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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  February 23, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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there's even round-the-clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. get started for $49 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today! >> the lead with jake tapper, cnn next well, let's certainly one way to fill seats majorly baseball players say that they have >> a big problem with their new uniforms apparently you could see right through them. yes. some teams have their photo day this week and you know what the pants or so shear, you can see the bottom of their tucked in shirts. >> nike says it worked with more than 300 players to design a jersey that was more breathable, lightweight, and stretchy, and see-through and see if there's a lot of jokes that we can make. what unfortunately, we're out of time and we don't want to get
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in trouble. the lead lead with jake tapper starts right >> the governor of california's here and boy, do we have a lot of questions? the lead starts right now he's one of the main democrats floated perhaps more than anyone else as an alternative to joe biden, gavin newsome here on the lead, is he all in on president biden's reelection bid? how is he trying to fix the problems in his state such as illegal immigration and skyrocketing homeless numbers, will ask him about it all, plus two years since russia invaded ukraine, are putin? its forces closer to threatening a nato country in european territory. the ambassador of key nato ally is here, we are just minutes away from a major update on that moon mission and soon possibly the first pictures from the lunar surface welcome to the
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leon jake tapper. we start today in our 2024 lead. we're just one day out from the next crucial contest in the presidential race as a south carolina republican primary right now polling shows donald trump outpacing nikki haley in her home-state trump hovering around 60% of the vote compared to just 30% for haley, a former governor of south carolina, bots if tomorrow's results come in anywhere near the police numbers though tomorrow's loss could be devastating for her. she has said she's going to stay in the race. she has far out spent trump in the palmetto state, spending $16 million to trump's 1 million. she's showing no signs of giving up. haley spent her last full day on the campaign trail slamming her republican opponent, accusing him of siding with putin, who she says is both a dictator who kills his political opponents and a tyrant who arrests american journalists, fact check, true. we start our coverage today with cnn's kylie atwood covering the nikki haley campaign from coroner, south carolina, as well as cnn's kristen holmes, who's covering the trump campaign from rock hill, south carolina. kristen
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mr. trump is expected to speak tonight at the black conservative federation honors gala in columbia, south carolina. today, the biden campaign put out a blistering statement calling trump the proud poster boy for modern racism is the trump campaign responding jake, they're not, and i don't expect them to, but really goes to show you that this is looks more and more like a general election >> every day with democrats win president joe biden on his campaign, taking these hits directly at donald trump, directly at donald trump's campaign. i do want to apologize. it's very loud here, so i hope you guys can hear me but one thing i want to point out overall is that when i talked to the trump campaign, when i talked to senior advisers, they do believe it is going to be possible for donald trump to pick up africa can american voters, they think there are cracks in his democratic support for joe biden. and then it is a group that they are going to go after and go after hard when i speak tok too senior adviser earlier today, he said they want to leave absolutely no votes on the table, and that includes
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black voters >> and kylie, since the modern turn era began in 1972 no major party nominee has ever lost his or her home state. marco rubio dropped out, for example, before he could lose florida, could tomorrow be the beginning of the end for haley? >> it's certainly could be jake, i think, you know, nikki haley's campaign has tried to get away from that potential narrative by her outright saying earlier this week that she's not going to drop out on sunday, essentially, no matter what happens here in south carolina. but when you look at the fact that she has already lost the three early states in the republican primary and could potentially lose south carolina, her home state tomorrow, voters across the country on super tuesday where the campaign is looking are clearly going to be watching for that. so this could be the end, the beginning of the end for them or she could outperform those polls and
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things could look different >> and kristen, republicans have been really panicking ever since the alabama supreme court ruled against ivf in vitro fertilization, saying that embryos are babies and trying to figure out how to deal with it. people wondering donald trump's position on it. it's obviously very popular even among so-called pro-life individuals. ivf is popular it has mr. trump said anything about it >> yeah, i can guarantee you the former president was read those statistics of just how popular iv f is before he commented he posted on truth, social, supporting ivf saying this, we want to make it easier for mothers and fathers to have babies, not harder. that includes supporting the availability of fertility treatments of ibf in every state in america. and again, i know we don't have this up there, but afterwards he said, like the overwhelming majority of americans, including the vast majority of republicans. so you can see that he had that
