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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 22, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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can we provide health care virtually anywhere? we can help with that. is it possible to use predictive monitoring to address operations issues? we can help with that, too. with global secure networking from comcast business. it's not just possible. it's happening. the u.s. government is running out of money and time. is congress any closer to reaching a deal on the debt ceiling? we'll get the latest from the white house and capitol hill. as economists continue to warn that some damage may already be done. and russia claims a group of saboteurs have pulled off an attack within its borders. cnn has new video of the alleged attack and we'll bring you the
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latest from the front lines. plus a new search has just been announced in the missing toddler madeline mcgahn. we're following these major developing stories and more all coming in right here to "cnn news central." in just a couple of hours president biden and speaker mccarthy will give it another try. they will meet face-to-face again in the ongoing staredown over the debt ceiling. so far neither leader has blinked. because of that the u.s. could default if no agreement by june 1st. running out of money for social security and military salaries. last hour speaker mccarthy told cnn a deal has to be ironed out much sooner than that deadline. >> reporter: do you need to have
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a deal tonight? >> it would be better to have a deal sooner. if we can get a deal tonight or tomorrow, you've got to get something done this week to be able to pass it and move it to the senate. >> reporter: is it possible to get it done? >> i think it's still possible. >> reporter: square my diamond is tracking this from the white house. one thing that's clear is he's not moving on his positions on work requirements for things like medicaid, spending reductions. has the president eliminated the non-negotiating options, this idea, for instance, of relying on the 14th amendment? we heard him make some comments over the weekend. is that path basically done? in other words, does he have to reach an agreement on the hill? >> reporter: i think the president made it very clear at the end of that news conference to phil mattingly that this is ultimately going to have to come town to congress. it's going to have to come down to an agreement between the speaker of the house, kevin
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mccarthy, and president biden. that is reflected in the fact that when you see them sitting down today, it's president pip biden, the speaker and their teams. the other teams will not be in the oval office with the president and the speaker. really these talks come after a pretty turbulent weekend of start and stop negotiations that ultimately culminated in a phone call between president biden and the speaker yesterday as president biden was making his way back on air force one, a call that both sides characterized as productive and moving things along. today they will now sit down. but as they sit down, jim, they are still very, very far apart. not only on some of the policy details of what exactly goes into this bill in terms of work requirements, permitting reform, but even on that top line number of how much spending to cut, where to cap spending, how long to cap spending for. both sides still very far apart on that notion. and it comes as the president over the weekend as he was at
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this g-7 summit being peppered with questions about this not only by reporters but his fellow leaders. he cannot guarantee the u.s. will not default. he laid that at the feet of house republicans and whether or not they will be willing to come to a compromise. but it certainly clear that any deal that emerges is going to have to be bipartisan and involve votes from both house democrats and house republicans and that is the tricky balancing act that these two sides are trying to manage. we will see whether or not this meeting this afternoon leads to that essential progress, but certainly things need to move along. we're just ten days away from that potential default. >> both the speaker and president of balancing acts in their own party. the right wing of the republican party might not agree to any compromise and there are some things that the president is considering that people on his left flank do not like. so let's go to capitol hill, melanie zanona. melanie, the speaker brushed off reminders that during trump's time they raised the debt ceiling three times without similar complaints.
