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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  February 24, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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trying to gather evidence from what we're told. there's also video evidence in this case and they couldn't get into all of that today. but we're told maybe parts of the attack were captured on that video surveillance. we know extra resources were brought in from the gbi to the state troopers all trying to figure this out. but when you think about this campus and how it's sorted, crushed the culture here. you understand the pain. now, classes have been canceled till monday. we believe there will be some sort of memorial service, but as a parent, jati, i'm sure you understand this when the chief was standing up there, he was just talking about the idea that last night he couldn't said young lady's name because they hadn't told the parents just yet, we even know that her sister has put up a message on facebook to just to talk about her own sisters. so when you put all this together, john, the pain that they're feeling here understanding that someone would just attacker on that trail. there's a lot of questions that still haven't been answered yet. we're also awaiting that mug shot that we haven't gotten from the county jail as of right now ryan
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young. >> thanks. the news continues right now here on cnn >> and welcome to all you watching us here in the united states, canada, and around the world i'm kim brunhuber. this is cnn newsroom we're hours away from the polls opening in south carolina as they prepare for the crucial republican primary contest in the presidential race. cnn has a team of reporters on the campaign trail. boss two palestinian american teens, shot and killed in the occupied west bank. both the families are blaming israeli forces and calling on the us for response and today marks two years since russia began its brutal full scale invasion into ukraine i'll speak with head of ukraine's nobel peace prize winning center for civil liberties about her work documenting war crimes >> live from atlanta this is cnn newsroom with kim brunhuber >> in a little less than two
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hours polls open for crucial contests in the race for the white house, south carolina's republican primary donald trump has maintained a comfortable and commanding lead in recent polls, but rival nikki haley and says, she's not bowing out anytime soon. and she's ramped up her attacks on trump in recent days, slamming him for the chaos of as many trials and for not condemning russia's present after the death of dissident alexey navalny. haley also suggested trump can't win in november, here she is don't complain about what happens in a general election. if you don't vote in this primary, it matters and then i know you are well here because you want to see a change in america but what i want to remind you is we can want all all the things to get fixed that we want but if we can't win a general election, we get nothing. >> but recent polls show haley
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behind trump in south carolina by around 30 percentage points. now the less haley has vowed to stay in the race through super tuesday on march 5, when 15 states and one territory will hold nominating contests. all right, cnn has a team of reporters covering the primary. cnn's kylie atwood is covering the nikki haley campaign from moncks corner, south carolina. but we begin with cnn's kristen holmes covering the trump campaign from rock hill, south carolina, where he weighed in on the controversy over the alabama supreme court's ruling on in vitro fertilization >> former president donald trump, but weighing in for the first time on the controversial alabama supreme court ruling that embryos, frozen embryos are people saying that he definitively stands behind ivf during a rally in south carolina. take a lesson >> we want to make it easier for mothers and fathers to have babies, not harder. you know that that includes and you saw this who is a big deal over the last few days that includes supporting the availability of
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fertility treatments like ivf in every state in america you've been seeing, you've been seeing alabama >> it's been a big story like the overwhelming majority of americans, including the vast majority of republican sir. but it was christians and pro-life americans. i strongly support the availability of ivf for couples who are trying to have a precious little beautiful baby. >> now, trump's response came after president joe biden and democrats tried to link republicans and former president trump to the ivf ruling, saying that it was were linked directly to roe v. wade and trump's role in overturning roe v. wade. now, donald trump, while he might have been definitive about ivf, has been much more squishy on the campaign trail when it comes to abortion, he has tried to walk a fine line between being the architect of the overturning of roe v. wade by his appointment of three supreme cream court justices to the supreme court bench. however, he is also
