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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 11, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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so what is known is that title 42 is going away today. what is not, what happens immediately after. the biden administration is
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preparing for a surge. cnn is live in texas. and more of the same or moving the needle around new hampshire and around the country after a fiery donald trump town hall, and what republicans and democrats are saying. and now, britain has delivered long range missiles to ukraine, and so what are the likely targets? all of that on cnn "news central." let's start with the big change coming down the pike. since 2020, a special policy has been in place allowing the u.s. border officials to immediate expel the migrants trying to get into the united states. that policy is going away. for weeks, the biden administration has been preparing for a tidal wave of
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the migrants once the policy lifts. rosa flores is in el paso once again for us, and rosa, you were able to ride along with the national guard to get a sense of what things are looking like, and what did you see? >> well, kate, just a lot of heartbreak and desperation. i mean, there are hundreds of migrants who were huddled under blankets. i talked to one family who said that their daughter couldn't stop shaking. they were asking national guard members if they could start a fire in this camp just to try to stay warm. it was also dusty, so it is very difficult for the migrants trying to protect themselves from all of the elements, including the dust which was very severe, and at the same time, there were migrants who were crossing the constertino
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wire, and as we watched the border, there were more individuals and a group who appeared to be trying to figure out how to cross the border. now, from talking to some of the migrants, they were confused about the title 42, and they didn't know what it was, and others said they wanted to cross before title 42 ended, because they were told they believed and this is part of the misinformation that we have been reporting on that they believed they would have a better opportunity before title 42 lifted. so, a lot there. just a lot of heartbreaking stories. a lot of the migrants are really hoping for opportunity in the united states, and they see this border wall, and they see hope, because they believe they are that much closer to getting into the united states. kate. >> and still such a big uncertainty of what is going to happen after tonight, and that is every single one of these numbers that you know and have
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been report on is a person and family. rosa, thank you. she has been there in el paso, and she'll continue to report on this. when title 42 ends tonight, the policy of the united states is going to return to the decades' old section that lays ground rules for processing migrants, and it is called title 8, and this is how it works, they are required to give the migrants a case to give their case of asylum, and that is to give a reason why they left their country, and why they fear persecution if they go back. if the official does not see enough there or they do not request asylum, they can be deported back to their country. people from certain countries including cuba, haiti, venezuela, they can be deported to mexico. this is difference of the title
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42. if you were sent back under title 8 authority, you subject to multi-year ban from the united states. listen to this. >> title 8 of the united states code, our traditional immigration authorities actually deliver a consequence, because when somebody is removed, someone who does not qualify for relief and is removed from the united states, they face and at least five-year bar from admission into the united states, so the consequence is going to be more severe. >> so there's that. but now, if an immigration officer sees the credible claim for an immigration claim, that is the claim that has to be proven in immigration court, and they can stay in the united states in that process in long-term detention facility or go with a commitment to attend all court hearings. and granted, all of the claims
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that make it into the court, they are deny and there is already a backlog of 2 million cases in the immigration court, john. >> and as we said, the title 42 expires at midnight tonight, and the countdown is on, and little more than 12 hours from now. so what is going on at the white house with this deadline so fast approaching? cnn's priscilla alvarez is there, and what are they doing there? are they war rooming? what are they doing? >> they are looking at the numbers, and they know white house officials and administration officials know it is a challenge not just for days, but weeks. it is a challenge for two reasons. one, the reason that you heard from rosa, the humanitarian concerns, but also because of the logistic, and this is not just going back to the decades' old protocol, but processing people, an unprecedented number of people, and that going to be
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a severe bottleneck, and getting enough people and transportation to deal with that. that is removing some because of the legal consequences under title 8 that you heard from kate. for those who are not removed and are being processed and for families for example that is putting them on what is an alternative to detention which is a home curfew that we were talking about earlier or a gps ankle monitor as they are working through the process. sot all of the measures taken together is what they are talking about in the building behind me and the department of homeland security to manage the flow. and of course, the politics of it all, and that is what president biden knows he has to navigate on a political vulnerability, and he was asked about this just yesterday. take a listen. >> well, we have chaos at the border for a number of years. we have to fully fund the border security effort. >> and that is really the bottom
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line, john. the administration says they are doing all they can to deal with the unprecedented migration from the western hemisphere, but it is ultimately on congress to pass the reform of what both sides aggree is outdated system. >> priscilla alvarez, thank you for the reporting. a brand-new wrinkle as it comes to the end. the supreme court just weighed in on an immigration case that would make it easier for non-u.s. citizens to challenge the removal orders in court. jessica snchneider is coming in with this new ruling coming in. >> yes, it is a flurry of opinions this morning. the first one is siding with this transgender woman from guatemala, and she can continue her fight in federal court. she is arguing that she should not have been deported to guatemala of the real threats of sexual discrimination and assault. she had lost her appeal before
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the immigration court, but now all to supreme court justices are agreeing that she can challenge the case before the suprem federal court. now, today, they upheld a california law enacted in 2018 that places the strict rules on the pork that is sold in that state. it is called proposition 12, and it allows pork sold from pigs raised in a humane way which means they are raised in space where they are allowed to roam freely. this is opposed by the pork produce terrs if they side with activists. but they say it does not collide with the laws enacted with the laws already.
