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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  February 21, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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told. nope, it's a mistake. now, six year-old jon cheeks is suing powerball. he says he bought a ticket last year and when he went to check it the next day on the website, he matched all five numbers and the powerball for a jackpot winner of $340 million but the lawsuit alleges when he took the ticket to the lottery office, he was told he was not the winner. >> yeah. in a hearing last year, the agency for the powerball website says it accidentally posted cheeks winning numbers, and then remove them as soon as they realized the mistake, the agency is now calling cheeks claims fraudulent. attorneys for cheek say that he should be paid out those winnings we'll of course see how this plays out in court. but could you imagine walking into work holding that winning ticket, getting calls from all these relatives. you haven't heard from from years you're celebrating your on a high and then suddenly that highest, just take it away, taken away the answer is now down to earth. hey, thank you so much for joining us this afternoon, jessica, great to have you the lead with jake tapper starts in five seconds with cnn house
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republicans today questioning president biden's brother >> the lead starts right now the impeachment inquiry against joe biden appears to be possibly on somewhat cheeky ground after the justice department alleged that the former fbi informant who appeared to have so much dirt on president biden was actually peddling lies and getting his dirt from russian intelligence. cnn has the talking points that republicans are now using after years trying to sell this informant as a trusted source plus the woman with the dual u.s. russian citizenship detained in russia why she was in russia, her ties to a california's spot and the alleged $51 donation that may have led to her arrest and 21 years after the murder of jam master j. jury will finally examine that ambush that killed
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a member of the pioneer hip hop group run dmc welcome to the lead. >> i'm jake tapper. we start today with our law and justice lead and the major fallout after this former fbi informant at the center of republican efforts to impeach president biden was indicted for lying to the fbi about the biden family's dealings in ukraine, and then told the fbi that he got the false dirt from officials with russian intelligence. that's according to court documents where prosecutors are saying alexander smirnoff, this informant was quote, actively pedaling new lies that could impact us elections today despite a judge releasing him yesterday prosecutors have been fighting to put smirnov back behind bars while he awaits trial. that's him leaving court yesterday. you can see on the screen, prosecutors are suggesting that smear nops,
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russian connections and access to cash make him a serious flight risk while accord iron out of court irons out those details. democrats on capitol hill are calling on republicans to end the impeachment inquiry into president biden, the top democrat on house oversight committee congressman jamie raskin of maryland called it a quote, wild goose chase built on conspiracy theories and lies. but house republicans say they will not back down. instead, they say they are downplaying the influence at smirnoff has had on their impeachment inquiry and republicans are going after the justice department and the fbi for having trusted smear and often used him as an enforcer formant in the first place >> i think it's interesting that the fbi didn't investigate the allegations made years ago, and now they've indicted the confidential source of the trusted for years and made paid him a hundreds of thousands of dollars so there's a lot of questions i have regarding that
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>> house republicans are also moving full steam ahead with the impeachment process. they say today they interviewed president biden's brother, james behind closed doors james is the first member of the biden family to testify in this investigation and today that businessman reiterated to lawmakers that the president, in his words quote, has never had any involvement or any direct or indirect financial interest in his 50 year career. cnn's manu raju starts off our coverage of this all from capitol hill. manu caught up with and asked a number of top republicans about all of these developments. >> mr. mr. jordan republicans defined in the face of a damning indictment charging and fbi informant of making up a bribery scheme involving president biden and his son, hunter allegations central to the impeachment into biden and his family's business dealings. but joe promotion of a bribery scheme let's false. >> not at all. >> we're looking at the four facts i just gave you those facts are true. >> was it right to promote a
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bribery scheme for the president based on that, today, we're asking questions to james biden, so we're going to ask him about his business relationships for the time because your brother involved in any of your business dealings? behind closed doors today, the president's brother, james biden, told house investigators that the president never had any involvement in his business activities. all as the gop is at risk of seeing support for the impeachment effort collapsed in the house. since they have yet to prove that biden acted corruptly to assist his family. >> i think it's time time for chairman comer and the republicans to fold up the circus tent >> after 43 year-old alexandra smirnoff was arrested on charges of lying to the fbi in creating false records. he told the fbi that officials associated with russian intelligence were involved in the false biden bribery allegations? and today, special counsel, david weiss, asked a judge to keep smeared up in jail as he awaits trial. yet it was smearing loves allegations that republicans ran width
