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tv   The Source With Kaitlan Collins  CNN  February 12, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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>> for us. the news continues to source with kaitlan collins starts now see tomorrow and tonight, straight from the source, donald trump's >> emergency appeal to the supreme court could be his best and last shot to wash his trial i'll till after the election or forever is argument to the justices. is that without absolute immunity from criminal prosecution, the presidency, as we know what we'll see he's to exist. what is his former attorney make of that? >> will ask him and just a moment. plus sent shockwaves from washington to warsaw tonight, as the former president is deriving a 75-year-old security alliance with us allies. instead, trump says, russia can do whatever the hell it wants. our guest tonight knows firsthand just how close he came to pulling out of nato before we're also learning new, unsettling information about the woman who walked into so osteons mega
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church with our son at her side, opening fire with an ar 15. >> what >> authority say they found written on that assault style weapon? >> i'm kaitlan some collins. and this is the source in case of emergency urgency, break glass, and facing a five-alarm fire that could doom his chances at the presidency, not to mention potentially land him in prison. tonight, donald trump is pulling the alarm. the alarm in this case is an emergency appeal to the supreme court. it is the one that we have been waiting for. and it's also the one that trump and his team of attorneys are hoping will either delay or deny a trial from happening. it all. >> these are the >> charges brought by jack smith's stemming from trump's efforts to overturn the election in 2020 his attorneys say that the former president should be cloaked and absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for any of the actions that he took while he
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was in office. but in bringing their case to the highest court, that there is the trump team has also sharpened its focus and cut their arguments and half that leaves the supreme with some tremendous questions that have never been asked or answered before because we've also never had a president who is acted like this before. but first things first, the question is, will they even agree to take the case? and well, the trump strategy work here tonight to answer that potentially has an attorney who used to represent donald trump, including on the classified documents case, jim trusty. and it's great to have you here. jim, obviously, trump is the first foreign president to ever be charged for the crime. >> do >> you think that the justices will want to have the final word on this significant of an issue i don't know that they want to, but i think they'll own up and take the responsibility of doing it. i think justice roberts is someone who's very concerned about the reputation of the supreme court and probably doesn't like the fact that you've had these calls for
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packing the court and changing its composition. and i know that he probably not eager to have fingerprints on huge electoral issues. but it is important. and as you said in your opening, its new territory to be talking about absolute immunity and i guess the one thing that just point out preliminarily, kaitlan is absolute sounds like it's this dramatic thing where the president can just do whatever the heck he wants and break the law but really it's still wedded to this idea of what's called the outer perimeter of official duties. a whole bunch of legal language. but it basically means it start a free pass to do whatever the heck you want us president, it's a question of whether it's tied in sufficiently to your legal obligations as the president to be to warrant immunity. and that's the issue a little narrower than the word absolute suggests. >> is that so because the argument that his attorneys are still standing by, even though they say it's dramatic in this filing is the one that was brought up at the appeals court hearing that, you know, theoretically he could order a seal team six to assassinate
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his political opponent, end. he could not be prosecuted for that until his attorneys argue he was impeached and convicted by the senate and removed from office yeah. >> i'm not in love with their biting on the hypothetical. the seal team six, and maybe it's a little bit of shooting for the stars and settling for the moon. they take an absolutist kind of broader position than they need to. but all the while hoping the supreme court will come in on a more narrow ground. i think the supreme court we'll. end up taking it and i think there'll be very interested in the idea of essentially qualified immunity. i mean, it's absolute immunity, but it's still tempered by the idea of official duties. and i think that's something that they need to rule on prior to him going to trial on either of these cases. >> if they take it as you just said, that you think that they will, it's a claim that's been rejected as broad or as narrow as the scope is however you define it, it's been rejected by two lower courts. trump's team seems to think the supreme court will reverse