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decided he doesn't want to talk about abortion because he believes that as a political loser and as we get closer to a general election, as it does appear that it's going to be a rematch between former president trump and president joe biden. you can expect democrats to really double down on this issue of abortion. but donald trump will likely have to come up with a new message. kristen holmes, cnn, rock hill, south carolina ahead of the south carolina primary on saturday, nikki haley reminding voters that she believes that they >> deserve better than two eighty-year-olds potentially running for president didn't reminding them that she believes that they need a leader who has moral clarity, making a pitch that we have heard from her time and time again over the course of the last month here in south carolina minor, where she has been busy campaigning with more than 30 events across the state, spending a tremendous amount on advertising in the state, outspending then trump and his allies by $15 and nikki haley also telling them that
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it's important for them to show up at the polls tomorrow, even if the voters part typically ones who vote in primaries, they just vote in generals. she's urging them to show up because the stakes couldn't be higher. now, nikki haley has said earlier in the week that she will go on, she'll keep her campaign pain alive on sunday the day after the south carolina primary, effectively, no matter what happens here in the state, but the stakes are incredibly high for her because it is her home state because she hasn't won any of the first three contests in the republican primary contests. and next week is going to be a tremendous week for her as she tries to look ahead to super tuesday, but will have to see what happens here. south carolina. kylie atwood, cnn, moncks corner, south carolina >> earlier, cnn spoke with some hostile and so the professor of government at the uk's university of essex, and she talked about the reasons haley's staying in the race and what could be next for trump's republican rival, lossless line is about saving face that
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she's made the claim that she's going to stay in this race for as long as it takes. and that she was someone who came from way behind in the polls, only 2% polling in the beginning of her campaign. and, and she has emerged as the number two in this contest. i do see her staying in it, although i'm not sure what that's going to do, i think what we have to look for is how big this lead is going to be. it could be just a monstrous defeat by donald trump. >> he's ahead in the >> polls over 30 points. >> but she >> might do better than expected. there would be have to be some sort of massive polling error if that was true. >> but if she does >> better-than-expected, she's going to use that to justify the reason why she's she should stay in the race and she's going to keep hammering this idea that if she were to go head-to-head with joe biden, she would probably have a better chance of defeating joe biden than trump would. and that's something that she'll have to connect with with voters, with the problem is in the primaries, of course, the voters are more extreme and
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more rabid and more committed to donald trump. >> and we'll have special live coverage of south carolina's primary right here on cnn that starts at 04:00 p.m. eastern with erin burnett and wolf blitzer russia is on the offensive. us aid is in limbo and encouraging news is hard to come by as the war in ukraine enters its third year those air raid sirens rang out in kyiv as russia launched its full-scale invasion on february 24, 2022, unleashing the biggest conflict in europe since world war ii >> now this is >> what it looks like now with a makeshift memorial to fallen ukrainians standing downtown, a number of world leaders are in kyiv to mark the occasion, including canadian prime minister justin trudeau and european commission chief also have on their lion ukraine is short of ammunition, but fighting on saying its shot down a russian spy plane that
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helped guide missile attacks. now that's happening as russia keeps its drone strikes going, hitting a residential building in odessa friday night, ukraine says one person was killed and three others wounded. in russia now claims it's captured about 200 ukrainian troops in avdiivka, which fell to the invaders last week. russian forces say they expect to after about 100 more ukrainian forces in the coming days. we want to show you now what ukrainian troops have endured over the past two years through the life of one soldier who fought from day one, nick paton walsh has his story >> if one man story spanned all two years of ukraine's war, you might expect it had ended abruptly by now garcia. but alexander is alive. a glass cy from the siege of azovstal. gratitude from surviving russian prisons, courage from battling in the summer counter offensive. and now exhaustion from fighting in kherson in a
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daring advanced across the river that russia claims it ended this week two years ago, you remember shock, but russia's brutal attack, but also ukraine's bold defense >> official >> and the smarter old yes there are no substitute nippon, the russian seal would the was persona patoka losses >> and, slowly his unit fell back to the azovstal plant on aware of the iconic battle, it would become what was the worst part of azovstal will say though, that this mutation three resy the us. we also know controller russia ryan, and that the question because of import, much of the new
