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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  February 16, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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placed my order. bring your own team together with customers here it gets started today at >> this is cnn. >> the world's news any minute. >> now, former president trump will learn the price that he'll pay for fraudulently inflating financial statements for years. and the fate of his family's business empire may hang in the balance. prosecutors asking for a $370 fine and potentially crippling restrictions on how the trumps can do business in new york, plus hootan biggest critic is now reportedly dead and president biden says putin is responsible, we're following the global reaction to alexey navalny's death >> and more courtroom drama but in atlanta, the da of the center of dramas, election of trump's election case in georgia. there's now fighting to stay on the job. prosecutors think that fani willis is fiery
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testimony yesterday is enough to beat the push to disqualify her. and today, her dad took the stand defending his daughter i'm boris sanchez with brianna keilar in the nation's capital. we're following these major developing stories and anymore, we've actually want to get right to kara scannell. kara, do we have a ruling in the donald trump's civil fraud trial case? >> yeah, we do, boris, we just got the ruling. it is 92 pages long and i'm scanning through it right now. but when i looking at these numbers, the totals that the judge is ordering collectively in the case. so this will include all of the defendants. i'm getting a total of 362 million and i'm just scrolling through this now i can see that there's the, dollar amounts specific to donald trump. i'm going to use a calculator to do some rough math, gets us to, for donald trump about $354 million. that's for him. the company, the trump organization, so very close to what the new york attorney general's office was seeking of $370 million million. there there's a lot
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of a lot of zeros here and a lot of other numbers. but roughly $354 million is the judgment against donald trump. the judge also found that his son, eric trump, is liable in the amount of $4 million. donald trump jr. is liable and the amount of 4 million. and allen weisselberg, the former chief financial officer, is liable in the amount of 1 million i haven't had a chance to read through the language of what the judge said here, but really this was about the money because the judge had already found that donald trump, his sons, and allen weisselberg, had engaged in fraud by issuing fraudulent financial statements, giving them to banks and insurers in order to obtain favorable rates. he ruled that before the trial, but we did go through a three-month trial. the judge was looking to determine how much in ill-gotten gains us what this word of discouragement means, the money that they benefited from. so now the judge issuing this significant ruling, more than $350 million against donald trump and the trump organization and against the suns. i'm going to i just see
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if i can quickly search to see what the judge said about any band that was the other outstanding question here. i'm not able to find that very quickly, but that is another issue that we're looking for here of what the judge says about whether he's banning trump from doing business or his sons. but this ruling, there was a question of whether the sons would be found to be liable because the judge said at the end of the trial during closing arguments, he asked the attorney general's team if he said he wasn't sure there was sufficient evidence against the suns, this ruling here indicating that he believes that they did it least receive improper profits and asking them to discourage that to the as a result of this case, this is a significant win for the new york attorney general, letitia james. she'd been investigating this case ever since michael cohen testified before congress when he made this first allegation that trump had inflated the value properties to get better loans rates on loans and insurance, and to pay less in taxes. so she is now justified by this
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finding by the judge. and again, this was a judge trial. this was not a jury trial. so we've been waiting for judge arthur engoron to issue this ruling, and now we have it. we still have to continue to read through it. our team is doing that. as i speak, but of real significant win for the new york attorney general and a loss for donald trump in this case that goes to the heart of his reputation that reputation that he was successful real estate businessman, that he wrote to the white house. the judge finding here that there was fraud, there was liability and saying that trump needs to pay back more than $350 million. boris, brianna yeah, it goes so much to his identity. this is clearly one of the cases. one of the legal issues, issues that he's facing that bothers him the most here as the attorney general in new york had argued that it was the marketplace that was harmed here and was seeking to recoup this disgorgement. are these ill-gotten? i can gains let's go ahead and bring in paula reid or achieve legal correspondent to talk about
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what she is seeing here with our understanding here, paula bit, this is really hot off the presses. this ruling yes, the paper is still warm, but we're going through it right now. as you and kara were talking about this case is so personal because it represents such a threat to trump's business, his family business in his identity. remember, is his identity as a businessman. they brought him fame before he arrived at the white house. but then looking at the summary of this ruling, we see an addition to the monetary penalties that kara just laid out. they have found him liable for fraud and they are going to continue the appointment of an independent monitor. so back in 2022, the judge installed a monitor to keep an eye on exactly what the trump organization was doing when it came to its business dealings. now, among the things this monitor on covered, were a $48,000,000 loan for example, to the company itself, but there was no paperwork. they couldn't really find any information that was just one thing that came up. now, trump lawyers have insisted because
