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tv   Early Start With Christine Romans  CNN  May 10, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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right now on "early start," unprecedented. a jury finds fs former presiden trump liable for sexual abuse. and which of many lies of george santos came back to bite him. and southern border bracing
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for title 42 running out tomorrow. even the president predicts chaos. good morning, welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm christine romans. we begin with donald trump vowing to appeal after a new york city jury found him liable for sexual abuse and defamation and awarded e. jean carroll $5 million in her lawsuit against the former president. >> what else can you expect from a trump hating clinton appointed judge who went out of his way to make sure that the result of this trial was as negative as it could possibly be. i don't even know who this woman is. i have no idea who she is, where she came from. this is another scam, it is a political witch hunt. >> trump posted that and several other videos on his truth social platform after the verdict. carroll meantime called the
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decision a victory for every woman who has suffered because she was not believed. more from jean casarez in new york. >> reporter: a manhattan federal jury found former president trump sexually abused e. jean carroll in a department store dressing room in the 1990s and subject q subsequently defamed her when he denied her claims. the jury found his conduct was sexual abuse sufficient to hold him liable for her civil battery claim. even though the jury found that she did not prove his assault meant the rape threshold. >> the minute he went like this, i preceded him into the dressing room. minute he closed that door, i was banged up against the wall and head my head hard. >> reporter: after dlab elibera 2 1/2 hours, the jury
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recommending that trump pay $5 million, more than $2 million on the battery claim and nearly $3 million on the defamation claim. carroll in her suit sought damages for the october 2022 social media post claiming carroll's account was, quote, a complete con job. her story was completely made up. and that this can only happen to trump. that is only one of dozens of denials trump made about carroll's rape allegations publicly. >> i have no idea who this woman is. >> reporter: and privately like these he made during his pretrial deposition. >> she's a whack job. she's not my type. i think that she's sick mentally sick. >> reporter: and that is the only time the jury heard from trump trump during the trial other than clips from the "access hollywood" tape that surfaced right before the 2016 presidential election. carroll's team used that now infamous video to establish trump's character playing portions again during closing
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arguments. >> i'm automatically attracted to beautiful. it is like a magnet. and when you're a star, threat you do it. you can do anything. historically that is true with stars. into th not always but largely true unfortunately or fortunately. >> reporter: and trump's lawyer pressed carroll during cross-examination asking why she wasn't yelling out during the encounter, crying on the stand, carroll told tacopina i'm telling you he raped me. whether i screamed or not. i don't need an excuse for not screaming. shortly after the verdict, trump again denied knowing carroll, calling the verdict a disgrace. and through his attorney called his loss a result of politics. >> he is firm in his belief as many people are that he cannot get a fair trial in new york city. that is probably an accurate assessment based on what happened today. >> reporter: jean casarez, cnn, new york. so e. jean carroll will
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appear live on cnn this morning at 8:00 a.m. and exclusively on cnn tonight former president trump takes questions from caikaitlan collins, in the presidential town hall live at 8:00 p.m. eastern. and congressman george santos is expected to appear in federal court in new york this morning to face criminal charges. santos has racked up a lengthy list of lies about his background but the specific charges are still a mystery. evan perez has more. >> reporter: the justice department has filed criminal charges against congressman george santos, a republican who has been under scrutiny for a stunning number of lies and fabrications during his runs for office. santos is expected to appear in federal court in new york where the charges have been filed under seal. we don't know yet the exact nature of the charges, but the fbi and justice tedepartment's public integrity prosecutors in new york and washington have
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been examining allegations of false statements in his campaign filings among other claims. the congressman took office only in january and as faced calls to resign over allegations ranging from criminal behavior on the campaign trail to petty personal dishonesty stretching back more than a decade. large chunks of his official biography are believed to be false including his claims to have worked for goldman sachs and citigroup, claims that he has jewish heritage have turned out to not be true. he allegedly stole money from a charity. and he falsely claimed that he was a producer on a spiderman broadway flop. it is not a crime to lie to voters about your resume. instead, federal prosecutors have honed in on allegations that santos lied on federal election filings that are intended to document campaign expenditures and fund raising. we're expecting to see santos appear before the judge in the coming hours. evan perez, cnn, washington.
