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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  February 19, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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successfully cloning your beloved schnauzer, eat all >> well now santos is suing jimmy kibble, abc in the walt disney company, claiming that he deceived him into creating the videos for the skit in this lawsuit, santos santos says that kibble misrepresented the motives for the sole purpose of capitalizing and ridiculing. sandra says, quote, gregarious personality. that's in his lawsuit. he wants at least $2 million in damages, which he could potentially need to keep up with his legal bills since he is not drawing his congressional salary anymore and instead, making money from those videos on cameo will follow that. also a reminder here about what's next on the lead tomorrow is jake is going to interview republican presidential candidate nikki haley. that's on the lead tomorrow starting at 04:00 eastern in the meantime, we can join me in just a few hours here tonight on the source. i'll be joined by democratic senator joe manchin, his first interview on cnn after announcing that he will not run for president. that's tonight,
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09:00 eastern i'll see you there. but in the meantime, our coverage continues right now with wolf blitzer in situation room property. >> now, russians risk arrest to mourn the death of opposition leader alexey navalny his widow is now publicly accusing the kremlin of hiding navalny's body to cover up his killing will have a live report from moscow. also tonight, donald trump's refusal to criticize letter rare putin over navaly's death is giving nikki haley new ammunition against the gop front runner, portraying trump. and i'm quoting her now is being weaken the knees when it comes to the russian leader the attacks intensifying just ahead of the trump haley showdown in south carolina. and russia advances in ukraine after capturing an eastern town at a vulnerable moment with us aid in limbo. we're getting new indications of where russian forces may be
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planning to strike next welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. >> i'm >> wolf blitzer, a urine the situation room we begin with grief, anger, and unanswered questions surrounding the death of jailed russian opposition leader alexey navalny. three days after navalny's death his family says authorities won't releases body for another two weeks. cnn's chief global affairs correspondent, matthew chance, is joining us live from moscow to write down matthew. tell us more about the investigation and the reaction to navalny's death >> well, that investigation wolf, according to the kremlin, is underway and it's continuing, but it hasn't reached any conclusions yet about the cause of alexey navalny's death. meanwhile, many ordinary russians defying the crackdown on dissent here they're so shocked about the
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death of this most prominent kremlin critic that define that crackdown and turning out to pay their last respects despite the risks russians are publicly grieving that alexey navalny's death in moscow, a steady stream of mourners hey, in flowers for the late opposition leader across russia, rights activists say hundreds let's have been detained for just this >> moines. get. >> my hero was diode. this man told us, i grew up watching and learning from him so it feels like a personal loss. >> he says that my young as usual, glowing pretty man >> this woman tells us she desperately wants russia to change but now we're at a dead end. she says
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>> with sorrow, grief, and pain if you feel that pain more than navalny's own family and his widow, yulia, here meeting outraged european leaders is vowing to expose what she says are our husband's killers, and to assume his opposition mountain. >> yeah. moodle brandao's right. >> i will continue. alexey navalny's work, but like butter was done, i will keep fighting for our country and i encourage you to stand by my side. >> there is deleting it to share not only grief and the endless pain that has enveloped us and does not let go. yep russia was resilient suddenly, i'm asking you to >> share my rage, anger, hatred for those who dared to kill our future meanwhile, the russian president expected to be reelected next month, has yet to mention the >> unexplained death of his fiercest critic don't the
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kremlin refusing to comment while it says investigations are underway even recovering navalny's remains in russia is proving painstaking he's elderly mother, ludmilla. he's traveled nearly 2000 miles to the remote arctic region where he died in prison, has been told, according to navalny's spokeswoman, that postmortem tests in the body won't be released for at least another two weeks plenty of times say navalny supporters deeply suspicious the kremlin for the real cause of this sudden tragic death to be hidden well wolf in yet another sign of defiance, tens of thousands of russians have now signed a very public petition calling on the authorities to immediately hand
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back the body or handover the body of alexey navalny to his family so that he can be buried. but at the moment the kremlin seems unmoved by this, this kind of pressure coming from the russian public back to you. >> neither chancellor moscow for us. thank you. matthew, daughter, russia's war against ukraine, kremlin forces making their first major advance in months, capturing a key eastern town but it'd become one of the most fiercely contested battlegrounds. cnn's senior international correspondent fred pleitgen is following all these developments, is joining us live from berlin right now, fred, how big of a blow is this to ukraine? >> well, it's a huge blow to the ukrainians because this town that you're talking about, aviv in the east of the country was actually held by the ukrainians, uh, since 2014, it was one of the best fortified towns that the ukrainians had. and now the russians have managed to take that town and the ukrainians wolf also fear that these could indicate that the russians are