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studying fbi form known as a 1023, that contain the unverified accusations even a trusted fbi informant has alleged a bribe to the biden family, a >> key gop chairman, helping lead the probe, even calling it a smoking gun. >> we already know the president took bribes from burisma. >> those allegations are consistent with a pattern that we've seen in romania and maybe some other countries. >> and chairman jim jordan indicating the informants allegations were essential, the most corroborating evidence we have is that 1023 form from this highly credible, confidential human source today, jordan downplayed that recent remark. you said the 1023 is the most corroborating piece of information you outbreaks, but it doesn't it doesn't change those fundamental facts. so now it's not true. >> republicans today criticizing the fbi and doj for previously calling smirnoff credible in paying him for information as they circulated talking points saying the biden probe has secured more evidence
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and was not reliant on smeared obs testimony, even as they removed a reference to the performance in a letter sent to a witness. >> but what evidence do you have a bribery scheme now we've got lots of now it's republicans distanced themselves from that indicted fbi informant, jim jordan, told me that they have evidence that could prove joe biden acted corruptly with regard to his actions with ukraine while as vice president, although those have yet to be established, also, james comer, the house oversight chairman's allies, said that their investigation has mostly to do with the biden family financial transactions, not this indicted fbi informant, but jake, the question is, can they convince enough household? republicans to move forward with articles of impeachment that is still a major question, is hunter-biden this gaza to be calm behind closed doors. but right here behind me, next week. >> all right. mana raju, thanks so much. let's bring in cnn's evan perez, who covers the
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justice department for us as well as john miller up in new york. evan, did the fbi i tell republicans in congress at any point that this information from smear enough might not be reliable before it became central to the impeachment inquiry. >> well, they warned the republicans that this information had not been corroborated, that it is, it was raw on verified information and this is why they fought for a long time. hi, i'm to not provide this information. normally, these ten 23s, these documents that the memorializes these interactions with confidential informants, jake, are not shared outside the fbi. right. and so there's a reason for that, is that because it's not been verified, it's not usable information. they use it to try to find personal information, but they don't use it. it's not something that you would use in court, for instance, and they certainly wouldn't provide it the congress, unless they were forced to. and in this case, they were forced to by the republicans that we're making threats now. >> chuck grassley >> here's the wrinkle for the
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fbi. they were in a pickle, they were getting threats from the congressional republicans but chuck grassley and people in congress already had a copy of the document. so that's where they were now. it is true though that in their briefing, what they were told about smirnoff is that he had previously provided valuable information and they had found it found him credible in those previous instances. >> interesting john miller, before these charges, alexander smirnoff did have this extensive history of working with law enforcement and they considered many of much of the information he had provided in the past to be credible and reliable. so how did he allegedly get tied up with all this false information that he says was from russian intelligence well, it's not exactly clear because he admits to talking to russian intelligence officials, at least according to the charging documents and the fbi people that i know who are familiar with his work do say that he worked on cases where the
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evidence was proven and people were convicted. so, you know, he was providing information that was reliable for a long period of time. so at what point did we see that switch? now, while they're sorting through this case, i can tell you this, not about this case, but about informants in general you two people in law enforcement and i control probably the largest number of informants in the nypd. and the intelligence bureau. but i remember my time in the fbi. these people are considered informants, a source of information somebody to get us from point a to a case but oftentimes they consider themselves international man of mystery. and they may intimate that they have connections with the government. they work with intelligence agencies. they may say that to other intelligence agencies or two people, they're trying to do business deals with. remember? with smirnoff, you're talking about a guy that the government says has over 6 million cash in the bank and a wife or girlfriend who has
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another $4 million. so he wasn't being an informant necessarily for the money, even though he was well paid it seems that this was like many informants. part of his tool set. as he traveled around the world making business deals, getting in corrupt deals, being able to get out of them, playing both ends off the middle. this is the key question jake did the russian supply him information knowing that it would get to the fbi and do damage to the politics that they wanted to do damage to. was that witting or unwitting or was he just making it all up and that's the impasse that they're at right now. >> and evan prosecutors wants smirnov in jail while he awaits trial, they say he's a flight risk and obviously has ties to other countries. >> but a judge >> released him yesterday. why? >> well the judge said that the political ramifications of this case, we're not really relevant
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to his detention and he sort of dismissed the concern that we know this essentially this guy has become part of an operation that is, that is intended to influence the 2024 election. but, you know what john miller was just talking about. i think plays into the complication for the fbi and for the justice department in this case, because this guy is at one point >> they know >> that he has antipathy towards joe biden. they know that he's associating with foreign intelligence services. they know he's talking to the israelis and to the russians. >> they know >> all of that, all of that is acceptable for the fbi. the problem is uh, one point, does he you start lying and at what point does the fbi do something about it, jake, that's the biggest question at this point is for at least three or four years, this information lived inside the justice department to us attorneys david weiss, and scott brady were aware of this and the question is, why
