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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  February 24, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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body language. what this image tells you, the profound sadness and the tragedy, the shoulders dropped, the deep void in the gaze of the father >> the last count in january, the un reported more than 10,000 civilians dead since the war began. and the real number is thought to be much, much higher you can watch the rest of my interview with alexei ratmansky at for the past two years, america and the west have promised to support ukraine so that putin did not win this critical battle for democracy and freedom today, though i'm hearing more and more of this sober tool that is no good voicing support for democracy unless you are going to keep providing the weapons to actually defend it i'm, christiane amanpour in kyiv. thank you for watching and i'll see you again next week
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>> hello, everyone. thank you so much for joining me. i'm fredricka width and we're watching several developing stories at this hour polls are now open in the critical south carolina republican primary voters there, deciding between former president president donald trump and former south carolina governor nikki haley as the next gop presidential nominee. it's an election being closely monitored around the moral especially in ukraine. today that nation is marking two years since russia's invasion, leaders from several western countries are in key if to reinforce their support as fears grow that crucial us military funding will come to light and new developments in russia, where a spokesperson for late putin, opposition leader alexei navalny's says his body has been turned over to his mother more than a week after he was found dead in a
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russian in prison right? let's begin in this country with a gop presidential showdown underway right now in south carolina, voters are heading to the polls and the palmetto state today for the high-stakes primary between former president donald trump and former south carolina governor nikki haley who is fighting against the odds for a win in her home state. she vows to continue her campaign regardless of tonight's outcome, while trump is looking for a decisive victory, we have team coverage of today's election. kylie atwood is at a polling site where nikki haley just voted. but let's begin with alayna treene, who is also at a polling site, but in mount pleasant, kiley in kiawah island. so alayna, to you first, what kind of voter? turnout are you seeing there >> well, fred, we are here in mount pleasant at genie more elementary school. and then as you can see, the line here is pretty long and there's a lot of people at this polling location, a lot of voters eager
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to have their voices heard today, and it is a huge de, i mean, this is the state where the former president's campaign is expected or are expecting to deliver the final blow to nikki haley and her campaign. and it's also a place where it's nikki haley's home state and she wants to have a good showing here. she i think her campaign, as we've heard from our coverage with her campaign, that they are not expecting to win necessarily today, but they do want to get closer than they did in new hampshire where she trailed donald trump by 11 points. i just want to point out something interesting. i heard from some voters today, fred, as we were grabbing them, as they exited the polling location, one voter, her name was kelly, she is a democrat. she said that she came out and voted for nikki haley after haley, i had sent a series of fundraising text messages to her and also encouraged democrats to get out and vote for her today. and i think that's really interesting for the dynamics of this race, because here in south carolina,
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it is an open primary. and that means democrats and republicans to end independence. all of them can come and vote today. and so it'll be interesting to see whether or not that will help her get more support. now, for donald trump's part, they are very confident that he is going to win today. the latest polls show that he is up by 30 points over nikki haley. but i can tell you from my conversations with trump but advisors that behind the scenes, the former president is very frustrated that nikki haley has refused to drop out thus far. he's really eager to begin a general election pivot to november and began attacking joe biden and they see nikki haley is standing in the way of that. >> fred. >> all right. alayna and that's a pretty good turnout there. i used to work work just down the street. they're at the local affiliate wciv. so i know mount pleasant pretty well, but it looks like people were incredibly enthusiastic about today's primary were checked back with you, alayna, as you get a chance to talk to some of those folks out there, and we'll also get to kylie
