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tv   CNN Tonight  CNN  May 26, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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good evening everyone. i'm john king. welcome to "cnn tonight." debt ceiling drama. we are closer to a deal but not there yet. the fact that janet yellen essentially gave them four more days means, well, we have a ways to go. even if they make a deal tomorrow morning can they get it done in time? plus can a trump-like candidate beat donald trump? that is the question as ron desantis gets his campaign in high gear. the florida governor not shy at all about taking on the former president, ripping him on the border of all things, calling him a big spender, and blasting his covid policies.
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>> i don't know what happened to donald trump. this is a different guy today than when he was running in 2015 and 2016. i think the direction that he is going with his campaign is the wrong direction. >> no other republican in the trump era has been able to walk that tight rope. the question is can ron desantis? and here is a sobering thought this memorial day weekend. whenever you go in the water you are, get this, never more than 200 to 300 feet away from a shark at any time. >> shark! >> reporter: jeff corwin here with us to tell us what you need to know. we begin with the debt ceiling negotiations as lawmakers race the clock to try to prevent a first ever default. today treasury secretary janet yellen buying them a little more time writing, quote, based on the most available data we now
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anticipate the treasury will have sufficient resources to satisfy the government's requirements by june 5th. previously expected to run out of money as early as june 1st. despite growing pressure president biden sounds optimistic about reaching a deal. >> things are looking good. very optimistic. i hope we'll have some clearer evidence tonight before the clock strikes 12 that we have a deal. but it is very close. i'm optimistic. the negotiation going on i'm hopeful we'll know by tonight whether we'll be able to have a deal. >> joining me to talk through this our cnn capitol hill reporter, and my other guests. mel, starting with you up on capitol hill the president says we are close and he believes it could come by midnight tonight. republicans say close, waiting
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on some things from the white house. where are we really? >> i don't know if we expect a deal tonight but it is certainly close. we're hearing from republicans here on capitol hill that they are indeed inching closer to a deal and that it could come as kra am cram patrick mchenry ha sounded the most hopeful i've heard him. listen to what he told me moments ago. >> i would concur. everyone wants the white smoke. we are not at that stage yet. an agreement on the agreement which is the complicated part, you all know waiting around for, you know, the final bit of agreement is the hardest, longest wait. that is a hopeful sign to me and i have rarely used that term in the last 12 days that i've been involved in this so the hopeful sign that the president is saying those things tells me his
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white house team might be at a better disposition than we've seen in previous days. >> patrick mchenry also warned there as you could hear that this is still a very laborious process. even if and when they do come up with a deal they still have o turn it into legislative text and get what is known as an official score from the congressional budget office and then they have to give members 72 hours to read the bill and then, john, comes the hard part which is actually passing this thing on the house floor. even a deal that is blessed by biden and mccarthy does not necessarily have the votes. they have to whip both of their parties. there will be people on the left and right upset with the deal and the compromises that emerge so they have to both put up votes to get this over the finish line and then when that happens it still has to go over to the senate where any single senator can hold things up. we are already hearing from congressman lee a conservative who said he is willing to use every tool to slow things down if he doesn't like what he sees. it is still a long way to go. they have a little bit more
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breathing room now that the x date is officially june 5th but they are more hopeful as they get closer to a deal. >> let's walk through with our group here both the politics and the substance. the substance first. janet yellen in her statement tonight trying to explain, you got a few more days, ladies and gentlemen, but she says we'll make more than $130 billion of scheduled payments in the first two days of june including payments to veterans and social security medicare recipients. these payments will leave treasury with an extremely low level of resources. there have been some republicans in congress, former president trump himself at the cnn town hall a week or so ago saying don't buy it. don't believe it. it wouldn't be that much of a calamity. it's okay. is it okay? >> look, the truth is none of us know because the only way we'd know is by looking at past debt ceiling defaults and thankfully we've never done that. let me give you an educated guess. if we were to default, then
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folks don't want to lend to us. how much? i don't know. maybe they'd raise the interest rate by 1%. we owe $31 trillion. 1% of that is what, $300 billion. there are 300 million americans. that is a thousand dollars each we'd each be paying in extra interest every year if we default and that is before we talk about recession. so if there is higher interest hitting us for another ten years, each of your viewers is on the hook to pay athnother $10,000 in interest on our government debt. >> let's bring the two former congressmen into the conversation. congressman walsh to you first. janet yellen, if it was a business or contract negotiation you'd say great. we got a little more time. this is complicated. in washington is that a good thing or a bad thing? as you know from your own experience the longer this is on the vine the more everybody
