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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  February 23, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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order. bring your own team and together with custom gear gets started today at custom-make dot com vegas store, >> of sin city. sunday at ten on cnn crack down on the >> kremlin, the white house, hitting russia with 500 new sanctions marking the second anniversary of what president biden calls vladimir he's vicious onslaught on ukraine. and a historic return to the moon odysseus landing on the lunar surface, a giant leap for the company behind the mission in what the ceo of intuitive machines is calling a nail
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biter. >> and tragic diagnosis for former talk show host wendy williams, a new documentary repealing a port that health issues that she's been dealing with. cnn spoke with her niece about what she saw firsthand we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming and right here to cnn news central >> the biden administration just unleashing the largest single-day package of sanctions targeting russia, more than 500 new shape sanctions, just one day before the two-year mark in the russian war against ukraine. this morning, president biden, explaining the move we, can walk away now. and this was putin is bedding. that's why i'm announcing more than 500 new sanctions. in response respond, to putin
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brutal war of conquest in response to alexey navalny's death, we, the united states are going to continue ensure that putin pays a price for his aggression abroad and repression at home the white house says this is just the start of the response to russian opposition figure alexey navalny's death before today, the west had already >> imposed sanctions on more than 15,000 russian entities and individuals despite this unprecedented economic pressure, the russian economy has actually grown by 1% since putin putin ordered the invasion of ukraine and the imf just upgraded its forecast for moscow's economic growth in 2024, cnn's priscilla alvarez is at the white house for us on this. priscilla, tell us about this sanctions announcement it has just been made. >> brianna, president biden is forcefully responding to the death of alexey navalny and to that two-year mark of russia's invasion of ukraine through this fresh slate of sanctions.
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now, we had known going into this two-year anniversary that us officials were preparing a heavy sanctions package and it got supplemented after the death of alexey navalny. and that is what we are seeing reflected today. so to break it down for you, this includes hundreds of entities involved in russia's military industrial base, as well as 26 third country entities facilitating russian sanctions, evasions. that includes firms in china, serbia, and the united i didn't arab emirates, we're also learning that the state department is imposing sanctions as well on three russian prison officials in connection to the death of navalny. now, us officials have described this as a way of choking off russia, an essence slowing down their ability to build weapons and gain access to certain goods. but all the same. it's only one tool in the toolbox, the white house today keeping up their pressure on congress, which still has at 60 billion in funding for ukraine before it a package that will it pass the senate
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remains stalled in the house and in his gathering with governors earlier today, president biden, taking a moment to talk about that and keep that drumbeat going >> to have to come back they have to come back and get this done because failure to support ukraine in this critical moment we'll never be forgotten in history. it will be measured and it will have impact for decades to come >> so again, that is a message that we will continue to hear from the white house as it tries to get congress to pass this funding, will also note that the us has loving multiple sanctions against russia so since its invasion on ukraine, there has been skepticism about how effective they are, but us officials maintain confidence that this is hampering their economy will affect them in the long term all right, priscilla alvarez live for us from the white house, boris. >> now to some new developments in the israel hamas war. today is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is for the first time revealing his
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post-war plan for gaza. he's calling for a complete demilitarization of the enclave. and wants israel to control well entry and exit points in and out of the palestinian territory. at the same time, critical hostage talks are underway in paris. >> as >> families of those held captive stage, more protests in tel aviv. and israeli delegation is meeting with cia director bill burns and negotiators from egypt and qatar we have team coverage from paris and the middle east. let's start with jeremy diamond, who's live for us in tel-aviv. jeremy this day after plan by netanyahu, there are components in it that the united states and other members of the international community have said that they oppose yeah, no question about it. and there are no real new ideas in these proposal. this proposal from the israeli prime minister, it is really a repackaging of what we have heard the prime minister say before, but it is notable that he is now putting it on paper.
