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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  February 21, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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>> effect in alabama after a ruling by the state supreme court equating frozen embryos, two children. the term quote wrath of god, uses to justified the decision coming up. the ivf treatment now on hold in that state as clinics and patients since in his date, consider their legal liability plus a shocking headline today in the new york times that would grab the world's attention. that headline reads, quote us warns allies as russia could put a nuclear weapon into orbit this year we're going to start this hour with breaking news sources telling cnn that white house is considering new executive action on the southern border. let's get straight to cnn's priscilla alvarez, the white house priscilla, this executive action would target asylum for migrants. tell us more. >> that's right, jake, the idea here is to limit asylum at the u.s.-mexico border for those who are crossing unlawfully because of course, as we have seen, the numbers of border crossings go up, many of those
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who are crossing are seeking asylum in the united states. now, what we know about the plan that is under consideration here, invokes and authority that's already an immigration law to try to restrict who it's eligible for asylum. again, if they cross unlawfully, this is something that does not affect people who are going to the legal ports of entry. now, what this also notes is the president embracing tougher border measures. we saw some something similar to this in that senate border compromise that included extraordinary powers given to the homeland security secretary to essentially shut down the border if certain triggers were met? well, it's unclear whether this would meet that threshold. it certainly shows the white house embracing what is a more restrictive measure on the u.s.-mexico border? now sources tell me that no final decision has been made, but notable, all the same the white house telling me in a statement, quote no executive action, no matter how aggressive can deliver the significant policy reforms and additional
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resources congress can provide and that republicans rejected. we continued to call on speaker johnson and house republicans to pass the bipartisan deal to secure the border. now, jake, it's also worth noting that this authority that's being considered in this executive action is one that former president donald trump tried to use himself and his own proclamation back in 2018. now, in that instance, he tried to shut down asylum entirely at the border. it's unclear whether this would go to that length are usually exceptions, but all the same. again, the president and the white house considering an executive action here that would be far tougher when it comes to asylum seekers at the us mexico border. priscilla, what is the current situation at the southern border of the united states that have the record numbers of migrants have those we're slowed at all. >> they have dropped though it's all relative homeland security officials tell me they're seeing about 4,000 people crossing a day. that is a big drop from december when we were seeing 11,000 people a day. now the reason for that is because there have been ongoing talks between the us and
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mexico, essentially from mexico to double down on their enforcement and officials. i've talked to you cite those ongoing discussions as the reason behind this drop in numbers, but everyone here is quite cautious about what it means moving forward, because oftentimes in january, there is a drop but numbers and in the spring, it starts to go up again. so for now, the white house feeling confident about where the numbers are though, of course, it would be better if they were lower, but there is concern that come the spring, those numbers could go up again. >> all right. priscilla alvarez at the white house. thanks so much. cnn's melanie zanona is on capitol hill for us, melanie is this going to be a popular move amongst lawmakers? >> well, look, republicans had been calling on the administration to use executive authority to secure the southern border. in fact, it was one of the reasons they cited when he decided to kill the senate bipartisan deal to secure the border, they went from saying, we need legislation to them suddenly saying that biden already has the authority to act, but i'm sure there will be some praise even if it's backhanded, prays
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over this move. i'm sure republicans will say they were justified in killing that bipartisan deal because as they say now, biden is acting and maybe it motivated him to act. but they're still likely going to say that this is short of what their hardline demands are. and the reason why is because they like this issue of the border as a bargaining chip. they want to hold onto it when it comes to debates over ukraine aid, even though they scuttled that bipartisan deal with top republicans are still insisting, at least in the house that they need to secure the border before they provide any additional aid to ukraine speaker mike johnson has not said how you'd handle a senate passed for an aid package that did come over from the senate. he's still taking a look at that. they have not made a decision on how to proceed. he has requested a meeting, though in recent weeks with the president on the border and ukraine, biden was asked about that recently, he said he'd be happy to meet with the speaker if he has something to say. but so far that request has not been granted, jake. >> all right. melanie zanona, thanks so much. appreciate it. turning now to our world lead and new reporting from the new york times reporting that