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either complains about something they know is in it or comes up with an idea to put something new in it. >> john, it is probably not a good thing because you know politicians only react to the deadline. they wait until the last moment. look, we always dance this dance. i was there when we last danced it in 2011. they're going to craft a deal. they probably already crafted a deal and some on the right won't like it. some on the left won't like it. it will mostly be passed by the majority of democrats and republicans and that will give mccarthy enough cover i think that he can say he tried but at the end of the day there's going to be unhappiness on both the far right and the far left with whatever deal this is. >> if you do, congressman rose, from what we know right now, the framework they have, a washington cliche' but happens to be true, there is no deal until there is a total deal. nothing is agreed to until everything is agreed to but i tn would raise the debt ceiling for two years, get you through the presidential election which the
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democrats want probably more than the republicans but everybody will be happy with. it will cap federal spending, not significantly cut. they are stuck on the length of the spending caps, whether there would be work requirements for food stamps and other safety net programs and the details, fossil fuels, green energy as well? let me ask you about the work requirements. both republicans and democrats say it is a red line. republicans say it is a red line for them. they won't vote for it if it is not in there and a lot of progressives are furious saying, mr. president, don't you dare. how does the outline sound to you? to me it sounds like an old school traditional deal. everybody gives a little and gets a little but do we live in traditional times? >> i'm not certain what the democrats are getting other than the fact they are avoiding economic calamity. here at a point where they control two-thirds of the government, despite that fact, they are seeing reduced government spending and that is not just a number here. this goes back to the signature, one of the signature legislative
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achievements of this administration, which was the 2023 budget, which saw unprecedented and vitally important increases in social service spending. nonetheless in a divided government this will be compromises. there is a reason why the work requirements are the last thing agreed upon because both sides care very passionately about this issue. it is personally shocking to me the republicans have even successfully inserted this into the dialogue because it is not a fiscal issue. this may be an ideological issue and one people are passionate about but the economic implications are slim compared to the other issues that we are talking about. so certainly if, and it is a gigantic if, if the republicans are able to successfully slip in a significant work requirement restriction into the final compromise i would sincerely hope the democrats get something
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equally substantive in return. otherwise what we're going to see is something small just meant to try to move on to another day. >> if we get a traditional deal the left doesn't like some things, the right doesn't like some things, in traditional times it gets passed and everybody grouses a bit but we move on. how many votes can kevin mccarthy afford to lose and not be challenged, not have his hold on that job challenged? >> in terms of how many votes he can lose it depends on how many votes democrats are going to put up. the math is so key here. the question of his speakership is a great question because during the race for the speaker's gavel he gave his critics this tool, this power to force him out at any given moment. and he made a number of other promises as well including that he would fight for fiscal 2022 spending levels. and so it is certainly a possibility that if he agrees to something that falls short of what conservatives are
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expecting, that he could be threatened. his speakership could be on the line here. do i expect the freedom caucus to vote for whatever deal comes out? no. they typically do not vote for these really big compromise deals. they don't usually vote for spending deals. it is possible they could just swallow this deal, vote against it. say they don't like it. put out a statement and leave kevin mccarthy alone but it really depends how much he angers them and how far he goes in what their eyes is caving to the democratic demands. >> when you look at the proposal again we don't have all the details but the basic things in there, capping spending for some time, perhaps some work requirements is there anything in there that you think would have a beneficial or detrimental impact on the economy or is it a status quo thing? >> i think what is duffifficult here almost all of this is ideological. the favorite example is the work
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requirements. the claim is that would lead more people to work. the evidence is they do no such thing. they just boot people off benefits. the other that i find just absolutely astonishing is the move to cut $10 billion of funding from the irs. all of the estimates are it would help them catch more tax cheats and bring in billions and billions more in revenue, so this isn't saving the government money. it is saving tax cheats from their burden. >> mr. wolfers thank. melanie as well. ron desantis is going after donald trump as he never has before but can he walk the fine line? attacking trump without alienating trump voters? narrator: the man with the troublesome hemorrhoid enters the room. phil: excuse me? hillary: that wasn't me. narrator: said hillary, who's only taken 347 steps today. hillary: i cycled here. narrator: speaking of cycles, mary's period is due to start in three days. mary: how do they know so much about us? narrator: your all sharing health data without realizing it.
