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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  February 23, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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operator somehow in some remarkable way i'm the problem here. you guys have seemed to matter to keep me mainly i'm time in the right place at the right time. no surprise, phil is early all the time, but i'm raghan at the last-minute, but seriously, guys would literally be nowhere without you. all while managing to craft the best jokes at the perfect time and every commercial break. as a viewer, you don't get to see these folks. they are the real deal. they make it happen. you've seen their work every single morning. you and we are better for it. you are the best partner in the world. phil mattingly, we will see you all soon. that is it for us. have a great weekend. cnn news centra l
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>> dr. didn't kneecap putin's war machine he just moments ago, the white house released a huge list of new sanctions against russia the largest crackdown since russia invaded ukraine. we are pouring through the details and hostage deal on the line as it israeli negotiating team makes his way to paris at this hour, the talks coming as israeli prime minister benjamin next yahoo is once again saying what his vision is for a post-war gaza, a >> nursing student is found dead. police suspect foul play classes are now canceled. i'm kate bolduan with john berman and sara sidner. this is cnn news central
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>> from president biden for the first time since imposing the largest single-day round of sanctions. there's on russia since the start of the war in ukraine. he speaks this morning as seconds ago. the white house released new details of more than 500 new sanctions they hit individuals. the white house says are directly connected to the imprisonment and death of russian opposition leader alexey navalny, also, moscow's financial sector. the president telegraph the sanctions after he met with the vanni's widow and daughter in california for nia. he promised them, quote, alexei's legacy will carry on through people across russia and around the world. let's get right to cnn, white house reporter priscilla alvarez with some of the details on these new sanctions, priscilla, what are you learning? >> well, the president is clearly forcefully responding here to the death of alexey navalny and also ahead of that two mark for russia's invasion of ukraine. now, this is a
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fresh slate of sanctions that will target over 500 entities and individuals and just a few details that we're getting here moments ago, that inquiry foods, for example, hundreds of entities involved in russia's military industrial base, 26, third country at tinned facilitating russian sanction invasion. and that includes firms and china's serbia and the united arab emirates. now, president biden in a statement this morning saying that these sanctions will target into visuals connected to navalny's imprisonment, as well as russia's financial sector, defense, industrial base, procurement networks, and sanction evaders across multiple continents. president biden going on to say that they will ensure putin pays an even steeper price for his aggression abroad and repression at home. now, what the us is trying to do here and essentially choke off russia from certain goods and also try to slow them down from building weapons. this as us officials tried to add one more tool to
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the toolbox here in response to russia's invasion of ukraine and also alexey navalny's death. now there has been skepticism about how effective these sanctions have been. of course, the us has been living multiple sanctions against russia, sentence invasion of ukraine. and their response to that from the white house has been that all of this really affects the long-term here in hampers, russia's economy and it's building to carry out this war. but all the same will president biden is touting these sanctions as a consequence to russian president vladimir putin. he is also keeping the pressure on congress again, $60 billion in additional funding to ukraine still stalled in congress as the house is out on a two-week recess, president biden, keeping that pressure and that steady drumbeat to say that while these sanctions can levee a consequence against russia, those funds need to go to ukraine. all of that necessary to fight off his aggression as we stand here this morning, we're waiting to hear the russian response. we're also expecting to hear from president biden later this
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morning, priscilla alvarez at the white house. thank you. we'll talk to you again shortly, sarah. all right. john, joining us now is cnn political and national security analyst, david sanger. thank you so much, david for coming on to talk about this important issue. vladimir putin himself, we just heard the reporting is being targeted along with 500 others. but will these new sanctions make any difference in putin's behavior? >> well, sara, most impressive thing that's going on is that they were able to go find sanctions that they hadn't yet levied on russia. you know, they've done several rounds of these book including last year at that first anniversary of the war. and right after the war >> at that time, president biden said it would reduce the ruble to rubble. >> and the >> international monetary fund said that russia's economy would tranq maybe upwards of 10% what's happened since though is quite different, the russians have been very effective at getting around