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american intelligence agencies are warning their european allies, quote if russia is going to launch a nuclear weapon into orbit, it will probably do so this year but that it might instead launched a harmless dummy warhead into orbit to leave the west guessing about its capabilities unquote this builds on what cnn reported just last week when the chairman of the house intelligence committee congress, mike turner of ohio, sounded the alarm about a serious national security threat. and quite frankly scared a lot of americans when he posted quote, i am requesting the president biden declassified information relating to this threat. so the congress, the administration, and our allies can openly discuss the actions necessary to respond to this threat. unquote, we now know that congressman turner was alluding to plans that russia is working to develop this nuclear space weapon with the capability to destroy commercial and government satellites orbiting the earth. president biden, as you may recall, downplayed the risk there is no nuclear threat
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to the people of america or anywhere else in the world. with what russia is doing at the moment, number one number two, anything that they're doing. and are they will do relates to satellites and space and damaging those satellites potentially. number three hi, there is no evidence that they have made a decision to go forward with doing anything in space, either >> yesterday, putin denied these plans that have been reported on by the new york times saying that moscow was categorically against the deployment. any nuclear weapons in space joining us now is national security correspondent for the new york times, david sanger david and you're the one that wrote this article. you note there's a sharp divide among american intelligence officials and agencies about whether russia might launch a real or quote, dummy weapon. why is there such a sharp divide in the intelligence community? about russia's intentions and capabilities here >> well, jake, i think there are two reasons that they are
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dividing this the first is that there's every possibility that what putin wants to do at this point is repeat what he did two years ago. we reported over the weekend that during the time period right around the invasion of ukraine, two years ago, the russians sent up secret payload in a military launch that appear to be i test run for putting a nuclear weapon space, but they didn't actually put one in space. now, the new intelligence, the intelligence that led representative turner, chairman turner to turn out that statement you showed suggests they're planning another launch and the division is are they going to again put what would essentially be a dummy war? it into space. would they put a real one up there as a threat to the united states to
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essentially say, if you press us too hard for sanctions, if you press too hard and ukraine, if you cut off our oil and gas shipments along the way, we have a way of taking out your entire communication system >> course. there were also take out, there's yeah, on friday, president biden of course, said that there's no evidence that russia had decided to go ahead with this plan to put this weapon into space. your reporting suggests that russia could launch something as early as this year 2024. but if russia wants the west to guess about its capabilities, do you think it's goal is to deter other countries that may also want the ability to take out an adversary satellites or space weapons what, what do you think is the agenda here? >> so really good question. so one possibility, jake is that in putting this weapon up, if they decide to go do it, the russians are doing the equivalent of what they in the chinese have done by putting malicious cyber code in are
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electric grid. or in our communication qin's grid. >> it's >> sitting there to be discovered as a threat. if you go to help out taiwan too much, we could take out your systems >> it's a >> little bit different than the old cold war mutually assured destruction that we all learned about you know, in school so many decades ago because in that case if one country took out los angeles, the other one might take out leningrad in this, case, the russians may well be concluding that no one is going to risk and nuclear war over an explosion in space. that doesn't have human casualties does the intelligence assessment by the us agree on how russia, how putin plans to >> use the space weapon the assumption is for intimidation right? that nuclear weapons are
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primarily used for coercion. so a year-and-a-half ago, j. we were talking on your show about whether or not the russians would use a tactical nuclear they are weapons in ukraine it came at a moment that they were losing a lot of territory. and the question was, would they use the threat of that to keep the ukrainians from pressing too hard. >> this is >> another version of using nuclear weapons for coercion it's different from the way we think about it. the united states primarily uses its nuclear weapons now as the ultimate attorney everything else failed and you had to save the state, the russian doctrine is you can use it as you would use any other weapon for an intimidation david sanger. thank you so much. appreciate it. let's bring an astrophysicist, neil degrasse tyson, author of accessory to war. the unspoken alliance between astrophysics and the military. neil, thanks so much