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mercedes-benz certified pre-owned vehicles are rigorously inspected to live up to the highest of expectations. ron desantis making a big change as he gets his white house run in full gear. florida governor suddenly not shy about taking on the former president donald trump. but can he do that without angering the republican base? back with me the former republican congressman joe walsh, former democratic congressman max rose. joining us now national political correspondent for "time" magazine and ron brownstein cnn's senior political analyst. thanks for being here. up until his official announcement desantis sometimes implied criticism of trump but very gentle and nuanced. in the past 48 hours listen here. wow. >> i think he did great for three years but when he turned
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the country over to fauci in march of 2020 that destroyed millions of people's lives. when people look back, you know, that 2020 year was in the a good year for the country as a whole. >> he said he was going to eliminate the national debt when he ran in 2016. he ended up adding almost $8 trillion to the debt in four years. he is going left on a lot of the fiscal, going left on culture. he's even sided with disney against me. this is a different guy than 2015-2016. he attacked me for opposing an amnesty bill in the congress. he did support this amnesty, too. 2 million illegal aliens he wanted to amnesty. i opposed it because that is what america first principles dictate that you are opposed to amnesty. >> you listen to that and see a politician clearly on policy after policy after policy trying to get to what we used to call the right of donald trump. the question is does that ideological republican party, is it still organized that way? or is it trump's party and you
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can't criticize him? >> i think on the one hand, look. i remember i'm having flashbacks to 2015 when we heard from ted cruz and jeb bush and so many others trump is not a real conservative and to the base voters of the republican party they either didn't buy it or didn't care. on the other hand it is worth listening to what desantis is saying because it is really interesting. he is saying yeah like you i always liked trump and then he changed. what he is saying is the trump who is running now is not the same guy you supported back in 2016 or even in 2020. that he moved to the left. he betrayed the principles that so many republican voters thought they were getting. that is an interesting argument, right? we've seen that slight fall off in support for trump even among the republican base. desantis is trying to speak to those voters to say i, like you, did like this guy at one point. but then i drifted away from him as he moved in a different direction. >> let's add one to it.
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he says they're soft on covid, soft on spending, soft on the border. he also remembered the signature criminal justice reform legislation of the trump administration a big bipartisan achievement. ron desantis says no donald trump is soft on crime. >> and soft on abortion. under the trump administration he enacted a bill basically a jailbreak bill called the first step act. it has allowed dangerous people out of prison who have now reoffended and really, really hurt a number of people. so one of the things i would want to do as president is go to congress and seek the repeal of the first step act. if you are in jail, you should serve your time. >> ron, what do you see here in a sense clearly trying to get to trump's right. the question is the math. what percentage of republicans are locked in on trump no matter what? and is there enough room for ron desantis to pull this off? >> there is a big gamble here. the question is whether ron
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desantis has better odds of convincing the republican base donald trump is insufficiently conservative or that he is insufficiently electable because the two goals i think are in conflict. the way that he is going at him ideologically as you point out is constantly trying to get to his right. you could think of donald trump as this kind of mack truck rolling down the right lane of the republican freeway and with all these lanes to his left and center desantis is trying to pass him in the shoulder. the 6 inches of the shoulder on the right. the problem with that is that the better argument even in a republican primary may be that donald trump can promise you all these things but can't deliver them because he can't win again. by choosing to define himself to the right of trump, you already see desantis alienating donors and strategists who thought he was potentially more electable than trump. it kind of undermines the second argument. if you are painting yourself into this corner on all of these issues can you then turn around
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and make the case that i am in fact a better vehicle to win back the suburbs of philadelphia and detroit and milwaukee and atlanta than trump is? ultimately i think desantis has to choose one argument or the other because the way he is pursuing the first i think undermines the second. >> max rose, jump in on that point as the democrat in the conversation. i've received, had several conversations, text messages from democrats who say, really? the republicans are going to debate abortion and covid restrictions for the next six months? thank you very much. >> first of all, look. ron desantis has been so socially inept for the last three or four months that if he merely acts like he is a human being on the campaign trail, the media applauds him as beating expectations. there is one thing that he is getting correct here and that is i believe that the republican base sincerely does want a fighter, someone they perceive as even a reckless fighter
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against norms, culture, the establishment, so on and so forth. hell they want someone who is going to fight the military and he believes fight mickey mouse as well. but nonetheless i think that there is something that he is getting absolutely wrong here. and that is that the person who wins the primary has to win the general. and the positions that he is taking here, even if he ever did win the primary and i still think that's a long shot, no one wants someone who is going to talk in this reckless fashion openly applauding the deaths of hundreds of thousands, openly talking about how are they going to divide us rather than unite us, and openly talking about how they are going to wage war on millions of women's right to make their own healthcare decisions, this is a losing campaign before our very eyes. i think you're going to see him flail as time goes on.