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to the southern border now. it is just one day until title 42 expires and president biden is predicting chaos. the covid era border restriction per lapses tomorrow just before midnight. after a call with mexico's president, mr. booifrn was asked if the administration is prepared. >> i spent i think close to an hour with the mexican president today. we're doing all we can. the answer is it remains to be seen. we have gotten overwhelming cooperation from mexico. but it remains to be scene. it will be chaotic for a while. >> and officials at the u.s. border doing what they can to limit that chaos. rosa flores has more on that from el paso. >> reporter: the scene here in el paso, texas has changed. if you take a look around me, you will see that the streets are empty.
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they used to be packed, but now they are empty. here is what happened. take a look at this video. there was a federal enforcement action very early this morning, our cameras were rolling when all of this was unfolding. federal agents in the dark were handing migrants who were sleeping on the street flyers. the flyers were encouraging them to turn themselves into immigration authorities. at first there was confusion and then the fear sank in once they realized that they had to make a critical decision. a few hours later we started seeing migrants line up at a processing center that is a few minutes walk away. and we saw that line grow by the hundreds. a few hours later a second enforcement action, this time officers, agents, federal agents with flak jackets telling people verbally that they should turn themselves into immigration authorities.
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now, if you take a look around me, there is a mix of people, some of them have completely left. and if you look at the blankets, these are the blanket this is a lot of migrants were using to protect themselves from the sun. well, blankets are here but if you look under, migrants are gone. a lot have turned themselves into immigration authorities. but out here there is a mix. i've talked to multiple migrants and some say that they turn themselves into immigration authorities and they were released so they are back in the camp and waiting for a bus or waiting for a plane ticket so that they can go meet their families somewhere in the united states. all this is happening as the end of title 42 looms on may 11th at 11:59 p.m. about what is going on the northern border and the flow we're expecting, as title 42 -- end of title 42 approaches. according to a source, the federal government estimates that there are more than 150,000 migrants in northern mexican
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cities waiting to turn themselves into immigration authorities or waiting to cross into the united states. now, that is important because the detention and holding facilities are already maxed out at capacity. and so that is what the administration is grappling with and no one really knows what will happen once title 42 ends. rosa flores, cnn, el paso. turning now to the battle for ukraine. officials with ukrainian assault brigade say they have conducted successful counterattacks against russian units. nic robertson is in eastern ukraine for us. what more do we know about the claimed ukrainian victories? >> reporter: yeah, these are hard won victories in bakhmut, perhaps just to the south. we know that town has been so heavily contested for so long andwagner mercenaries arguing
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that they are not getting enough ammu ammunitions. ukrainians were concerned that this past weekend russia would make a big push to try to grab it. and we were with a unit of front line assault troops training last week, and they and we didn't know, but they were actually some of the first troops in this offensive. and what they have done it seemed is surprise the russian forces on the ground there, that they have taken perhaps several kilometers, that they have intercepted russian communications. russians were surprised. and that they are consolidated the ground that they have taken. i asked is this part of a big counteroffensive, and the answer was, look, we really don't know, we'll hold this ground and we'll wait for commands from hire up when they can take a view on what has happened here on our he
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said unexpected successes. so even this we don't know if this is part of the counteroffensive. sgnts doesn't appear to be, but could be a part of the maneuvers that shape what comes next. but again, you have to reinforce troops on the ground don't even know themselves what does it mean in the bigger picture. the commanding officer that we were speaking to who has a lot of details on the fight has told us that that they have good expectations of what will happen in the counteroffensive, but we don't expect it to be easy, it won't be like hollywood or a video game. there will be losses. but they do feel that they have inflicted significant losses on russian units and taken this ground and this is hugely significant in bakhmut because ukrainians have not been able to say we've taken back several kilometers of territory.
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how far does it go from here, they don't know, we don't know. >> nic, thank you for your excellent reporting. just ahead the morning after the sitdown on the debt limit, who will blink first. and plus she wrote a kid's book about grief after her husband died. and now she is charged with his murder. and the 8-year-old kid who just spent two days alone and lost in the woods. how rescuers say he survived. this is... ♪ this is iowa. we just haven't been properly introduced.