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these. >> they've continued to export oil, their revenues for oil exports in the past, peter or above or the water. what they were before the invasion and their economy is not doing great, but it's growing faster than germany, which is where i am right now. >> so >> the fact that matter is these sanctions frequently make governments feel good because they add incrementally. but it's not clear that it's changing life for the russians as much as we'd like to advertise. >> all right, and this is in part because congress has not been able to come up with a package to try and help fund ukraine's defense against russia. i do want to ask you about the fact that there is still oil flowing and money flowing to russia with oil cells, namely to india. our nick paton walsh has had this incredible reporting showing these massive ship to ship transfers in the sea to evade sanctions india's an ally of the united states. putin considered an enemy. is there
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anything the united states could do to impact this huge infusion of money to moscow >> there is the united states could do two things. i think that could hurt moscow. >> the most >> interesting that they didn't announce them today sanctions on countries that are buying oil. well, that's india. china, argentina, but all been continuing to purchase oil. some european countries have been continuing to purchase liquefied natural gas so those are all things that they could do. >> but >> if you >> truly crack down on the russian oil shipments, he could have sent oil prices up and have an inflationary impact ahead of the election to i think the president probably would be hesitant there >> and it could reduce the the willingness of allies to contribute to cutting off arms
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and other technology to russia the second thing they could do, sara, is seas that $300 billion that russia foolishly left hanging around western europe a little bit in the united states prior to the board the us and germany have said they don't have the statutory authority to do that yet but that issue has been kicking around for two years. it's probably something that could hurt russia because the money could be then redirected to ukraine that is an interesting point, david. thank you so much for your insight on all this. >> also new overnight, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is now laying out a day after plan for gaza. he is calling for complete demilitarization of gaza, as well as israel taking over security and controlling entry and exit points to gaza. now on top of this, and israeli team is heading to paris right now to meet with cia director bill burns and negotiators from
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egypt and qatar to continue hostage talks. >> cnn's jeremy diamond is >> following all of this from tel aviv. he joins us now. jeremy, can you talk to me first about this plan? now released unveiled by benjamin netanyahu for this day after in gaza well, kate, it's not all that dissimilar to what we've heard. these really prime minister say publicly before, but it is the first time that he has actually put these principles on paper, formally submitted it to his cabinet and the prime minister's office says that these principles will serve as a basis for discussion for the israeli cabinet going forward, it comes amid a lot of pressure from the united states for israel to really start doing the hard work thinking about what happens in gaza the day after the war. but washington won't necessarily like some of the ideas that the israeli prime minister has put on paper. and that's because as washington is trying to establish a framework to create a palestinian state after this war is over the plan that the israeli prime minister is putting forward effectively
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prevents a palestinian sovereign sovereignty, at least in the short term. now, let's go through a few of the details of this plan. you can see that the israeli military wants to maintain full control of the goddess gaza strip, full security control, maintaining freedom of action inside of gaza, allowing the military to go in and out and conduct raids as security control over gaza's the border is not only with israel, but also with egypt, allowing local palestinian officials to control the civil administration side, but security control very much under israeli authority. he also wants to shut down on unrwa, that un agency, which israel has accused of being involved with hamas. and also he would see the rebuilding of gaza, but only after gaza has been fully, fully demilitarized. and he is also opposing unilateral recognition of a palestinian state which would involve, for example, the us, the united kingdom, other countries recognizing a palestinian state outside of the framework of negotiations. now, there are a lot of key he tells that are still missing in
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this plan and that's still have to be worked out, but it is notable that the israeli prime minister is putting these on paper. one of the reasons he's avoided doing so for so long is because it is a very divisive issue. shou inside of israel and in particular, inside of his government's, this plan doesn't outline israeli settlements in gaza, which is something that far right. members of his government's are still pushing for. and so this is going to launch a significant debate not only within israel, but also a between israel and its international partners, like the united states the palestinian authority for its part slamming this plan already saying that it allows israel to re-occupy gaza and that it will prolong the war and that it's at odds with what the united states and other internet national partners are trying to accomplish in gaza >> and jeremy talk to me about this delegation now headed to paris to continue what has been impossible is one way to say it very hard as maybe the kindest way of saying to continue these
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hostage talks i mean kate i think what you're pointing to is the fact that last week it seemed like we were really at an impasse in these negotiations. i mean, both israel and hamas were drying a very, very hard line. he's really prime minister, the last time he sent a delegation to these talks, they were basically justin, listen only mode. they weren't actively negotiating and they said that hamas hadn't moved a millimeter off of its latest position, but something appears to have changed this week because we heard after a hamas spent a couple of days in cairo meeting with egyptian and qatari officials. we heard some optimism from benny gantz, a mmm member of the israeli war cabinet talking about the possibility of progress. and then after that, the israeli government's approved the sending a delegation to paris with expanded negotiating authority, giving them the the power to really dig into the details here to try and strike a deal. and so today that will be a crucial meeting that will happen between the us, israel, the qatari's, the egyptians, all looking to try and see if a