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atwood sun at a polling station or near the polling station where nikki haley? just cast her ballot. >> all right. for more now on this race in the palmetto state, let's bring in senior politics reporter for the post and courier. caitlin byrd, kaitlan. great to see you. so it is primary day you saw those pictures and mount pleasant, i mean, that's a very impressive turnout. the long lines of folks who are there. so what are you hearing from folks about turnout overall? is that an anomaly what we just saw or is that pretty typical >> it's fairly typical. you also have to take into account it is a really beautiful day here in the low country and across south carolina, there's only a slight chance of showers later today, which bodes well, right. there has been excited statement that's been creeping up and it's visible in places like mount pleasant, a suburb of charleston, where we've been seeing over the last couple of weeks they're popping out of the ground like spring flowers. those campaigns signs of donald trump and nikki haley. i'd go down the road one day and i'd see a slew of nikki haley signs
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and by the time i was driving home, there were an equal number of donald trump signs put in front of her signs. >> the >> sign warfare is going on. that kind of usual cadence of things is happening, but there is an excitement here that i'm hearing on the ground when i went to nikki, haley's rally last night, i spoke with a woman who told me she was excited to have a choice that she didn't feel like she's had one in past elections, including in 20 may and including in 2016 so she says she wants nikki to keep going and she's going to be casting her ballot for her today. >> okay. so you were at that rally last night of nikki haley and then we also saw some pictures will see them again a little later of her chatting with people at kiawah island before she cast her ballot? also, last night, donald trump was in your state and he was speaking in an attempt to boast that black people identify with him because of his mug shot and indictments. listen to what he said i got indicted for nothing
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for something that is nothing. they were doing it because it's election interference. and then i got indicted a second time around a third time and a fourth time. >> and a lot of >> people said that that's why the black people like because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against. they actually viewed me as i'm being distributed again since the mug shot we've all seen the mug shot and, you know who embraced it more than anybody else. the black population, it's incredibly do you see black people walking around with my mug shot? you know, they do shirts so kaitlan is he just talking to the room of about 500 republicans at the black conservative federation is annual awards and colombia or are >> you finding that is resonating? that's a resonating message throughout south carolina, especially among black voters. >> i'm not sure i would extend it all the way out to black voters at large. i think it's dangerous to paint with that
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broad of a brush stroke when we're talking about voters who show up to poll for very individualized reasons. but i will tell you that when i went to his rally in conway earlier this month, there were a lot of t-shirts with donald trump's mug shot on them along with some very colorful language about joe biden and other forms of apparel that people showed up. and yes, some of those individuals were people of color. so i think it is in many ways more of an extension of the way that donald trump has been talking about himself of at the same time that he's talking about himself and positioning as something of a strongman candidate. he'll also in the same breath, look to paint himself as something of a victim and that he's the only person standing in the way of indictments coming to normal everyday people, which we know that transitive property doesn't add up, but it's a case that he's making again and again, and the crowds overwhelming believe respond with applause who see him as something of a political martyr for the republican party >> and kaitlan, haley is a
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native daughter of south carolina, as she was that state's governor for six years. yet she seems to be facing an uphill climb. if you see and reference various polling. so is it a reflection of her leadership in that state? politics among republicans, or perhaps, it's because there is an evolved electorate over the years. can you put your finger on it? >> i mean, nikki haley has always been a fighter, someone who's always said she doesn't want to give up. she doesn't want to stop running this race. even though from all indications, she's showing that she's not expecting a win out of south carolina tonight, but that doesn't mean she's going to stop fighting they point they being haley's campaign, you know, they point to her latest fundraising numbers which showed her out raising donald trump and then the last month and that's something that they see as something of a glimmer of hope that says, hey, our message does have a home. this may not be the traditional
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coalition that we've seen republican presidential candidates build. but they're arguing and making the case that that general election vote or doesn't want donald trump doesn't want joe biden, and she's trying to emerge as that candidate who people could unite and unify behind. but that is a very difficult message to be making right now. and a republican party base that isn't interested in unifying behind anyone else except donald trump right now. >> i mean, kaitlan, you make reference to number haley and her allies. i've spent a whopping $16 million ahead of today's primary far outpacing trump's 1.3 million the state doesn't vote as a monolith. but what portions of the state's electorate? do you believe that kind of campaigning might be making the biggest impact? their visits, the ads, all of that yeah well i think pointing out that ad dollars really important because it shows that she is trying to get that message