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>> is there a flashback that is >> most vivid to you than when they got rid been flipped burger that looks like we're wired. know i know some do minute because the three possible decoupled credential potential to take up arrested leisure. they show with the t5 taken prisoner. he said, surrender. the worst feeling. in you print each other according can you talk. to police carbon i choose the war >> just the ms celia >> will not come as a broad slope the hallway and stage >> the porridge boiled cabbage, friends dying, and threats of being hung or shot they ended abruptly. >> and when he's alive, there's no such but comparison given also of tomos circular
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separate busyness >> he rested and returned to fight in the bitter and bloody southern counter offensive near regina. he said he was grateful to feel fear again, that your experience has left you feeling more courageous or more fearful on the front line >> now the renewed essentially capitol by us talk a little throw. it struck a better the give going on in somalia what this is the best of luck >> we talk in kherson and his break from assaulting russian positions across the river. a risky advanced ukraine hoped would edge towards occupied crimea. it hasn't many lives have been lost and the city of her son liberated now for 15
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months is also an exhausted ghost. and while western support has slowed russia has not sheila border. when you say we'll track it and the best of the care it was. an e-book, kelisha, some pros the kelisha suddenness, this not pushes alluding style there's a lot in the bone strata >> no end is sight. he says he does. of course, not want his son to fight in this war. he is seven nick paton walsh, cnn, kherson >> and for more, we're joined now by oleksandra matviichuk, the head of ukraine's center for civil liberties, which won a nobel peace prize two years ago. and she's speaking to us from kyiv. thank you so much for being here with us so just to start, i want to get your
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thoughts on this sad anniversary. what comes to mind now as we turn the corner into a third year of the war we approach into the second anniversary of large-scale invasion in a very difficult situation, when putin is preparing for a long protracted war and only officially 40% of budget will be spent for for military expenses while military support to ukraine from united states is frozen. and we have been holding back multi-million population nuclear state for ten years already and we have no other choice. we have continued this fight because if i stop fighting, they will be no more us >> the organization you had, it's been documenting war crimes more than 64,000. now i understand in counting and ukraine's prosecutor general is that there are roughly twice as many, 122,000. give us a sense of what you found so far
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throughout these two years >> we have into documented at how russian troops deliberately shelling residential buildings, schools, churches, hospitals, and mute his ems. they are taking evacuation corridors. they're torturing people and filtration camps. they are forcibly deported ukrainian children to russia. they abducting robin re-bin and killing civilians in the occupied territories the event ukrainian language and culture in this territory's and the entire un system of pistons security can stop it in terms of trying to stop it. i mean, where is the country in terms of actually prosecuting all of those crimes that you mentioned. ukraine, as i understand, it, has only convicted at it most of those in absentia. so how hard has it been to actually move forward with prosecutions? >> it's hard because we faced with enormous amount of crimes. russia uses were crimes at the
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methods of for fear, it's the way how russia tried to win this war with inflicting the immense pain on civilian population. but there is another problem exist. we have no international court who can prosecute putin and his surrounding for the crime of aggression. but all these atrocities, which we are now documenting, its results of their leadership decision too. start this war, we need a special tribunal. >> explain what you mean because you've called for the special tribunal that would on aggression specifically to hold russia accountable. but do you get any sense that there's any international will to do that and would you think putin or anybody who's responsible for these crimes actually be held responsible? or is that it just more of the message that it sends that's important here. >> we need bravery and historical responsibility of political leaders from the world. because if we want to
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prevent worse in future, we have to bind your states in their leaders who start such worse in present, it's a common logic especially in situation when the un system is collapsing before our eyes and can't protect people against authoritarianism. and the worse. >> i mean, we're showing just some of the after effects of the war i mean, there's so many cases, so much evidence and then with social media crowdsourcing, a lot of evidence as well. i mean, the sheer amount of information must be overwhelming. how do you how do you cope >> processing all of that? >> it's, very difficult. i still look a proper word to describe what does it mean to to live during the large-scale war? what does it mean to live in constant fear for your beloved ones what does it mean to lose everything which you call normal life? but these dramatic times provide us an opportunity to express the best in us to be courageous, to
