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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  July 28, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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welcome back. one final note from me today on "early start," it has been a pleasure waking up early for you for so many years to get your morning started. i love cnn dearly. i have loved my wonderful 24-year run here. 24 years, right? but i've decided i'm ready for a new chapter. i'm full of gratitude for my cnn family, a family everyone here are my friends, and for challenges ahead. so i will be moving on from cnn, but i will still be watching just like you. i just won't have an alarm set for 2:30 in the morning. thanks for joining me. i'm christine romans. "cnn this morning" starts right now. good morning, everyone.
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it is friday, and there has been a significant development in the last 12 hours. we'll get to all of it. let's get started with five things to know this friday, july 28th. former president donald trump charged with new crimes in the classified documents case and he has a new co-defendant who allegedly said the boss wanted security camera footage erased after boxes with secret material were moved in and out of a storage room. the new indictment -- the new superseding indictment offering new information about how the former president allegedly handled a classified at the warford. it was called election interference and harassment and the new charges are, quote, ridiculous. that's not the only case we are watching this morning. his attorneys met with the special prosecutor's office in the january 6 investigation as another potential indictment against the former president looms. all of this falling against, of course, the backdrop of 2024.
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tonight trump and more than a dozen republican presidential hopefuls, will descend on iowa. a big question, will any of his opponents pounce on the legal trouble? "cnn this morning" starts right now. so this is where we begin this morning, donald trump is facing serious new charges in the classified documents case, the special counsel is accusing the former president of trying to get security video deleted at mar-a-lago in addition to hoarding boxes of national security secrets, and trump has a new co-defendant allegedly involved in the scheme, mar-a-lago's property manager. security video is a kugs piece of evidence into whether trump moved the boxes around to hide them from federal investigators. here is some of what we have learned from the new superseding indictment. prosecutors say trump's longtime
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valet, walt nauta, abruptly changed his travel plans the same day the surveillance video was subpoenaed. he gave different people different reasons for the change in plans, texting one he had a family emergency and adding the shushing emoji. nauta met up with the property manager de oliviera. they walk with a flashlight through the tunnel where boxes had been stored and pointed out the location of the cameras. just after that investigators say de oliviera brought the security expert to the storage room and told the i.t. expert the conversation should remain between the two of them. de oliveira then said that,
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quote, the boss, wanted the server deleted. when the i.t. pushed back, de oliveira said the boss want it had gone and then asked, what are we going to do? let's bring in cnn political correspondent sara murray. the timing of all of this is really key here. >> it is. let's talk about sort of what was happening in the runup to what is now referred to as this alleged scheme to delete the surveillance footage or attempt to delete the surveillance footage for former president donald trump as well as charges for carlos de oliveira. if you look at may 11, this is when the grand jury issues a subpoena to the trump team for any documents with classified markings. for 45 days before we really get into the meat of this scheme to start trying to delete the surveillance footage. over the course of may, you see these boxes being moved out of the storage room. there's one box moved on may 21,
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then may 24, three boxes moved. to may 30th, 50 boxes are moved. you go to june 11th, 11 boxes are moved this is happening by trump employees who are having conversations with trump throughout this process. then on june 2nd, 30 boxes get moved back into this storage room by two trump employees, walt nauta, carlos de oliveira, the new defendant here, and this comes right before this trump attorney is scheduled to search the storage room and find any documents to respond to this subpoena. now when the government actually comes to collect any classified documents that trump 's attorney is producing, they notice there are surveillance cameras outside of this storage unit, and on june 24th, a grand jury issues a subpoena for this surveillance footage. so when you dig into what's going on, on june 24th, the prosecutors really delve into what transpired on that day. there's almost like a minute-by-mireakdown when
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you look into this new superseding indictment. doj again sends this n subpoena to the trump organization attorneysand around 1:30 p.m. trump's attorney tells trump about the subpoena. walt nauta who, ain, is one of these trumemployees, is speak with him and less than two s afr that walt nauta decides to go to palbeach instead of traveling with trump, and is pretty cagey when he's talking to people, as you see in the superseding indictment, about the change in plans, sending people shushing emojis. let's go back to the calendar and look what happens a few days later, that june 27 time line where de oliveira is trying to get more details what the he learns it's retained for about 45 days. and ths when he tells another trump employee that it is the boss who wants it and so that is the meat of this
