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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  May 23, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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viewers in the united states an around the world. i'm bianca nobilo. >> i'm max foster. just ahead -- >> we both know we have a significant responsibility. >> here we are june 1 being the deadline. this is not how government should work. >> what i sense from the white house is a lack of urgency. >> it is a unit of overwhelming tli russian citizens who volunteered to fight for ukraine because they want to depose the putin regime. no one could have seen that he would be a two time mvp. >> a lot to think about, to be honest. >> live from london, this is "cnn newsroom" with max foster and bianca nobilo. >> it is tuesday, may 23rd, 9:00 a.m. in london, 4:00 a.m. in
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washington where lawmakers are trying to avoid defaulting on the nation's debt. >> and they may be closer after kevin mccarthy and president biden met on monday. both leaders said progress was made despite lingering disagreements. >> we still have some disagreements but i think that we may be able to get where we have to go. we both know that we have a significant responsibility. >> and we agree that we need to change the trajectory, that our debt is too large. and at the end of the day i think we can find common ground. >> mccarthy later vented his frustration that the talks are coming down to the wire with nothing to show so far. >> my whole goal here was always from the beginning we want to be responsible. being responsible would have negotiated this months ago like we wanted to. being reasonable that we find common ground, being sensible that we spend too much money. unfortunately we are where we are today, but thankfully republicans have passed a bill.
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>> house democrats are looking to recruit some republicans to sign a discharge petition which would let mccarthy's team by pass and force a vote. >> but they want to stick to the plan. melanie a know know has more. >> reporter: speaker kevin mccarthy and president biden met for an hour and a halfknow has . >> reporter: speaker kevin mccarthy and president biden met for an hour and a half and they instructed their staff to keep talking to see if they could come to an agreement or at least come closer to an agreement after a weekend of tumultuous talks, rejected offers and heated rhetoric. so speaker mccarthy struck a far more optimistic tone. take a listen. >> i felt we had a productive discussion. we don't have an agreement yet. but i did feel the discussion
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was productive in areas that we have differences of opinion. i believe that we can still get there. i believe -- i believe that we can get it done. >> reporter: they are still far apart on the substance. we're told spending levels remains a chief sticking point. republicans want to cut spending and the white house is only offers to freeze spending. so that remains a huge point of contention. and a number of other issues as well. but if and when they come to an agreement, then they still have to turn it into legislative text and turn around and sell it to their members and pass it in the house before they send it to the senate. so still a long way to go and not a lot of time to figure it out. melanie zanona. and in a litter to congress janet yellen said we estimate
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that high school highly likely that the treasury can no longer settle all the obligations if congress has not acted to raise or suspend the debt limit by early june and potentially as early as june 1. >> surprisingly the whole or deal hasn't had much effect on wall street. analysts say investors have simply grown used to the political waiting game and banking on another last minute deal. and a plunge in the markets may be what is needed to pressure lawmakers to get something done. at the back of everyone's mind is just they are playing politics and they will reach a deal. >> it feels like brinkmanship and we feel like they will definitely reach one. we'll see. and a developing story from washington where authorities have arrested a man who crashed a truck near the white house late monday night. >> officials say the driver slammed the vehicle into security barriers at a public square just across the street from the executive residence. they believe he may have done it
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intentionally. >> the driver has been charged with multiple crimes including threatening to kill, harm or kidnap a president, vice president or family member. no reported injuries. and e. jean carroll has asked a judge to amend her defamation case, seeking another $10 million in punitive damages after he insulted her at a town hall about two weeks ago. >> they said i didn't rape her and i didn't do anything else because i don't have any idea who the hell she is. they said sir, don't do it, this is a fake story and you don't want to give it credibility. that is why i didn't go. [ applause ] >> and i've never done that, and i swear i have no idea who the held oig -- she's a whack job. >> and there were a lot of discussions about potential repercussions to what she said in that interview.