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those rulings. but do you see that happening? >> i think it's real possibility. i mean, look, the dc court has not exactly been home turf for president trump and keep in mind the history of this particular issue. it was jack smith that in his eagerness to keep the early trial date, the super monday trial date said, let's get the supreme court to expedite. let's have them consider it, but let's have them hurry. supreme court's saw right through that kind of speedy trial imposture and said, no, we'll take it in a regular course. the dc court has still done everything they can to accelerate the timetable, including telling the parties if there's an on bonk motion, which is means either a reconsideration or a reconsideration by the entire dc circuit on this issue that they're not going to stop the clock, that everything has to move at an incredibly expedited pace. so i don't see i don't see anything wrong with asking for a stay and seeking supreme court's cert i think for presidential issues in the year
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we're in, there's a good chance that they end up taking get on the substance, but isn't part of that just his strategy to burn time here >> i'd be like you can look at it as one of two things. maybe it's a strategy for him to buy time. but again, starting point is jack smith asserting there's a speedy trial right for the public they're requires that a complicated case essentially insurrection case, but masquerading as a fraud charge. just say that that has to be tried in march is absurd. and for a court to basically say, unlike almost any other federal court that deals with scheduling to say, a non incarcerated defendant's trial has to happen by date x. i don't care about conflicts. i don't care about attorney issues. that's the exception, not the norm. and i think for this case, it would be nice to see normalcy. it'd be nice to see kind of traditional treatment by the federal court system and the prosecutor. and a lot of transparency and not pushing for an early trial date and then blaming the other side for delay >> well, and the reverse, of
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course, is trump's team trying to delay this, but then also complaining that this case could potentially be happening in the height of the election season. jim trusty, as always, great to have you. i think we're past the point of normalcy, but glad you're still of course, when you look at trump's appeal to the supreme court here as we read through this, one thing that stood out was how his attorneys cite the landmark case known as the united states versus nixon four different times. and one point his attorneys say that the watergate case is a reason that they believe it's trial should also be delayed there's almost no one better to talk about the lessons from that case that my next guest here tonight, richard nixon's former white house counsel, john d. it's great to have you here, john, i wonder when you look at this do you think trump's attorneys are missing the point that case or what did you make of how many times it's surfaced in this filing >> well, i've noticed they've drawn on the mixing precedence across the board. they we've had very few presidents who've
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been in front of the supreme court. and the case they're drawing on here actually was already out of office. the fitzgerald case, which did give a president civil immunity. so that sort of drew the line at official conduct or the outer perimeter of official conduct. so we've really never had the same issue and the form it's coming to the court right now. kaitlan is not the full case. they're asking for an application for a stay. there, asking that the court of appeals not send the case back to the dc trial judge. they want to hold that up until at least they file an appeal for the full court to come back up. and take on the case again, it's a little confusing. i know but it's a unique opportunity if the supreme court wants to get rid of this case, that that request for stay, that application went to the circuit justice, who is robertson this
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chief justice roberts he could he could make a decision right now to chuck the whole thing >> yeah. it'll be fascinating because >> that would be probably the most dramatic outcome here, which we've very dramatic. people are torn on whether or not that'll be the case. but if it does go to the supreme court, if they don't check the whole thing, you've testified it, justice kavanaugh's confirmation hearing, and you talked about how you believed that if he was confirmed, that it would have would have most presidential powers friendly supreme court in the modern age. and so if it does go, how do you think someone like a justice kavanaugh? we'll look at the arguments that we were just talking about there with jim trusty >> i think he generally looks favorably on presidential powers. he worked at the white house he was in the counsel's office in fact, knows how the machine works and how to make it work better he knows the risks directions that are on it, and his court has generally been very presidential power
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pro and favorable. so i think that this is a different issue. this is really the responsibility i have, whether a president has any boundaries at all. so i i would i would be shocked if they when they get the substance of this case, if they grant immunity, it really would be really a dramatic change in the nature of the american presidency it's actually a foundation for a dictatorship. >> and read it, >> presidential powers is one thing and thinking of president has power when it comes to climate change executive order or, or something of that nature. but if he's someone who worked in the white house, counsel's office who who understands what the powers of the presidency are. i mean, could you see a supreme court justice looking at trump's actions in georgia and in pennsylvania, and what he did surrounding 2020 and thinking that that fits into the job description no, i cannot. in fact, i think he would find
