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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  February 17, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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this election is about who shares your values. let me share mine. i'm the only candidate with a record of taking on maga republicans, and winning. when they overturned roe, i secured abortion rights in our state constitution. when trump attacked our lgbtq and asian neighbors, i strengthened our hate crime laws. i fought for all of us struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. i'm evan low, and i approve this message for all of our shared values. jerry can go camping and be ready. before monday, sign up for free visit, ai or download the app. >> i'm evan perez at the federal court in washington. and this is cnn close captioning. he's brought to you by christian faith publishing, right? for a higher purpose published with us christian
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faith publishing is an author friendly publisher who understands it. your labor is more than just a book color our scan for your free riders guide, 804551827 >> all right. hello again, everyone. when thank you so much for joining me. i'm fredricka whitfield in washington, dc. we're monitoring several new development as world leaders convened for a major security conference in munich, germany. one of the leading topics, the death of russian opposition leader alexey navalny and allegations that it came at the direction of vladimir putin. new today, navalny's team says his mother and lawyer arrived at the morgue where officials told them and his body was being examined only should be told his body was not there. navalny's family saying he was murdered in prison, and the global backlash ash surrounding his death is growing. officials at the munich conference are also discussing new revelations about russia's attempts to create a nuclear space weapon. cnn is learning exclusive new
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details about its capabilities to cripple global communications. all of this, as the wars in israel and ukraine rage on today, vice president kamala harris met with ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy, us aid for ukraine is on hold as house lawmakers go on a two-week recess without taking action on a supplemental security package. today, the vice president said in time to stop the political games and washington we must be unwavering and we cannot play political games. political gamesmanship has no role to play in what is fundamentally about the significance of standing with an ally as it indoors, an unprovoked aggression. there's only plan a which is to ensure that ukraine receives what it needs. i will emphasize that an indication of
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where we can and frankly must be is that there is bipartisan support in both of our houses of congress on the senate side and the house of representatives and it is my full belief that were the supplemental package of security package to make it to the floor of the house of representatives, that it would actually pass cnn's christian amanpour, who was at the conference, spoke with zelenskyy about the death of alexey navalny. he said this is just another example of why the world needs to stand up to vladimir putin we have to work and one, in one join team that did answer. if you grant will be alone, you have to understand what will be in russia will destroy the osce, destroyed baltic destroy poland, and they can do it >> cnn, chief international security correspondent nick
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paton walsh is also in munich. nick, what else are we hearing from world leaders? >> yeah look, i, think as in yesterday, today still great focus, great sadness over the death of alexey navalny as we hear more tells about his team's bids to essentially confirm that death and retrieved the body. his mother went to the prison colony this morning, we are told up in the arctic circle known as polar wolf it's told them that his body being taken to a nearby administrative center, a town called salah hard. she went to the morgue. there, was told the body wasn't in the morgue and his team are being told by the russians investigators that they've looked into this initially and found, quote, nothing criminal about it. the mother has now officially been informed of their by a telegram. so a feeling i think there by navalny supporters is that the circumstances of his death are essentially being covered up and the main never get to the bottom. but despite their desperate efforts and that perhaps reflected, i think in the reaction we're seeing here, internet i should point out at this stage that we don't have concrete proof that navalny was murdered by the putin government, although they
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certainly didn't look after a man of frail health by sending them up to an arctic circle. hey, all yet still, antony blinken, us secretary of state, saying very clear, this is another excited, extraordinary brutality of the putin administration. in fact, we had european officials yesterday directly using the word murder when they referred to the death of navalny, but his passing, his unexpected death has galvanized i think opinion neon's here that could easily have been slightly more focused or troubled by former president donald trump's assertions that nato is integrity might laps and he might even go russia to they'd, people who didn't pay towards their defense enough instead, very clear statements and vision now about the threat that russia poses. and that's also i think assisted that message of ukraine's president volodymyr ms lenski, who today took the stage, gave a very impassioned speech, essentially telling european leaders that his struggle could soon be their struggle, that russia may not stop with, you crane. and to having to deal with the complex news, not only the death of navalny and the