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so all of these decided in the last hour. >> very interesting in last hour. thank you for those updates jessica schneider. a sweeping recall, peloton recalling over 2 million bikes over the seat, and telling users to stop using bike immediately. and with data, we are learning that price pressures are now easing. with naturally derived plant ingredients you love, and none of the stuff yoyou don't. our sulflfate-free collections smell incredible... ♪ and leave your hair touchably soft and smooth. ♪ herbal essences
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>> on our radar this morning, the over the counter birth control bill may soon become a reality in the united states. fda voted unanimously to allow opill to be allowed over the counter, and of course, the final vote by the fda comes this summer. and now, severe hail was dropped and some larger than 2 inches in diameter, and some tornadoes reported with the threat continuing today with more than 30 million people under alerts and a tornado watch issued in parts of louisiana, mississippi and arkansas until 5:00 p.m. today. peloton is issuing a recall
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of 2 million bike. the fitness company says the seats can break in the middle of the ride. 35 incidents reported and 13 people were injured and one rider even broke their wrist. this recall is going back to bikes sold in january of 2018. peloton says that the people should stop using bikes immediately. sara. >> all right, kate. new reaction after donald trump's cnn town hall appearance. he spent most of the night repeating lies about the 2 020 election. and i think that you could chase down a cheetah if you needed to, manu. what are you hearing?
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>> well, he said that january 6th was a beautiful day, and he may seek to pardon many of the january 6th prisoners. he didn't take sides on the war versus ukraine, versus russia, and many of the republicans support ukraine's efforts there. he would not call vladimir putin a war criminal, and he said that this united states should endure a debt default if the republicans don't get their way in spending cuts, but in talking to senators, a number of them are pushing back. >> i think that president trump's judgment is wrong in this case. president putin and his government have engaged in war crimes. i don't believe it is disputed. >> does it worry you that the party's leading candidate -- >> that is why i do not plan the support him. >> why do you not want to
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support him? >> where do i begin. >> and anybody who crossed into the capitol of the circumstances that i witnessed firsthand, it is hard for me to have a positive predisposition towards him. >> reporter: and one of his allies, lindsey graham who says that vladimir putin is a war criminal, and he tried to explain his comments as not taking a side on one side or the other as part of the effort to ensure peace there, and that is the argument from the trump camp, but from republican john thune who told our colleague nicky robertson it says that a lot of the democratic campaign ads were being written last night. >> thank you, manu, and getting to all of the republicans today. john? >> that is interesting. with us is political commentator
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s.e. cupp and jim schultz. donald trump lost the last election, regardless of who he said, and so if he wants to win, he has to add votes, and we have heard from republican leaders john thune, young, and tom tilly, and he did not add their votes, and in what way, jim, maybe donald trump added to the coalition last night? >> he did not add one bit and he did not do one bit to pass the primary, and certainly not in the general election. he had a chance not to double down on the bogus claims that he is make, and using right wing conspiracy organizations as examples of things that are as something that he is using as basis upon which to support his claims. it is just not what the republicans are looking for right now. the republicans are going to look at that and say, what has
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changed? nothing has changed with donald trump. i think that lot of people are looking for something new, and accomplish republican goals and be conservative without being donald trump. i think that if anybody is looking at the election right now, and saying, can i get in or maybe i don't, and last night encouraged them to get in. >> is jim right or is trump on cruise control? all due respect, i appreciate the analysis, and republicans to say that was not great, because it wasn't great, but he is playing a different game. he is not being judged by thom tillis the maga assassin, and judged by the media and the fact-checkers and he is playing the game, and i have some hard truth and ear muffs, he was great if you are a donald trump supporter. there were lots in the room. they don't care about the stuff that we care about, the lies, the smears, the insults, rape
