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tv   Early Start With Christine Romans  CNN  May 12, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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right now on "early start," new rules now in effect at the southern border. are migrants and border mayors ready. plus the marine veteran who used a chokehold on a man in a new york subway about to surrender on manslaughter charges. and a key meeting called off as joe biden and kevin mccarthy stare down a default deadline. what is really going on behind the scenes. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm omar jimenez in for christine romans. a lot to get to, and we'll start with the biden administration saying it was prepared for the end of title 42. we'll find out if that is true. the pandemic era immigration restriction expired five hours ago and a surge of migrants is expected to follow at the southern border. at midnight secretary my
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mayorkas put out this warning. >> starting tonight people who arrive at the border without using a lawful pathway will be presumed ineligible for asylum. we are ready to process and swiftly remove people without a legal basis to remain in the u.s. do not believe the lies of smugglers. >> overnight a federal judge in florida temporarily blocked the administration from releasing migrants from border patrol custody without court notices. that is important because it has been a policy the government has used to manage the volume of people since border facilities aren't equipped to hold people for extended periods of time. border protection say they will comply but call the ruling potentially dangerous. it expires in 14 days and the biden administration is expected to appeal. more now from ed lavendera.
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>> reporter: the public health policy known as title 42 has been lifted. it had been if place since march of 2020 during the trump administration, it essentially became a de facto immigration policy even though that is never what title 42 was intended to do. but nevertheless it has been kept in place and kept out about 3 million migrants from requesting asylum since that time. so now the question becomes what will the u.s. southern border look like now that this policy has been lifted and what is the future of migration here along the southern border. u.s. border patrol chief says he no longer expects that massive rush of people which at some point the biden administration ways estimating would be anywhere from 15,000 to 18,000 people per day. they have already started seeing in the days leading up to this point a larger influx of
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migrants. so he thinks it won't be as dramatic as what had been anticipated. and now for migrants requesting asylum, it is a much more traditional but difficult process. now that title 42 is gone, there are stricter penalties in place that can threaten the migrants' ability to immigrate into the united states. so it really does change the dynamic on the ground here. and one of the things to look for will be the number of people trying to evade arrest by u.s. border patrol officials here on the ground. we're also starting to see an uptick in the number of people crossing in areas away from city centers where there is heavily fortified border wall and that sort of thing. so the question becomes how many more people will be trying to evade arrest and get away from border patrol agents and continue to enter the country illegally. but right now we're getting kind of mixed signals if you will as to what exactly is going to happen here in the days ahead.
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many communities are bracing for the worst, but the question of how intense will the influx of migrants be. we don't have a clear picture yet. ed lavandera, cnn, el paso. another issue for migrants and law enforcement at the southern border, the weather. heavy rain in parts of south texas could bring potentially dangerous flash flooding. derek van dam is tracking all of that this morning. so it seems like one issue on top of another, at least complicating factor here. what areas are we talking about here? >> these are a compounding threat to the migrants trying to cross. we're following a number of weather headlines from severe weather over the nation's heartland to the flood threat. but let's look at texas first because of the larger story here. title 42 coming to an end and now we have a level three of five for both today and tomorrow for the locations where we have some of the most traffic moving from mexico into the u.s.