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reminder of how brutal putin can be on distanced and to the outside world. but the loss of key town by ukrainian avdiivka in the east, the subject of fierce fighting for months, for weeks frankly. and finally this morning ukraine saying that they are withdrawing from it, a sign that that lack of $60 billion from the us is taking a bitter toll on the front line here there are multiple areas we're hearing of russian advances about at this stage, or potentially and balances. and so a real life consequences of that republican dysfunctionality in congress, zelenskyy saying for every seven, every one ukrainian soldiers that died, seven russians died. that may sound like a benefit to ukraine, but it shows how many lives russia is willing in ukraine's view to squander here, to take a small town the sign of enormous challenge ahead for ukraine, even if it does get all that western aid fredricka >> all right, nick paton walsh in munich. thanks so much. ahead on cnn, a special encore of the oscar winning cnn film
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that follows alexei navalny's life as an outspoken opposition leader and assassin that's the nation target. navalny airs tonight at nine eastern right here on cnn. or let's get more analysis now from someone who knows putin's russia very well. bill browder is the ceo of hermitage capital management and head of the global magnitsky justice campaign, a campaign named for browder's lawyer, sergei magnitsky, who died in a russian prison after browder had been forced out of the country. good to see, you. so no one doubts putin was behind navalny's adapt are hearing it rocha coffee, a voices, his family and advocates want his body returned, especially to get to the bottom of the cause of death. do you believe they will ever receive steve it? >> i do not. they may receive the body, but what was going to happen is the russians have a script for playing out at these cover up we saw it when they
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murdered sergei magnitsky. they then forced the family to bury the body because they said that if the family didn't bury the body immediately, it would decompose. so the family wasn't entitled to their own autopsy. same thing, same types of things will happen and here and we're already starting to see it. where were they first said there was no no foul play that he died of natural causes. then they want the family wants the body and they say they don't know where the body is when they finally find the body, there'll be some more nonsense like this. these are the games that the russians play in order to prevent people from learning the truth about what happened to alexey navalny >> i mean, the cruelty and playing these games and then just a day prior, look, we're looking the video here right now. you can see navalny's charisma here he is in a penal colony and even appearing before the judge showing humor, connecting with the judge. so so was that enough to anger
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putin or someone in putin's orbit to see that he is not breaking down so to speak >> well, well, i think that this is this is the whole reason why putin hates navalny generally is that navalny is a he's a symbol of defiance no matter what they did to him, they sent, they poison him with novichok. he survived. >> he then >> was brave enough to come back to russia. and then they put him in jail and basically put them in torturous conditions with solitary confinement and whenever he comes out, he smiles. >> and so >> he's a symbol of, of, of what it means to defy putin no matter what they throw at him, he's still smiled, he is still joked. he was still sarcastic. and he's still ridiculed putin and so that if, if navalny could do that, then other people could do that. and so for putin, who's like a mafia boss, he can't tolerate that
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kind of disrespect. and so at a certain point, he decided to end it. end he ended it with a murder of alexey navalny. and there's no question in my mind that this was a murderer >> and what about the timing that this would happen while this global security conference is happening in munich, surely putin would know that it would be a topic of conversation, of concern. it would ignite something here >> well well, certainly one thing i can say is that the russians weren't invited here after they invaded ukraine and so this is putin's way of making sure that, that he is the top of every single person's mind here, even though he's not invited but moreover, the timing has something to do with the election that's coming up i shouldn't even call it an election because this is not an election, but the the
