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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 29, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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we moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. but then he got us t-mobile home internet. i was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. i might've taken it a step too far. (chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch.
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we have a debt deal, but will members of both parties support it? the work far from over. the hardest part could still be ahead. what we're hearing from lawmakers as leaders start whipping votes.
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and children sent racing for shelter for their lives in ukraine, as russia launches a rare daytime attack on the capital kyiv. authorities are promising swift retaliation now, but after months of talk, anticipation of a counteroffensive is coming soon. we are following these major developing stories and many more, all coming in right here to cnn news central. >> so they have a deal, but do they have the votes? president biden and speaker mccarthy may have ended their staredown over the debt ceiling but progressives and conservatives are saying their respective sides gave too much away in this compromise. if the bill passes, the u.s. avoids a default and washington won't have to deal with the debt ceiling again until january, 2025.
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probably not a coincidence that that's after the next election. this bill also would cap future spending, while leaving social security, medicare and defense spending untouched. so both parties have some modest wins to point to. cnn's lauren fox is at the capitol tracking all of this. lauren, some hurdles still remain on the hill. walk us through them. >> reporter: one of the key hurdles is some of that conservative outrage that you have been seeing on twitter with lawmakers threatening to use every tool at their disposal to try to stop this. even still, the expectation is that republican leadership is still optimistic that they will have a majority of their republican conference backing this bill. i talked to two lawmakers in the last hour who told me they are still very confident that they are going to be able to get this through the house of representatives, in part because democrats are also working very hard to secure the votes on their side. many democrats wanting to back the president as he's seeking
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re-election. also many democrats arguing things could have been much worse in thesis negotiations and this is a part of divided government when you have republicans controlling the house of representatives, democrats controlling the senate and the white house, compromises have to be made. a lot of democrats and the white house in particular is arguing that the compromises made here are not nearly as bad as they could have been. if the house passes this bill out of their chamber on wednesday, that puts the u.s. senate in the driver's seat. it's a very of how quickly they can move. chuck schumer, the majority leader in the senate, has warned members that they could have weekend votes. this could drag out just to that june 5th deadline. if any one member slows this process down. as you know, things can move very quickly in the senate when lawmakers are united and have an agreement. if they don't have that, this could take a little bit of time. >> and we have seen some serious disagreements hinging on just one or two senators before on major issues. so the expectation, lauren, is
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they will make it before that june 5th x date, right? >> yeah, that is the expectation at this moment. but obviously there could be a bumpy road ahead. one of the key things to be watching tomorrow is any drama on the house rules committee. you have some conservatives warning that they are going to use every tool at their disposal to stop this bill. traditionally republicans back the rule if they are the ones in the majority but there are a number of conservatives on that committee and you could have a very tight vote there. so that is one area to watch this play out. both republican and democratic leadership very confident they'll have the votes needed to get this out of the house on wednesday. >> the irony being that some of the conservatives on that committee got those assignments because they helped back house speaker kevin mccarthy in his attempt to become speaker. now it may come back to bite him. lauren fox, thank you for that. joining us to discuss, john
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podesta. john, good to have you on this morning. >> thanks for having me. >> this afternoon, i should say. does the president have the votes in his own caucus to get this passed? >> well, look, i think we've reached out to senators and members of the house democratic caucus. i've been involved in a number of briefings on what's included in this bill. i think for the most part we have been able to do what the president said he would do, which was to protect medicare, social security and medicaid to be able to protect the historic investments that the democratic congress passed last year, particularly those investments in clean energy and climate change that were included in the inflation reduction act. the republicans were gunning for that. they wanted to repeal that and they wanted to undermine bedrock
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protections in the clean air act, the clean water act, the toxic control act. we were able to avoid all of that. so i think when it comes to the provisions that i am particularly involved with, we have preserved the ability to tackle the climate and invest in clean energy and we're happy about that, and i think most of the members recognize that. >> as you know, work requirements were particularly unpopular concession among not just progressive democrats but really most democrats. by the way, the president himself had said some time ago that was not a place he wanted to go. what's the impact of that on recipients of food stamps, for instance? >> well, they have raised the age. but again, the administration was able to secure some exemptions for veterans, for people that were homeless, for people that were in the foster