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sort of scheme tto attempt to erase the surveillance footage. if you think about all those boxes moving in and out of the storage room when they're supposed to be handed over in response to a subpoena, you can see why prosecutors believe there was activity that trump's team wanted to cover up. >> he's also facing an additional charge, sara, for this document that has been so widely discussed about attack plans on iran that he kept. he kept it and showed it to folks. >> poppy, we've talked a lot about what happened to that document, what was the fate of the document. it wasn't clear when we got the original indictment if it was one of the documents trump was charged with retaining. they make it very clear in the new version of this indictment donald trump is now being charged with the willful retention of this document, one he showed off in a meeting with two writers who were working on a book about mark meadows and two staffers, none of whom had security clearance. let's go back and take a listen
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to the audio tape that we had obtained of donald trump sort of showing off this document in this meeting. >> this was the defense department. this wasn't done by me. this was him. all sorts of stuff, pages long. let's see here. isn't that amazing? this totally wins my case, you know, except it is highly confidential. >> and, remember, once this tape came out donald trump said there was no document. this was just bravado. essentially there's nothing to see here. what prosecutors are saying in the new indictment, this wasn't bravado. he was showing off this document, it's a real document, and he's being charged with it, guys. >> so many questions about where the document was and now we know it was in a key box that was
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eventually turned over, and this launched a lot of more questions. sara murray, thank you very much. for more let's bring in elliot williams, john avalon and scott jennings. good to see all of you this morning. el elliot, when we look at what's included in the superseding indictment, the video and new details on that iran document, what does it change for you? >> it doesn't change anything for me, but it puts more meat on the bones. that time line is devastating because of all the crimes that donald trump is either charged with at this point or could be charged with in the future. obstruction of justice is probably the most forward to prove. you don't have to get into the business of classified documents and so on. number one, did you or your folks know that there was an open investigation? number two, did you intend to get in the way of that investigation? number three, what steps did you take to ward it?
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they start communicating about what the boss' wishes are and immediately took steps to delete this footage. all of that is pretty lock, stock and barrel evidence of obstruction of justice. a lot of the other things are more legally complicated. >> let's just hone in on what was added to the indictment, page 4, attempt to go delete security camera footage at mar-a-lago to conceal information from the fbi grand jury. this indictment details phone calls between trump and the new defendant, de oliveira. the fact there is a persistent, according to prosecutors, effort to get that footage gone and the time that happened, is that more damning than what was in the original indictment? >> it is because the persistence shows knowledge of intent and, number two, if he's persistent, you have more chances to prove it. look, cases rise and fall on what you can actually prove and get into court. if somebody asks something one
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time, there may be reasons that evidence may not be admissible. >> an indictment is allegations by prosecutors, we should note. trump's attorneys can't be in the room for what a grand jury hears. and then they will present their defense. >> they will. and, look, we're talking about the strengths in the indictment. this is, as indictments go, strong and well presented and so on. you haven't seen what trump's defenses will be. number two, a lot depends on the testimony of just trump employee number four, this person we haven't met yet. we don't know what their credibility is. we don't know ways in which trump's team can attack their credibility, i don't mean truth social but going into court and presenting with conflicting statements they might have made in the past or bias or who is paying for their attorneys. we haven't seen any of that. as far as indictments go, this was well written and just got stronger yesterday. >> you mentioned paying for attorneys. one other thing we learned in the indictment in terms of some of those communications in this
