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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  September 7, 2023 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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the new cnn poll also known as the new big warning for president biden. his support among democrats is dropping and more. >> a mar-a-lago employee strikes a deal with the special counsel. and how much could he hurt donald trump's case? sick and stuck 3,000 feet below the earth's surface and an all out race to save an american trapped in a cave in turkey. along with kate bolduan and john berman, i'm sara sidner, and
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this is cnn "news central." this morning, an approval rating stuck in the mud, and growing concerns about age and stamina, and his own party is looking for someone else, and some of the new take a ways from the current snapshot for the white house. president biden's approval rating is 39%, and nearly 70% of democrats say they want someone else running for president in 2024. and the poll shows that voters have widespread concern about his handling of to economy. and now, harry eden is there at the familiar spot. so we have the approval ratingsh and talk to me about how he matches up? >> well, the numbers are on the screen right now, and within the margin of error, and no clear leader, and donald trump is 47%, and joe biden is 46%, and basically in a statistical tie, but not a single poll conducted by cnn the entire 2020 poll that
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donald trump got a higher poll than joe biden and this is vastly different picture. >> and so that is a new context, and so tell me what this is what the voters feeling here about these two options? >> what is going on is that there are a ton of voters that don't like either candidate or potential candidate nominee for president. favorable view for biden is 29%, and trump is 39%. and that 29% is the double-hater, and something that we saw back in the 2016 campaign. >> what is the double hater? you can't vote for no one. >> you can't elect no one. and the choice of president for no one likes neither is 29%. trump is slightly ahead, 36% to 35%, and the key bloc is the 21%
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who said they would not vote at all or vote for someone else, and how they go in the next 14 months is the key to who ends nup white house, but right now, trump is holding a slight edge in the margin of error, and that why he is slightly ahead and well within the margin of error in the horse race. >> and it is one thing to have an opinion, and then to have an opinion and go out to vote. and in terms of the most motivated voters so far, who are they leaning toward? >> well, this is a good sign for donald trump. biden versus trump, and the margins of those extremely motivated to vote, trump is up by six percentage point, and all others is biden. so for those coming out the vote, and it is joe biden, and can he motivate those who cannot want to come out to vote, and if he can, that is favorable for him, and at this particular point, there are a lot of good signs for donald trump given what is going on for him, and
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many not so great signs for joe biden. >> and it is speaking for what we have heard from joe bidensh don't compare him to the alm almighty, but the alternative, and this is what he needs to lean in to increase voter alternatives. >> well, we will see what happens with 14 months go. >> a snapshot in time. >> thank you, harry. >> that is an interesting way to slice the numbers and i have not seen those yet. >> i agree. so in the face of the new poll numbers the president is leaving for a trip overseas today, and or arlette saenz is going overseas, and that is not the type of thing that you want to see when you are walking out the door? >> no, john. so far the biden campaign is not weigh n but they are amplifying the voices saying that people need to take this poll with a grain of salt, and the biden
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aide that i spoke with earlier this morning said that what they are trying to focus on is the general election, and the battleground polls. this aide argued that the campaign has not exactly played out, and there is still a billion in advertising they are planning in the months ahead, and so it going to take some time to move the numbers, but there are some troubling figures in there for president biden. one issue, the economy, and the white house and the campaign have been making this push to promote bidenomics, and show voters that it is working for them, but the polling found that 58% of the americans say that the policies have worse epped the conditions in the country, but the white house says it is going to take time for the americans to feel the impact of the president's efforts and policies, and they will have to continue to communicate that to try to move the needle there. another issue of concern according to the poll is the
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president's age which is persistently lingered throughout the campaign, and you can see the concerns that the voters have about the president's age and the health and the stamina going forward and of course, the white house is going to see the foreign work and proof that the president is up to the job, and it is a question that is going to continue to face the white house and the campaign, and if you are looking at vice president kamala harris as she was traveling in indonesia, she has had a pair of interviews to address the president's age. take a listen. >> you are 58 now. if you win a second term as you and the president are running to do. he would be 86 at the end of it. "the wall street journal" had a poll showing that 2/3 of democrats say that joe biden is too old to run again. are you prepared to be commander in chief? >> yes, i am, if necessary. but joe biden is going to be
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fi fine. >> so there is a lot of work that the white house and biden campaign has to do to move the perceptions. a communications director for the biden campaign and kate bedingfield said they are going to try to make the contrast to be a choice between what president biden is providing and the vision offered by former president donald trump. >> arlette saenz at the white house, and again, we will see the president leave in a few hours from now. sara? >> with me is chief of international chief of affairs, gel jeff zeleny, and going through the polls, and this is what has the biden administration concerned, and you always out and about with the voters, and talk about this choice of the president. if it is a gop candidate, and take a look at this, because it is not what we are seeing throughout the last couple of