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care system up until the age of 24. so i think the most vulnerable populations were protected in this deal. and i think that it was something that -- obviously that we didn't propose, but i think where it landed was a fair compromise. in any negotiation, you give a little bit, you get a little bit. i think in protecting those vulnerable populations, we got a little something in raising the age. >> the president models himself as someone who can reach across the aisle and make compromises. as you know, politics are such that d.a. that compromises are not popular with the rank in file in either party. does this strengthen or weaken president biden going into the 2024 cycle given that some of these concessions are deeply unpopular with democratic voters? >> look, jim, i think what would have been deeply unpopular would
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be to give in to the maga republicans and let the country default. that would have cost millions of people their jobs. we would have rolled back the historic gains we had in unemployment, with the lowest unemployment in 50 years. i think the president is the grownup in the room, he can bring people together. he was able to find a path forward that protected the key vital investments that he pushed through in the last congress. some on a bipartisan basis, some with only democratic votes. but i think that they expect him to act in the best interests of all the people and he did that in this case. >> let me ask you, that cliff is exactly the point of some of his critics, that he should not have let republicans push him and democrats up to that cliff. there was even some word that janet yellen had pushed for this, to settle this during the
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lame duck session so that you didn't in effect have this game of chicken. does he regret not doing this then? >> well, look, i think that was a choice that was made back then. no one wants to see this. i've been around here in previous administrations. it's sort of always the extreme conservative forces in the republican party who are trying to push either the government to shut down or push us over the cliff. you can only do so much until you stare them in the eye and get them to back off and find a way to move forward and that's what the president did. he held his ground. he said he wouldn't negotiate over the debt limit. he didn't negotiate over the debt limit but he was willing -- >> i'm going to have to cut you off there. you mentioned the president, and here is the president just moments ago leaving the white house. let's listen in.
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>> give us an update on the debt ceiling deal. are you confident it will pass congress? >> look, you know i never say i'm confident with what the congress is going to do, but i feel very good about it. i've spoken to a number of members. i spoke to mcconnell. i spoke to a whole bunch of people. it feels good. we'll see when the vote starts. look, one of the things that i hear some of you guys saying is why doesn't biden say what a good deal it is? why would he say what a good deal it is before the vote. do you think that's going to help me get it passed? no. that's why you don't bargain very well. so that's number one. number two, i spoke to erdogan and congratulated erdogan. he still wants to work on something on the f-15s. i told him we wanted a deal with sweden to get that done and so we'll be back in touch with one
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another. but basically it was a congratulatory call. >> what's your message to house democrats who have reservations about this compromised bill? >> talk to me. >> what would you tell them? >> i'm not going to tell you. >> why not? >> you don't get on and tell them what a good deal -- how about this was a 100% deal for the democrats? >> who got the better deal? >> do you need to help me get it passed? >> who got the better deal? >> how do you think the 2024 republican field is shaking out? >> i haven't been able to keep up with it it's moving so quickly. i'm not being facetious. i don't focus on it that much. it seems like a lot of competent candidates are trying to get the nomination. >> will you make personal contact or leave that to the hill? >> i've made some calls already. >> to who, mr. president? have you talked to congresswoman jayapal and do you think you can get progressives onboard?
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>> the answer is i don't know. i have a good relationship with jayapal. i haven't had a chance to speak to her yet. >> who got the better deal, democrats or republicans? >> it's a bipartisan deal. >> will this get done by june 5th? >> yes. >> no question? >> you guys -- you guys realize you're not in the real world. no question. there is no reason why it shouldn't get done by the 5th. i'm confident that we'll get a vote in both houses and we'll see. [ inaudible ] >> i'm sorry, i'm not -- >> the reaction to why russia is attacking kyiv today. they attacked it three times today. >> i'm sorry, i don't understand the question. i apologize. >> russia is doubling down its attacks on kyiv. >> yes. >> do you have any reaction to
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that? >> it's not unexpected. it's just pure -- it's not unexpected. that's why we've got to continue to give ukraine all that it needs. >> is there any movement on sweden's membership in nato on erdogan's part? >> i raised that issue with him and we're going to talk more about it next week. >> what about ukraine. >> that's still in play. >> some republicans are saying that this deal does not raise the -- does not give the pentagon enough money. can you guarantee that america's fighting force is going to have what it needs for the next couple of years? >> whatever the fighting force needs, if there's another -- first of all, they passed my budget, what i asked for in defense. they passed that.
