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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  February 21, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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enforce that judgment. trump has 30 days from when the judgment was entered to post bond and appeal. finally, for us today in our out of this world lead, it's one big milestone accomplish and an even bigger one to go for the latest moon lander launched last week of board, a space x rocket. the uncrewed spacecraft, successfully fired its engine and went into orbit around the moon. today it's named odysseus or odie for short. it was sent up by houston-based company called intuitive machines, which posted this picture of a odie orbit a short time ago tomorrow afternoon we're going to bring you live coverage as odie. we'll attempt the first soft landing on the moon by a us spacecrafts since the apollo missions of the late 1960s and early '70s, happy landings, two odie and good luck you can follow the show on x at the lead cnn, if you ever, ms an episode of lead, you can listen to the show whence you get your
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podcasts. our coverage continues now with one mr.. now, breaking news, a >> potential crack >> down at the >> us mexican response to the immigration crisis. similar to a very controversial action attempted by then president trump also breaking republican presidential candidate nikki haley declares that she believes embryos are babies siding with a stunning decision by the alabama supreme court. >> we're tracking >> all the fallout from the ruling as a major provider is now pausing in vitro fertilization treatments in alabama, fearing prosecution and define house republicans are trying to push the biden impeachment inquiry forward, grilling the president's brother behind, closed doors, despite the very damning
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indictment of a former fbi informant accused because of getting bogus dirt on the bidens from the russians welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer, you're in the situation room the skis, cnn breaking news >> let's get right to the breaking news. president biden now weighing new executive action to address the immigration prices that's a huge concern for many americans at the southern border and beyond cnn's priscilla alvarez is over at the white house. she's got details. priscilla, what are you learning >> well, sources are telling me that the white house is now considering this executive action that would essentially limit asylum at the u.s.-mexico border. and the way that they're considering doing this is invoking an authority in immigration law between the ports of entry. therefore, this would apply to migrants who are crossing the border unlawfully. now, an administration official
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telling me that many options are being evaluated at the white house and no final decision has been made in a statement, a white house spokesperson saying the following, quote, no executive action no matter how aggressive can deliver the significant policy reforms and additional well resources, congress can provide. and that republicans rejected. we continued to call on speaker johnson and house republicans to pass the bipartisan deal to secure the border with the white house is referring to there of course, is that senate border compromise that was tanked by republicans. and in that compromise that included extraordinary powers for the homeland security secretary very to shutdown the border. this appears to be an extension of that. well, it's unclear what the details are. the white house clearly taking a tougher position on the border and one that president biden welcomed over the course of these negotiations, though, of course, what we should also note here that former president donald trump also tried to invoke a very similar authority during his time in office trying to shut down the border entirely to asylum seekers. he was ultimately challenged in
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court and that effort was blocked >> priscilla, what what work can you tell us about why the biden administration is not considering this move? >> well, this is an opportunity for the white house to flip the scrip on, flip the script on republicans. this is something that they have been doing since. again, republicans decided not to move forward with what would be one of the toughest border security bills. now here, the white house is trying to take matters into their own hands. now, the republican pushback here might be, look, you've had this the 30 all along, but what the white house is trying to make clear is that nothing quite equates to what would be in legislation because this action, if the white house moves forward with it will likely also be challenged in court. and the president making clear that he is open to shutting down the border. take a listen to what he said last month it also, give me as president emergency authority to shut down the border until it could get back under control. if that bill or the law today, i'd shut down the