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but when i listened to mccarthy there, what was clear to me is he was not giving ground on some of these issues, right? work requirements, et cetera. that's a public statement. in private, is there a middle ground that is sort of coming to be, coming into vision here, or not really? >> reporter: well, i think something has got to gifve, right? there has to be compromise on either or both sides. i think kevin mccarthy knows where his conference is at and knows he won't be able to get something through the house unless it has some form of work requirements and spending cuts. how you achieve those things, there's a couple of ways to do it and that's why this meeting is so critical. in addition to the sticking points, the other big obstacle is the timeline. you heard kevin mccarthy saying they need a deal by this week to avoid a default by june 1st. once they have a deal they have to write it into legislative text which can be complicated
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and time consuming. he's also promised his members 72 hours to read the bill. once it passes the house, it has to go through the senate where one senator can hold things up. in addition to getting a deal with the white house, both biden and mccarthy have to sell any deal to their own members, which they're already trying to pressure both biden and mccarthy to not give an inch. but kevin mccarthy is brushing aside concerns that his conservatives will revolt and says most republicans will support whatever deal he cuts. take a listen. >> the difficulty is you need somebody on the other side to work too and the senate has done nothing. that's the difficulty. >> you don't need democrats to get any bill across the line? >> any time where you come to an agreement where you're negotiating with the president, democrats and republicans will vote for it. it was no different when trump was president and nancy pelosi was negotiating a debt deal. so it happens every single time. >> reporter: so you're getting a
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real sense of the challenges that lie ahead and getting the sense that a default is becoming ever more a reality. jim. >> that's a remarkable thing, right? because for so long folks said that's just an outlier and not going to really happen, the adults on both sides will survive all this. but goodness, seems like a very real possibility. boris. even if a debt ceiling deal gets done on time, experts are warning damage to the economy is already happening. when it comes to wall street, though, we aren't really seeing the seismic reaction that some right expect. the dow only down roughly 70 points. let's bring in cnn's matt egan who's been tracking all of this. matt, you've spoken to experts who say we can really start seeing the markets responding to this potential crisis by this weekend, by memorial day. >> reporter: that's right, bobo
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boris, but so far we are not seeing that. right now the dow is down only 70 points on the day. that is nothing given this time bomb threatening to blow up the whole economy. keep in mind the dow is up 1300 points the last two months so it's been amazing to see just how calm things on wall street are. this is probably because investors have seen this movie before and they know how it ends or at least they think they do with eventually congress agreeing to raise the debt ceiling. but there is a growing sense from some of the experts in washington and wall street that i'm talking to that some market turmoil might be needed to get something through congress. of course no one wants to see investors panic, but the idea is that if there is some selling in the stock market, that might cause lawmakers to take the difficult votes that they don't want to take. recall in 2008 when the house of representatives initially rejected t.a.r.p. only to come back days later after the markets panicked and they went ahead and approved it.
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i talked to mark zandy and he said a sell-off in stock and bond markets might be what's required to get donors and voters to pound on lawmakers' doors to stop the drama and increase the limit. and remember, the problem isn't just getting speaker mccarthy and president biden to agree to a high-level deal, it's what melanie was just talking about, trying to get the rank and file members from both parties to sign off and that may not be easy. but none of this is going to increase the popularity of congress. they manufactured the crisis and waited until the last minute to address it. even now they might not take action until it does real damage to people's 401(k) plans first. >> a self-inflicted crisis with potentially devastating consequences. matt, appreciate the reporting. brianna. despite pressure from several democratic lawmakers, president biden reasonly pushed back on this idea that he could invoke the 14th amendment to pay
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the nation's debts, suggesting that he does have the power to unilaterally act, but there isn't enough time and legal challenges would surely follow. the u.s. chamber of commerce is also arguing against the idea. the chamber sending a letter saying it is the chamber's view attempting to invoke so-called powers under the 14th amendment would be as equally clalamatous as not raising the debt ceiling. neil, thank you so much for coming on. why would it be as bad as a default? >> the reason why a default is so problematic is because our entire financial system is grounded on the idea risk-free treasuries. so the interest rates we pay on our mortgages is all tied to the relative safety of treasury bills.
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a default is problematic because they're no longer risk-free. the government is not paying its bills. the same is true if you attempted to invoke the 14th amendment, because you'd have the treasury department that's not legally backed by the united states government. it doesn't have the full faith and credit and a full reading of the 14th amendment makes that clear. so uncertainty, rising interest rates, unemployment, the hit to the stock market, would all be the same if you attempted to use the 14th amendment. >> your larry also concludes there is -- you have the freedom caucus on the right saying they will not accept anything except the bill passed in the house. what is your message to them? because how does the white house negotiate with that? >> well, i think that's a misguided position, right? we are in divided government and divided government means that you're going to have to compromise. the senate has a say just as much as the house does.