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didn't someone just start to at least pull some of the threads? to unravel what obviously now our lives, although i would imagine prosecuting every single informant who tells a false story right? unknowingly so would keep the fbi way beyond could occur. their capacity to not all informants are informing on the sitting president of the united. >> exactly, evan perez and john miller, thanks to both you joining guess now to discuss further jobs with school, the former fbi executive director executive assistant director for intelligence, joshua, thanks for joining the fbi's informant program reported to you when you were at the fbi, what do you make of how the bureau at handled this particular case and incident? >> well, first of all, i'm proud of the fact that they charged the informant for lying what we don't know is when they found out he was lying and how they use those lies to the benefit of the us intelligence community. often us intelligence community, including the fbi, will turn an informant back against those handlers, providing additional false information. it's a false
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flag operation. so we don't know that that's not going to come out in the church. and the charging document or if he continued to perpetuate lies to the fbi. maybe another reason they decided to charge him now but as i understand it, alexander smirnoff is saying he got this information from russian intelligence i mean, is it not possible that he was not lying, that he was told this and he passed it on to the fbi and he thought it was real well, jake, i think that there's a high threshold for charging online case. lives are sometimes hard to prove for what you're pointing out. however, the fact that they've gone forward and charged him formerly leads me to believe that they had evidence that he perpetuated lies, tried to send investigators and the prosecutors down a rabbit hole and that he got what he deserved in the recent charging in the us court >> how does one even figure out when an informant has been compromised? when an informant
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is meeting with individuals who have ulterior motives, it seems like the entire world of informants is murky and full of individual the jewels with many competing agendas. >> that is absolutely true. choir boys do not make the best informants. you're looking for people that can report on illicit activity that have placement and access. and then you have to corroborate it, then you constantly have to test those informants and make sure so that their motives for why they're coming to you, or at least you know, why they're coming to you corroborate the information they're providing an investigation. one source of information is never used to bring forth the charge or to do any other invasive collections such as a wiretap or something like that if formats are used in a court of law but as a source of information that has been corroborated, and it's a constant test >> jascha school always good to have you. thank you so much. appreciated >> saturday will mark two full
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>> years since russia's invasion of ukraine in recent days, cnn's christiane amanpour has been in the room with leaders of key nato allies. what she's hearing, and what she's not hearing about the urgency of supporting ukraine at this stage in its war. that's next the situation room with wolf blitzer night at six point. >> cnn, new projects means new project managers you need to hire >> indeed, indeed you do so when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit slash higher and get started today
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with local offices throughout the country on his help, you get the compensation. you deserve, 800 to eight to 44, 44 back with our world lead as ukraine enters its third year of russia's full-scale illegal invasion of its country american political debates are having a major impact on the battlefield, punctuated by russia's capture of the key eastern ukrainian town of avdiivka this weekend a costly laws at the white house is blaming directly on house republicans repeated failure to approve $60 in military aid for ukraine. as former republican congresswoman liz cheney put it to me on sunday. she blames the quote, putin wing of the republican party today, the white house and a quote, vacation reading package memo to house republicans saying the lease they could do on their two-week break is quote, read about the harm they are causing. cnn's chief international anchor christiane amanpour speaks with soldiers in ukraine outgunned and outmanned in the story we're
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about to show you. but even those with severe battle wounds tell her they want to go back to the front lines and fight for their country >> you know, full softly on new recruits for the ukrainian army, third assault brigade. >> don't give for further drill >> sergeants, push them through their paces with urgent basic training for the trenches, urban warfare and assault maneuvers every woman and man counts now for a battle that seems to return to the dire days at the start 28 year-old sara, he came back from lithuania to serve two weeks ago despite his health was wrong with you. >> it's osmam. >> but right now we need to take our best man and no matter what, i will, i will serve my country until the week >> let us brigade says its training professional fighters, not cannon fodder like russia
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they're soldiers helped evacuate to eight survivors of the battle for avdiivka where russia has now raised its flag. but many of their wounded were left behind just watch this video call between a severely injured soldier, yvonne and his panic stricken sister katerina he was yvonne and his comrades never made it. ukraine says there was a deal. russia would evacuate them and exchange prisoners instead, russia released video of them dead the brigade says they were shot these, are desperate times in ukraine's fight to survive.