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for being here. so us officials say that they're very worried about this russian space weapon and how it could pose a significant threat. to the united states and his allies by taking out satellite capability what do you think >> well, it's a reminder of why we have a space force. space force is, was conceived, among other, with other tasks in mind to protect our space born assets. those assets, of course, not only the how you of the satellites themselves is the value of the information they gather from the spy satellites, but also the commerce that is generated, especially via the gps satellites. so when you think of as force, of military force protecting the homeland, the homeland includes our space assets. the difference now, of course, is space is not bordered the way earth's surface is. so satellites are continually, have intersecting orbits of different nations with different roles in different purposes. so the idea
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that someone is going going to putin might put something into orbit that will explode, send out at electromagnetic pulse that fries the circuits of an entire swath of orbiting satellite, makes no tactical sense. if everybody's got satellites moving through that area, it's not a very targeted weapon. meanwhile, we already know how to take a weapon out of we already know how to take a satellite out of orbit with a kinetic killed india has done at china's done it, russia has done it. we've done it. we can target any satellite we want. it's been done the idea that you'd put a weapon there and somehow drop it on the earth. that's like the least strategic thing you could possibly do when you already have intercontinental ballistic missiles that can deliver a warhead anywhere between two points on earth within 45 minutes. >> okay. i hear what you're saying and that makes sense to me. but why do you think then putin is going through with
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this weapon, which you argue would hit him as much as it would hit us yeah, it's, it's i remain puzzled by the idea that here's this thing that >> could explode, by the way, an actual bomb in space carries no shockwave because there's no air to move that energy. it would have to be radiative pulse to do the damage and i cannot see the strategic value of that. it's yes, everyone is in a tizzy because the word nukes are being used. but it's the weapon itself. maybe it's powered by a nuke, but the nuke itself is not what's getting dropped on cities, just the way the president announced in his comments. so no i don't i don't have an easy answer for what this is or how he intends to use it. given that there's already the capability to deliver nuclear weapons surface to surface. and the capability to target satellites with a
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kinetic kill from the earth, from earth surface, you can send up a targeted just a, just a kinetic energy impactor that can completely destroy a satellite within eight minutes meanwhile, if you're an order, but you got to wait until your orbit is in the right place. so it's near whatever other satellite you might want to destroy. so it's a big mystery. and i, i have no idea beyond the physics of what what's going on, what, how this could possibly be useful. >> more broadly, more broadly when it comes to space warfare, who do you think has the technological edge? >> well it's where depending by space warfare, space has always been a, a place, not where you drop bombs from, but where you surveil. and it's been that way since the early 1960s so the united states takes this very seriously and who am i going to bet on? betting on america, the united states, of course. >> but
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>> i don't know where he's going with this. and wherever he might go, it seems like an unnecessary path given other paths that already exist, that people might want to invoke to do damage >> all right. neil degrasse tyson. great. having on the show. thank you so much. your insights coming up. that controversial ruling from alabama supreme court, which now classifies frozen embryos used in ivf in vitro fertilization has children today, idf clinics in the state are taking drastic action that will immediately impact patients the situation with wolf blitzer didn't night at six point cnn >> congrats carroll, your youngest finally popped the question, but now you're really going to have to get those new dentures after all, you need a smile that matches the moment so this might be a good time to mention that aspen dental can create natural looking dentures in no time just for you. and that comes with $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18
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>> how many people did you tell? >> only pay for what you need everyday >> closed captioning bronchi by meso mesothelial omar, it's all we do with local offices throughout the country on his help, you get the compensation. you deserve >> 800 to eight to 44, 44 in our health lead republican presidential candidate nikki haley is now weighing in on the controversial ruling from alabama supreme court >> that found that frozen embryos are in their view, people i mean, i think i mean, embryos to me or babies, i had artificial insemination. that's how i had my son. so when you look at one thing is to have to save sperm or to save eggs. but when you talk about an embryo you are talking about to me that's a life. and so i do see where that's coming from when they talk about in
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his legal opinion, chief justice tom parker repeatedly invoke his religion, writing quote human life cannot be wrongfully destroyed without >> incurring the wrath of a holy god, unquote. now, one alabama hospital has paused its ivf care in the wake of the ruling. a spokesman for the university of alabama, birmingham telling cnn, quote, we must evaluate the potential that our patients and our physicians could be prosecuted criminally or face punitive damages for following the standard of care for ivf treatments unquote. let's bring in sean tipped and he's chief advocacy and policy officer for the american society for reproductive medicine. shawn, your organization is critics criticizing this ruling by the alabama supreme court. you say it's medically and scientifically unfounded in a statement, the president of asrm's wrote, quote modern fertility care will be unavailable to the people of alabama needlessly, blocking them from building the families they want. young physicians
