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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  February 19, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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direct redefining insurance rahel solomon in new york is cnn >> alexei navalny's vowing to pick up the mantle, continue her husband's work, and also oh demanding that they find out exactly how he died. putin critic family, and more, searching for answers. and israel now warning it will expand its military operations in rafah if hamas does not return all hostages by the muslim holy month of ramadan, the new warning as the death toll rises in gaza, nearly the entire state of california under flood alerts this morning, another atmospheric river slamming the state. what
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this means for 37 million residents. i'm sara sider with fredricka whitfield and kate bolduan and john has officer today, this is cnn news central >> this morning, alexey navalny's wife, yulia blasting, russian officials in a defiant new video posted online. she says she is not afraid and she is determined to find out how the husband was killed. listen to this >> yet, but i sure we asked you to share your range, rage, anger, and hatred with me towards those would daring enough to kill our future, and i address you with alexei's words, which i believe it is not chained to do. it's not so shame to do little, but it's a shame not to do anything. it's a shame to make yourself intimidated. >> that cb as a pool guy. >> and there are many new developments this morning already navalny's mother and
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his legal team, they say that they have been blocked from seeing his body, but the kremlin now insist that the return of navaly's remains is not not their responsibility though. he was in their custody in a penal colony. people around the world continue to express their outrage over the activists, the opposition leaders, unexplained death, hundreds of demonstrators gathered in cities across europe to pay tribute to alexei navalny in russia, more than 400 people we'll have been arrested simply for paying tribute for leaving flowers, even at makeshift memorials. let's get the very latest that we can joining us right now is fred pleitgen. he's got much more on this. fred, what is been the response >> what more are you hearing? >> other >> response from russian officials about alexei navalny's death and the demands we're hearing from his widow oh, and family >> yeah. you know what? one of the interesting things about it is, is that you're going navalnaya. obviously, it takes somewhat strength and courage at this point in time to then remain in the public sphere. in
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fact, she right now, as we speak, is actually already meeting with european leaders, with european officials. right now too. obviously had to drum up some of that support for the anti-corruption foundation of alexei navalny, which she now says she is going to be the head of the foreign policy chief of the european union also saying, as he put it, that vladimir putin will pay for the death of alexei navalny. so she apparently already is getting into that role of trying to continue his work as she's pretty out and about here in europe trying to drum up that support and of course, also condemning the death of her husband of alexey navalny. so that is something that has been going on. a lot of european officials coming out over the weekend. this really blasted right into the munich security conference, which happened here over the weekend. lot of leaders from europe, but around the world also condemning the death of alexei navalny in of course, squarely putting the blame on vladimir putin. and of course, the russian government as well. it's been quite interesting because there was a
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call earlier today by the spokesman for vladimir putin, dmitry peskov, where he said, look an investigation is ongoing it is open-ended, it's unclear what that investigation will find. of course, that directly feeds into some of the things that yulia navalnaya has been saying and also some of those who follow alexey navalny has been saying that they simply don't have any access to his body. that is mother was there at the morgue there and was told that she could not have any sort of access to it. so that's something that is certainly going on. obviously, no trust in the investigation. that's going on there in russia right now, whereas the russian officials say, look, there is an investigation going on, guys. >> yeah, to say at least it's good to see you, fred. thank you for the very latest, much more to come on this fredricka. >> all right. >> joining me now is former cia officer bob baer. bob, great to see navalny's wife, yulia navalnaya posted a video this morning claiming putin killed her husband and that russian >> authorities are hiding his body. there's no evidence to substantiate her claims.
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obviously, russia doesn't want the world to know his cause of death. do you think they're trying to erase or manipulate? delayed navalny's cause of death and will eventually return his body >> i think they are manipulating it russian intelligence is very good at creating poisons which dissolve in the body and one of, one of them is saturated potassium chloride. it will dissolve in the body as i understand, i'm not a forensic specialists, but this kind of poison could have caused his death navalny knew his life was still in danger even after returning to russia after the novichok poisoning in >> 2020, was it your calculus that navalny would die in prison? is there something about this timing for him to die now?