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i suspect those freedom caucus members wouldn't like to be told by bernie sanders or elizabeth warren who are in the majority in the senate that they have to simply accept their solution. at the end of the day, though, this is going to be a bill that gets passed by the middle of both parties. the far right isn't going to like it, the far left isn't going to like it but there's enough votes in the middle between democrats and republicans to get this done. >> we were talking about something in the break that i want to talk about now. in 2014 i mentioned you had been an aide to the now speaker kevin mccarthy. back in 2014 you were working for eric cantor as he negotiated with then vice president biden on raising the debt ceiling. i said to you, were you traumatized by that? and you said that you are more scared now. why are you more scared about this go-around than 2014? >> i think my biggest fear is around miscalculation. if you go back to the last time we had the big negotiations over
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debt limit, it started months before the deadline. the then vice president biden and my old boss eric cantor were meeting three days a week for multiple hours for almost five weeks straight. so the communication that had been established, the idea that while we knew we might run up right to the deadline, which we did, but that both sides knew where the deadline was, agreed that default wasn't an option, and knew that we were working together to make sure that we hit the mark and didn't miss the deadline. today what i'm worried about is talks just started, they have stopped and started. we're now down to ten days. you know what, if there are objections on each side, it could take ten days for congress to process it. i'm worried that one side or the other miscounts the days or miscounts the level of support that we have and that we stumble into a default just because this process didn't start soon enough. >> it is a very scary thought. neil, thank you so much for being with us today.
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we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> jim. >> >>. coming up, has bakhmut finally fallen? mercenaries claim they have taken the city. accused killer bryan kohberger was just in court indicted for the murders of four university of idaho students. we'll tell you what he said and what he didn't say. and a new search launched in the case of the missing toddler madeleine mccann. what police are looking for. we'll give you an update. chicken and double cheese.the i love what i'm seseeing here. that's some well-coached chicken. you done, peyton? the subway series just keeps gettin' better. want a worry-free way to kill bugs? zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odo and no mess. they work continuously, so you don'have to. ze. people-friendly. bug-deadly. all across the country,
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automatically responds to snoring. so, no more hiding under your pillow. because this system actually detects snoring then adjusts to help reduce it. for a limited time, save up to $500 on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. a stunning turn of event in russia's war on ukraine. russian officials say today a group of so-called saboteurs launched an assault inside russian territory. several people on the russian border town of belgorod were injured when a situation russian officials call extremely tense.
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let's take you live to southern ukraine and sam kiley. ge given russia's track record we have to take everything they say with a grain of salt. what do we know about this group of saboteurs and what russia is claiming they did? >> reporter: unusually there is agreement between the ukrainians and russians more or less about what's happened in terms of this cross-border move. now, the ukrainian version of events is that an independent group of private russian citizens crossed from ukrainian territory into russia and conducted these raids on at least three villages going some eight kilometers, five miles, into russian territory. from the russian perspective, this is a group of saboteurs who have come in and committed these acts of violence which have been certainly as of sunset today were ongoing. now, i know this group. they are called the freedom for russia legion. they are a formed group of
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several hundred volunteers fighting under the ukrainian flag inside the ukrainian armed forces, taking their orders from the ukrainian armed forces. they're a formed unit of the military here and there is no doubt that they crossed the border and conducted this operation. as far as the ukrainians are concerned, because they're russian citizens, they can keep them at arms length with something of a nudge and a wink, but this group went in. they claim to have -- and they have sent drone video to try to prove their point to cnn that shows an attack they say was conducted against the fsb headquarters in the village eight kilometers into the country and indeed taking out a russian tank there. they have posted other social media pictures of various other claims that they captured a russian armored personnel carrier and a wide range of
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engage maments with the russian. they're saying eight people were injured and the town has been evacuated of civilians, either under their own steam or the government's efforts to get civilians out of the way. they're taking this extremely seriously and see it as a cross-border operation, which indeed it is conducted effectively by the ukrainians with a degree, a slither of deniability. >> a slither of deniability. sam kiley reporting from southeastern ukraine. thanks so much, sam. jim, over to you. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy made a surprise visit to the g-7 meetings in japan, holding talks with several world leaders, including president biden. zelenskyy shared his plans to finally bring an end to russia's war there. today china reacting, the foreign ministry calling on leaders to resolve the crisis politically through dialogue and consultation. this despite of course beijing's no limits friendship as it is