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months. nikki haley would be the candidate that was most preferred if it was a gop candidate running for president against president biden. that is fascinating by two points, and that is within the margin of error, but what has changed, and this is really reflecting what people are thinking out there on the trail? >> well, sara, the numbers are interesting, and first and foremost, there are alarm bells going on at the white house without a doubt, but it is also no surprise, because we live na divided country, and it is going to be a close connection, but the nikki haley numbers specifically, and she is talking about this and using this at town halls, and i was asked about this in new hampshire, and she is making the argument to voters that she is the candidate that the white house and president biden are the most fearful of, and the challenge is getting through the republican primary, and this is a high
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hurdle without a doubt, but one to reasons behind the numbers is college educated women, and college educated voters are finding more to like with her than some of the other republican candidates. but look, the challenges for the president, the challenges for the white house among the economy, and of course, his approval and the age, and it is enthusiasm. that is one number inside of this poll that has the democrats and the white house concerned, because democratic voters and democratic-leaning voters are not as enthusiastic about joe biden as republicans are for donald trump, and that is opening up the door for the potential of a third-party challenge, and this is one of the biggest worries for this white house. and not necessarily donald trump, because it will play out, but a third-party challenge could spell trouble for president biden and they know that. >> because the pulse of democrats say they want somebody else running for president, and this is democrats and not
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republicans. >> right. >> and so i want to go to the next poll of who should be the democratic nominee, and there it is. it is a very, very stark number. however, the other choice, you don't know what the other choice would be, and they can't name the other choice at this point in time, and what does it tell you? >> that is the best thing that president biden has going for him that he does not have a competitive campaign primary on the democratic side. if he did, that would certainly be a worrying sign for them, and yes, there are a lot of people who theoretically might like someone else, and remarkably, no one else has stepped up. he had a big field of rivals in 2020 and we remember all of them, and not a peep of any of them from bernie sanders and elizabeth warren to corey booker to kir kirsten gillibrand and od on. and so we will see if the poll
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shakes anything loose, and if anyone rises forward and says that the party needs to go in a different direction, but until now, this is the best thing that the president has going for him, and the support of the former rivals. and yes, theoretically, the democratic voter like the idea of someone else, but they can't put their finger on who that would be. and we are in september, and the reality is to get on the ballots and things, and the deadlines start next month. the bottom line to all of this is that it is a reality check that, yes, it is going to be a close election of regardless of who the republican nominee is going to be whether it is trump or nn someone else. >> and it is going to be exhausting at least for you, jeff. yes. >> settle down. settle down. >> and now, for first time in this case, we are learning of a
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cooperation deal of mar-a-lago deal of trump employee number 4, and he is set to testify in this case in exchange will not be prosecuted. joining me now is former federal prosecutor jennifer rogers for more on this, and you say it is big news coming out this cooperation agreement, and this man is an ideal witness, this i.t. worker at mar-a-lago, and why? >> because he was a trump employee, and no political figure, and no skin in the game, and he was a trump employee, and he lied to officials about what happened, and then he came to them, and said, you lie and we may have proof, and he has a new lawyer, and turns around and has a lot of credibility, because they don't have a ax to grind, but telling truth.
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>> and the wrinkle is that at one point taveras had the same attorney as walt gnnauta and th same attorney and not this i.t. worker taveras, and the attorney is asking the judge in light of this cooperation agreement to block taveras' testimony in any eventual trial, and when i read that, i was confused? >> yeah, that is not going to happen. and the idea is that he can't cross-examine taveras, because he used to be his lawyer, and he knows things because of the attorney-client privilege, and so he cannot cross-examine him, but he can bring up a colleague, and he is going to be instructed not to bring up anything through the attorney/client privilege, and taveras is going to be testifying about the pressure that woodward put on him to lie
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in the first proceeding, and he is going to be instructed to say my prior lawyer and sanitize it, but that is when you have a lawyer cross-examining his prior client. >> okay. a potential case of donald trump and 18 others and the charges to try to overturn the 2020 election, there and the first sort of televised hearing yesterday, and the judge said they estimated the going forward trial, it would take approximately four months to present the case calling roughly 150 witnesses, but that estimate is not including the time they need to pick a jury. the judge said and seemed very skeptical of that, and what you think of that? >> i am skeptical, too, and i would not say four months is outrageous for a rico trial, but if they are intent of 150 witnesses, that a lot of time.