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he has submitted it a to his cabinet for further discussion and he's also allowing the world to see what he envisions in a post-war gaza and what he envisions, as you said, is quite different from what the united states and other international partners are pushing for in this plan. the israeli prime minister outlines world in which the israeli military could go in and out of gaza, maintaining operational freedom to maneuver inside of gaza maintaining security control over the entirety of the gaza strip, including gaza's borders, not only with israel, but also with egypt, including a buffer zone within gaza that the united states has already rejected you would also envision local palestinian officials having civil administration control of gaza, and that gaza would ultimately be rebuilt with foreign funding, but only once the complete demilitarization of the gaza strip has been completed. and when you look at these ideas is altogether, it makes it nearly impossible to
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envision a potential palestinian state, at least in the short-term, while that status quo that the israeli prime minister is laying out would stand. and that's antithetical to what the united states and other allies are trying to complex year, which is out of the rubble of this war to try and see if a palestinian state can indeed be established. a two-state solution brokered between these two countries and said the israeli prime minister, very much rejecting the notion of any kind of international recognition unilateral recognition of a palace city and state saying that it would only be through negotiations. but nowhere in this plan does he actually talk about any kind of good-faith efforts that israel would engage in to try and bring about that two-state solution. boris, >> jeremy diamond live for us from tel aviv. thank you so much, jeremy. >> we want to >> go now to paris and melissa bell. melissa, you've been monitoring the status of these hostage and ceasefire talks bring us up to speed on where they are that's right, boris, the fact that they're even
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having taking place this often in paris. an encouraging sign there due to last possibly a few days involve bill burns, the cia director, but also the heads of intelligence of egypt qatar, the israeli center delegation, once they got the backing of the cabinet overnight and i think that in itself is encouraging. you'll remember that the last time these talks about finding not so much a ceasefire, boris, but a pause to the fighting in gaza and allowing some kind of swapping of hostages for palestinian prisoners. the talks had broken down last week in cairo with these radius describing the latest hamas proposal as delusional, they had been tomas have been suggesting a four-and-a-half month pause in the fighting and a swap. i think a couple of things have happened since then as jeremy was just outlining, first of all, that very controversial proposal of what happens next after the war in gaza from benjamin netanyahu, the israelis will be looking for support on that, or at least the beginning of discussions on that. but also
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and i think this is important. the israeli delegation only agreed get on the plan. what on the plane once it had been established, that through french mediation, some of that much needed medication for some of the most chronically ill israeli hostages had been received 45 of them. and i believe to receive the medication they needed. and that was one of the prerequisites from the israeli side for these talks to resume. so that is what's behind the resumption of the talks with this time, i think the encouraging sign that the israeli death litigation like last time in cairo, what it had just turned up to listen has this time given negotiating powers by the israeli cabinet. so there is hope at least that something may emerge, not the four-and-a-half months, no doubt that hamas was looking for, but perhaps some kind of cessation of historic hostilities and some sort of even limited exchange of palestinian prisoners for israeli hostages. boris signs for cautious optimism coming out of paris. melissa bell, thank you so much for the
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update, brianna. >> right. let's bring in former cia director and secretary of defense, leon panetta. sir, thank you so much for being with us that's when you are looking at this proposal from netanyahu, no palestinian state potentially illegal buffer zones israel, rather than egypt controlling the southern border, cutting off funding of gaza from countries like qatar. that's what it appears to say, kind of vaguely working to shut down unrwa, which is really the hub for providing humanitarian aid to gazans. >> what do you do you think about this? isn't realistic >> well, frankly, it raises additional concerns about just what exactly israel is prepared to support. i think i don't think there's any question. if they eventually want peace in the middle least, they are going to have to to a palestini state. and that ought to be part and parcel of any proposal that they make. i'm glad that
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they're they want to obviously take some steps to try to secure gaza. i understand that. >> but in >> the end, the only way to resolve the constant issues that create war in the middle east is to agree on some kind of palestinian state. >> and yet you have instead netanyahu announcing thousands of new resonances in the west bank settlements in the west bank >> yeah, know that that continues to be a thorn in any effort to try to develop some kind of approach to establishing some area for the palestinians to be able to govern themselves. look, we all understand it's not easy. it's tough. the palestinians have not done a very good job getting their act together, particularly in the west bank in terms of governing but if we can work with the moderate arab