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that important behavior unacceptable for a president. and so that i don't think that's the issue that's in front of them at the time. but he's certainly well aware of the underlying behavior. he's also aware kaitlan of the back that donald trump is using the process to try to get out of this whole thing if he thinks he can get reelected by fooling enough people as to what he does and doesn't do and get back in office that he can kill these cases. he can tell his attorney general of choice kill the case, dropped them. so the federal cases would go away and they could put up a pretty good argument at the tie up the state cases, at least while he remained in office, what would that mean for the presidency if he did that, if he did get it? and we i mean, it's not that farfetched if he did have the attorney general just make his cases disappear >> well, he said he wants to be a dictator for one day. that's
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all it takes to change the american presidency. he'll have a stack of executive orders lined up that will infect make the presidency a dictatorship, even if he doesn't call it that, if he just says, i have a modernized the american presidency giving him powers, the likes of which we've never known. and the american presidency, the checks and balances would go away. he'd be unleashed. and i think we'd be in trouble as a country john dean, i stark warning. thank you for joining tonight also here to break down that filing a pair of former federal prosecutors, kristy greenberg and elie honig. elie, who was actually quoted in this brief, i should know. were you a little surprised to see that? i'm learning that right now. i fear what they quoted me on. >> you haven't seen this >> no. you're quoted in this. no one this is, brain quickly tell, me what i'm quoting now. they cite it. well, it's a footnote, but they site something i wrote which is that jack smith never uses the iss i czyz election. yes. look, i'm dubious of jack smith's
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motives. it's clear to everyone always breaking news here on this right to the person's face >> my criticism of jack smith is obviously he's pushing to get this in before the election. i think for good reason, but there's a level of disingenuousness in his refusal to say that's why i argue in the piece that i think they mentioned here that he should just say it say what we all know and say what the vast majority of american people understand to believe is correct that he's pushing to get this done before trial, before the election, excuse me. >> can we talk about what the supreme court is looking at here because there are a few different pathways they can take. one of them, john d, and already laid out for us, we will cross it off the list, which is that they could just say no thanks, we're not taking this up. they could deny trump's request to pause this. what else do could they do here? so this application today was just for his john dean said for a stay to put this put this on hold in supreme court so that it can go back to judge chutkan and she can set a trial date. the brief actually says that what they what to do is go
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to the whole dc circuit on bonk, meaning all of the judges will hear this and then potentially depending on how that goes, go to the sake of it. and is it that unlikely though, because it would have to get they'd have to have enough judges to are one of the three judges who ruled this way into basically reject their own ruling, which is not going to happen i don't think not only with the three, not reject it, but i think the fact that you had the timing here be so quick means that this has this opinion was socialized with the other justices would be my guess in the dc court of appeals. okay. so we're waiting to see what they decide. i mean, now chief justice john rahm however, it's given his role here, what's his next instruction to jack smith? what's the next timeline here? >> so i think it's really important people understand there's a lot of procedural terminology flying here. a lot of legal nerd words mandate certiorari, all that. this is it. this is the moment of truth. this is where at the end of this is supreme court's going to tell us, are they putting being a pause on the
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district court, the trial court, and are they taking the case? the first thing i think we're going to see is the chief justice is going to say, okay, donald trump, we have your request here to pause this will give jack smith's team a couple of days to respond. and then the supreme court is going to decide first where we keep this on. pause. and most importantly, will we take this case and to that end, i was looking the brief here, not the footnote mentioning me when i was looking at the brief here, donald trump's team is desperately trying to convince the supreme court. you have to take this case. you, the supreme court, and they have the following quote, donald trump's team has the following quote in their brief quote it is of imperative public importance that presidents trump's claims of immunity be resolved by this court, the supreme court, and quote, only this court, the supreme court can definitively resolve them. you know, who they're quoting there? >> jack smith, that's a tough one. >> and you'll what's interesting though about this when you talk about this moment of truth that we're in the supreme, trump could lose here on the merits. but still when theoretically because it's delayed so far that then the trout doesn't happen before