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carroll was awarded $5 million already this month after the former president was found liable for abusing and defaming her. trump is appealing. but also learning that trump was interested in fighting the subpoena that required him to return crass filelassified docu. >> and paula reid explains. >> reporter: cnn has learned that special counsel jack smith has obtained dozens of pages of notes from trump attorney evan corcoran memorializing conversations that corcoran had with trump last spring during a critical period in the investigation. these notes were taken after the justice department had issued a subpoena demanding the return of classified materials that they believe were down in mar-a-lago. in these notes, corcoran reveals how his client asked how they could push back on the subpoena, what their options were to fight
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it. we would not have access to these details if the special counsel had not gone to court to fight to get around attorney/client privilege by successfully arguing that corcoran's advice may have been used in the commission of a crime. the special counsel is looking at whether eveanyone has tried obstruct the investigation into the possible mishandling of classified materials. but one source did note that the kinds of questions are the questions that you would seek out an attorney to help you understand. at this point it is unclear know how these notes will impact the ultimate charging decisions of the special counsel. cnn believes the special counsel investigation is in its final phase, though it is unclear when he will deliver his final report. paula reid, cnn, washington. meanwhile federal prosecutors have subpoenaed the trump organization for information about its business deals with foreign countries according to sources familiar
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with the investigation. >> one source said investigators appear to be focused on trump's dealings with countries that could possibly be interested in the classified materials recovered from his home. the trump organization had said that it would not strike new deals with foreign countries while trump was in office. the governor of bell guard region says that they are claiming responsibility for assault in the region this borders ukraine. matthew chance has the details. [ bleep ]. >> reporter: russian forces insist that they are taking back control. from a group of what they kcall saboteurs infiltrating the border. these image as purporting to show a russian soldier detaining three of them and broadcast on
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state media. meet the anti-kremlin russians. taking the fight back home. this is how we work, he says. amid a bold armored raid across the ukrainian border into russia itself. cnn can't independently verify any of the images, but this entire column of vehicles was spotted crossing the frontier. ukrainian forces insist it is not them but exiled russian groups fighting against the kremlin. >> translator: we are russians just like you. we want our children to grow up in peace and be free so they can travel, study and be happy. but this is not possible in putin's russia. >> reporter: and the raid caught border guards unawares. this one tried to be a hero the
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nar rater says amid scattered passports and portrait of voout overlooking the carnage below. the border is now unlocked says one of the fighters. he will soon turn to honey, says the other. in other words, die. on kremlin controlled television, the presenters stood like statues as the day's events replay. on videos from stunned locals, witnessing the fight. the kremlin called the attack a diversion but already the sharp criticism from russian hardliners that this was allowed to occur. this russian region right next
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to ukraine is no stranger to cross border attacks but armed incursions like there are rare. and the mood here according to local russian officials has shifted. with empty buses coming into evacuate residents, while those who can are leaving by themselves. matthew chance, cnn, london. >> you wonder about not just the strategic but propaganda impact of an attack like that especially given that putin justification for this war in part was the safety of russian citizens. they weren't having the attacks on border towns prior to the invasion. >> and if that story gets out in russia media, how will he explain that russian soldiers are attacking him. >> very interesting to see. >> and the deputy science minister has died after feeling ill on a plane saturday according to the ministry of science and higher education. the putin critic was part of a russian delegation returning
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from a business trip to cuba and doctors unsuccessfully tried to treat him. an autopsy is scheduled for wednesday. >> salma abdelaziz is following the developments and joining us with the latest. tell us what you know and i was surprised that there would be any latitude for critic of the kremlin within the government in russia. >> reporter: throughout this conflict there have been moments when we've heard from i'll give you the example of state owned energy companies where luke oil, the one that i'm mentioning here, openly criticized the conflict in ukraine. there have been moments of course especially at the beginning of this conflict where there have baeen voices of dissent. the result has been a string of murky deaths. and this latest death is deputy minister of science and higher