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>> well, a lot of it has to do with putin's paranoia. he thinks there's enemies trying to destabilise him in navalny was part of a western plot. and as for the timing, what goes through putin's mind, it's hard to say but i think when navalny got on a plane to return to moscow, he pretty well knew his life he would not died naturally. he sacrificed his life for russian democracy and now his wife yulia, has now said that she will pick up alexei navalny's cause. we see how demonstrators and mourners are being arrested. if she now in danger oh, absolutely. >> i think given access to her russian intelligence would kill her with a poison novichok, whatever don't forget, as we've talked about fred, the russians tried to, attempted to kill somebody in miami a couple of years ago. and there's no place she'll be safe putin had to know that there would be
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this kind of global outpouring. how do you see him further exerting his power by using navalny's death as an example. >> well, i think fred, we've got to come to grips with the fact that he's a stalinist and he intends to increase russian power around the world. he thinks it's a superpower he thinks that 1991, the break up the soviet union was a terrible tragedy for the russians can people, and he intends to reconstitute that empire, the soviet empire, and why they will seek pieces of this appeared everywhere in the baltics to eastern europe, to poland. he is not going to stop and especially the way that front is going in ukraine, if he wins the war in ukraine he will only be encouraged to keep on going >> all right. bob baer, great to see you. thanks so much. sara >> all right. thank you, fred,
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this morning, there are growing calls for former president trump to condemn navalny's death and to call putin out the latest, his republican political rival, nikki haley. but so far trump is not doing either. instead, he's using navalny's death as a springboard to air his own grievances this morning, he used his words to compare what is happening in the us, namely the perfectly legal trials against him to what russia is doing with its political opponents, saying the death of alexei navalny has made me more and more aware of what is happening in our own country. senior national correspondent kristen holmes is joining us. now, can you walk us through what donald trump has been saying we've also heard from some of his own party who have said, look, we need to start looking at russia very differently hey what do you think and what is he telling him where the people around him telling you about his reaction to this. >> what's the reaction is not all that surprising when you talk about what he's saying, it's really what he's not saying. he's not condemning
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vladimir putin. he's not condemning the death of an alexei navalny. >> instead, >> he is using these vague references, trying to compare himself in some ways to alexey navalny's saying that he is a victim of political persecution. obviously this has been his main messaging line amid all of these various legal cases that this is all brought by joe biden. in fact, he went on to post op ed in obscure media outlet that essentially compared him to elect navalny. now his gop rival nikki haley, as you said, is seizing on this calling for him to respond. take a listen to what she said this morning >> it's. amazing to me how weaken the ag is when it comes to putin. because you look at the fact he has yet to say anything about navalny's death, which putin murdered him. it's what he does to his political opponents and i will note that when we reach out to the campaign for comment on navalny's death last week, they pointed us to a post by donald trump in which he didn't mention putin or navalny, and instead just said that america is no longer respected, but just a quick
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reminder that donald trump has a history of not only ignoring putin, but incent, praising him even just a few weeks ago. oh, he alarmed our nato allies by saying that he would encourage russia to invade a country, a nato country, if they had not paid those bills for nato against sending off a lot of alarm bells throughout the country and throughout the world. >> yeah, a lot of concern and a lot of talk about that. we will see what happens throughout the day. kristen holmes. thank you so much for all your reporting there in washington okay >> new reporting from cnn about vice president kamala harris, her push to have a bigger role in the biden kamala harris reelection campaign and her concerns that she's voicing about voter turnout in november now. the palestinian health ministry is putting the death toll in gaza more than 29,000. this, as israel warns, it could soon expand its military operations. very latest from there. and the incredible video of a florida police officers saving the life of a six month old baby after a terrible car
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lasting relief than tylenol rapid release jailed because add those targets pain at the source of inflammation so for faster pain relief, advil, the pain away. >> this is the greatest stage in a while moments they talk about for a lifetime to champion >> if you're wondering why the banks are closed and why you're male hasn't been delivered yet, or maybe why you're not at work it's because to tag is president's day. and in a contentious election year with the oval office up for grabs, the latest polls show a potential rematch between joe biden and donald crump trump. and that is closer than ever harry shut up. sometimes they make mistakes. but how did they rate among the other commanders in chief? for the third year in a row, the presidential greatness project survey, the nation's top scholars to rank us presidents from best to