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you have to think about if they are only talking about the first two defendants going to trial, it is not so bad, but a bigger trial with all of the different lawyers lining up to cross-examine each witness, and 150 witnesses says it is more than four months. >> something else is that during the arguments yesterday, and this had to do with two of the defendants trying to separate their cases from each other, and the d.a.'s case saying that chesebro and powell who are charged, the same part of the overarching conspiracy and intrinsically linked and they are all together and can't be separated, and so if that logic is holding, and the thing that mark meadows is trying to move to federal court, does that mean that all of them have to go to federal court? >> it is what we don't know. if mark meadows succeeds in getting the case moved to
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federal court then a subset of them may try to get their case moved to federal court, because if you were a federal official or acting und er the direction f federal direction, then it could be moved, and it is not that you cannot try federal racketeering charges, and you could try them with 19 different times, but the d.a. wants to try them in as few cases as possible. first we have to wait for judge jones' ruling on mark meadows and if he succeeds and then what the other defendants try to do, and the real problem is that it is, kate, what they want to do, and then get the judgments, and meanwhile, the clock is ticking, and fani willis wants to get moving, and it a domino effect. >> yes, it s. gris.
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great to see you, jennifer. and now, there are two homicides in the nation's capitol, and the manhunt for a convicted killer in pennsylvania. and the judge says that the floating barriers in the rio grande from the governor says they must go, but the governor says he is willing to take the fight to the supreme court. and as the threat of a government shutdown loom, some senators are going forward with some bills, but the roadblock of the ukraine disaster leaf that could get in the way. refi at you could save thousands and get to your r goals faster. sofi. get your money right. arthritis pain? we say not today. tylenol 8 hour arthritis pain has two layers of relief. the first is fast, we give you your day back, so you can give it everything. tylenol. number one doctor recommended for arthritis pain. to finally lose 80ounds and keep it off with golo
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ukraine from a short-term funding bill the increase the chances of a government shutdown by the end of the month. joining me is democratic senator chris van hollen, and thank you for coming in. this is a complicated many layered process, but there is bipartisan agreement in the senate on the spending bills, and the holdup may be the republicans in the house, and now added to that is this issue of the funding for ukraine that could lead to a shutdown. your reaction to that? >> well, john, you have exactly it right. here in the senate, the democrats and the republicans are united in wanting to avoid an unnecessary and shameful government shutdown that would just hurt the country. we are united in supporting disaster relief for the parts of the country that got hard hit recently, and we are united in supporting the assistance for
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the people in ukraine. but the parts of the house that are calling for the government shutdown if they don't get their way including a couple of members who said that if mccarthy does not move forward to impeach president biden, they would not keep the government open. crazy stuff like that. but, you have a faction in the house that is opposed to continuing to help the people of ukraine. i hope they will change their mind. i know that we have a bipartisan majority in both the senate and the house in favor of continuing to help the people of ukraine. so i hope that speaker mccarthy will let it come to a vote. >> i wanted to ask you about a new cnn poll out this morning, and voters, including democrats, say they are concerned about president biden's age, and in fact, 49% say it is their biggest concern about biden as a
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presidential candidate. why do you think they feel that way? >> well, john, look, i haven't seen the detailsf this poll, but at the end of the day, americans are going to be looking at performance in office. president biden has had one of the most productive three or four years in office than any president in recent history including an amazing set of legislative accomplishments, and the inflation reduction act, the modernization bill with respect to the infrastructure, and in respect to our veteran, and gun safety legislation, and when push comes to shove, american voters will say, we will go with the guy with the good record rather than the guy working everyday to undermine our democracy. >> look, i don't have the graphic ready to show you, but in the very same poll, the voter say that they believe that
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president biden's positions have made the economy worse. so, does that run counter to the point that you are making, that they like what he has done? >> well, i think that what you seen with the passage of the bill, the economy is clearly turning around now, but people are still facing the lingering impact of rising prices and inflation. but, we also know that recently inflation is coming down dramatically. we are at about 3%, and actually going down compared to where it was. so i do think that, john, as the months progress, and unemployment remains low, and jobs continue to be generated, wages are going up, and they are going up in real terms, not just nominal terms. and on the other hand, people are getting more in the paycheck than they were before in terms