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education. and what we understand took place according to their website, that he was returning from a business trip in cuba, he fell ill, the plane landed in southern russia right near the border with georgia. he was treated and according to the ministry's website, he died. members of his family have indicated potentially that it could have been a heart condition, a heart issue, but this is being treated as suspicious because he was known to have criticized president putin, most recently to a very prominent journalist. roman super said he spoke to him just days before the business trip to cuba. he said in that phone call he expr expressed serious concerns about his safety, that he was afraid for his life, that he was essentially a hostage of the kremlin, that his passport was taken away, that he had no control of his movements. he said that he was distressed and depressed, that he was takingranquilizers and
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antidepressants. so painting a very worrying picture here. this graphic shows you about a businessmen, just since the beginning of last year. start of the invasion of ukraine death in apparent suicide.heir e of them died in september after falling out of the window of a hospital. he was a chairman for one of these energy companies, luke oil, and he had expressed dissent/criticism of president putin's war in ukraine. again, russia is not claiming responsibility. it will not claim responsibility. but this just adds to that climate of fear, that sense that there are consequences if you speak out. it also wouldn't be the first time that u.s. or uk intelligence services have identified a suspicious death at the hands of the kremlin which
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could appear like a heart condition as well. salma, thank you for joining us. michigan is making it easier for authorities to take guns away from people who pose an extreme risk. governor whitmer signed the red flag bill into law on monday. courts can consider a number of factors including history of violence, mental illness and use of drugs or alcohol by people who are under the extreme risk order, and they will have two chances within a year to show they are not a threat and potentially get their weapons back. in nebraska the governor signed a bill into law that bans most abortions up to 12 weeks he have pregnancy. it passed the republican controlled legislature last week. the governor hailed it as a significant win for the conservatives. and another republican entering the race for the white house, tim scott from south carolina, the only black republican in the senate,
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announced his candidacy on monday. but he didn't seem prepared to answer a question about how he would differ from the gop frontrunner. >> what will you offer voters that former president trump will not? >> the question is -- i'm running for president, period. i plan to win. so the question is what do the voters want in their president. they want someone who can persuade on the issues that matter the most. >> would you ever try to overturn an election that you lost? >> no. >> what do you think about president trump's behavior? >> we can do two things here. we can have a conversation about president trump or a conversation about my leadership future. >> he joins nikki haley in the republican field. more now from jeff zeleny. >> my family went from cotton to congress in his lifetime. >> reporter: from cotton to congress, those weighty words form the arc of tim scott's rise
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and frame the argument for his presidential aspirations. >> my grandfather said to me, son, you can be bitter or you can be better. but you can't be both. >> reporter: as he opened his campaign for the white house, scott made clear his biography is his message, an optimistic vision for america he said is shaped from opportunity, not oppression. >> this isn't just my story. it is all of our stories. >> reporter: it is his story that scott believes sets him apart from a growing field of contenders. he is the son of a single mother who he invited on stage in north charleston. >> thank you for standing strong in the middle of the fire. >> reporter: and praised her guidance through a challenging childhood and believing in him when he didn't yet believe in himself. >> we live in the land where it is absolutely possible for a kid raised in poverty in a single parent household in a small apartment to one day serve in
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the people's house. and maybe even the white house. >> reporter: at 57, he is the only black republican in the senate and only african-american to serve in both chambers of congress. he was elected to the house in 2010 and appointed to the senate two years later by then governor nikki haley. >> it is very important to me as a minority female that congressman scott earned this seat. >> reporter: who is now a rival in the gop primary. scott won a special election for a senate seat in 2014, was elected again in 2016 to a full term, and in 2022, seized re-election in a land slide. if elected, scott could also be the first unmarried president since grover cleveland. his faith is a central tenant. >> people will say that it is naive, that our faith is foolish. but they don't know who they are talking to.
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conservatism is my personal proof that there is no ceiling in life. >> reporter: as he presented himself as a candidate offering optimism over anger and hope over grievagrievance. race is pivotal to his message, using it as shield and sword and a warning to democrats. >> i'm the candidate the far left fears the most. when i cut your taxes, they called me a prophet. when i refunded the police, they called me a token. i disrupt their narrative. i threaten their control. the truth of my life disrupts their lies. >> reporter: senator scott did not mention any of his rivals by name including donald trump. but he did remind republican voters that they face a choice in the primary. he framed it as grievance or greatness. jeff zeleny, cnn, washington.