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>> congressman walsh, you know ron desantis from when he served in the house. as you watch this strategy play out he is taking a 2 x 4 to donald trump who to many republican base voters is still their hero whether we agree or disagree on the election denial or the policies. he is also giving a little candy sounding very much like trump when it comes to criticizing the fbi and talking about possible pardons for january 6th offenders. listen. >> do you think the january 6th defendants deserve to have their cases examined by a republican president? if trump, let's say, gets charged with federal offenses and you are the president of the united states, would you look at potentially pardoning trump, himself, based on the evidence that might emerge of those charges? >> the doj and fbi have been weaponized so what i'm going to do is on day one i will have folks that will get together and look at all these cases who people are victims of weaponization or political
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targeting and we will be aggressive in issuing pardons. >> do you see that strategy, congressman walsh, as feasible? can you beat trump up essentially saying i'm better than the original? >> john, god no. first of all because max is right. desantis has zero personality, charisma. say what you want about trump but he's got personality. that's the thing, john. republican based voters runoff donald trump. it's got nothing to do with policy. it's not policy based. you can't attack trump on policy. it's all personality. he's the victim. he's the bully. desantis can never out do that. john, desantis is trapped. ron desantis cannot say that the 2020 election was not stolen. he can never say that or he is done. and when donald trump is indicted again, ron desantis is going to have to say, witch hunt
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or something like that. or he is done. he can never yell, witch hunt as loud as donald trump. it's almost an impossible road. >> go ahead. >> real quick, trump is not exactly the same figure he was in 2016. then his ideological support was pretty evenly distributed across the party. today he is much more dependent on the most conservative voters. you see desantis using the famous call, you got to go after an opponent's strongest attribute. that is what he is doing and it will either succeed or be a brick wall for him. >> that is what makes it fascinating. another conversation, this one simmering tensions between top texas republicans erupting into articles of impeachment for a big trump ally. stay with us.
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the republican attorney general of texas faces the possibility of impeachment. a texas house voted unanimously yesterday to recommend articles of impeachment against him including accusations of bribery, obstruction of justice, and dereliction of duty. he calls the investigation illegal. the full house chamber is scheduled to vote tomorrow afternoon. if it impeaches paxton it moves on to the senate for trial. cnn's ed lavandera with more. >> reporter: one of the most controversial politicians in texas is facing impeachment. >> this shameful process was curated from the start as an act
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of political retribution. >> reporter: republican ken paxton has been the state's attorney general since 2014 but a texas house committee led by fellow republicans is accusing paxton of a litany of criminal acts including bribery, obstruction of justice, dereliction of duty, 20 articles of impeachment in all filed against him. the charges brought by the texas house general investigating committee detail alleged violations by the ag and a request for more than $3 million of public money to pay a legal settlement to whistle-blowers who worked as top deputies in the ag's office. they revolted against paxton in 2020. there are also bribery charges with a top campaign donor that involved an alleged affair. in a statement paxton says the allegations are politically motivated and based on, quote, hearsay and gossip. and also added that corrupted politicians in the texas house are actively destroying texas's
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position as the most powerful back stop against the biden agenda in the entire country. >> every politician who supports this deceitful impeachment attempt will inflict lasting damage on the credibility of the texas house. >> reporter: paxton has been under indictment for felony securities violations since taking office. he's also under fbi investigation for his actions connected to the articles of impeachment. paxton has denied all wrongdoing and texas voters have re-elected him as attorney general twice. along the way he's garnered the support of a major ally. >> he loves his state and he loves this country. attorney general ken paxton. >> reporter: and taking a page out of the trump playbook paxton blames the looming impeachment fight on liberal factions in the texas republican party. one texas state representative predicts paxton will be impeached by the texas house but is calling on the texas senate to refuse to hold an impeachment trial. >> no one has any evidence that he did anything wrong.
