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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  May 20, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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extreme. interview ended. he walks out of the oval office, goes down the hall, then he turns all the way back and says, look, you have to understand when i talk about race, it just changes everything, and it can be explosive if you're not incredibly precise. >> trayvon martin could have been me 35 years ago. >> obama is a case study of navigating the third rail in american politics, race. over time, what you see is obama finding his voice in that space to be able to say the things that were necessary to put the consciousness of americans, while at the same time maintaining the dignity and respectfulness that people would have expected from the president of the united states. >> the cnn original series "the 2010s" continues with the obama legacy on the line airing tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. right here on cnn.
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hello. thanks for joining me. i'm fredricka whitfield. president biden will officially meet with ukraine's president zelenskyy at the g7 in japan tomorrow. the white house confirming just a short time ago ukraine scored a key victory with the u.s. after the biden administration signaled it will permit allies to send f-16 fighter jets to the war-torn nation. other g7 leaders have been meeting with zelenskyy. they offered their support for, quote, as long as it takes. g7 meetings are not just about ukraine. leaders are also weighing in on how to confront china's increasing military power. cnn's phil mattingly is in hiroshima. can you give us a preview of what the meeting might be like? >> reporter: a preview of the day, because i think that's
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important in the context of things. yes, the bilateral meeting between president biden and president zelenskyy, the first face-to-face meeting between the two since president biden's surprise trip to kyiv earlier this year. there was also a meeting of the entire g7 group of leaders and the other countries thachb involved here, an entire working-group meeting related to ukraine that zelenskyy will be participating in as well, which i think underscores the reality of this moment and its import. there's no question that the g7 leaders have been behind ukraine and steadfast in their support for ukraine, and that wasn't going to change anytime soon. but as the other countries that have been invited to join the group of seven for this summit that have also been participating, zelenskyy has had an opportunity to speak with, including india's prime minister modi, they have a more neutral stance an u.s. and ukrainian officials. having those face-to-face meetings with those countries who have tried to kind of walk a
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middle ground here is critically important for zelenskyy. keep in mind, this visit here to hiroshima follows more than ten days of going through european capitals, talking to supporters, and landing in saudi arabia, attending the arab league summit. what he's trying to do right now is not just unify support and keep the group together but try to find new countries and leaders that will get behind them come off the fence to some degree. more importantly, they want to continue to secure commitment that are tangible, related to assistance and aid. those are critical at this moment. u.s. officials expect the ukrainian counteroffensive will launch soon. so, they immediate more and they're very cognizant and candid about that. i think that has been a defining element between the relationship of president biden and president zelenskyy, and i think that will be the case again when they meet in a couple hours, fred. >> and then, phil, while president biden is cutting his trip short to return to d.c. to deal with the whole debt ceiling
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fight, how much is that casting kind of a shadow on the summit and other bilateral talks? >> yeah, fred. u.s. officials often say the president can walk and chew gum at the same time whatever balancing act he's dealing with in the moment. i don't think they ever thought it would be as laid bare as it is here, trying to deal with a potential economic catastrophe back home. negotiations have not made any significant progress in the last several days, broke down for a couple hours, started again. there is no clear progress going forward. the president has been briefed regularly at the start and end of every single day. they continue to try and say there is a pathway forward here, but leaders' advisers want to know this is going to get resolved. the president says yes. hasn't necessarily backed that up with a resolution yet. >> okay. we'll see. phil mattingly, thank you so
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much. while president zelenskyy of ukraine looks for ongoing support among the g7, there are reminders that the war is not pausing. russia again struck the city of kyiv early this morning, making it the 11th time the capital has been targeted this month alone. cnn's nic robertson is in eastern ukraine. what does this trip mean for zelenskyy? >> reporter: we know how effective zelenskyy has been about asking for things, putting them on the agenda, back in the early days of the war, it was just ammunition, help, anti-tank missiles, earlier this year tanks and now fighter jets. he'sed it. he has these commitments. he's going to want to put flesh on the bones about when they can come and how much training can be give on the how many pilots, what weapons systems these planes can be equipped with and when thoekey can be put into th battlefield effectively.