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worst. as i mentioned, our harry enten here, senior data reporter, that what we're doing now you can just chief chief chad chief house chief, that cheap out there. >> all right? >> so how do they stack up? let's look at biden and trump. yeah, let's look at biden and trump. all right, so we're to political scientists, write them out of 45. biden is 14th. donald trump is 45th. you can't do any worse than 45 out of 45 according to political scientists. but this has been a long time hobbyhorse of mine i just honestly think that these political scientists are bias and i want to just give you an understanding of why i think they might be biased. all right, so take a look. this is trump in new hampshire, right? because we can go down to the town level there. i just wanted to look at dartmouth that ten over and unh durham and take a look here at dartmouth. look at this trump just got 13% in the room republican primary. so it's not just that you don't have a lot of democrats are even the republicans who are voting really don't like trump, unh, he just got 29% of the vote there in the republican primary, 22% in the 2020
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general election. so the fact is, yes, donald trump is raked historically low by political scientists. but the fact that they are amongst, they are very liberal themselves and even the republicans in their ranks are not exactly trump-friendly. so i'm not sure exactly trust it though biden will certainly take his ranking over donald trump's 40% that a fly think that this very fair, all right, but who ranks the highest, like, where are the top rank president's? >> yeah, who ranks the highest on this presidents day, you can spell it with some posture fee, not before the s after the or you can just say it's washington's birthday observed. i like that one pretty well. washington interesting left ranks, third on this list fdr ranks second, lincoln ranks first. you were pointing out to me, sir, you're like, wow, washington ranks author. i should note that sometimes these go back and forth. so i've seen rankings that have washington first or washington's second, but these generally tend to be the top that's what one of the things you know, i was pointing out earlier, you know how i don't necessarily trump where
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political scientists write them right now, because the fact is these things can move a force. look at these presidential ranking big mover back in 1962, ulysses s grant was 30th. look where he is now 17 andrew johnson and the other hand was above grant in 1962. he was 23rd. now he's near trump at 43. historians have sort of look back at the record at different generation of historians say, you know, we really don't like johnson. we vastly prefer grant to him. i wouldn't be surprised that the trump and biden rankings move as we go forward in the future for the fact is this just a snapshot in time, just like a poll is, right? >> that's right. and there's sentiment changes when you look at the history. when sentiment changes, you might see the numbers change as well. harry enten, it's always lovely to see you until you see on presidents day, i'm president s apostrophe. that's how i okay. all right, kate, i'm like, >> don't often see the full screen with, you he says andrew johnson up here. so we're gonna go from the present in the past two now, who will be the president in the very near future, joining us right now is
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susan page, washington bureau chief for usa today. and summing kim, cnn political analyst and white house reporter for the associated press, seung min, cnn as cnn's isaac dovere, has really interesting new reporting about vice president kamala harris, the role that she has had in the reelect, but also it's more about how she is pushing to break through biden's campaign information, quote, unquote bubble pushing to have more prominent role in the campaign strategy. let me read this for you. multiple leading democrats anxious about a campaign they fear might be stumbling past a point of no return. say their conversations with harris have been a surprising and welcome change after months of feeling sloughed off by the white house and biden campaign headquarters in wilmington, delaware there's a lot of talk about resets and if there's even time for resets for the biden campaign, what do you think about this in terms of the role kamala harris has played, could play in is playing in the reelect i mean, that reporting was fascinating because we know
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that looking at biden world, it's can be a very insular circle. president biden relies on a very tight and small group of close advisers who aren't always necessarily receptive to outside concerns. these biden, these, these, these people close to biden look at the fact that a lot of the democrats, a lot of the political pundits were wrong in 2028, 2022, 2023. and there'll be wrong again in 2024. but vice president harris, by the virtue of her in her position that she is can break through biden's inner circle in a way and kinda be that bridge to other democrats who can air the concern it's kind of openly and candidly to her and we know that she's taken a much more prominent role in the last couple of years within the white house, obviously being the administration's point person when it comes to abortion rights, we saw her take a big role in foreign policy at the munich security forum over the weekend. and it turns of campaign strategy, if she could be that bridge between the outside democrats who want to tell her, we're here these