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deal can be struck before ramadan showing up as one thing and in this environment, it's a big thing, but that is nowhere near what they need to get done. it's great to see you, jeremy. thank you so much. >> john. >> all right, south carolina showdown times up to opine and predict in pundits. if i'm using that word rights, the primary there is tomorrow. what we will read really learn when the polls close. the biggest single day of gains in 13 months record highs, the markets open in just minutes where they are headed this morning what's driving this surge and a man accused of being a violent white supremacist is back in custody after emergency federal appeal why a federal judge released it's tim in the first place >> united states have scans with jake tapper sunday a nine on cnn >> nothing comes close to this place in the morning. i'm so
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>> all right, it is election eve in south carolina. and nikki haley and donald trump are making stops in the palmetto state to deliver their closing messages to viewers. the former south carolina governor has spent the last month aggressively campaigning in her home state, haley's vowing to stay in the race no matter what the outcome is. in south carolina, trump is betting on another big win and hoping he'll be able to deliver a victory speech when he takes the stage on saturday night, cnn's kristen holmes is joining us from rock hill, south carolina where donald trump is set to speak and just the next few hours what's the closing message here? we've been hearing this the same message. it's sort of been going out for a while now >> so he hasn't really had to change his message here in south carolina at all to tailor to voters he yet still looks poised to beat nikki haley. recent polling showing him up by 30 points, despite the fact that she far outpaced him on the campaign trail that she far outspent him. and the fact that this because her home state now, despite the fact that he
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continues to be dismissive of her candidacy, we are told by sources that he's incredibly annoyed that he had that she hasn't dropped out. here's what he said last that's night >> well, i guess she's got an ego or something. i'm not a big fan of hers. she's doing very bad things for the republican party. i don't care at this point if she says that she's getting very few votes and sara, just to note, he does care if she stays in, which we know from people who are around him who have heard him say that. but i do want to say this, even though the primary is not over yet, it is very much starting to feel like a general election, particularly when we talk about this issue of abortion after that alabama ruling that said frozen embryos are people too. we are seeing democrats and president joe biden i didn't seizing on that. and the trump campaign really taking the incoming on that really pointing to democrats, pointing to trump's outsized role in the overturning of roe v. wade linking these two things together, as we know, donald trump has still not figured out a general election message on abortion, something
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that really going to have to figure out he wants to one, take credit as the architect of the overview turning of roe v. wade, but also not talk about abortion at all. so again, a fine line to walk here for the former president >> all right. kristen holmes. thank you so much from rock hill, south carolina for us that speech happening and then the next few hours here john, and you've got harry here. numbers, numbers numbers, important >> you're talking about the primary race that is still going on. we're looking ahead a little bit to the possible general election matchup with me is cnn senior data reporter harry enten. harry. what cnn has done here is something truly revolutionary. we've taken all the polls her up out there, added them up and then divided them by the number we've averaged the polls in what are we found? >> we found that there's no clear leader, john first choice for president donald trump, 48%. joe biden, 47%. and this is something that we've gone back and forth it, right? you'll see one poll that shows joe biden had like a quinnipiac university poll did earlier this week and then marquette
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university law school in fact, shows that donald trump is ahead. but when you put it all together, what you really have is a really tight race for president doesn't this point donald trump coming in at 48% on average, and joe biden coming it at 47% on. >> and why is it's so close? what can we see in these numbers? yeah. why is it so close? it's not because they love both of these candidates. it's because they both have big weaknesses. all right, biden and trump's big weaknesses. trump is not ethical given all those criminal indictments, 68% of voters believed that trump is not ethical how about biden's too old to serve another term, effectively serve another term, 67%. and so you see these two numbers very close together. and i think this gives you an understanding of why this racist oh, close is because a near equal percentage of the electorate doesn't like trump for a big reason, and doesn't like joe, joe biden for a very different reasons. so these two almost canceling each other out and that is leading to this race that at this particular point has no clear leader. it seems to me what you're saying