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president zelenskyy characterizes how he'll approach this as sort of coordinating, planning with partners, you know, working with them. and this is what the face-to-face nature of being at the g7 in japan with these leaders and key partners, big economic powers who have the money to buy the missiles and persuade others to do the same. zelenskyy can go face-to-face with them and get them on the same page and persuade them why they need to do it. he's talking about, you know, planning and preparing for our next joint steps, joint steps. he's doing it with them. he wants them to come with him on this journey to support him in the fight against russia. everyone is committed, but zelenskyy has his eye on the horizon. it's been the fighter jets, to get the details on that. it's going to be in the future, security guarantees from nato. he'll be building the groundwork for the nato summit in july this summer when he'll want to get detail on those security guarantees, which is the sort of language he'll need to have in
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his back pocket when eventually a peace deal comes into sight. it's all about fighting right now and those are the details over these meetings. >> ukraine's military says there is some heavy fighting going on in bakhmut, and russia's mercenary group, wagner, has been claiming victory in that city. how can you tell what's really going on? >> reporter: it's tough, right. yevgeny prigozhin, the leader, it looks like bakhmut says the russians have taken it after i think he said 224 days since october last year of fighting for the city. okay. that roughly tracks with the time line when there's been intense fighting there. it's been literally over the course of that time, inch by inch. do they have all of it? ukrainians are saying no, absolutely not. they continue to fight for it. what we know from the folks we talk to from around here and from what we can understand and the glimpses we get at the front
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lines over here, the ukrainians are pushing around bakhmut at the moment. they're trying to sort of circle the city. it's slow. it's really super slow going. and it's tough. there are heavy casualties on both sides. so, do the russians really have control of bakhmut? i don't think the ukrainians consider they're moving through that city, but they consider they're taking ground around it at the moment. of course this is just one tiny fraction of a front line that's hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of miles, a section that's just a couple miles. this is what the ukrainians are doing. they're looking for where they'll find their weakness, where that opening could open up, if they can battle through russian lines. they don't think it will be in bakhmut, but what opportunities can they create with this fight in and around this town right now. that's what they're looking for. >> okay. nic robertson in eastern ukraine, be safe. thanks so much. back in this country, a federal judge has ruled alleged pentagon leaker jack teixeira
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will remain in jail as he awaits trial. the 21-year-old air national guardsman is accused of posting dozens of classified documents on discord. jason carroll takes a closer look at the case. >> reporter: at one point during the proceeding, the judge raised his voice in order to make his point, saying that this was a defendant who simply did not care who he put at risk. he said several things. he said, for example, what the record shows is a profound breach of a defendant's word that he would protect information and the security of the united states and its allies. judge david hennessy went on to describe who was hurt because of what jack teixeira had done. he said, who did he put at risk? you could make a list as long as a phone book -- soldiers, medical personnel, ukrainian person northwesterly, ukrainian soldiers. we do not know how many people. if government said if you disclose this information, you
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put the united states at serious risks. the defendant's response was, "i don't give a" -- expletive. tei teixeira's family is disappointed about the outcome but they'll continue their steadfast support of jack teixeira. the judge had also indicated he did struggle with one portion of this, saying that he was confident if he had released jack teixeira on bail that he was confident that he would abide by the conditions of that release. but then he also went on to say, but when i look at him, i think, what if i'm wrong? what are the consequences of my decision? jason carroll,worcester, massachusetts. all right. coming up, a billion-dollar battle. disney scraps plans to build a massive office complex that would have brought thousands of jobs to the state of florida. how the governor is responding, next. with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® h high protein. boost® high protein.