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tiktok has sued the u.s. state of montana over its new law that will ban the chinese owned app next year. tiktok says the move violates the u.s. constitution and other laws and china calls it an abuse of state power. >> last week montana was the first state to ban it entirely and a $5,000 fine on the cokcomy or app store that the make it available. critics fear that personal data could end up in the chinese government. >> doesn't affect many in the wider scheme of things, but an interesting test case. disney undergoing its third round of layoffs this year. hor more than 2500 jobs will be axed in this latest wave. bob iger is trying to save $5.5 billion. this year's cuts have hit disney's entertainment unit as well as parks, experiences and product divisions that add up to about 3% to the total global
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workforce. and still ahead the suspect in the idaho college student murders appears in court and he stayed silent when the judge asked how he pleads. and investigators are once again combing for evidence to find out what happened to madeleine mccann. we'll explain. and a monster storm threatening a direct hit on qualm is considered a super typhoon. britley ritz is tracking it for us. >> mawar is now a super typhoon with winds of 155 miles per hour. we'll have the latest tracks and impacts in a few minutes. you know you are retired right? am i? ya! save 50% on ththe sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, special financing. only at sleep numberer.
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(dr. aaron king) if you have diabetes, getting on dexcom is the single most important thing you can do. it eliminates painful finger sticks, helps lower a1c, and it's covered by medicare. before using the dexcom g7, i was really frustrated. all of that finger pricking and my a1c was still stuck. my diabetes was out of control. (female announcer) dexcom g7 sends your glucose numbers to your phone or dexcom receiver without painful finger sticks. the arrow shows the direction your glucose is heading-- up, down, or steady-- and because dexcom g7 is the most accurate cgm, you can make better decisions about food, medication, and activity in the moment. after using the dexcom g7, my a1c has never been lower. i lead line dancing three times a week, and i'm just living a great life now. (donna) it's so easy to use. dexcom g7 has given me confidence and control, everything i need is right there on my phone.
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(female announcer) dexcom is the number one recommended cgm brand. call now to get started on dexcom g7. [sneezes] can a can of lysol take care of my snotty sofa? can-do mildewy tiles? can-do - these? - yup, it's the can-do can. nothing kills more germs on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray. powerful storm mawar has strengthened to a super typhoon. warnings remain in effect with a direct hit on guam still possible. >> britley ritz has the latest. >> and we have max winds of 155 miles per hour, that is just two miles per hour shy of a category
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4 storm. a lot of deep convection around the center, a very clean eye. still rapidly intensifying. so it is strengthening as we speak and it is roughly about 150 miles from guam. and yes, still slowing down, w winds at 8 miles per hour. it is taking on very warm ocean waters, that is fuel for the system to really strengthen. we're hoping for upwelling so it will weaken a bit, but very slim chance of that. over the next 24 hours, expect winds to increase to 155 to even stronger as it pushes over guam. don't pay attention to the center line. sure is there a potential direct impact, yes, but the eye has been wobbling which is why we have the cone. there is still some uncertainty where the line will be.
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it strengthening to 160 miles per hour here within the next 72 hours. first band has already moved through, we're waiting for the next band of rain to push closer to the island. very light to moderate rain. but still nonetheless another outer band and a lot of wind with the bands too. tropical storm force winds 39 plus miles per hour. the eye showing up on radar, some of the heaviest rain still about a day away, but still time to prepare for this type of situation. very dangerous storm ahead of us. wednesday late wednesday, local time, heaviest rains staying on the southern end of the island and finally starting to taper back once we move into friday. regardless we're talking about picking up roughly about 10 inches of rain over the next five days. on sshore flow as well. and typhoon force winds are
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pushing up to about 119 miles per hour here late wednesday. >> we'll be watching. thank you. and millions of people in central mechanics cxico are war they may have to evacuate due to a volcano. ash has been spewing into nearby towns delaying flights and forcing dozens of schools to close. about 25 million people live within 60 miles of the volcano. and the volcano had been dormant for decades until it erupted back in 1994 and it has been rumbling away ever since. the u.s. embassy issued a travel advisory for the area. in atlanta four construction workers were hospitalized with minor injuries after a crane sma smashed through two floors of a building below. and the area surrounding the site was evacuated including an apartment complex.