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border right now and fix it quickly. >> all of this, of course, as president biden faces a tough reelection campaign and former president donald trump makes immigration a key part of his campaign going into november, are persil, i want you to stay with us. i also want to bring in our political and legal experts to assess what's going on. kate bedingfield, i'll start with you. this move would likely provoke fears backlash from progressives, progressives out there. so could this actually wind up from a political perspective backfiring on president biden well i don't think so and i can tell you as somebody who participated in a lot of these conversations about immigration >> in the biden white house in the first two years, the president has been incredibly focused on ensuring that we are protecting the asylum process and that we are ensuring that people who arrive to the country legally can get, can get into the country and he wanted to bring additional funding to ensure that we had more judges to work through cases. so he as he was weighing decisions, at least during my
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time there, he was really serious about ensuring that we were protecting the right for people to come come legally. i should say, now in terms of what to do with people who arrive illegally he was always looking for the best way to stem some of the flow to the border. and i think what they're try would imagine assuming that this if they decide to move forward with this reporting that priscilla was talking about you know, what they're really trying to do here is dr. the contrast between republican inaction and democratic action when we saw this works successfully in the special election in new york, this past week or last week, rather, we saw a democrat really take on this message aggressively. and i would imagine that that's what the white house is trying to do here from a political perspective, is really draw that contrast and who's willing to take action and who's not important point, scott jennings as president biden considers this new executive order, why do you think president biden is effectively >> considering taking a page out of donald trump's playbook
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well, because he is massively politically failing on this issue. i mean, the polling on it is very clear for the last three years, the administration has made the problem worse. that's what most people think in america. so now he's in an election. it's hurting him and he's trying to revert back. i think the problem with this whole executive order strategy is twofold. number one one, they just finished arguing that they needed legislation to do anything. well, that's obviously not true. and number two, if you could take executive action today, why didn't you do it for the last three years? and so i really do think they're scrambling and responding to a massive political problem. but i think they may be creating more by essentially admitting that there argument on the legislation was false and that they've been sitting on their hands are making it worse for the last three years. >> carrie cordero, i want to remind our viewers that trump was actually blocked by the courts when he tried to close border to asylum seekers. that was back in 2018. so what president biden's potential plan now hold up legally? speaking, and what concerns does all this raise?
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>> well, so we'd have to see what legal authorities, president biden actually tries to use to use his executive authority to limit the entry of individuals at the border. there's a couple of different theories that i can come up with. one he potentially could look at using his emergency national emergencies act emergency power authorities. another possibility is there's a provision in immigration law. it's called section 2.2 >> that would >> limit the entry of individuals deemed to be detrimental to the interests of the united states. so we'd have to let's see exactly what he hangs his hat on in an executive action. but i can guarantee you that if he relies on executive authority, it's going to be challenged in the courts. and so the justification that is used in the executive order whether they tried to tie it to to fentanyl trafficking, for
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example, are they tried to track it to the limited ability to detain individuals and a lack of resources and places to put people when they come over the border, they'd have to find something that would be able to stand up in court because it's absolutely will be challenged i know you want away and go ahead >> i think that's a really that's a really important point. i mean, scott was suggesting, well, if the administration could have just moved by executive order, why didn't they well, they know it's going to be challenged in court and they we know that legislation passed by congress would would withstand those challenges in a way that an example becky to work probably won't. and so for the administration, this is not a question of oh, well, we didn't need legislation. we could have done this from the outset. this is you wouldn't move on legislation. so we're going to do everything that we possibly can because congress has tied our hands, >> priscilla, you've been covering the story for a long time, you know, a lot about it. tell us more about the very real impact this put this policy could have for asylum seekers at the border.