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border. laredo, eagle pass for instance. look at the rain that is going to erupt across this region, specifically between the 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. time frame. not only does it bring potential flash flooding but also large hail and damaging winds. so migrants potentially crossing the border within this location have to deal with severe weather conditions and that will complicate issues. the last thing they need to further increase their challenges here. look at the flood watches in place across central texas, this is part of another low pressure just to its north that created severe weather overnight. let me take you to noble, oklahoma, this is just to the south and east of oklahoma city. and you can see some of the tornado damage that ripped roofs off of homes and you can see we also had 16 reports of tornadoes across the plains through oklahoma and into portions of texas and louisiana, also 50 reports of hail and wind damage
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as well. we have a severe weather threat today. i mentioned texas. that stretches into oklahoma. that is primarily wind and hail. but to the north, level three of five from the storm prediction center, the shading of orange is the greatest threat for tornadoes. >> something to watch for. another threat to the already tough conditions. marine veteran involved in a controversial chokehold death on the subway is expected to surrender to police today. prosecutors plan to charge dan nel -- daniel penny with second degree manslaughter. witnesses say neely had been shouting about being hungry, thirsty and having nothing to live for. penny's attorneys say his client stepped in to protect himself and fellow passengers and that he didn't intend to kill neely. meanwhile two western officials say ukraine has now begun the
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so-called shaping operations for its counteroffensive, that means striking a ammunition depots to prepare the battle field. scott mclean is joining us from london. any idea how long the shaping operations could last and does it say anything about any larger momentum here? >> this could go on for days. some is something that we also saw ahead of the ukrainian counteroffensive last summer which resulted in the ukrainians taking back a wide swathe of territory in the kherson region. but russians aren't just lying down and taking this. there have been some 80 reported attacks in the last days in the kherson region alone. but the reality is that ukrainians have had some success on the battlefield in the heavily fought over city of bakhmut in eastern ukraine. they are undoubtedly on the offensive there. the deputy defense minister says that they have taken back about
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a mile and a quarter of territory the last week or so. ukrainians say they have been able to exploit gaps in the russian flanks. the president says ukrainians need more time to get weaponry in the country before the official counteroffensive can begin. head of wagner mercenary group says that the ukrainian counteroffensive is in full swing and that they have had some success on the frontlines, so much so that the russian defense ministry put out a very flush late night statement denying reports that ukrainians had made a major breakthrough. there is also this escalating tension between wagner and the russian ministry of defense, leader of wagner has invited the defense minister to come see for himself the frontlines because he accuses russian regular forces of retreating though some ukrainians say that the opposite is true, that it was wagner troops that retreated in that
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area rather than russian regular forces. kremlin has tried to down play the dispute saying that everyone is pulling in the same direction though they also acknowledge that the situation is quite emotional at the moment. >> scott mclean, thank you so much. here in the united states a potentially catastrophic debt default could be less than three weeks away, but the talks to steer america away from the cliff won't be happening today. the white house says president biden's scheduled meeting with congressional leaders has been postponed until next week. they met three days as going a and there didn't appear to be any breakthroughs. jasmine wright is joining us. the word is that the delay could be a positive development? lay it out. >> reporter: yeah, bottom line is that conversations are progressing among the staff level meetings, but they haven't
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progressed so far yet that they feel like they can bring it tos five principals, president biden and the congressional leaders, and that they would then have a productive meeting on their own. there is still more work do before it gets to that level. so the white house announced that they have postponed that meeting so staff can get more work in. now, the meeting with the five principles is expected to happen early next week and staff are expected to meet today. once again. now, when we talk about the conversation that has been so far, sources tell cnn it has been about the scope of what is possible. really defining the contours of where a negotiation can take place to ultimately get to a deal to stave off really this catastrophic outcome. the white house says that they have been really clear about putting forward what is off the table. as you can see on the screen there. that includes the "inflation reduction act" that made historic investments into
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climate change and other areas. they say that is not touchable. of course that is something that gop republicans have really set their eyes on. another thing is the student debt forgiveness and an olive branch from president biden it young people. and medicaid and s.n.a.p. benefits, something else that we've heard republicans talk about in the past that tey woul interested in put caps on. but the white house says no. but the white house is coming around that they will have to accept some sort of spending cuts to stave off the debt default when it comes to trying to raise the debt ceiling. but the conversation of course is about time. the white house condition want to be here again in the next year and also spending capswanto be here again in the next year and also spending caps. and so ultimately this will come down to a conversation of whether or not the white house can of course stave off catastrophe, but also really stick to president biden's bottom line which is the fact that he wants a clean debt
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ceiling but will also accept spending cuts on the side. >> and meanwhile june is coming very, very quickly. jasmine, thank you so much. the prime suspect in the 2005 disappearance of natalee holloway is set to be extradited from peru. joran van der sloot was one of the last people to see the 18-year-old alive in aruba. jean casarez has more. >> reporter: 18 years after alabama teenager natalee holloway vanished on a school trip in aruba, the prime suspect in her disappearance is being extradited to the united states, joran van der sloot, who was one of the last people to see holloway alive and twice detained in connection with her disappearance will finally face federal charges in the u.s. for extortion and wire fraud. >> he knows exactly what happened, what, where, when, who, why and how.