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of the spending capacity. so as time goes on, the people across this country again, will want to stick with something that will be working and increasingly working to their advantage rather than doing a u-turn, and going back to the four years of chaos in the trump administration. >> i want to go back to the age issue, because we have dug a little deeper in the poll, and asked the voter concerned about president biden's age and why? and they said ability to serve another term, and the physical and mental competence, and cognitive abilities, and people are clearly seeing age here as a concern, and are you seeing age is not a concern? >> well, age is not an issue, but results and performance. when it comes to results and performance, president biden has a spectacular record. as we speak, he is headed off to
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the g-20 summit in new delhi, in india, and president putin is not showing up, and president xi is not showing up, and president biden is showing up to push for stronger democracy and not here at home, but also around the world. so, again, i always think of voters at the end of the day will measure people by performance. if that is the measure president biden is doing really well. >> at the end of the poll, one thing to drive voters is to drive them to vote against president trump, and interestingly president biden does not talk much about the criminal indictments against trump right now, given that there is a large group that will vote against him just because of that, and should the president lean into that more? >> well, john, what the president does talk about is the importance of protecting our
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democracy, and the american people remember the terrible attack on our democracy and the capitol here january 6, a few years ago, but president biden has done something very different than donald trump, and that is making clear that the justice department,p his justice department under attorney general merrick garland is independent, and that why biden has not wanted to get into details of the cases against donald trump, and he wants them to proceed independently, and leave no question about the fact that the justice department is independent. that does not mean he will not continue to focus on the threats to the democracy as he did in the midterms in 2022 and the mile an hour people responded to that by making sure that democrats kept the senate and reducing to historically low margins the democratic losses in
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the house. >> senator chris van hollen of maryland, thank you for coming on. >> good to be with you. thank you, john. >> kate? >> coming up for us, 3,000 feet down in a cave, sick and now stuck. the rescue operation under way and how long they now estimate it could take to get one man out. we will be back. directly on the nerve. i recommend sensododyne. sensodyne toothpaste goes insidede the tooth and calms the nerve down. and my patents s say: “you know doc, it really woworks." it's easy to get lost inin investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create yo personalized plan. let's find the right investments for yo goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management.
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right now, rescue efforts are under way in turkey to save an american explorer who is stuck deep inside of a kcave. his name is mark dickey. and he has fallen ill and he is sick enough that he cannot climb out himself. he is stuck more than 3,000 feet down, and officials say it could take days to get him out. and now we have more on this risky mission ahead. >> reporter: kate, we don't know the full details of what really happened, but what we do know from the turkish caving federation is that american caver mark dickey, part of the international team fell ill a few days ago more than 3,000 feet from the entrance of turkey's third deepest cave. the hungarian cave rescue
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service involved in the rescue operation said that he lost a lot of blood as a result of the gastrointestinal bleeding, and he has received six units of blood, and his condition is improving and the bleeding has stopped and he is able to walk on his own, and in stable condition according to the turkish federation, a right now, he is at base camp which is 3,000 feet from the entrance, and it is a real logistical challenge to get him out of there, and it is a rescue operation now involving more than 150 personnel from turkey, from the emergency and disaster agency as well as rescuers from the many countries including u.s., bulgaria, italy, poland and croatia, and many others. this is a very complex rescue effort. mark dickey, himself, according to the bio is a very experienced caver. he has been doing this for decades. right now, he has been caving in 20 u.s. states and 10 countries
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since is 1990s and a rescue instructor and the chief of the international rescue team, and on cave, cliff and abandoned mine rescuers. ed and they say it is 15 hours for an experienced caver to reach the surface in ideal condition, but this cave has narrow and winding passages and it is so difficult to get him on a stretcher to get him out of there, and they are consulting with the doctors to remove him out of there, and they are expecting the effort could take days, kate. >> thank you, jomana. and now, we have a first, the metropolitan police in d.c. is looking for this man on my right, christopher haynes who escaped custody while at george washington university hospital yesterday. an emergency alert describes this homicide suspect as armed an dangerous.