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concerns and michigan, we're hearing these concerns in nevada. can you get our concerns to the president's inner circle and the campaign team that certainly could be an effective role for her. >> susan, i wanna get your taking this because there's also this in the reporting that harris often says in one-on-one conversations and smaller group gatherings as described to cnn by two dozen people, that she doesn't worry, biden will lose to trump, but she does worry about losing quote-unquote to the couch how real is that fear? the fear that people just susie asm gap, they're just not going to show up. they're just not into it >> you know, it's a big threat for democrats because democrats rely on the votes of some very reliable voters. black voters have been very reliable borders, but they also need the votes of some people well, who are hard to get to vote, including young people they need support from young people and they need them to turn out and turned by the way, it turned out for them, not for some third-party candidate. so
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energizing their base, energizing swing voters who may be against trump, but not so much for biden. that is one of the prime mary jobs that the biden campaign faces in the selection year. >> that's absolutely right. >> and >> some there's also new reporting or not highlight some new reporting from melanie zanona and haley talbot. talbot and lean on your past experience with me covering capitol hill on the shocking number of high-profile retirements among house republicans. i mean, we're talking you've got just did some of the high profile you're seeing the numbers on your screen, but you've got the chair of energy and commerce, cathy mcmorris rodgers, mike gallagher, who's really seen as the future, one of the people that kind of embodies the future of the party. you mean he just announced that he's leaving and here's how ken buck how he's put it. they've signed up to do serious things and we're not doing serious things how big of a deal is this? i mean, we're talking about serious down-ballot
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upheaval in a presidential year right right i mean, if you were telling me that the chairperson of the house energy and commerce committee, which is one of the most powerful >> positions you can hold on capitol hill, yet oversight over so many important issues of the day. if you are giving that up before your term limits were up saying, i'm out of here. that is a serious that sigh for the republican party and you're talking about my gallagher as well really seen as a rising star of the republican party accorded to run in that wisconsin senate race against tammy baldwin. and it can mean one of two things. one, it could certainly mean that a lot of republicans are concerned about their party's prospects of keeping control of the house in november. obviously, they have the tiniest of majorities right now, but also to even if they were in the majority, this is not some place where they want to be anymore. they don't see red cells. be able to do the public service that perhaps got them to run for office. and the first place on either side, either way is really bad. is
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really bad outlet for the republican party it adds some more uncertainty to what we're going to be saying very soon, susan, let me ask you this, susan, because among many republicans that remain, there seems to me this cognitive dissonance right now over vladimir putin, that's being exposed once again, tim scott kind of embodied at this weekend, calling putin a murderous dictator on cnn. and then applauding donald trump's approach to vladimir putin. watch this >> but we need strong leadership coming from america, but actually pushes back against russia and other dictators. unfortunately, a joe biden is not up for that charge, and donald trump is can this, can that last this kind of cognitive dissonance for elective republicans here >> talking about your serious political >> gymnastics there. so you know, tim scott took a very hard line against putin and
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then turned around and said yun, donald trump is the one to standup can even though donald trump has yet to mention putin, for instance, in response to the death of navalny, you know, it we saw the house intelligence chairman mike turner do a similar maneuver. it is if donald trump is elected president again, i don't think you're going to see be able well, let's see members of congress effectively do that. do that turn because he'll be calling the shots on the actual implementation of american policy. so if you want to take a tough line against putin, that's going to be hard to do if you're a republican with trump in the white house as quite a thing to say it, but it's also quite a thing to see you too. it's great to see you guys. thank you so much. >> fred. >> all right, kate, coming up new details on the search for missing 11 year-old girl in texas. why police say they believe a man jailed on unrelated charges? maybe involved plus incredible new video shows the moment a florida officer pulls a six month old baby out of a car
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following a horrific act. >> on hold on. let me get you guys out there. >> when we read hearts. come here. >> we have >> i know, ma'am, on helping you. i'm trying to help you >> candidate john edwards cheated on his cancer-stricken i had a baby with his girlfriend and then tried to pass it off as a campaign staffers kid. >> we're here to get your side of the story >> united states of scandal with jake tapper, new episodes sunday at nine on cnn >> have you heard slant jd offers the news you love for less weight you look and sound just like me actually, i am you. because on the same news programs on sling for less, you mean you're me but for less money, a lot less. i'm all your favorite news programs and more on sling starting at just $40 a month. everything great about me, but for less money, which makes me greater than you think