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>> well, what the administration is facing here is increasing numbers of migrants at the u.s.-mexico border. this has been their challenge since day one. after the coronavirus pandemic really deteriorated conditions in the western hemisphere so many of those who are coming to the us, mexico order are seeking asylum that when you talk to homeland security officials, several tell you that all of all of those claims are not credible, but all the same the way this system is built today, they are absorbed into the country. and so this could have the impact of essentially restricting many people from seeking asylum between the ports of entry could look different if they turn themselves legally at ports of entry, but all of this goes to the main issue that the white house is facing, which is again, record levels of migration at the western hemisphere. there has been a drop in crossings in january and homeland security officials and white house officials have credited their talks with mexico is helping with that. but in the spring, those numbers go up again. so this is also, or at least it appears to be an effort to get ahead of that knowing that there could
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be another surge in the months to come >> difficult development, indeed, thanks to all of you for joining us just ahead. new fallout from an alabama supreme court decision over ivf treatments by the controversial ruling is already having an impact on fertility clinics in that state. plus boeing has just announced major changes to its treble 737 max unit. after last month's terrifying midair blow up stay with us lots of news. you're in the situation erin burnett outfront tonight at seven on cnn >> uh, you know
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to electrify. the defiant power-packed all new hybrid electric dodge hornet rt performance electrified closed captioning brought to you by meso >> mesothelioma. it's all we do with local offices throughout the country on just how you get the compensation you deserve, 800 to eight to 44, 44 more breaking news this hour, major ramifications from the alabama supreme court decision that frozen embryos are children republican presidential candidate nikki haley essentially endorsing the ruling just a little while ago. this as a major health care provider in alabama, major hospital is now pausing ivf treatments out of fear of lawsuits or even prosecution. our correspondents are covering the political and the health implications of this stunning ruling. first, let's go to cnn's kylie atwood. she's joining us from south carolina covering nikki haley's
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campaign. kylie, what exactly is nikki haley now saying >> well, nikki haley very clearly today voiced her opinion in favor of the alabama supreme court ruling here in a conversation with nbc earlier today, i listened to what she said and i think i mean, embryos to me or babies. so those created through ivf i mean, i had artificial insemination that's how i had my son. so when you look at one thing is to have to save sperm or to save eggs. but when you talk about an embryo, you are talking about to me, that's alive. and so i do see where that's coming from when they talk about that >> now, nikki haley throughout the entire course of her campaign, has used very careful language when talking about these delay the kid issues surrounding childbearing and pregnancy on abortion. she has called for a national consensus. she has not backed any national ban that would be
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hinge on a specific number of weeks. but when she was asked by nbc earlier today about the potential chilling effect that this ruling could have on families who are seeking to use ivf. nikki haley wouldn't get into the possible fallout here. she just said that there is a need to be incredibly respectful and sensitive about this wolf kylie atwood, reporting for us. thank you, kylie for boron. this is a breaking news story. i want to bring in cnn's isabel rosalas, isabel, what is the latest impact of the alabama supreme court ruling? what does that having wolf, good evening to you. >> the >> university of alabama at birmingham health system is now the first organization in the state to say that it is pausing ivf treatment in light of this its ruling telling cnn in part, we are saddened that this will impact our patients attempts to have a baby through ivf, but we must evaluate the potential that our patients and our physicians could be prosecuted criminally or face punitive
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damages for following the standard of care for ivf treatments well, if the alabama medical association also warning that this has essentially opened up the floodgates that other health systems will follow track here. and reproductive rights advocates are warning that this will have huge implications on ivf going forward, making it less accessible, making it more costly, that it could skyrocket liability costs that if an embryo, as we're seeing here from the alabama supreme court equals equals a child and destroying one could open them up to a lawsuit. well, that could force would be parents to pay fees to store embryos, even embryos that they don't want for the remainder of their life or beyond. critics also warning that this will have implications beyond alabama as other states also attempt to define embryos as people and already wolf, we are seeing one religious group using this alabama ruling as precedent in a florida abortion rights case. >> isabel results let's thank
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you very much. i want to bring in cnn political commentators, kate bedingfield and s e cupp se, why do you think nikki haley is taking this stance that embryos are babies? >> well, i think she feels personally about that and she alluded to her personal experience with artificial insemination, but this is this is going to be a very tricky issue for her to navigate. and that's because it's complicated, but putting the merits of the case aside, the politics of it is unclear you know, i can understand why this is being sort of lumped in with the abortion debate because it's certainly under the umbrella of reproductive fronts. but again, politically the people, the families were seeking ivf are not broken down into political boxes. the way abortion can usually be broken down, people seeking ivf or democrats, the republicans, many are pro-life many are pro choice. there are trump voters.