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coronation of putin for another few years and putin didn't want to have any, any mishaps and he doesn't want any people to emerge as opposition candidates. and the best way hey to prevent anybody from emerging as an opposition person is to take the biggest oppositional person, the most popular opposition person, alexey navalny and kill him. and the matter siege to everybody else is if you even think about opposition, do you think about challenging putin? the consequences, death, and i guarantee you, nobody is going to want to challenge putin after that. >> you worry about navalny's family >> their tactics generally are stop at the principle. they don't usually go after the family. and so i think the family is safe. but but i can also say that that the people who were alexey navalny's political nicole allies are certainly at risk because the next thing that the russian government is going to do is going to make sure that those people don't emerge as sort of
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filling playing in. alexey navalny's shoes. and so we've seen that kind of thing before >> they'll browder always great talking to you. sadly, under such circumstances, because i think globally it's clear people are very saddened and also very frightened about what all of this means. thanks so much bill we're also getting exclusive new details about another potential russian threat with global implications sources tell cnn that russia is attempting to develop a nuclear weapon capable of not hockey out satellites orbiting earth. the effects of which could be devastating. cnn's oren liebermann has more from the pentagon >> according to three sources familiar with the intelligence russia is trying to develop a nuclear space weapon that would use effectively the byproduct of a nuclear explosion to try to disable and destroyed the satellites in space. the idea here, according to the sources, is not to use the explosion itself, which is how we
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traditionally think of a nuclear weapon or a nuke. instead, the explosion produces an electromagnetic pulse on incredibly powerful wave of energy that essentially fries the insides of satellites and renders them ineffective. now, crucially, this is not a system that's operational yet. it's still in development. the white house and the biden administration said that earlier this week, and president joe biden himself said on friday that there is no threat or any sort of nuclear the threat to the united states at this time. but this is clearly something that us is watching and here's why critical satellites for the us, including many military satellites, are built to defend against these sort of electromagnetic pulse waves and be able to withstand these waves but an explosion like this in space would affect a lot of commercial satellites and disrupt not only us satellites, but russian satellites, chinese and so many others. and those satellites are used for a number of different reasons, including communications, cell phone services, internet, and so much more, it would effectively disrupt or could disrupt all of
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that if it were used, not to mention, it would be a violation of the outer space treaty of the late '60s, which prohibits the use of nuclear weapons in space. and that's why the administration is watching this so carefully because of the threat and the risks such an explosion would have russia would only likely use it. the official say, or the sources say, as a last ditch effort because it's indiscriminate. it doesn't just affect us satellites. it affects any satellite that's near it and could potentially render a large number of satellites and effective still, it is a capability that the us is watching very closely as russia presses forward with this program, oren liebermann, cnn at the pentagon all right, still to come, a new cnn exclusive interview with germany's defense minister. he is warning about the threats facing europe and the future of nato. and new development men's at the us southern border, texas governor greg abbott announcing plans for an 80 acre base for the national
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guard near eagle pass, texas cnn newsroom brought to you by progressive, get a business insurance quote >> online in as little as six minutes visit progressive commercial jill >> when you're small business you were to doulas can be a lot that's why progressive makes it easy to see what the commercial auto quote online. so you can take on all your other to dos or you did see if you could say that progressive >> everyone sees meanwhile, at a >> vrbo, when other vacation rentals are just for likes, try one, you'll actually like to
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bye >> already sold to carvana go to carvana and track your car's value today. >> the whole story with anderson cooper tomorrow at eight on cnn texas governor greg abbott says he plans to build an 80 acre base to house up >> to 1,800 texas army national guard members on the us mexico border. he says the base will be built in eagle pass, the border city at the center of the contentious feud between texas and the biden administration cnn's camila bernal, joining me now with more on this. camila, what are you learning >> hey, friday? yeah. this is just another layer in that feud that you mentioned between texas and the biden administration over federal immigration policy. and governor greg abbott announcing that this base not only will be
