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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  May 17, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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benefits. payroll. compliance. trinet. people matter. hello and welcome, everyone. i'm rosemary church.
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ahead on "cnn newsroom," north carolina's republican controlled legislature overrides democratic governor roy cooper's veto banning most abortions in that state after 12 weeks. gaps reportedly remain after the latest negotiations between the white house and republicans trying to head off a possible default on the u.s. debt. and ukraine says it successfully shot down six hypersonic missiles launched by russia, a claim moscow refutes. >> live from cnn center, this is "cnn newsroom" with rosemary church. >> good to have you with us. we begin in north carolina, where the republican-led assembly moved to ban most abortions after 12 weeks, overriding a veto from democratic governor roy cooper. the vote in the state senate on tuesday was 30-20 along party
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lines. just hours later, the state house also voted 72-48 to do the same. governor cooper slammed the vote in a tweet, saying republicans are unified in their assault on women's reproductive freedom and vowed to fight back. the state's democratic attorney general also criticized the move, saying they are not done yet. they will keep coming until they completely ban abortion in every instance. cnn's diana gallagher has more. >> reporter: both chambers of the north carolina general assembly voted tuesday to override a veto from the state's democratic governor, roy cooper. cooper signed that veto on saturday, just days after the assembly rushed through a bill that would ban most abortions after 12 weeks, with some exception, and a slew of other changes to abortion access, paperwork, and reporting
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requirements in just a matter of 48 hours. now the governor had toured the state, trying to put pressure on four republican lawmakers, claiming that their vote on this bill wouldn't gel with something said during their campaigns in regards to abortion access. several of those lawmakers pushed back on cooper and on tuesday night, every single one of the four republicans that he had put this pressure campaign on over the past week, well, they voted to override his veto. the new law will go into effect in north carolina. the majority of those new stipulations and requirements and restrictions happening on july 1. democrats have no further recourse on this particular bill. it is now law. but democrats have told cnn that they plan to use this as a way to energize their base in the state looking ahead to 2024. dianne gallagher, cnn, raleigh, north carolina.
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>> i'd like to bring in cnn's senior political analyst and senior editor at the "atlantic" ron brownstein. he joins me now from los angeles. i appreciate you being with us. >> hi, rosemary. >> so the u.s. state of north carolina's general assembly has just banned abortions after 12 weeks, overriding the governor's veto. what do you expect the fallout of this will likely be? >> well, first, it's just an extraordinary story where a democrat, a woman who was elected as a democrat, staunchly supportive of abortion rights, quit the party, joined the republican party, allegedly because she felt slighted over how democrats are dealing with her on other issues, and voted to both ban abortion and to oveo override the governor's veto. north carolina one of only four states trump won where there is now a democratic government. now because of her switch there is a super majority in the legislature. north carolina falling into line
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underscores the extent to which a curtain is falling across the red states. as i've written, the red states are building a nation within a nation that is operating very distinctly on its own rules on a whole variety of civil rights and liberty issues, voting rights, lgbtq rights, what teachers can say in the classroom, whether you need a permit to carry a gun, and above all, whether abortion is legal. and you are seeing a divergence on these core questions between half the country and the other half of the country that is as profound as any separation between the states that we've seen in the u.s. since the fall of state sponsored segregation and jim crow in the 1960s. it is a profound separation that is under way, and we have not reached the end of it. >> and this comes, of course, after the 2022 midterms sent a resounding message to republicans that abortion rights were very important, and still are very important to american voters, and they wanted to
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ensure that all women have access to safe abortions. but the gop appears to be ignoring that message. will they pay the ultimate price for doing that come 2024? >> you know, so as i wrote on the sunday after the election, the story was actually a little more complex than that. in blue and purple states, states where abortion was still legal, the reaction was exactly what you described. governor -- republican gubernatorial candidates, and in most cases senate candidates who wanted to ban abortion were decisively defeated in places like michigan and pennsylvania and wisconsin and more narrowly defeated in arizona. and in all of those states, you saw 60% or more of voters say they wanted abortion to remain legal, and big, big majorities of those pro-choice voters voted for democrats, voted no on the republicans who wanted to ban abortion. the story was very different in the red states that actually did