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obviously if there's any existential need for additional funding, i have no doubt we'd be able to do it because we'd jointly do it. all right, thank you, everyone. >> i'm sorry, i'm having trouble hearing. >> any message to the people of uganda. >> not right now, no. i think i heard the question. don't get your feet dirty, man. all right. >> did you see that ron desantis said that if he became president he would pardon trump? where are you on the idea of presidents pardoning trump? >> i'll see you guys. >> the president on his way to delaware there following successful negotiations in principle with republicans on passing a debt ceiling deal. the president tongue in cheek perhaps saying that he couldn't advertise how good the deal was for democrats because that
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wouldn't help get it across the finish line, including with republican votes. the president also said that he spoke to the turkish president erdogan, just elected to a third term. the president just at the ending there asked a question whether the former president should be pardoned by any future president. the president laughed off that question and there is his plane heading off to delaware. we'll keep you up to date. boris, over to you. >> a big smile from the president as he was teasing the press. he was also asked about ukraine. ukraine is now vowing swift retaliation after russia launched some rare daytime attacks on the capital of kyiv. we're going to take you live to the front lines for the very latest from that. plus a mystery in venice. italian authorities collecting water samples, scanning cc tv footage and interviewing gondola drivers trying to figure out this, why the grand canal suddenly turned fluorescent green.
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and as americans flock to beaches, lakes and pools, experts are warning about a deadly threat, a lifeguard shortage. what we're learning still ahead on "cnn news central." my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: tnk bigger. you got this. let's go. gobble gobble. i've seen bigger legs on a turkey! rude. who are you? i'm an investor in a fund that helps advance innovative sports tech like this smart fitness mirror. i'm also mr. leg day...1989! anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq, a fund that gives you access to nasdaq-100 innovations. i go through a lot of pants.
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for a limited time, save up to $500 on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. russia laucnching a daytime attack on the city of kyiv. explosions were blasting in the sky. watch this. today's attacks followed a massive barrage of drone strikes over the weekend. officials describing it as the biggest attack of this kind to date. ukraine's air defenses took down 77 of 89 drones and missiles, according to the military. keep in mind, this is the 16th time this month the city has been the target of attack. let's take you live to eastern
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ukraine and cnn's sam kiley. sam, what are ukrainian officials saying about being able to keep up with this kind of pace from the russian air assault? >> reporter: well, boris, they are quite guarded about what resources they have. but if you look at how much and how often they ask the international community for air defenses, it's always top of their list because the russians have been increasingly trying to overwhelm their air defenses ahead of a coming what's anticipated to be a summer offensive. but the ukrainians themselves intimating that that summer offensive may soon get under way, but none of them are under illusion of what that will mean for the ordinary soldier. these are new recruits training. they could be on the front line in a couple of weeks. >> a whole lot of blue on blue.
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>> reporter: in training, mistakes are harmless. what happened to you? how long have you been doing this training? what do you think about the coming offensive, do you want to get involved? you're not worried? these are young men who have been having quite a lot of fun running around in the woods. sometimes things get quite funny. but ultimately this business is deadly serious. these recruits could be weeks away from combat. pretend war turning to this, where death is all too real.
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[ speaking non-english ] >> reporter: wounded veteran colonel alexander piskin runs the training. [ speaking non-english ] that experience is hard won. alexander came face-to-face with a russian who shot him in bakhmut last week. >> what would you say to young volunteers or conscripts joining now? [ speaking non-english ] >> reporter: the hospitals got plans for dealing with ukraine's offensive, which is expected this summer.