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indictment there's an offer by the former president to get an attorney for this new defendant, for carlos de oliveira. what does that do in trump world, i guess it doesn't do much, right, but what about in the broader scope? >> i guess if you're in their position, how do you say no? i assume these people are not independently wealthy. i assume they're not as wired up as the former president of the united states might be in their ability to get the kind of legal help you would need to fight off something like this. i guess, i mean, i guess it's allowed, but, at the same time, it binds them to trump. >> that's right. >> whether that's in their best interest or not. elliot and i were talking off the air, do you really want to spend these years and years and years in prison over this? but that's the road they're on right now. >> but he garners loyalty. the former president garners loyalty politically and otherwise. >> that's a way of enforcing loyalty, binding their fates together because i have deep pockets in order to pay for your
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lawyer. i want to double down on the significance of this new information because it's not just willful retention of documents. it seems like a willful attempt to obstruct justice. at his explicit orders, the boss wants these deleted. when they know the request is coming. it shows underlying contempt for the law, whether the law doesn't apply to him or attempt to evade it, it is serious stuff for a party that traditionally has believed in law and order. >> one issue as a pr matter, when this first came out, the pushback, it's just newspaper clippings. we were showing newspaper clippings. no, no, it was a map of the thing -- >> top secret battle plans. >> for trump, who sent his people out to make that argument, oh, it's just newspaper clippings. they don't have anything here. that's been defeated as an argument. >> back to the newspaper clippings and how this is evidence, right, so with respect to the document that he's
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accused of waving around at bedminster and is recorded talking about, again, that crime there is willful retention of defense information. it doesn't even need to be classified. he admits in the clip we just heard a second ago, number one, he's in possession of it. he says this is a document -- >> seen here. >> this is a document. number two, the second sentence we heard on air there was, oh, it's defense information. this is from, whatever he says, the defense secretary. he admits to every element of the defense. if they can get that into court, and there's a lot of months between now and that happening, that's another one that's really straight forward. >> stick around. we have many, many more questions, a lot more information ahead. the special counsel fairly busy yesterday. in another case lawyers for the former president meeting with prosecutors regarding a separate investigation being run by the special counsel. this one looking into efforts to overturn the 2020 election. so where does that stand? we'll break that down ahead.
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overturn the 2020 election. cnn senior crime and justice reporter katelyn polantz joins us live this morning. do we have a sense this morning, any better sense of where this investigation into january 6th for the special counsel stands? >> well, we don't know exactly what's going to happen next in this investigation. that's just how investigations go. it's how grand jury proceedings go. they're very secret. however, we do know at this time we're really in a final stage here. if that wasn't clear before when donald trump received his target letter from the special counsel's office telling him he was very likely to be charged with multiple crimes related to january 6, 2020 election, obstruction and conspiracy, donald trump's lawyers went into a meeting with jack smith, the special counsel. that is often one of the final things that happens after someone is told they're likely
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going to be charged with a crime. typically they can make their final case to dissuade them from bringing the case. trump's team and trump himself said there wasn't any indication of a final decision, when they're going to do it, meaning when they may indict him, but the meeting was productive, his lawyers argued to the special counsel in detail that he believed he did nothing wrong, that they believed he did nothing wrong and an indictment would destroy the political fabric of the country after it's already suffering and so this is a situation where the special counsel's office now has to determine whether there's anything from that meeting they will take into account or do
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they continue to move forward in the way they likely were already doing bringing the charge against donald trump. the grand jury was in all day yesterday. that doesn't mean the grand jury can't gather again. would a prosecutor ever consider impact on the country when deciding whether to bring charges? that's what trump said, his lawyers asked jack smith to do yesterday. >> if it is in the interest of justice this prosecutor proceed is the legal standard so perhaps but i really doubt -- >> how is that in the interest of justice? >> holding people accountable for their actions, deterring that person and other people,
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future presidents perhaps, from doing the same thing, those are also in the interest of justice as well. one individual's truth social post about unrest in the country is not going to make prosecutors not do what they were planning on doing in the first place. >> if there's legal accountability, that will be bad for the country in ways you cannot imagine. if there's an attempt to overturn an election and there's no accountability, that's practice, there will be more attempts. >> it's such a fine line in many ways, right? we talked so often in different areas about the republican party being the party of laws and then the question is justice being applied -- >> equally. >> thank you. and that's the back and forth. you hear, no, this is a hit job.