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ban abortion, in places like florida and texas and ohio and iowa and tennessee, and even georgia, which on a state level is still republican-leaning. republican governors and republican legislatetories who banned abortion did not face a backlash from their voters. so the question really is which side of this divide does north carolina fall in? is it fundamental ared state where voters might nominally say they are pro-choice not consider that as sufficient reason to break from traditional loyalty to the republican party, or it is more like a wisconsin or michigan or pennsylvania where swing voters emphatically said no to this? they'll have a governor's race next year. we'll see. the bigger question may be of the 25 states trump won in 2020, north carolina is probably the only one that democrats have a serious chance to contest. and i think the question will be whether a promise from joe biden to try to pass a national law,
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restoring abortion rights in all states will allow democrats to make a serious push at north carolina, which is generally been trending away from them in the trump era. >> ron brownstein, we appreciate your analysis. thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> cnn projects daniel cameron will win the republican governor's primary in kentucky. >> tonight we prove that here in kentucky, the american dream is alive and well, because here in kentucky, you aren't juveniled by the color of your skin, but by the content of your character. >> the state attorney general thanked donald trump for his endorsement, saying, you just heard it in fact, the trump culture of winning is alive and well in kentucky. cameron will face popular democratic incumbent andy beshear in november's general election. the race is seen as an important bellwether for next year, especially where democrats are defending senate seats in red
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states, including montana, ohio and west virginia. america's dangerous standoff over the debt ceiling has caused the u.s. president to scrap part of his planned swing through the pacific region. joe biden is leaving later today for the g7 summit in hiroshima, japan. he was supposed to visit papua, new guinea and australia afterwards for separate set of meetings, but now he will be heading back to washington right after the g7 for debt talks with congressional leaders as the u.s. creeps ever closer to default. the latest round of negotiations on tuesday between republicans and the white house resulted in no major breakthroughs. the top house republican said the two sides are still far apart, that a deal is possible by week's end. >> i did think this one was a little more productive. we're a long way apart. but what changed in this meeting was the president has now selected two people from his
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administration to directly negotiate with us. >> well, the bottom line is that we all came to agreement that we were going to continue discussions, and hopefully we can come to an agreement. we don't have much time. but default is just the worst, worst alternative. >> and a default could happen as soon as june 1st. cnn's jeremy diamond picks up the story. >> reporter: president biden on tuesday emerged from his negotiations with congressional leaders saying that the discussions were productive and that they're making progress towards a deal that could avoid the u.s. potentially heading towards default. of course there has been some progress in these negotiations that have been held mostly at the staff level in the days leading up to the meeting, talk about potential spending caps and other areas of potential agreement between democrats and republicans. but make no mistake, there are still huge gaps between the two sides, and some major sticking points, including, for example,
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on the notion of work requirements for some of the safety net programs, a disagreement between the two sides on that. and amid some of this progress, but also the major sticking points that remain, president biden canceling the second portion of his foreign trip. he is still scheduled to go to japan on wednesday, but he is canceling the second portion of that trip to australia and papua new guinea. here is the president. >> i'm cutting my trip short. i'm postponing the australia portion of the trip and my stop in papua new guinea in order to be back for the final negotiations with congressional leaders there was an overwhelming consensus i think at today's meeting of the congressional leaders that default ogg tonight debt is simply not an option. >> now the president has appointed two senior level staffers to now lead these negotiations with the speaker of the house. they are the president's counselor steve richetti and shalonda young. those two senior advisers will join the white house's
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legislative affairs director lisa terrell who has been leading those negotiations. but it does signal there is a ratcheting up of this, that we're getting to more serious days of the negotiations. the president himself said he will be in touch with speaker mccarthy over the phone while he is in japan, and that he will meet again with the congressional leaders when he returns to the united states next week. jeremy diamond, cnn, the white house. >> joining me now from seattle, washington is jeff tucker, senior economist at zillow. appreciate you being with us. >> thanks for having me on. >> so president biden met with congressional leaders tuesday in an effort to prevent this country defaulting on its national debt come june 1st. house speaker kevin mccarthy says the two side are far apart, but he expects a deal by week's end. spending cuts in exchange for his party agreeing to lift the debt limit. but with only two weeks left to make a deal and get it through congress, there is a risk the debt ceiling won't be raised in