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willing to press in other areas as well. the ukrainian say that there are certain other areas in the front lines where the russians are already gaining the upper hand because they simply have overwhelming firepower and ukrainians don't have enough ammunition. now, the ukrainian president, volodymyr zelenskyy visited one of those areas where the ukrainians believe the russians could start another major push soon. and certainly there as well, the ukrainians voice their concerns current about a lack of military aid that's making it difficult for them on the front lines, certainly as far as aviv code is concerned, i was actually in that area about two to three weeks ago. and the ukrainians already, they're telling us they were holding up a lot of the russian assault. they said the russians had massive casualties area as they were trying to move forward. but it was a lack of manpower and especially the lack of firepower that made it so difficult for the ukrainians to stay in the game. and now obviously they've had to leave that area. wolf, is this the result of these dog usa to ukraine fred >> well, it certainly looks
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like in part at very well could be. it was quite interesting because i didn't have the chance to communicate with one of this soldiers who was fighting there on the frontline in adiivka and then had to leave that area and that soldier she said that a lack of firepower, a lack of artillery shells was definitely one of the main causes why the ukrainians were not able to hold the russians they said, look, even if we had an okay amount as he put it, they would have been able to stop the russians, but they simply didn't have that. now of course that's in part due to black of aid from the united states, but also some european countries that have pledged artillery shells to the ukrainians have not come through so far to the extent that the ukrainians would have liked at the same time, the ukrainian say in the long run, if us aid does not come through, it will have devastating effects for them on the battlefield. artillery condition, of course one thing, but all sorts of other ammunitions also a big problem for the ukrainians, as well as gear of course, one of the things that we've highlighted is that for instance, the bradley infantry fighting
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vehicle for the ukrainians is one of the main weapons. it's helping them on the ground if spare parts for that dry up ammunition for that as well, it's going to be a big problem for the ukrainians notch just on the eastern front, but on the southern front as well, wolf certainly will be fred pleitgen reporting for us. thank you very much. fred, president biden meanwhile, is watching all these events unfolded. russia and ukraine and drawing a direct connection to the standoff over new us aid to ukraine let's go to cnn, senior white house correspondent arlette saenz are let our, the president and his administration, responding to these important developments. >> well, wolf president biden once again today expressed disbelief that republicans have yet to pass additional aid for ukraine at a critical time in their battle against russia. this really took on heightened sigma nikon's over the weekend after the death of alexey navalny in that russian prison, prison, president biden directly blaming putin and his thugs and said that they would be considering additional actions they could take. he told reporters today that they
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could implement some new sanctions against russia. but the big question is, even as the president had previously warned front of devastating consequences if navalny word a died in prison, it's unclear what kind of beit, any further actions would have. sanctions would have after there had already been rounds and rounds of sanctions after russia had invaded ukraine. but the president is also using this moment to really to ramp up the pressure on house republicans to get on board with additional aid for ukraine today, he told reporters that he was simply shocked that they haven't done so so far. take a listen >> mr. president, would you go as far as not alexey navalny's blood is on the handle, house republicans right now a big mistake not where they're walking away the way the walking away heels of
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>> president biden blasting house republicans to lawmakers for leaving for a two-week break. now this all comes as the administration has really spent months warning of the potential impacts of not passing aid for ukraine saying that those soldiers on the battlefield would be significantly a debilitated if they did not have that further military assistance. now, over the weekend, president biden jumped on the phone with ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy and the white house said that in that phone call, he directly tied the width ukrainian withdrawal from that key town that fred talked about. he directly tied that to congress's inability to pass this military assistance. the president also said he could not rule out the possibility that other towns could potentially fall as well as the soldiers are facing ammunition shortages, but the president, even as he is pressing lawmakers to act, he's running up against the political reality right now. the house it's republicans and house speaker mike johnson so far have shown no signs of budging when it comes to bringing this aid for ukraine up for a vote.
