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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 23, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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comcast business. powering possibilities™. this hour, new details about the teenager now charged with threatening to kill, kidnap or
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inflict harm on a president. this is after a u-haul, crashing a u-haul into the barriers very near the white house. new details coming in, and we are live at the scene. we received an update from house speaker kevin mccarthy on where he thinks that the negotiations stand on avoiding the u.s. default. he says they are, quote, nowhere close to a deal. this is cnn "news central." all right. we have new video into cnn today and this is really the video that you want to see. it appears to show the moment that a man rammed a u-haul into the barrier outside of the white house. the national parks service has identified who they think is behind this. a 19-year-old from missouri. this all started around 10:00 p.m. last night, and the truck drove into the security barriers on the backside of lafayette
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park, and it is right across from white house compound. the secret service says that no one was injured, but officials including bomb technicians searched truck after the crash, a law enforcement source says no explosives were found, but what was found the following including a flag that appears to show a swastika and a black backpack and a roll of duct tape. brian todd is there on the scene, and you have new details of what the suspect said at the scene last night. what do you? >> that is right, kate. according to the law enforcement sources who spoke to our colleagues evan perez and john miller at the scene last night shortly after the vehicle crashed into the barrier behind me, the suspect did make threats regarding the white house, and that is according to the law enforcement sources evan perez and john miller. it occurred around 10:00 p.m. last night, the u-haul truck smashed into the barrier here
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behind me. the oil spilled and they have some sand and absorbent there and there sis a tire track here behind me. when it crashed, they thought there was some explosive, and for that reason, they evacuated the hotel there behind me here, as you can see behind me, and they evacuated the hotel there, the hay-adams hotel so they could check for explosives. but the suspect did make threats regarding the white house, and the suspect identified 19-year-old sai varshirth candula who is charged with threatening a president and/or his family, and he is going to appear in court later, and
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secret service saying that the president was not in danger at any time, and they are not giving any specific measures they took to protect the president at the time of the crash. >> thank you, brian. this investigation clearly continuing. and joining me with much more is the nastional security council john kirby. this is an investigation handled by the secret service and other entities not under your purview, but as you are standing there across, what is your thoughts of the motivations of this person? >> it is difficult to know for sure, kate. and like you said, it is under investigation, so i don't want to get ahead of where they are in terms of the motive was here and the actual intent. clearly this individual intended some kind of harm by ramming the truck through the pylons, and
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that is a violent act itself, but i don't want to get ahead of where the investigation is. >> totally understandable. do you think that the president or the first lady were in any danger last night? >> i have to take the word of the secret service here who made it clear that they were not. they take the responsibilities incredibly seriously, and it is important to note that while lafayette square is just over my shoulder where this occurred and it was from the white house property. so again, we certainly want to thank local law enforcement, and the park service, and the secret service for the very, very prompt action that they took last night, but they, themselves, they have said that at no time was the president or the first lady in any danger. >> they have moved very quickly to secure the scenes, and it is good to hear that. >> they did. >> and also, john, i wanted to ask you about evan gershkovich,
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and he is in court to appeal his pretrial conviction and before we came on air, the russian state media is saying that the russian court has extended the detention for another three month, and we knee the sfb had been asking for that and he had asked for a house arrest in the pretrial detention, and how do you feel about that. >> i am just hearing that news for first time here, and i don't have a reaction except that he should not be held at all, and he should be released immediately. that is the administration's view, and president biden's view, and he should not be detained. certainly not extended. i am just coming into the news hearing it from you. >> absolutely. and even before this, i was going to ask you about his situation, because again, he was denied a consular visit. >> that is right. >> this is the second time that
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this has happened and what is your understand of why this basic and i would say required, but they are breaking all kinds of rules and regulations and international law, but it is an obligation for them to allow the consular visits and why are they not allowing basic access? >> we want that access, and we want to talk to him directly and check in on him and see how he is doing, and communicate to him, and we have made that case very, very stridently with the russian officials through our embassy and directly, and it is not clear why they are denying it, and maybe it is spitefulness over the antipathy of the united states or the free press or some excuse to pin it on, but there is no grounds to deny consular access.