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welcome back. homeland security says overall migrant numbers at the u.s. boarder are declining after title xlii expired. but hundreds are still arriving in new york city each day. in fact, mayor eric adams says 15 more migrant buss are expected in the coming days. that has a growing list of new york counties declaring a state of emergency after adams said he would be relocating asylum seekers out of the city. a new migrant arrival center is open at manhattan's roosevelt hotel in midtown. that's where we find cnn's gloria pazmino. already about 40,000 migrants are in the state's care and we've heard again and again the city's resources are stretched thin. so what can you tell us about the kinds of accommodations that are being made? >> reporter: you mentioned about 15 buses are expected to alive in the city throughout the weekend. we know for sure two have
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arrived as of this morning. now, the buss are coming from texas, and they're still arriving at port authority bus terminal. that's where the city is now connecting the migrants to place them on city buses that are then coming here to the roosevelt hotel behind me. i want to give you a look inside the hotel. i believe we have some video and images of what the city has set up inside this hotel. this is supposed to operate as a one-stop welcome center, if you will. it is supposed to be a place where migrants can get connected to the resources that are available. i want to tell you a little bit about what i've seen here this morning so far. i've seen migrants coming in, and i've seen them also coming out of the hotel, being boarded on to a city bus, and being taken to another facility, most likely a city shelter. while they're inside the hotel, they are connected with medical services, they are provided food
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and water, a place to shower, go to the bathroom, and to rest. many of them have been on this very long bus line from texas. so, the idea here is to get them connected to the resources that are available, but those resources are becoming difficult to come by. as you mentioned, mayor eric adams has made it very clear that the city is running out of shelter space. and the reality here is that the city is going to have to find some more permanent solutions when it comes to housing and sheltering people who are arriving here in the city. as you said, more than 40,000 people currently in the care of the city. now, the idea is to have the buses arrive directly here at the hotel. but for now, they're still arriving at port authority bus terminal and then being redirected on a city bus here as more and more migrants continue to arrive here in new york despite the low numbers that we
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are seeing at the border. fred? >> all right. gloria pazmino in midtown manhattan, thanks so much. ron desantis says there is zero chance he backs down from his ongoing dispute with disney. the republican governor of florida, who is expected to announce a 2024 presidential run in the coming days, comes on the heels of disney's announcement that it is scrapping plans to build a $1 billion office complex in florida. cnn's natasha chen has more. >> reporter: disney has said in a memo that this decision was difficult based on change in business conditions and new leadership, not mentioning politics at all, but it certainly has become part of a major political story just days before governor ron desantis is set to officially launch his presidential campaign. the governor was making a stop at a diner in new hampshire on friday when he disney issue, talking specifically about the c.
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>> it's not free-market economics and not something that our state will be involved in. we will not change from that. they can do whatever they want. i know people try to chirp and say this or that. the chance of us backing down from that is zero. >> but certainly, desantis' potential 2024 rivals are weighing in. the trump campaign account on twitter called him ron desanctimonious in the mouse trap. former vice president mike pence spoke on fox friday saying he likes walt disney, not woke disney, but disagrees with the strategy of a government going after a business for disagreeing with its politics. pence said he believes both sides should stand down and desantis should take the victory for parents' rights and move on. of course the whiplash for
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disney employees is huge here because a couple hundred have already started to move to florida. for those individuals, they will be given options including the possibility of moving back here to burbank in southern california. i'm also told that some employees had actually found other jobs because they knew they did not want to move the florida. and now those to jobs are staying in the golden state. a lot of whiplash for those individuals and in the political world. natasha chen, cnn, los angeles. >> whiplash indeed. still ahead, it is the strongest measure yet by a state government to restrict tiktok. montana's governor signed a bill banning the video-sharing app in the state. a group of tiktok users is suing to overturn the ban. . ...designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder - that orders fresh bebeans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that.t... ...i need a breakthrough card..... like ours! with 2.5% cash back
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a group of tiktok users has sued to overturn montana's new statewide ban blocking the popular video-sharing app. they allege that the law signed this week by governor greg gianforte violates the first amendment. montana's ban attempts to prohibit tiktok from operating in the state and to block downloads of tiktok on personal devices. cnn business producer john sulter land joins us. if the law survives in court, could other states enact similar laws? >> that's a great question. this is a significant escalation in the legal fight against tiktok. previous to this, we've seen targeted bans on federal devices, on state devices, the majority of states have bans that prevent state devices from having tiktok. we've seen that in the eu. this ban is entirely different. it would apply to all montanans who want to use hick tok. they wouldn't be able to use it
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in the state. other states who are considering bans, and there are obviously -- there's a federal movement in ban tiktok, they'll be looking at the legal challenges like you just mentioned to see if the courts will allow this action to actually come into acceffect. >> this new law kicks in in january but would not penalize individual tiktok users in the state. so, help us understand that. >> that's correct. so, the bill would apply to all montanans but it wouldn't target them. instead the bill targets tiktok itself and the app stores run by google and apple who would allow montanans to download tiktok. it would levy a $10,000 a day fine and try to prevent those sites from having montanans be able to download and use tiktok within the state. >> okay. so how will this be enforced? >> so, that's the big question, right. assume these many legal
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challenges go through, right. how do you ban and app within a certain state from montanans but not in north dakota? one way to look at that is to look at gambling apps, right. gambling apps can be downloaded, but they only work in state where is gambling is legal, say in new york state. i'm in california. the same app, which requires your location to use, doesn't work in california. but this bill applies to google and apple on the app store. that's not the case with gambling apps. you can download gambling apps in many states. so google and apple are saying we don't have this capability to prevent certain people in certain states from downloading the app. >> so, this ban isn't just aimed attic tok, right? the governor signed an executive order that targets other apps owned by foreign adversaries. what others are we talking about? >> apps like telegram and wechat, who have associations directly, indirectly with foreign adversaries like russia
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and china, now will be banned on montana state devices. so, this is similar to the previous ban that we've seen on tiktok that is targeted at state-owned devices, but, you know, this is another step in the ongoing battle on tech that has direct and indirect ties to foreign adversaries like russia and china. >> wow. fascinating and complicated. thanks so much. so, with memorial day weekend approaching, so is the start of what's expected to be an especially busy summer for air travel again. with that in mind, cnn has exclusive reporting on the origins of some of the massive travel delays last summer. who could forget? in this case, it wasn't the airlines. instead, the trouble came from a part of the system that most passengers never see. as cnn's pete muntean reports, it could cause fresh troubles again this summer.