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there are biden voters. so it's politically unclear where voters are going to come down on this issue. so for now, she's speaking personally, but i imagine she'll have to get a lot more specific as she's asked this question, i'm sure over and over and over again about those very real implications and where she comes down on the law itself. >> yeah. she keeps saying thank during the campaign, she's unapologetically unapologetically pro-life. she keeps saying that all the time, kate, to build on what we just heard, the supreme court's decision here in washington to roll back abortion rights for women galvanize democratic voters in the 2022 midterm elections could ivf access have a similar impact, impact on the 2024 election >> well, i think it could i think it will build on what we've seen, motivate democrats and independents and some republicans, particularly suburban women around this
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issue of reproductive choice. and the reason i say that is because i mean, se is absolutely right. i think nikki haley said this because she personally believes it. but where the challenge comes and where the political backlash comes and where people don't like to hear their elected officials going on these issues is toward government making decisions about a families reproductive health. and so for nikki haley, as she has to clarify this comment or expound on what her own personal belief would mean for her for her policy if she were president xi is going to have to explain whether that means under a haley presidency ivf, whether there would be protections for ivf if she considers them babies. this gets into a really a space that we've seen over the last couple of years as since the fall of roe has been really, really motivating for, again, democrats, independents, and some republican voters, particularly women and particularly suburban women, who don't want to see the government tell them what they can and can't do what their
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bodies. and i think ultimately this is going to fall into that category. >> good point >> se trump's been >> notoriously noncommittal about his own policies on reproductive rights, especially on whether he'd support a 16-week nationwide abortion ban how much do republican struggle right now on this issue? >> it's top democrats are certainly winning. they're winning on policy, they're winning on messaging and trump has been non-committal. he's also been all over the map. he's taken credit for the overturning of roe. he's saying to other republican governors that certain bands would go too far that this is not a winning issue in a lot of parts of the country. so he's both practical on the issue and political on the issue, but also, i certainly leaning into the, what, what republicans would consider a victory of that overturning of roe. so he's owning it and also sort of put passing the buck and saying, we can't go that far.
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so he's very unclear in his messaging and you hear from pro-life republicans that they are a little disappointed in his messaging and not really committing to what they believe they elected him to do and getting those three judges on the court to do, which they've successfully did. so i think the clock is ticking when it comes to trump having to really commit one way or the other to some of these legislative >> do you see this issue becoming another political controversy potentially for nikki? haley after she previously stumbled over naming slavery as the cause of the civil war, suggested that texas could secede from the united states well, i mean, look, i the biggest problem nikki haley has is she can't get a majority of republican voters to vote for her and republican primary. so i think this will only further underscore how far outside the mainstream the republican party has moved on on these issues. and i think
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this will, as i say, i think it will continue to be a problem for not just nikki haley, but for republicans writ large. i mean, again, donald trump put the three supreme court justices who overturned roe on the supreme court and pe is going to have to explain that, assuming he is the nominee, which at this moment it looks like he's the presumptive nominee, will see he's going to have to explain that to voters. so i think this one only further underscores how out of touch the republican position on this is with voters all across the country. and as you said, wolf, this is motivated. we saw this motivate voters to come out to the polls in 2020, 2.20, 23 and there's no reason to believe that that won't also be the case in 2024 hours. >> that's going to happen. kate bedingfield teacup to both of you. thank you very, very much coming up. knew how house republicans are now seeking a lifeline for their biden impeachment probe. as the indictment of an fbi informant undermines their inquiry, much more coming candidate john edwards cheated on his