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data in front of him. he had an understanding of where people land on this. and this also comes after the nrs sc urged its candidates not to support any kind of talk about the government prohibiting ivf in any way. and it comes out to the attorney general and alabama nima released a statement saying they were not going to use the supreme court ruling to essentially persecuted or prosecute excuse me any of the ivf users or proven fighters. so there is a clear going in this certain direction here that donald trump got on board with condemning this. i will note, you see democrats and joe biden take you there trying to link this to the overturning of roe v. wade directly, which of course donald trump was the architect of with his appointment pointing of three supreme court justices that issue two as one that donald trump has waffled on trying to take credit while still not talking about abortion. but here, he took a clear stand saying he supported ivf, a kiley, ms haley's out today hey, with a new ad, an effort to win over any last-minute
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voters tell us about it >> yes, if faith phone, which is the main super pac supporting nikki haley, which has put a tremendous number of advertisements on tv here in south carolina's out with a new ad telling voters that tomorrow it it's an opportunity for them to change the situation when it comes to politics, to get away from the drama, listen to part of that ad >> with all the tissues sick of washed up failures that just won't go away, had enough of the scandals the insults to the lawsuits and drama. tired of the rage-filled grants and tweets ready to make it all go away will you can on february 24, boat take now that tv ad also went on to say that the democrat excuse me, the >> republican primary tomorrow is open to all voters, all
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registered voters. that includes democrats and i do think it's significant to note that nikki haley at her event here in monk's corner today also reminded folks that anyone one who didn't vote in that democratic primary earlier this month and is a registered voter can vote tomorrow. so we might see some democrats show up for nikki haley tomorrow. the other thing she is reminding voters is to bring as many folks as they can out to the polls. obviously the margins for her are going to matter tomorrow as her campaign isn't really setting specific expectations. but after new hampshire, she said that hur goal here in south carolina was to do better than she did new hampshire, where she came in 11 points behind former president trump. so she will be relying on potentially democrats a moderate voters isn't a whole host of folks who have moved into the country. it moved into the state in the last few years to propel her forward in this primary, jake. >> all right. kristen holmes is covering the trump campaign. kiley i would covering the haley campaign. thanks to both us, cnn's going to go big covering tomorrow's primary in
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south carolina electoral results in analysis right here, special coverage begins tomorrow at 06:00 eastern cnn, i will be anchoring that >> joining me >> now to discuss is california governor gavin newsom, a democrat. he met with president biden and other governors at the white house today, governor, thanks so much for joining us. so i really so south carolina republicans are headed to poland polls tomorrow, polls show donald trump's substantially leading former governor nikki haley. >> do you >> think i know you want joe biden win? do you think that haley or trump would be easier to beat for him? >> first of all, i think she's one of our better surrogates, so i hope she stays in hope she does well tomorrow. all the nasty stuff about trump. >> she's spot on 99% of it. so i'm enjoying, i'm enjoying this primary and i hope it continues. so i wish her luck, but luck. trump's the nominee. we all know that, you know, that everybody out there knows that. and i think the polls are suggesting she's going to get walloped and then she'll make a case, i guess, just to continue in this. but again, i'm no problem. her continuing for as long as she wishes because i
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think she's making a good case against trump. had to head polls suggest that she would clean biden's clock and it's a tougher race from trump's the nominee. everybody knows trump's the nominee. >> so it >> doesn't, it's not a state that with respect there's no evidence to suggest there's no polling to suggest there's nothing to suggest momentum or otherwise that she can win any state in the republican primary coming up. so it just not donald trump is the nominee knows that no, i don't. i mean, that to be dismissive, respect for the former governor lot more than the former president donald trump. but as i said, i wish her luck in the context of being out there and making the case that we're making against donald trump equally. >> so you're also making a case for joe biden. you're trying to make a case for president biden to cnn poll of polls today finds biden's average approval rating, his average approval rating is just 39%. voters do not seem to see in president biden what you see. >> yeah, i mean, we've got to
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mind the gap between performance and perception. no doubt about it when you're the lowest black unemployment, lowest unemployment for spanish, lowest unemployment for women in 70 years. one of the most significant jobs records of any president and three-year period in american history, more jobs being created and startups been started in this country, inflation now cooling economy continuing to boom 39 plus thousand dow, i mean, it's extraordinary record and we just have to make the case and that's what campaigns are about were out there making that case. >> well, is he able to make the case the way that you are? we all are making the case. but is he able to do >> with the way you do with the alacrity and the speed, the command that i was just with him. he's making a case for an industrial policy bringing in back american manufacturing jobs and supply chains. he was talking about the chips act, that science act. he was talking about his bipartisan infrastructure bill. he was talking about what he wants to accomplish on the border as effectively or well-done any of us. and i just had that privilege and opportunity to see that with governors from both republican and the democratic party. and of course