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nations in that area, the uae, saudi arabia, and others if we can work with them to try to develop leadership for the palestinians so that ultimately they can lead themselves. that would be something that israel frankly ought to be a part of are you hopeful at all about these hostage talks in paris today, which include the cia director along with the qatari's egyptians and israelis well i have a lot of faith and now bill burns and the other negotiators that are there. and i do think progress is being made. look, i think ultimately netanyahu does have to agree to some kind of temporary cease fire in order that the hostages can be released that's a very important issue in israel. it's an important issue to the world. and also the ability to then provide humanitarian aid. so i think we'll get a deal. it may still take a few days to
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do it, but i really do trust that the negotiators can ultimately produce an approach that can provide at least some opportunity for peace in that area. >> if we can turn now to ukraine, you have the president unveiling some 500 new sanctions targeting russia. and yet russia the economy's actually doing pretty well the prognosis for the future here has been upgraded. other sanctions haven't hurt them so much. they found other markets it's including with india, what can these sanctions really accomplish when it comes to undercutting russia >> well, it's important for the president to have announced these additional sanctions it is in many ways a way of making putin pay a price for navalny's death but we also understand that russia has been able to get around the thousands of sanctions that
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have been applied against them. they're their economy is growing they've made something like $99 in oil and gas revenues last year. so they're continuing to find ways to get around these sanctions. so i think it's going to be very important for the united states to continue to squeeze russia not just on sanctions i think they're going to have to squeeze them on oil supplies. i think we ought to be opening up lng plant lng ports to be able to deliver more natural gas to europe. i think we have to go after that 350 billion in russian assets that are being held we've got to find a way hey to basically unlock the economic value of those assets. there would be nothing better than to provide assistance to ukraine with russian money in order for them to kill russians
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yeah, that would certainly send a message secretary panetta, always great to have you. thank you so much >> good to be with you. >> boris. >> we have breaking news now from the university of georgia campus. we're a college student, was found dead. cnn's ryan young is on the scene who he's been tracking this ryan. what's the update on lake and riley >> yeah. boris in the last 15 minutes or so we've been able to confirm from the university that a person of interest is now in custody. and i want to show you this very active scene. we've been watching for the last hour or so. you can see here all the police officers, all the equipment that they brought here to this apartment complex that is very known throughout this university area it's here where they were told that someone who is a person of interest, interests has been taken into custody on the backside of this is that trail that everyone has been focused on, but i also want to show you something we've been watching seeing investigators actually work through this in real time. that only did they take that person into custody, but across the street here at this chevron, as you can see, there's really busy road. there is a dumpster
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over there and officers were working inside that dumpster will show you the video here. gbi investigators who are with the state started going through that dumps are trying to look for any sort of evidence that's connected to this case. and we were saw them gathering things out of that camp. but you can think about how this has really impacted this community. >> lakin >> hope riley, 22 a nurse missing student, was found dead at 12:38 on a trail that so close to here, this community has been hit so very hard by this. in fact, we were talking to to the spokesperson for the university and they said the outpouring from around georgia has been unbelievable. but right now, everyone's focused on trying to figure out exactly what happened here. that trail is something that everyone uses. so the take back this direction. you can see how they have this setup there's the gbi here, there's a athens-clarke county police department and there's the university so you police department all out here. so right now, what they had given us the only bit of news they've given us as a person of interest is in custody and that of course, is connected with
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the death of that young nursing student who was just 22 years old. we're hoping to find out within the next few hours or so about some sort of motive. this is where they have was kind of put right now, boris until we get some more information from them. but obviously this university system and the people in this community are hurting, especially at the tragic loss of life. just on a trail that's on the other side of this apartment complex. >> force >> yeah. an important update in that story as you're watching some of the investigation unfold right in front of you, ryan young with the update from athens as georgia. thanks so much ryan. coming up conservative, spent decades working to overturn roe versus wade. and now that they have some unexpected sayyed of effects have been republicans worried are supreme court when could be a loser at the polls. also ahead, odie, the lunar lander sending info back to earth after a success this is full landing on the moon. what are we going to get to see those first selfies that this thing is taken. >> we'll be right back united