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called with moscow. we're joined by the former u.s. ambassador to ukraine, john herbst. he is now with the atlantic council here. ambassador, first, if i could ask you, is china a credible partner for peace, as it were? a credible mediator in this crisis? >> thus far the answer is a simple no. the peace plan that they put out, so-called peace plan, does not require moscow to actually respect the territory and integrity of ukraine. it treats moscow's motivations for this unjust invasion as legitimate. so if beijing was willing to telling russia get your troops out of ukraine and we'll deal with your concerns by negotiations, that would be fine, but they're not. >> i want to ask you now about the loss in ukraine of bakhmut. both sides have invested an enormous amount over months there, as cedric leighton made the point on our air in the first hour, that siege lasted
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longer than the siege of stalingrad. russia appears to have won at least as of now. is that a significant loss, especially on the cusp of this planned counteroffensive? >> i would actually say it's a significant loss for russia. according to the ukrainians, 7.5 russians are dead or wounded for every ukraine. according to london, the brits, it's 5 to 1. if that's true, russia has suffered enormous casualties and for that matter equipment damage as a result of the many monthmon months-long effort to take an unimportant town in eastern ukraine. putin set a deadline by december. here we are in the middle of may and maybe they captured it but maybe not completely. >> the biden administration appears to have given up supplying f-16s to ukraine
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saying we won't stand in the way of allies doing that. the u.s. has been a bit more hesitant than some of its european partners eventually giving in. when i look at a city like bakhmut and the destruction there, could f-16s played a role in helping ukraine to save that city? has the u.s. been too slow in some circumstances? >> the biden administration has been consistently timid in meeting ukraine's weapons requests. i don't know if f-16s had made a difference there. but if we had given ukraine what they had been requesting for eight or nine months, russians would have never taken bakhmut. thank goodness the brits are giving them storm shadow long-range missiles but not as good as ours. but if we gave them ours as well as the f-16s, the russians would be far farther back than they are today. >> we learned this week that german police are investigating the possible poisoning of two
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russian dissidents on german soil. this would not be the first time we saw this. they killed alexander in 2006, they attempted to with sergei sk skripel and his daughter. also alex ei navalny. an independent russian news site said that you were allegedly poisoned back in 2021, although the atlantic council said lab results did not reveal toxic compounds. is this what russia does now? is it in fact saying that anyone who dares challenge this government is not safe anywhere in the world? >> i think they established that with the attempted poisoning of skr skripal. so this is a long-time moscow tactic going back not just to soviet times. >> do you believe that you were -- that they attempted to poison you?
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>> the atlantic council's statement captures the major points. the point is we don't know what happened to me. >> well, we're glad you're well and healthy. ambassador, thanks for joining the program today. >> my pleasure. >> brianna. still to come on "cnn news central," the washington state university grad student accused of murdering four university of idaho undergrads was just in court. we'll tell you what happened during bryan kohberger's hearing. plus an update in the search for madeleine mccann, the toddler who disappeared from a resort in portugal more than 16 years ago. my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plusus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators ofof brain health. to h help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger.
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the man accused of killing four university of idaho students was in court today facing murder charges that could send him to death row, but when it was time for bryan kohberger to enter a plea, neither he nor his attorney would do it. cnn's veronica miracle is here with more on today's proceedings. ver veronica, walk us through what happened today because it was pretty unusual. >> it was unusual, brianna. first off a judge read bryan kohberger his rights. he read the four charges, four
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counts of first-degree murder and one count of burglary. he said he understood the charges. but when it came time to enter a plea he didn't do it and neither did his attorney. take a listen to what happened in court. >> is mr. kohberger prepared to plead to these charges? >> your honor, we will stand silent. >> because mr. kohberger is standing silent, i'm going to enter not guilty pleas to each charge. >> so i spoke to a university of idaho law professor who said this could have happened for a number of reasons. the first being this case is under a lot of scrutiny. it is highly publicized. and so it's possible that they didn't want to enter a plea one way or another to provide any kind of characterization. obviously if he entered a guilty plea, he would be admitting guilt. if he entered a not guilty plea,
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it's possible that people would become outraged that he's not taking responsibility for his alleged actions. so by not entering a plea either way and by staying silent, it just doesn't provide any kind of characterization. another possibility, according to this law professor i spoke with, is that it's possible that both parties are negotiating behind closed doors. some kind of plea deal could be in the works and it could be that this was part of the talks that they're having. and then lastly, it could be that he is just not cooperating and is being difficult. so we don't know exactly why this happened but there are a number of reasons that i listed that could be the case. so now that the judge has entered not guilty pleas on behalf of bryan kohberger, the prosecution has 60 days to decide if they will pursue the death penalty. and when the judge told bryan kohberger that he is facing life in prison or possibly the death penalty, he remained emotionless. brianna? >> veronica following this case every step of the way, veronica