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democrats are out there plotting the president or republicans were sitting there, confuse that the president actually has a plan and agenda and compromise, which is what we want. and the president willing to compromise what the other party but republicans in congress are refusing to move forward with that bipartisan immigration deal because one person, donald trump, they care more about trump's success than addressing this fundamental issue. >> so if you were president and i know you're not running et cetera, et cetera. but if you were president, you would say in that compromise into law, because there are a lot of people on the left who don't like that. >> look, it's >> the art of the deal. the president was making the case with us just moments ago that he didn't get the dreamers in there, didn't get allowed in the tps, didn't get a lot of what he wanted, but it's part of what's possible. and that bottom line is he called their bluff. he called their bluff. they're not interested in governing. it's all entertainment, its performance. donald trump was on the phone lighting up potential supporters of that bipartisan deal threatening them that's the state of the republican party today. that's that's not ronald reagan's republican party. this is donald trump's
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republican party, and i think it's abject shame and i say that as a border state governor that needs to support that would have been benefited from this bipartisan deal, $1.4 billion. we've gone to cities and states were starting to shut down down some of our migrant centers and the state of california that's on the republican party. that's on speaker johnson. that's on donald trump. so let's ask about that because you >> are a border state governor immigration huge topic today at the white house sources say the president is considering executive action to severely restrict migrants ability to seek asylum at the southern border to get today, the congressional hispanic caucus called that idea unbelievable and accused biden of quote, using immigrant communities as a political pawn. would you support the executive action? do you need that kind of from none of us. we had none of us have the details of the executive action, so i'm not going to answer that specific but as it relates to addressing the issue of asylum, it needs to be addressed with all due respect. the asylum system is broken and saying that consistent with the standards need to be raised, that we need credible fear absolutely. i
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don't think that i know it. i experienced it all the time. remember i'm the governor of the border stay with the largest port of entry in the western hemisphere. we don't need to be educated on this topic. there's no doubt it's being gamed. everybody knows that it's how we fix it. i would prefer to fix in a bipartisan deal working with credible people on the other side, but they don't exist xist currently in the republican party. so did the extent he asserts himself from an executive prison. i understand why that brings up a controversial frame and stress that said at least bottom for trying to assert himself. of course, the courts will have more to say on that than any of us spirit speaking of courts, the alabama supreme court ruled that frozen embryos are children. they invoked the wrath of a holy god in their decision multiple clinics in the state are now pausing there ivf treatments as a result, you called the decision sickening what are democrats is going to do about it, if anything, will
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continue to be on the offense, were backed up by the american people were backed up post-dobbs. you just see these republican parties on the defense on this issue for good reason because the american people have had it. this extreme is a manifested the ultimate and extremism on the issue that impacts one out of every six people that in their lifetime have fertility issues. mrs. profound in you talk about freedom, spare me the republican party in this freedom gospel. what about family freedom? what about the right of people that want to start a family and think about this, jake, you know, this everybody knows this. you saw the stats 65 thousand births due to rapes since dobbs in 14 states. apparently, what the republican party is say, is the rapist have more rights to bring those babies to birth than families that are trying desperately to have the privilege you and i have had as fathers and parents. it is a disgrace and it's a political problem. before for them, but it's a moral issue. and i found what happened in alabama disgusting. and by the way, you have an ag and alabama that
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also is out there promoting a travel ban that wants to criminalize travel for anyone that seeks an abortion out of state that's how extreme the state of the republican party is >> all right, we have more questions for governor newsome about the staggering number of people who are homeless in california, the highest homeless numbers and the entire country or in that state much more in our conversation coming up knighted states have scanned with jake tapper sunday, a nine on >> cnn. >> playing chicken. >> again the polymer >> listen, suze, hello friend which makes eating better exciting, smells good. >> because it is good. >> how long were you in the fridge along >> long time. >> we have a garage door that doesn't lift. >> so i went on >> angie took me just a handful a minute that's so vendors who were knowledgeable, they higher quality work, they wanted us to be happy with the work done as well. it is a beautiful garage.