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>> arlette saenz reporting from the white house for us, arlette, thank you very much. up next, donald trump finally breaks his silence on navalny's death, but he's not condemning vladimir putin we're going tell you who he's attacking instead that's coming up right after a quick break >> united states of scandal with jake tapper sunday night on cnn, tunis off the hook. 100% while calls jonah physical compliment and i'm taking the be. all right, omar pond down. personally finished good. it trusts pasted tuna today >> they are the oldest people to run for president, breaking by only four years the record that and the news hosts comedy central's daily show tonight. company central >> whether you come to key west for an in-depth history lesson we just want to skim the
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do with local offices throughout the country or does help you get the compensation you deserve eight over 28 to 44, 44 we're sir, i donald trump is finally speaking out about alexey navalny, writing the russian opposition leaders death has made >> him more aware of what he calls the path of destruction in the united states, citing his dozens of criminal charges there's remaining rival of the gop primary race and nikki haley now weighing in, cnn's kristen holmes is following all these developments for us. kristen, take us through what trump is saying and how nikki haley is responding well, i'm not sure we can even call it speaking out because instead of condemning putin or condemning the death of putin's top critic, alexey navalny. he is implying that the situation with his various legal cases is somehow similar to the of alexia navalny. this is what he posted on truth social. he said the sudden death of alexey navalny has made me more and more aware of what is happening in our country. we are a nation in decline a failing nation
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now, courses we have reported multiple times donald trump has sought to link all of his various cases, even if they are not linked at all, that means criminal, civil, and various jurisdictions, some are state, some are federal to say that they are all because joe biden, democrat president, does not want him to be the next president. again, there's no evidence that any of these cases are linked be seeks to cook paul himself, a political prisoner, essentially that he's being politically persecuted in this case. now, his lone gop rival, nikki haley, is seizing on these comments. take a listen >> i don't know why she keeps getting weaken the knees when it comes to russia. but i'll tell you what russia is not getting weaken the knees because what we're seeing is now they're starting to put soldiers around the baltic countries wolf, it's unclear if these kind of jabs at donald trump are going to work at all. keep in mind the next primary up is this weekend. it is south carolina and donald trump, by all polling that we've seen is leading by double digits. he's actually only been in the state
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one time since new hampshire's team has that confident that he's going to take that primary and they are that confident that he's going to eventually be the republican nominee will kristen holmes reporting for us. thank you very much joining us now, republican strategist shermichael singleton and democratic strategist, maria cardona. she's a cnn political commentator as well. sure. michael, let me start with you. trump is baselessly claiming he's being politically persecuted, like the voluntary woken then putin for his death, what's your reaction? >> now, if i reached out to some republican activists at the base level in south carolina with a primary coming up. and i want it to get their opinions on what they're hearing from likely gop voters and what one of the individuals told me is that they view donald trump's legal issues as being persecuted politically. the reality is that they see a 70, 70, 77 year-old former president likely to spend the rest of his life in prison if he's found guilty on any number of these particular charges. and so the message from trump that i am a novak
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one here, just like he was to puett niamh to biden that has resonance with many of his voters. they see him through that lens, but i will add politically speaking, the u.s.'s resolve has been tested geopolitically on a number of fronts right now and regardless of the politics here, i think most americans, 77% one is a port ukraine. many americans want to continue to support israel. we need to figure out the best approach to strategy moving forward to secure our standing in the world, you look at china and their brics system, attempting to push away the dollar internationally speed speaking and so i think americans want a leader that will best position the country moving forward for generations to come. and i think the president should speak former president's just speak to those things versus purely politics. >> important, important, and maria or what is the lack of a direct response in navalny's death from trump and his comments on nato for that matter. tell you about how he would approach russia down the road. >> you know, it's interesting that nikki haley says that