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the election, right? >> and i think the supreme court knows that. and just like we saw in the oral argument and cholera with the colorado now ballot where the justices were very clear about, we care about the consequences. we think it's just a step too far to disqualify him from the ballot that seemed to be the consensus. and similarly, here they get the consequences. they know that if they just sat on this, that it would effectively mean he does have immunity, even if not on the merits, just because it doesn't happen and before the election, i don't think they will do that. i think within a week or two they're going to make a decision about whether or not this goes back to the judge and the trial court. >> and i think that >> because this question yes, it is a question of first impression. it hasn't been decided by the supreme court before. but this is such a strong opinion by the dc court of appeals. i don't see them i'm overturning it and for that reason, i do think this goes back to judge chutkan, but also this is such a big week. i think we talked about trump's legal developments. this week stands alone when i'm looking at the schedule because also on thursday in georgia the judge there there's going to be hearing and he said today that
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there is a world where the district attorney, fani willis could be disqualified if she benefited financially from the relationship that she's now acknowledged. she has with a prosecutor on her team. >> i >> mean, that could have monumental impact on this case. >> everything is happening i mean, literally every case involving donald trump criminal case has something important going on. this dispute is playing out in jack smith's immunity case. we also had a hearing today on the mar-a-lago case that suggests that might be delayed thursday. we have a hearing on the manhattan da's hush money case that will tell us likely whether that's actually going to trial in march. and then kaitlan, what you just raised very worrisome signs for the da fani willis there. the judge said, you're having a hearing. fani willis said, judge, we should not even be having hearing. you should throw this out. judge said, nope, we need to have a hearing. could be really troublesome for the da big legal week will be consulting our experts here, kristy greenberg, elie honig. thank you, both. also tonight there's global outrage that is mounting after donald trump threatened to encourage an
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attack on nato allies if they don't pay enough in defense, his former national security adviser will react next also, an nfl dynasty has been cemented, but not without plenty of drama. >> well, we are now learning about that moment on the sideline with travis kelce and coach andy reid, bob costas will be here to talk to us about at all news night with abby >> tonight at ten eastern on cnn it's time. >> yes. >> but time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. every day. >> more dog people >> are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog he'd buybacks and delivered right to your door precisely portion for your dogs means it's an idea whose time has come?
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>> i added the garnish stay twice and get a free night when you book direct, united states of scandal with jake tapper. sunday, a nine on cnn >> tonight, former president donald trump is defending his approach to the military alliance between the us and key allies known as nato he claims that he actually fortified nato by encouraging countries to pay their fair share of defense spending while he was in office. of course, these posts, i should note are coming after he is facing major backlash from the international community after he said that he would disregard what is it the heart of the nato alliance? if one nation is attacked, others will come to its defense. instead, trump said that he actually encouraged russia, and i'm quoting him now to do whatever the hell it wants. >> one of the presidents of a big country who stood up, said, well, sir, if we don't pay and were attacked by russia, will you protect us? i said you didn't pay. you're delinquent
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he said, yes, let's say that happened no, i would not protect you. in fact, i would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. you got to paying it's worth pausing here to mention that the only time nato has article five, that collective >> defense article was ever invoked was by the united states after 911 cnn has new reporting tonight about what a second trump term could mean though for it and his orders to top military officials back in 2018 demanding that the us withdrawal from nato jim sciutto reveals these details, these officials that believed that trump's direction was a lawful order and they actually drove the plans to execute it my next guest was also in the white house at that time and we're counts the whole situation is frightening. former national security adviser for the trump administration, ambassador john bolton is here and ambassador, it's great to have you. i just wonder bluntly it donald trump is re-elected. do you think that means the end of nato is we know it now
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>> yeah. yes, i do. i think he withdrawal well, i think you have to take what he's saying is coming directly from from what he has long been saying privately. and in some cases publicly, it's a little disturbing now to hear some republican saying, well, you know, he's, he's just bargaining with nato or this is just the way he talks that's not right. he has used this failure of many members of majority of nato members to spend 2% of their gdp on in defense as they all voluntarily committed to do in 2014. not to strengthen nato, but to help destroy it. it is true that after his criticisms, more was spent by european members of of nato on defense. but that wasn't going to change his mind because there were a lot of other criticisms he had as well. so it is i was there with him in the spring of 2018 at the nato summit in brussels,