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prosecutor say we're just following the facts. >> more than a handful of republicans, mike pence, they were trying to hang on january the 6th, well, it would be bad for the country if they did this to donald trump. that's not a good way to run a justice system. what does that mean, you can break a law and we arbitrarily decide it's not good for the country or half the country that likes you. that's not a good -- that is not a good way to look at justice. then your justice system becomes arbitrary and you can start applying arbitrary standards to people and politicians for all kinds of reasons. >> remind people of what mitch mcconnell said, or you, john, jump in on it. >> when the second impeachment occurred, mitch mcconnell decisively came out against it. he said donald trump is responsible for this, impeachment is the inappropriate way to handle this. he will be accountable in the court of law, to the justice
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system, as a private system, after the fact because no one is above the law. >> then what mcconnell said at the podium this week, too, talking about what another indictment would mean for the country. >> the contradiction between the two. >> and now it's in the courts and there's much more damning allegations put forward. >> yeah, well, he, at the time, was -- there was an argument made you couldn't impeach a former president and the only way to hold someone accountable was via the criminal justice system. he made the same argument about the election. look, the courts will decide whether there was fraud in the election. they decided there wasn't. the wheels kept turning. if you believe in institutions, you should believe the institutions should turn. if institutions have been corrupted and rigged against donald trump and the republicans and, therefore, we should not -- we should not respect that in this case, which, again, if it's
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just -- if you just believe that when your guy is in trouble, that is not a good way to handle it. >> a jury of your peers. that's what we're talking about here. >> that's a hard argument to make against a jury in south florida. >> in effect the language of the constitution and you are tried by people in the county -- >> and the grand jury, by the way. >> the grand jury as well, in the county in which the crime happens. washington, d.c., or south florida. south florida is 50/50 republicans to democrats. south florida has a tremendous amount of donald trump supporters. all this unrest, i did nothing wrong, i was advised by attorneys, that's trump's m.o. but that's all that can be useded to taint a jury pool. there's nothing wrong or unlawful yet but those are statements that can get into a jury's head. the blistering heat in
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phoenix is actually now killing off cacti. some of them melting under the weight of 27 straight days of temperatures over 110 degrees. that record heat wave now impacting nearly half the country. we'll check in on that ahead. tonight 13 republican candidates, one big iowa dinner, trump, desantis and other hopefuls will appear at a pivotal fund-raiser. we'll have the details. d right? am i? ya! save up to $500 on the new w sleep number® smart bed. plus, 60 monthth financing on most smart beds. shop now only at sleep number®. - [announcer] tetens of thousands of customers wrote about carvana being g fat in their five-star reviews, including sheena. - this was our second purchase through carvana. it was super easy and really fast. this time, we traded in car and couldn't believe how ea it was, and we found the car our family really needed anin red. next thing i know, our new car was here and our trade-in was gone. bye! ta-da. (sheena chuckles)
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it is still blisteringly dangerously hot across the country. more than 150 million people are under these heat alerts in over 30 states from coast to coast, and phoenix broke another record according to forecasters there. yesterday was its 15th day hitting 115 degrees or more. the most ever in a year. meteorologist derek van dam joins us again. he's in florida, miami beach. is there any relief in sight? >> reporter: well, here in miami there actually has been. yesterday we failed to reach 100 degrees. the heat index of 100 degrees, so that breaks our 46-day
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streak, consecutive streak, of approaching those temperatures. we'll take the small wins, i guess. get this, poppy, it was announced yesterday the entire planet has just lived through its warmest or its hottest three-week period ever and it could be the hottest in over 100,000 years. let that sink in. they called july the hottest month recorded and it's the 28th. that's like calling a baseball game in the seventh inning before the game is even done. really phenomenal heat, dangerous heat. r heat waves are responsible for more than hurricanes and tornadoes combined. we need to take this seriously especially as it builds into places that haven't had this type of heat in a long time. heat emergencies in place, baltimore, philadelphia, st.