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time. if that happens, what would default mean for the housing industry, house prices, and everyone's mortgage payments? >> yeah, you know, u.s. treasuries are the bedrock of the financial system. and so if their value and the repayment of treasury debts came into question, we are concerned that could send cascading fear and uncertainty throughout the credit system. and what that would mean for homeowners and home buyers is much higher borrowing costs as lenders are worried about their counter parties, they require higher interest rates to make loans. so we're estimating this could raise mortgage rates by about two points from about 6.5% toward 8.5 on a 30-year mortgage in the u.s. that would be a huge blow to affordability for home buyers who have already been struggling with major affordable challenges in the last year or so. and i think that would really impede the volume of home sales
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at the moment by discouraging so many home buyers. >> yeah, that is a terrifying prospect, isn't it? what could home buyers do right now to try to protect themselves against any negative impact of a debt default, or is it too late to do that with less than two weeks to go before that june 1 default deadline? >> at the moment, it does not seem too late. we're not yet seeing that kind of mortgage rate uncertainty or rising mortgage rates come into play yet. i think the bond markets are still hoping that policymakers can reach a deal and resolve this without actually going into default. so at the moment for these last couple of weeks of may, mortgage rates are still hovering in about that same 6.5% neighborhood. and this is really the heart of the spring home shopping season in the united states. so this is the time of year when on zillow, we see some of the most new listings on any given
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week. a lot of home buyers are busy out there. so if you see the perfect house right now, this could be -- this could very well be a time to go out and lock in that rate and close on a mortgage with a lender. >> yeah, good advice. so overall, what is the worst case scenario for how devastating a u.s. debt default could be for home buyers, and indeed renters? because there would be that trickle-down effect, wouldn't there? >> yeah. the worst case scenario that we are considering is, especially what would happen if a default sort of ground on for a couple of months, and we actually saw some of the spending that the u.s. lays out every month being forced down to exactly equal the intake of taxes. that would really throw a wrench in gdp and could actually lead to a lot of rising unemployment, layoffs or furloughs.
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so that would certainly impact consumer confidence. and again, when we took a close look at the impact on the housing market, we're estimating that the volume of home sales could shrink by almost a quarter in some of the hardest hit months later this summer if we really enter that worst case scenario default scenario. >> let's hope it doesn't get to that point. jeff tucker, thank you so much for talking with us. appreciate it. >> thank you so much for having me on. and still to come, a u.s. special army force veteran was killed while fighting in the battle for bakhmut. hear how the head of the wagner mercenary group reacted to the news. and later, a girl from illinois missing for six years is found safe more than 600 miles from home. and police say a well-known television show helped lead to her rescue. credit cards, or car insurancece. experian helelped me save over $1,400 a year on car insurance.
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air raid sirens sounded one night after the ukrainian capital was targeted by a barrage of russian missiles. ukraine says all 18 russian missiles launched a the country early tuesday were intercepted, including six hypersonic kinzhal missiles. that's a claim the russian defense minister is denying, and russia is claiming to destroy a u.s.-made patriot air defense system in the missile strike. the ukrainian military has declined to comment, but a u.s. official tells cnn the patriot system was likely damaged, not destroyed. and the u.s. is still assessing the potential damage. cnn's sam kiley is following all the developments for us and has more now from southeast ukraine. >> reporter: a new russian tactic in the air assault against kyiv.
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concentrated fire by missiles and drones, testing ukraine's air defenses, probing for weaknesses. ukraine says it shot down 18 missiles, including 6 of russia's hypersonic weapon. it was once considered invulnerable to air defenses. now not so much. >> translator: six of these missiles were fired in the direction of the capital. they were all destroyed by our air defense. >> reporter: russia has been trying to overwhelm ukraine with air attacks for months. the results, though have, been more pledges of air defenses from the u.s. and especially the uk and now even germany after months of holding back. on the ground, the conflict grinds on in bakhmut. wagner mercenary leader yevgeny prigozhin releasing a new video
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purporting to show him in the city. he demonstrates uncharacteristic sympathy for an alleged american volunteer killed fighting for ukraine. >> translator: we will hand him over to the united states of america. we'll put him in a coffin, cover him with the american flag with respect, because he did not die in his bed as a grandpa, but he died at war, and most likely a worthy death. >> reporter: "the washington post" is reported that u.s. intelligence documents suggest that he tried to trade russian intelligence for ceding territory around bakhmut. prigozhin denies the claims. russia's said the allegations prigozhin offered to spy for ukraine are a hoax. but in the kremlin, they might one day be considered treason, making this town perhaps a safer place than moscow for russia's top mercenary. sam kiley, cnn in southeast ukraine.