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where he near did get out of nato. he is serious about it and whether you're a trump supporter or trump proponent, don't don't think he's kidding about this one. >> yeah i >> noticed he doesn't mention that germany is spending that percent of its gdp on defense now, something that is behind when they said they would get to it, but they are actually they are when he was talking about that conversation with not actually, not yet. but they're on track to be at 2% this year, i believe, right? >> no, they're not they're not going to make it >> oh, okay. well, they say that they are the trouble the euro, europeans make. europeans make it hard to make the case. the case is, however, we're not doing this at a charity for the europeans were supporting nato because it's a core american national interest to do it and i think that's the case, frankly, the political leaders in both parties in this country have not made effectively over the past several decades. >> yeah. well, i will know the german officials say that they
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are there, but on the point of what trump is saying, he's were counting that conversation. >> do >> you know which world leader he's taught talking about there i think you made that conversation up. i think that's a fairly typical trump thing to do because it makes it sound very dramatic. and, and proving his point. but just because that conversation is made up again, people should not think that he he's making up the point about withdrawing or that he doesn't particularly care of what russia does to those who don't spend adequately on their own defense. i think this is this is exactly his view of alliances. they're totally transactional. it's like you add up every day, how much did you spend, how much did we spend and i tell you what it shows about trump's view of alliances is if he's willing to knife nato, he's willing to knife the relationship with israel, with with japan, with south korea. there's not a us alliance out there that safe with that kind of attitude.
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>> well, can you listen to what senator marco rubio said about this because i think this is a key point on how republican senators, it just lawmakers generally are treating trump's comments not as threats, but here's how he put it to jake yesterday >> well, that's not what happened and that's how i view that statement. i mean, he was talking about something a story that he talked to about happened in the past, by the way, donald trump was president and he didn't pull us out in nato. in fact, american troops are stationed throughout europe as they are today. they were then as well i mean, he's saying it's not really a threat in his view >> well, he should have been sitting next to me at the nato summit in 2018 when i was called up by trump to his seat at the table and he said, well, should we do it? and i said go up to the line, but don't go over and i went back to my seat with mike pompeo and jim mattis who said what's he gonna do? and i didn't know. that's how close it was and i would say to marco for whom i have an awful
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lot of respect if you don't think trump is serious about getting out of nato, then why did you recently co-sponsored legislation requiring approval by two thirds of the house and the senate before president can withdraw from nato is there some other president or would be president out there that you think is going to withdraw other than donald trump, i'd certainly like to hear that ambassador bolton, as always, thank you for coming on tonight. meanwhile, donald trump, not just those nato comments, is drawing more ire for every other things he said over the weekend, something he said about nikki haley's husband or i should note, is currently serving the us military overseas that comment with our political panel at a moment the us supreme court, just heard arguments on whether or not >> donald trump can be taken off the ballot. >> can you take the person
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that's leading everywhere and say, hey, we're not going to let you run i'm leaving it up to the supreme court, special counsel finding that president biden willfully retained classified documents or it's pretty easy to see reached the firm conclusion. but no charges should be brought against me. >> they have expressed concerns about your finger judgment. >> report clears him legally but could damage him, obviously, politically if you try vaping to quit smoking, it might feel like progress. but with three times more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes, apes increased craig trapping you and i was craving loop new caret reduces cravings until they're gone for good this house is a general and you're just the person to keep it running because a proud homeowner has a protective instinct >> and frankly, the brains >> denote the grid is going to let you down sometimes >> that's why when the rest of the block it lighting candles and looking for flashlights your ready to rock and roll.
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so if you've got a special photo on your phone, install the free keepsake app. we would love a chance to frame it for you >> erin burnett, outfront tomorrow at seven on cnn nikki haley tonight firing back at donald trump after he questioned where her husband michael was during a rally in her home state where's her husband? oh, he's away. he's away. what happened to her husband what happened to her husband where is he?