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kevin mccarthy emerged from the white house tuesday afternoon and said no real movement had been made with president biden on raising debt limit. biden and democrats don't want to tie spending cuts to the debt ceiling as speaker mccarthy's plan would do. >> i didn't find progress in this meeting. staff will continue to meet and we'll get back together on friday and hopefully the president then can change the path from the last 97 days. >> i made it clear that default
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is not an option. repeated that time and again. america is not a dead beat nation. we pay our bills. >> administration and congress have as few as 22 days until the nation defaults on its debt. let's bring in catherine lucey. nice to see you. so you know the two sides went into this quite far apart. can that change by friday? >> good to see you. i don't know if it can change by friday. obviously expectations were pretty low for this first meeting. seen by a lot of people as a way for both sides to lay out their positions which as you said are really far apart. that clearly happened. ahead of the meeting the white house was calling it a conversation, not a negotiation. so as expected, they came out and reiterated a lot of the points that they have been making now for weeks and months. but one thing, you know, they
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are meeting again. there are staff level conversations happening. whether that comes to a resolution, but it did mean that work is happening. that is something that people point to and also the president is repeating his message that default is not an option. >> the calendar is really tight here though. and you know you are running out of time when you have people talking about invoking the 14th amendment. the president brought that up after the meeting, but you really can't do that without at least a short term increase kicking the can down the road while the legal process plays out. even discussing the 14th amendment shows just the desperation here, right? >> yeah, i mean, the white house has been looking at sort of privately as they publicly say we can't default, republicans need to pass a it without any conditions, but they have been looking at other paths or things that they can do. but the president said it pretty
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clearly yesterday that they are looking at the 14th amendment but that will get tied up in the courts. so it is not clear that that is a get out of jail free card for them at the moment. >> this is quite a consequential month for the president. you have the looming threat of default, these negotiations with republicans and mccarthy -- or conversation now, negotiations eventually, lifting of title 42 tomorrow, also he plans to travel to tokyo for the g7 summit, all while the president is facing low poll numbers after launching his re-election campaign. what are you hearing from the white house on the strategy here? >> certainly he is facing a huge number of things at the moment. all of which have the potential to weaken his standing or certainly at least to distract from what the white house would like to be doing which is selling a lot of agenda from the first two years. that the goal for his presidential campaign is to be out there talking to people about infrastructure and the spending and the legislation that he passed. instead today he is traveling to
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talk about the dangers of defaulting on the nation's debt and warning about -- you know, concerns about what happened and how that would impact the american public. and you are right, i mean, to overhang all of this is just the fact that he is facing low poll numbers. and that is a concern. you know, the campaign and white house, they continue to think that he has a good story to tell, that they will be able to connect with voters on the accomplishments of the first two years. but this is a very tough stretch for the president. >> absolutely. kaths wr catherine lucey, thank you so much. and a big change may be coming, medical experts could soon recommend women start mammograms at age 40 instead of waiting until age 50. here is jacqueline howard. >> christine, for women at average risk, the task force sees more benefits than risks for them to start mammograms at age 40.
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and this draft update is available for public comment from now through june 5th. and we know that it is estimated 12.9% of women born in the united states today will develop breast cancer at some time during their lives. and it is important to catch these cancers early, which gives a better chance of survival. meanwhile this update does not change recommendations for women at high risk of getting breast cancer. those women should still keep in contact with their doctors for what is best for them. but for all women, there are some important topics to discuss with your doctor. that includes your family history of cancer, whether you have dense breasts. and try to ask for a breast exam at your next there's appointment and also ask when you should start screening and how often. based on your own individual risk factors. christine, back to you. >> important news there. quick hits across america. the philadelphia jail where two
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inmates escaped on lockdown now until friday. the pair fled friday night but weren't found missing up monday. and a utah woman who wrote a children's book about grief is now charged with her husband's murder. kouri richins husband died of a fentanyl overdose. and an 8-year-old wisconsin boy survived two days in a michigan state park by eating snow and sheltering under a log. he went missing while gathering firewood. a search party found him monday. up next, dramatic moment troops broke windows to seize the prime minister. and what trodrought in spai could do to ololive oil prices.