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they loaned the money to themselves. they didn't have the paperwork that they needed and insist that the monitor has found no fraud. now doj also here orders the installation of an independent director of compliance. but i also want to note that they are saying here the judge is saying that they're going to limit the defendant's right to conduct business in new york for few years. now it's probably going to take a few minutes before we unpack exactly what that means. does that does not appear for to be an indefinite ban. the so-called corporate death penalty. but it does appear that the judge is going to put some restrictions on trump and the trump organization's ability to do business in this state of new york. but let's go back to the idea of this independent director of compliance that appears to be maybe an executive level person who will ensure that they are being honest when evaluating their assets, when applying for insurance or loans from banks because of course that is what the judge here found trump liable for last fall before this trial started, they said you are liable for fraud. they believe that he was not honest
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about the value of his assets because he was trying to get more favorable terms from banks, from insurance companies now, trump's defense here was that they were, these are subjective valuations and then ultimately there was no victim. and i want to note when it comes to barring any one from doing business in the state of new york. the so-called corporate death penalty is something that is rarely handed down in the state of new york, especially when there is no obvious victory we're going to keep reading to learn more about the limits that they're going to put on his ability to conduct business in new york over the next few years. >> polo, we'll let you get to it, please stand by. we have a couple of important voices now on these developments. we're now marriotti is with us. norm eisen, as well as doug heye looking at the political angle of this. first to you norm just your reaction to this filing by judge engoron and the news from paula that the trump organization will not face the corporate death penalty, though there will be some limits on
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their ability to do business in new york boris, it's another devastating blow to the former president. >> and >> yesterday there was the criminal case in new york state on allegations of fraud at the end of the 2016 election that in the form of paying hush money, now you get this civil fraud ruling in almost the full amount requested, over $360 million against donald trump, his businesses associated persons and entities. >> and >> it does have significant sanctions on donald trump and others, including his son's continuing to do business. so donald trump cannot serve as an officer or director of a new york company for three years.
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he cannot take out loans for three years as part of the penalty. it however, the one bright line again here for donald trump is the judge rolls back his prior determination of removing this certificates to do business. the so-called corporate death penalty that what have shut these companies down. he had gotten a pellet pushback and of course now all of this will be reviewed on appeal >> and i want to bring in renato just sort of with a technical question and paula jump into a view if you know this as we understand now that the judge has ordered trump to pay nearly 355 million in this civil fraud trial in these ill-gotten gains in disgorgement as it is called what happens because obviously he's appealing this is the is there some kind of bond that is
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posted? what what is the process for securing the money even as this appeals process continues, does he have to do that? >> so that's typically a case in most states, is that you do have to post a bond pending appeal and that often is something that you'll post a certain amount of capital you won't post the entire amount in order to obtain that bond here, i would expect for example, they're not only to be a bond that's posted, but of course, in the meantime he's going to have to comply with some of the conditions of the judges already imposed. so then that's going to limit as ability to continue to make money and run his business. i mean, it's a practical matter businesses have to be nimble and having an independent compliance director and a monitor. and so on is going to also i would say hamper his
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ability to be nimble and act in a way that he ordinarily might want to in his business. so i think it's a very significant impact on him in the short-run, regardless of his financial situation. i don't see anyway, despite trump often spinning things as a win, i just don't see how any lawyer with a straight face could tell their client that this is a great result. this is a devastating results for trump and his businesses. we also have seen an >> anchor, kaitlan collins with us. kaitlan your reaction hearing this news urine in touch with a lot of folks in trump world. i wonder how they're reacting to this yeah, they were bracing today. obviously they were not expecting this financial penalty to be anything. a light or anything favorable to them. they already knew that this was working against their favor given what the judge had ruled. and right now, they're reading this in real time, just like we are they were waiting. they knew it was expected to come out in the midafternoon noon, the former president is