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across the state >> even at the same time that she has been crisscrossing it herself on a navy blue campaign bus. but in terms of that electorate, that's a great question because i'm sitting here in charleston. this is the first congressional district by enlarge there are pieces of it that are also in the sixth, which is currently represented by jim clyburn. the first is represented by nancy mace. why does that matter? nikki haley endorsed nancy mace in her 2022 reelection bid on that gop primary, donald trump endorsed katie arrington in that contest. what happens next? nancy mace won the first congressional district correct handily in that gop primary, but fast-forward to where we are today. nancy mace has endorsed donald trump. so whether nikki haley's message plays, pays off here in the first is gonna be really interesting because this is a place that's home to many suburban women who are, is definitely a core constituency of nikki haley and has been turned off greatly by donald i'll trump. so i'm really taking a look at the first also want to see how she does in the six, which is heavily democratic. and i think that
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the more socially conservative upstate is going to be really inhospitable territory for her at this point. but it's worth to see which pockets, if any, nikki haley can turn out for her. >> yeah, one has to wonder, is it just politics or is there a pattern because we alssa just as you'd just exemplified with mace. but senator tim scott, who got that seat because of nikki haley, he is throwing his support behind donald trump. all right. caitlin byrd. good to see you. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> all right. join cnn for live revolt and analysis of the south carolina republican presidential primary night 06:00 p.m. right here on cnn. are donald trump will return to south carolina later on today to address his supporters after the primary votes are counted tonight. but in the next hour, he is scheduled to speak at the cpac conference in maryland. the annual gathering of influential conservatives has
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turned into a pro-trump festival of sorts in recent years. this afternoon, attendees will vote on their favorites to join trump as his vice president and the conference's straw poll. cnn's steve contorno is at the conference for us. so steve, what? are we expecting to hear and from whom are we expecting to hear the messages >> well, fred, the former president, may still be involved in this gop the presidential primary and effects, there's voting going on today as we just heard in south carolina, but inside cpac, we are expecting the former president to look ahead to the general shin and really contrast his record with president joe biden. and certainly inside cpac, he has already considered the nominee by many of the people attending here and many of the people who are addressing this audience. this used to be an event where republicans and conservatives from across the party would comment and tester gop and conservative bona fides boost to see pass republicans current
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contenders, future republicans really getting their chance in the spotlight. but now this is solely about donald trump and he is going to address an audience here later today that is totally behind him. and in fact, as you mentioned, this event is also being used to sort of create a palace intrigue around who his vice presidential nominee might be you. and we have seen a number of people who are in contention for that role speak to this audience and varying degrees testing how they would defend donald trump ben, how, and then their loyalty, the president. and we saw representatives to as representative donalds, former rep. tulsi gabbard a former democrat who is in the mix and being considered dr. ben carson, who of course served in the administration of donald trump evade from a swami he is the only former 2024 contender to speak here, and he has of course endorsed the former president and then south south dakota governor kristi noem has spoken well so you're getting a taste of how this party is coalescing around
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donald trump, even though we are still in the middle of this gop primary, fred night, steve contorno, we'll check back with you. thanks so much. >> i still ahead. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy, marking a grim milestone two years since russia's full scale invasion of ukraine, his message to the world this morning >> united states of scandal with jake tapper. tomorrow at nine on cnn only united medicare advantage plans come with the eu card. one simple member card that opens doors where it matters for you >> what have we need to see a dr. well, you guard gets you live with medicare advantage is largest national provider network. >> how about using it at the pharmacy? >> yes. you're you card is all you need. >> that's easy. >> and it helped keep my smile looking good. yep. use >> your eukarya, the dennis say jeez, get access to what matters with the eu card only from unitedhealthcare congrats