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will choose not to come to the state for training or to begin their practice existing clinics will be forced to choose between providing sub-optimal patient care or shutting their doors unquote now you anticipated this might be a consequence. do you think other medical providers in alabama are going to stop ivf treatments altogether >> well, there's a lot we don't know about this, but the impact of this decision what we do know is it is already leading to fewer babies and fewer grandbabies that are desperately wanted for their parents and grandparents and alabama. so i think this is the first uav is the first system to stop. i don't think it's gonna be the last the ruling has created a lot of confusion for doctors and ivf patients in the state. what are you hearing from them >> the ones in the state are particularly terrified our members all over the country are quite nervous wondering if they could be next. i think unfortunately the justices on
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the supreme court of alabama, and it sounds like nikki haley >> can't seem to grasp the reality that would be apparent for anybody else that is a fertilized egg in a freezer. and if fertility clinic is not the same as a born child. and i think that legal reality needs to adjust to empirical, natural scientific reality. >> you heard nikki haley there say she agrees with alabama's cord. are you concerned that this ruling is going to set legal precedent, not only an alabama, but across the country with other courts saying embryos are the legal equivalent of a baby i think that's possible. i also think it is possible that ambitious anti choice politicians will seek to do this through legislation, as well as through the courts. i mean, i don't think you could pass a bill in any state right now that said, let's alba ivf but i think what they don't understand is if you seek to say that a fertilized egg in a freezer is the same as a born child. you can sign patients to getting
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sub-optimal care. >> schotte tipton. thank you so much. appreciate your time today. republicans, once touted a former fbi informant as a trusted source that's their term. and their impeachment inquiry into president biden. the sound a little different today after this revelation from the justice department and the fbi where that source was indicted for lying. we're going to talk about that next >> backroom deals, cia sequence of fairs, bribery, corruption prostitution >> there's so much more according to the store united states of scandal with jake tapper sunday, a nine on cnn, one, barbara switch to turbotax eyebrow for generations of family >> tradition with five little words i want to make perfume >> getting my business off the ground was a full-time good so i made barbers new psyche count, a guaranteeing 100%
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work with freelancers fiber >> i'm evan perez in washington >> and this is cnn in our law and justice lead with president biden's brother, james hall before the house oversight committee >> earlier today, republicans are going ahead with their impeachment inquiry into president biden, despite the revelation yesterday that the
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former fbi informant at the center of those efforts told the fbi that he got the false dirt from russia and intelligence officials and he's been indicted for lying to the fbi's several lawmakers today are blaming the fbi i think it's interesting that the fbi didn't investigate the allegations made years ago, and now they've indicted the confidential source that >> they trusted for years made, paid him a hundreds of thousands of dollars. so there's a lot of questions i have regarding that >> democrats for their part, are calling on republicans to, end their impeachment inquiry into president biden i think it's time for chairman comer and the republicans to fold up the circus tent. and we should get back to work for the american people. this impeachment investigation is nothing but a wild goose chase that is based on russian disinformation and propaganda republican congressman, former congressman fred upton from the great state of michigan joins us now. thanks so much for joining us congress.
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congressman, it does not appear that republicans are going to drop this impeachment inquiry into president biden anytime soon, even though it's now clear that the allegations from this fbi informant mr. smirnoff, were false why are they continuing to push this inquiry when there is no evidence, president biden did anything wrong. and this one witness who had this bombshell of an allegation, it has now been criminally indicted for lying. >> but i think the base is demanding it, but at the end of the day, the votes are not. if this is how it ends up the votes aren't there to move this thing forward, let alone send it to the senate for a trial. there. so i think it dies on the vine. i mean, the evidence that came out yesterday in some of this with smirnoff the fbi didn't discover until late last fall. so i mean, it's relatively new evidence that led we all know the wheels of justice turn slowly. >> it took >> that long and they get the indictment and hopefully he
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doesn't escape the country do you think republicans are doing this just because it's an election year? >> yeah, i think they got ahead of their skis. >> i really do. >> they they didn't >> they didn't have the evidence. it was a reluctant group of congress to move forward and now i think almost in the elon, the coffin let let's think about it. you know, how many public laws have been enacted in this congress >> 34 third night just looked it up by 3092 of them are for smithsonian associates. yeah, there's offices often state budget stop know it's the least productive congress at the cr. you got the fisa re-authorization, you have the farm bill which technically expired last september. you've got obviously ukraine al i mean, the president was asking for money last october. it is you know, they got to get the job done, speaking russia and