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preparing to potentially speak on this. but as of this moment, since this just came out from the judge, they're looking at it themselves and i can tell you one thing that has caught their eye, that it's not totally clear what this actually means for the future of this company is what norm was just referencing there. or trump has been banned from serving in any top roles in any new york company for the next three years. also, his two adult sons cannot do it for the next two years based on on what i'm looking at. and of course, eric trump is essentially in charge of the he's the executive, the chief executive of the trump organization. and so when you're reading through this this is a question i've had for his team, is whether or not it means anyone in his family can run that in the near term. and what that means for the trump organization over the next two years. and so that is something that is very much in doubt at this moment as they are reading through this and trying to understand really the implications of this given they already knew just how expensive
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it was going to be. yes, they do plan to appeal, but the question since this is a little under what the attorney general was asking for here, it's not clear just how much they could potentially get it down if at all, in an appeal. and so that is certainly something that is kind of tying up this year's long investigation that trump has been fighting for so long. and now it's culminated with this ruling from the judge >> and kaitlan. >> if as we expect, >> the former president has to post some kind of bond while this goes through appeal to cover at least a portion of this $355 million while he appeals it, but he has to secure part of it. that is still a lot of money that is going to be tied up. how do you anticipate that will affect him in a very it real way, but also just i guess sort of how he feels about his image and the fact that that will be tied up
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>> yeah, it's >> not clear that it would necessarily bankrupt him. i mean, a lot of his money is tied up in real estate, as we know. so that's certainly going to be a focus of how exactly that works, how they structured for this, because even if they're appealing it, that doesn't mean they're going to get an answer to it right away. the other part of this that's really interesting is this independent monitor that they have that the appointment of that has been extended, that someone who is essentially watching for any kind of fraud or transactions that may look questionable that's something that in this ruling based on what i'm reading right now, has been extended for three years. that is something that trump has personally been irritated by. and so as has his attorneys because they say that that person who's been in place right now has cost them millions of dollars by what she's pointed out. and the fact that part of this punishment is extending that for three more years is certainly something that they're watching closely as far as the financial repercussions on him. i mean, obviously, this is a huge blow
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up. the question is what actually looks like. and of course the question of whether or not they can appeal, which is his tried and true stout strategy with all of these rulings >> doug heye as a republican strategists, you're watching the politics of this. this is now at my scrap piece of paper math. yeah, more than 400, almost 420 million billion dollars that trump is going to have to pay in these civil cases. he's obviously got the criminal side of it. and this looming sort of oversight over his business empire that kind of moves him out of the way. it's central to his identity as a politician. but how does this actually impact his support among the party? >> well, in the party, i don't think it'll change anything. donald trump's support has been rock solid. if you look at the primary results in the polls that we've seen, both of people voting are just in, in polling and future states, donald trump's in an extra briefly comfortable position. not just we used to talk about the trump core base. that's really the party writ large at this point. but to renato's
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point earlier, you talked about how donald trump's he is any weakness he can he can go after seemingly almost anything that's been thrown at them in a courtroom. this is not an example where trump can do that. it cuts to his core. these are very real costs on this it makes it easier to define him, not as a successful businessman, which obviously at least successfully pitched over the years, but as somebody who's done it through, it will means and ultimately you've, you've always use the word disgorgement a lot, brianna. that's a term that's usually used for champagne. and there's no non pair in your lawn, or even trump's sparkling wine and being opened at mar-a-lago over this, this is bad news. >> no. certainly not. doug, if you can standby for us, we're going to get an a quick break as we go through this many, many pages in this this ruling, a judge has ordered that former president trump must pay nearly $355 million in this civil fraud trial, also putting in place some babysitting, if you will, of how he will have to continue with his business enterprises, among other limitations, we're going
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sustainable transportation, and coastal regeneration. >> and we >> dhabi is helping fast forward uae's sustainable mission. >> rahel solomon in new york is cnn >> major decision by a judge in new york and donald trump's civil fraud trial judge, arthur engoron, deciding that donald trump is liable for 350 plus million dollars in disgorgement. a lot of other penalties for other people in trump's orbit, including his son's allen weisselberg, a close associate of donald trump's. and the decision that an independent director of compliance is going to be installed in the trump organization? to oversee its dealings. and that donald trump himself will not be able to oversee the inner workings of his business for at least three years. we have cnn's paula reid with us polo. we're getting reaction from trump's attorneys. what are they saying about this?