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able to give space and flexibility to members of the national guard. but he says, there will be ability to expand as well. so there will be room for 18 members of the guard, but could expand to 2,300 members in this base, he says there will be not just the rooms, but also an area for dining and area for exercising, even a hell a pad. now the governor did not say exactly how much all of this will cause, but he did say that there will be a cost involved in all of this, but also said that he believes they will eventually save money by not having to pay hotel hello, rooms for these national guard members. now, the governor also saying that because of the proximity to the border, this base will give these members of the guard access. it will get make them faster when responding to things happening at the border with mexico and texas. now, he also says this will give members of the guard
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the ability to continue expanding the razor wire in that area. i want you to listen to what the governor had to say to make sure that the national guard has the flexibility and the proximity to any type of >> crossings north or south. shelby part, so that they will be able to move swiftly to those locations. and be able to impede the ability for anybody to cross illegally >> this will organize >> substantial forces also to expand the razor wire barriers that are going up >> and the razor wires have also been a contentious point here between the two. last year, the federal government had to fight over this because texas sued for having some of that razor wire cut now the supreme court said that border patrol agents can remove the razor wire as this legal
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process plays out, the biden administration saying that immigration is a federal matter and that they should be the ones in charge here. but governor greg abbott and the state of texas, as you're seeing here, just not back i came down, fred. >> all right. camila bernal. thanks so much. >> thank you >> our two teenagers remain detained on gun-related charges and resisting arrest following that mass shooting in kansas city gunfire broke out at the super bowl parade last wednesday, killing 43 year-old lisa lopez galvan and injuring 22 others. law enforcement officials tell cnn they believe the shooting was not a response to the super bowl celebration, but the result of a personal dispute missouri court excuse me, missouri court officials expect additional charges to follow in the ongoing investigation in the meantime, donors, including taylor swift, the chiefs, and the nfl has
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made sizeable contributions to support the victims. and to help in the support of violence prevention all right. still to come, an explosive week of testimony from fulton county district attorney, fani willis will judge disqualify her from overseeing donald trump's election subversion case i've done a lot roth criminal none. i don't want to thank that i was taking cash. >> lots, went back there >> governor rod blagojevich went down in a blaze of infamy charge because we're plotting to sell barack obama's former senate seat >> wait, what corruption lies, prison you're acknowledging >> he lied to the fbi. >> no real yeah. one, they will determine to get me no matter what, let me offer you an alternate theory. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper, back-to-back premiers tomorrow at nine on cnn i work hard and i want my money the work hard to. so i use my freedom and limited car
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>> terrence bradley was supposed to be a star witness for defense attorneys trying to disqualify fulton county district attorney, fani willis from the donald trump election interference case. but on friday wade's former law partner and divorce attorney, i couldn't provide details to show willis and nathan wade were lying about the extent of the romantic relationship. >> i have no personal knowledge of when it actually happened i was not there i do not have any personal knowledge. >> these are attorney-client privilege, a major hurdle for the defense, especially after a judge scott mcafee ruled bradley could not be asked about what privilege conversations he had with weighed about his relationship to talk about privilege >> happy to ask him the substance of the question. >> yet one defense attorney managed to introduce a text it's exchange with bradley and 2023 about the wade willis romance. >> so what i have is a text message from you saying, oh, my god, nathan took funny on a trip to napa and paid for with
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his firm >> continue reading. >> and you said easy that down. also testifying friday, fani willis, his father, backing up her heated testimony from thursday when she said she always keeps cash on hand. >> i've always kept case you know, and i've told my daughter you keep six months worth of cash, always on both days, money was center stage because defense attorneys are trying to prove that willis somehow benefited financially from a relationship with wade through gifts and vacations that weighed paid for with money he earned on the case, we went out multiple times. that probably went to the left hello, more than $100. but if we're doing for tat like that, i probably paid for as many meals as he paid for and so i did not receive any gifts from him and willis and wade both maintain the relationship began only after wade took the job of special prosecutor well, this his father testified he didn't know about the relationship