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ukraine. alexey navalny died in custody. this russian anti-corruption fighter and political prisoner who died under suspicious circumstances. donald trump last night compared himself to alexey navalny, suggesting that his own indictments for criminal allegations are somehow comparable to what alexey navalny did. he was poisoned probably by the kremlin et cetera. take a listen it's happening in our country to we are turning into a communist country in many ways. and if you look at it, i'm the leading candidate. i guess. i never heard of being indicted before i get four times. i have eight or nine trials. form of navalny. it is a form of communism or fascism >> your thoughts, you know, it's ridiculous. and again, yesterday the supreme court denied an appeal on hearing the
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michigan case in terms of vote fraud fines of $150,000 is still gonna be on the trump lawyers that are there. i mean, this is just to think that he's continues to be a victim and this the first time that he's mentioned navalny, right? >> yeah. >> i mean, he's never has not condemned putin at all. unlike nikki haley or joe biden are many western leaders john bolton said, if trump wins, there's gonna be a pretty big celebration in moscow >> while speaking of trump winning you represented michigan. i know there are a lot of democrats that are very worried about biden's chances in michigan. what do you think? yeah, they shouldn't be worried you know trump, won michigan narrowly 12,000 votes or so back in 2016, he lost it by 154,000 in 20 the polls show that trump is up by 88 to ten points. so between the uaw rank and file that really not happy with the leadership the palestinian issue, african
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americans may, may sit at home >> trump, >> trump is doing pretty well right now in michigan and they need to be democrats, need to be worried. i know debbie dingell, my good friend and colleague is often on your show and she's been sounding the alarm bells for a number of months saying, you better get with it if you're going to win in michigan because it's not going to be so simple. >> she sure has. and you mentioned the palestinian in conflict, israel versus hamas is a big palestinian and muslim and arab american population in michigan. and a lot of them are saying, at least according to reports, i've read, they're just they're not going to vote. >> well, you got my former colleague, tlaib saying, don't vote, just vote present even andy levin was saying that former democratic congress when do this week saying just register a vote, but don't vote for anyone. just vote, in essence, vote present >> that would essentially of course, help donald trump. that's right. who was in favor of what the primary member we got a primary next week. right?
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right. and o in the michigan primary, but are to leave 11 saying that about the general i don't know that they actually talked about the general, but i think for next tuesday and that's the michigan primary. they're telling people to either stay at home or don't vote. >> all right, fascinating stuff michigan republican fred upton, former congressman fred upton, former congressman. thanks so much. always good to see you, sir. coming up next the latest effort by the united states to try to jumpstart hostage negotiations between israel and hamas. plus, i'm going to speak with the father of one of the hostages who says it's really up to two people for a deal to get done. stay with us capital ones to match you do yeah i see that matches we handcraft every sterns and foster using the finest materials like indulgent memory foam and ultra conforming inner springs for a beautiful mattress and indescribable comfort save up
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this election is about who shares your values. let me share mine. i'm the only candidate with a record of taking on maga republicans, and winning. when they overturned roe, i secured abortion rights in our state constitution. when trump attacked our lgbtq and asian neighbors, i strengthened our hate crime laws. i fought for all of us struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. i'm evan low, and i approve this message for all of our shared values. 1806510200, coventry direct redefining insurance, vegas. >> the story of sensitive sunday at ten on cnn in our world, lead sources tell cnn that cia director bill burns is expected to travel to paris on friday for further talks with >> israeli qatari and egyptian officials over the ongoing hostage negotiations. this is families of the estimated 100 living hostages still being held by terrorists in gaza are
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pleading with officials to try to secure a deal six american israeli hostages are believed to be among those in captivity for the past four-and-a-half months, including 35 tsugi deco can and sagui's father, jonathan dekel-chen, joins us now, jonathan, thanks for coming back on the lead. i wish you weren't you didn't have to come back because i wish to get had been freed. you and other family members of american israeli hostages have expressed frustration with the pace of negotiations after many virtually with us national security adviser jake sullivan last week do you think that the us government, do you think that the israeli government are doing enough to get a deal to get tsugi home well, look at the end of the day. there are two people that have to agree in order for all of the hostages to come home alive and not in boxes. one is yehey sinwar. wherever he is, a mouse, head of hamas, and the other has benjamin netanyahu