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>> and cnn's clare sebastian is following developments for us. she joins us live from london. european leaders are meeting today in reykjavik. are we seeing any more progress on ukraine's requests for fighter jets at this junction? >> really a measure of where we are in this conflict, ukraine facing the kind of barrage of missile strikes like we saw on monday night. and with the expectation, the weight of expectation to launch some kind of counter-offensive, really stepping up the intensity of the international pitch for more weapons. president zelenskyy speaking to the summit in reykjavik's council. on the face set to discuss damages in the war in ukraine, reconstruction, compensation for victims, things like that. he used that opportunity to again make the case for more weapons, saying that the performance of ukraine's air defense shows that when weapons are training and provided, that does guarantee 100% success.
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so he is really building on the moment of his european tour over the weekend where he did get more weapons pledges. and of course we heard that the uk and the netherlands are going to work together to troy to build an international coalition to provide ukraine with f-16th, which it has now made very clear are its fighter jet of choice as it tries to expand its air defense capabilities. but it's not just about europe. again, a measure of where we are in this conflict, ukraine is looking outside of europe as well. the first lady, in south korea trying to push the government there to end a policy that has so far prevented them from sending weapons into a conflict zone. take a listen. >> when there is a criminal in your house, who has come to kill your family, humanitarian aid alone will not save the residents. >> so the reality is that south korean weapons are already very
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likely in ukraine or making it into ukraine. the u.s. said in november that it intended to buy 100,000 artillery shells from south korea in order to send to ukraine. but i think again, a measure of where we are, the intensity and the length of this war, and of course the potential for an upcoming counter-offensive, it's clear that european and u.s. producers are struggling in many cases to meet the demand that ukraine has. >> our thanks to clare sebastian for that live report. well, fighting is intensifying in sudan as the conflict between the army and a paramilitary group is now in its second month. the doctors union reports more than 800 people have been killed as one ceasefire after another has collapsed. witnesses in the capital khartoum report a sharp increase in air strikes and artillery fire, resulting in a haze of dark smoke along the horizon.
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the fighting has forced nearly a million people from their homes and created a humanitarian crisis. still to come, there was a break-in at the home of president biden's top security adviser. we have details on jake sullivan's encounter with the intruder that is next.
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the secret service is taking the matter seriously. cnn's evan perez has details on the security breach. >> the u.s. secret service is investigating how an intruder entered the home of u.s. national security adviser jake sullivan last night without being detected by secret service detail guarding his home. sullivan has 24/7 secret service protection, and he was unharmed in the incident, which occurred in late april. the secret service said in a statement that it has taken the failure seriously. modify indications to the protective posture have also been made to ensure additional security layers are in place as we conduct this comprehensive review. sources tell us that sullivan encountered the person inside his home in the early morning hours, and he told investigators that he thought the person was intoxicated. there was no threat made, and the source said that the person left sullivan's home without the secret service detail noticing.