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until the rest of the world found out and only met him recently. >> it did not meet nathan wade until 2023 >> and a surprise turn, willis did not take the stand again on friday, her team believing they had enough to beat back efforts to this qualifier is safe and has no further questions. ms willis? >> the judge has signaled that these hearings will continue sometime in the next week when they do eventually wrap up. he's going to allow the state and defense attorneys to write replies and written legal briefs, which means that it could be weeks before we know the conclusion of these hearings altogether. these allegations have already led to a delay in this case prior to them surfacing, the da appear to be on track for an august star to this trial. for now, all of that has been put on hold nick valencia, cnn, atlanta all right. >> joining me right now to talk more about this, is anthony michael christ. he is a constitutional law professor at georgia state university, professor. great to see you again, so pretty powerful
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testimony from fulton county district attorney fani willis, her father, there, and a prosecutor, nathan wade this week did the trump co-defendants, attorneys prove any of their allegations that would have willis and team dismissed in your view >> i don't think so. so i was sitting in the courtroom and i was trying to act as if i were judge mcafee. right. >> the assessment >> the assessor of the facts. and by that, i mean not taking into account the allegations themselves, not taking into account news accounts or anything like that, but just simply looking at the evidence produced in that evidentiary hearing and the defendants have the burden here to show that willis basically profited from this prosecution and they've really just couldn't show that so what does the judge judge mcafee have to weigh and consider now >> well, wedding house to do is essentially look at all of the different pieces of testimony, look at all the evidence that has been entered in in terms of statements and documents and the like, assess the
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credibility of the different witnesses. way, how much kevin or how much weight he wants to give? yes. to assess that. and then basically determine what he thinks happened. and then from there, he has to decide what standard of the kind of ethical standard that he wants to apply for judges. we typically call, we talk about a appearance of impropriety. it's a very low standard. essentially, if it looks bad we don't want judges right? to look. anything other than impartial. we generally don't put that standard to prosecutors, but judge mcafee suggested that that was possibly on the table here the other question is, if he applies this concrete conflict of interest the defendant's really didn't show anything the defendants did not prove through evidence, through testimony that fani willis profited in any way, shape, or form from nathan wade employment with fulton county da's office. >> okay. so but the co-defendants did achieve one big thing, right? creating a distraction or i spectacle,
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choose your word. if willis and team remain on this subversion case, will this kind of evidentiary hearing, all that played out? well, it's still serve as a distraction or liability for the prosecution anyway well, i think she's certainly has a political problem. right? she has an election coming up in 2024. this may be an issue in that there's also a body that has been impaneled in the georgia state senate to investigate her and to look into the office and that could be problematic. there's also a prosecutorial ethics commission which could discipline her potentially for this and that could be an issue there. i doubt it in terms of the legal matters here in the trump case, there'll be ramifications, but the politics of this are very maybe not gravely bad for her, but they're, they're not great so at the same time, if willis and her team remain on this a burden case, what did you see
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in her >> demeanor and method that might foreshadow how she would prosecute the subversion case well, fani willis is known is known for being very, very tough and i think she demonstrated in her testimony that she does not anticipate or plan on being anything other than tough with these defendants and really bringing to bear the full force of her office in terms of i'm bringing all the resources to bear right? bringing an intense passion and really driving the message that she thinks that these individuals need to be held to account for election interference in the 2020 election. so i think she she's full she's seems to be very very much full steam ahead. she seems to basically she's basically because we've taken the same approach, so she took right from day one where she basically said, the people need to be held to account and she's going to hold them to account. but i think the real big question here is in terms