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he knows the answers. >> reporter: he is accused of extorting thousands from holloh hol holloway's mother in exchange for details of location of her remains. van der sloot offered to take the cooperating witness to the location of the body, advised as to the circumstances of her death and identify those in her death and disappearance in return for a payment of $250,000. papers were signed, a total of $25,000 was given to van der sloot and holloway's attorney flew to a rueraruba. van der sloot took them to a house saying that her body was buried in the foundation. but then afterwards saying he lied about the location of the remains. g extortion charges were filed. in may 2005, she was last seen
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leaving a night club in aruba with van der sloot and two other men, all three charged by aruban prosecutors in 2007 for involvement in manslaughter. but a judge ordered their release citing a lack of trenkts evidence. her body was never found. beth holloway says she would be 36 years old now, it has been a very long and painful journey, but persistence of many will pay off. together we are finally getting justice for natalee. after the u.s. legal proceedings conclude, van der sloot will be sent back to peru according to a statement from peru judiciary to a peruvian prison where he is serving time for the murder of 21-year-old stephanie flores who was murdered five years after holloway's disappearance. cnn was allowed access to van der sloot's cell shortly after his arrest. and in 2012, he was sentenced to
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28 years in prison for that murder. the attorney for joran van der sloot is telling cnn that he is going to fight this extradition request that was ordered by peru's supreme court. he believes that the charges are just too old to have it be valid. of course there is an extradition treaty between the united states and peru signed in 2001. jean casarez, cnn, new york. just ahead, u.s. ambassador is accusing south africa of supplying arms to russia. we look at the accusations. plus content creation gone not great. see why one youtuber is in legal trouble for an aerial stunt. hook, line and cheater? ahead two fishermen face the scales of justice after being caught cheating in a competition. nts to support immune, muscle, bonene, and heart health.
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the covid era border regulation known as title 42 has officially expired and new rules take effect for thousands awaiting asylum in the u.s. including the return of what is known as title 8, a law that carries steeper consequences for unlawful entry. border patrol will also be fast tracking deportations as part of its enforcement strategy and those deported would be ineligible to reapply for five years or more. rosa flores is speaking to migrants in el paso. >> reporter: dark, cold, dusty. that is how the final day of title 42 started near the banks of the rio grand in el paso, texas. in the encampment where hundreds were waiting to get processed by immigration authorities. this couple from colombia who didn't want to be identified by name wanted to make a fire to keep their 10-year-old daughter
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warm. they say she is shaking from the cold. the overnight chill going straight through the blankets. just feet away, migrants arriving including this couple. >> did you want to come before title 42 ended? >> reporter: they say they are from colombia and the woman is 37 weeks pregnant. just feet away, a team of texas national guard members assemble border barriers. the work is slow, methodical. this is the sharp metal migrants crawl through to enter in too el paso. the commander of this mission says his team has deployed more than 17 miles of it. but as title 42 ends, guard members are doing something different, creating a gap in the border barrier. >> we created had gap not to admit people but to give migrants the opportunity to go back. >> reporter: and that guard
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members will explain to migrants once title 42 lifts, there are consequences to entering illegally. >> we don't want to trap them into that bad decision but the option to take it back. >> reporter: but some crossing along the nearly 2,000 mile border were not choosing that option. not in el paso, and not in your made yuma, arizona. border authorities on the u.s. southern border are encountering about 10,000 migrants per day and holding facilities are overcapacity according to federal fofficials. >> we are clear eyed in the challenges we're likely to face and we're ready to meet them. >> reporter: back in el paso, a group of migrants huddle on the mexican side determining how to cross into the u.s. while a group of three others had just crawled through the wire. the woman's hand caught by the