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paper cool drops, vaporized sore throat pain closed, captioning, bronchi by meso >> mesothelioma. it's all we do with local offices throughout the country on his help, you get the compensation you deserve, 800 to eight to 44, 40 before >> welcome back to the lead in the second installment of our new series, homeless in america. as you probably know, california's homelessness crisis is the worst in the united states. more than 180,000 people are homeless in that state. and according to a recent survey two-thirds of those homeless californian and say they have a mental health condition. but only 18% of them have received treatment recently. mental health and how it relates to homelessness is literally on the ballot in california in two weeks, it's called proposition one. it would reform the state's mental health services act and would approve a $6.4 dollar bond to pay for more housing and mental health care facilities counties
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in california would then be required to spend 60% of that toward housing and funding programs for those with serious mental illness or substance abuse issues california governor gavin newsom is still with me. let's talk about prop >> one. some counties say this would make homelessness worse, that it would be taking away from existing programs or pit them against each other rather than rather than fostering collaboration. what do you say to those those county that's a ridiculous statement. probably you've heard that you've heard people say it's a ridiculous statement, it falls flat on the facts $6.38 billion of new investment bonds for 11,150 new locked beds or excuse me, no longer live ben community-based beds and treatment slots billions of dollars that would be dedicated to housing, housing supports, and allow substance abuse to be used to address this critical issue i think those arguments are rather stale and one argument that ultimately i think is the most persuasive is the status
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quo. it's untenable, it's unacceptable and we have bipartisan support for this. we're moving in direction to take care of our vets, moving in a direction to take care of a workforce and to invest in unprecedented amount of money to invest at scale with accountability. for the first time in 50 years in the state of california. so what would this bill do when it comes? to treatment for people who needed for addiction or people who need it for mental health issues because some advocacy groups say that this would be forcing people into treatment, which is equivalent to mass incarceration. tell us what the facts are >> there's there's a couple of things being conflated. you've got proposition one which are our bond and our reform of the mental services act, which is overwhelmingly support it. and then you have reforms that are long overdue. going back to when the reforms began in 1,967, ronald reagan led a bipartisan effort which began the process of deinstitutionali zation and the state of california, by the way, just for historic terms, this is actually interesting, i think
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too many people that are listening, 37,000 psychiatric beds in the '60s in the state of california today, 5,500. that process of deinstitutionalization occurred in the '60s were on a reagan then governor, but also extended in the '70s and '80s, we never made up for the alternative community-based care that said proposition one addresses that substantive beyond that, though, there are people that are service resistance, and we want to reform the lantern and petrus source act sort act, which allows for conservatorship reform. and we created a new paradigm, a new pathway called care court. let's talk about care courts because >> you implemented care courts a few months ago? yep. >> person with a mental health illness is evaluated by a judge and then can receive treatment including housing and medication. >> are you >> satisfied with the progress you've seen some moms that we have spoken with say they want the conservatorship that they don't have and they can't get through the care courts because as you note, some of these people with mental health problems and addiction issues are resistant to treatment. should there be more power for
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family members, at least on a temporary basis, to step in and say, we need to institutionalize this person. >> well, we did just that it went into effect in january counties can opt in on conservatorship form that does precisely what those families called for that interim and substantive and groundbreaking bridge was care court, which is not custodial care. right? it's not substituted carrots, supportive care, supported plans. we work with the counties. we obliged the county's not just the client's up to two years of support port requiring housing and supportive services, a due process that never existed in the past, and we're just winding up. we'll get about 2000 people in this calendar year under the program. and then it goes from its pilot phase, eight counties to all 58 in the state of california. we estimate eligibility around seven to 12,000 folks will benefit from care court. but again, its component part of this larger mosaic. there's no state in america at scale and