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attack. cnn chief international security correspondent nick paton payton walsh is in ukraine. nic, you spoke with a ukrainian fighter who has a remarkable story. what more can you tell us >> yeah i mean it's it's stunning to talk to somebody who's life really over the past two years has sort of spans nearly every major event in this war. and also to remind you to that this familiar ukrainians started ten years ago. yes, two years ago, the full-scale russian invasion happened. and i think also remember, while for you home looking at this war, maybe a periodic episodic thing. it may come into our attention intermittently for ukrainians, this is 24/7. so for the last two nights in a row, a desk has been under drone attack, and that's consistent nearly every single week something happens there and so that's essentially fashioned the consciousness of so many here in this country struggling day-to-day, which
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we're to them, is a fight for survival and for the freedom of their family. here's the story of alexander, who's had quite an extraordinary fight over the past two years if one man's story spanned all two years of ukraine's war, you might expect it had ended abruptly by now. >> classroom >> but alexander is alive a glass eye from the siege of azovstal. gratitude from surviving russian prisons, courage from battling in the summer counter offensive. and now exhaustion from fighting in kherson in a daring advanced across the river that russia claimed it ended this week two years ago, you remember shock but russia's brutal attack but also ukraine's bold defense initially new year, you will know, the smarter given years no substitute nippon, the
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russian civil in vilnius, still nuclear you know, is now serving already four years around mariupol. he had a friend move his family to denmark, and slowly is unit fell back to the azovstal plant unaware of the iconic battle, it would become what was the worst part of azovstal. >> you saw the record that this mutation three received the us. we also know controller share running and >> to you >> got to get them for breaking of acts like us, we're wild know what know some dominant of gaza three personal decouple the condition pajaro want to take up a a show with the 400 colleagues died, 45, taken prisoner. he said surrender the
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worst feeling we'll print each they have according police, kevin i choose the war just the ms celia will not come nowhere doubles as a broad slope. the oil in state >> shan anthem daily porridge, boiled cabbage, friends dying, and threats of being hung or shot they ended abruptly. and when he's alive, there's no but >> comparisons, even assault promo scholars >> he rested and returned to fight in the bitter and bloody southern counter offensive near or regina. he said he was grateful to feel fear again, that your experience has left you feeling more courageous or more fearful on the front line. >> now the renewed, essentially a brutal by us at the heart of
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soccer, the is throw it struck a bunch of the give a gun and instruct them some audio >> we talk in kherson in his brain from assaulting russian positions across the river. a risky advanced ukraine hoped would edge towards occupied crimea it hasn't many lives have been lost. and the city of her son liberated now for 15 months is also an exhausted ghost. and while western support has slowed, russia has not so what both sheila border, when you're course say will drag it and the best of the care her present view
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>> no end is insight. he says, he does, of course, not want his son to fight in this war. he is seven that's been a stunning roller coaster, frankly, for ordinary ukrainians and one that they've just not been able to get off their >> original resilience, holding back the third largest army in the world. and then the remarkable success in 2022, kicking them out large amounts of territory. they'd occupied, then the failure of the counter offensive. and ultimately now the moment frankly, most belief putin has been waiting for that moment where a western resolve and a despite the extraordinary speeches pledges we've heard in kyiv today from many western european leaders coming over that essentially, it's that usaid that appears ropy now, it may never come, and that's the moment putin has been waiting for infinitely patient, infinitely tolerable of pain
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and potentially now seeing an opening in, as this war heads into its third year back to you. >> all right, powerful stuff. nick paton, walsh. thank you so much. in ukraine all right. coming up 12,000 texts and phone calls, donald trump's team says, they tell a narrative different from the recent testimony of fulton county district the attorney fani willis, regarding her relationship with her top prosecutor, important or irrelevant. we'll discuss it's hockey de in america. >> what a moment >> and the nhl on tnt is celebrating america's hockey legacy with a marquee doubleheader denver on sunday. >> first >> boat to take on the devil >> dial up his game, then it's a battle while state run pool by crosby coverage job by the flyers, lightning, devils, flyers, big tomorrow with 12, 32 years it rice diabetes.