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of mind. >> get your solar generator and free panel at four >> i'm pete muntean at reagan national airport. this is cnn on capitol hill tonight, house republicans are scrambling to shore up their biden impeachment >> inquiry after the indictment of a former fbi informant who allegedly got false information from the russians cnn's chief congressional correspondent, manu raju, has the latest mr. mr. jordan, republicans defined in the face of a damning indictment, charging an fbi informant of making up a bribery >> scheme involving president biden and his son, hunter allegations central to the inner impeachment probe into biden and his family's business dealings, but to promotion of a bribery scheme was false? >> not at all. we're we're we're looking at the four
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facts i just gave you. those facts are true. >> was it right to promote a bribery scheme for the president based on that, today, we're asking questions so james biden, so we're going to ask him about his business relationships with your brother involved in any of your business dealings behind closed doors today, the president's brother, james biden, told house investigators that the president never had any involvement in his business activities all as the gop is at risk of seeing support for the impeachment effort collapsed in the house. since they have yet to prove that biden acted corruptly to assist his family. >> i think it's time for chairman comer and the republicans to fold up the circus tent. >> after 40 year-old alexandra smirnoff was arrested the charges of lying to the fbi in creating false records. he told the fbi that officials associated with russian intelligence were involved in the false biden bribery allegations. and today, special counsel, david weiss, asked a judge to keep smeared up in jail as he awaits trial. it was
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smirnova's allegations that report i'll bookings ran with studying fbi form known as a 10-23 that contain the unverified accusations >> even a trusted fbi informant has alleged a bribe to the biden family, a key gop chairman, helping lead the probe, even calling it a smoking gun. >> we already know the president took bribes from burisma. >> those allegations are consistent with a pattern that we've seen in romania and maybe some other countries. >> and chairman jim jordan indicating the informants, allegations were essential, the most corroborating evidence we have is that 1023 form from this highly credible confidential human source today, jordan downplayed that recent remark. you said the 1023 is the most corroborating piece of information you outbreaks, but it doesn't hasn't changed his fundamental facts. so now it's not true republicans today >> criticizing the fbi and doj for previously calling smirnoff credible in paying him for information as they circulated
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talking points saying the biden probe has secured more evidence and was not reliant on smear knobs testimony, even as they removed a reference to the foreman in a letter sent to a witness. >> but what evidence you have a bribery scheme. >> now, we've got lots of in james biden's closed door interview is still going on nearly eight hours and counting and republicans who have come out of that closed-door interview have questioned james biden's credibility, even as democrats say there has been absolutely no proof to connect joe biden to james biden's business dealings and wolf a big moment will come next week when hunter biden, the president's son, comes behind closed doors and tries to corroborate the evidence that republicans have had difficult time corroborating at this point as they've struggled to sell well, this is some of their members were still skeptical, but moving forward with any articles of impeachment against the president will our manu raja reporting from capitol hill, mano. thank you for joining us now, a democrat who serves on
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the house committee that interview the president's brothers than a congressman jared moskowitz of florida congressman. thanks so much for joining us. you just heard chairman jim jordan say this revelation doesn't change the accusations in there impeachment probe of president biden, how do you respond to that >> well thanks well thanks for having me. well, first of all, the magical 1023 form, right? 1023, which apparently also happens to be the same combination that james comer has on his luggage, right? the information that form it's all all made up. it was all a lie. >> right? >> and in >> fact, it was information that was passed to the informant from russian intelligence. now, by the way, this is the second and formant that james comer and company has relied on that has also been indicted. this is the second formant that they've used that has been indicted the first one, let's not forget. right. was doing was a chinese foreign agent that was doing this is what the iranians and the libyans. and so look, the
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fact that they're being honest, i appreciate their coming and saying wolf, that this doesn't change anything. you know, why doesn't change anything? >> because it doesn't they'd never had to be true. they don't care that it's true. they wanted it to be true so bad that they burst it they want wanted to make this the garden of eden, of the impeachment process into joe biden, this $5 million that there really was never any corroborating evidence, but the russian and russian intelligence wanted to find useful idiots in congress and you know what the american people already know this. they found them, they found them, they put it out there hundreds of it interviews they did on television and a and on podcasts for six or seven months talking about this. and it was all fake. it was all false. the impeachment inquiry should end, period >> your democratic colleague, congressman dan goldman says if the house gop continues, their impeachment inquiry in light of this latest revelation, then