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>> he's gone we know the answer to that question because he is in his second active duty deployment overseas supporting the united >> states africa command as part of the south carolina army national guard. >> nikki >> haley responded to those comments from trump earlier on cnn with jake tapper >> the first thing i'll say is it's disgusting, but you don't understand that everybody knows someone who has either lost their life or serve this country in a way that's allowed us to keep our freedoms that is not someone who deserves to be commander in chief >> here tonight, former trump white house communications director alyssa farah griffin, and former biden deputy assistant jamal simmons, also a senior communications aide. and the biden white house. and now i see it contributor alyssa >> literally your resume? alyssa that when you look at this one point, haley today told reporters the most harm that trump has ever come across as whether a golf ball hits him
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on a golf cart and you're going to go and mock our men and women in the military. i don't care what party urine that's not okay. yeah. president bone spurs. i mean, this is fascinating. what nikki haley is doing because it's not new that donald trump denigrates the military. he did it to john mccain. he did it to gold-star families, but i think when it personally hits you, it brings out a certain realization of just how far the republican party has descended in the era of trump, not a single prominent republican other than governor chris sununu denounced these comments by donald trump. i'm here for what she's doing because listen, south carolina primary is coming up. there's virtually no shot that she's going to win there. but xi's litigating the case against trump, i would argue frankly harder than joe biden is at this point. >> i mean, people laughed at that comment in south carolina crowd >> it's pretty amazing to me as a democrat who spent my entire professional life in china, navigate the republican advantage national security. it is amazing to watch this president walk away from that advantage on national security and have so many conservatives
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follow him down that path, just give it away. there are 170,000 american active duty troops right now serving abroad every everyone at them, but so many of them, most of them, almost all of them have families, right? and so the president of the united states is not just insulting nikki haley when he goes after one of these troops, he's insulting 170,000 american families. i just don't understand how the rest of the republican party can go along with it. >> it's a really good point in the terms like if you're thinking of it even through a political lens, that, that democrats struggled to have ground with veterans. and here trump is actively mocking and he doesn't suffer any consequences for, i mean, he has a history of doing this dating back to john mccain when he mocked his prisoner of war status. well, and he's frankly flipped republican party >> orthodoxy on its head. i mean, right now, the senate is debating at ukraine, an ally. he this week said that we should put possibly withdraw from nato as you're talking to john bolton about this is literally goes against republican orthodoxy dating back to reagan. and now we're the party of isolationism and
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it's joe biden who saying we need to get aid out the door and we'd to stay on by our allies and be firm on national defense. i want to >> talk about democrats as well, because >> there was a moment in the super bowl last night that everyone was talking about this ad by robert kennedy, robert f. kennedy juniors. it was from a pac that supporting him. this was the ad in case everyone missed stood >> you want for president who's seasoned through and through, man who's old and young enough obviously, that is a reference to jfk's 1960 add. it did not sit well with members of the kennedy family as his entire campaign has not, and he's apologizing for it, but i mean, it was pinned on his twitter profile for most of the last 24 hours? >> yeah. it was they spent seven ligand dollars his super pac spent $7 million. let's keep in mind $7 after a
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republican donor, tim mellon and gave them $15 million trump donor gave them $15 million in d&c is fighting thing with the fec about that complaint? but there is a the kennedy family has not been in favor of this the entire time. he had to apologize at some of his family members for using some of the images of their family in the ad. and it's just sort of ag, that he would use this add at a time when the president of the way he's running against a democratic president about, and it's harken back to the democratic president. most of us that they were very party reveres. one of our greatest leaders, jamal simmons, als, farah griffin, great to have both of you here on set tonight. thank you. >> also, there was that a shab on the sideline last side, if you ms that also there's a stunning admission made today and an nfl legacy cemented all the developments coming at a super bowl 58. >> bob >> costas is here we don't