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rhetoric is why he can't win in november it's disgusting. >> but that's what happens when he goes off the teleprompter. that's the chaos that comes with donald trump that's the offensiveness. it's going to happen every day between now and the general election, which is why i continue to say donald trump cannot win a general election. he won't. we can make him the problem primary nominee if we want to, but we republicans will lose come november. this is a huge warning sign. >> we have to stop with the chaos. we have to stop with the drama. we have to stop the bad sound bites that keep happening over and over again >> trump's comments came last night in columbia, south carolina in front of a group of black conservatives. so cnn's special coverage on the south carolina primary starts at 04:00 p.m. eastern. today attorneys for former president donald trump want the cell phone records for lead prosecutor nathan wade,
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admitted, as evidenced in the georgia election interference case. the records suggests the timeframe for fulton county district attorney fani willis and wade's relationship was earlier than they both testified last week, according to a private investigator for the trump team there are 12,000 text messages and calls between wade and willis over an 11 month period. but attorneys for willis say the records, quote, do not prove anything relevant i'd like to bring in now cnn legal analyst joey jackson to discuss all this. great to see you, joey. so is this relevant or a distraction >> yes, certainly depends who you ask for your acre, right. i mean, but at the end of the de in analyzing and looking at this, this is a very entertaining distraction in deflection when i look at a case, i look at a case and challenging a case as a defense attorney and to be clear, i think the prosecutor gave them this issue, both the special prosecutor mr. wade, as well as
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fani willis as we look at there and obviously any good defense attorney is going to capitalize on an issue but this case is about what, if anything happened regarding the president and 18 other defendants. well now, paired down for pled guilty, three of which were attorneys for the trump campaign, whether there was any wrongdoing and it's about the process and fairness in the process and just a minute, fredricka, let's talk about that. there's a grand jury that's convened of citizens of georgia and that grand jury doesn't decide guilt or innocence. they decide whether there's reasonable cause to believe that crimes were committed. and defendants committed them. they had that process moving forward, right. in the event the case proceeds, there'll be a trial jury. a trial jury will make a determination based upon guilt or lack thereof rob beyond a reasonable doubt. all having to be unanimous. and so that's the case this is a sideshow and certainly the judge had to entertain it with an evidentiary hearing. the question for me is irrespective of cruises and whether she likes australia and does she
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keep money in the house or not? and what did her father tell her and when they met is the president and anybody else getting a fair trial pursuant to the processes and whether this at all would impair that. and so that's i think where the focus needs to be and not so much on these text messages and their dalliances any. but listen, that's my perspective. certainly the judge has i haven't proceeding in court and we'll see what that proceeding on veils when they go back on friday, fredricka, march 1, for the continued proceedings. >> right. and so the judge will also make that determination. i tried to make the determination as you say, about admissibility of this kind of cell phone records stuff and the questions have to be answered, right? about how was that cell phone data? retrieved? and the judge would have to reopen evidentiary hearing. right. to even allow this testimony. and the judge has already kinda set a date of final arguments to be march 1. so is there a time for all of this? >> yeah? i think there will be time and if there's not time
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now for eureka, there'll be time that are made. and so as it relates to reopening a hearing that's certainly possible, what would that look like? it will look like now that we have information that seems to contradict what nathan wade, the special prosecutor, when fani willis, the prosecutor said regarding the nature of their related patient ship, should it be reopened? what the cell phone communications obtained legally, was there an underlying warrant? did there need to be a warrant assuming that's true? what do these communications mean? do the communications contradict the relationship predicated upon them showing that as these communications with the cell phone data them being in the same location at this same time, the location it doesn't pinpoint specifically for driesell where they weren't only indicates they were in the same place where they in the same place, did they lie about their relationship? what does this mean to the underlying case? so yes, the judge can reopen the hearing on march 1 and get further information with respect to that. really what the information from the data it would reflect. >> okay. but still, what the