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is that voters don't necessarily love their options here. >> but no, i would say that they don't love them her options, johnny boy, tired of seeing the same candidates in presidential elections and want someone new, 67% of the public agrees with this, just 19% of the public disagrees with this according to a recent ipsos paul. so the fact of the matter is at this particular point, it looks like the voters are going to get joe biden on the democratic side and donald trump on the republican side. but voters definitely don't want it according to the numbers. now, if you are looking for trends here, this does have this poll of polls, this average, this remarkable mathematical tool we're using here. it does have a different look than we've seen in the past with donald trump it does have a different look and that i think is something that i want to emphasize here is donald trump is in a better position now than he was either in the 2020 campaign or the 2016 campaign. all right, so this is the presidential poll margin at this point, donald trump plus one point, although again, no clear leader, joe biden was ahead by four points at this point in the 2020 campaign. and hillary clinton
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was ahead by three points. the 2016 campaign, i'll note that in these particular years, i took the averages. and so donald trump right now is in a better position, although again, a very tight race. the other thing i'll just note, john, is this actually came pretty close to the final margins. no guarantee that that will be the case given that we still have months and months. to go, but it is notable that donald trump at this point, isn't a considerably better position than he was the last two times. ariane. a pleasure, as always, have a fantastic weekend. you as well mr. baldwin with you guys imagej math is why do you hate on poles of it >> i think it's i love math. math is special, and so are you well now, i can't make photo of you when you give me a compliment, you know, that's a secret to my heart. all right, thanks, guys. let's talk serious or not? jordan green knight now, former white house spokesman for george w bush, pete seat, and cnn political commentator, se cupp. all right, let's bring it back home your friends out it, let's talk about what's happening on the trail, not the poll of polls and where i want to start is christian values
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being discussed on the campaign trail right now on a play for you, donald trump's message in a speech to conservative christian broadcasters in nashville. listen >> how any christian can vote for a democrat christian or person of faith? person of. faith. how you could vote for a democrat is crazy >> also, this week, here is far-right conspiracy theorist jacques basaltic at cpac in a panel hosted by steve bannon i just wanted to say, look, welcome to the end of democracy we are here to overthrow a completely we didn't get all the way there on january 6, but we will we all endeavor to get rid of it and replace it with this right here. we'll replace it with this higher amen that's right because all glory, all glory is not to government. all glory to god >> what he was holding up there
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as a necklace is a cross necklace is what i'm told. so you can't see in that clip se what do you do? with this, these messages >> i mean, personally light my hair on fire, but i've been doing that for about 67 years because i mean, in all seriousness, this was the lament of folks like me who saw what trump was going to do to the republican party. he was not only going to convince conservatives to jettison the conservatism, but maybe even christians to jettison the family values, the morality, the christianity that had been foundational and now they're leading with this false this sort of false prophet christianity where they're not really talking about compassion and doing things that are good for women, minorities, all kinds of people. they're just sort of singing to the cheap seats and using christian word salads to key into the base. but they don't actually have to
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form. they don't actually have to be good people. they don't have to have good policies. they don't even have to govern. or win. in this case. so it's a total upheaval of what has been conservative orthodoxy and what has mattered to the republican party for a long time >> and that's a great point. >> the context of how long were you have been watching this happening? >> because we've seen >> p tim alberta, our friend. he's written an entire book about kind of the change, the evolution of evangelical christians. and their relationship with donald trump in seeing that they don't, they don't some saying they don't want us. they don't care if he's a christian man, if you will, if he's if he's upstanding moral citizen is that they'll fight for them he's the warrior that they need, but what do you see here >> well, i've attended the conservative political action conference more times than i want to admit on national
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television. so i've seen it not evolve, but devolve from when it was about smart conservatism. it was about smart policy and taking seriously, getting this country on track and how we do that through conservative values. you see now from that clip and in other things that we'll all see here over this weekend. that it's all about maga. it's all about trump, the entire conference. all three-and-a-half days are about donald trump. i remember standing in a line to meet mitch mcconnell at cpac. he used to be a star at that event. now he probably can't even get through the front doors before being turned away. but i've also seen this on college campuses and elsewhere in conversations with friends over the years, where this my way or the highway mentality was starting to take root within the conservative movement. >> donald trump >> tapped into that and gave these people a large segment, a