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sharp metal. and her friend shows us the gaping wound on his leg, result of an assault in his native guatemala. and says that the conditions in their countries is the very reason why migrants risk and endure everything to be here. rosa flores, cnn, el paso. at midnight eastern time, homeland security secretary tweeted out a video message to migrants trying to cross the border. >> people who do not use available legal pathways to enter the u.s. now face tougher consequences, including a minimum five year ban on reentry and potential criminal prosecution. we are prepared for this transition and will enforce our laws. >> i want to bring in suzanne,
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she reports on homeland security for cq roll call. made what did you make of mayorkas' message? >> i think it reiterates the message he's been putting out there, a message we heard multiple times throughout the past week and prior. he wants to discourage migrants from coming to the border. there is fear that we'll see a sharp increase of migration for weeks and weeks and he is trying to encourage people not to make that journey. he wants to see them take advantage of the migration pathways the biden administration has implemented and not come to the border at a time that is not scheduled. >> and i don't think anyone at this point is pre-tenting that this is going to be a smooth process. the biden administration already being dealt a blow to its post title 42 plan with a federal judge temporarily blocked the administration from releasing migrants from border patrol without court notices. and we know that border
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encounters have already surpassed 10,000 on tuesday. so what do you see as the biggest concern over the next few days and weeks to come for officials? >> i think it is probably short term is the resource challenge. if we see thousands more crossings a day, that will be a lot to handle for these smaller border communities, the ngos who want to welcome migrants, but there is just a lot of needs when they cross that border. there could be shelter space capacity constraints, there could be shortages in representation and finding pro bono lawyers to represent them. i think in the short term the fear is that we're just going to see government facilities and nonprofits being overwhelmed by this. >> suzanne, thank you so much. obviously this this situation we've known was coming for a while but no doubt difficult to
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deal with. just ahead on "cnn this morning," phil mattingly will talk with homeland securityleja 7:30 a.m. supreme court holds a law banning pork producing. and they say the prices could go up. and trevor daniel jacob will plead guilty after he intentionally crashed his plane and recorded it in 2021 for the views. faa revoked his pilot's license last year. and in ohio, two men are getting ten days behind bars, fines and probation after pleading guilty to cheating in last year's lake erie fishing tournament. they stuffed lead weights into walleye in an attempt to win the
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$30,000 prize. coming up, brazil launches a major investigation into soccer match fixing. and what italy is doing as the cost of pasta surges. this is going to be great. taking the shawl off. ok i did it. is he looking at my hairline is plaque psoriasis making you retnk your everyday choices? otezla is a pill, not a cream injection achieve clearer skin. and no routine blood tests required. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it.
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sirens are sounding in israel warning of incoming rockets after a 13 hour pause. israel defense forces says nearly 900 rockets have been fired at israel since its first strikes on tuesday on what it says are islamic jihad organization targets in gaza.
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palestinian health ministry reports at least 31 people have been killed as a result of israeli airstrikes. elliott gotkine is live in jerusalem for us. tensions have really ramped up and a diplomatic source says ceasefire talks are stalled. what is the latest you are seeing? >> reporter: definitely nothing more on ceasefire talks. and after that 13 hour gap of no rockets being fired from the gaza strip, it seems we're back to business as usual. and for the first time since the latest round of violence erupted, rockets were fired towards jerusalem and even to the israeli occupied west bank. sirens were heard in some of the cities to the west of jerusalem. and i can tell you that cnn producer in gaza heard long range rockets being launched and another cnn producer in