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[ speaking non-english ] >> reporter: the colonel knows that this will not be his last memorial service. this military cemetery has space to grow. soldiers are confronted with grim truth here that many are forever entombed in this parade of graves. now, boris, the ukrainian armed forces are going to be putting a great deal of their faith in the modern weapons that they have been given by the west. a lot of them much more sophisticated than what they'll be up against when it comes to the russians. the russians still have the edge in terms of numbers and the sheer volume of weaponry that they can bring to bear in this
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war. >> important to keep those details in mind. sam kiley from eastern ukraine, thanks so much. jim. back here in the u.s., a top-ranked u.s. tennis player says that racist views on social media are only getting worse. sloane stephens made the comments as the french open got under way. officials at the open say they have a new way of dealing with online harassment. patrick snell joins me now. tell me how they're handling this. this is really, really hard to police. >> jim, it really is. that's why it is very, very encouraging indeed to see the stance taken by sloane stephens. she's a very powerful voice with a very powerful platform and she is using it to great effect. the 30-year-old from florida won the 2017 u.s. open. she's been speaking out in paris where she's currently competing in the french open. stephens saying racist abuse
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targeted towards her via social media has been a problem right throughout her entire tennis career. here's what's really, really concerning, jim, she said it's only been getting worse. stephens speaking to reporters after winning her first round match. the american player was asked just how bad the abuse is right now. >> yes, it's obviously been a problem my entire career, it has never stopped. if anything, it's only gotten worse. obviously when there's fbi investigations going on with what people are saying to you online, it's very serious. obviously it's something i've dealt with my whole career. like i said, it's only continued to get worse and people online have the free rein to say and do whatever they want behind fake pages, which is obviously very troublesome. >> very strong words indeed.
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>> she didn't provide further details on abuse she's been receiving but i will say those powerful words coming after tournament directors announced players will have their social media content moderated by an anti-harassment and hate speech tool using artificial intelligence. the software filtering out abusive comments on platforms such as twitter, instagram and tiktok. we've seen this all before sadly. you look at greats like the williams sisters. they have been targets of such abuse. pro athletes from the round of football. the most notable recent case after the despicable racial abuse he suffered in the premier league in spain, jim. back to you for now. >> sadly not confined to professional tennis by any means in recent weeks. patrick snell in atlanta, thanks so much for us. coming up, another reason
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you shouldn't skip leg day at the gym. how stronger quads could help you survive a heart attack. and there's something in the water in venice. a patch of the grand canal suddenly turning fluorescent green. has john berman gone too far in his support of the boston celtics? we'll find out when we come back. ♪ ♪ ♪ live your best day, every day with the power of the gelflex grid. sleep better. live purple. wayfair's got just what you need... dog friendly and wallet friendly... pug-proved. get nice tngs with nice prices at wayfair. ♪ wayfair, you've got just what i need ♪
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america is on the brink of defaulting on its debt, and donald trump is telling republicans in congress: “you're going to have to do a default.” he's pushing an extreme agenda to slash the basics we depend on, hurting the middle class, seniors, and veterans. a default would crash our economy, delay social security checks, and put basic services at risk. with so much on the line, now is their chance to finally stand up to trump's chaos. so tell republicans in congress: say no to trump. say no to default.
