live will have an update as cnn newsroom continues >> to be, a headliner las vegas that's what i want to do. >> it's unlike anywhere else in the world. >> vegas, the story of nct tomorrow at ten on cnn >> jorge is always put the ones he loves first when it comes to caring for his teeth, and he's led his own maintenance, take a backseat. well, maybe it's time to shift gears on that because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care. plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance in 20% off treatment
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ready. for monday, sign up for free visit ai or download the app. >> the south carolina republican presidential primary tonight at six on cnn >> all right it's the little spacecraft that could the odysseus lunar lander is now sideways on the moon. the makers of the craft say one of its feet caught on a lunar rock, tipping and over. but they say the lander is quote, alive and well and has the ability to send back pictures
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from the moon's south pole. this image was taken as the decius landed on the moon, but no images yet from this surface. all right, there you go, there the images, all right, here with this now retired nasa asked you're not and former international space ship commander leroy chiao. great to see you so let's take a look at the images that we have received >> okay >> so what are we looking at in this first image from the moon? how would you dissect this? >> well, as you said, the lander didn't touch down soft-landed after a heroic effort by the engineers after an issue with the ranging radar, they were able to actually use a laser range finder that was just an experiment, use that operationally to get themselves down on the moon unfortunately, they had a little bit of lateral speed about two feet per second second. and so when the legs actually touched down the feet, but actually the vehicle tipped over. so unfortunately that's the situation, but the good news is
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they did soft-land. they did learn a lot from this. and they're continuing to operate the payloads that they brought with us, with them, including being able to to send back images from the ground there, from the lunar ground, i guess the lunar surface. so hopefully we'll get to see some more of those images in the not-too-distant future. >> so i guess that's something that they could kind of anticipate would potentially happen, right? i mean, because it's kinda on its own surface for our rock might get in the way of the surface and all that >> do you think that >> risks the whole mission at all or is that just kind of a little foible that happen? >> right. and so yes, absolutely. you know, this is the question in my mind is and why did they have that two feet per second lateral drift and why weren't the rates dealt out to near zero before touchdown? could have been an issue with the calibration of a sensor. we
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just don't know yet, so we'll have to wait for them to come back with that. this is one of the things that japanese lander just a month or so ago, it came down. it was supposed to land super accurately by using a database onboard database, and cameras to look at what is on the surface of the moon compared to its database and find a smooth area that didn't have rocks that mike tip it over. it ended up also on it let's knows. unfortunately, but of course was able to salvage much of the science it was designed to do. so, not a not a done deal for saying not easy to do still but, we're getting closer. >> so as you are waiting to hear if the odysseus landing was a success. what was going through your mind on this? higher venture >> why was really excited about this as rooting for these guys. they've been at this for about ten years and there's headed have a sophisticated spacecraft had a flawless mission in getting into lunar orbit and coming down and like i said, when they were getting close to
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landing, that's where they started having some issue with the rain thinking radar. they were able to come up with a creative solution. engineers designed to software patch very quickly were able to get it on board, the spacecraft and use that experimental laser range finder. do complete the landing and maybe, maybe that was part of the issue of why they did have this lateral drift but at any rate, so they're going to learn a lot from this and the next one they nail it completely. >> wow, they're exciting. leroy chiao glad you could be with us and help us understand the pictures and the whole mission and what's at stake >> yeah, my pleasure. great. thanks for having me. >> thank you. >> all right. las vegas has been a powerful force in the zeitgeist to recently hosting super bowl 58 and wowing audiences with its futuristic new venue, the sphere. well now the new cnn original series vegas, the story of sin city, examines the city's transformation from desert town to entertainment. mecca. >> here's a preview without
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12:00 pm
188852349 in 7, 1, 8, 8, 8, 5, 2, 3, 4, 9, 8, 7, >> wire ran hates america tomorrow at eight on cnn >> closed captioning bronchi by meso mesothelial mom. it's all >> we do with local offices throughout the country and has hope you get the compensation you deserve 800 to eight to 44, 44 hello again, everyone. >> thank you so much for joining me. i'm fredricka whitfield and we're watching two major stories unfolding at this hour. our a solemn moment for ukraine, which today marks two years since the start of russia's brutal invasion. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy meeting with other world leaders today in kyiv and in an emotional message to his countrymen, zelenskyy urge hope in the face of


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