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several nearby streets were closed to traffic. and just made, newly released surveillance footage from the u.s./mexico border shows the dangers many migrants face in their journey to the u.s. and a new tip prompts a new search for the british toddler who vanished 16 years ago. where investigators are now looking for evidence in the disappearance of madeleine mccann.
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welcome back. if you are just joining us, let's bring you up-to-date with the top stories. still no progress in debt ceiling negotiations despite
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them saying talks were productive. now only nine days left before complete fiscal catastrophe could play out in washington. and writer e. jean carroll has asked a judge to amendment her defamation case against donald trump after he insulted her at a town hall earlier this month. carroll is seeking another $10 million in fugitive damages. the man accused of murdering four college idaho students monday acknowledged that he understood the charges against him but stayed silent when the judge asked for his plea. jean ccasarez has the details. >> count one, burglary. count two, murder in the first degree. count three, murder in the first degree. count four, murder in the first degree. count five, murder in the first degree. and is mr. kohberger prepared to
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plead to the charges? >> your honor, he will stand in silence. >> because mr. kohberger is standing silent, i will enter not guilty pleas on each charge. >> reporter: bryan kohberger appearing in an orange jump suit only answering to yes or no questions during his arraignment. >> anything you do say other than to your lawyers could be used against you in a later court proceeding. do you understand that? >> yes, i do. >> do you understand these rights? >> yes. >> reporter: the 28-year-old quietly following along and glancing at his attorney as the judge read through the charges. >> do you understand the maximum penalty? >> yes. >> reporter: prosecutors say he entered an off campus house at the university of idaho in november of 2022 and stabbed four students to death.
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he could face the death penalty if found guilty. it was male dna found on a knife sheath discovered at the murder scene linked through genetic genealogy, multiple sightings of a white toyota, and cellphone video and comparison dna testing of trash outside of kohberger's family home that eventually led to his arrest. body cam video later released showed that kohberger had been pulled over for an unrelated incident as he drove cross-country after the murders. kohberger's trial has been set for october 2 and expected to last six weeks. while there is no word on kohberger's defense, his attorney recently told a judge that their investigator found information favorable to the
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defense known only to thir surviving roommate. she has agreed to speak with the defense. while indictment documents have been unsealed, investigators are still searching for a motive. jean casarez, cnn, new york. german prosecutors say criminal procedural measures are taking place in portugal in renewed search for madeleine mccann. the 3-year-old vanished in 2007 while on vacation with her parents. now based on a new tip investigators from three countries are combing through a wooded area around a remote reservoir to look for evidence that might explain what happened to her. scott is here following all of this. it does suggest that there is no evidence to warrant such a high profile search. >> and we were hoping in this statement from the german prosecutor's office that we would maybe get more detail as
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to why they are going back to this place. they say no more information can be released. according to our colleagues in portugal, the search scheduled to take place over the next two days maxmaximum. is this a pretty vast area, about 50 kilometers. and it is surrounded by parkland and walking trails, sort of a mountainous scrub land area. and so we're talking about potentially a needle in a haystack where police have said that they are looking for -- that they are looking for objects that may be of interest and possibly to rule out other hypotheses. but beyond that, we don't really know why they have gone back to this area which by the way they actually searched back in 2008 inside of the actual reservoir telephone, and they turned up only animal bones in that case. this time around they will be focusing on the land. >> and because it is german police, obviously linked to
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their suspect and trying to find more evidence against hill. >> yes. under german law, prosecutors have to have enough evidence to convince a judge that they can secure a conviction before they can even lay charges. obviously the clock is ticking because this man is serving seven years for another rape that happened in the same area and he is more than halfway through the sentence. so there is urgency to secure a construction. they say that they have more evidence, but they are looking for something else to see if they can solidify their case. they say they have a cellphone listed under his name apparently in that area of the resort at the time. he had tried to reregister one of his vehicles just a day after. he is a known pedophile, a
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convicted rapist and living in the area around the resort at the time. and also the prosecutors say that he had an alibi -- or he didn't have an alibi at all and that this girlfriend that he said that he was staying with, they couldn't find any sign of her. and they also say -- the prosecutor was asked when the charges were first laid whether or not there was any item of madeleine mccann's found in the trailer that he was staying at around the reservoir area and he said i don't want to deny it. so not confirming it, but clearly they have something, they are hoping that they can find just a little bit more to solidify their case. >> scott, thank you. and at least 19 children were killed in guyana when a fire broke out at a skchool dormitory. at least 56 children were in the dorm at the time of the fire and the president declared three days of national mourning.