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charge, investigations. they laughed at it, and they applauded it. last night was a reminder that he is not irrelevant, and he is definitely not chasened, and there a lot of energy behind donald trump. donald trump will i will say was much more energetic than i expected him to be. >> but there was a condition in the assertion that said if you are a donald trump supporter, and if you are not, and if you are undecided how great was he? >> well, if you are, and i am not sure there are undecideds when it comes to donald trump, but maybe some independents and moderates, and listen, he has never wanted to add to the base. he has been systemic kicking out good conservatives since 2015, and so he is fine with the base shrinking as long as it is concon de condengs -- condensing, and becoming 100% trump pure. >> and we have heard from chris
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sununu and asa hutchinson, and what about ron desantis, and how does he use this town hall in him against donald trump. >> his super pac made some comments, but until he is in the race, he does not have a basis to say anything. he can make a vailed comment or go out to doing the press to say something, but until he is in the race, he does not have a basis upon which to hammer away, because he is a sitting governor in florida, and he has to make that judgment, and get into the race, and then he has to tie it up with donald trump and go blow for blow with him. >> do you the -- go ahead. >> if you are watching that, and think that desantis or any of the would-be contenders of donald trump would get in, sorry, we covered 2015 and 2016 and i saw donald trump fail 17
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republicans any one i could have voted over him, and i don't know if anyone in the field could go up against that i saw last night. >> do you think that any of that gives ron desantis pause? >> it should not give ron desantis pause. it shouldn't, and if he is thinking of getting into the race, he should. i disagree with you on the point, are there republicans who say, we don't want the nonsense any more, and maybe we liked the policies and put up with it for some time, but we are looking for something different. but he has the ability to go in, if it is a smaller group of candidates, and we had 16 or 17 people on the stage last time, but i don't think that we will see it last time, and if we are bullish, it is a different story, because a lot of the folks are tired. what happens with the next indictment it happens, georgia and doj and people are saying, is it really worth it to go
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through all of this trouble with donald trump when we can win with someone else, and republicans are going to be thinking that way, and there is plenty of time between the primary. >> there is a difference of the donors and the operatives to park their money and supporters and say, i am done with that, and peter diehl is in that category, and i don't think that voters are turned off by the investigations and the chargers, but i think they are into it. >> i saw in the last election in pennsylvania when he stuck his nose into the election there, and he made a lot of people unhappy getting involved in local races, and that coupled with the other thing, the folks on the ground going door-to-door are going to be giving him a second thought. >> people are looking both ways wondering about the impact. thank you, both. sara? >> inside of the epa's most aggressive rule changes yet, and
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how it is looking to eliminate coal and natural gas power plants ahead. (vo) adventure on a deeper level. the subaru forester wilderness. dog tested. dog approved. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru.
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title 42 officially expires tonight. this is the pandemic era rule that allowed border officials to
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almost immediately expel the migrants trying to enter the country. the biden administration is preparing for a surge at the border. as of this moment or the last recording earlier this morning some 26,000 migrants at the border are in patrol custody. kate? >> new this morning a man in prison for murder in peru is being extradited to the united states. joran van der sloot was one of the last people to see natalee holloway alive in aruba. he then extorted family saying that he could lead the family to her remains. jean casarez tell us how the united states and peru came to this extradition. >> there is a treaty for them to send him to here even though he is in the middle of the prison sene senescence. when i was there, they said from the on sleight, that he would be
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it was 1995, and natalie holloway had her life ahead of her and went on a senior trip, and she went dancing at a restaurant carlos and charlie's, and they were dancing, and then she never made it to the plane to come home. joran vandervan der sloop was a questioned and released. and then a reward was put out, and he contacted them and said i can tell you what happened.