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it is all allegations. so yes. this is just political retribution is all it is. this is a complete sham. >> reporter: if the impeachment passes in the texas house with the majority vote it moves on to the senate where the attorney general's wife state senator angela paxton could be among those voting on his potential impeachment. ken paxton is urging friends and supporters to come peacefully to rally on his behalf at the texas capitol on saturday when texas lawmakers will vote on the articles of impeachment. this is significant because it echoes what donald trump did with his supporters on january 6th. we must point out ken paxton was on that same stage with donald trump on that day. john? >> he was indeed. ed lavandera, thanks so much. i was listening to some of the testimony in the impeachment committee. some of these allegations go back to the very beginning of his tenure back to 2014 and
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2015. there's been a stench, clouds of smoke around ken paxton for a long time. why now? >> well, he essentially asked the legislature to participate in a cover-up. as ed was saying, there was a request for this fine levied against him, more than $3 million to settle the claims of the whistle-blowers. republican staffers who worked in his office. so he asked the legislature to pay that money for him. they started investigating him on that basis. as you mentioned, this is someone who has been under indictment for nearly eight years. where is the judicial system? where is the fbi? is it any wonder that people have qualms about the rule of law in this country? here is someone who basically, you know, epitomizes trump's attitude that if you make the law they can't touch you and you get to make the rules. but there is a higher authority than the attorney general of texas and it looks like it may finally be time to pay the
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piper. >> at least we get the vote in the house it looks like. what is the significance outside the borders of texas? paxton has been one of the republican attorneys general who have gone to court repeatedly to challenge just about everything the biden administration does and often texas takes the lead so they can try to find, they think they can find more favorable federal judges in the state of texas. would he just be replaced by another republican? is it just about him or does it have bigger meaning? >> well, let's break it out from outside of texas and inside. outside of texas the significance is exactly what you say. republican state attorneys general have repeatedly sued the biden administration to block policies biden wants to pursue particularly on immigration and the environment but also the mifepristone case and very often texas is the lead plaintiff because that way they can find trump appointed district or other conservative district judges in texas and then have a pipeline for the case to go through the fifth circuit court of appeals which is perhaps the most conservative in the
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country. this is something republicans have used over and over again. so paxton has made himself into a hero for the maga base in many ways by positioning himself as kind of the tip of the spear in the legal efforts to stop biden. inside of texas it is fascinating. there is a divide between the texas state senate and the texas state house. the state house has generally been considered more pragmatic, somewhat more centrist although still under republican leadership than the texas state senate which is led by the lieutenant governor dan patrick who was kind of trump before trump. and so the intramural struggle is reflected in this. if the house is pursuing unclear if the senate will follow up. it is remarkable for this to be coming up at the end of a session which has probably been the most conservative in texas history, which is saying something. not only a raft of socially conservative legislation but also unprecedented measures being passed in both chambers to
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strip authority from the increasingly democratic leaning large cities and counties in the state including giving the state authority to overturn elections just in harris county which is houston. so for this to come, this kind of intramural fighting in the republican party at the end of the session that has been so ideologically aggressive is still somewhat remarkable. >> it also has a reality tv flavor to it and paxton using what we call the trump playbook. i don't know if that is fair or not in the case but this is led by republicans so he calls them essentially rinos and has gone beyond that. he is not only saying i didn't do these things but trying to attack the investigators if you will. he sent a letter based on a review of the speaker presiding over the house of representatives in an obviously intoxicated state, calling upon the committee to open an investigation into the speaker for violation of house rules, state laws, conduct unbecoming his position. we've seen that in washington.