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louis today, cincinnati, those areas will feel this ex prushting heat. this heat alert spanning to the east coast and how they impact the i-95 corridor. this is putting a strain on our power grid. calling for people to conserve energy as the demand skyrockets from the use of air conditioning. this is dangerous heat and we need to see relief. >> derek, appreciate it. republican candidates in iowa today. a big dinner tonight. a look at the new changes ron desantis is making to try to save his campaign. >> how tim scott responded to desantis' defense of the new florida curriculum which
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- [announcer] do you have an invention idea but don't know what to do next? call invent help today. they can help you get started with your idea. call now 800-710-0020. former president donald trump head to go iowa for his first big campaign appearance. this, of course, comes one day after his biggest competition for the gop nomination, ron
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desantis, overhauled his campaign. live from des moines this morning, any sense he was able to gain momentum after this, quote, unquote, momentum? >> reporter: that's certainly his hope he can build a coalition here in iowa which they are zeroing in on after starting in this national campaign. now they are laser focused on iowa and other early states. what we heard from him is his pitch to voters is all about electability. florida governor ron desantis taking his campaign refresh on the road. >> i think it's important you go to the rural counties. we will hit them all. this is probably the easiest way to do it. >> reporter: desantis in the hawkeye state following an overhaul of his campaign. he laid off more than one-third of his staff citing budget concerns as senior campaign officials pledged a, quote,
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leaner and more insurgent campaign to take on former president trump. campaign officials admitted missteps in fund-raising and messaging. >> what do you think the voters should be taking away from that based on the fact you're asking them to make you the top executive? >> focus on the substance. you have a commander's intent. if that is not followed make sure it's followed. >> reporter: desantis is laser focused on states such as iowa set to hold the first caucuses january 15th. >> it's great to be back in the state of iowa. a recent fox business poll shows former president donald trump with a commanding lead in the state garnering 46% of the vote from likely caucus goers. desantis in a second place with 16%. >> the stakes are high. we don't have the opportunity to fritter this one away and we have to get the job done.
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>> reporter: the super pac supporting him has raised some $130 million since march and is focused on building out an infrastructure to support the campaign. >> we don't feel we need jane doe at main street in iowa to know everything tomorrow. we have six months to deliver that. >> desantis is zeroing in on his message of electability, making the case he's the only one who can win in a general election saying this when asked how he'll convince trump supporters to support him instead. >> in florida he won by three. i won by 20. we're not getting a mulligan on 2024. you either go, get the job done or you don't. i will get the job done. >> reporter: that was the most explicit comments we heard related to former president
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donald trump trump, erica. as all of this news swirls with news about former president trump and his legal troubles, what we weren't hearing out here in iowa from desantis or the voters i was talking to yesterday was anything about an indictment. desantis, of course, focused on himself, pitching himself to voters. the voters we were speaking to concerned about finding someone who can win in 2024. that's what they want to find and what they're very interested in. and as you mentioned, almost all of the gop field converging here in des moines later today. they're going to be talking to iowa republicans at the lincoln dinner, a big dinner put on by the republican party here. and former president donald trump will be here. you can expect there will be so much attention on him because of the news coming out in the last 24 hours. the other candidates hoping they can break through and make a mark with the voters. erica? >> we will be watching, jessica. appreciate it. great reporting as always.
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happy to have chief white house correspondent, senior political correspondent at "the messenger" with us. you said the lincoln dinner, how different this republican party is to the party of lincoln. that aside, unless trump speaks to someone today before the dinner, the first time we'll hear from him aside from truth social about this superseding indictment. >> huge moment for him, all eyes on him, but also how does he handle the indictment? how does he handle all the other players who will be there, too. this is the first time he will share a stage with ron desantis. does he go after him or does he spend his entire ten minutes -- that's all each candidate gets -- will he just spend the entire time raging about what happened yesterday and into today? that will be the big watch. >> interesting, i'm sure. you've been in a role where you're advising candidates, political people as they were, there would be some advice as to which road he should take.