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>> that's why we just got the first statement from alina haba, one of his lawyers and his legal spokeswoman. but before i read this, i want to remind people what a combative, contentious hearing that this was. each and every day when trump would show up, he and his lawyers, they would attack the judge, they attacked the attorney general, they attacked the judge's clerk. trump even violated a gag border. he were he was restricted from attacking court staff, so he chose to take he and his lawyers took a very combative approach in this case, not only in the court of public opinion, you can see there he would address reporters, alina habba on one side, other lawyer, chris kise on the other, but also in the courtroom, which is highly unusual, boris, as you know, in courtrooms, are there a certain decorum traditionally attacking a judge or the judge's clerk or the attorney general, the prosecutor not advised, but alina harb has statement in a moment ago, she says, quote this verdict, is a manifest injustice, plain and simple. it is the culmination of a multiyear politically-fuel ed witch hunt that was designed to quote, take down donald trump before latisha james, the
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attorney general, ever step foot into the attorney general's office countless hours of testimony prove that there was no wrongdoing no crime and no victim, given the grave stakes, we trust the appellate division will overturn this egregious verdict and end this relentless persecution against my clients. let me make one thing perfectly clear. this is not about donald trump at this decision stands, it will serve as a signal to every single american that new york is no longer open for business. so the trump team had previously signaled that they would appeal this decision. they knew that this was not going to go well for them, but i just think we should reflect on the fact that they took a very combative approach. in this case and got hit pretty hard when it comes to the penalties imposed by a judge. in another case, about a block away. there was as of course, the e jean carroll trial in new york where trump and his lawyer again, alina habba, took a very combative, very contentious approach and a jury in that case hit, awarded her eight of over $80 so i think there is a
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fair question for the trump legal team today. yes. >> being allowed murder, arguing that you are a victim of an unfair judicial system may possibly work with your supporters, may work in the court of public opinion, but in a court of law, the decisions that are being handed down are not great for your client. and i mean, this is something that is a pretty serious financial hit for the former president. and we are talking about hundreds of millions of dollars. now in penalties and jury awards. >> yeah, that's right. is himalayans paula latisha james. let's also just put this into context. this is an attorney general who's been i guess, an equal opportunity offender when it comes to holding people to account, she had of course, that blistering report will go a couple of blistering for its when it came to ousted governor andrew cuomo on how he dealt with covid numbers and then how those sexual harassment allegations, many of them against him. so that predated him leaving office so she does
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have a record of been pretty tough, but across the aisle as well. i really wonder what you think about it's almost like a conservatorship or babysitting of the trump organization. explain a little bit more about what this is going to mean and how it's going to be perceived evd by donald trump and people in the real estate or business world >> so i'm gonna go back up to the top is a 90 over 90 page opinion here. i'm gonna scroll up to the top and let's talk first about this independent monitor. this was something that was first installed back in 2022. and of course, the trump organization isn't going to be happy. no organization, no business, no police department now, government organization is ever happy when they have someone come from the outside to come inside, look under every rock, turn over every stone, trying to figure out what you may be missing, what you may have done wrong. but in a case like this where a judge has found him liable for fraud, suggesting that he or finding that he lied about the value is assets two banks, to
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insurance companies, installing a monitor. the purpose was to see what else may not have been on the up and up. and as i said earlier, i mean, one of the things that the monitor discovered was this $48,000,000 loaned the trump organization sort of within itself, but couldn't find any paperwork to support this. and the trump org pronunciation insisted that look, because that was money we learned to ourselves. we didn't need to document it. there was no fraud that was found here, but the judge extending the appointment of that monitor and not only that, but also adding another position and independent director of compliance. so this appears to be someone who will operate within the organization to make sure so that they are complying with the rules, with regulations, with the laws. of course, this is something particularly closely held business like this. they're not going to be happy to have that. but of course it could have been worse. they are not it appears not dissolving the trump organization and there are some restrictions on the ability of the meat executives to do business in the state of nature york, those are pretty detailed, were still hammering