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they need to replenish the ranks of the dead and injured and even here at the superhumans facility in the western city of lviv, therapists and prosthetics specialist work around the clock giving these war amputees a second chance and even a return to the front lines twenty-five-year-old and subcu is an army sniper. she stepped on a landmine and november near the zaporizhzhia front. and she tells me they are scattered there like snow drops in spring like daisies in summer we couldn't get out for a long time because we were under very heavy fire. she tells me, to be honest, we were ready to die hi, there. the attacks was so close and we were thinking this was the end. all go rude, neva is ceo of this center, which is supported by ukrainian businessman and the american philanthropist howard buffett. 80% of the patients a military, many of the multiple amputees
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and that's because august says the wounded cannot get out of the battle zone during the so-called golden hour to save their limbs people are advocated for ten hours by comrades very often because russians are shelling our medics. so by the time they arrive at stabilization point, we have to caught them high because as a torn and cats. so that's why we have multiple amputations >> not only are they outmanned, they are also outgunned. the gridlock in congress over military aid is showing up at the front and time is not their friend. >> we reach >> sergeant micola, who's also serving now on the zaporizhzhia frontline. >> do you have enough weapons? do you have enough people? you have enough ammunition of course we don't. he says there is a catastrophic shortage of people the same with weapons. there aren't enough shells for artillery and tanks, or the tanks and artillery themselves
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on a brief hiatus in the rear, they've had to buy their own motor, small caliber just for self-defense problem is no ammunition anastasia practices perfecting her balanced, her endurance, regaining the strength to shoulder her weapons. and she wants to go back to the front. >> the other words of sam was wave i think anything is possible. >> she says, but whatever happens, we all need to fight there's together because the enemy is advancing no one wants their children to still be fighting the war. they and their parents have been fighting ever since putin's first invasion, a decade ago something ana said to me is stuck with me in this time of dire weapons and ammunition shortage. she said we cannot
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advance on the battlefield with assault rifles is essentially in some points come to that jake and these people here, many of them, not just the soldiers, but also civilians. they tell me, look, ukraine is right there, right in the middle of the democratic world. and the autocratic world. and we are fighting the fight. we just need the help and the ammunition and weapons to do it full for you and for us and for everyone. >> i'm christiane recently you've been in the room with world leaders at the munich security conference. president biden says, the us is going to stick with ukraine for as long as it takes. but our western leaders, other western leaders, quietly admitting that this is likely going to be a very long war and perhaps the strategy needs to shift well, look, the western leaders say, and many american military analysts say ukraine can win, but it depends on the >> political will of western nations. you know, that president biden has tried to send more aid to support
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essentially this battle for democracy and that the republican congress the maga wing, some of whom will represented in that room. they have torpedoed it. so that is a huge problem, as i said, putin has from the beginning known or at least said and believed that the west didn't have the sticking power. obviously, for a dictatorship, for a one-party, one liter system, it's much easier to do what you want to do. but he has been waiting for this moment and every minute that weapon or ammunition or around doesn't get to the front. he's pushing ahead at vika, as you know, fell over the weekend, foreign minister told me that it wouldn't have happened if this bottleneck had not been so jammed up. and now they're pushing forward even further towards the second largest city in ukraine, kharkiv in the north east, right close to the russian border >> it does seem as though the main headline out of the munich security conferences that there's this real sense of
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anxiety in europe fueled by individuals who weren't even there trump and putin >> no, you're absolutely right. i told you about putin and how he's just waiting the west out. and by the way, has turned his economy towards a full defense production economy. and it's doing really well. they're pumped being out shells that pumping out drains, drones rather, and pumping out armored vehicles and all the weapons that they, that they need. so they are well armed and very well man with a three-to-one or four to one advantage over the ukrainians, donald trump on the other hand, is causing a huge amount, amount of anxiety, not just because he's it's constantly questioning nato's article five and the basis of nato is existence. one for all and all for one. but as you know, the last comment, the latest common during a campaign swing was that he said he would invite, you know putin to do whatever you wanted to a nato country. it doesn't go down well, i'll tell you why, because the