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fight for freedom, and to help each other you obviously need help in doing this. there has been i think the us has charged for russian affiliated soldiers with war crimes, religiously, beating and torturing a us so there's in germany and poland have also helped collect evidence. what role do ukraine's international partners play in, in helping to shoulder the load here? when large-scale invasion >> started, the international partners told, let's help ukraine not to fail. and ukraine obtained a first two weapons to be able to defend ourselves. and we are extremely grateful. but this is also an explanation why ukraine was waiting for his whole year for the first modern tank why we still have no modern plane and can't secure our sky because there is a huge differences between, let's help ukraine
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not to fail, and let's help ukraine to win fast. and when can practically measure this difference in types of weapons in speed of decisions. and the problem is that we have no time, we are dying. the time for us is converted in numerous deaths in battlefield, in numerous deaths in deep prayer, in numerous tests in occupied territories i when i'm talking to you, i can hear the emotion in your voice you know, anger or sadness all so many emotions in what one can understand why. i mean just having to go through this for years and the people that you've had to speak with who have gone through much worse. i mean, just how do you cope with with all of this for two years now? >> the examples so millions of people in ukraine, ordinary people who start to do extraordinary things help us to move on because when large-scale invasion started,
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international organizations have their personnel's. but ordinary people remained an ordinary people started to do extra ordinary things. it's where ordinary people who took people out from the ruined cities who broke through the encirclement to provide the humanitarian aid. who helped to survive under artilleries, fire and i don't know how historians of the future we'll call this turbulent times because it's not just to war between two states. this is a border between two systems are retiring is democracy but i know for sure that people in ukraine will be marked in this world history with dignity >> that's a good message stand on woul will leave it there, but good luck in your mission oleksandra matviichuk. thank you so much for speaking with us. it's really and on all of the scene has gathered a list of vetted organizations that are on the ground responding in ukraine. so for more information about how you can help humanitarian efforts go to
2:21 am slash impact all right, much more here to come on. cnn newsroom, including a look at the massive round of sanctions imposed by the us on russia after the death of kremlin critic alexey navalny. last two us citizens killed weeks apart in the west bank families are still waiting for answers from the us and israel and they speak with cnn. next, stay with us >> where are you worried the wedding would be too much. >> now >> another destination wedding? here's my backyard >> within power, we get all our financial questions answered, so we don't have to worry, empower what's next? >> question moves fast >> so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level with a custom private 5g network get more control with production efficiencies and greater agility. that's enterprise intelligence. >> it's your >> vision, it's your verizon covid-19.
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>> there is no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and thanks to do, that's why you choose glissando to help manage blood sugar response, you need if we designed with carb steady glue cerner, bring on the day >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu shared his plan for post-war gaza on the same day, israel sent a delegation to paris for the next round of goishi patients are expected to meet with senior officials from the us, egypt uncaught her on a potential ceasefire and hostage deal. it's not clear how long the talks will last with one official noting it could go through the weekend if it doesn't fall all part. meanwhile, families of hostages protested in israel on friday demanding the return of everyone's still held in gaza. the families and their supporters blocked a highway and tel aviv by setting up an empty shabbat dinner table with empty chairs representing hostages who remain in gaza 134 people are still being kept in the enclave, nearly five months after the october 7 attacks in israel to separate killings and
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the west bank have families demanding answers from the us and israel. the families say two palestinian-american teenage boys were shot and killed by israeli gunfire in recent weeks they're going frustrated about the lack of response from either government cnn's alex marquardt has more on. we just want to warn you. his report does contain graphic content >> these are the final moments of mohammad. he adores life picnicking with his cousin driving through the bumpy hills of the occupied west bank then tries last people rushed to the car. muhammad shot in the head, his body limp, his hair covered in blood as he's carried away, the 17 year-old us citizen mortally wounded. he died in the hospital. the second american teen in just weeks, believed to have been killed by israeli bullets. >> he was such a beautiful child inside and out. >> muhammad's aunt and uncle live in cleveland. they promised muhammad, who was born in miami, that they would bring