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out exactly how we want to articulate those. but again, they're not going to be happy about this outside oversight. it's not forever, but there's a reason, again, a judge found him liable, found that he did not accurately represent the value of his assets and did so to get more favorable terms from insurance companies, from banks ordinary people know when you are applying for insurance or for alone, you cannot lie on those applications >> yeah. paula, please standby. we have cnn's kaitlan collins with us. kaitlan. there's a portion of this ruling that is standing out to you. what are you seeing? yeah. >> i've just it's obviously really liked, but i don't think we've gotten to this part yet, but it's right at the end right before they get to the conclusion about who's barred from doing what, who owes what, and these penalties. and it's an entire section and it's the subject line is refusal to admit error i'm not going to read the whole thing, but there are some really key lines here where it says, you know, it quotes the english poet alexander pope saying to air as to human, to forgive as divine
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says defendants apparently are of a different mind and it talks about after four years of investigation and litigation when it comes to this that's still the defendants here. the only error that they acknowledge is the tripling the size of the trump tower penthouse, which of course was one at the center of this because they said it was three times the size that it actually was, which i think the judge clearly here had had trouble believing was inadvertent, but it says their complete lack of contrition and remorse for its borders on pathological, they are accused only of inflating asset values to make more money. the documents prove this over and over again. so that's not a mortal sin. it says the defendants did not commit murder or arson. they did not rob a bank at gunpoint. donald trump is not burning made off yet. the defendants are incapable of admitting the error of their ways and instead they adopt a see no evil, hear no evil speak no evil posture that the evidence belies. it says the court obviously is not here to judge morality. it's
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here to find facts and apply the law. and it says in this case, applying the law to the facts they intend to protect the integrity of the financial marketplace and thus the public as a whole. and it says the defendants refusal to admit error and indeed to continue it according to the independent monitor that you were just talking about, briana constraints this court to conclude that they will engage in it going forward unless judicially restraint it says that trump even testified he does not believe the trump organization needed to make any changes based on the facts that came out during the trial. i think that graph really just sums up this entire thing that there was this refusal to acknowledge that the numbers were wrong, that the facts were wrong. instead, it was a lot of finger pointing at other people trump's son saying that they didn't have eyes, they weren't responsible on these documents that went to get these loans that they used for these businesses. and basically it's the judge and the court here saying why we are seeing this large vin number, why we are
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seeing these repercussions is because they say that they didn't admit the era of their ways and they believed they would continue doing so unless there were these repercussions. >> very >> fascinating as a clear explanation there of why there's so much hand-holding and also such a large judgment gear against trump and the others mentioned in this kaitlan, if you can stand by for us, we are going to get in a quick break as we continue to digest because there are many interesting things in this document we had known that trump obviously had fraudulently inflated his financial statements for about a decade. we knew that now now we have learned the price that he is paying for that, and it is big a judge ordering trump to pay nearly $355 million in this civil fraud trial in putting in place a whole lot of hand-holding on the trump organization going forward here in the coming years, we'll be right back with more here on cnn to be a headliner las
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and see your results the first night >> i'm arlette saenz at the white house and this is cnn we're joined now by congressman raja krishnamoorthi of illinois. he's a member of the oversight and intelligence committees. and worth noting, congressman, of course, it was oversight testimony. oversight committee testimony of michael cohen, former fixer of the former president you were among those who question here? and back in 2019, where he testified that trump had inflated his assets. it was
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really the origin story of what is culminating today with a judge ordering trump to pay nearly $355 million in this civil fraud trial. what's your reaction to this order? >> i think it's appropriate. it's a natural and logical extension of what happened back in february 2019 and that day is asked in my memory, michael cohen came before our committee and told us point blank that donald trump routinely inflated his assets for purposes of loans in that case, i think he talked about a loan that donald trump was trying to get to by the buffalo bills and he talked about how donald trump would also inflate his network to get onto the forbes wealthiest people list. and then deflate his assets for purposes of real estate taxes congressman i'm curious to get your reaction to
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the statement put out by trump's attorneys saying that this verdict >> is a manifest injustice, arguing that it's a politically-fueled witch hunt designed to take down donald trump. they say they are counting on the appellate division to overturn what they see as an egregious verdict. what do you make of those statements from the former president's legal team it looks like a copy and >> paste in reaction to every single judgment any court has handed down against donald trump they are correct that this will obviously go to an appellate court. but the amount of evidence supporting the misstatements with regard to his financial records is pretty overwhelming. so it'd be very interesting to see how to how court of appeals would find it in favor of trump >> politically. i wonder if you think this changes anything because so little cert, certainly it's not going to