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>> pop them a tax relief i'm jeremy diamond didn't tel aviv and this is cnn >> we want to show you some
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incredible, but harrowing body camera footage this morning, the video shows a deputy in florida saving a baby's life after a speeding motorcycle crashed into the mom's car and the six month old was trapped in that car. have to warn you. the video is very discouraged, starving, you'll hear a lot of screaming >> let me truck man let me check we're going to, infant. >> there's a pulse. >> okay. >> can you tell mom? >> hey, burden burke. >> they have a pulse just so you know, can you let mom know >> you can feel the chills going down your neck after you hear that mother screaming, is she alive? and then you hear the officer say, yes, there's a pulse charlotte county deputy
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sergeant dave musgrove's quick actions saved the life of the baby, whose name is low lap now, well, lola is still in the hospital. she is in critical condition. her grandmother expressed her immense gratitude to the officer. this morning on fox and gave an updated condition on how lola is doing >> devs, our hero. he always will be. i know he doesn't like to be called that, but there's nothing else to call him. yes, he was doing his job, but he did write doing its job for life changing for my entire family because we would not have baby lola had it not been for him and his quick action. so there's there's no debt of gratitude either side of the family that we can we are seeing all of good progress. i mean, she's still is on a ventilator, but like kaylee's and she's opening or her eyes and looking at us and hertling
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>> i was maybe little his grandmother. and your heard her say that she is making good progress. we are very thankful to hear that and thankful for that, officer fred. >> oh, >> incredible ceremony that gets you right here as does this next story in texas. it is the fifth day the search for a 11-year-old audrii cunningham police now say a man who is in police custody on unrelated charges is suspected of involvement in the case. cunningham was supposed to catch a school bus on thursday morning, but she never got on the bus or made it to school. cnn's rosa flores is in livingston, texas rosa. what more do we know about this investigation >> yeah. fred, i just got off the phone with the sheriff's office and also with the search team known as texas ecua search. and both groups say that they have teams searching for adraee cunningham, right now. one of those teams is just no north of where i am about 11 minutes drive on the lake that you see behind me and we have a map to show you to give you a sense of the area that is being
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searched and some of the key places. you can tell from that map, the area that says that where audrey count cunningham was last seen. that's where i am this is the area where she was supposed to catch the bus on thursday. she never made it to school. she didn't get off the bus on the way home either. and so that's when her father called authorities and reported her missing. again, that was on thursday. now, if you look at that map and just south of that location we're im you'll see that there's a lake livingston dam, according to police, that's where a bright red backpack with a kitty that belong to audrey cunningham was located on friday. now, if you keep looking south just downriver on the trinity river where the trinity river meets i59. that's where authorities we're searching on sunday. so you can get a sense of this big search along this body of water for adraee cunningham, that
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police say that they have recovered other items, not just the backpack, but they're not going into those details. her mother making a plea for help. take a listen >> she has so many opportunities ahead of her and she deserves every right to be able to reach those opportunities. >> now, state police have identified an individual as a person of interest, and this individual has been taken into custody, been on an unrelated charge, a charge for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, but again, it is not linked to the disappearance of this little girl. but police say say that there is a foul play and they are calling this a criminal investigation, but they won't go into the details. take a listen >> our primary focus and hope is that we bring audrey safely home. but we also realized that foul play maybe a factor and
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fred, there is a $7,000 reward. and as i mentioned earlier, there are multiple teams searching for this little girl right now, friend my gosh, i hope they find them all. okay. thank you so much. rosa flores, kate the new warning from the world health organization today that one of the last functioning hospitals in gaza >> is no longer functional, as israel says, hamas is conducting military activities from there. >> and >> nearly the entire state of california bracing now for yet another massive storm will be back >> be a headliner las vegas. that's what i want to do. >> it's unlike anywhere else in the world. >> vegas, the story of sin city sunday at ten on cnn >> some people go to the ends of the earth to find adventure you just have to travel to the end of the road because here in
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do with local offices throughout the country or does hope you get the compensation you deserve 800 to eight to 44, 44 president biden, returning to the white house this morning from rehoboth, he just spoke to reporters as he was heading back into the white house. let's watch us together >> were they walking the wake away? where we're walking away?