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scope consequences doing more on mental health reform than the state of california. again, all of this component parts of a larger mosaic care court conservative ship perform prop one. >> and as you know, because we started we just launched this new series on our show called homeless in america and i'm sure i don't need to tell you that one of the reasons that the homeless problem exists is because the cost of living and the cost of housing in places like san francisco and los angeles, where it is very expensive. with the end of these covid funds to provide written, provided rent relief. a lot of people are now facing these choices where they have to live in their car because they can't afford rent what is california doing about that? >> more at scale than anyone else in the country have something called calcium its reform the most and forgive me, a lot of hyperbole here is what people may roll their eyes. but i mean it the most significant reform and the medicaid system, medi-cal in the state of california. it's called calcium and we're integrating through
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whole-person care, new strategies to deal with brain health and physical health. but part of those strategies include housing and supports for rent and connecting that to the medicaid system. number two, we're also reforming the mental services act under proposition one that redirects a billion-dollar kahler's an ongoing ongoing appropriation year that also provides supports for housing and rent prevention is a huge part of this overall strategy. >> all right, california democratic governor gavin newsom, always good to have you we're. going to be with him >> tomorrow marks two years since russian forces invaded ukraine at the time, many military analysts feared putin's army would quickly encircle the capital city of kyiv and take control of the entire country pretty easily. but two years later, ukraine is still holding on, though there are new tasks of its resiliency. we'll get into that story next >> to be a headline was vegas
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worthy of more get started at >> i'm eva mckend in washington and this is cnn topping our world lead and under an hour, it will be midnight in ukraine on february 24, 2022 sirens signaled the first russian bombs falling on key today, the biggest war in europe since world war ii who grinds on ukraine's air defense says it shot down 23 out of 31 drones launched by russia overnight, the drones that did get through killed three people according to if a joel's in odessa, ukraine here in the united states, lawmakers are on vacation, leaving $60 billion in new aid for the embattled democratic nation in limbo
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right now, we're going to take a look back at how we got here. >> it's been two >> years since russia launched a full-scale invasion of ukraine after months building up its troops and armor, russia's forces rolled across the border brutally attacked ukrainian cities and airports as the violent assault unfolded. the ukrainians naturally, we're terrified. people waited in line at atms and at gas stations trying to get out of the country, trying to flee. train stations became bomb shelters and seeing similar to those from world war ii, we are independent fans here, ukraine, and we are totally not same as russians. and we don't want to be a part of russia or any other russian president vladimir putin described the invasion as quote, a special military operation >> his goal was to >> rewind the clock. he was immediately met with sanctions by the international community who chose this war and now he and his country will bear the consequences
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>> at first, many people in the west worried that ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy might flee the country. but instead, he took to the streets of kyiv, defiant, we are all here defending our independence, our state, and it will remain surf. >> us officials were concerned term that the capital would fall within days, but russia was not prepared for the ukrainian resistance that followed. >> is ukraine going to win this war >> yes, of course. >> as 2022 progressed, ukraine first pushed russia out of territory to the north of kyiv, then later drove them back in the east. and then the south. >> but last here's ukrainian counter failed much-anticipated . and with us bradley fighting vehicles, a key component, it was supposed to break through to the coast near crimea. but russia's defenses proved too strong and the war seemed to enter a stalemate. just this week, russia captured the ukrainian town of avdiivka its biggest victory in nine months. and the latest sign that as the war enters its third year,
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ukraine is badly short of ammunition and badly outnumbered on the battlefield. >> am afraid ukraine will not be able to stand without our partners and allies >> both sides have suffered significant losses and millions of innocent people have been displaced. the white house blames congress for russia's recent gains after failing to approve $60 billion in ukraine aid while vladimir putin continues to bide his time, hoping western support of ukraine will subside. with us aid for ukraine and caught up in the politics of washington. how much could european countries go at it alone if need be the ambassador from a key nato ally will join me in the studio next, plus we're standing by for that update on that major space achievement, the american space lander on the moon stay with us united states of scandal with jake tapper >> on sunday, a nine on cnn,
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>> this room with wolf blitzer in knighted six cnn >> and we're back with our world lead. we're going to take a closer look now at the big question two years into the biggest ground war in europe since world war ii, how will ukraine sustain its fight against russia joining us now the french ambassador to the united states love billy mr. ambassador, thank you so much for joining us. it's good to see you, sir. >> given the lapse in us funding for ukraine, given former president trump's power over the republican party and his disdain for nato how do you assess europe's security situation today >> well, it's tough moment for the first of all, foreign ukraine because the clock is ticking and ukraine is needed or support. what i think it's, what is important to understand. it's that we are not helping ukraine for helping