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judge is charged with trying to determine whether there were some alleged financial gain that the district attorney had from this relationship really less about i guess the embodiment of their relationship, right. and what kind of communications they did or didn't have. it's really about financial gain >> so it is, but the to remember fredricka interrelated, right? did we have this relationship? was the relationship predicated upon creating write a source of finance and revenue the new for potentially your boyfriend and with that then get kicked back to use such that you would benefit in the event there is that financial conflict, does it impair your ability to proceed with the case if it does, should you be removed from the case? should the indictment be dismissed, predicated upon all of that. and at the end of the day, that's what it's about? yes. financial relationship in any benefit, but in order to assess the benefit, you have to assess the relationship. and that's how this becomes relevant. but i think big picture we have to
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focus on. did this tank the case, did this taint the indictment, did it change any fact with respect to the 98 pages that we read when the indictment was unveiled as to mr. trump and any of the core defendants, does it not get them a fair trial if there was this relationship and i think that's what the nature and the focus has to be on now and really moving forward. >> all right. thank you so much for all that. joey jackson. great to see you. appreciate it. always will be right back >> united states of scandal with jake tapper tomorrow at nine on cnn. >> there's nothing better than a subway series foot-long, except when you add a new foot-long sidekick, like the ultimate bmt, with the new foot-long pretzels, nothing like a side kicked it, steps up in crunch time not cool man. >> every epic foot long deserved the perfect sidekick. >> whether you come to key west for an in-depth history lesson we just want to skim the
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has more on the controversial ruling alabama's top prosecutor has no intention of going after ivf patients or clinics after a first of its kind decision from the >> state supreme court, the court ruling that frozen embryos are children. and anyone who disposes of them can be held liable for wrongful death, drawing fierce backlash from until it experts not fared our patients. >> again, they're >> her embryos. >> meanwhile, state lawmakers in a scramble to protect ivf treatments in response to the ruling, house democrats on thursday introduced a bill that would exclude any human embryo outside the uterus from being considered an unborn child or human being under state law. republicans expected to file in the senate according to a source. meanwhile, the alabama fertility industry isn't a holding pattern as a question, how ivf can continue undisrupted in the wake of this ruling, dr. andrew harper moving forward with ivf at his
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alabama clinic, but with one major change, we will pause any discarding of embryos full stop. now, the rest of ivf, she has tubal blockage stays? >> yes. well, continue with ivf this time next week >> asked me again experts tell cnn embryos often don't make it naturally or in a lab genetically abnormal fertilized eggs are typically discarded. others don't survive the thawing process cnn was granted access inside one medical clinic, still providing ivf this is where they keep frozen embryos stored here, preserved in liquid nitrogen. so according to the alabama supreme court, these embryos are human beings. and destroying an embryo could hold you liable for wrongful death. this has been a big concern for
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patients and providers. so now patients are in a situation where they may be forced to pay hundreds it's of dollars every year to store embryos that they know are not going to make it. they know we're not viable and providers certainly worried about civil liability if an embryo is lost in the process. dr. harper and talks with companies to ship embryos out-of-state for storage >> there her embryos with all rights and responsibilities and ultimately they're disposition is heard, incision not to state don to practice, not the church >> gop lawmakers quick to distance themselves from the alabama ruling. former president donald trump calling on the alabama legislature to find a solution. >> i strongly support the availability of ivf for couples who are trying to have a precious little beautiful baby. >> i should and today i'm
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calling on the alabama legislature to act quickly to find an immediate >> solution to preserve the availability of ivf in alabama >> and for those patients left without a clinic a rush to find alternative care i spoke with gabby goidel this week, who got that call and she rushed to get on a plane to go to texas where she has found a fertility clinic there and she will continue her care for ivf journey they're going back in florida continuously between alabama and texas, something she says will put her into debt. fred >> isabel rosales. thank you so much. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu revealing his plans for the future of gaza what this means for palestinians backroom deals, cia secrets of fares, bribery, corruption, prostitution there's so, much more to the store, united states of scandal
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redefining insurance. >> this room with wolf blitzer on monday at six on cnn. >> this week, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu unveiled his plan for a so-called day after hamas it would include the quote, complete demilitarization of the enclave and give israeli military quote, operational freedom of action in the entire gaza strip and a security zone inside the enclave. aaron david miller is a former middle east negotiator and a senior fellow at the carnegie endowment. so great to see you. so in your view, who besides netanyahu would be onboard with this? >> very few maybe the extremist ministers in his right wing coalition but it's a pretty tough response. all the prime minister leaves themselves some loopholes in terms of maybe providing a role for the palestinian authority. but by