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new video shows dangers migrants risk when trying to cross the border into the united states. you can see an unidentified person dropping a 4-year-old boy from the border barrier near the san diego, california area. the footage was shared by the head of the u.s. border patrol. >> and officials say first responders who treated the injured boy at the scene came under fire and a border patrol helicopter responded to provide air cover. an investigation is under way in u.s. and mexico to identify the suspects. additional agents have been deployed to the area. still to come, a fake photo of an explosion near the pentagon gets attention around the globe. details on the chaos that it caused from social media to wall street.
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r. aaron king) if you have diabetes, getting on dexcom is t single most important thing you can do. it eliminates painful finger sticks, helps lower a1c, and it's covered by medicare. before using the dexcom g7, i was really frustrated. all of that finger pricking and my a1c was still stuck. my diabetes was out of control. (female announcer) dexcom g7 sends your glucose numbers to your phone or dexcom receiver without painful finger sticks. the arrow shows the direction your glucose is heading-- up, down, or steady-- and because dexcom g7 is the most accurate cgm, you can make better decisions about food, medication, and activity in the moment. after using the dexcom g7, my a1c has never been lower. i lead line dancing three times a week, and i'm just living a great life now. (donna) it's so easy to use. dexcom g7 has given me confidence and control,
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everything i need is right there on my phone. (female announcer) dexcom is the number one recommended cgm brand. call now to get started on dexcom g7. as a business owner, your bottom line is always top of mind. so start saving by switching to the mobile service designed for small business: comcast business mobile. flexible data plans mean you can get unlimited data or pay by the gig. all on the most reliable 5g network, with no line activation fees or term contracts... saving you up to 75% a year. and it's only available to comcast business internet customers.
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so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities™. european regulators are v.
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hit meta with a penalty for violating the signature data privilege law. regulators say facebook has been transferring data to servers in the u.s. where intelligence agencies could access it, this is as the u.s. and eu are working on a deal to enable tech companies to move data internationally without penalty. meta is vowing to appeal the record fine. a fake image likely generated by ai made the rounds on social media monday showing what appear to be an explosion near the pentagon. this is the fake image posted on twitter despite what you see, there was no explosion and the building shown isn't even the pentagon. >> but it was enough to fool multiple accounts and media outlets in to sharing it. donie o'sullivan talked with anderson cooper. >> the image itself purported to be the pentagon but it doesn't
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look anything like the pentagon but it was put out there and experts that we've spoken to say the image was created using ai technology. and you can just type explosion near building and it will generate multiple images within seconds. the second part of this -- that is number one. the second part of this is the blue check fiasco on twitter. people might remember that few months ago elon musk took away the blue check marks from a lot of organizations and journalists and basically gave them to anybody who was willing to pay for them. as a result of that, a lot of folks have set up fake accounts and in this case this image a was first shared by a fake account that had a blue check mark, so it looked verified, pretending that it was linked to bloomberg news. it does seem that there has been some coordination in the push of this, a lot of accounts pushed all at once and eventually it ended up on television in india, russian state media also shared it. and as you mentioned the stock market dipped.