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miracle, thank you. jim. a possible update after all these years, the madeleine mccann case. portuguese police are conducting a brand new search related to the british girl's disappearance some 16 years ago. crews are setting up at a roerz v reservoir near the resort where they are family was staying. anna, it's a reservoir. do we know why this reservoir is of interest and why now? what has led to this step. >> reporter: why now is a very interesting question, we don't really know. we should mark that it was maddie mccann's 20th birthday and it was marked by her parents and they said they would never give up. it's about 30 miles inland from the resort where maddie mccann went messing. the body of water was searched all the way back in 2008. not much was found. some animal remains an a sock
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completely unrelated to the case. new information from cnn portugal said the search will focus much more on the area around the body of water, on the land, perhaps the woodlands in some of the video that we're showing. we also know that the tip for this fresh search has come from the german prosecutors. they have in their custody christian brookner, a convicted rapist and pedophile, currently serving time for rape. he is the lead suspect in the case. so while we don't know why, we don't know what the new information is, it certainly suggests that there is new information and that is what has led them to reopen and launch a whole new search in this area 30 miles from where maddie mccann went missing all those years ago. >> this is a difficult question but have officials said whether they're searching specifically for evidence or remains or have they not specified? >> reporter: not specified whether it's remains, her clothing, she went missing
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wearing her pajamas. whether it's something different they were looking for in terms of evidence. but they're being very tight-lipped, particularly from the paortuguese side. we've had many twists and turns, dashed hopes and absolutely no breakthroughs in this case. >> yeah, gosh, i know just the frustration and torture for those poor parents and all happening in the public eye as well. anna stewart, thanks for covering as always. boris. coming up, in an exclusive cnn interview, american prisoner paul whelan is speaking out about his detainment in russia and his prospects of being released. plus, he's calling it his own tin cup moment. we're hearing from the club pro who outshined some of golf's biggest stars this weekend, even hitting a hole in one. "cnn news central" returns in moments.
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now to a cnn exclusive. american paul whelan, detained in russia for five years, is speaking to cnn. the former marine called cnn from a prison camp in remote mull dovia saying that he has renewed optimism about his release despite being left out the previous prisoner swaps. listen to this. >> i remain positive and confident on a daily basis that the wheels are turning. i just wish they would turn a little bit more quickly. i'm more confident now.
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i feel that my life shouldn't be considered less valuable or important than others who have been previously traded. >> cnn's jake tapper is covering this next hour on "the lead." s he joins us now. jake, are others sharing the optimism about his release? >> it really comes down to what the russians want. it's no longer a question about whether or not the russians are willing to swap somebody for paul whelan, it's a question of who and whether or not the united states has any russians that are of commensurate value for what the russians think paul whelan is. it may be that the biden administration is going to have to lean on an ally who has a high-value russian to free him. but let's focus more on what paul whelan himself feels in terms of his confidence because he gave this great interview to our own jennifer hansler and he talked at length about this. >> i have been told that i won't
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be left behind, and i have been told although evan's case is a priority mine is also a priority. and people are cognizant of the fact that this is having an extremely negative impact on me and my family. i'm told that the government is working tirelessly to get me out of here and to get me home so they can then focus effort on evan and his case. >> sad situation with him and his family. obviously we've heard from his sister several times. >> yeah, and she'll be on "the lead" later today talking about this case and the latest on it. >> we look forward to that. also speaking of another detained american, you got a chance to speak with the nsa -- the national security advisor, jake sullivan, about navy lieutenant ridge alconis who has been detained in japan. he passed out behind the wheel and killed two people. what are jake sullivan say? >> so a tragic accident and the
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alconis family feels as though he was not treated fairly. he's been in prison now for more than 300 days and there's a big effort to get him out or at least to get him transferred to the u.s. justice system for this horrible accident. everybody agrees there was no drugs or alcohol involved. so basically what sullivan said is basically just because we're not talking about it don't think we're not talking about this behind the scenes with the prime minister, with others, to do everything we can. so that's another area where there's a lot of focus as well. >> the biden administration clearly trying to handle all of these detained americans as quickly as possible. jake tapper, look forward to "the lead". >> thanks, buddy. appreciate it. coming up, how this fake image of this explosion near the pentagon sparked a very real scare. that's not even the pentagon. with t-mobile for business, save morore than $1000 bucks versus verizon. and get the new samsung galaxy s23 plus free with no trade-in required.