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europeans are ramping up their defense spending and they are ramping up their 2% requirement i tell you donald tusk, who is the prime minister of poland, a key us ally, reminded everybody that it was america under ronald reagan, a republican president, who actually came to their defense and help all of eastern europe when their freedom. and i have to say, he, he tweeted to the republicans in congress stymieing this. he said reagan would be turning in his grave and shame on you that's what's happening right now. >> christiana amanpour in kyiv. thank you so much coming up next new details about one of russia's latest detainees. a woman with dual u.s. russian citizenship. what cnn is learning about why she was in russia, and what this, why the state department is having trouble getting to the bottom of her case, stay with us sunday. there be an even >> wider conflict in the >> middle east to read zakaria goes inside the store between in the us and iran. and the
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history of the divide. wire ran hates america sunday at eight on cnn. >> backroom deals, cia secret affairs, bribery, corruption, prostitution >> there's so much more to the store. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper sunday night on cnn, i feel refreshed because i'm not struggling with cdpap anymore. she looks great. i got inspire great sleep >> at the click of a button. you can >> yeah, i got an implant, sheila, it's inspire, learn more and you important safety information. i'd inspire >> do you have missing teeth reset smile is a life changer, ayse, afraid to smell now i can't stop smiling, reset, smile is an affordable way to replace your missing teeth from home at a fraction of the cost of dental implants, you get an impression kits sent to your home and you mail it back. no trip to the dead interest whatsoever. they fit my mouth perfectly the >> color matched up perfectly. i can eat with reset smile and
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direct redefininsurance rahel solomon in new york is cnn >> topping our world lead 30 dual u.s. russian citizen kisenya, a karelina in russian detention. she has been arrested. russian authorities say for treason. she allegedly donated 50 t1 to a ukrainian charity? that's according to her los angeles employer. it's a charity that russia's security services, the fsb say funded an organization that assists ukraine's armed forces. the fsb also alleges that she quote, took part in public actions unquote to support ukraine. this is while she was living in the us. now her arrest comes as other americans, paul whelan and evan gershkovich and dual u.s. russian citizen i'll sue kurmasheva are also serving time in russia. paul and evan
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have been designated as wrongfully detained by the us state department cnn's matthew chance is live for us in russia's capital and matthew, the state department says that russia does not recognize dual citizenship. how does that affect the u.s.'s ability to gain information about carolinas case what it makes it much. more difficult because normally if you're a us citizen and you come to rush out, it will be with on a visa. and that means that you'll still seen as a us citizen when you here. if you get arrested like kasenya carolina has been it means that the automatic situation is that diplomats get consular access to you. but when you come in on your russian passport, you regard it as a russian citizen. even if you've got a us passport or any other kind of passport doesn't matter. you came into russia on a russian passport is because they needed and that means as far as the russians are concerned they, they regarded as a russian citizen
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so that they're treating her research. i think the big question though here is why someone like kasenya karelina, thirty-three-year-old beauty therapist, who lives in los angeles and works there, would have been targeted at all. i mean, her her crimes, which you have alleged crimes which was human mentioned, she gave 50 bucks or so to a us charity that helps people inside ukraine. she probably posted some pro-ukrainian images as well, but she's not exactly a political activist. she certainly not a politician. and it just points to this idea. jake that there is an absolute zero tolerance in russia these days towards any kind of dissenting opinion. i mean, if you're quiet and you don't full throatedly support the war, then people are suspicious and the authorities of you. but if you do anything they construe as being supportive of ukraine or against the special military operation as they call
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it here, you could well leave yourself being vulnerable to being called a traitor. and that's the situation at that casena karelina has apparently found herself in i'm matthew, we're also hearing reports of this pro kremlin military blogger andre morozov, that he was found dead days after reporting on >> russian losses in the ukrainian town of defka, which russia ultimately captured this weekend. what can you tell us about this blogger? >> yeah. well, i mean, again, it points to just how difficult align is to walk, not only if you've got to be, you got to be supportive of russia's troops in ukraine, but not too supportive of them. this is a far nationalists and ultra nationalist blogger. he was known on his telegram channel it's murders, had about 100,000 followers he was very upfront with russian troops in their military operation as they call it here. the war in ukraine, inside ukraine, delivering very hard hitting,