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ukraine with eating, train for it being us and i think it's exactly the same thing for the us. it will be a huge mistake to think that a victory of russia very crane could be a victory for a united states and what is at stake at the moment is read about the legacy of the greatest generation the world we are in living in 75 years of peace thanks to nato. and i think we have to remember, remain that with a lot of impetus because it's really a key moment this key moment comes as we're about to hit the anniversary. what is the 80th anniversary of d-day of the executive and the juxtaposition of those two things. everything in the united states did for europe, then along with, righteous french and breadths, et cetera. and what the us is doing now, it must be upsetting it was not only about doing things for europe, it was about
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shaping a new world, a new, a new conception of foreign >> relation, a rules-based international order which had been working again pretty well. and so i think it's a moment where we have to make some choices which kind of well we want to gift to all children contributing. what about the legacy? we want to give on the european side, it's very clear we have been bringing more almost already $100 billion at elp. we just agreed a new package of 50 plus billions of us dollars and each of our country, our european countries, is, i think also bilateral agreement with ukraine, france is providing trillions mall. the gemini as medulla. a lot of thought i read today that also denmark is just sign a new agreement. so. on european side, we are very convinced and we really think that again, north america and europe has to stand together for all values for the world we have been fighting for eight years ago. >> president biden pledged to quote, do everything he can to
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support ukraine on a call with g7 leaders today. a group that france is part of, obviously, do allies, except biden's hands are tied because of what is going on. with the republicans on capitol hill. because of well, donald trump is one of the reasons, but there's also this new kind of like anti nato, anti-interventi onist fever within the republicans in congress. >> well, we have of course to respect dynamic of the domestic politics, but we've also make some facts, right? one of the fact that i wanted to make here is that the european, europeans are spending a lot much more than the europeans also, i think it's important to understand that we are not just fighting for supporting ukraine, but that ukraine is fighting for all values that it's all security interest. so it will be just a mistake to recurse about nato and what the european union is doing. the real issue is do we want
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ukraine to win or are we going to push for a russian victory? and in which kind of world we're living. and we are going to give to our children, if russia is winning, what do you say when you hear? republicans in congress say that europe is too reliant upon the united states for its own security. what would you say to that uncentered? >> that's partly correct, but i have also to explain that these last two years have changed europe for the last 30 years, we have been others. things are dividends of peace we were as a junior partner of an alliance with a stronghold of united states. we are investing in our defense. we are ramping up of production of ammunition, of artillery system. we triples or predictions of ammunition but still, i will have also to acknowledge to your audience and that we need the u.s. leadership that we are not in a position yet to match the us
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support to ukraine. but i don't think it's also that it will be fair not to recall that part of a spending are coming back to the us kfar while none of the us contribution is going to european castro. so it's, it's also we are in a different situation that europeana are spending. there are also spending to boost us economy in an interview on french radio, rtl on thursday francis armed forces minister said that russia threatened to shoot down french planes in the black >> sea last month what would france do if russia did shoot down a french plan? >> that's and unstress thing moment because we see you nodding of the russian position. we have seen also service kind unprofessional behavior. we have seen cyber attack. we are seeing the disinformation. we have seen like these. david crosses painted on the wall of paris to try to provoke and rested between or citizen. so we have
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also to take stock of that new reality of a more aggressive russia sure that's one of the reason why our president is governing a meeting on non-dane paris with like-minded countries to show our resolve because it's really the moment where we have to show to russia that we are not going to be afraid that we will stand for our values, and that we will support ukraine. >> it's entirely possible that donald trump will be elected president in november. and it is entirely possible based on the statements that he has made and based on the statements of former aides of his, that he will want to withdraw the united states from nato. is france preparing for such a thing? >> we don't know preparing for such a thing. we think that at the end of the day, everybody will realize that we are much stronger when we stick together and so we are not having a plan b, right where you are a diplomat. thank you so much for being here. really appreciated french ambassador to the united states. a lot on billy male cebu coup about 2000 miles away