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. just in, more israeli airstrikes in the gaza strip, this just a day after israeli planes killed three islamic jihad commanders and ten other people including women and children. elliott gotkine has more for us. how are israeli forces preparing for retaliation? >> reporter: they already seem to be acting out. their actions in retaliation in anticipation. we've received word from the idf that it was carrying out airstrikes it says to target islamic jihad operatives traveling to a rocket launch site. and we've had reports from our producer in the gaza strip saying that there were some explosions in the southern part of the strip. and reports from medical authorities there saying that
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one dead and one injured so far. and of course israel strikes yesterday came in response to more than 100 rockets. benjamin netanyahu addressing the nation last night saying that those who seek to harm israel will be harmed and those who kill our citizens will pay a heavy price, that you can run, you can hide, but in the end israel will get you. islamic jihad also put out a statement saying that the occupation, its term for israel, will be surprised by the response which will be unified and from all factions. so far there is an uneasy calm in israel. israel has opened up public bomb shelters, schools in the communities around the gaza strip and also train stations have been closed in anticipation. so i think everyone fully expects that the retaliation from islamic jihad is a question
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of when rather than if. >> elliott gotkine, thank you so much. and former pakistan prime minister imran khan said to appear in a special court today to answer corruption allegations. his dramatic arrest tuesday led to violence clashes between his supporters and security forces. at least one person was reported killed in those clashes and officials say regulators blocked social media and internet service in some cities. sophia saffie has more. what is expected from the hearing? >> reporter: christine, we have absolutely no idea. we've tried to speak to kahn's lawyers. right behind me is the com bound where he is being held, police headquarters here in islamabad. we've been told by kahn's lawyers who have been coming here in an attempt to meet him that they haven't had any contact with their client for more than 24 hours now. the internet remains shut down.
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just about kilometer from here clashes are taking place between riot police and kahn supporters trying to come close to the com bound where he is being kept. and we can see some tear gas and there is a sense of unease in this country, this is a state of political tension that has been brewing ever since imran khan was ousted as prime minister back in april. there is an imf that has not been completed. the current government has been attempting to make that happen. there is a lot resting on certainty of that happening. but kahn is an in-credit bring popular politician. police tried to arrest him two times in the month of march and paramilitary troops eventually got him. and they broke through the glass while he was there trying to get his bio mitt trimetric verifica.
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and nobody has heard from him since let alone his lawyers. we're waiting for that appearance in the special court behind me. it was supposed to happen at 8:30 in the morning and it is now 2:30 in the afternoon and there is a continuous sense of unease. >> sophia, keep us posted. quick hits around the globe. afp video journalist was killed in eastern ukraine tuesday. he was killed by rocket fire on the outskirts of a town near bakhmut. and prince harry's phone hacking trial is expected to start shortly in london. the duke of sussex is alleging that he and friends and family were the victims of unlawful information gathering by the tabloid publisher. olive oil prices sparking due in part to ongoing droughts in spain. a top producer says that global olive oil prices have hit a 26
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year high. more troops head to the border today as title 42 migrant rules run out and new top dog is named after a rock star. we're reinventing our network. ♪ ♪ ♪ fast. reliable. perfectly orchestrated. the united states postal service. (vo) with verizon, you can now get a private 5g network. so you can do more than connect your business, you can make it even smarter. now portcan know where every piece of cargo is. and (dock worker)ing. right on time. and order their own replacement parts.s can predict breakdowns (foreman) nice work. (vo) and retaers can get ahead of the fashion trend of the day with a new line tomorrow. with a verizon private 5g network, you can get more agility and security. giving you more control of your business.
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1 gram of sugar and nutrients for immune health. ♪ manhattan jury has found former president trump sexually abused e. jean carroll in a manhattan department store dressing room in 1996. trump was found liable for battery and defamation and ordered to pay carroll $5 million. carroll was seen emerging from court after the verdict and later said that the verdict was a victory for her and other victims of abuse. trump says that he will appeal the verdict. >> i don't even know who this woman is. i have no idea who she is, where she came from, this is another scam, a political witch hunt. >> let's bring in legal analyst joey jackson. good morning, joey.