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change anything with his base. but i wonder if you think that this changes anything broadly the contours of this race where he is the front runner and could very likely be facing joe biden in the race for the presidency. >> i'm not sure. it might. i think it might affect the way that donald trump conducts himself knowing that, you know, he has this judgment hanging over his head knowing that you know, it kind of punctures a little bit of his own or of his kind of the persona of being a successful business person >> but i'm the at the end of the >> day, i'm not sure how it will affect him politically. it will definitely affect him financially if it's upheld on appeal >> inversely, congressman, if you have a trunk of the american populace that sees this decision the way that trump and his legal team do as
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a political hit job, doesn't that concern you that a large portion of the country distrust the justice system? >> it would concern me, but i think that i'm more concerned about how independent voters view this than necessarily the base of the republican party or donald trump's own supporters. >> i think what we see is >> that, you know, folks who are independence and so they just don't want, they don't want somebody who is necessarily embroiled in this much litigation. and these repeated repeated financial scandals. all that being said, we as democrats have to up our own game as we go into the elections and we can't just rely on i'm these scandals playing out in courtrooms as a path to victory >> congressman, thank you so much. we appreciate your time today, congressman raja
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krishnamoorthi thank you so much >> and we're back now with doug heye, who's here in studio with us i'm interested in what you think as longtime observer now of donald trump, maybe not a fan, but an observer the congressman, they're thinking that this could affect how donald trump is going to conduct himself. if you have someone wear this mask is kind of dropped. now on, he was a successful businessman, cultivated that image and now that's been yank down. do you think that we're going to see anything different or no donald trump can be a disciplined messenger when he chooses to be. so if we look at the jean carroll court case. once that decision was made, he's put out two statements about the decision. he did not criticize her in those statements. very clearly, he wanted to avoid doing that to not draw any more ire from the judge or any more penalties potentially. so he
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can do that. he does have that capability he usually chooses not to. and yes, we know sort of the mad libs word soup that comes from donald trump on any of these statements, we all could have written this ai certainly could have written it but there's a difference. we know donald trump has an ability to control news cycles anytime he wants to. so we're not talking about in navalny right now. we're not following joe biden's visit to east palestine. this is all about donald trump the difference being that this is really bad news, warm, it's not just something that can be lumped into. i think to credibly viewing this two-tiered system of justice. and just one last thing on this, the republican primary was over the minute and most of donald trump's opponents raise their hand and said, if donald trump is convicted, i'd still support them. that was game over and trump knew that this is bad news for donald trump. it's bad news for messaging to independent voters, certainly. but the primary, regardless of what nikki haley says on this, which real problem we'll be strong it doesn't change what's happened in the primary
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because all of his opponents saved basically chris christie and asa hutchinson said long ago, all of this is fine. >> great to get your perspective as we take a look at what judge arthur engoron has ordered for donald trump. close to 355 million in dollars in disgorgement penalties is what this will cost the former president, of course, he still has an appeals process to go through. we'll talk about that. when we come back after a quick break >> backroom deals i gained secrets of fairs, bribery, corruption prostitution >> there's so much more to the store. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper, back-to-back premieres sunday at nine on cnn
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1808724901 are going to meso we've been following the breaking news into cnn this afternoon, a major decision by judge arthur engoron in new york and donald trump's civil fraud trial. the former president ordered to pay upwards of 350 million dollars in that case and indulge disgorgement penalties. the judge essentially finding that donald trump was liable for fraud and installing effectively a babysitter to oversee the financial dealings of his company. we have cnn's paula reid to walk us through the details you've been looking at a very long filing by judge engoron. what stands out to you most paula our boris, you laid out the financial hit that the former president and his organization is taking. but let's look at some of the other penalties here, starting in the former president, the judge here barring trump from serving as an officer or director of new york corporation for three years? >> he's