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our prime minister in israel and the biden administration has, has done, we believe is doing as much as it can to facilitate the freeing of these hostages more needs to be done clearly and it's been well over two months since the last half stage was released. the facts on the ground tell us that more needs to be done and the sides need to work harder. whether it's the israelis, the americans, the qatari's, because time time is not on the side of the hostages. and we have serious concerns how many of the 133 that we because zoom are alive, we hope are alive are actually still with us. >> when's the last time you had any proof of life for tsugi? >> i'm from kibbutz near ola's, which was destroyed on october 7. on that day at of our people of kibbutz members from aged one to aged 85 and a
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number of thai workers we're taken to gaza in late november, early december a wave of releases came in about 40 women and children from our kibbutz were released of those, some of the women and some of the teenagers were able to tell us that they had encountered tsugi alive in the tunnels underneath hanunis. but since that time we have heard nothing and only those people whose relatives, who, whose loved ones appeared and hamas hostage videos have seen any sign of life and we don't even know for the most part when those were dated >> pentagon said today that the palestinian people could enjoy ramadan and essentially implying that the war would be over. if commands were just surrender and turn over the hostages and i'm wondering what you think when you hear that. that's that's you rarely hear that being acknowledged in the streets when people are protesting the war and calling for a ceasefire. but, but
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what's your take when you hear pentagon say that >> well, i mean, he's stating the obvious the problem here is that both sides need to need to agree to that from my perspective, there's absolutely no doubt that hamas needs to be eradicated as a military man governing organization, not just for the sake of israel and israelis, but for the sake of the people of gaza hamas is held gaza hostage since it's coup in 2007 it's over 1 million people who are held captive, in essence by a terrorist organization that was never supposed to be the one and only ruling authority in gaza. as for what the, what the end game can be the expectation that hamas will simply lay down its weapons and turn over the hostages while hopeful an admirable is not practical we know that if that could happen, the hostages would come home
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alive. as we've seen, that's not likely. and so israel and its partners have to be a lot more creative in moving forward on any plan and any action that is going to get these hostages home. >> president biden is vocally growing frustrated with benjamin netanyahu and the way that the prime minister and the idf are waging this war in gaza are you worried at all that that tension will get in the way of negotiations to get soggy and other hostages home. >> well, sometimes friends have to argue and sometimes friends have to push each other and i think the hostage families and nearly all of them would welcome the united states pushing israel, pushing a very reluctant israeli government towards negotiation because this idea that israeli forces will go knocking on, on sinwar door in some bunker underground and he will then release all of the hostages. that's fantasy.
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and the only way these people are coming out or through negotiations the israeli ministers themselves and in the israeli cabinet has made it clear that they believe that the hostages are not a priority. that means that for the sake of the six american and the other hundred and 20 something israeli hostages we need our partners abroad to make it clear to the israeli government that for the good of the hostages, for the good of the israeli people as a whole. and i believe for the right-minded world, these hostages have to come home alive. >> in a recent article, you wrote for the atlantic council, you wrote quote, by invoking the holocaust when talking about october 7, 2023, the israeli government is released from its accountability for the masker that day, and it's sacred responsibility to return all the hostages alive explain what you mean by that >> well, i look at this from a number of perspectives. i'm on my day job until october 7 was as a professional historian,
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but i'm also the child of holocaust survivors so very sensitive to invoking ever the holocaust in, in any scenario in this particular one and around the events of october 7, there really is no parallel we israel since 1948 has been a sovereign country generations of jews and friends of jews worked in order to create a sovereign country with a strong army that was meant to protect its citizens if nothing else. it's civilians and that basic social contract not just within israel, but for the jewish diaspora, was broken on october 7 failed the israeli government and our army failed. on october 7 but that failure is the failure of a sovereign state with its own powerful army it bears no resemblance to what
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happened to the jews of europe to a degree, north africa during the second world war despite the fact that the carnage was horrific on october 7, it's been 4.5 months that you and sigi's wife and saghi's three daughters? have got to go on and get up every morning and deal with this absolute nightmare. there's a picture of sigi >> how are you able to do it? how are the daughters? how is his wife? it's just it's assumed so awful >> well avitan saghi's wife and she's the hero here. and keeping her home together, keeping her three little girls, and moving straight on it's a nightmare every day that that's the truth. and his almost seven-year-old and almost three-year-old girls are completely aware that he's not he's not with us. he's somewhere else they have many