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it is wrong to detain americans around the world, and we want to get that consular access going. >> john, i wanted to speaking of russia, the war in ukraine, and russia is saying that the forces are pushing back what they are calling the ukrainian forces attacking inside of russia in the belgorad forces, but the anti-putin nationals fighting there in russia, and what is your understanding of what is really happening here, and how significant it is in. >> well, we don't have a whole lot oinformation on the attacker hoo, kate. it does appear it is russian sympathizing groups, if you will, that sympathize with the war in ukraine, but russian origin making the alleged attacks here in and around belgrade and how they carried out the attacks. when it is coming to these
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attacks, we are not helping or supporting these attacks, because it is our understanding that ukraine can attack and defend their own territory. >> and now, we are learning that with coordination with other allies and nations, f-16s will be provided, and is there a process to where the united states would provide f-16s, and why wouldn't you? if you now support this move, and any good reason not to? >> i will tell you that we are working our way through that, kate. the president did announce that we will start to provide training for the ukrainian pilots to likely occur in europe not far from ukraine, so many training events that we have already done for many ukrainian servicemen and women in europe, but as for how many jets, and what type and coming from what
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country, and all of that has to be worked out. one of the things that the president when he laid out this new training commitment, it was to also make it clear that we will be working with a coalition of other nations, and nations with the advanced fighter aircraft to work out the details of that. i can't say yes or no right now, because we are beginning the process, because we will see how it flushes out. but the main thing, they will get advanced aircraft and training on how the fly them. >> john kirby, the white house international spokesman joining us from the white house. thank you. >> thank you. and that is a good question, kate, if they are going to get them anyway, why not from the u.s. now turning to the debt negotiations, kevin mccarthy did say that they are nowhere near a deal, but he did deliver a line of optimism that it could happen
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soon. >> finish it by june 1st? >> we could still finish it within june 1st, and a time line. and look, we met there again last night, and we are not in agreement yet. the problem is that they have spent too much money, and the democrats want to spend more than we spent last year, and that is not going to happen. >> that is part of it, and they are in a situation because the republicans have not agreed to spend the debt limit which happened in the trump administration without limitations. and manu is running around capitol hill, and now, there is one that could get done by june 1st, but what are you hearing, manu? >> it is a huge hurdle to get a deal done by june 1st and signed into law, because so many differences remaining, between the house republicans and the white house, and not simply enough time to move through all
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of the parliamentary procedures to get a bill signed to law, and much less, a house and superma joy ti. the question is if they can get a deal, and the white house negotiators are saying that there is no deal, and garrett graves and patrick mchenry the top negotiators are in the room. they are saying there is not enough cuts to go below last year's levels, and they say they are agreeable to a freeze, but it is not good enough for republicans. and there is a policy change for work requirements for safety net program, but talking to the people on the left, and they are concerned about those kinds of seeking is. and some on the right is not to erase the house bill to erasing the slew of cuts that is showing
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beyond the ranks. >> there is a huge backlash from the entire democratic caucus and certainly the progressives, but also in the streets. i think it is important that we don't take steps back from the very strong agenda that the president, himself, he shep erded and led over the last two years. >> reporter: but if the president agrees to spending caps or work requirements on certain social safety nets. >> it is a problem. we do not legislate through the debt ceiling for that reason. >> that what we passed last month. they have not passed anything yet, and yet you are asking us what we will take. what we will take is what we passed. >> the position has not changed. the senate needs to pass the house bill. >> reporter: and some of the conservative hardliners are telling me this morning they do not believe that the june 1st deadline that a default could
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pass because they believe that the secretary is making up a date, and that is the pressure they are facing. >> and there are a number of words going around, and what matters is the words behind closed doors when they start talking again. keep us posted, manu. kate? >> a lot of words, but not a lot of action. classic. cnn is reporting that tdonad trump is asking his attorney if he can push back on action from the investigation of mar-a-lago. he is saying that he has dozens of detailed notes from evan corcoran. paula reid has more on this. this is a fascinating level of detail that the special councilcouk counsel's office was able to obtain. >> this is a specific period of the investigation last spring
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after the trump team received a subpoena from the justice department requesting the return of the classified documents still in the former president's possession. we learned from the sources that the notes reveal how trump wanted to know how they could push back on this, and how they could fight this. at least one source is telling us that, looking, he was seek legal advice, and these are the kinds of questions that any client would ask their attorney in this situation, but publicly the former president has given contradictory expla igs nanatio why he did not return them sooner. at our town hall, our kaitlan collins asked if he had shown anyone those documents and then he was successfully able to convince the court that he needed these notes in case these materials were used in
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furtherance of a crime. >> appreciate the information, paula. and near misses on the u.s. runways and the new effort s on the efforts to stop these calls. and a profound risk to the children, and what sparked those words. and now, dramatic video showing a 4-year-old child being dropped over a u.s. border wall. new science shows itit gets in between teeth to destroy 5x more plaque above the gumline than floss. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. listerine. feel the whoa! so, i got this app from experian. it's got everything i need to help my finances. got my fico® score, raised it instantly, it's got everything i need i even found new ways to save. all righhere. it's got everything i need i even free. and save. see all you n do with the free experian app. doload it now.