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>> over >> are there at the end? he was asked about how essentially how to respond with regard to alexey navalny's death. and he says, obviously there are a lot of sanctions already in place against russia, but they're considering additional sanctions. what those would be, how impactful they would be. that remains to be seen. let's get some more reporting from the white house will be working on that and bring that to you. we're also watching this right now. the world health organization, it says one of the last remaining hospitals serving people in the gaza strip is no longer functional following an israeli military operation, there these really military says they have evidence that hamas was operating within the hospital and israel now says that it is preparing to expand military operations in rafah. if the remaining hostages that hamas
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continues to hold are not returned by the beginning of the holy month of ramadan. let's get to cnn's nic robertson. he's in tel aviv for us talk to me about this possible expansion in rafah >> yeah, i think that speaks to two things. having a deadline set. it speaks to the government here trying to put more pressure on hamas to come to the israeli government's terms of any deal to release the hostages, hamas wants a permanent ceasefire the israeli government is offering a six-week pause at best. so there's that, but i think it also speaks to the fact that the military operations that are going on in han eunice, that big city where the hospital or who you were just mentioning, the nassau hospital is effectively out of bounds, has become an idf camp for one of a better expression, the idf said they rounded up about 100 terror suspects, sara over the weekend. the who just managed to evacuate 14 critical care patients for five of them on dialysis but the point i'm
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trying to make here about hahn yunis's that military operation has been going on for much longer than the idea yes, expected. so just a couple of weeks ago, the prime minister who was speaking about getting the rafah operation done before ramadan. now, now the narrative, there's war was started. if the hostages aren't handed over at the beginning of ramadan. and i think that speaks to that issue that the idf is perhaps not quite ready, not quite there yet in the numbers they need. now, the government here has said absolutely, we'll get these 1.5 million civilians out of the way if the idf goes into rafah, the government seems very committed to that course of action going into rafah, where those civilians are going to go really isn't clear. they haven't made that public can what we've seen over the weekend, civilians evacuating out of rafah were caught up in bombings elsewhere. numbers of them killed. so i'm the picture about rafah at the moment is it's one that is raising more and more
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international concern. but now there's a deadline and the government really seems on track for that operation. >> nick. it's great to see you. thank you so much for that context that reporting sir. >> all right. let's bring in doctors a harris a little. he's the president and co-founder of medglobal, a non-profit medical humanitarian organization i'm just curious. i know that you have just come out of gaza. you were there in january for two weeks, but i want to ask you about the latest thing that israel is saying, which we just heard reported from nic robertson there, that there now warning it will expand its military operations in rafah if hamas does not returned all of the hostages by the month of ramadan, which that holy month begins for muslims on march 20 this year, what are your thoughts and hearing? that this morning >> thank you, sara, for addressing this critical issue. the situation as everyone knows, in gaza, is extremely critical in term of the impact on populations that 2.2 million
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people, 1.5 million of them live in rafah, half of them are children, 75% of them are women and children we already know that more than 12,000 children were killed when out of 100 children in gaza have been killed. this is the equivalent of half-a-million american children being killed in a matter of three months. rafah is the last refuge of the 70% of the population. it's the core also of humanitarian aid and access the only access to humanitarian aid is from asia through rafah, border crossing. if rafah offensive started and i hope that it will not, then that would mean the 1.5 million people won't have any place to go. when i was in rafah and we stayed in rafah and khan yunis. everywhere you go, there are tents. they are camps of the internally displaced people from other parts of lyza. they had no other place to go. the fighting is very close to everyone. you see the bombs, you hear the bombs, and you see them as casualties every day. and nazzal hospitals and other
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hospitals, there is increasing grade of severe malnutrition of diseases. you have 67,000 people who were injured, half of them have moderate to severe injury. eight of them, 8,000 of them are awaiting evacuation. the situation is really a stain on our humanity. anything that can be done by our administration to stop the offensive, an increase access to humanitarian aid in rafah and the rest of us should be done dr. sahloul can you describe to me because you're talking about all the things that you've been seeing. we're seeing some video here from khan yunis. but all the things that you were seeing and as a dr. what were the hardest things to deal with as you're trying to save lives, as you're trying to treat these really gruesome injuries the worst thing frankly, is the fact that we have very limited resources despite of this war being >> there for now, for months or so and all the talk about increasingly humanitarian aid. i worked in a clinic, many global clinic in rafah. we were