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questions. we can't answer any of them. where is he? is he when can we go home to our boats? none of these, none of these questions have answers. and it rips our heart out every day as it does, i'm sure the other hundred and 32 hostage families and you were saying earlier before we did the interview that kibbutz neroz you're not you're probably never going back. it's gone. it's just gone forever. >> well, what was it kind of paradise in the desert our first prime minister and had it had a dream that the israeli desert, the negative desert would bloom and kibbutz neroz was one of the living examples of what that looked like in terms of its physical beauty and hyper productive, hyper productivity in agriculture and that's all gone. what remains of kibbutz neroz, the home of about 440 people, is a burnt out shell that was alluded
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completely on october 7 by civilians from gaza. everything for my grandkids tricycle to the largest of our farm tractors and there may come a time when the israeli government rebuilds plows under the shell that remains and rebuilds. i do not know if any of the original residents are going to want to return. i am sure that they will only return if our sons or daughters or fathers, or grandfathers, our husbands come home alive, the same people who were taken from these border kibbutz same jonathan deco fan, father of american israeli hostage tsugi, that fan. thank you so much and hopefully you'll come back with tsugi with avitar, with the three girls and we'll all celebrate together and let's hope for peace and the return of the hostages very soon. >> thank you >> we'll be right back
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>> just into the lead, the biden family's german shepherd commander has been involved in at least 24 biting incidents involving the us secret service, according to newly obtained documents obtained by cnn, cnn senior white house producer betsy klein joins us now in her lead debut, and betsy, some incidents with commander had been previously reported, but these records paint a picture of a have a much larger issue, really, that's right, jake, you'll remember cnn reported in the fall that the president's german shepherd commander was involved in dozens of biting incidents that was white house personnel, members of secret service, residence staff, and others. and it became such a problem that the first family eventually had to send the dog to live with other family members. and after that, my colleague camila camila to shout alice sent a freedom of information request to the secret service. it's really better understand what was going on here. and today we got back hundreds of documents detailing the nature of the bytes over a full year. and there were at least 24 specific
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incidents with the secret service. and i want to read you this email from an unnamed a decision assistant special agent in charge to his team on the presidential protective division. now, these are the agents that most closely protect the president and his family. he says, the recent dog bites have challenged us to adjust our operational tactics when command or is present, please give lots of room. he added that agents must be creative to ensure our own personal safety. >> so did the white house send commander to live with family immediately after this? >> we'll know jake. i mean, commander actually remained at the white house for more than three months after this email was sent. and there were multiple incidents in that time. and exactly one month after that email, an agent working at the biden's rehoboth beach, delaware home was bent in the backyard as he walked to his post and report. we got from that incident said that it caused a severe deep open wound that the agents started to lose a significant amount of blood. that agent was treated by the white house medical unit, got six stitches and we learned that more than ten of these total incidents required
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medical treatment. now, the first family really considers this dog to be part of the family source close to the bidens telling cnn that the family is heartbroken and feels awful about the situation. >> i've been in a similar situation. it's rough, it's i don't mean that it's no, no, i didn't mean that as a stupid fund. like it's difficult, but absolutely the dog has to go on. thankfully, we were able to find a home for ours, betsy klein. appreciate it coming up tomorrow. maybe something that has not happened in more than 50 50 years >> united states of scandal with jake tapper. sunday, a nine on cnn. >> how long have you been tracking her car's value with carvana? >> just like seven months. should we sell it? we hold all zilber vans are going for more right now. should we are low mileage is paying off. you think we should all the appreciations really heating up we just did
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york state attorney general of a quote unseemly rush to enforce that judgment. trump has 30 days from when the judgment was entered to post bond and appeal. finally, for us today in our out of this world lead, it's one big milestone accomplish and an even bigger one to go for the latest moon lander launched last week of board, a space x rocket. the uncrewed spacecraft, successfully fired its engine and went into orbit around the moon. today it's named odysseus or odie for short. it was sent up by houston-based company called intuitive machines, which posted this picture of a odie orbit a short time ago tomorrow afternoon we're going to bring you live coverage as odie. we'll attempt the first soft landing on the moon by a us spacecrafts since the apollo missions of the late 1960s and early '70s, happy landings, two odie and good luck you can follow the show on x at the lead cnn, if you ever, ms an episode of lead, you can listen to the show whence you get your