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they are doing the work of putin. do you agree >> well, first of all, let's, let's tell the american people the truth. they don't have the votes, they don't have the votes. first of all, they don't have the votes because there's no evidence. second of all, they don't have the votes because their own members there's don't want to vote for this. so they're never going to have a vote. james comer almost admitted that a couple of days ago. so this is all a pr stunt in order to try to spread disinformation. some of it from the russians, some of it from former, former chinese foreign agents to the american people? yes, to do the bidding you know of other countries, okay. in order to try to bring the president's poll numbers down based on false information. and so look, i agree with my colleague, dan goldman, right. if they continue to move this forward, then it's clearly they're doing the business of a foreign countries. but you know, what will they don't care. and they don't care that it's true. so long as it's information, again, can be disinformation. so long as it's information
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that they can peddle, that they think would hurt the president true or not true. they want to peddle it because that's what this whole game is about. it's not about giving the american people the truth, and it's no longer for about american sticking together against foreign adversaries. know if there's information that can hurt the other side, because this is a team sport, will pedal it even if we're doing the business of vladimir putin this is yet another allegation as you well know, congressman of russian interference in us elections. how concerned are you? about further meddling? and is the us prepared >> well, look, i think the question now we have to ask ourselves is, what other information that james comer and company are feeding to the american people are coming either from the russians or from the chinese. other her stuff, right? that you just saw jim jordan in that previous package, talk about odd other information. has any of that come from an informant who knowingly or unknowingly got
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that from a chinese foreign agent or from russian intelligence. we don't know. so now you have to take everything they're saying as if that information has come from a foreign i'm >> gardens for jared moskowitz of florida. thank you so much for joining us >> thanks, wolf. and just ahead, new warnings from american officials after a dual u.s. russian citizen is arrested in russia. >> we'll be right back via headliner las vegas. that's what i want to do. >> it's unlike again, anywhere else in the world. >> vegas, the story of sin city sunday at ten on cnn >> you know, if you are cashback and you could earn on everything which is one car chase freedom and limited. so if you're off the rakin or grabbed fracking your cash back in cashback on flap jacks, baby back for tacos at the taco shack. >> i'm >> working on my six pack
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free text allo bee to three-to-one, three-to-one today by more than liebermann at the pentagon. >> and this cnn >> tonight, american officials are reiterating they're very strong warnings to all americans not to travel to russia after a dual us citizen was arrested there. this month cnn's brian todd has been the story for us. brian, what work can you tell us about the detention of this woman and the charges she's now facing wolf. she's been in detention for some weeks now in russia and the charges seem dubious at best. her name is casenia karelina, a ballerina from los
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angeles, and she joins an unsettling list of americans being held by vladimir putin placed in handcuffs with a ski cap pulled over. her eyes, lead into detention. >> this is vladimir >> putin's latest high profile prisoner. a us official tells cnn, this is kasenya karelina, a 30 ballerina from la, a us dual citizen arrested in russia on charges of treason. her employer says, all she did was allegedly donate $51.80 to a ukrainian charity in the us. >> welcome to the world of hostage terrorism and vladimir putin style, russia's federal security service says that while in the us, karelina took part in quote, public actions to support the key of regime hey how would russian intelligence know if she donated less than $52 to a charity? >> this person has not only >> russian citizenship, but also has friends and family back in russia, they're able to monitor email activity, telephone activity, all the