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>> reporter: it was the summer of air travel meltdowns. figures from flightaware showed that last memorial day to labor day, airlines in the u.s. came to 55,000 flights and delayed a half million more. >> it was horrible. >> a flight gets cancelled, it's tough to get on another one. >> it is frustrating. >> reporter: the blame was mostly put on the airlines, which was mostly right. but now cnn has learned from internal documents obtain through a freedom of information act request that thousands of delays were triggered by repeated short-staffing at one federal air traffic control facility in florida. the federal aviation administration's jacksonville center facility is responsible for controlling air space used by nearly every commercial flight arriving and departing at florida's busiest airports. cnn found that last summer it was short staffed during more than 200 shifts.
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documents reveal over seven weeks the faa believed staffing problems delayed a total of 4,622 flights, nearly 1 in 10 of all delays statewide. >> it has just a domino effect throughout the industry. >> reporter: at tampa international airport, executive vice president of operations began monitoring the staffing problems as passengers began getting stranded. in june, he wrote the faa saying what what's odd to me is that the only faa facility that seems to be having staffing issues is jacksonville center. >> obviously, asked the question what are you going to do about it? what is the faa doing to address the issue so we can get our operational dependability back on track? >> reporter: in one message, one senior faa official gave a blunt assessment to faa acting chief, billy nolan. "i don't believe we have any excuse other than a straight-up shortage of certified controllers in multiple areas." >> in many ways, the faa is
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rudderless. >> reporter: also revealed in the documents, a whistle-blower complaint alleging overworked jacksonville controllers. the faa tells cnn it has changed leadership at the facility. >> it's very demanding profession. you have to be 100%, 100% of the time. >> reporter: the faa has vowed to hire more controllers, but issues won't be fixed fast. with another key facility in new york roughly half-staffed, the faa says delays at the major three airports, delays could rise. >> we'll own our part. the industry will own their part. it will take us working together. >> good luck to travelers. pete muntean, thank you so much. still ahead, officials are scrambling to find four children who they believe may still be alive after a plane crash in the amazon. to go on, let it pull you past the doubt. past the pain, and past your limits.