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majority of the republican base right now precisely what they wanted. >> and look, it almost i'm kinda make the connection here then when you look to south carolina in the south carolina primary, pete, because the primaries tomorrow, trump has remained far ahead in the polling there, and you're take something that's really interesting. you said that two things can be true at once. and to paraphrase, you, trump can be unhinged and haley can still have no path to the nomination. >> why is that? what does that say? >> yeah, this entire campaign is about two things being true at once. nikki haley is right, donald trump is unhinged. i think even supporters of donald trump would agree that he is unhinged at times, but that doesn't mean that republican primary voters are voting against him and voting for nikki haley, the republican party wants donald trump to be its nominee. it's plain and simple and nikki haley, south
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carolina, should be the free space on the bingo card for her. she should be able to win her home state without having to campaign as much as she's campaigned but fealty is transcendent when it comes to donald trump and he's going to run away with this tomorrow. as he, ivan wanted to get your take on the fallout, the political fallout, the impact of this ivf ruling in alabama i saw in politico south carolina, republican nancy mays, she's really she's stood up. she's had an interesting and it kind of non-traditional stances. she's taken on some of these issues, if you will. i'm going to say in paraphrase her take on this. she says, i be at the ivf ruling in alabama, quote, is going to be an issue in 24 what do you think the political impact is of that event, decision >> yeah. putting the merits of the cases sayyed, the politics are really, really messy. and what i think the left will do
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understandably is try to lump it into the abortion debate. the attacks on women from the republican party and the republicans supreme court. >> it >> makes sense because it is a part of reproductive rights as an issue ivf, however, politically it doesn't cut the same. you can look at the abortion debate and it really falls down on party lines, left, right democrat, republican for the iv of community families who are wanting ivf, many are republicans pro-life, pro-choice democrats, trump voters, biden voters. it doesn't fall as easily along party lines. so anyone who's talking about it, whether that's joe biden, donald trump, or nikki haley it's going to have to get real specific about what this ruling means and what they would do if they were president about it because it's going to matter to a lot of different families, not just republican families or democratic families. now, just trump voters are biden voters. lots of different families. remember these are people who what children. it's the opposite side of the coin of
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the abortion debate. these are people who want to have families. and i think you saw matt gaetz on with our abby phillip, the other night saying, listen, we should be behind people who want to have families. so it's going to put republicans and kind of a tongue twister and a bind. we'll see how well they do with it. then on the trail, we've >> seen how well they've done with it so far. that's for sure. but it's really an interesting new addition to this conversation about reproductive rights. women's rights, families, lives family. i mean, all of it definitely ripe for asking these any politician, especially presidential candidates to really get into the weeds on this. it's great to see you guys. thank you, sir. >> good conversation. all right. still to come, a student found dead in the woods on a georgia college campus. police say they suspect foul play. take you live to the scene there. next. >> also, the opening bell just rang it away there on wall street just now investors watching closely on the heels of thursday's record highs, that spike, by the way, driven
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already that they thought that this was the most important stock on planet earth. and clearly with their earnings that were just absolutely out of this world it moved markets higher yesterday you had records on the s&p, the dow, and almost the nasdaq. look at these stock prices. you wish you bought in a video at $236 hello, as a share. look when you look right landed yesterday, 785 and at last check, i believe it was over $800 18 share. that is putting this company new video into record territory. the first chip maker to be valued at over 2 trillion. >> and this is a >> tie with a t could not agree with it this is a company that makes ai chips four mega companies like meta and microsoft, they make over 70% of ai chips in the world. this is a company also that's been around since 1993. but has seen this it's tremendous rise in
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just the last year. this is because of all of the ai generation that we've been talking about, this is a company that is riding this trend. this is the now, this is the future and the founder of the company believes they're only going to go up. analysts believe they're only going to go up it just sets the stage for where we are right now, 60 to 70% of companies are going to be using artificial intelligence and perhaps they're going to be using chips made by nvidia. >> it's wild, it is wild to see the progression of how much their stock costs over the last few years. hue, wow. all right. we'll be watching. i know you'll be watching thank you so much for azure cave. >> it's john or a breaking news, a student who was found dead on the university of georgia campus has been identified 22 year-old lakin hope riley. riley attended augusta universities nursing school in athens many students at both colleges on high alert
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>> it's usually really busy. people bring their dogs and their friends. it's a usually a super social place. so it's definitely not somewhere that i ever thought was right. cnn's ryan young is in athens this morning with the very latest. we do have the identity of this person killed ryan yeah. >> john, as you can understand, this is sending shockwaves through this campus. this is the premier university for the state of georgia. we also wanted to show people the trail because you understand why students identify with this area so well, the intramural fields are behind me, so a lot well, students use that in the afternoons, but look at this trail, it's been carved out and this is where people jog all the time. we've even seen joggers here today. there are actually no signs of any sort of threat or murder scene out here so far. but what we know is around noon yesterday, someone called authorities to save their friend was missing and by 12, 38 police discovered the body of a young woman who has been identified as liking hope riley, who's 22 years