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so he took the $25,000 and an associate of the family went to meet with him, and he showed them a foundation, and he said she was there in the foundation, and she was killed when we got an argument, and she fell, and my father buried her. then he went back, and he said, it is all a lie. by that time, he had go onto peru, and it is believed that he was gambling away that $25,000 that he had. he met in the casino stephany flores, the daughter orf a prominent businessman in peru, and within hours she was dead. he is now serving time for her murder, and he will be extradited. and remember, this is maybe an extortion case and wire fraud case, but the family wants answers, and that is their moment in time that they believe. >> it is a minute of justice maybe, but it is still not the answers they have been waiting for so many years for.
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jean, thank you for following this. sara? >> the epa is proposing the most aggressive rules on power plant sedate. coal and power plants will have to eliminate their emissions by 2042, and bill weir is joining us and give us a sense of these new rules and how is it going to go down. >> this is the second time that the democrats have tried to do this. barack obama's clean power plant was shutdown saying that they have overextended the authority by telling them what to burn, and now they want the emissions cut by 90% over the next couple of decades, and this is what michael regan said that they will cut 90 metric tons of planet cooking pollution. for comparison, the humanity
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puts 50 million tons into the sky, so it is equal to half of the cars on the road for a year. and near-term pollution for people living next to coal-powered plants, you will cut back on the stuff that causes asthma and premature deaths and cut back on 1,300 deaths in 2013 alone, and as for the prices, the administration says your bills will go up 2%, and less than 1% by 2040. sara. >> the question is if it is possible to do it within the next 19 years. and the legal challenges that i am sure are coming. >> absolutely. near term hurdles are big oil and gas, and they will fight it tooth and nail probably back to the courts. and you have joe manchin, the coal state senator who is upset about these standards, and that
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is to be able for the public comments now, and we won't know if it is a rule until next year. >> so many people in west virginia are reliant upon coal for their livelihood. john? >> key indication that inflation pressures are easing. the producer price index make, and it eased a little bit by 2. 2.3% increase, and economists expected 2.4%. and matt egan, our economist is here, and this should make us ha happy? >> well, the inflation is not gone, but it is getting better. this is wholesale inflation, and pricing pressure in the pipeline, and before it gets to
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us as consumers. context, it peaked at nearly 12% last year, and we are miles away from that and 10 straight months of cooling inflation, and this is the lowest since january 2021, the month that president biden was sworn into office. go so, you look at that, and month over month, a 0.2 increase has been bouncing around, but it has come down as well, and put that number with yesterday's inflation report, it is showing that things are moving in the right direction, and there are warnings from janet yellen who said that in my assessment a default on the u.s. obligations would produce an economic and financial catastrophe. john, she is basically pleading with congress to defuse this ticking time bomb before it
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wrecks the economy. >> and donald trump last night said maybe there should be a default. >> but moody's put out a projection, and california and texas would lose more than 800,000 jobs if there is a prolonged breach of the debt ceiling and that is the nightmare scenario, but 400,000 jobs from new york, and hundreds of thousands from ohio and pennsylvania, and this is coming at a time when layoffs are starting to increase, and albeit there are 604,000 initial jobless claims, and recent context, this is the highest level since october of 2021, and if it continues to rise, this is
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going to concern the economists, and 300,000 is the signal that the economy is losing jobs, and 350,000 for this initial claims is a signal of a potential recession, and we are not there yet, but we have to watch it closely. >> okay. sara? >> a cnn view of highly critical missiles headed to russia and not from here. where that weaponry is coming from next. and enterprise control, vmware h helps you innovate and grow. - [mo] if you're thinking about going back to school, this is for you. ♪ - i ended up spending ss money my entire time at snhu than i did in just one year aty other university. - [juan] my time at snhu has given me more confidence.