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truthful, apparently reports about the state of weapons and the state of the forces up there. he went a bit too far though because he said that russian troops had lost 16,000 people in the assault on abdivka, which he compared with the loss of thousands of troops from the ukrainian side. and that was just too much for many of his comrades. many of his commanders, and they forced him to take that post down. and he said, in his last post before he committed suicide that he was being bullied. and so that that was the reason it seems that he took his own life cnn's matthew chance in moscow. thank you so much. appreciate it coming up next. a cnn exclusive tracking one of the last aid trucks to enter gaza. what we can confirm happen to that truck and the questions now directly is now directed at israeli forces united states of scandal with
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season. >> vegas the story of sensitive sunday at ten on cnn now to the israel hamas war as negotiators race to try to secure a hostage agreement before ramadan ramadan begins next month >> israeli war cabinet minister benny gantz says he sees initial signs of progress on sunday. sunday, guns put it plainly, he said, quote, hamas has a choice they can surrender, released it's the hostages and the citizens of gaza will be able to celebrate the holy holidays of ramadan, unquote israel believes about 100 hostages are still alive, but without progress on negotiating their release. israel's military says it will advance on the densely populated southern gaza city a rafah even during ramadan. where an estimated 1.5 million palestinians are currently sheltering cnn's katie poll, glossy has exclusive new reporting. the chosen is really strike, hit a united nations aid truck, a truck that traveled along route marked
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safe by israel this is how desperate the people in northern gaza are. this aid truck filmed at the end of january is one of the last enter the region. and here's why aid so often caught in the fighting. now cnn can exclusively reveal that this truck carrying vital food headed for northern gaza was hit on february 5th by an israeli shell, despite an agreement to provide a safe route, cnn has seen the internal un incident report and the correspondence between the un and the israeli military that show the root of this convoy was agreed upon in advance. and with starvation imminent for many across gaza experts say hitting a food truck is a potential war crime. >> looking at it with the available facts, it's really difficult to see how this could be a legal attack and so at minimum, it would look like a very serious violation of international humanitarian law, whether it's also criminal,
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then depends on questions of intent >> the trucks that off as part of a un marked convoy of ten up al rasheed road in the early hours. it reached an idf holding point at for 15:00 a.m. stationary for over an hour. it was then hit at 05:35 a.m. fortunately, no one on board was killed the un says they were hit by israeli naval gunfire. and in satellite imagery taken just two hours after the attack, cnn identified ships that could only be israeli naval boats they've been deployed along the coast and are attacking gaza from the west we share with the israeli army the coordinates of the convoy. and only when the israeli army gives us the okay, the green light does unrwa, move on. the purpose of this deconfliction process is to make sure that aid convoys don't get hit. >> it's not the first time this
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has happened. many other aid trucks have been hit since the beginning of this conflict. the un says northern gaza is still home to reported 300,000 civilians on recess. half of its mission requests to the north have been denied since january and since this latest attack, they've taken the painful decision to stop trying to deliver aid to the north at all? the idf says it's helping to coordinate humanitarian relief in gaza but aid agencies say they faced repeated delays while some staff are detained and even tortured. a un mission and december described one aid worker who said he was stripped beaten, and blindfolded. even when convoys are allowed through some routes are simply not possible. this large crater blocking al rashid road just weeks before it was designated by the idf as the main route permitted for humanitarian vehicles. >> such large percentages of the population are at such dire
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need at such immediate risk of starvation from that perspective, it's really hard for me to understand what kind of potential military rationale could be advanced to justify actions like this. >> as the humanitarian crisis deepens the question is whether israel will be held accountable in a court of law for depriving so many in gaza of aid katie polglase, cnn, london. >> and our thanks to cnn's katie polglase for that report here in the united states, the murder of hip hop pioneer jam master jay. what prosecutors describe as a double life that he led in the high-profile trial that could provide answers finally, into the ambush that led to his death when you get a pool with dr. time, you get the real deal >> of time, real dealmaker much you've customized the real down payment and monthly payment of the car you want to buy super smart and the deal you make on your phone is the deal you paid i understand.