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them back to the us after graduating from high school while you called him for what was he doing for you? nothing nothing. just your see him. he's happy in his life with his cousin that's it. he can kill him, man in cold blood, man. >> who do you think is responsible? the government men, israeli government yeah, he's innocent. kids not doing nothing, just been shot and killed too cold blood for no good reason. all from the israeli government not doing nothing much to prevent these types of things? >> another 17 year-old american citizen, tawfic abdel jabbar, who grew up in louisiana, was killed in january. he had just moved to the west bank last year and in an almost identical incident, he was out for an afternoon with friends when his family said he was shot multiple times, he was driving, going to our own property that we have on that mountain to do a simple cookout with him and
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his friends. >> tell me what tell few was like as a brother was my right-hand man a brother, i can go to for anything. >> he >> was very kind, unselfish outgoing in the amount of friends i seen that he made in this small period of time was outrageous. >> the families of both boys say that israeli gunmen were responsible. it's not clear exactly who a us official told cnn, their deaths are being investigated in tel fix case, the idf told cnn they're looking into the possible involvement of an israeli soldier soldier during almost five months of war in gaza. violence by israelis against palestinians and the west bank has soared more than 400 palestinians have been killed about a quarter of them were under 18. the biden administration has since imposed unprecedented sanctions against israeli settler extremist. >> we insist that people be treated fairly, that they be treated with due process, and that they be treated humanely.
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>> last week, i asked secretary of state antony blinken about the string of american deaths and detentions at the hands of israelis when it comes to the investigations into the teenager's deaths, where do those stand? >> we've made clear that with regard to the the incidents you've alluded to, there needs to be an investigation. we need to get the facts. and if appropriate, there needs to be accountability. >> he says the safety and security of american citizens around the world is their biggest priority. do you believe that? >> no no. >> what do you want the us government to do >> to move not to just talking. we don't need talking man. we need something. we want to see something. are you >> confident that there will be some kind of justice in the end? >> i'm hopeful, yeah >> but wouldn't be out of the ordinary? we don't get the justice that we're hoping for. >> the controversial us support for israel's war in gaza now, even further complicated by
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american citizens since getting caught up in the violence, what power do you think the us government has that they're not using right now to figure out what happened. >> i believe that they have every power in the world to resolved. my brother depth to know he killed them. i feel like they don't want to there waiting for this story to be quiet just to vanish away. but that's not going to happen. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has in the past condemned extremists, settler violence against palestinians. he has not commented on the deaths of these two american teenagers, which a us official tells me israel is investigating and the biden administration is watching closely that official saying that if they feel those investigators missions are not conducted properly, these cases will get escalated to more senior members of the israeli government. alex marquardt, cnn, washington >> ukraine marks a somber anniversary two years since russia began its full-scale invasion. still ahead, we'll go live to berlin latest as western leaders tried to muster
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the support kyiv needs at a critical time possible here, what the mayor of kyiv had to say about this somber day, i spoke with him just hour ago the struggle to teach black history in the us will take a closer look at efforts to block what children are learning about the past. >> say what candidate john edwards cheated on his cancer-stricken wife, had a baby with his girlfriend and then tried to >> pass it off as a campaign staffer. first kid. >> we're here to get your side of the story. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper, new episode tomorrow at nine on cnn. >> okay, everyone, our mission is to divide complete balanced nutrition or strength and energy >> ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein he was only 47 aneurism. >> did he have life insurance >> do you know? >> you've got to get on it