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golf crowns a new major champion, but the didguy who rey stole the show was michael block, a club pro, a golfer from mission viejo, california, my hometown, whose day job is working at a public golf course teaching people how to play golf. here's the moment that catapulted him into spotlight. >> get in the hole. >> let's go! >> no. no! no way! no way! rory, did it go in? >> yeah, it went in. and that shot, that hole in one helped block finish 15th. it earned him almost $300,000
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and it secured him an invitation back to one of golf's biggest championships again next year. he spoke to cnn this morning about this wild four days. >> it is a tin cup moment without a doubt. i am a club pro. i teach golf. i'm a head golf professional in mission viejo. for me to be out here with these guys, rory mcilroy on sunday, justin rose on saturday and to have the rochester people out here, the biggest supporters of golf i've seen in my life, was absolutely unbelievable and was a dream come true. >> he will tee off at the charles here he is representing mission so well. >> certain ly a great story there. something else we're following. we saw how quickly a fake image can spread on twitter kazing confusion and a brief dip in the
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stock market. a verifyied twitter account shared this fake image to show some sort of attack at the pentagon. thankfully, no such incident occurred. we have been following this story. you see here between ai, true fake news, but also what appears to be a pretty verification system. it came together in a dangerous way here. >> exact ly. look, a lot of things happening here all at once. it tells us a lot about the information and his information environment that's out there today. twitter changed its verification rules a few months back taking away the blue check marks from a lot of news organizations and journalists if you had the blue mark, twitter verified you are the person you claim to be. that's totally changed under
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ealon musk. anybody can pretend to be anybody else and get their little verification mark. in this case, we saw an account purporting to be link to theed to the bloomberg network. twiet twooet ing there had been an explosion at the pentagon. that account was totally fake. it had nothing to do with bloomberg. it has now been suspended. but from that, it got shared elsewhere and picked up by some media outlets in india. and we also believe russia. and as you mentioned, a dip in the stock market. and the image itself, people familiar with washington, d.c., will notice that is not the pentagon. and that is clearly quite a crude fake image. but still, it worked and it still had an impact. >> i remember weeks ago elon musk when he took over twitter said one of his priorities was to get rid of fake accounts. and make verify it more this is
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a case of where the opposite happened. has twitter copped to this all? >> not at all. if when media contact a the moment, there's an a toe response, which is a crude emoji from the company that he's fired all his communication staff there. we haven't heard anything from twitter. obviously, going through the 2024 election campaign with this sort of all this ai imagery, video, sound, and also a platform where people can pretend to be people they are not, it could spell trouble. >> 100% was impactly my concern when i was watching thisen fold. thank you so much. now to some of the headlines we're at this hour. jury selection begins in the trial of scott peterson. he was on duty during the shooting at marjory stoneman douglas in parkland, florida. he was widely criticized for failing to go inside the school to confront the shooter. among the charges he's facing is seven counts of child neglect.
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also more than a year after the sudden death of taylor hawkins, his successor has been named ahead of an upcoming tour. he was friends with hawkins and has officially joined the band. their album out next month will be the first since hawkins' passing. the amazon founder and his girlfriend are engaged. they first went public with their relationship in 2019. he's off the market. >> congratulations to them. so what does one wear to a high-stakes oval office meeting on the u.s. economy back from the edge of disaster? dress shoes, sneakers, which is it? whatever it is, people have strong feelings about it. we'll have that story, next . why mess with the sweet onion teriyaki, chuck? man, this aint messin', it's perfectin'!! with marinated chickcken and double cheese. sweet t and savory... ...kinda like you and me, chuck. bye, peyton.
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. finally, a great debate has erupted from this image of a white house meeting that happened last tuesday. are we showing it? you see the little circle there is. in this case, we're not talking about the debt ceiling. we're talking about the dress shoes. observers noted three of the the five men are wearing the sneaker shoe and that prompted the question, can the hybrid footwear be worn in the oval office or should it? hard no from some leaders. >> the style director from g kwx said it was awful, the worst possible choice. they are trying to pass this off as proper dress shoe. who does that. the oval office demands a hard
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souled shoe. >> it's a good thing we hold things to a higher standard. no one here would ever wear the silly shoes. >> i believe that if you're wearing suit, you wearfinest sh. >> the day they walked into your office and you were wearing those, in good faith, he was wearing these. what are those? >> is it like the mask where they give you special power when is you put those on? >> i feel more confident and comfortable. maybe not for the oval office. >> you got to be comfortable, though. i think comfort. >> 100%. >> i think style over comfort. >> "the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. the u.s. might just be ten days away from defaulting. could a meeting cong


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