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here's what is on our radar this hour. 12 air poortports across the co is getting more federal funding. $12 million aimed at curbing the runway incursions known as near-misses. the government has signed two red flag bills into law. under this, relatives, medical professionals and roommates and former dating partners are allowed to take firearms away. if someone is at risk or could harm themselves or others, the court can prevent them from getting a pistol license or concealed pistol license. and this, a man in florida lost his arm after he was attacked by a 10-foot alligator sunday. the 23-year-old was bitten near a pond behind port charlotte,
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florida. he spoke out, and i think that we have the sound bite. listen to. this >is it. >> i felt like, something on the ground below me tripped me and i ended up in the water, and that is the last thing i remember. >> that is crazy. the officials say that the alligator was removed from the pond and humanely killed. >> wow, that is some story. >> florida governor ron desantis is expected to launch the campaign as soon as maybe tomorrow, but "the wall street journal" reports that some other republicans may not be so impressed and the field could grow even more which the journal says is, quote, a sign that perspective candidates don't believe that the contest is locked up, and view governor ron desantis as a flawed lead challenger to the former president. do they? let's ask one. former republican congressman from texas will hurd who has
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said that he is considering running, and congressman, pleasure to speak with you. >> thank you for having me on. >> and why would ron desantis be a flawed lead challenger to donald trump? >> well, this is the broader problem at the gop, we have lost at every level since going back to donald trump's election. we lost the house in 2018, and we lost the senate and the white house in 2020, the red wave didn't materialize in 2022, and part of that is because of donald trump's policies and his behavior and his baggage and trying to be donald trump-lite is not going to help us to win in november. we need candidates to appeal to independents and soft democrats, and so it is not winning and losing elections, but we could lose the century.
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the last century has led to a quality of life that everybody in the world has envied, and that is at stake if we don't have leaders that are focused on issues that are going to ensure we stay the largest sole superpower. so we need the people who are willing to take the message to the country. >> is ron desantis one of them or is he falling into the category of donald trump-lite? >> well, i think that ron is going to get in and he's going to try. i think that his numbers are already souring. he made a huge mistake in not supporting ukraine. the reality is that, you know, if we don't support a country like ukraine and win the war, and winning war means pushing the russians out of the entire country to include crimea, then the eastern europe is not going care what america thinks, and they are going to appease and
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side with the russian, and then western europe is not going to care what america thinks and starts to siding with the chinese government, and that is going to cause an unraveling of the international order that has benefited america. and so there has already been a number of missteps and ultimately, we know who the frontrunner is, and anybody who is unwilling to challenge that frontrunner is just running for vice president. >> are you willing, congressman, and i ask you that with the clock ticking, because you said on tv that you would decide by memorial day, and by my count, that is monday. >> yeah, well, i said i would decide soon, and ultimately, look, my position has been very clear. i have agreed when i agree and disagree, and i believe that my track record of criticizing
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donald trump, and being willing to criticize donald trump is clear. so as my wife knows, i make decisions when i'm ready, and when i'm ready to make a decision of whether i am able to continue to serve my country, i will make that decision. >> congressman, you are someone for whom compromise is not a four-letter word. there are negotiations under way right now over raising debt ceiling. republicans have said, and you know, two ways by the way to, to you know, cut spending and raise revenue, and why would republican say, not raise revenue whether to tax the wealthy or carry interest loophole, and why make that a red line? >> because ultimately speaker mccarthy has to make sure that he is able to deliver the votes to get something to pass. i think that there is the $2
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trillion of spending that the biden administration has done over the last couple of years, and in doing it with the democrats-only, and at a time when he had control, he could have raised the debt ceiling at that point, and he chose not to, and it is kind of ridiculous when he is saying that he is blameless in all of this. they had the opportunity to do that. i think that there is plenty of places where he can streamline how the federal government operates and where $1.7 trillion over the amount of resources that we take in, but there are some strict cuts, and at least, the thing that i am hopeful for and the fact that both speaker mccarthy and president biden is saying that there is not going to be a default. anybody who thinks that default is an option is ignorant, and we have to prevent that from happening. and the way that you solve these problems is by negotiating and