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>> good morning, christine. >> so the jury clearly disagreed with donald trump, they found that he sbexually a abused carroll. but they didn't find that she proved that he raped her. what do you make of this verdict? >> yeah, i think it is a compelling verdict, a vindication after certainly many years. we're talking about 1996 in a department store. and we're talking about a person who waited a long time and was demeaned in significant ways and i'm speaking about the defamation. so, yes, there was the absence of a finding of rape which essentially relates to the intercourse, but they did find the touching intimate parts of the body that would be unlawful. at the end of the day battery essentially is the touching of someone without their consent. the jury found that that happened and the jury additionally found that she was defamed by mr. trump calling her
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a liar and hoax sister. and i think with that and the finding of a $5 million verdict, i think this is a win in all respects for ms. carroll who brought this forward in a brave and courageous way. >> jury clearly deemed her credible. and she was corroborated by two friends at the time that she told about this. and they showed the "access hollywood" video. any of that grounds for appeal? trump as usual saying it is political and completely denying it. does he have a case on any of those elements? >> i think certainly there will be an appeal. i think two significant grounds. one being that "access hollywood" tape, the extent toward whether it should be admitted in to evidence before the argument would be that trials need to be about what they are about, whether that was the actual battery at that time, the rape, sexual abuse in this context and defamation, or whether there was not. and so when you look at the
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"access hollywood" tape, the argument will be that that prejudiced the jury. but remember that this is permitted by law. if there is evidence out there which goes to show motive or intent, it is admissible. and as it relates to the two other victims of mr. trump, that is what we call prior bad acts. and if those prior bad abts actt that is your motivation, then that can bed a misk too. so will they be grounds for appeal, absolutely. whether they are successful, that is an open question. certainly there could be substantially others who the judge could have allowed, the judge allowed these two. so i think that it was certainly in the context of this, i think that it was proper. >> and quickly i want to switch to in new york congressman who now we know has been criminally charged, george santos, by the
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department of justice. we don't know what the charges are. what do you think that he is facing here? >> i think that this is about the misrepresentations and about the fraud that he has engaged in and i think to really get that seat. whether it is about the campaign misrepresentations or other fraudulent activities that he is allegedly engaged in, we're going to find out. we know that it is sealed, that means that right now we don't get to evaluate the indictment. but it would have to be a person essentially living a life of fabri fabrication lied to be where he is. sond so i think that it will be fraud that could lead to account ability. >> thank you, joey. and here is the fast forward look ahead. 550 u.s. troops set to begin supporting southern border officials.
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950 troops will arrive before the end of the month. and george santos as you heard expected to appear in court today. the justice department has filed criminal charges against him under seal in the eastern district of new york. and president biden will deliver remarks on the debt limit, he is expected to discuss why congress must do it immediately and without conditions. and andy scholes now with the "bleacher report." >> boston fans, they are close to a meltdown. after the bruins flamed out in the first round, if this celtics team loses in the second round, it will be a long summer in boston. embiid and 6ers just rcontrollig the game from the start. the fans there booing the celtics as they never made a run in the second half. boston did come back from down
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3-2 to the bucks last year in the playoffs. this obviously not ideal. 76ers win game five and now a win away from the first conference finals since 2001. >> only care about one thing, winning. we have a pretty good chance after winning this game in front of our fans. got a jump from the start. we got to send a message and got to be aggressive. >> and nikola jokic with some jokes before game five. he handed suns other than a ball and shook his hand after warming up. he was fined $25,000 for the scuffle in game four and he was hoping that he would pay the fine. and during the game jokic and kevin durant having a moment, durant given a technical for shoving jokic. as for the game, jokic was doing it all. he had 29 points, 13 rebounds
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and 12 assists. now within a win of the conference finals. you have two more big games tonight. eight seed heat trying to eliminate the knicks at madison square gr denyarden and lakers to close out the warriors. and hurricanes meanwhile just a win away from eliminating the devils from the stanley cup playoffs. carolina scored four goals in less than 5 1/2 minutes to take the commanding 3-1 series lead. they can advance to the eastern conference final with a win tomorrow night at home. and bulldogs won't be visiting the white house to celebrate their second consecutive national title. the team declining an invitation to come in june saying the date suggested was not feasible given the student athlete calendar and time of year. bulldogs have not been to the
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white house last year and nor did the alabama crimson tide the year before. that one was due to covid related reasons. finally, there is a new top dog at the westminster kennel club dog show. t buddy holly beat out the more than 3,000 pups representing 210 breeds. this is the first of his breed to win the top prize in the 147 year history. his co-handler couldn't hold back her tears of joy. >> i have dreamed of this since i was 9 years old. and this breed i've been passionate about for over 20 years and do it with a dog of this quality is -- and to have the breeder here and my husband and hi everyone at home, we just won best of show at westminster.