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donald trump is weakened than these. he's not just weaken the knees wolf, he admires putin, which is one of the the reasons why he has not been able to denounce putin for his murderous act. and in fact, let's remember when there was the court hearing about presidential immunity trump's legal team was asked by a judge whether the president would have immunity if he had seal team six go out and have his political opponent murdered essentially, his team said yes, that he would have immunity. so that's exactly what vladimir putin has done with immunity. and so i think that donald trump looks at that and says, i'm not only not going to say anything, i admire the guy for what he's able to do. let's remember that donald trump himself has said he's going to be a dictator on day one, we know he has dictator like not just desires, but he actually tried to overturn a fair and free election on january 6. so to me, it is bone chilling, it
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is jaw dropping. it should not be surprising, but it should be yet another warning that donald trump in the white house will be an existential threat to the democracy into the future of this country. >> yeah, sure, michael, what's your reaction to the increasing intensity of nikki haley's condemnation of trump on all these positions right now. and why are we hearing more along those lines from other republicans? >> i mean, to answer the first part of the question, wolf, i think she recognizes as south carolina as a make it a break for her my personal opinion as a strategist, i think the republican primary was over after new hampshire. at this point, a nikki haley in the eyes of many republicans who support back of the former president and she's become a nuisance candidate. there is a serious percent of dislike among many voters when you ask them, what do you think about her? the paso, so she's bryce, the future. she will have an opportunity in 2028. >> i'm >> not certain that those appeals of that symptom mentality is still remains for her, and i would caution the
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former governor to be very careful if she is looking for years into the future now, to answer the latter part wolf, i think that many republican voters, for the most part look at donald trump as being the individual who brings with they believe is their truth a to mainstream politics. he's brought, he's been a wrecking ball, if you will, to the political establishment. whether we agree with the veracity of his claims are not, those of us in washington? >> there are many >> americans, 74 million of them who voted for him do believe that to be the case. they view those of us on the east coast as individuals who looked down upon them. they view themselves as being a part of the losers in this game of winners and losers as continues to expand and so i think that's what donald trump speaks to. and i think that's why we're seeing his prominence remain. >> maria, what did you make of trump unveiling a new pair of sneakers, trump-related sneaker gold sneakers, $400 a pair that
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he's going to use obviously the pay legal bills or whatever. >> well, he certainly needs it because we know that he is a whole by like hundreds of millions of dollars in the rnc is not really in a position to continue to pay his legal bills but to me it shows both desperation as well as the goddess nature of what he represents. now, as kind of a shoe diva myself, when i looked at this, i said, this is yet another lawsuit in the making, wolf christian louboutin, who is a hugely famous top-line designer of women's shoes, has a very, his, his shoes famously have a red sole and he has been in some lawsuits before where the court and the european union, the court in india have said this red sole is a trademark of this shoe designer, christian louboutin. so it would be really ironic for this thing that donald trump did in order to make money to pay his lawsuits to accrue yet another for additional lawsuit that he's
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going to have to make money on >> its website says they're already sold out. let's go from let's see what happens all right, guys. thank you very, very much. every occurred jonah shermichael singleton coming up, president biden slams congress were leaving town without approving a multimillion-dollar foreign aid package will discuss the prospects of new aid ever been as with a key member of the house intelligence committee standby you're in the situation >> candidate john edwards, chief he did on his cancer-stricken wife, had a baby with his girlfriend and then tried to pass it off as a campaign staffers can we're here to get your side of the story >> united states of scandal with jake tapper, new episodes sunday at nine on cnn as a cardiologist, when i put my patients on a statin to reduce cholesterol, i also tell them it can deplete their coat. q ten levels i recommend taking qn all coke uten. q and all has three times better absorption than regular coke. putin, kunal, the brand i trust. >> and that's my family
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. splenda is the easiest way to reduce sugar >> i'm evan perez at the federal court in washington. and this is cnn tonight, house speaker mike johnson is facing growing criticism over his lack of action. >> i knew >> us aid to ukraine. the pressure clearly intensifying after the death of leading