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think it's the same news for less, starting at $40 a month? >> the south carolina republican presidential primary tomorrow, which six on cnn >> it's the final countdown fewer than 24 hours until the pivotal south carolina republican look in presidential primary. today, nikki haley and former president trump making stops across the state to deliver their final pitches to voters. but there is one issue candidates seem to be scrambling to respond to and that is alabama's unprecedented supreme court decision, the ruling that frozen embryos are children have the same rights as children, has landed smack dab on the campaign trail. we've seen as kristen holmes live for us and rock hill, south carolina, where trump is set to speak here in just a few hours. first, what's the former president saying about this? kristen >> but brando, it comes to the alabama ruling saying nothing at all, neither as the campaign, even as democrats, even as president joe biden has
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worked to link the alabama ruling. do the overturning of roe v. wade, which of course as we know, donald trump is technically the architect of given his appointment three federal justices to the supreme court. but it's not surprising given donald trump's feelings about talking about the issue of abortion. we have seen him try to do a delicate dance in which he takes credit it for the overturning of roe v. wade, while still not wanting to talk about abortion, which he thinks is a political loser. this is him walking that fine line last night we also have to remember that we have to have people elected. so some things that you feel and you have to go with your heart, you have to stay with that. you have to stay with yard, but you have to get elected. you have to get people elected. >> so obviously there brianna walking that fine line. thank people have to get elected, which of course is his way of saying republicans should not be talking about out abortion. but this is going to be the big general election messaging, particularly if donald trump is the republicanpoised to
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do etl. we're talking about south carolina the vote is tomorrow, every recent hold that we've seen for this primary has donald trump up by roughly 30 points and it's not just in south carolina, it's also in those super tuesday states, which isn't just about a week and a half now, as you noted, nikki haley says she is staying in the race. donald trump has said behind the scenes that this is very annoying and frustrating and although in public, he is dismissed her candidacy >> all right, yeah, walking that line a little line dancing there, too. i think kristen holmes live for us from south carolina thank you. boris >> tomorrow is gonna be a big test for nikki haley. she's facing an uphill battle in her home state, but she is vowing to stay in the presidential race until all votes are counted. with us. now to discuss is south carolina republican congressman and haley campaign surrogate ralph norman. sir, thank you so much for being with us this afternoon since you're here in your capacity as a surrogate, we want to focus on questions about the primary tomorrow. your candidate is in a tough
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position here. polls recently have had her down by about 30 points so when your mind, what does success look like tomorrow, if she loses by 30 plus a bar, she's going to do real well in south carolina. >> who knows if >> the polls are accurate hour in politics is a lifetime. we've got 24 hours roughly before the oppose close she's optimistic. i've been with her for the last two weeks and she's got the courage to keep campaign in and bring it her message, which is resonating with the patient people in south carolina. we'll see how it turns out she's committed to stay in the race >> it's >> february. you've got super tuesday coming up. yeah, 50 delegates here in south carolina at stake, you got 874. it's way too early a for her to get out, particularly when there's two people left in the race and she's done very well. she's got the money and she's got support as it's been solid for so far
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>> there are many within your party that are calling for her to get out and specifically top members of the rnc that want to see this. essentially go to president trump, even if the race and south carolina, it seems like a forgone conclusion. what's your response to those republicans that are calling for her to get out? >> well, my question is, why why this early if if she gets out, what kind of chance does she have by staying in? let the american people decide competition is what made this country what it is today and it's interesting those who are calling for to get out they're not doing the hard work that she's doing. they're not campaign in from early morning until late at night. they're not raising money, it's tougher and then erase the fact that she's got the courage and determination to keep home shows what she'll do for the country and america is at stake here, is she's shown in every poll, she beats biden or whoever ends up running by the biggest margin we cannot take a chance on this and we need
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somebody with youth, which he has. we need somebody with eight years to serve, which he can do. >> congressmen. you mentioned what is resonating with voters. there's this issue, the, the ivf decision in alabama, she has spoken from experience on this sheet. she personally believes that an embryo as a baby, though she has said that she takes issue with the law that the court and alabama base their decision on. so far, donald trump hasn't weighed in on this at all, despite multiple attempts to get him to comment. i'm wondering how you think haley's response on this lands with voters in your state? compared to the silence that we've heard from donald trump >> look, here's what is he is the priorities that nikki haley and any that donald trump, india-canada that leads the free world has to face base cyber attacks the crime industries inflation gas, and oil prices through the roof. now the dobbs decision was the