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evan perez, cnn, washington. u.s. lawmakers are now reassessing security measures in their district offices after a man attacked two staffers at the office of a virginia democrat on monday. cnn's brian todd reports. >> reporter: congressman gerry connolly told cnn his district office in fairfax city, virginia, was an easy target for a man wielding a metal baseball bat. >> enraged, in an enraged state. >> reporter: the suspect injured two of connolly's aides with the bat. his office was still cleaning up the blood on tuesday morning. he told cnn's manu raju this incident exposes a hole in security for members of congress. >> i think we're going to have to reassess the security we provide or don't provide district offices. if you're in a commercial office space like me, you have no security, none. >> reporter: house speaker kevin mccarthy said he spoke to connolly about the incident and said this at members district
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office. >> it's something you have to be continually cognizant of. what we've the unin the past, we put more money in where people can look at their district offices. >> reporter: connolly says he has met with capitol police chief tom manger to beef up security after his office. on tuesday he told a house committee about the alarming threats in lawmakers. >> it's gone up over 400% over the last six years. >> reporter: major site of the most high profile attacks against congress members and their family, like the assault in okay targeting then nancy pelosi's husband. captured on police on this video. >> drop the hammer. >> nope. hey, hey, hey. >> what is going on right here? >> these incidents spotlight would could be the toughest challenge for capitol police and the service service, protecting people at their homes and offices back in their districts starting last summer, lawmakers can receive up to $10,000 each
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to secure their homes and a gop source tells cnn members can get funds to secure their offices with equipment like intrusion detection and video monitoring. >> extremely minimal. especially since the capitol police have that disadvantage thavmt don't have a field office infrastructure like the police or fbi to protect their jurisdictions. >> reporter: from former secret agent matt doherty, recommendations that could be implemented almost immediately. have a vestibule of double glass doors. require 'vette visitors to be buzzed in and train staff to spot trouble. >> hopefully if they're trained in observing concerning behaviors. that would know this person was a little off and perhaps not buzz them in. >> reporter: capitol police chief tom messengerer recently discussed the immediate to provide extra layers of security for members of congress. but he was very quiet about one
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aspect. he couldn't disclose because we cannot afford to make it easier for any potential bad actors. cnn, washington. an illinois girl has been found safe more than 600 miles away in north carolina, six years after she was allegedly abducted. kayla unbehaun was 9 years old in 2017 when authorities say her mother, who did not have custody, took her and never returned. a felony warrant for kidnapping was issued. on saturday, kayla, now 15, was shot spotted at a shop in asheville, north carolina. police say someone recognized her from an episode of the netflix series unsolved mysteries. that person notified a store employee, who then called police. >> it is unusual. but it's good that when someone does suspect that they recognize someone, no matter how old the story might be, that they are not afraid to give us a call so
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we can come investigate. >> the girl's mother was arrested and is due back in court in july. kayla is now reunited with her father in illinois. migrant crossings at the u.s. southern border appear to be holding steady without the massive surge some officials had feared. u.s. congresswoman henry cuellar of texas counted four thannive this ufo crossings on tuesday, a slight uptick from a couple of days ago. but that's only about half the number of migrants encountered last wednesday, shortly before title 42 expired. cuellar also says the number of might grants in border patrol custody has dropped by almost 10,000 over the past week. still to come, the leader of thailand's move forward party outlines his plan for new government. and it doesn't include military rule. his vision for a new thailand. that's next.
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the leader of thailand's move forward party says he will demilitarize the country if elected prime minister. an official results show the party secured the most seats in the general election over the weekend thanks to a surge in young voters wanting a change from the military government. cnn's paula hancocks joins me now from seoul with more on this. how likely is it that thailand's military will respect this result? >> well, rosemary, that does remain to be seen. but at this point we have spoken to the leader of the move
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forward party. he give us his first interview since clinching most -- the majority of the votes in that election, or at least he had the most votes. and he said that thailand has made it very clear that they want a change. he has said that the amount of votes that his party has received, they will be validated in just a couple of days shows that he has a consensus. he has already started to build a coalition, he says, to make sure that he has as many seats as possible to be able to become prime minister. pheu thai, the party that had the second amount of votes said they would stand by him. the reason for that is there are 750 mps that have to vote for prime minister. 250 of those who are in the senate are military appointed. and in the past, they have always supported a military-backed candidate. but we did ask peter about this,
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and he said he is not so concerned now because the unity in the senate is not what it was four years ago. >> if we keep communicating and keep explaining what we're trying to do for the country, how well we mean for the future of this country, i think that would not be a significant roadblock. and the price to pay, the cost of going against 25 million votes here in thailand would be very hefty. >> now he spoke about his policies as well, the fact that he wants to keep the military out of politics. he also wants deep structural reforms within the country, including to the economy and the once untouchable monarchy. >> first is to demilitarize. second is to demonopolize. and third is to decentralize thailand. i think with the -- through a pronged approach, that's the only way that we can fully
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democratize thailand and make sure thailand is back to business. thailand is become on the global arena an making sure that the country is contributing as well as a definition of globalization. >> now we can't talk about elections in thailand without speaking of military coups. there have been two in the last 17 years. there has been a dozen since 1932. and often when there is a political power in power, then that the military does not favor, then they have carried out a coup. we did hear from the incumbent prime minister prior to chan-o-cha, who is the previous coup leader. he is also a former army chief. and he said from now on, the formation of the new government will be in process. now there has been many experts who have assumed that there wouldn't be a military coup this time around because it would be too costly for the company, domestically and
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internationally. and the fact that there has been an overwhelming amount of support for the progressive parties. rosemary? >> all right. our thanks toe paula hancocks joining us live from seoul. in a rare public speech, author salman rushdie has warned that western expression of freedom in the western world is under threat. >> we live in a moment i think that at which freedom of expression, freedom to pleasure has not in my lifetime been under such threat in the countries of the west. >> he was referring to recent efforts by conservative politicians to ban books dealing with themes of race and gender ide identity. he also criticized efforts to remove what some consider insensitive material from new editions of works by british children's who roald dahl, as well as james bond novelist ian flemming.