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attack the investigators. does it work in texas? >> well, we'll see. it doesn't seem to have worked in this case because that statement was issued right before they announced all of the articles of impeachment. so, clearly. it was some sort of attempt to head this off as you say to attack the attackers. but look. this is republicans policing their own and very hard for him to argue this is somehow partisan. this whistle-blower complaint started with loyal republican staffers in his own office who became alarmed about his behavior, the way he was using the office allegedly to cover up for his friends and do his friends' bidding and help them. so, you know, this is all between republicans. to talk about a liberal faction in the texas state legislature, you know, it doesn't really exist. so he's clearly trying everything he can and he will have the opportunity to make his case in these proceedings but this has been coming for a very long time. >> yes, it has. now the moment of truth is here.
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i just want to put on the record the reaction from the texas house speaker to that, his communications director saying mr. paxton's statement today amounts to little more than a last ditch effort to save pace. we'll try to track this impeachment case. great to see you both. have a great weekend. if you are making plans to head to the beach for weekend yourself please stick around. at adp, we use data-driven insights to design hr solutions to help you engage and retain top performers today, so you can have more success tomorrow. ♪ one thing leads to another, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ they need their lawn back fast and you need scotts turf builder rapid grass. it grows grass 2 times faster than just seed alone.
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as beach goers prepare for the holiday weekend officials are warning people be mindful of the possibility of sharks in the water. this comes after reports of several unprovoked attacks over just the last several weeks. the latest incident in turks and caicos. we should note experts say and the numbers show shark attacks are extremely rare but they do happen. >> i thought it was just a crab pinching my foot but it felt big thaern that i realized and my whole foot was in its mouth. i was shaking my foot as hard as i could. it was hard. it was really heavy. >> wildlife biologist jeff corwin host of "wildlife nation" is with us. these recent encounters are worrying to beach goers. context it is rare but still alarming. is it safe to go to the beach?
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>> good evening, john. yes, context is so important. it is safe to go to the beach. here in massachusetts where i live where you're from you have a better chance of winning megabucks a couple times than being attacked by a shark. with that said, we are noticing an increase in some of the negative encounters between human beings and sharks particularly in places like florida, the american south, and places like new england because here unlike other parts of the world where shark populations are crashing, our shark populations are growing. >> they are growing. i was at the cape last year and saw several myself watching them come up. actually you get advice from the experts because if a shark gets near you maintain eye contact with the shark. slowly move away. exit the water. if a shark tries to bite you, hit the eyes and gills. hit the snout. push away. okay. i can read that advice. i'm not so sure if a shark approached me in the water i
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would have the wisdom and grace and patience and calmness to remember it but what would jeff corwin do? >> good luck with that. that's how i look at that. you know, my technique is if i'm going in the water, with john king, i don't need to out swim the shark, just john king. right? seriously when you're in the water with sharks you need to remember as you touched on earlier, in a healthy marine environment like here along plymouth and the cape where i live, we have lots of sharks. you're often never more than 300 feet away from a living shark. they are integral to ecosystems, the pinnacle predators, the sign of a healthy ecosystem. with that said, you don't want to be at the wrong side of a shark. so the best way to avoid injury is just avoiding those situations where negative encounters could happen like going in the water at low light levels during dawn or dusk, after rain storms, during the
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breeding seasons. if there is a big predator prey event. you are talking about cape cod. i scuba dive just about every day in the summer time when i'm home. there are places i would not scuba dive especially where we get big clusters or groups of gray seals and harbor seals. the reason why our great white shark population is growing is because their buffet is all you can eat. >> you see the seals every time you're up there. i want to move on to another issue you are passionate about which is the north atlantic white wahale. you say we are at the now or never moment in trying to save this species. >> absolutely. it is so serious. the north atlantic whale, its population, this species has begun to collapse. this year we only had 11 surviving offspring. it should be triple that. so there is a group right now,