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right decision. the tenth amendment let the states decide beyond that it's focusing on what means a lot to this country. she's not going to get mired down. she probably will commented at the proper time. but this country is in danger and we're in danger of losing our republic. >> and >> nikki haley's one to bring us out of it. and it couldn't happen. it couldn't happen any quicker than put nominating her and letting her face off against a man who's got a failed and ministration, which is the biden administration. >> respectfully, sir, it may not seem like a top issue to you or maybe to folks that you've been speaking with, but people vote on the issue of abortion restrictions across the country. and more so after the overturning of roe versus wade south carolina has a six-week abortion ban in place. and outside of cheering for the supreme court when they overturned roe, trump historically hasn't really been specific on giving his precise answer to the issue of when abortion restrictions should
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kick in. he defended that ambiguity as we just played a soundbite of last night. do you think republicans have a problem with this issue? you're saying that we should focus on things like gas prices, et cetera. but for a lot of women out there, this this is issue number one >> well look, it's that issue will be debated, i assume. >> but >> again, it leave it let's leave it to the states and if you go main street usa and tell them to to name the top ten troubling spots that country faces. add doubt embryos, that decision in alabama, with the embryo situation or their views in alabama would come to the top of the list i'm sure maybe it was some but look we've got so many other things problems. we've got to solve and none more greater than invasion at the border. that is plaguing this administration and then putting his country risks. so i
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think let the american people decide what the issues are and they will be debated and let to candidates comment as they will democrats certainly feel that reproductive rights are an issue that is a winning one for them. nevertheless, congressman, we have to leave the conversation there. ralph norman, we look forward to having you on again my pleasure. >> thank you >> so for the first time in more than 50 years, a us made lander has reached the moon. >> we have all the details as >> odysseus start sending back information about its very lonely, very cold, new home >> the greatest stage they talk about for a >> lifetime, regrow, the champions have cbs nexium 24 hour prevents heartburn acid
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at ten on cnn closed captioning bronte by meso >> mesothelioma. it's all we do with local offices throughout the country on just how you get the compensation, you deserve. 800 to eight to 44, 44 all right. >> this is a touchdown that every american can share. the odysseus land are reaching the moon last night. and right now, it's gathering some important data and this is a landmark here the first time a us made craft has completed a lunar landing in more than 50 years, the closest that any mission has gotten to the lunar south pole. it's also the first landing completed by a private us company. >> we can confirm without a doubt is our equipment is on the surface of a man and we are transmitting. so graduation as i am team will see how much more we can get from that we're
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standing effort. i know this was a nail-biter but we are on the on the surface and we are transmitting and welcome to the moon >> welcome to the moon, cnn space and defense correspondent kristin fisher is with us here. all right. christine, is this one of those one giant leap for mankind? is it a medium leap? i mean, what kind of leaf would you say this is? >> i think think it's safe to say it's a giant leap for the commercial space industry, which is now trying to build a lunar economy. and this is really the very early beginning phases of it. brianna, the company in two but if machines is now saying that the odysseus spacecraft has successfully landed on the moon, that it is standing upright and we just got this latest update from the company. they say odysseus is alive and well, flight controllers are communicating and commanding the vehicle to download science data the lander has good telemetry and so low charging, so according to intuitive machines,
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everything is looking good. but i think the big question now is the south pole of the moon is a tough spot in terms of getting communication from earth to the moon. we knew that was going to be a challenge, but it seems to be taking a bit longer than even the company had anticipated. >> yeah, we've been showing these animations on the surface and i have to say, i actually just happen to go to the air and space museum this week. and while amazing that lunar landing was the resolution not so good. so what are we going to get some great photos here? do you think so? >> there were there are two options for cameras. there is a camera actually on the odysseus lander itself. we think that that will be where the first images will come from. but then there's something called the eagle cam. and this popped off the odysseus land or shortly before landing. and it should be able to provide us with some really cool third person vantage point views of literally the moment that odysseus touchdown and that's
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the eagle cam right? there was actually made by embry-riddle aeronautical university diversity. but listen to how long it may take to get images from that they put out a statement that says space technologies lab has confirmed that they are receiving telemetry data and are working through the next steps with intuit but if machines mission control, so we remain hopeful to have an image today or in a week, it's hard to say due to the number of other pilots on board. now before you're going, okay. >> i mean, before decking, i know. i know. >> but think of it as you would get data on your iphone if you are in an area with bad signal and you see like some like a blank image coming up. that's what they're getting. they're seeing data. they can see that the data is there, but it's just not downloading quite yet. and so that's what they're trying to work through right now. >> all right. there on the moon, let's give them a little pass on that. we're going to wait a week will be just even more excited to see it >> week or today or today, either >> one, kristin fisher. thank you so much.