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different powers that any state has to basically conduct espionage on their own. citizens or whoever they liked. >> karelina is employer, a spot in beverly hills says karelina a has been quote, wrongly accused, and that she was in russia to visit her 90 year-old grandmother, her parents and younger sister, karelina, become a us citizen in 2021. a us official says she entered russia on january 2, and the us learned of her arrest on february 8th. analysts say a karelina status as a dual citizen may work against her because the russians won't recognize the us portion of her citizenship. >> the russian simply consider this person or citizen and don't feel that they need to do anything further. in terms of granting access to to guarantee that person's well-being. >> news of karelina is arrest comes just after a russian court upheld the extended detention of american evan gershkovich, a reporter for the wall street journal, held on charges of espionage, which he and his employer deny former us marine paul whelan is also imprisoned in russia on
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espionage charges, which he vehemently lead denies. it's gotten to the point where the white house is telling americans in russia to leave now, and the state department warns, if you are considering traveled to russia for any reason, do not do it. i don't think we can say that anymore clearly, just how dangerous is it for an american in russia right now, you have a target on your back. now americans are being viewed as bargaining chips by terrorist organizations and terrorist regimes like putin >> now the problem with the us trying to bargain with putin is that the us really doesn't have any high-level russian spies in its custody. one russian who putin really wants back, vadim krasikov, a former colonel in russia's intelligence services. he's serving a life if sentence in germany for murdering a chechen fighter there, wolf, interesting i, brian todd reporting for us, brian. thank you very much. also tonight, ukraine is disputing russia's claim. it captured a key southern village amid heavy fighting. cnn's nick paton walsh is in there. her son ukraine for us, he's got details. nick, you're right
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there near the front line in this south how do you assess these russian claims >> yeah. i mean, look to or not, it's marked another moment in which russia has been able to claim some kind of advanced. let me tell you, y krynky, which is a tiny village on the other side of the river near where i'm standing in kherson region jim, why cranky is so important, it's a place where months ago ukraine forced its troops across the river, hoping to probe towards crimea and start a whole new frontline against russia. they got across the river to enormous costs and have been holding that line as best as they could over the past months or so as i say, to significant cost and controversy to franke, many critics wondering what the point of entire operation was. well, but a very high level, the defense minister speaking to vladimir putin himself, suggested that russia had taken back control of that entire village, krynky, that immediately dismissed as nonsense by ukrainian in commanders and they put out a video suggesting that in fact russian troops who put up a
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flag there scene on a drone had in fact immediately run away, but the fate of krynky becomes something we've heard people talking about. food distribution points here, it would seem odd that russian officials, that high level, we'll talk about this if indeed nothing necessarily changed of import across the river here. so it may be that ukraine is still there, but perhaps not with the same ferocity they were a matter of days ago, remember wolf across the front line here, we are seeing russia moving forward because they simply have more resources right now, wolf yeah, nic, how is russia spinning this moment >> yeah, i mean, look, this is for the first time in nearly a year. and i'm qualified series of successes for russia being no doubt that the fall of abdivka was something that ukraine permitted to happen through its withdrawal, but it came after weeks and months of sustained pressure are now in his day really address ukraine's president volodymyr zelenskyy talks about seven russian fighter jets taken out the last week,
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but admitted for places of intense pressure near robatinia in the south in zaporizhzhia, kupiansk in the north continued pressure and avdiivka as well and so the kremlin awarding its troops on the battlefield metal little's and very clear for themselves that this is a moment where their resources, their persistence appears to be gaining the higher ground across the front line war >> nick payton walsh on the frontlines verse in ukraine. thank you very much. stay safe as i always say, coming up, how donald trump plans to gum up the classified documents case against them. we have new details on the flurry of legal challenges. his team is now preparing plus records reveal more biting incidents involving the president's dog commander, including some that required medical treatment >> it takes a certain mindset the play in the national hockey seems opening here's the best guys when you play maker scanning all my one step, expect the unexpected
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tins with every flavor of happy kid, 20% off plus free shipping on your first-order. >> i'm eva mckend in washington and this is cnn as we await word from the us supreme court, i'm donald trump's immunity claims. the former president's legal team is trying to slow down