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1986. >> jam >> master jay was run dmc's dj and he spend sounds. the transfix millions. >> he >> was murdered in 2002. >> but only now is >> tragic case getting its day in court. as omar jimenez reports, the trial has revealed how jim mastered j lived a double life in order to keep providing money to his loved ones >> closing arguments finishing today in the murder trial of two men accused of killing hip hop legend jam master jay a case more than two decades in the making, going unsolved since his shocking killing in 2002 >> that's right. i'm thomas jam master j. was part of the collectively legendary group run dmc. they were the definition of hip hop and jam masters, j. whose real name was jason mizel, was the center of at all. but jay went from the height of run dmc fame to being the victim of a brutal shooting
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death inside his recording studio. in queens, new york. >> please welcome. run-dmc into the rock and roll hall of fame >> the group was inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame in 2009. hi, years after jam master j's untimely death, finally, an august 2020, a break in the case when prosecutors unsealed there indictment, according to court documents, jam master jay was at his recording studio on october 30, 2002, when the defendants, ronna washington and carl jordan junior entered prosecutors say jordan fired two shots, one of which killed the hip-hop legend investigators say the shooting was the result of a drug dispute according to court documents, gm astros j. had been involved in transporting kilogram quantities of cocaine between 1990, 6.2002 alongside his music career then prosecutors say in or about
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july 2002, mizel acquired approximately ten kilograms of cocaine, a dispute between washington and one of the coconspirators resulted in mizel telling washington that he would be put out of the marilyn transaction following washington's dispute with mizel, washington and jordan conspired to murder mizel the killing of jam master j. was shocked to the hip hop community and beyond made harder by how long it took to make an arrest >> for years, >> a witness who was also shot that night testified he was scared to cooperate with the investigation. according to the new york times, he eventually identified jordan as the alleged gunman and washington as the alleged accomplice. jordan also faces charges of cocaine distribution and concern fiercely to distribute cocaine. both men have pleaded not guilty now, in closing arguments today, both the attorneys for jordan and washington argued it was a third man named j. brian, who
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is actually the shooter and bryant was charged with two counts of murder tied to this case in may of last year, he's pleaded not guilty. his case was severed from these two, but prosecutors say he was seen entering the building the shooting. that piece of clothing with his dna was found at the scene and that he told a close associate he was the actual shooter. but prosecutors also say the evidence doesn't exactly support those claims overall, this decision will soon be the up to a jury to decide this case that is now been over two decades coming, jake. >> all right. omar jimenez. thank you so much for that. coming up the startling headline today that puts a reported timeline on russia possibly sending a nuclear weapon to outer space >> if you think you have to patreons contraction, there's a simple test. you can take from anywhere try to lay your hand flat against the surface if you can, you may have dupa trends,
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chilling >> effect in alabama after a ruling by the state supreme court equating frozen embryos, two children. the term quote wrath of god, uses to justified the decision coming up. the ivf treatment now on hold in that state as clinics and patients since in his date, consider their legal liability plus a shocking headline today in the new york times that would grab the world's attention. that headline reads, quote us warns allies as russia could put a nuclear weapon into orbit this year we're going to start this hour with breaking news sources telling cnn that white house is considering new executive action on the southern border. let's get straight to cnn's priscilla alvarez, the white house priscilla, this executive action would target asylum for migrants. tell us more. >> that's right, jake, the idea here is to limit asylum at the u.s.-mexico border for those who are crossing unlawfully because of course, as we have seen, the numbers of border crossings go up, many of