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>> congrats there. what a good looking dog. >> and your french is paying off. >> i practiced all morning. >> nice to see you. coming up, fired fox host tucker carlson wants to take his show to twitter. can he legally did that. and also the labor shortage in america, why it could be here to stay. king. dodo you just bow down? no you de-thrown the king. pedialyte. 3x the electrolytes. salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mtion, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine.
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roman's num eral is 8, mice on line oig drodropping for the month in a row. and it fell in 11 of 18 categories. computers down more than 15%, appliance as down over 7%. toys down near i will 6%. looking at markets around the world, asian markets finished lower, weak consumer
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spending reading in japan. on wall street stock index futures also leaning lower. stocks fell as talks begin in washington. and ryan air has struck a deal to buy up to $40 billion of 737 max jets. and gas prices held steady overnight. and april's consumer price index will be released at 8:30 eastern forecast showing a 5% increase in inflation from a year ago. cpi forecast to rise just 0.4% if you look being at that time month over month. and the u.s. labor shortage could be here to stay. let's bring in emily peck. where are the workers? this has been the big story in the recovery from covid. there just aren't enough workers. why and why are you arguing the labor shortages could be here to stay? >> yeah, absolutely there aren't still enough workers. americans of working age are
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back to where they were before the pandemic. something like 83% of americans of working age are working. big problem is americans are getting older. right? so the population over 55 has doubled or something like that over the past 20 years. that means that more americans are in fact too old to work and that is a problem that will worsen over the coming years unless steps are taken to e eeke ameliorate it. >> and tuck about where they are seeing shortages. how does the aging of that demographic affect those sectors? >> each sector is hit a little different. from the reporting i've done, it looks like health care jobs especially the lower wage health care jobs, we'll be seeing shortages there probably the long term even as it very hot job market cools off a bit.
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demand for low wage health care workers, things like home health aides, will soar again because the population is getting older. there will be more of a need for these kinds of workers. and there is likely not going to be enough. and that could be a long term problem. other sectors will probably figure out ways to automate. you are already seeing that when you walk into like any drug store, any cvs, you go to the automatic checkout and things like that. you can expect to see more of that happening especially with the advent of ai. >> and we were at a mcdonald's recently and i didn't even see a person. everything was automated there. i wonder if immigration fits into this story here. if you are talking about all of these low wage jobs that need to be filled in health care for example, is immigration part of the solution? >> that is such a good question. yes, there are a few levers that policy makes could pull and
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certainly immigration is one of them. among the advanced economies that for now are dodging the bullet, they have had more migration than the u.s. has had, so searccertainly if we wanted avoid labor shortages, we could have more immigrants coming in. and another thing the u.s. could do is encourage more women to come into the labor force. women's labor force participation is still lower than men's and lags behind other countries. so if we wanted to, we could try -- i say we, but u.s. policymakers could engineer something, you know, more child care, more maternity leave, things like that, to get more women into the workforce. >> and there are solutions. it is a solvable problem. emily peck, thank you so much. and new york congressman george santos now facing cringe charges. details in the exclusive cnn reporting ahead. and the number of migrants
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keeps surging at the southern border, what president biden says about how chaotic things will get coming up on "cnn this morning." because your lives are forever entwined... ♪ i'm falling in love with you over and over again ♪ love entwined. shop the mother's day sale
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paramount says the closure is part of a 25% cut to its u.s. workforce. 25%. top of the morning, top trending t vflv shows right now. >> this is the threat to order. >> what about finding out the truth? >> silo from apple tv is number one. here is number two. >> this is the most unorthodox trial that i've presided over. >> oh, my god. >> that is jury duty from producers of the office. and number three -- >> spy like me. >> if you touch me, i'll scream. >> catch. >> the spy action thriller is on amazon prime. th s thanks for joining me. "cnn this morning" starts right now.


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