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>> so >> next just into cnn, donald trump's attorneys say they have cell phone data that undercuts fulton county da fani willis is timing of her romantic relationship with an attorney on her team >> braque room deals, cic affairs, bribery, corruption, prostitution >> there's so much more to the store. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper sunday, a nine on cnn there's something going around the gordon. >> good thing. gertrude found delsam how what's going around is 12 cough relief >> answer, giggled the family that takes delsam together feels better together. >> rsv is out there for those 60 years and older, protect against rsv with a wreck sv, a rexx is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv. and people 60 years and older correct? speed
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shops customer makes it so easy. get started today at >> laura coates live tonight at 11 eastern on cnn new evidence in the core battle to disqualify prosecutors and former president trump's election interference case in >> georgia, it was trump's lawyers to actually want the judge to review some new cell phone data that appears to undercut both da fani willis and lead prosecutor nathan weeds claims about the timeline of there romantic relationship of the two attorneys are accused of engaging in an
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improper relationship prior to her selecting way to lead the 2020 election investigation into donald trump and his allies cnn's zach cohen is here with the details. zack, who collected this new evidence and just how damaging is it? >> it's coming from a private investigator who was working with donald trump's attorneys who are handling his case in georgia and look, it's part of this broader effort to establish that fani willis benefited financially from her relationship with our top prosecutor, nathan wade, and one of the questions leading up to that ultimate question is, when did their romantic relationships start? now, fani willis, nathan wade of both testified that it started in 2022 after he was hired on to the da's team as part of the trump case. the trump's attorneys, steve sadow would this filing day saying, no, we have evidence that may be it started before nathan wade was hired and they're pointing to the cell phone data and what our cell tower pings, right to say that we have located instances when nathan wade was in the area where for fani
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willis was living at the time, both in september 2021 and november 2021. so obviously that would contradict what nathan wade and what fani willis have said under oath. now, this is these little patients are not exact and this is circumstantial evidence, but it is another drop in the bucket. another question about why did fani willis and nathan wade testify? what they testified to and does this ultimately way the mind of the judge who is the one who makes the call as to whether or not she should be disqualified. >> so when will he hold his next hearing? >> and what is that? >> bird? then of proof really hear the burden is on the defense attorneys in this case on trump's lawyers and the rest of the defendants that are alleging this improper relationship. look, march 1, just got an order down today from judge mcafee says, i want to have this hearing and in this issue of did nathan wade and fani willis potentially perjure themselves? were they intentionally obtuse in their testimony may come up in that hearing. take a listen to what nathan wade said though, when they testified publicly last week about whether or not he ever spent the night at fani
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willis's house >> so you have gone to a condo with ms wilson hateful >> have you spent the night they're never never spent the night. never >> so these cell phone pings and sell data do show that nathan wade left the area that fani willis was living at about 04:34 in the morning after having their early evening. again, we'll have to see if the judge allows, as evidenced into the case, and if it gets brought up on march 1, when all these parties reconvened for the next area, yeah. >> really interesting, zach, thank you. for that report. >> so wendy williams family is revealing the heartbreaking toll of her health issues in a new documentary cnn spoke with her niece about the troubling signs but suggested all was not well with the former talk show host. we have more straight ahead on cnn news central >> sunday. could there be an even wider conflict in the middle east to read zakaria goes inside the door between the us and iran. and the
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history of the divide wire ran hates america sunday at eight on cnn >> so i got you a little something warming for him tingling for her should we can experience the thrill of bringing them together, say more than i love >> you, say i want you with key yours in mind. >> sometimes the lows of bipolar depression field darkest before dawn with cap later, there's a chance to lead in the light capital letter is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar one, kept lighter traits both bipolar 1.2 different question and in clinical trials, movement disorders in weight gain were not common. >> call your dr. about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts antidepressants be increased these risks and young adults, elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke report fever, confusion, stiff, or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be life-threatening or permanent.