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that is coming as the police in pennsylvania is searching for danelo cavalcante is crab walking his way up the walls and he is looking like spider-man when you see the video, and i wanted to discuss this with former marshall, and looking at this video, and how he did this, and what are you seeing and that nobody caught it? >> yeah, it is quite remarkable that it happened twice. once is plenty, and i know that there is an assessment to fix, that and the recommendations required them to fix it, but it
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did not happen. and another inmate took advantage of that, and as you said, being spider-man to go up the wall easily, and shows you some strength there, too, on his behalf to exploit that gap that wasn't fixed. >> exactly, i do want to ask you about some of the ways that the authorities are trying to find him, because there is densely wooded areas, and very hot. they are using heat-seeking technology as they explain it, and can you explain how that is used and what it is? >> well, it is very hot there in southeastern pennsylvania ark and that is going to impact the infrared that is used to detect that body heat, and so there are complicated with that, and again, you are looking to find any way to gain an advantage using technology, to locate this person, and via drones, but that is one way they are looking into
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it to track him. >> and residents in the area have been warned and they should be on edge, and anything that you can tell people in order to keep themselves safe as the manhunt goes, and who knows how long. >> yeah, be vigilant and don't let your guard down and report anything that seems remotely suspicious, and whether that's, you know, as i have said before, and you know, loose change from your car being stole epp and those are small items, but cavalcante has to survival somehow. it is hot. he has to be hungry and thirsty. he is obviously moving at night time, and be vigilant and lock the doors and report all of those things. i also learned this from some sources, but the law enforcement authorities have been in contact with the brazilian law enforcement authorities that he lived in the trees in brazil while he was on the run in brazil, and that is something
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that the investigators have to keep in mind and not just what is in front of them, or under them, but up in the trees, and that is a heavily wooded area. >> so that is quite some information and you have learned in brazil, where he was also accused of serious criminal activity that he lived in the trees and he is in an area that is filled with trees, and this is something that the authorities need to understand and know as they are looking for him. this an ongoing investigation. obviously, we will be checking in with you as to how it goes, and after you check with your sources. thank you so much for bringing us that new information and for coming on this morning. appreciate it. john? >> start looking up, and not just at the ground apparently. a federal judge has just ordered texas to remove the floating barriers to block migrants coming into the u.s.
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and we're all able to do things as a family. ♪ get started at this morning, texas governor greg abbott is vowing to keep the floating barriers in the rio grande despite a federal judge ordering state to remove them. at the judge gave texas just over a week to pull them out of the water after the justice department violated law. but governor abbott's office says the ruling is going to be overturned and they are prepared to take this ruling to the supreme court. rosa flores joining with us the very lated on this, rosa.
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where is this headed. >> well, you know, john, this is going to be a big texas brawl between governor greg abbott, and department of justice. but let me take you through this order by the federal judge, because it is interesting that the judge from get-go says that he going to stick to the facts, and he is laying out the facts saying that by federal law the state of texas needed a permit to deploy the buoys in the river, and the state of texas did not obtain that permit. this is a portion of the ruling. governor abbott did not ask for permission of operation lone star, the immigration program which they deployed the buoys and that is what is required before deploying any barrier in
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the navigable waters. so, the state of texas is under the invasion by cartels, and the judge did not buy it. in court, and i was inside of that courtroom, and he actually stopped the attorneys from the state of texas multiple times telling them to stick to the issues and not fentanyl or widespread immigration issue, and he did the same thing in the order that he was not buying the argument, and saying, quote, it is unconvincing. and governor greg abbott striking back, and sticking to the fact that according to governor abbott, the state of texas has constitutional order to deploy the buoys in a statement saying that this ruling is incorrect, and it will be overturned on appeal. we will continue to utilize every strategy to secure the border including deploying the texas national guard solders and deploying the public safety
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troopers and installing strategic barriers and this is a brawl, and we will continue to follow it all. >> and rosa, just the beginning here. appreciate it. kate? >> still ahead for us, the americans are stealing show at the us open and now we could be lookinging at an all-american women's final potentially. we will preview that next. your aspen dental team is celebratiting 25 years of affordable care with a an epic summer of smiles event. riright now, new patients without insurance get a free full exam and x-rays. plus, everyone can get 20% off their treatment plan. but hurry, because while these summer savings won't last, the memories you make together will. aspen dental. book today.
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round, but it is a big challenge, because both are playing with a tremendous amount of confidence, but many know coco gauff as a teenaged sensation who burst on to scene in 192019 when she beat venus williams, but she has proven that she is worth the initial hype, because she is having a phenomenal tournament. and she is running into carolina muchova, and it is going to be a tight contest, but whoever serves the best is going to win. and madison keys is playing with a lot of confidence, but she is running into a buzz saw array na
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sab len sab sabalenka who is going to be ranked number one at the end of the tournament. and then you have on the men's side, you have novak djokovic who will be facing american ben shelton, and after beating frances tiafoe it is, going to be an exciting match. >> yes, ben shelton, coco gauff and madison keys, and we are watching the shots of them as athletes, and man, i hope for the best for them, because it is going to be really, really cool. have fun watching carolyn manno.
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