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putin critic alexey navalny, and a significant new ukrainian loss on the battlefield so let's get an update right now from cnn's melanie zanona. she's joining us from capitol hill. so melanie, where you are where do things stand while the fate of ukraine aid is really in the hands of speaker mike johnson right now, but he has yet to reveal what he plans to do as his party remains fiercely divided over this issue. remember speaker mike johnson is still very new to this job. he has very little experience on the international stage. we're told that he's never even visited ukraine as part of a congressional delegation or a formal member trip. and he's also dealing with this right flank who is deeply opposed to additional ukraine aid and have even threatened his speakership over the issue. but at the same time, there is a healthy contingent of house republicans who do support additional money for ukraine. and in private meetings were told that speaker mike johnson has said that he understands the gravity of the situation and that he does want to address the issue in some way. but in the meantime, the pressure and criticism is really intensifying for johnson
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especially after the developments this weekend that you mentioned, chuck schumer, the democratic leader, put out a statement just yesterday. i want to read you part of what he said. he said navalny's tragic death now makes it even more urgent for house speaker johnson to pass the national security supplemental. this bipartisan bill currently sits at the feet of speaker johnson, and putin is watching. that is the reference to the $95 billion aid package at the senate passed earlier this month, but so far, johnson has refused to put that bill to a floor vote. now there is some discussion amongst the house gop leadership about potentially changing the package should maybe pair back some of the ukraine aid to either offset it or restructure it as alone as former speaker donald trump has called for. but as of right now wolf, no decisions have been made and congress has actually on recess, not, not returning until next week and before they left, johnson told members that there's no rush to address this issue. a sentiment that is clearly not shared by the international community will certainly isn't melanie zanona up on capitol hill. thank you
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let's get some more on all these developments so joining us now, a key house democratic congressman raja krishnamoorthi, he's a member of the house intelligence committee. congressman. thanks so much for joining us. >> witness >> usaid clearly stalled right now at a critical moment, ukraine just suffered its biggest battlefield defeat in nearly a year our trip and far-right house republicans to blame >> yes. i think that right now what we're seeing is trump railing against this ukraine bill. the same way that he did with the border security bill. that was about to be passed out of the senate and i think that what we're seeing is that on the battlefield ukrainians are starting to have to ration ammunition to the point where you on any given day, the russians are firing upwards of 10,000 shells at the ukrainians per day. while the ukrainians can only fire about 2000 per, per day. so that's a five-to-one advantage, which
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means very serious consequences on the battlefield, given just how critical this us military aid to ukraine is. congressman, are there compromises that democrats can now make with house republicans to get to an agreement sure. >> i think a bipartisan approach is always favorable and i think that speaker johnson should reach back out to hakeem jeffries if he wishes, in order to create this bipartisan approach, i know that hakeem jeffries is very much wants that but not doing anything, which is what's happening right now, is not an option. and one of the people that's watching this very closely, as choosing paying in china. he's watching this legislative process just as closely as vladimir putin. and a secretary mike pompeo testified before our committee the other day hey, the china select committee on the chinese communist party >> we can't
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>> be tough on china. and then week in support of ukraine. and if we are at makes war over taiwan more likely. and so we have to show strength. we've got to get this bill passed right now. >> as, you know several foreign liters voice concerns, serious concerns to several of your colleagues at that munich security conference politico reported that ukrainian officials told us senators about a soldier actually scrolling on his phone in the battlefield for signs. the house would approve this us military aid how does the us look on the world stage right now >> we don't look good, right now. wolf and i think that at this point we need to look strong. >> are >> we capable of doing this correctly in the house? absolutely. but now we've got to hustle and we've got to do it as soon as we come back because remember, it's one thing to get the aid passed.