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seeing 700 to 800 patients a day beijing patients came to me who have diabetes, children, and we do not have insulin for children and diabetes for diabetic patients. and in rafah in gaza, there's no seizure medications, there's no chemotherapy patients with cancer died because there's no chemotherapy there's no blood pressure medications, there's no cervicals surgical equipment that are needed to treat fractures. so limited resources, the impact of the war on the mental health, children and woman and the elderly, and the health care workers who are under a lot of stress. all of this makes gaza, israel clearly a terrible situation right now for everyone, every humanitarian should be talking about what's going on for the children or pregnant women for the elderly, for the health care workers in gaza. and i'm not seeing improvement in the situation despite all the talk about that. >> yeah. the lack of having something to treat someone who
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is already going through something like cancer or diabetes. and on top of which you are seeing some really disturbing and gruesome injuries as people come in from the war itself, i do want to ask you about something that israel has said. they have said that the military cap i'm sure dozens and these are their words of terror suspects during a raid on southern gaza's main hospital did you see anything like that? what do you make of hearing that? from the israeli government? >> i worked at nassar hospital the same hospital. that's right now is out of work of activity. unfortunately for five days with a group of medglobal volunteer surgeons. we worked in the emergency room department in the icu and all floors. we have not seen any signs of militarization. there's there's no guns there. it's like my hospital in chicago. it's one of the tertiary centers there. we did not see any active military activities. these reports have to be verified by a third
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party. of course a militarization of any hospital is against international humanitarian law, but also attacking hospitals and letting patients die because of lack of electricity or oxygen or medical supplies is also against international humanitarian law. one thing does not justify what's going on right now to the health care system in gaza? >> you went there, you did heroic work. i know it is a danger to you and it's a dangerous all of the people who are trying to work and save their families at the same time. and it's just a terrible situation there for the population that is in gaza doctors, the kherson lowell. thank you so much for taking a few minutes out. to speak with us here now that you are back in the us, we appreciate your time >> thank you, sara. >> friend. >> all right. coming up back in this country nearly the entire state of california is under flood alerts as another atmospheric river is set to slam the west coast everybody
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bo lillis in washington. >> and this >> is cnn >> california's once again getting slammed with heavy rainfall, strong winds, and massive waves today, we've just learned the santa barbara airport was closed due to flooding on the airfield, nearly the entire state remains under flood alerts this morning, just days after the state was soaked with record breaking rainfall, cnn meteorologist derek van dam joining us right now. so derek, how long is this going to go on? >> yeah. we've got at least another 24 hours of this across the state. we have 37 million americans under some sort of flood advisory or flood alerts across the california state, but just issued within the past half an hour is a flash warning, including west hollywood hills and west of there into malibu so something we are concerned about. so we'll watch out for the potential for flash flooding as moderate to heavy bands of rain move into a very saturated part of los angeles county.
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remember, we've had a few other atmospheric river events, palm, the state of california lately. and this is just another one bringing the rain and snowfall to the area. unfortunately, with the hilly terrain rain across parts of california, you factor in the saturated environment, doesn't take much to allow for rock slides and landslides occurred just like what happened in del norta overnight last night. another additional four to five inches of rain santa barbara to ventura and a western los angeles county. we will be measuring snowfall in feet across the sierra nevada mountain range, heavy rain across northern california, and a lot of energy associated with the system. so gusts over 60 miles per hour, certainly a possibility, especially where you see that shading of red and had rig i've got to end with this. we have the potential for localized spin-ups or even an isolated tornado in and around the central valley storm prediction center has a slight risk of tornadoes and severe weather across this region, something right? >> yeah. very severe step derek van dam. thank you so much.
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