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enlarge, i think it's an effort that's tip o'neill said, dread, all politics is local. it's an effort to deflect pressure from the biden administration, keep the war cabinet on void. board. benny gantz and also maintain his right-wing extremist government by basically asserting numb opposition to any sort of palestinian state and israeli control, the west bank, the palestinian authority has already said no thanks to this idea. so that proposed reoccupation is not something the biden administration is behind. so how is netanyahu's planned this proposal? how might it further impact relationships, relations with this white house? >> well, i think right now for the administration is focused on one issue and it's really not the day after. its can a the ongoing negotiations in paris, which appear to be making some progress with the carters, the egyptians, the
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israelis, and by proxy, hamas, on a hostage deal. >> and it >> appears as if there has been some progress that deal is supposed to be presented to the israeli cabinet tonight, and it would involve the release of some 40 israeli hostages. the elderly, the infirm end, and maybe women in exchange for a 40 five-day pause. that is where the administration is focused because without that vitamin assertion doesn't have much of a policy toward trying to de-escalate and end the israeli hamas war. so they need benjamin netanyahu. i think is my point and the fact is the president can afford to go to war with them >> figuratively speaking, i wonder if the timing of netanyahu's day after plan in any way impacts these on and off again, negotiations at the core to get these hostages released and is this such a turnoff particularly to hamas to hear a reoccupation of gaza,
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that it may be less willing to negotiate a release. >> yeah, it's a fair point. i think though those negotiations are being driven by a couple of other factors. which right now are more important to hamas will the israelis released in a symmetrical trade, probably hundreds of palestinian prisoners, security prisoners, presumably prisoners who have committed acts of violence and killed israelis. and what is the duration of the extended pause or temporary? secion of hostilities >> those are the key >> issues in addition to surge and assistance. so i think there's i think the best chance we've had since november it since that limit in exchange to release these hostages in fact, we may be on the cusp of some sort of eurasia in some sort of a deal as a negotiator yourself, how helpful do you remain? this is a long time and unclear the well-being of so
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many of the sum hundred hostages that are believed to still be held. >> premiering, the urgency is acute. you have 134 hostages according to the israelis, as many as 30 may have been killed on october 7. their bodies taken to gaza by hamas to trade and then there are more who have died in captivity. so the longer this goes on, the more concern for the health and well-being of these hostages. again, i think nobody ever lost money veteran against arab-israeli peace is palestinian peace, but i think this time around, the pressures on both sides may be sufficient nor to secure this limited deal already five hostages in exchange for a six-week pause in military activities. on the part of the israelis aaron david miller, always great to see you. thanks so much. >> thanks for having me, fred >> coming up a somber milestone two years ago today, an unprovoked russia invaded its
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so if you've got a special photo on your phone, install the free keepsake app, we would love a chance to frame it for you. >> vegas story of sin city tomorrow at ten on cnn closed captioning brought to you by meso >> mesothelial. mom it's all we do with local offices throughout the country, but does help you get the compensation you deserve 800 to eight to 44, 44 good afternoon. >> i'm fredricka whitfield in atlanta alongside my colleague christiane amanpour in ukraine we're following two big stories today, starting with a major moment on the presidential campaign trail in the us, south carolina republican voters are hitting the polls select their next presidential nominee. the stakes are high in the palmetto state where former governor nikki haley is trying to gain momentum on former president trump's march to a second term. chris john adhering key,
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fredricka officials are watching that election very closely as the solemn two-year mark is also a turning point. today, the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy, urged his country people to remain hopeful in the face of russian aggression. but weapons and ammunition are running dangerously low on ukraine's front lines. the nato secretary general jens stoltenberg, called the situation, quote, extremely serious and vowed more nato aid meantime, russia's defense minister chose this day to meet his troops inside parts of eastern ukraine that they now occupied. the extent of russia's atrocities were clear right from the start back in april 2022, the world saw evidence of mass murder in bucha. this marked a critical turning point in the four hardening ukraine's determination to defeat russia and showing the rest of the world exactly how putin operates. now, almost two years


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