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it's another to then get the aid onto the battlefield where it will make a difference. and so our pentagon planners need some time to do that, but we've got to hustle when the house. >> yes. you certainly do. president biden says, he's weighing more sanctions on russia right now for the death of alexey navalny, what consequences, congressman, do you think the biden administration should oppose on putin for navalny's death? >> well, at this point, i think that we have to look at all options on the table. one thing that we haven't seriously looked at is of course, the reserves that the russians have in the west, roughly 300 billion of frozen reserves and i understand that there are concerns about going after those reserves, but at this point, i think we have to open the door because what is happening with regard to putin's brutality in ukraine along with the impunity with which he is assassinating
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opponents like navalny and others can't be countenanced. we have to take more actions to make it even more costly for putin to engage in this type of activity. what does it say >> congressman, that former president trump has not condemned russia for navalny's death it doesn't speak well about the former president, and i think that that is all you need to know about why he's just >> unfit to be the president again i think nikki haley said that he has been weaken the knees every time that he's with vladimir putin and we need somebody who's strong, someone like joe biden obviously who has been handling this situation as well as i think we can, but obviously in congress, we need to step up to the plate as well. >> congressman raja krishnamoorthi. thanks. as usual for joining us >> thank you, wolf coming up,
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the ukrainian ambassador to the united states and joins me with reaction to russia's major new victory out there on the battlefield. that's coming in the next hour of the situation room. but first, donald trump vowing to appeal the $355 million civil fraud verdict against since the a live report on what the former president needs to do to put that ruling on hold, stay with us >> the greatest stage they told about for a lifetime >> lifetime to >> hey, champion >> now at t professionally installs google nest products >> you're all set. >> your home is safe and smart. we're going to ms you can check it on your home our ms system, you should go manager system from virtually anywhere and get intelligent alerts like
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at 800 or visit erin burnett outfront tonight at seven on cnn >> another appeal looms for former president trump and his legal team after a new york judge on friday ordered trump to pay 355 million for fraudulently inflating the values of his properties cnn senior justice correspondent evan perez is joining us right now. he's got an update, has got the latest evan, what are you learning? >> well, what if we don't know when the foreign president is planning to file an appeal. he's got 30 days to notify the court that he is filing that
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appeal. but the problem here is that he's going to have to come up with some money or some property or something to have a bond to secure that fund. those funds were talking obviously, $355 million in this judgment. there's also another a recent civil case that he lost in the e jean carroll case similarly, he hasn't appeal that one, so we don't know. he's about 20 days into into that case where he's supposed to appeal. so the question remains, when are we going to see these appeals? and really does the former president cnn and then have the kind of assets, the money he said in a deposition last year that he had about $400 million in cash or or that was liquid that he could have access to. unclear if that is accurate, wolf, but he's going to have to start showing up, showing either some cash or some of his assets to be able to secure a bond, again, to cover the cost