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of her timing, she really wanted to get this trial done in the summer. this is push things back a little bit. now we've got to trial scheduled in march in new york for donald trump's criminal trial there. the dc trial for election interference has been pushed back into the summer. so i mean, she's she's looking at a pretty prolonged process and so that's i think the big question outstanding. >> all right. professor anthony michael christ. good to see again. thank you so much >> thank you. >> all right. lies corruption, bribery, prostitution. sometimes the goal of upholding deals like truth and justice in america work in politics goes awry and the stranger than fiction situations that result leave the voting public's head spinning. and now in the new cnn original series, united states of scandal cnn anchor and chief washington correspondent jake tapper, dives into some of the most sensational political controversies and talks to some of the most infamous political
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power through corruption and violence and quote cnn senior international correspondent fred pleitgen spoke with germany's defense minister in an exclusive interview about the threats facing europe and the future of nato could be made completely clear yesterday, once more that he is willing and able to provoke us. he is willing and able to do everything to get us challenged. and we have to accept that challenger. we do it. >> so you think that the death of alexey navalny is a direct provocation of what western nations, at least the message is certainly came on suddenly young pups, one of the things that the ukrainians are saying is there on the defensive now in places like avdiivka, they've had to retreat, retreat from that town because they don't have enough arms what does germany need to do? what does nato need to do to help gemma is now but only now are already for some month as a second biggest supporter of ukraine after united states of america was a long, long distance to others we do only
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germany who more than double as all the other european countries. only this year we will spend more than 7.5 billion euros we came here with a package of one point billion for adults fans for how it says for utterly for ammunition iris t slm and so on. so we do everything we can afford, we can make, we can do how concerned are you about the future of nato then? because people like donald trump put it into question and he's the front runner right now, but we should not echo what trump is telling us in his election campaign. we should focus on our efforts on what we are doing. what can we do for strengthened the unity of the alliance and the part and among the partners this is a challenge and not echoing or command commenting what trump is saying here or there. >> of course, one of the things you said did it caused a stir here in germany when you said germany has to get creeks to stick ready for war. again, do you think german society is ready for something like that?
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and what does it mean? >> it's not about conducting a war against anybody is about being able to conduct a war if we are attacked and to be able to do whatever it is necessary to win that war. and this is quick strictly. and now we have to wake up and we did wait. wake up ready and wake up in another world in which we have again a threat in europe, a real threat, and we have to be aware of that and we have to prepare for that. and it takes of course, some time it's not possible to do that in between just a couple of months. but the awareness is necessary and therefore, i use that word to wake up coming up more than 27 million people are under a flood watch as back-to-back storms in this country barrel towards california. the forecast next >> sometimes the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn with cap later, there's a chance to lead in the light kept lighter is
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>> grow your business with freelance ai experts fibers king, >> charles wins, they get ten on cnn all. >> right, welcome back. a more than 27 million californians
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are under flood watch at this week with two back-to-back storms impacting most of the state california's still recovering from record breaking rainfall and hundreds of mudslides in the los angeles area earlier this month, joining me now is cnn meteorologist karen mcginnis. so how bad is it going to get potentially? >> fred, a lot of people are looking at these back-to-back atmospheric rivers with a lot of trepidation and fear because there's going to be a tremendous risk over the next 36 possibly 72 hours out. so until tuesday, possibly lingering into winter stay as well. i just took a look at some of the rainfall reports right around the bay area typically, we're going to see lighter amounts with this first round still gonna be gusty winds still will be rainfall, not as much as the second one. that's going to be the big punch that we see across california, not just central california. it shifts more toward southern california and it's going to linger if this were fast moving, maybe we
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wouldn't have the level of concern. now as far as that, mr. atmospheric rivers are concerned, this is a level two. it goes to five, but there are still the danger here as the accumulation of rainfall could be between one inches right? just to give you some idea, san francisco's already seen about 10.5 inches of rain so far this year typically for this time of year, they would see about six or seven. the same thing for los angeles, but they're looking at much more rainfall. so the threat for rock slides mudslides, debris flows. but not just that lot of people headed up towards the mountains to do some skiing for this long president's weekend. if you're headed towards the sierra, also into the wasach in the into the cisc use. we're looking at between 1.3 feet of snowfall, the there's could gust as high as 80 miles an hour on those ridge tops. if you're in the lower elevations, you're going to go over down or passed on or summit it to echo samak. you're