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>> well, that is amazing experts say photos like this also pose a threat to the world of politics and can be especially harmful in the u.s. election coming up next year. historic water deal struck between three states in the south western u.s. that will conserve millions of balances from the colorado river. >> california, arizona and never agreement is meant to reduce usage about 10%. the colorado river provides water and hydroelectricity for over 14 million people in the western u.s. scientists say our planet is entering a period of mass extinction. this one caused by humans. a study analyzed more than 70,000 species across the globe, everything from ma'amle malmmal insects. >> and the study found 48% of species are declining in population and fewer than 3% are seeing increases.
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the main factor is the destruction of wilderness to make way for farms and cities. climate change is also believed to play a role. just ahead the lakers playoff run is over. now all eyes are on lebron james who might be thinking of calling it quits. [sneezes] can a can of lysol take care of my snotty sofa? can-do mildewy tiles? can-do - these?e? - yup, it's the can-do can. noththing kills more germs on more surfaces than l lysol disinfectant spra.
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when you find your reason to go on, let it pull you past the doubt. past the pain, and past your limits. no matter what, we go on.
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the nuggets are heading to the nba finals for the first time in franchisee 47 year history. they beat the lakers 113-111 in game four monday sweeping all four games. the nuggets were able to stop the lakers superstar lebron james from tying the game twice late in the fourth quarter. two time most valuable player nikola jokic got 30 points, 14 rebounds and 13 assists. he was also named western conference finals mvp. >> i mean, that is my signature shot.
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i'm joking. just trying to shoot and just trying to score. i was gist driv just driving an lebron took a charge. you have to just find a way to shoot it. >> nuggets pulled off the victory in the closing sends. after the game denver's head coach praised jokic's work ethic. >> no one ever could have seen that he'd be a two time mvp passing wilt chamberlain it seems like every other night. he understood that he had to work harder. >> new england gets will plate winner of the miami/celtics
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series. and lakers offseason has begun but all eyes are once again on lebron james who hinted at an uncertain future after the game. >> we'll see what happens going forward. i don't know. i don't know. a lot to think about, to be honest. a lot to think about, to be honest. >> in the nhl, panthers are one win away from the stanley cup finals having shut out the hurricanes in game three. >> and sam reinhart scored the only goal midway through the second period. panthers goaltender recorded 32 saves in a shutdown and stopped 132 out of 135 shots in the
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first three games. game four will be wednesday. tiger woods had to pull out of the u.s. championship. >> he had surgery to treat post-traumatic arthritis in his ankle that stemmed from severe leg injuries that he suffered in a car crash of 2021. and carmelo anthony has announced that he is retiring from basketball. >> this bittersweet good-bye, but i'm excited about what the future holds for me. >> he played on six nba teams over 19 seasons and ranks ninth in the nba all-time scoring list. and as part of team usa, he won three olympic gold medals and a bronze. his final message -- now the
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time has come for me to say good-bye. what would you say at the end of your stellar career? >> something similar. i'm a little way off that. i'll let you know. a source tells cnn that jeff bezos is now engaged to his partner lauren sanchez. the couple first went public with their relationship back in 2019. the amazon founder was previously married to mckenzie scott for 25 years. and no word yet on when they will tie the knot. and halle berry has more reasons to cheer, she and american idol winter fantasia made their official debut in the upcoming film. >> time for you to see the world. >> there is going to be some changes made.
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>> we need to look like we belong. >> oh, sweet loving god. >> haley bailey, i'm correcting myself. >> and this is a reboot of the novel based on alice walker. it follows the lives and struggles of black women living in the south. expected to hit theaters on christmas day. and thanks for joining us. "early start" is next.
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right now on "early start," a u-haul truck crashed outside the white house. police say it was


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