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whoa, how did you defeat them? with a little kung fu strength and by connecting my devices to the most powerful force of all. skadoosh. hah, huh? cool right? amazing. harness the power of xfinity internet and stay connected to the things you love. ah, they'll be like this for hours. hello dad, hello dad, hello da. uh-oh. good bunnies. ahh! >> welcome back to all of you watching us here in the the united states, canada, and around the world. i'm kim brunhuber. this is cnn newsroom, us president joe biden marked the second anniversary of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine and the death of kremlin critic alexey navalny by announcing a huge round of fresh sanctions and trade restrictions here as
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>> we can't walk away now. and this was putin is bedding that's why i'm announcing more than 500 new sanctions in response respond to putin's brutal war of conquest in response to alexey navalny's death we, the united states are going to continue ensure that putin pays the price for his aggression abroad and repression at home >> the measures represent the largest single day set of sanctions since the simmering russia, ukraine conflict between the two escalated two years ago, the us says its goal is to limit moscow's revenue and make it harder for russia to use its supply chain to build weapons shanks and targets include organizations involved in moscow's military industrial complex. and third country entities that have helped russia evade previous sanctions russia's mirror payment system, part of its financial infrastructure is also on the list now this all comes on the heels. ukraine
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marking us sobering milestone today >> two years ago, >> russian troops marched across the border into ukraine, beginning a full-scale invasion. every 24th, 2022 was a day that shook the west to its core, ripping up decades of relative peace in europe as ukraine heads into year three of the war, they're still urgently waiting for aid from the us. they're fighting on, but they face critical shortages of ammunition and troops for more, we're joined by cnn's sebastian shukla in berlin. so some, some western allies have arrived in ukraine, were just looking at some live pictures from ukraine where they're marking the occasion you see vladimir zelenskyy there take us through the message that these western allies are sending >> yeah, kim, it's incredible to think that two years ago i was in mariupol the de that
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russia invaded and to see the shock and fear that we're on people's faces as they made a run on the banks and qq's miles-long looking for petrol in the rush, there was to get out of the city. but through that underlying time, the message was from the west. we are behind you and we are supporting you all the way as you were just seeing those pictures, live from kyiv there that message is still the same from allies, from the, from europe and also from the united states as ursula von der leyen, the european commission president, arrived today in the ukrainian capital. she tweeted more than ever. we stand firmly by ukraine financially, economically militarily, morally, until the country is finally free. but ukraine's freedom will not come without continued support, which it desperately needs at the moment on the front lines, the uk has pledged today a new $300 million munitions package, but
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the crucial one is still with the united states, almost 60 billion dollars worth of aid which is needed because at the moment, can we are seeing a small advance by the russians on the front lines particularly in donetsk region. we saw this week that have dv curse small but important town was taken by the russians that had lived long in the crosshairs from the previously occupied separatist territory. and we've seen the russians making a big deal about this, handing out medals and president putin saying that it's a great victory. but going into this year, we are going to be looking at what ukraine will be able to do on the battlefield and it has a new general. now taking over from olexander. valery zaluzhny, olexander syrskyi is his name. we will wait to see what his doctrine and how that plays out on the ukrainian battlefields kim >> all right, thanks so much. sebastian shukla in berlin. appreciate that
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>> so in our last hour, i >> spoke with the mayor of kyiv about the somber anniversary. vitali klitschko says, it's all about defending ukraine's values serious i want to say this very important. the question of wallace if us today's world, black and white you all for the war, against what you for democracy or the data sheet. and that's why we fighting right now in defending not just our homeland with attending right now. and wallace, if we have the same wallace we need us support because results support of united states is very difficult to the question right now about the future. not just future of ukraine, future of democracy in the world. and that why we counted of support of our friends it's very important, very important, live important for us to still support ukraine because we fighting for future for our democratic future of our homeland, which you can never accept
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>> globe boring, a global outpouring of support as ukraine marks the second anniversary of the russian invasion in paris, the eiffel tower lit up friday night in the column floors of the ukrainian flag, french president emmanuel macron pledged francis unwavering support for kyiv in berlin a candlelight vigil in front of the german parliament, followed by a march to the russian embassy in ottawa, the peace tower at canada's parliament buildings lit in the colors of the ukrainian flag. >> we'll be right back to be a headliner, was vegas. that's what i wanna do. >> vegas, the story of sin city tomorrow at ten on cnn >> we're building a better postal service. all parts working in sync to move your business boebert with a streamlined shipping network and new high-speed processing and delivery centers for more