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doing compromise and this should have been going on for the last 100 days and in the last eight or nine days that we have, a deal gets solidified, because defaulting on our debt is going to have ramifications for every american, and it is going to have ramifications throughout the world. >> congressman will hurd, good to see you and thank you for coming on. kate. >> montana's new tiktok ban is being challenged in court now. and why the social media company says that ban is unconstitutional. a scary scene at the southern bord wer a video showing a 4-year-old dropped over the border fence, and now what border officials say happen and how that child is doing. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪
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this morning, tiktok is taking montana to court. the company filed a federal lawsuit over montana's new law that is going to ban the chinese-owned app. tiktok says that among other things, it violates the u.s. constitution. brian fung has more details on this. the last time that we talked about this, you expected tiktok to take legal action, and so what are they exactly arguing in the lawsuit? >> yes, kate. tiktok is making four
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accusations here, and the biggest one is of course the allegation that the law is unconstitutional and violates first amendment rights of montanians and saying that the mon montanans will not be able to exercise their first amendment rights. this is interesting. tiktok says unprecedented and extreme step of banning a major platform for u.n. violation of speech to limit access of data and first amendment free speech is unfounded. tiktok is referencing speculation about china's potential access to user data of americans which tiktok says is, you know, it is grounds for several other of its claims including that this law violates the u.s. commerce laws as well
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as exceeds the presidential authority to set u.s. foreign policy, all of which is really important as more states are looking at banning tiktok, and as the federal government looks at it, too. >> it is happening on two fronts right now in a big way. brian, thank you. john? >> new this morning, the u.s. border patrol has released disturbing video showing the moments that a 4-year-old child was dropped from the border barrier in san diego last week. you can see it going on right there. awful. officials say that the ems agents responded to the scene where the child was left and the 4-year-old is okay. rosa flores is with us. what are you learning about this? >> well, there is so much more to that dramatic video, john, because it is surveillance video. it has no audio, but according to u.s. customs and border protection, and what happened once the border agents and the first responders went to the scene to help the child, they
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came under fire and so much so that the u.s. marine operations responded via helicopter to provide cover while the child is tended to. all of this is under investigation from the both sides of the border from the mexican and the u.s. side. we have asked about the boy's condition, and all we know is that the boy is okay, and the boy's location, and we have not heard back at this time. john? >> thank you, rosa flores, and keep us posted, because that video is chilling. kate. >> police, divers, speedboats are searching a new area connected to the case of madeleine mccann missing since 2007. coming up, why officials say they started this new search so many years after this little girl went missing. and now, in moscow, the hearing on evan gershkovich and
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the latest on his case and how much longer he is going to be behind bars. much more coming up on cnn "news central." ♪ bye, uncle limu. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ you founded your kayak company because you love the ocean- not spreadsheets. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed y do. indeed instant match instantly devers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ♪ that feeling you get... when you can du more with less asthma. it starts with dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing
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a surprising twist now in the 16-year-old search for missing toddler madeleine mccann. portuguese and german investigators are on the scene with a new search after receiving a tip. madeleine, you will remember she was 3 years old when she vanished in 2007 on a family vacation in portugal. what is happening now? scott mclane is joining us with new details. what are you learning about this new search? >> yes, kate. according to the portugal police sources, they are learning about the potential activities at the site of the primary suspect, and that is german man in the
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mid-40s who is a convicted sex offender who lived a mile from the resort that madeleine mccann was taken away from some 16 years ago and this is a crime that took place 16 years ago, and the searching area is vast, and mountainous area, and scrub land on both areas, and it has been searched before, the water in 2008, and 15 years ago. and there are boats and divers, but this activity is taking place on the land around the reservoir, and why are they searching there now? the german prosecutor in this case won't say exactly, but he is insisting that this effort is not in vain. listen. >> translator: the measures in portugal are related to the madeleine mccann case, and we are investigating in portugal
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based on certain indications. i cannot disclose the background why we are searching there, and what we are hoping to find. that is to remain our secret at the moment. >> so kate, looking back, it seems that the officers have compiled circumstantial evidence and like bruckner's cell phone at the time, and like he was trying to reregister his vehicle a day later, and also his story has changed, but under the german law, they need to confrins the judge that they have enough evidence to secure a conviction, before they can lay charges. and time is of the essence, because he is in prison for raping an american woman, and he is halfway through the term in prison now. >> is there any information on