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so, you probably heard it in the gym, don't skip leg day. that workout could actually have legs so to speak. squats and lunges could pay dividends for people who have had a heart attack. jacqueline howard joins us now. you spoke with the researchers behind this study that looks specifically at a patient's quads. so i'm wondering what the connection here. i'm guessing circulation? >> well, the researcher said we know being fit is associated with heart health but they look at quadricep muscles because they use that as a marker for muscle strength in more than 900 heart attack patients. they were between the ages of 57 and 74. those who the low quadricep strength had a higher incidence of heart failure after their
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heart attack. those with higher quad strength had a lower incidence of heart failure. we know that heart attack is the most common cause of heart failure. so researchers say that high quadricep strength is associated with a 41% lower risk of heart failure after heart attack. and they say that their research really points to the importance of cardiac rehabilitation after a heart attack, strength training being a part of that recovery. they really do draw this connection, jim, between muscle strength in the legs and your heart health, especially when recovering from a heart attack. >> so is the idea that the quad strength is just a sign that the individual as a whole is healthier as opposed to the legs themselves playing a role by themselves? >> that's exactly right. in this study they're using it as a signal of muscle strength. of course when you're working out your leg muscles, you're working your heart so it's all interconnected here. bottom line, regular exercise
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and strength training is important for your heart health. >> exercise your whole body, your whole body benefits. jacqueline howard, thanks so much. boris. a stretch of venice's famed grand canal has turned fluorescent green. no one knows why or how long it's going to last. here's a report from italy. >> reporter: venetians are used to just about anything happening in their beloved grand canal. tourists jumping into it, even surfing in it. they're used to high water, low water. but on sunday, they were seeing green. at first one city official was sure it was another episode of climate activism. giving the term "going green" a whole new meaning. none of the groups usually involved took credit. instead the region's president announced on twitter authorities
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believe a tracing agent used in small quantities to find leaks in underwater structures somehow got filled into the water. he says it isn't dangerous for the canal's flora or fauna and hopes it doesn't give climate activists any ideas for their next stunt. officials say they don't know how long it will keep the canal system looking like slime or exactly how to get rid of it. coming up, what's next for the texas attorney general following an historic impeachment supported by members of his own party? we'll lay it out. plus, how a remote waterfront property could be yours, and get this, for free. we'll explain how it all works.
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here's some of the headlines we are following this hour. a shooting killed three people at the red river memorial day motorcycle rally in new mexico over the weekend. police say there was a confrontation between two rival gangs and then gunfire erupted. several others were wounded. all of those involved in the shooting are now in custody. the live action version of "little mermaid" had one of the most successful debuts for the memorial day box office. it is expected to rake in more than $117 million in its opening weekend. the film made waves by having an african american young actress. many were inspired by seeing an
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ariel who looks just like. and if you're looking forward to the new england coast this summer, the federal government is offering up the deeds to ten lighthouses for free this month. the general services administration will give away six lighthouses to any local governments, nonprofits or educational groups if the buyer commits to the upkeep. four additional light houses will be sold at auction. but almost all of them are more than 100 years old. texas republican attorney general ken paxton is calling the statehouse's extraordinary vote to impeach him a, quote, politically motivated sham. that unprecedented vote came after a legislative probe that uncovered years of alleged corruption. pa paxton denies any wrongdoing. bianna golodryga joins us with
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more on this shocker at the statehouse. so what are texas lawmakers saying about this step. >> a shocker it is, boris. you put the significance into perspective here. this is the first time that a texas attorney general has been impeached by the state and you also have more than half of the republicans in the texas statehouse voting to do so. the only two other times there has been an elected official that's been voted to be impeached in the state of texas was in 1917, and that was the governor at the time. and then in 1975, that was an elected judge. but it's not just republicans who are voting obviously to impeach him in the house of representatives there in the state, democrats are speaking out as well. and here's how one democratic representative, anne johnson, who is on the investigative committee, sees this playing out. >> either this is going to be the beginning of the end of his criminal reign, or god help us with the harms that will come to
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all texans if he is allowed to stay the top cop on the take. >> and now, of course, this goes to the texas senate members who have to vote. two-thirds of them have to be present and impeach him. one of them includes paxton's wife who many are pressuring to recuse herself. she has said she will not do so. here is a statement from paxton himself. he's denied all charges. the impeachment plot was never meant to be fair or just he says. it was a politically motivated sham from the beginning. the house speaker's coalition of democrats and liberal republicans is now in lockstep with the biden administration, the abortion industry, anti-gun zealots and woke corporations to sabotage my work as attorney general. as noted, this is headed next to the texas state senate for a final vote.
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boris, all eyes will be on texas. >> yeah, and this rift exposing disagreements even among republicans. bianna golodryga anchoring "the lead" today will have more on this story. bianna, thanks so much. jim. coming up next, just as crowds are flocking to beaches, experts are warning of a potentially risky lifeguard shortage. hear what officials across the u.s. are trying to do about it. that's coming up. in. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a mumultitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brainin health. to help kekeep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger.