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looking at perhaps some my day delays coming up as you hadn't those directions. so be >> tomorrow. >> laura >> codes examines the >> federal criminal charges >> against former president trump. >> is it going to be difficult to meet this burden of proof? how strong is the government's case? the whole >> story with anderson cooper tomorrow at eight on cnn bad debt holding you back
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9, 8, 7, 1 8, 8, 8, 5, 2, 3, 4 9, 8, 7. >> manu raju on capitol hill. and this is cnn closed captioning bronchi by meso book >> we've offered a free book about missile filial muffler over ten years call 1808724901 are going to msal after last month's massive solar flare out at a 25th hour to the day i'm wondering what should we take in company-wide power nap
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>> anything can change the world of work from hr to payroll adp designs for the next stunning thing, start small, think big brought to you by adp always designing for people >> new orleans artists inspired by history's mysteries, makes miniatures for her living in today's start small, think big i'm lady delaney. i make miniatures, solve mysteries, and chase goes in new orleans. >> my miniatures tend >> to be replicas of things that you would find in a dusty old museo old skulls under domes and butterfly collections and dusty stacks of books it's an old miniature photographs and tiny paper dresses growing up, my grandfather may adult houses for my sister and me. and we enjoyed filling them with all sorts of little treasures. and now i shipped my
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miniature are all over the world to private collectors. and it's been in museums. i've had exhibits spending displays i grew up loving go stories in the case of the haunted doll house, i send these mysterious case files to people. it's almost like an escape room and a box, so you assemble the doll house and then you fill the rooms with tiny furniture each little piece in the box is a clue to the larger mr. it tells a bigger story. tiny tombs is a self-guided walking tour. the tiny tombs are scattered all over new orleans and hotels and antique stores all inspired by real new orleans tombs and muslims. each tiny tomb is dedicated to a different character. you have the center, you have the st. miniatures are a great way of bringing the world's of your imagination to light oh, my, it's faster. you got to have a lot of patients and clearly she's got a lot of it to >> all right. a who done it? a
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north carolina aquarium. one of its sting rays gets pregnant despite the fact that no male stingrays were present in the tank. so who's the daddy? here's cnn's jeannie moos could a stingray named charlotte end up pregnant when no male stingray has ever been in her tank, >> the $64,000 question, who's the daddy? we think charlotte, her own dad? >> staff at the aquarium in shark lab by team echo and north carolina are so bonded with charlotte, she lets them caress her when they found a lump, they feared it was cancer. an ultrasound proved otherwise. >> here's a baby several babies, but how she has always been a single ray, she need re tinder. the most likely explanation, something called parthenogenesis. i've been called do-it-yourself reproduction sort of a virgin birth the female's egg becomes
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an embryo without fertilization. but there's another far less likely theory to male sharks that were placed in the tank. this is mo, and this is larry named after, you know, who might one how do you strike a mother with an infinite the staff found bites on charlotte and male sharks tend to bite during mating, but experts at the georgia aquarium and elsewhere say a shark stingray hookup would be anatomically impossible. the aquarium plans to do dna testing when the babies are born the denver zoo recently used dna to determine who was the daddy of this four month old array attain. and they had mori popovych announced the results >> you are the father >> the aquarium may not yet know how that baby get here, but if accurate conception is
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the best theory that we're telling everyone don't drink the water from this tank. >> tell that to the diverse snorkeling in it jeannie moos. cnn new york hello again, everyone. thank you so much for joining me. i'm fredricka whitfield in the nation's capital happening right now, world leaders are meeting in a major security conference in munich germany at a time of uncertainty and festering tensions across the globe with their discussing multiple new developments, including the death of russian opposition leader alexey navalny vanni's team says his mother and lawyer arrived at the morgue today where officials told them his body was being examined only to be told his body was not there and a growing number of countries, including the us, are blaming vladimir putin for navalny's death


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