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>> also barred from applying for loans and from banks that are registered in new york for three years. but i want to note the judge did not dissolve trump's business certificates for the trump organization, the so-called corporate death penalty is something that the attorney general had sought. but clearly, the judge did not agree. i want to note that that is something that is rarely handed down in the state of new york. and when it has been usually there is a clear victim and one line of the trump defense here was that there was no obvious victim. they argue that these businesses got their money, they continue doing business and that there was again, this is a victimless crime. even though they might argue that it wasn't a crime. now let's go on when it comes to monitoring. you talked about this so called babysitter it official independent monitor has been in place since 2022 for the trump organization, making sure that they are in compliance with a business regulations and laws that will continue according to this order for another three years. now, the judge also saying that the company needs to pay who
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another person, an independent director of compliance, again, to help make sure that that that company is in compliance with rules and laws. and it appears that would extend even beyond the life of the monitor now, what makes this case so personal it does, of course, strike at the heart of who trump boards to be successful. new york businessman. it's also his family business and three of his adult children testified in this case. and there are penalties for his two adult sons to the judge found donald trump jr. and eric trump, laila well, for a host of civil fraud, even in new york, including issuing false financial statements, falsifying business records, and conspiracy. there each ordered to pay $4 million from their personal profits for the fraud and they are also barred as serving as an officer or director of any new or corporation for two years. and it was interesting, the judge it's really took note of the lack of remorse or contrition from the trump organization saying, quote, their complete lack of contrition and remorse, borders on pathological. so it
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does appear that the approach, the conduct of the former president, at least two of his children, the combative nature the way they opted to proceed here, did not pay off when it came to this ruling. but as we know, that trump organization does intend to appeal this >> yeah. saying that lack of remorse is why in a sense, the babysitting certainly has to be in effect and perhaps that is also why we're seeing such a large judgment here, paula. thank you so much for that. we've also i should say learned that the former president is going to be speaking tomorrow borrow afternoon at speaker khan in philadelphia >> sorry, sorry. sneaker con i knew that that he will be a speaker. it's sneaker con and then he's going to a michigan rally. so a couple opportunities tomorrow, no doubt he's going to be addressing this. we are going to have much more ahead here on cnn after a judge has ordered former president trump to pay nearly $355 million in this
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12:56 pm >> the whole story with anderson cooper, sunday on cnn >> so nba all-star weekend kicks off tonight in indianapolis. that's >> right in our andy scholes is there covering all all the actions? so andy, what are the mazi events this year >> well, i tell you why guys they weekend really getting started here today at nba crossover. there's poses of nba fans here and is like a dream for a basketball fan. you can do anything you want, shoot, dunk by all kinds of games. this place is just a blast. and when you >> think about india and a basketball, especially when it comes to the nba, one name certainly comes to mind, and that's reggie miller and i got the chance to catch up with
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them earlier today. and now i asked him how special is it for him? to be back here in indianapolis calling the all-star game for tnt >> i spent 18 years in blue and gold so if there is one place that i know that knows how to host a huge event like an all-star game, indianapolis. so i'm excited to be back to see my family and friends. but best players in the world get a chance to showcase what i feel is my adopted home. >> we had battled the sexes between billie jean king and bobby rigueur in the '70s on the tennis court? yes. now we've gotten three point contest this weekend here in indianapolis let's query versus sabrina ionescu >> who do you got what in this? >> i think it's a fabulous backdrop and sabrina is arguably the best shooter the wnba has ever seen. but she's going against the greatest shooter are game has ever seen. so i love you, sabrina. i hope you do when i really do hope you do win, but steps on a roll
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right now. i'm going with curry yeah. >> and that step verse sabrina contest is gonna be taking place on this first of its kind, led back asked of all gourd, that's where the three-point contest that dunk contest step for sabrina is going to take place, guys. so that's going to look really cool tomorrow night on tnt, looking forward to it. >> that court looks sick. andy scholes, thanks so much for the update. the lead with jake tapper starts after a short break. thanks for joining us this afternoon >> cnn's coverage of nba all-star weekend is brought to you by sleep number st. 50% during the president's day sale on a limited edition smart bad only at asleep numbers door or asleep coverage all weekend on tnt and max, why choose asleep members? smart bad. >> can it keep me warm when i'm cold >> wait, no, i'm always hot. sleep number. does that can i make my sides? >> softer? i think my side firmer number. does that can
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