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rushdie's comments came at the british book awards on monday, nine months after surviving a stabbing attack on stage before a lecture in new york. hundreds of people are feared dead and rescue groups warn of a large scale loss of life following one of the strongest storms to ever hit myanmar. the country's shadow government says at least 400 people are dead and an unspecified number missing after cyclone marco roared across myanmar's coast on sunday, unleashing floods and landslide. there is an urgent need for food, water and shelter. among the hardest hit areas is rakeen rakine state where minorities live under prosecution. still to come, the world famous galapagos island are under threat from climate change. we look at the creative way the
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yet scientist cease a glimmer of help. in the past year, 12 new chicks were hatched, a sign that the species will live on to fight another day, for now. this tiny comeback is helping to spur efforts to protect the rich biodiversity of the galapagos islands. these islands are at a perilous crossroads. according to researcher, a million plants and animals worldwide are at risk of distinction from habitat destruction, riding carbon emissions and overfishing. and as climate change warms the oceans, ecosystems and the flora and fawn that defend on them are being being pushed to the brink. the galapagos islands are a litmus test. to protect this precious ecosystem, ecuador announced a record-setting deal, to convert $1.6 billion of its get into a loan it says would channel at least $12 million a year to conserving the galapagos.
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>> not only will it allow us to protect 2500 marine species of which 38 are migratory, but it will also allow us to move towards a sustainable fishery. >> it is one of the largest swaps in history. over the next two decades, ecuador hopes to channel over $450 million towards protecting one of the most incredible ecosystems on the planet, a move that some say is crucial not just for the environment, but for ecuador's survival. "it seems to me we must help maintain the flora and fauna and thus attract tourism, which is what keeps the country alive. >> reporter: in late 2022, nearly 190 nations signed on to take measures to combat biodiversity loss, passing a u.n. agreement that promises to pledge 30% to the world's land and seas by 2030.
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and numbers that groups say do not go far enough. some hope ecuador's debt for confirmation model gains traction in other parts of the world as a win for conservation efforts. linda kin caned, cnn. a children's baseball game in jacksonville, florida, took a scary turn. after a dust devil sundayly formed at home plate. >> as you just saw, the 7-year-old catcher stood in place for several seconds as the dust devil engulfed him. a quick thinking teenaged umpire pulled the boy to safety. >> i couldn't breathe that much. so i heard held my breath. and i feel like i couldn't touch the ground. so i kind of lifted up little bit. i didn't know what to do. so i was thinking about something that was happening,
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knost not like that, so i don't get freeinged about it. >> though he was only inside the dust devil for a few seconds, he told cnn affiliate wjxt it felt like ten minutes. great work on the umpire's part there. thank you so much for spending part of your day with me. i'm rosemary church. "cnn newsroom" continues with max foster and bianca nobilo, next. prices keep going up. but experian is here to help you save on personal loans, credit cards, or car insurance. experian helped me save over $1,400 a year onon car insurance. start saving now. free. at or get the app now.
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