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old. you can understand how this not only sent shockwaves to the campus but the police community is trying to figure out exactly who committed this crime. to take a listen >> our officers responded to that area end immediately begin a search of the area to attempt to locate the individual officers located the individuals in the area behind lake harrak at approximately 12, 30 eight the individual was unconscious and not breathing and had visible injuries john as you look at this trail here, my producer now, we've walked more than a mile and-a-half >> of this trail today, trying to see how many different directions someone can leave the trail. we haven't seen even any signs leftover from an investigation we know to other agencies are also helping
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campus police in this investigation, including the gbi, which we believe that's the state organization that probably would have processed the scene there has been talk also of them using video surveillance in the area. but as you know, job when you walk trails like this that are in a wooded area, they're not made. we didn't see any cameras back this direction. and even in terms of the fieldhouse that's over here, we didn't see cameras there either. so we know this is an active investigation. people are asking questions about what happens next. we saw so many many students still walking this area, still confused. let's not forget schools close to monday. but this investigation is ongoing and we hope to have more information, john. >> yeah, that's just has to be so frightening for everyone who uses those trails. they're always just has to be the element of fear now in their heads, ryan young. thank you so much for being there. keep us posted >> kate, horror there's also the search for answers and accountability. it's taking a turn in uvalde, several officers ordered to appear before a grand the we have that and the fight was over the
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length of his hair. what a texas judge just ruled about a school dress code at one texas teenager says is really about his civil rights united states of scandal with jake tapper >> sunday at nine on cnn >> when you're a small business owner, there's no such thing as nine to five days or longer in business hours. well, there anything but predictable, especially when you have clients like ours? when i consider payroll providers from my business, i looked for a solution that fit into my busy schedule. shore payroll makes running payroll easy and it's us based customer service. is there for me? and i have questions after hours and even saturdays visits, your payroll
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full of victims, 19 children, two teachers were killed let's bring in cnn's shimon prokupecz sherman. you've covered this from the very beginning the critical failures and protocol on the de, the failures of leadership and everything that has been learned and uncovered even recently after the fbi investigation, what are you hearing about this grand jury? yeah. so after the doj did their invasion let's and there was a civil investigation and they found all of those critical things that police should have been doing. they were not doing the grand jury started hearing this case just the day after they were seated, some for the past month now, in uvalde there has been this grand jury that's been hearing evidence. i was told this morning that actually officers have already testified some of the investigators have gone in already and given testimony and now the grand jury wants to hear from some of the first responders, some of the officers who responded in those critical minutes and essentially nothing was done. so that's who's going before
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the grand juries at some point next week, some of the first responders, other officers, they've been subpoenaed from the texas department of public safety and other law enforcement agencies. remember kate, there were over 300 officers, nearly 400 law enforcement officials on scene that day. so there could be any given number of officers that will be required to go before the grand jury on 11 of the lingered questions has been, what is the district attorney attorney doing? >> so? yes, because it's taking so long and no one can understand why she has taking so long to start presenting this case and whether or not she even has a case, whether they're not there is a viable criminal case here. what are the criminal charges here potentially? for the leaders that should have taken action? because remember, a lot of the criticism has been on the commanders that day from the school police chief to do the uvalde school to the uvalde police chief, other law enforcement officials that should have taken action and didn't take action to force those officers inside. so what she is looking at is not entirely clear, but i can tell
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you for the families, this is a really great step. they're very excited by this because they're just starting to see that perhaps, maybe there will be some accounting ability, but it's going to be hard, right? >> it's feels like a concrete step, more of a concrete step then the talking that they have been getting for the past. now, nearly two years grand juries are secret, so there's a lot that's not going to be known until if and when something comes out after. but hearing this is important it's good to see shimon. thanks. thank you. sir. >> all right. coming up a violent white nationalist is back in police custody just hours after he was released from jail. how did this all happened? >> have more on that coming up >> the greatest stage? >> told about lifetime because while the trip tv, i love