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what is happening with the family? >> no, we have reached out to them, and there is a not posted to the website which they do regularly. there was a vigil held on the anniversary of the disappearance in licester where they live now, and this is case they have tried to keep in the public eye even this amount of time later. it is also something that frankly, they have managed to keep alive on their on, because there was a space after the portuguese police closed the case, and where the only people who were investigating the case were the mccann family, and the fact that they are still looking and hoping is a truest look to their faith. >> 16 years. 16 years ago this year. and now, a pretrial
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detention of evan gershkovich is being held again today. >> and now, evan gershkovich's parents came to the united states and settled in new jersey where they raised evan and the rest of the family, and they went to the court today for this pretrial hearing. we will learn what made the decision for them to go to this court hearing. you don't normally see the americans go to the country to see them in-country, because it can be potentially dangerous. one other thing to note, we do have the ruling of the
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predetention trial, and what it did is that the court extended the time that he is going to be in pretrial detention from the end of this month through the end of august at least. so essentially, that means that the russian investigators who are trying to know there is more time in prison, and so it will be the end of october before we hear more details. >> and we will have more details of how did he look and seem. >> they didn't allow the reporter in, so it is tough to know. >> the parents went, and jewish soviet dissidents coming to the united states in the 1970s and generally speaking not the type of people who feel comfortable going back when their son has been imprisoned. >> and particularly in part of who evan gershkovich is, and
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part of the reason maybe he is detained there. and they say that he is a spy, and certain individuals, and his family say that is the opposite. he was there as a "wall street journal"ist, and trying to dig into the russian culture. you talk to folks close to him living in russia. incredibly daring move by his parents to show up to court today. >> thank you, kylie atwood. and now, jeff bezos and his partner lauren sanchez are engaged. what is being said about the couple and their future plans. we will be right back. ® the suncarare brand used most by dermatologists and their families, neutrogegena® for people witith skin.
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in the works stand here and look pretty. >> i like weddings. >> me too. i'm big into fall weddings. billionaire c eeo jeff bezos an his fiance are getting ready to tie the knot. the couple confirmed they are now engaged. you sat down with them a short time ago. >> just a couple months ago. >> first time doing a sit-down interview. what are you hearing about the plans now? >> it's the engagement that everyone has been talking about and everyone wants to know when is the wed ding going to take place. could a royal wedding the guest list, there have been jokes on social media it will take place on the moon because of the contract.
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i spent quite a bit of time with them, it was very clear they are so in love. they both have been married previously. jeff having four children, lauren having three. and they have a lot of just the same belief systems, they both care a lot about philanthropy and lauren running the erlt fund, but you to see the chemistry for yourself. >> i would love to know what does a typical saturday night look like for jeff and lauren? >> we can be kind of boring. >> you're never boring. i can be boring. >> normal we have dinner with the kids. so there's a the lot of discussion. then we watch a movie. >> typical saturday night, probably a movie. >> it takes a listening time to
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find that movie. >> we probably spend more time picking the movie than we need it. >> that's the fun part. >> look, the chemistry was very obvious. not just on camera, but off camera. and they have byeeen going stro for several years now. they are very committed to one another. lauren, we also spoke about the fact she's going to be headed to space. they are both very interested in that. she's going to be going with an all-female crew. we're expecting maybe later towards the end of this year. unclear if jeff will go with her. i think this is one of those big celebty couples that's going to be a huge wedding, but i think that this is going to go the distance, this relationship. >> one thing i'm going to dispute is that it's fun having the fight about choosing the movie. >> you know they are making it up. that's the worst thing ever. it's the worst ever. >> all we do is watch trailers and i give up and go to bed.
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>> i do believe in love. but what i believe in more is two-day delivery. >> the question is what we were joking about this morning is what's on their amazon registry. >> let's be honest. they are not registering for everything. they have everything they could need. great to see you. thank you. thank you all so much for joining us. this is "cnn news central." "inside politics" is up next. cas to snoring. so, no more hiding under your pillow. because this system actually detects snoring then adjusts to help rereduce it. for a limited titime, save up to $500 on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets.
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