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code, don't wait, scan the code now and ask about the bosley guarantee. >> the south carolina republican presidential primary tonight it's six on cnn here in the us, there is one more week left of black history month >> and many schools, universities, and educators across the nation are still grappling with increasing the limits on what they can and can't teach about racism and black history. in recent years, that history has come under attack by republican lawmakers across the country. since january 2021, 44 states have
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introduced bills and at least 18 have passed laws restricting or banning the teaching of critical race theory according to educate occasion week, only a dozen states require black history in k through 12 public schools. in the last two years, connecticut, delaware, maine, and rhode island have legislated that black history courses or electives be required for more on this, i'm joined by a given reynolds, former speech writer to us vice president kamala harris, and he's also a contributor to the black news and views site, the root. thank you so much for being here with us. so the fact that black history is in the crosshairs, in the culture wars, all these efforts to basically ben black history, what's behind it >> yeah, cam, thanks so much and happy black history month to you for me, black history month obviously came at a time to celebrate the incredible accomplishments and achievements of black americans and as you pointed out at this moment in time, black history is under attack and where i
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start when i think about this, is that black history is american history, right? you can't teach or understand american history without teaching, understanding black history. but yet and still, and you allude to this in your question, we've seen unprecedented efforts to restrict the teaching of black history. we've seen 14 states by some counts, enact new restrictions on how teachers can teach black history in the past year alone, 30 states have attempted to do that. and what that means is that these extremist lawmakers, in many cases, the republican party almost exclusively are seeking to restrict the freedom teachers in teaching our nation's full history and restrict them the freedom of students to learn our nation's full history and the consequences of this is that we're seeing teachers in all of these states very unsure as to what they can and cannot say with respect to black history, with respect to race and i think what, what's i just want to stop you there because i'm wondering what's behind this.
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what are they trying to achieve here? what's the aim? >> yes >> so i think what they're trying to achieve, i think what we have to do when you look at this issues, you have to realize that these attacks on black history are not happening in a vacuum, right? we see in addition to these attacks on black history, attacks on diversity, equity, and inclusion. and it's so funny because many of these same lawmakers belong to the republican party, the party that claims to be all about patriotism, right? i don't think you can be a patriot. >> if you >> can't fully love and fully see your country for its beauties and its flaws. i think a lot of people will see that hypocrisy and i believe that many of these lawmakers have a very narrow conception of what it means to be an american as a response, we've seen some educators, you know, sort of bypassing schools using live bruise community halls of cultural centers. talk to me about the resistance and whether this could maybe lead to a resurgence, maybe more interested in, in black history yeah that is certainly my hope
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and you know, for me, i think the reason why i have sought to ride on a lot of these issues is because i do want to draw attention to them and i want to tip my hat to the incredible educators who i mean, think about it, kim, to be an educator, to be a teacher, right now. and this environment in which teachers, the ability and freedom of teachers to teach their students, whether it's on race, whether it's on gender identity in fact, a teacher in my home county at cobb county, georgia recently was fired and had her firing upheld simply for teaching for reading a book to their students that didn't pass some, that failed some limits. litmus test because of what it said about gender identity so teachers are resisting in this moment, can teachers are not going to, teachers have shown that they will not sit by and let politicians, let politics inform how they can educate their students. and i think we're seeing so much bravery from our teachers, which we've seen throughout history in terms of resisting these modern efforts and i do believe, like you said, kim, that all of this, all of these these were