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a search in columbia, first reported as a survival story in the amazon jungle has the nation clinging to hope. the search for four missing children is intensifying after new findings that may help pinpoint their location, perhaps. stefano, has anything new been learned about their whereabouts, why the plane went down, where it is, and its origin? any of that? >> reporter: unfortunately, fredricka, nothing new across overnight, at least in the early hours of today here in colombia. just to make a point on how vast the ariana the 100 or more special force of the colombian military together with indigenous scouts and the father of the four children are scouring through to try to locate them, we're talking about an area that is over 50,000 acres. it's an area that is four or five times larger than the
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island of manhattan, for example. and so, finding the four of them is proving incredibly difficult. earlier in the week there were some footprints that thought to belong to the oldest of them. the oldest is leslie, and one of the things search-and-rescue is employing is quite literally shouting her name in the middle of the jungle. >> leslie! lesl leslie! >> reporter: a desperate search continue bus no breakthrough. colombian authorities are scouring the amazon for four children believed to have survived the plane crash on may 1st, looking for signs of life after nearly three weeks. area reports that the children had been found were later dialed back. the grandfather of the kids, ages 13, 9, 4, and 11 months,
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says he's holding out hope. >> translator: they already know the jungle. and after that accident, maybe they are hiding. they hide. maybe they don't realize that they are looking for them. they are children. but we hope that they are alive and have access to water, because water is life. >> reporter: the plane had taken off from the remote area bound for a different destination. details of the crash remain fuzzy, but the same plane crashed in the jungle in the same area less than two years ago according to the colombian civil aviation authority. rescue efforts carry on around the clock. they use dogs to help search for the children following a trail of scattered debris including hair scrunchies and a baby bottle they believe belongs to the youngest. from above, colombia's air force
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using loud speakers to play messages from their grandmother in their native language. in bogota, the indigenous community is mourning those who died in the crash after it was announced on thursday that the bodies of three adult, including the pilot and the mother of the four children, had been recovered, and demanding answers. the nation holds its breath, praying for the lives of the four young children. >> leslie! >> reporter: unfortunately, however, fredricka, those calls in the middle of the jungle for leslie have not been answered yet that we know of, or at least we're here waiting to hear from the military and from the colombian children welfare agency, who is also involved in the search. a positive breakthrough. it's almost three weeks since that plane first crashed on may 1st in the heart of the jungle. but still the nation holds some hope to locate them. fredricka? >> it's an extraordinary
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mystery. stefano pozzebon, thanks so much. it has been almost a year since the horrific school shooting in uvalde, texas, where 19 children and two teachers were killed. the community is still searcsearching ing for answers. shimon prokupecz sat down with families. he joins us straight ahead. instead of hbo, it's on wall street, how the world's richest man is planning his own succession, straight ahead. charging something like a hundred bucks a window when other guys were charging four to five-hundred bucks. he just didn't wanna do that. he was proud of the price he was charging. ♪ my dadad instilled in me, alalways put the people before the money. be proud of offering a good product at a fair price. i think he'd be extremely proud of me, yeah. ♪
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all right.
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it's the real-life version of the hbo series "succession," bernard arneault is the richest man in the world, the head of the lvmh empire, a $500 billion luxury powerhouse home to dozens of iconic brands like louis vui vuitton, tiffany, sephora. and like logan roy in "succession," he is looking to one of his children to take the reins. cnn's melissa bell has more. >> he's on the floor, todd. >> explain what he's doing. >> terrifying, moseying. it's like if santa claus was a hit man. >> patriarch. >> i love you. but you are not serious people. >> preparing his succession as carefully as he built his empire, not logan roy, but the real world's richest man,
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274-year-old worth more than $230 billion, having built the world's biggest luxury goods company, all the while very personally raising, educating, and evaluating his five potential successors. >> i think that group is controlled by family, so instead of looking at the stock market, i look for the next ten years. >> reporter: all five children work for their father. 48-year-old delfin, the chair of christiane dior, her brother, holding ceo of the company, and three children from his second marriage, 31-year-old alexander, executive vice president of tiffany's, 28-year-old frederick, who runs tag heuer, and the youngest, 24-year-old jean, the director of development and marketing at louis vuitton's watch division. >> translator: he is at once an attentive father, a good father,
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but also a merciless boss, so the children had to work hard. he has a fairly clear idea of their qualities and their weaknesses. when the moment comes, we'll be able to choose. >> reporter: the $500 billion lvmh dominates the world of fashion with some of its biggest names like christiane dior and louis vuitton. it was built through ruthless acquisition and like waystar is diverse with vineyards, hotels, restaurants, and newspapers. >> i had you beat! >> reporter: but the treatment of the children, the fictional and real characters diverge, far from fostering discord, he's ensured harmony but with a cold eye on business nonetheless. >> thank you very much. >> reporter: the stakes are huge. the value of the company but also the power that it brings. like logan roy, he's cultivated his relationships with the
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powerful, acquiring a vast media empire. and making lvmh a symbol in france. its headquarters stormed by protesters in the last month. but while he's sought to protect his children, he's also made it clear what he expects of them. >> of course we understand the level of responsibility that is ours. the way we see things is that my father is super healthy and going to work 10, 15, 20, 25 years. his five children are now working together in different parents of the group, but we're very close. >> reporter: an empire carefully built and ultimately soon up for grabs, but so far, without the family drama. melissa bell, cnn, paris. all right. when this week's cnn hero learned about the thousands of children in juvenile detention centers and a residential
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treatment facilities across the united states, he decided to shine a light on their lost voices. mike ball started a song writing program to allow kids who have experienced trauma to begin to heal. ♪ >> they all had different stories, and the point of what we do is let them tell is that toir. -- story. sometimes they're silly, but beneath the silliness, they're really revealing. sometimes they're really heartbreakingly real. ♪ think about being in a position where nobody's ever cared what you feel, and instead now, you talk about what you feel and a whole bunch of people go, yeah! it's life changing. we can plant a seed in that child of self-confidence and self-worth. it's just so powerful.