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for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. need to stay warm all what your mom go to gets 70%. every single thing >> laura coates live tonight at 11 eastern on cnn >> after nearly five quarters of nail-biting football yesterday, that kansas city chiefs beat the san francisco 49ers in a thrilling super bowl. i was lucky to be there to witness it and we are learning about how many people at home watched it, making it, it was incredibly watched. it was the most watched thing. actually on television since the moon landing yes, that is not an exaggeration. the most watched thing on television since the moon landing, it averaged 123.4 million viewers. and of course, part of that was an extended super bowl as it was the only one to go into overtime are the only the second super bowl i should note to go into overtime. but the first one that was played under those new postseason overtime
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rules, rules that i should note apparently multiple 49ers players were unaware of what else all the time >> surprise to me what i didn't even realize that they were different and over time, so i assumed you just want the ball because you score a touchdown and win, but i guess that's not the case >> here tonight to talk about subaru or legendary sports broadcaster bob costas. it can i just first bob, get your reaction to what we're learning because i'm looking at the numbers here, the record was said just last year when the chiefs played against the eagles, 115 million people watched what i mean now that fact that 123.4 billion people watch the most people watch something since the moon landing is pretty incredible. >> yeah, and adjust to what's long been obvious in a now fractionalized media universe. the one thing that aggregates gigantic audiences
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consistently, and that reigns over not only all of sports, but all of american entertainment is football in general. and the nfl in particular, even the conference championship games, get higher ratings, forget about the super bowl, what you're bringing in many more casual viewers, the conference championship games and the playoff games that lead up to them get higher ratings than the nba finals or the world series even if you're a baseball fan or a basketball fan before you're a football fan, you can't deny those facts. >> why do you think that is? i mean, as someone with the career that you've had at the people that you talk to you, what do you think that is? >> well, first of all, the game televises well, each game is just one a week for that team. so therefore, used to be 14 games than 16. now it's still just 17, which is still roughly a tenth of a major league baseball season and a fifth of a hockey season or an nba season. and every playoff game
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is the equivalent of a seventh game in hockey, the nba, or mlb, and a seventh game always gets a higher rating. it's a one and done every time. and that's why and i don't think enough has made of this when kansas city plays buffalo, let's say, in a playoff game, you don't have the same concern that other leaks have og they're small markets. it'd be better if it was the yankees against the dodgers or back in the day the bulls against the lakers, or whatever it might be the nfl is bulletproof from that because even if you're not watching the kansas city chiefs, so the buffalo bills, you're watching whatever your team is regionally. the pre-game show, the halftime shows, the postgame shows at all the highlights bring you josh allen. they bring you patrick mahomes. and so the kansas city chiefs, not just because of their success but because of the league in which they play are now america's team, no disrespect to the cowboys. they've owned that for a long time, but they haven't been to the super bowl since the mid '90s. the chiefs had been to the conference championships
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six straight years. they'd been to the super bowl for the last five and they've wanted three of those four, including the last two and a row in patrick mahomes, they have one of them most dynamic players in all of sports. in andy reid, they have now a well-recognized hall of fame coach, travis kelce, bound for the hall of fame even before he hooked up with taylor swift, you add that element, that story line. this is america's team right now for the foreseeable future. >> yeah it's pretty incredible how many different audiences it pulls together. but one thing that was stunning to me as a huge football fan was to hear the 49ers players saying today that they were not read in on these new overtime rules. and i was i was sitting at the game and i asked that i didn't know what the nfl rules on over for time. we're and i asked someone seated behind me about it and he said that whoever scores first wins the game, but there's obviously a second possession of the other team gets. >> i mean, what did you make of that? >> it's very surprising to put it mildly that the players
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wouldn't be aware. maybe it has no real effect on the outcome of the strategy as long as the coaches, the coordinators on the quarterbacks are aware it may not make that much of a difference on the other hand, cheese players said that this had been drilled into them all season long and then repeatedly throughout the playoffs, the differences in the rules, the rule is that it's changed over time. in the regular season. if the team who gets the ball first scores a touchdown, the other team has a chance to possess and tie the game or prolong it, after which it becomes sudden death no, i'm wrong. i just misspoke if the if the team that gets you know, i do i do i do know i do know if the team in the regular season of the team that gets the ball first scores on a field goal the second team gets a chance to possess the ball, score a touchdown to win it, or score field goal to tie it, prolonged the game, which then becomes sudden death. now, in