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whether or not donald trump would listen to said advice, separate conversation. what's your gut? what are we going to hear? >> i think we're going to hear a lot of anger and rage that the same week the justice department, the biden justice department is trying to give blanket immunity to the president's son, they're trying to throw your favorite president in jail or even more made-up stuff. that's likely what you're about to hear. they're going to clap. that's what most of these republicans in the room believes. it puts the other candidates in an interesting box whether they should deal with it at all, all they should handle it and, of course, iowa, for him, if he wins by a substantial margin, his campaign believes they could win early. maintaining that big lead and winning it early and never get it down to a two-person race is the name of the game. his campaign thinks they have such a high floor that he's going to be real tough to beat
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out there. >> to senator tim scott who has a high favorability rating nationally and in the key states also the only black republican senator responding to desantis' comments there was some benefit to the forced labor of slavery. here is how tim scott responded. here he is. >> there is no civil lining in slavery. anything you can learn, any benefits people suggest we had during slavery, slavery was really about separating families, about mutilating humans and it was devastating. i would hope that every person in our country and certainly running for president, people have their bad days and we should ask them again to clarify their position. >> there's no silver lining in slavery should be something that
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doesn't need to be said in 2023. i'm glad he said it the way he said it right there. keep in mind they're all convening tonight in iowa, the lincoln dinner, the party founded by abraham lincoln and others as an anti-slavery party. whatever tactical decisions they make about donald trump you have to have moral clarity. let us have faith, virtues that seem to be lost in our politics. >> it sounds like you know a thing or two about abraham lincoln. >> what stands out is not only what he is saying, right, and why we want to hear that from him but also the fact he is serving up on a silver platter for ron desantis the chance to try to fix this.
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the question is, will he take that opportunity? >> probably not. in recent days he has doubled down on this. he has gone on the offense and blamed other people and it's turned into a us versus them. are you joining me or them? i don't expect him to. he might be forced into a box and try to walk his way back. what an opening for tim scott. he is on the rise. he saw that this guy is a weak link. he went after him and what a moment for him going into the lincoln dinner, and he's going to capitalize on that as much as possible. >> do you think this tim scott momentum? he really in his political life has not had significant challenges in terms of as difficult races as this is. >> he has something going on in
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iowa. he's a good campaigner, a different marketing plan. he has a ton of money. plenty of money to run the race you need out there. so, yeah, i do think he has something going on. it's just for him it's the same problem as desantis, as everybody else, hatch the party wants to do trump and the rest of it is divided among a whole bunch of different people and can you get it down to a narrower field -- >> that's what mitt romney wants. >> he's right but how do you get a bunch of rich people to agree on anything? they're all so smart. just ask them. scott is such a good campaigner that he will have a chance to have a moment but, again, fighting for market share in a fragmented field is tough. >> he has said that he will run a positive campaign and you contract that with the ads from the super pacs, interesting how
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effective that will be. still to come, the michigan school shooter back in court today on trial to determine if he's eligible for a life sentence. the chilling audio from the night before that massacre. cnn obtained the 911 calls for bronny james. you're going to hear it ahead. s. this thing shows you yourur fico® score, you can get your credit card recommendndations, and it shows you ways to saveve money. do so much more than get your fico® score. download the experian app now.. a single strand of mrna could change the way we fight respiratory diseases. and the company that's gting us there? moderna. this changes everything. each day is a unique blend of going, doing,nd living. glucerna protein smart with 30 grams of protein to help keep you moving. uniquely designed with carbsteady
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detailing plans to shoot up his school. >> crumbley killed four students, pled guilty to murder, terrorism and other charges. jean casarez is live in michigan this morning. jean, what are we expecting from this hearing? >> reporter: well, we're going to expect more witnesses. this is the closest this case will ever get to a trial, and this hearing, which is called a miller hearing, is actually required by the u.s. constitution, because back in 2012 there was a precedent-setting case, miller vs. alabama, and it stated when you have a juvenile that has committed a crime which under statute is life in prison without the possibility of parole, that is unconstitutional based on the 8th amendment of cruel and unusual punishment, and you have to have a hearing to weigh and balance the aggravating and mitigating miller factors to determine if that juvenile should be afforded at some point the possibility of parole. this hearing is critical for
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both sides. >> i heard three very loud -- physically loud, like i could feel them coming through that door, the power of it. but they sounded almost like a pop. like a cap gun. >> reporter: molly darnell, a school educator and one of the surviving victims, took the stand to describe being shot. >> i kind of jumped to the right, and i felt my left shoulder move back. and it felt like someone had burned me with hot water. >> reporter: a mass shooter in his own words hours before committing a massacre at his high school in oxford, michigan. >> i'm going to open fire on everyone in that hallway. i will try to hit as many people as i can.