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jerusalem heard explosions. so that would seem to be an upping of the ante to a degree by the islamic jihad which says itself that it fired rockets towards jerusalem and also towards the israeli occupied west bank. israel for its part continues to strike targets in the gaza strip. as you say, it targeted quite a number of whether mortar launches, rocket launches and other facilities belonging to islamic jihadists, 170 targets in title have been hit and about half of the deaths that have been reported by the palestinian health authorities in the gaza strip were militants according to the israeli defense forces. so the fighting continues. no doubt behind the scenes they are trying to inch towards a ceasefire, but no sign of that yet. and another piece of news i want to share, yesterday the israeli defense forces chief spokesperson gave an interview to cnn in which he apologized
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for the death of the correspondent shireen abu akleh which took place a year ago to the day. you can listen to it here. >> i think it is an opportunity for me to say here that we are very sorry of the death of the late shireen abu akleh. she was a journalist, very established journalist. we are a democracy and in democracy, we see high value in journalism and in free press. >> reporter: so they didn't say sorry we did it, but certainly saying sorry for the first time is the most israel has said a year on from the skilling of bei killing of shireen abu akleh. >> any sorry in any regard is a significant step there as many sayses move forward. thank you so much for joining us. u.s. ambassador to south africa has publicly accused the government of supplying arms and
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ammunition to russia. south africa has claimed a neutral position, but the american ambassador says weapons were loetded aded on to a cargo. david mckenzie is live for us. any claim to neutrality is for a significant reason, so how is the south african government responding to these allegations? >> reporter: the latest response -- good morning to you -- is that they are hauling? the u.s. ambassador for a discussion with the minister of foreign affairs. they also say that there is no evidence and no sign that there was in fact official export of arms and ammunition to russia according to the national conventional arms control group here in south africa. but these were explosive allegations and i don't think that they came ouftst of the bl. i think it is a sense of ongoing
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frustration from u.s. officials for south africa's neutral stance. but the evidence suggests at least in the american eyes that over time they have shown actions that are not neutral. they have hosted war games including china and russia off the coast of south africa, they have repeatedly here at the u.n. voted to abstain from condemning russia and also received russian officials with glowing terms. so i think that this evidence that the u.s. ambassador says the u.s. has of arms and ammunition being loaded up on the sanctioned russian vessel in december last year is potentially the straw that broke the camel's back. but south africa says that they haven't seen any evidence yet. they are looking to maintain good relations with the u.s. but i don't see this issue ending anytime soon because
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either south africans didn't know what was being loaded up or they did know and they are not telling. >> quite the predicament to be in. david mckenzie, thank you so much. quick hits around the globe. pakistan supreme court ruling that former prime minister imran khan's arrest on corruption charges was illegal. kahn is blaming the army chief for his arrest which sparked deadly protests. brazil is launching a federal investigation into alleged soccer match fixing. prosecutors say that 16 people manipulated several matches and two state championships. and italy convening crisis talks after pasta prices soared even though the price of wheat fell 30%. producers say the problem is temporary, but a consumer rights group says the average citizen eats about 51 pounds of pasta each year. i'm scared to measure how much i eat each year. but nonetheless, just ahead, the veteran accused of choking a man to death on a new york city
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subway expected to surrender today. and elon musk stepping down as ceo of betwtwitter. who will take his place. he from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give thless they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in e past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination.
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welcome back. here is today's fast forward look ahead. president biden will welcome spanish foreign minister sanchez to the white house today. sanchez is expected to ask biden to drop trade tariffs on olives from spain. and today is the deadline for hunter biden to provide written answers in his arkansas paternity case. the questions are about his finances including art sales and investments. and the man who held jordan neely in a deadly chokehold is expected to surrender and charged with second degree m mansl manslaughter. joining us is lexie rigdon. good to see you.