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of these legal losses that he keeps incurring. wolf. >> evan perez acts. thanks very much for that update. i want to bring in cnn, senior law enforcement analyst andrew mccabe and cnn legal analyst norm eisen. a norm, let me start with you. how do you think trump is likely to fair on this appeal >> poorly wealth at the judge backed up his legal findings of fraud trump organization, mr. trump and others, with a mountain of evidence and very sound legal reasoning. wolf you can't say your home is about 30,000 square feet when it's about 10,000 square feet. and the same kind of disparities are found on trump's seven springs estate, mar-a-lago, 40 wall street and on and on the judge dropped the most controversial and problematic
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finding on his final order, and that was the corporate death penalty yanking the certificates of doing business in new new york what's left is bulletproof. trump is going to lose this appeal. very likely. >> we will find out very, very soon. andrew mccabe trump is attacking the judge and the attorney general unsocial on social media, and he's writing this and let me put it up on the screen. my financial statements were understated not overstated. this all fit the fake narrative of the corrupt. and many times overturn, judge, in quotes and the radical left soros-backed slob of an attorney general. what do you think is it a good idea to launch these sorts of attacks when you're asking the court to review the decision oh, well, if i think for any normal litigant, the answer is a resounding no, it's a terrible idea to attack the judge >> personally. it's a terrible
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idea to attack the attorney general personally, you should keep your you are statements limited. if at if any at all, and keep them directed in consistent with your legal arguments. but this is not a normal litigant and we have to remember that what you're seeing on social media, that's the political side of donald trump strategy. he knows how to use these opportunities, even staggering losses and massive financial liability. he knows how to use those things as an advantage in his political campaign to rally his supporters to maybe convince people to make donations to the campaign. so he's absolutely globally going to market these things in a way that is completely divorced from reality. the comments you made in, you reiterated in that posting or absolutely contradicted by the evidence at this trial. but most people won't look that far normal while i have you, i want to turn to the georgia election subversion case that we're
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i'll following, obviously as well, a judge is now deciding whether to remove district attorney fani willis from the case after two remarkable days of testimony about her relationship with special prosecutor, nathan wade what do you expect to happen here? >> well, funder the law of georgia disqualification. it's extremely unlikely that the da will be removed moment as well. you only get just in georgia if you have some kind of a conflict for example, if the da we're having a relationship with one of the witnesses in the case, so the evidence is distorted or some kind of forensic misconduct, making up evidence we don't have either one of those here. and the judges one concern which is the financial issues, was powerfully answered by willis when she said we went dutch. so i don't expect this disqualification. >> andrew, if fani willis is
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allowed to remain on the case, how much potential damage with jury pool could that public testimony have have have i think that's a really tough thing to estimate at this point will fight while i agree with norms, legal analysis, i do think that there's a legitimate question hanging over fani willis now, and that question is, even if she is allowed to continue with this case, would it be a good idea for her to recuse herself from the case and put it in the hands of someone who hasn't had to testify about their personal relationship, about the cash they keep in their house. the act of having to defend herself through this process has created a bit of a spectacle around she and mr. wade and it's certainly one that potential jurors could have come in contact with and which could create negative impressions in their mind of fani willis and to a larger extent, her prosecutorial team so she's got a tough decision to make.