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>> reporter: he shot dead four of his classmates that day. madiyson baldwin, tate myre, hana st. juliana, justin shilling. seven others were shot but survived. the shooter pled guilty to one count of terrorism causing death, four counts of first-degree murder, and 19 other counts. prosecutors showed through his journaling he had planned this for months. >> the first victim has to be a pretty girl with a future so she can suffer like me. killing myself is too much of a [ bleep ]. people will forget about me and i will never make an impact in this world. the only way is to shoot up the school. >> reporter: the defense says the shooter is not irreparably corrupt. >> my evil has fully taken over in me, and i used to like it. now i don't want to be evil. i want help, but my parents
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don't listen to me, so i can't get any help. >> we must have the courage and strength to listen. that is what we are called upon to do and it is the only way to do so with the utmost respect these victims deserve. >> the witnesses will be former classmates of the defendant who were there, who witnessed the shooting and we believe at least one other school administrator. poppy, erica? >> it's just chilling, jean. thank you. ahead, the special counsel accusing former president trump of trying to get security video deleted at mar-a-lago. we'll break down the new details including the shushing emoji included in this indicindictmen. shohei ohtani doing something no one has done in the history of
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just when you maybe thought angels superstar shohei ohtani can't get any better, he goes and does this. a double-header performance for the ages. andy scholes is with us this morning. this is really something. is there anything he can't do? >> reporter: apparently not, erica. good morning to you. we should appreciate how great shohei ohtani is, the closest
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thing we've ever seen to babe ruth, and he will be a free agent after this season. expected to get the biggest deal north of $500 million and considering that he can do it all, it might be worth it just a day after the angels said they would not be trading ohtani ahead of tuesday's trade deadline. he had just a career day. ohtani starting game one against the tigers. he was amazing on the mound striking out eight while throwing a one-hitter, the first complete game shutout of his career. then in game two, ohtani hitting not one, but two home runs. he has a major league leading 28 on the season. the first player ever to throw a shutout and homer in the other, and he hit two in the game. the angels won both of them. here was manager phil nevin afterwards. >> you hate to say it like you expect greatness every day but it's what we get. the thing is him performing at this level when there's so much
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focus on one bern to be great and continue to be great as he does, only the mentally strong are able to do that. >> again, ohtani will be a free agent at the end of the season. it will be fascinating to see how the angels do the rest of the way and who ends up with ohtani next year. the bidding war is going to be wild as you can imagine, erica. >> i can't even imagine how high that will go. maybe more than the current mega millions powerball jackpot and he doesn't even have to buy a ticket. andy scholes, appreciate it, thank you. "cnn this morning" continues right now. good morning, everyone. we're so glad you're with us on what is a very busy friday. happy to have erica hill by my side. let's begin here. former president donald trump charged in new crimes in the


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