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international fund for animal welfare. they have a research vessel called song of the whale and also not far from here have the marine mammal rescue center. they along with a team from noaa and other research and conservationists have discovered this species is about to disappear. why? they migrate up from florida to canada waters. they do that. they come up here to feed. as they're migrating their way up, they give birth. they reproduce in florida. they come and feed in places like nova scotia, they're getting hit by container ships when they migrate into shipping lanes. they're also getting entangled in fishing gear. so you're looking at footage. this is a whale entangled in ghost net and fishing gear. it takes hurculean efforts, actually very dangerous to try to free these entangled whales. but when you are so endangered
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and so close to disappearing, every one of these whales matters. another challenge they're facing is when they go to canada and head up to maine the bay of maine is the fastest warming body of water on the planet. so that means they come here to eat and they have to work so much harder to fill their bellies so you add up the climate change, the entanglement with nets, and the shipping lanes, this creature is in a world of hurt. it is not too late. if we were to act now and really focus we have a very good chance of saving this remarkable species. >> what are the two or three most important things to do now? >> the most important things we can do is make sure we get the ghost nets out of the water. we work with our friends in the fishing community. i actually fish in the summer myself. but the fishing community, they are our allies and partners to
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this success. for example we now have these incredible state-of-the-art technology lobster traps that actually deploy the bowies when they're ready to be collected versus hanging in the water potentially entangling whales. we have this incredible technology. we need to watch where these vessels are going so they are not hitting whales in parts of the country like the south. boaters, both recreational and commercial need to slow down. we give these creatures some space they will survive. but this is our last chance. in the end we will all pay the price if the incredible, majestic, north atlantic whale becomes extinct. >> amen to that point. thank you for your time. important insights. imagine you're on a plane, 700 feet in the air when suddenly the exit door opens. well, that happened on one flight. we've got the video, next.
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narrator: the man with the troublesome hemorrhoid enters the room. phil: excuse me? hillary: that wasn't me. narrator: said hillary, who's only taken 347 steps today. hillary: i cycled here. narrator: speaking of cycles, mary's period is due to start in three days. mary: how do they know so much about us? narrator: your all sharing health data without realizing it. that's how i know about kevin's rash. who's next? wait... what's that in your hand? no, no, stop! oh you're no fun. [lock clicks shut] fasten your seat belt. video from an almost unvible midair moment aboard a south korean jet when a man allegedly opens the cabin door in midair. cnn's tom foreman has more.
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>> reporter: wind fouling through the cabin, 200 people on board, passengers gripping their arm rests. these were the chaotic minutes before landing for that asiana airlines flight in south korea. officials say the plane was still 700 feet in the air, traveling around 170 miles an hour, when a man in his 30s grabbed an exit door. >> maybe the man tried to get off the plane. a flight attendant said, help, help, and about ten passengers stood up and pulled him in. >> reporter: opening a commercial jet door in flight is supposed to be impossible. the doors are locked and beveled so that air pressure inside the plane pushes them firm into the door opening. >> so at altitude, you simply can't do it. there are thousands of pounds of pressure on those doors. you cannot open them, you can't open the over-wing exits. >> reporter: but at very low altitudes on some older planes, experts say it might be
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possible. what we know for sure is the man on the asiana flight was arrested and others have tried the same thing. >> i'm taking over this plane! >> reporter: a flight l.a. to boston in march, authorities say a passenger was restrained after he attacked a crew member, tried to open the emergency exit door, and said he believed the flight attendant was trying to kill him. a court order him to undergo a mental health evaluation. >> where's homeland security with the gun? i'm waiting for them to point a gun at me. i will kill every man on this plane! >> reporter: other incidents have raised similar concerns in the air, including a woman who tried to open a door while flyinging from raleigh, north carolina. and on the ground. in los angeles, authorities say a man opened the door of a parked jet and jumped onto an exit slide. in chicago, officials say a man popped an emergency door while his plane taxied and walked onto the wing. and in new york, officials say a couple with their dog opened a
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door and took an exit slide as their plane was preparing to leave. why the man in the asiana incident allegedly tried to open that plane, we don't know. authorities are merely saying he was not in a good mental state by the time it was all over, some other passengers weren't either, taken to the hospital for hyperventilating. >> somehow, no one serious injured, that's a miracle. thank you for watching, have a great weekend. our coverage continues. ♪ tourists tourists that turn into scientists. tourists photographing thousands of miles of remote coral reefs. that can be analyzed by ai in real time. ♪ so researchers can identify which areas are at risk. and help life underwater flourish.
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♪ a warm welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm michael holmes.


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