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one year ago a gunman opened fire at robb elementary school in uvalde, texas, killing 19 students and two teachers. out the classroom doors, law enforcement waited for too many
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hours before entering. we caught up with some of the family members. >> reporter: what is your understanding of what went wrong that day? >> my understanding is this first group of officers to come in -- theier shot at, they retreat, and they never go back in. they let children die in that classroom. [ bleep ] >> am i bleeding? am i bleeding? >> i can't explain to you what they'd taken from me. >> he's in the class. >> it's more than just lies, you know, maybe lexi's gone
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immediately, but that's what they've taken, those answers. had they engaged immediately i know she wasn't scared very long. because they waited so long, i'll never know. i don't know if it was fast, and i don't know if it took 30, 40 minutes, and that's hard. that's hard to sit with. >> be sure to tune in to an all new episode of "the whole story with anderson cooper." that airs tomorrow at 8:00 p.m. eastern time and pacific only on cnn. a d.c. metro police lieutenant in charge of intelligence has been arrested and charged with lying to federal investigators about his communications with proud boys leader enrique tareo who has been convicted of decision. it lays down a series of encrypted messages between lieutenant shane limon and tarrio sharing information about the capitol insurrection
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investigation. jessica schneider has details. >> reporter: police officer arrested and charged was actually a supervisor in the intelligence blanch of the department's homeland security bureau. it's alleged that he was communicating with the proud boys leader, enrique tarrio, tipping him off that he was about to be arrested. this is lieutenant shane lemond. he was arrested and faces one count of obstruction, three counts of making false statements. prosecutors say that as early as july, 2020, he began used telegram to provide tarrio information about the law enforcement investigations that were related to the proud boys' activity around washington, d.c. then when lieutenant lemond was interviewed about his interactions with tarrio, it's alleged that lieutenant lemond gave false expect misleading statements to tarrio and that's what the charges stem from. his lawyer is responding saying "lieutenant lemond's position
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required contact with extremist groups who sought to undermine our democracy on january 6th, yet he does not nor has he ever supported their views." now, lieutenant lemond was placed on administrative leave by the police department last year. the department now saying that they are cooperating with federal investigators in the probe. meanwhile, enrique tarrio and several members of the proud boys have all been convicted of seditious conspiracy, obstructing the electoral college, and tampering with evidence for their role in the january 6th capitol attack in 2021. >> thank you so much. the georgia prosecutor leading an investigation into former president trump and his allies is now signaling a new timetable for potential charges. in a letter obtained by cnn, fulton coin district attorney fanny willis announced remote work days for most of her staff during the first three weeks of august. she also asked judges to refrain from in-person hearings for
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parts of that month. the move suggests that willis expects the grand jury to unseal indictments during that time period. cnn's sara murray has details. >> reporter: a georgia prosecutor that's been investigating efforts by donald trump and his allies to overturn the election in that state in 2020 is now dropping some hints about when she may announce whether anyone could potentially face charges in this case. in a new letter, the fulton district attorney writes to county officials that much of her staff minus her leadership team and minus any armed investigators will be taking a number of remote workdays during the first three weeks of august. she also asks the judges in the county to refrain from holding any in-person hearings or trials during that first three weeks, an indication that she may make her charging announcement then. what this does effectively is it reduces the number of people who are going to be in that judicial complex in fulton county, georgia, when she makes this potential announcement.
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she has long been concerned about security surrounding this case and has talked openly in interviews about the racist threats she has faced in investigating the former president. so this security issue has been a big one in driving when she's able to actually make this announcement publicly. of course, we don't know who if anyone is going to face charges in this case, but we do know the prosecutor has been looking at potential racketeering and conspiracy charges which would allow her to bring charges against multiple defendants at once. back to you. >> all right. thank you so much. and thank you for joining me today. i'm fredricka whitfield. "smerconish" starts right now. it's about to get real. i'm michael smerconish in philadelphia. this coming week, florida governor ron desantis will file paperwork formally firing paperwork to challenge donald trump for the gop nomination. he follows south carolina senator tim scott who file


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