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shadow storm cruise missiles. the equipment is going to give ukraine the best chance to defend itself from the russian onslaught, and especially against moscow's civilian targeting. this comes as the troops have conducted effective counter attacks in the bakhmut area which has been hammered. in kyiv, the russian troops have been pushed back almost two kilometers, and that is almost a mile now. and now, joining us is jim sciutto. can you tell us more about this? >> well, it is all about the range, sara. it triples the range, and the maximum weapons that they had up to date, from the range, this is triple cruise mis
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missile-satlize-targeted missile. but the u.s. has been reluctant to give to strike in the territory, and the u.s. is concerned that they would want to provide this in the ukrainian, and there an agreement that they will only be used, targeted, fired within the ukrainian sovereign territory, and in other words, they could use the ukrainian territory that russian forces have invaded and occupied, but they can't use it to fire missiles the counter missiles, because you said three times area they can tra version.
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>> it is is all about targeting key russian forces behind enemy lines in effect. and with range that they have not able to do that is described as the worst possible depth secret in preparations. i talked to someone about the opening and the time of it, but you can expect the ukrainian forces to prepare the battlefield and armored division and supply lines where the troops are being stationed in advantage, and greater divisions, bd middle plans which by all designdesign, and ukrain going to have a key moment of the war, and this weapons system
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is going to be a key moment of the war so far. along the lines that we saw, it is the nav lynn and quite a decision of the u.k. government to do this. >> yes, we have been there on the floor to bring us the news, and you doing double duty as you are going to been cnn "news central" at 1:00. >> we are all doing doubles here. thank you, jim. and a skin patch for kids with allergies showing promise. and sesame treat is going to show its newest puppet in on nor of aapapi month.
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zez sesame street welcomed its first filipino must want. he is the second asian american character to join sesame street in recent years. he spent time with cal penn talking about the word of the day, confidence. >> how do you show your confidence? >> i'm learning. it's a language my family speaks. and i have confidence because i can always ask my mama for help when i don't know a word. >> sesame workshop's director says she's proud to help bring some filipino representation to
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the neighborhood. if you're wondering how i show my confidence, i don't use scripts. >> wow. i don't know what to do. new hope this morning for the 1.8 million children in the united states that deal with peanut allergies, which can be so dangerous. this help comes in the form of a patch, a peanut patch, if you will. cnn's elizabeth cohen joins us now. how does this patch work? >> john, this is really quite interest ing. this is a patch that goes on every day. the parents put it on and take it off and put on a new one. you can see what it looks like. you put it between the child's shoulder blades on their back. and this patch contains one one thousandth of a peanut. this is for children who have severe peanut allergies. so what they did is they did this patch every day for a year.
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they found that 67% of these patients were able to safely ingest like around 1 to 3 peanuts. who cares? that's not very helpful. here's why it's helpful. these children, if they were to become my mistake expose ed to peanut, they could die. so this is giving them a margin of error. this is not available on the market. there's an oral version of this. there are benefits and down sides to both of these. one thing about the patch is it might be easier to give to children than to be bringing them to the doctor all the time to get the oral medication. >> any side effects here? >> there were. there were 244 toddlers, children ages 1 through 3. 4 of them had reactions, which can be very dangerous. now it was mild to moderate. they could give them an epi pen and the children were fine, but it has to be something take
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seriously. some of these children are so allergic to peanuts even 1/1,000 of a peanut could give them reaction. >> thank you so much. peanut allergies are no joke. so she talks about the size. but it makes sense because it can be fatal. >> it gives parents with kids with this serious allergy a little cushion room. think of a toddler going on a play date and there could be something on the ground that nobody was intending. it's happened in my family. >> we all know people with a peanut allergy. sometimes they are so sorry we have to say thrks but this could give them the cushion they need. >> it's really serious. plus on planes you see it awl the time. nobody is getting any peanuts. just to be fair. thank you for joining us. "inside politics" is up next. wake up, achievers. you're making the most of every hour of your life. except the hours that you're sleeping.
8:56 am
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9:00 am
welcome to "inside politics." i'm john king in washington. thank you for your time today. donald trump makes plain who he is and what the thinks. the front runner spews lies about january 6th, about classified


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