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the postseason, right? if the team who gets the ball first scores a touchdown then the other team, the game doesn't end, then the other team gets a chance to possess the ball if they don't score, the team that had scored first wins the game, but they do score and tie it, then the game continues, but it's sudden death. the next score, no matter who scores it, the next score wins the game. now, what you don't have, and i've always thought this was crazy. the clock doesn't matter. there may have been some san francisco players who thought, well, there's still two minutes or whatever it was left in the game when hardman scores the winning touchdown off the mahomes pass, they may not have realized that the game ended there, but from the standpoint of drama taking the clock out of the game, clock management, the race against time, how you use the time-outs, all that stuff. that's always been part of football's drama and theater. they take that completely out of the game. so i've always thought that they should play a timed period, not not in the
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regular season. there's reasons to get it over more quickly than but in the postseason, they should play a time period and they can have the rules committee figure out what that is. ten minutes. maybe it's a full 15, maybe it's a full 15 in the super bowl that would end the confusion and also increase the drama this is why i think that you should be in charge. bob costas. obviously, also something that should have come up in practice. well, thank you for coming up. yeah. right >> but i should note you heard him mentioned >> thank you. patrick mahomes. he's actually going to be on cnn joining abbey in the next hour. so make sure you stay tuned to watch that. see his reaction to warning the super bowl again also tonight we're following dramatic new details that we are getting from officials out of texas. a woman yesterday entered joel osteen mega church armed with an ar 15 and her young son in tow, an open fire. what the sticker on her guns said what we are learning from police who have also uncovered anti-sikh the medic writings >> i told myself i was okay
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including assault they said that when she entered the pastor, joel osteen lakewood church with her seven-year-old son in tow. she was armed with an ar 15.22 caliber rifle. no formal motive has been determined yet, but police say that there are possible clues including that she had her ar 15 emblazoned with a sticker. that red palestine. and also had a history of anti-semitic writings >> i mentioned anti-semitic writing. >> we do believe that there was a familial dispute that has taken place between her ex-husband and her ex husband's family. and some of those individuals are of our jewish. so we believe that that is mike. might possibly be where all of this stems from tonight, it's still unclear why she chose to go to this christian mega church. but after firing 30 rounds, she was killed by two off-duty law enforcement officers who happened to be there. the
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gunfire left her child in critical condition and another man was also injured for more on what we are learning about this tonight, i want to bring in jennifer the cia, cnn contributor and writer for the trace, a news outlet focused exclusively on gun violence. i just wonder what stands out to you when you are looking at the shape of this shooter's profile. >> well, we saw the palestine sticker on the gun, right. so immediately our minds went to is this political is this an outgrowth of the violence that's happening in the middle east. >> it looks >> like this shooter you're had a number of mental health issues. the palestine reference might've been stemming from a dispute with her ex husband's family. but what we see is this is the 14th mass shooter or active shooter in a high profile setting, who has been placed in an emergency hold and not committed afterward and got to keep her guns. you're only a gun ban is only triggered if you are committed for a longer stay. and already the lewiston shooter, even the virginia tech shooter, we're seeing this time and again where we have like a pattern of behavior that doesn't add up to a
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conviction, doesn't add up to a gun ban based on mental health, but it's in the aggregate something that another country would look at this and deny a gun sale. but here in america, we don't have many mechanisms like that particularly in texas. >> yeah. and what i mean she was held, but it's because as to be longer, i mean that we saw similar situation with when we were talking about the main shubi lewis, ensuring that you mentioned they are i mean, the other things that they're looking at is a string of arrest for relatively minor offenses, right? >> unless you're convicted for a felony that carries more than a year in prison. you can be arrested many times. you can be held for many emergency mental health holds and you can still buy a gun. >> jennifer, i know you'll keep watching this. thank you for joining tonight >> also tonight, we >> are now hearing the defense secretary, lloyd austin, back in the hospital in the intensive care unit and an update on his condition in a moment >> shopping online comes with
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