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presses efforts by these extremist lawmakers are actually having the consequence of shining a light on this issue of leading teachers to stand up and resist leading those like me who comment on these issues to do that. and so i take a lot of hope from the fact that even though we're seeing these attacks, that the resistance will be even stronger, will have to leave it. there were really appreciate having you on this very important topic given rentals, thanks so much. >> thanks, kim >> all right. still ahead here on cnn newsroom, things gotten nasty in the nba friday night, the miami heat and new orleans pelicans basket brawl instead of ball, cnn sports, andy scholes joins we live, look at who got bounced from the game. stay with us with so many choices on there are so many tina fey as i could be. >> so i hired body doubles indoorsy tina loves it's a luck sweet
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an all-star. this was certainly a competitive game show. you what happened fourth-quarter, as williamson gets this and kevin logged loves his, grabs them. xi'an goes down while the pelicans were not happy about that words were exchanged as well as lots of pushing and shoving. now, butler and thomas brown hi, and were rejected for the heat nausea, marshall and jose alvarado ejected for the pelicans heat. they would go on to win the game, 106 to 95. and here we're butler in xi'an afterwards on what caused the scuffle >> i don't know >> i mean >> i put my hand around his neck. he put his hand around my neck and then it just took off the way it did. i just kinda just got up and it was walking away and i think all of a sudden i see butler kinda lunging towards nadji, so i'm trying to get there. let you relax like what's going on is just competitive as people compete in. people riding for they teammates. so that's all
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that is. >> i elsewhere, victor wembanyama just continues to do things that we've never seen from a rookie. the 20 year-old french phenom had 27 points and ten rebounds last ions, lakers. but he also had the rare five by five. that's at least five points, rebounds, assists, blocks, and steals. when he is the youngest to ever accomplish that. and just the 15th player ever to achieve the feat how abroad saying afterwards, when b doesn't have a ceiling and lebron, he returned from a two-game absence and this one is scored 30 leading la to a one-twenty 3118 when the warriors, meanwhile, making steve kerr the highest paid coach and nba history signing him to a two year $35 million contract extension on the friday, kerr was likely applauding his team's defense of effort last night as well, a hornet's, they scored just 29 points in the first half. the warriors would end up winning this one when buying old school score, 97 to 84, golden state now won a two there last night. all right. elsewhere, the us
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women's national team, back on the pitch against argentina for their second match at the inaugural concacaf women's gold cup james shaw scoring two goals in the first 18 minutes of this game. 19 year-old from frisco, texas, becoming the youngest player to score three goals her first six national team appearances. and alex morgan, who was added to the team, has an injury replacement. she added a goal in the 90th minute. the us would roll in this one winning four nil there going to play mexico monday in their final group stage game, kim, it's kind of, we're kinda transitioning periods with the women's national team. megan rapinoe's julie ertz retiring. i alex morgan wasn't supposed to be there, but now she is. but it's really cool to see now the new young stars coming up for the team and excited to see what they do with the rest of this gold cup and the paris olympics. >> yeah, a little. they have a high bar lot to live up to her there. they're going to match their predecessors, andy scholes, thanks so much. appreciate it. >> well, bad weather couldn't stop. swifties down under from attending one of taylor swift's era's tours in sydney
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thunderstorms and dangerous weather conditions lead to unexpected obstacles for friday show, including evacuating parts of the stadium and canceling the opening think act, but that didn't dampen the moon for the more than 80,000 fearless fans who braved the inclement weather. taylor swift will perform at for solo shows in the australian city while we're, on the subject of taylor swift, if you're a super fan, the victoria and albert museum in london has a job for you. it's posted a job for hello, swift superfan to advise its expert curators and explain her importance to the history of art and design. now the museum won't pay the taylor swift superfan in cash, but we'll get access to its collection of almost 3 million objects phantom or potentially help influence the museum's future programming >> for the first time
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>> ever, scientists are unveiling 240 million-year-old dragon in quotes in its entirety, the national museums scotland announced on friday, the five-meter-long reptile from the triassic period was first identified in china in 2003, but newly discovered fossils also allow the international team of researchers to depict the entire creature that you see there all right, that wraps this hour of cnn newsroom. i'm kim brunhuber for viewers in north america, cnn this morning his next for the rest of the world, it's african voices changemakers >> cnn's that first of all, with victor blackwell, smerkonish, the chris wallace joe, the oman, who are our the week's biggest stories. the weekends hottest topics
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