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first of all, second gdegree manslaughter is what we're expecting. many have called for different. protestors called for murder. do you agree with this charge based on what we've seen so far? >> well, the district attorney obviously felt that they didn't want to overcharge him because they want to succeed on these charges should the case go to trial. so they obviously felt like what they could do at least at this point and obviously they are still able to investigate, but what they can show is that he recklessly caused the death of jordan neely. there is no intent there. second degree manslaughter statute, there is no mention of intent. so they felt that there was no intent to actually cause the result but that his conduct was reckless and that reasonable person should have known that what they were doing in that moment was a risky thing to be doing that could cause serious consequences. >> where my behind goes
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immediately in cases where you see a bar fight break out and someone punches someone in the face and they die. they may not have intended to kill the person, but they ended up dying. and daniel penny's lawyers are saying penny risked his life for the safety of himself and other passengers. how important is what these other passengers either said to the d.a. or what their state of what was going on was before the chokehold unfolded? >> extremely important. they wouldn't have made this decision -- he wasn't arrested initially because they were reviewing tapes and interviewing witnesses. and they needed the medical examiner's determination that it was indeed a homicide. so those witness statements and what neely said at the time that led to this chokehold would have been paramount in the d.a. coming up with this charging decision. >> and i want to shift gears a little bit here. the prime suspect in the disappearance of natalee
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holloway, the teen in aruba back in 2005, joran van der sloot is set to be extradited to the u.s. and it wasn't for the disappearance itself but in connection with the plot to sell information about the whereabouts of holloway's remains in exchange for $250,000. the case just seems to keep going. what do you make of this particular development? >> well, i was taking e talking the producer in the control room saying this is so crazy because now he is finally coming here. and we don't know what was going on behind the scenes, we don't know why it took so long. this is apparently based on a treaty between peru and the united states and request to send him here. and he will be coming here to face charges of extortion and wire fraud. both of them he would face 20 years in prison. now, beth holloway, who has been her advocate and very public in this case, you know, this
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obviously isn't probably as good as it would be if he were actually charged with murder in aruba and convicted, but this is sort of the next best thing based on what he did, which is essentially take advantage of an award that the family was offering for $250,000 leading to information about how she died and where her body is. and he said i'll give you that information, pay me a little bit first and then you can pay me the rest later. and he got himself involved in a sting operation for having done that. and that is what led to this. >> again, an ongoing saga over a decade in the making. leslie, thank you so much. coming up on cnn "cnn this mor morning", title 42 just ran out. secretary mayorkas will join the show live. and this is hohow mom shines. at zales, the diamond store.
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quarter wasn't playing great before that, but the big fourth quarter helped the celtics force a winner take all game seven against the 76ers. andy scholes has the "bleacher rep report". >> i'm humbly one of the best in the world. he turned his night around big time to help keep the celtics season alive. tatum missed 14 of his first 15 shot, but then came alive halfway through the fourth quarter hitting back to back threes to put boston up four with under four to go. and with under two minutes to go, tatum here a dagger three. celtics force a game seven back in boston on sunday. and here was tatum afterwards. >> i'm humbling woone of the be basketball players in the world. go through struggles, some
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slumps. i have great teammates that held it down and they all trusted me. great looks will fall. keep impacting the game in other ways. all that matters is we won and gave ourselves another chance and come back home for game seven. >> nuggets blowing out the suns to reach the western conference finals. jokic hood ad a triple double. nuggets win easily 125-100. you have two big game sixes tonight. knicks trying to stay alive in miami while lakers will try to close out the warriors in l.a. lebron is 31-0 all-time in his career when he leads the series by two games. in hockey hurricanes are the first team to reach the conference finals in the stanley cup playoffs. they ended the deferrals season w devils season with a 3-2 victory
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last night. winning goal was 7 minutes into overtime. hurricanes will face either the panthers or maple leafs in the next round. florida can advance with a win tonight. and then oilers in vegas take on the golden knights at 10. you can watch both games on tnt. and the nfl regular season schedule is now out. and the teams making the announcement in some creative ways on social media. we had everything from the chargers with an ai video, josh allen acting like a paper boy, eagles had a team dog and the broncos mascot there. but the best was from the titans who asked fans to name that opponent on the streets of nashville. >> this one is the red stallion. ♪
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>> it is the pirates -- from the islands of the caribbean. ♪ >> chester cheeto. ♪ >> chester cheeto. so good. the season kicks off with the chiefs hosting the lions. that will be se september 7th. amazing some of the names people can come up with. >> andy scholes, are you humbling one of the best sports ke in the world. and we'll have a live report from the southern boborder ahea. love entwined. shop the mother's day sale to get 30% off almost everything. only at kay.
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3:00 am
our top of the morning, top songs in america right now. ♪ baby show me you can calm down ♪ >> selena gomez. here is number two. ♪ i can buy me some flowers ♪ >> miley cyrus still there. and number three. ♪ >> miguel's sure thing is back on the charts thanks to the power of tiktok. it is a big day for people like me. >> you are our final hope. >> nintendo just released the highly anticipated new game legend of zelda, tears of the kingdom. it is estimated playing the entire game could take well over 100


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