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proceedings and some of his other cases. cnn's paula reid is tracking the story for us. paula, tell us about these latest trump legal moves. >> well, wolf, as we know, the trump legal team is trying to delay his criminal cases and even some of a civil liability by any means necessary and a short time ago, his legal team asked a new york judge to delay enforcement of that 355 million civil fraud verdict for at least 30 days, or if there's some open questions about whether he actually has the cash to cover that verdict. now, the attorney general who brought this case, letitia james, she weighed in on this case. let's take a listen to what she said. >> if he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, and then we will seek judgment enforcement mechanisms in court. and we will ask the judge to cease his assets a trump is expected to appeal, but this is a state level case, even if he's reelected, he
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can't make it go away. of course, he is expected to face his forced criminal case in manhattan in just a few weeks at the end of march. again, a case that if he's convicted, he cannot make that go away. but when it comes to his federal cases, we know he and his lawyers have been trying and to push those trials back until after the november election. because if trump is re-elected, he would be expected to have his attorney general dismissed. jack smith and both of those cases go away. as you mentioned, the january 6 case currently on hold while we wait and supreme court to weigh in on this question of presidential immunity. but yesterday, trump's lawyers it's revealed in the other mar-a-lago document case, they also intend to file a slew of motions. of course, they have a right to do this, but will also have the effect of possibly delaying this. i want to read some of the things they want to challenge the appointment of jack smith, presidential immunity, presidential records act, what they say a selective and vindictive prosecution as well? some other things including what they say are violations of trump's attorney client privilege. so they
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clearly throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks and wolf we may have some indication if this is working next week because the mar-a-lago trial that is currently penciled in for may 20, but next week there's a hearing before the judge is overseeing that case, and she might give us an indication if that's going to get pushed back. >> we shall see paula reid reporting for us. thank you, paula very much coming up. a key executive over at boeing is now out in the aftermath of that midflight door plug blow out on one of the explains we're going to explain what this means for the embattled aviation giant >> united states dan, with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn, i feel refreshed because i'm not struggling with cbp app anymore. she looks great. i got inspire, great sleep at the click of a button. you can. >> yeah, i got an implant, sheila, it's inspire, learn more india important safety information. at inspire >> at morgan stanley old school
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>> keir movement that inspires more real estate professionals list properties with than any other site really >> really trust the number one app real estate project fashion is trust, download the >> today >> erin burnett, outfront. next on cnn >> boeing is removing the executive responsible for at 07:37 max passenger jet program as the company remains under intense scrutiny right now, cnn's pete muntean has details
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>> tonight. boeing is ejecting a key executive following last month's dramatic in-flight blow out on a nearly new plane >> change had to happen. ed clark lead the boeing seven 37 max program following the two fatal max crashes that grounded the plane for months. now, clark is the first boeing leader to be shown the door after investigators found critical door plug bolts were not installed. when i'm max nine bound for alaska airlines, left boeing's factory last october. >> there is no way that this plane should have been delivered with for safety critical bolts missing in a company-wide memo, boeing commercial airplanes head stand deal says, the change is effective immediately. the java boeing ceo, dave calhoun, is apparently safe after he insisted to lawmakers that his plan and it's r2, we fly safe place. >> we don't see in here that we don't have 100% confidence in boeing's latest move comes as
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scrutiny is only just beginning, inspectors from the federal aviation administration are on-site at the seventh 37 factory auditing, quality control on capitol hill, the top senate khader is overseeing aviation, say, boeing executives must face public hearings. >> we have a lot of questions about manufacturing process. >> who screwed up. we don't know, but it's obvious somebody screwed up in axing one executive, boeing promoted another to a new position overseeing quality control. the results of the faa's audit of boeing quality are due any day now, wolf muntean reporting, pete, thank you. finally tonight, commander president biden's german shepherd, bit us secret service personnel in at least 24 incidents over the white house and other locations that according to internal documents obtained by cnn, more than ten of those incidents required medical treatment a source close to the bidens tells cnn the biden family feels


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