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this low maintenance litter is the game changer. try it today, go chu pretty, vegas. >> the story of sensitive. sunday at ten on cnn closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law >> mesothelial victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money all we need hundred 8592400. that's when 808592400 fans of wendy williams were left stunned by yesterday's news that she's suffering from aphasia and frontotemporal dementia. her diagnosis comes just as life if time is about to arrow revealing documentary about her life and health struggles since her talk show, the wendy williams show was canceled two years ago, the four part docu-series where is wendy williams delves into her cognitive issues and her alcohol abuse? cnn entertainment correspondent elizabeth wagmeister has the story >> the day tv icon with unfiltered commentary and off
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the cuff, celebrity gossip, wendy williams talk show redefine daytime television and ran for 13 seasons. with an audience who had a front row seat to her extreme candor. and at times, personal demons. >> and, you know, >> i've had a struggle with cocaine in 2019. she tearfully revealed that she was living in a sober house two years prior. she fainted, live on air williams while documented health concerns often resulted in hiatus after hiatus in her absence, the series ultimately ended in early 2022. the years after, however, have been somewhat mysterious for her fans and even family at the peak of her career. >> she was a new docu series on lifetime explores the williams saga, its executive produced by williams herself. she pitched it as a behind the scenes look at her life with hopes of launching a podcast, but producer soon realized that
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they were capturing something very different from a combat >> you are bigger than this. you are better than this. >> her niece, alex finney, participates in the documentary. producer say they finished shooting wendy's portion last year. >> are we ready? >> where is your aunt today >> well, oh, she is a way at some sort of facility and she is healing elizabeth part of what has been so complicated and challenging about this for myself and i'll, i'll speak for my family in this instance, and that is we don't have an exact location in terms of where she is. we have no way to actually call her her personally, a care team for williams says the former host has been diagnosed with aphasia and dementia, which can impact communication personality in the ability to understand language per nice also says, the former host has been suffering from alcohol abuse. >> you do >> drink this whole thing today shortly after her talk show was canceled, a new york court
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appointed a legal guardian to oversee her finances and health. the case has been sealed along with the identity of the guardian. can you explain the process on this guardian ship and how involved the family is, if at all? all, to put it really >> simply, the family has been shut out. my aunt was placed under this guardian ship in april of 2022. she went into court. it was closed, so we don't know the details on when she came out. she was under this court appointed guardian. and here we are now in february of 2024 and that information is still really limited cnn has been unable to speak directly to williams about the project or verify her family's account of their conversations. but we reached out to the care team and they declined comment. as for finney, she says she speaks to williams over the phone and she's hopeful for her aunt's progress but still has concerns, some stuff that people are going to see in this documentary is just not adding up. i think a lot of people are going to have questions in terms of where is the guardian,
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where is the oversight? >> now, this saga continues just this morning, we have learned from a source that wendy williams legal guardian, filed a lawsuit against lifetimes parent company and now that lawsuit is under seal, so we are not clear on what the contents are, but just moments ago, boris, i've received a statement in from a lifetime spokesperson that says, quote lifetime appeared in court today in the documentary, whereas wendy williams will air this weekend as planned. so it seems that lifetime has prevailed against whatever the guardian ship was trying to fight against with the network. now, boris, i she was a frequent guest on the wendy williams show. i worked with her for years on her show. and in the final season, when wendy was not coming to work because of health issues, which now we know the diagnosis. i was a fill-in host. and the reason why they needed so many hosts to come in was because wendy
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was not there. she was having health issues and again, now we know what those health issues are, but wendy, as we all know, a true force, no one like her. and of course, we are wishing her the best with her recovery. >> yeah, absolutely. she's a legend and we're sad to hear this news. but as you said, we do wish her the best elizabeth wagmeister. thank you so much for the update. saturday could be the beginning of the nikki haley, come back or the end of the road for her presidential campaign, we have more on the race still to come united states of scandal with jake tapper. sunday at nine on cnn. >> there's something going around the glory. >> good thing. gertrude found delsam now what's going around is 12 kfar leaf >> answer gato >> a family that takes delsam together, feels better together >> see idp disrupts the idp
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