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beautiful. you see how the light catches the hubcap? stunning. you sure you don't want your family in the family photos? they helped us save money when we bundled, so... yeah. same difference. okay. this one's going on the mantle. america is on the brink of defaulting on its debt, and donald trump is telling republicans in congress: “you're going to have to do a default.” he's pushing an extreme agenda to slash the basics we depend on, hurting the middle class, seniors, and veterans. a default would crash our economy, delay social security checks, and put basic services at risk. with so much on the line, now is their chance to finally stand up to trump's chaos.
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a rough ride for passengers on board a carnival cruise ship in charleston, south carolina,
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over the weekend. vacationers describing a horrific trip on board the carnival sunshine as a storm rolled in. water was rushing in filling up some levels of the ship. we'll show it to you in a sec. passengers say the crew didn't give them updates for more than 12 hours as all of this was happening. listen. >> it was shaking us about. we couldn't do anything. we didn't eat in any restaurants. we had no relaxation, nothing at all. >> in a statement a spokesperson for the cruise line says carnival sunshine's return to charleston was impacted by the weather and rough seas on saturday. guests on board the ship were safe. our medical staff helped a small number of guests and crew members who needed minor assistance. still, you look at that video. it doesn't look like the best cruise, jim. >> yeah. does not look like a lot of fun. just in time for summer travel
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season pools and beaches are facing a shortage of lifeguards. finding and keeping life guards is critical right now. 70% of drown deaths for children 15 and under happen between may and august, in the summer time. cities across the country are upping their lifeguard recruitment efforts by offering things such assigning bonuses, incentive pay, higher hourly ragetion, free lifeguard training. polo sandoval is in rockaway beach. i was a lifeguard when i was a kid in the summer. best job i ever had. why is it so hard to recruit them? >> reporter: you touch on a really important point here. cities throughout the country are being affected by this lifeguard shortage. let me give you perspective with new york city alone. it takes about 1400 lifeguards to safeguard the city's pools and beaches.
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the city saying they'll be lucky to make it to 900 lifeguards today. here not a lot of people braving the waves, braving this absolutely wicked wind on this memorial day. this issue of staffing has been around for several years now. the spokesperson for the american lifeguard association estimating about half of the public pools throughout the country will likely be affected in the coming months, either because they have to close or because of reduced hours. the same spokesperson has also said that, yes, there are some cities trying to boost up those recruitment efforts, but in many cases they're falling short. >> i have seen a lot of creative incentives with sign-on bonuses up to $3,000. i don't think that's enough. we lost a lot of young ones going to the influencers, the pandemic hit. they got other jobs at retail and restaurants. something needs to change. if we focus on perhaps the fire services or ems services
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managing them, that might help o out. >> reporter: two key factors here, two of the many, competitive wages in other industries and still some residual pandemic-era effects as well with some of the folks here in new york. they're still being watched by lifeguards. fortunately they don't have a lot to do. certainly hope it saves that way. >> polo sandoval, rockaway beach. how ever you're spending your memorial day there's probably a lot you don't know about how this day of observance began. stay with cnn news center. we're back in a momoment. with marinated chicken and double cheese. sweet and savory... ...kinda like you and me, chuck. bye, peyton. try the refreshed favorites at subway today. my relationship with my credit cards wasn't good. i got into debt in college, and no matter how much i paid, it followed me everywhere. the high interest...i fel.
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today is, of course, memorial day where we honor and observe the sacrifices made by all those brave patriots over the decades. originally the last monday in may was called decor ration day. in the years following the civil war americans would visit cemeteries for an annual day of service. they would clear away the grime and deck rat their community's gravestones. although arlington national cemetery is now maintained by the department of defense, it is one piece of the tradition that lives on. >> christian dominguez brought his two flowers to place flowers at the resting place of his friend, corporate to meet yus gabrielle who died in fallujah, iraq. sandra parker placed a doll at the grave of her son. today president biden laid a
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wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. although, of course, cancer is what took the life of his son beau, a maj nor the u.s. army, he said he, too, is mourning today. >> as it is for so many of you, the painted the loss is with many of you, but particularly sharp on memorial day. >> connected to his son's deaths, the burn pits. we're honoring them all along with you. thank you for spending part of your memorial day with us. thanks to all who fought for the freedom to do so. "the lead" i


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