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>> i >> think even if she's allowed to remain on the case andrew mccabe and norm eisen, that to both of you. thank you very, very much coming up. my interview with an american dr. or recently returned from treating patients in gaza we'll be right back >> via headliner los vegas. that's what i want to do. >> so i'm anywhere else in the world, vegas, the story of sin city sunday at ten on cnn hcm is a serious heart condition affecting as many as 1.200 people. >> like me and me, i was still short of breath on my beta-blocker so i talked to my cardiologist and asked about treatment advances in hcm that talked made a real difference >> it gave me new hope. >> talk to your cardiac colleges today visit atm real to learn more
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ditch the other guys and you'll save hundreds. get a free line of unlimited intro for 1 year when you buy one unlimited line. and for a limited time, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. representatives are available now >> i'm david culver in port-au-prince, haiti. and this is cnn as israel vows to push forward with military operations in southern gaza, we're getting new insight into the suffering >> of palestinian civilians and the terrible toll the war is taking on hospitals in the region. dr. irfan gallery rights a new op-ed for the los angeles times, and he says this i have worked at other war zones, but what i witnessed during the next ten days in gaza was not war. it was annihilation, end quote, dr. gloria is joining us right now. you recently returned from volunteering at the european gaza hospital in hanunis. dr. gloria, thanks for all your important work. thanks very
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much for joining us. tell us what you saw when you were there. i know you were treating patients, including children. >> yeah. thank you. well, thank you for having me on your show. what i saw, i don't think i ever could have prepared to see what it was. absolutely horrific and shocking. you know, it took me just a few minutes once i entered rough a gaza to recognize that what i had just pass through where what i felt where the gates of hell what i saw was an unbelievable humanitarian crisis i saw over 1 million people struggling to survive, trying to find shelter, food, drinking water. and what was haunting them throughout that evening and 24/7, are these drones sounds like a lawnmower or weed whacker constantly hovering over them. >> and in the >> far distance because we were in rafah, most of the bombings we're in khan yunis in the fire distance. we could hear bombs dropping. and that was my introduction because i know you have four children, but you
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treat it a lot of children at that european hospitals. it's run by the european union, very important hospital in gaza. what was it like to talk a little bit about that? because we see those pictures you shared with us, some pictures as well. we'll show our viewers. sure. >> yeah. i actually worked at the european gaza hospital for about eight or nine days and i literally lived it and i slept on the floor of the holding area in my sleeping bag because there's no other place for me to meet a stay. >> there wasn't even a little bedroom slipper. >> know, there was not understand the hot let me explain the hospitals are you to understand the situation as you approach the hospital? it is surrounded by tents, maybe 10,000 people. they're clustering around it, hoping that it's will serve as sort of a safe zone for them. and this humanity is literally spilling into the halls i'm corridors of the hospital. >> so anywhere >> you walk the hallways are
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limited to a narrow single file passageway and either side, you see blankets, heyne hanging from the ceiling to corner. off and create little secluded private areas for families. >> this >> is a hospital is designed to host maybe 300 patients and they estimate there's over 1,000 patients. and the staff themselves live in the hospital too are homeless, many of them actually are living without their families because they, while they were working in their hospital, hospital, their homes were bombed and there are now living alone it's interesting because in your article, you write about how you stopped keeping track of how many orphans you were operating on. talk a little bit about that >> yeah, it's very difficult. and the story that ice saw, the story that i heard over and over again where that homes were being bombed, families were being destroyed. and as a father of four, it was very difficult to see these children being brought back to the operating room. in particular, they had no one by their side
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to provide them with any comfort ofttimes when we took care of these children, there was no pain medication to provide for them to even give them comfort in that circumstance. so very difficult to witness that. >> so what do they need most right now that at these hospitals and you were there, you spent some quality time. there are very painful, very dangerous situation. i'm sure your family back here in virginia must have been so nervous, worried about you. but what for the most important requirements that these people at the hospital need to save lives. >> i think the most immediate or pressing need is a ceasefire. there needs to be as stop and assaults on health care facilities and health care providers. but specifically the constant bombardments and attacks need to end. that's creating a massive humanitarian crisis. wolf, to really understand this, you have to see what we saw as we were driving to rafah, there were rows of trucks with
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humanitarian aid sitting, parked on the sides of the roads waiting to get in. a very interesting and telling stat was before this war even happened, there were about 500 to 600 trucks of aid trucks that enter the country. that's how dependent they were on aid following this war. less than 100 trucks now, entering a daily basis, dr. irfan, gloria, thanks for all your important work. thanks very much. thanks for joining us. we'll stay in close touch with i appreciate this opportunity. thank you. thank you very much. and coming up, we'll have more on our top story, new fallout across the world right now, including right here in the united states to the death of the russian opposition leader alexey navalny, stable with us, you're in the situation >> vegas to store your sim city sunday at ten on cnn i consumer cellular hilary, you get the same exact coverage as the largest carriers for up to half the price. >> that's amazing and great customer service based here in america. >> some and
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