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>> golf been eat 775383882, or visit home cnn saturday morning starting tomorrow at eight on cnn >> this morning, new information about the murder of an 11 year-old texas girl, the harris county medical examiner's office says, audrii cunningham died from homicidal violence, including blunt head trauma she went missing last week. well, on her way to school, her body was found in a river tuesday tied to a rock a family friend is now charged with capital murder. a texas
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judge says the state's crown act does not stop schools from limiting the length of a student's hair a school junior darryl george has been serving an in-school suspension for months for refusing to cut his lot his school district said that violated its dress code george is an attorney, say they will appeal the judge's ruling and the spanish city of valencia, four people are dead after a huge fire engulfed and apartment building as many as 14 people who are missing. fire crews rescued people from balconies residents say the fire spread in just minutes. the city's mayor has declared three days of mourning. sarah >> accused white nationalist is back in custody after a judge briefly released him from jail. they've taken a look there at robert rondo in huntington beach, california, attacking a counter-protester at what was a pro-trump rally that was in 2d that set thousand and 17. he's also accused of inciting violence at rallies in berkeley, california, and charlottesville, virginia the justice department says, after he was freed wednesday, render was spotted near the us mexico
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border, and prosecutors filed an emergency motion with the federal appearance court to rearrest him, claiming he was a flight risk. cnn's josh campbell is following all the story for us. can you help us understand why the district judge in california released him in the first place >> yes. sara i mean, such an unusual move here. we often hear about petitions for selective prosecution that someone claiming that the government is unfairly prosecuting them while ignoring others doesn't usually work, but it appeared to work here at least temporarily now, of course, robert rondo himself, you sara broke the news of his arrest back in 2018. he was this neo-nazi white supremacist who was part of this group of other like-minded individuals, they would get together and conspire to go to various political rallies according to court documents, and then engage in violence. now, he had been prosecuted, but his lawyer petition the judge to say, look, during all of these riots back in 2017 and through 2020, the government prosecuted all these far right people, but they didn't go after far left
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people according to his lawyer. well, this judge who's somewhat controversial here in orange county, california agreed and let run out immediately. i'll read you part of what the judge said in this order. he said that the government prosecutes the defendants because they committed violence and political rallies with the legend ten of shutting down speech with which they disagreed while the allegations against the defendants may be true, that defendants offer considerable evidence that members of antifa and related far left groups did the same, if not worse, at those same political rallies. he goes on to say that such selective prosecution leaves a troubling impression but the government believes speech on the left, more deserving of protection than speech on the right. of course, it's worth pointing out that there were several hundred cases that were prosecuted during 2020 by the justice department and going people who had rioted at various rallies and even then, attorney general bill barr himself lashed out at leftist groups, including tfer, saying that he was going to aggressively prosecute these antifa groups. but of course,
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we didn't see that wave of prosecution against the leftist groups even under his leadership there at the justice department and begets, because of course, antifa isn't a formalized group. it's an amalgamation of various people. and so that's just an interesting data point there that underbuilding bars justice department, those prosecutions didn't happen. but finally, what happened here yesterday is the justice department had petitioned the ninth circuit court of appeal appeals to try to rearrest rondo. they eventually got an arrest warrant. he was taken into custody. a source tells me where he sits now, but really, really stunning case. and the final point i'll make is that there's judge himself has had some controversial issues in the past. he was once the chief judge here in central district of california, had to step down himself over a racially insensitive comments there. so it really, really interesting story here all around. >> yeah, generally speaking, it is not free speech when you're using your fifth and there's video of you beating on someone, but we will watch the case very closely. thank you so much. campbell for all your reporting, john. >> thank you, darling. president biden, set to speak
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live from the white house, just as he is slapping new sanctions on vladimir putin and russia russia, right to take you. there was back >> tomorrow. the south carolina republican presidential primary trump head-to-head as trump surge shows, no signs of slowing, we will make america great again, can haley do what it takes to stay in the ring? >> this is the time to make your choice. >> join cnn and the best political team of the business probe live results in analysis. the south carolina republican presidential prize american special coverage begins tomorrow at six eastern on cnn and streaming unpack >> for fast sore throat relief try vick's vapor cooled drops two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vick's vapor is to stay very sore throat pain six people cooled drops, vaporized sore throat pain welcome to the place where people go to learn about their
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