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from ukraine in the occupied west bank to palestinian-americ an teenagers were both shot and killed. the families of both blamed israeli forces next and a cnn exclusive. those families call on the united states to respond stay with tomorrow. >> the >> south carolina republican presidential primary, haley trump, head-to-head as trump's surge shows, no signs of slowing, we will make america great again, can haley do what it takes to stay in the race? >> he says the time make your choice >> join cnn and the best political team in the business pro live results in analysis. the south carolina republican presidential primary, special coverage begins tomorrow at six eastern on cnn. and streaming unpacks, see idp disrupts >> the idp derails. >> let's be honest sucks but living with cid doesn't have to. >> when you sign up at shining
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investigating the shootings, but family members say no arrest of been made and they're demanding answers. cnn's alex marquardt has this report and we want to warn you, it does contain some graphic images these are the final moments of mohammad he doors life picnicking with his cousin, driving through the bumpy hills of the occupied west bank his image then tries >> as people rushed >> to the car, muhammad shot in the head his body limp, his hair covered in blood as he's carried away. the 17 year-old us citizen mortally wounded. he died in the hospital. the second american teen in just weeks believed to have been killed by israeli bullets. >> he was such a for child's like inside and out, mohammad's aunt and uncle live in cleveland. they promised mohammed, who was born in miami, that they would bring him back to the us after graduating from high school. >> while you called him for what was he doing for you? nothing. nothing. just you see him. he's happy in his life with his cousin that's it. he can kill him, man in cold
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blood, man. >> who do you think is responsible? >> the >> government men, israeli government? yeah >> innocent kids not doing nothing, just being shot and killed, too cold blood for no good reason. all from the israeli government not doing nothing much to prevent these type of things? >> another 17 year-old american citizen, tawfic abdel jabbar, who grew up in louisiana, was killed in january. he had just moved to the west bank last year and in an almost identical incident, he was out for an afternoon with friends and his family said he was shot multiple times. >> he was driving, going to our own property that we have on that mountain to do a simple cookout with him and his friends. >> tell me what delfi was like as a brother. >> he was my right-hand man. >> a brother. i can go to for anything. he was very kind, unselfish, outgoing in the
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amount of friends i seen that he made in this small period of time was outrageous. >> the families of both boys say that israeli gunmen were responsible. it's not clear exactly who a us official told cnn, their deaths are being investigated in tel fix case, the idf told cnn they're looking into the possible involvement of an israeli soldier during almost five months of war in gaza violence by israelis against palestinians and the west bank has soared more than 400 palestinians have been killed about a quarter of them were under 18. the biden administration has since imposed unprecedented sanctions against israeli settler extremist. >> we insist that people be treated fairly that they be treated with due process. and that they be treated humanely >> last week, i asked secretary of state antony blinken about the string of american deaths and detentions at the hands of israelis when it comes to the investigations into the teenagers deaths, where do those stand?
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>> we've made clear that with regard to the the incidents you've alluded to there needs to be an investigation, we need to get the facts. and if appropriate, there needs to be accountability. >> he says the safety and security of american citizens around the world is their biggest priority. >> do believe that no know what do you want the us government to do to move >> not just talking we don't need talking man. we need something. we want to see something. >> are you confident that there will be some kind of justice in the end? >> i'm hopeful, yeah >> but wouldn't be out of the >> ordinary if we don't get to justice that we're hoping for the controversial us support for israel's war in gaza now, even further complicated buy american citizens getting caught up in the violence. what power do you think the us government has that they're not using right now to figure out what happened. >> i believe that they have every power in the world to
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resolved my brother depths to know him, kill them. i feel like they don't want to they're waiting for this story to be quiet just to vanish away. but that's not going to happen. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has in the past condemned extremist settler violence against palestinians. he has not commented on the deaths of these two american teenagers, which a us official tells me israel is investigating and the biden administration is watching closely that official saying that if they feel those israeli investigations are not being conducted properly, these cases will get escalated too more senior members of the israeli government, jake thanks to alex marquardt for that report. we're standing by for an update any moment now about that incredible moon landing the first successful american mission in 50 years will that update include the first images of the mission, maybe even a selfie from the moon lander itself. o'dea, we'll take a quick break before that news conference begins.
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