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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  May 2, 2023 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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she was in washington this weekend as well. and maya penn. >> i was at the met debut and sadly farewell goes to this guy, this dapper gentleman who crashed the party decked out head to toe in brown. brown is really hot right now. but he was caught on the red carpet, a photographer snapping shots of him, clearly well received, a huge celebrity walking the red carpet. sad to report, according to have the variety," he was later stomped out. >> oh. >> yeah. basically, that's, like -- >> that's viral. >> he didn't actually do it. it was someone else. the photographer was -- >> you know why? the cockroach -- >> it's his answer to pete. >> that does it for cnn news central. "the lead" starts right now.
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>> biden is sending troops to the border. "the lead" starts right now. a border surge is expected as a key immigration policy is set to expire. now the biden administration is deploying even more american troops to the u.s.-mexico border. cnn is on the ground there as keyboarder towns declare states of emergency. plus, are we headed for default? warnings of a recession and major job losses, if congress and the white house cannot strike a debt deal soon. we'll lay it out for you how your money, how your job might be impacted. and he's known as the godfather of ai. i will speak with a man who left his job at google just so he could speak freely about what he calls the dangers of artificial intelligence. welcome "the lead." i'm jake tapper. we start with two looming crises
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potentially just days away, which could have serious consequences for united states. the first crisis has to do with your wallet and an ongoing fight between republicans and democrats over the national debt if they cannot make a deal. jessica yellin is warning the u.s. government could run out of money to pay its bills. blil bills for past spending, not future spending, and they could run out of money in a month. that could lead to recession, massive job losses, plummet etting retirement accounts, and risks to social security and medicare. then there is, of course, the second looming crisis, and that's at the southern border. the biden administration is now planning to send an additional 1,500 active duty troops to help border officials prepare for a massive surge of migrants next week when the strict border
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policy known as title xlii expires. title 42:00 p.m. allowed the u.s. government under trump and then under biden to quickly expel some migrants using covid as an excuse. but it's about to expire, and now tens of thousands of people are currently camping out and waiting it out in northern mexico, waiting to cross the border. on the u.s. side of the border, many cities and towns already overwhelmed with migrants and humanitarian needs, leaving those cities and towns to declare states of emergency, begging for more resources now and ahead of next week's deadline. now, if you're out there thinking, hey, i feel like i follow the news and we've known that these deadlines were coming for months if not years. you're right. i mean, if you're thinking, you know, our elected representatives, they could have made some deals to think this at any time. you're also right. our team of reporters is covering this story including rosa flores. what are you seeing as more
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migrants arrive? >> reporter: you know, jake, what we're seeing is more migrants spilling over to more downtown el paso. >> having a little problem with rosa's feed. we will come -- sh she back? >> reporter: there are migrants -- >> rosa, start again. we missed you at the top. you're back. start at the top. go ahead. >> oh, okay. no problem. so what we're seeing is the number of migrants increasing in downtown el paso, spilling over to more city streets. i'm around the corner from a shelter, a church shelter, and you can see that now the migrants that are camping out here have crossed over the street and are -- we're just seeing more -- what you were seeing. we've known about this. the biden administration has been preparing for this. so why are we seeing so many migrants right now when title xlii is still in effect? you can see all these streets
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are lined with migrants. let me take you through this. it too xlii allows immigration agents to swiftly return certain migrants back to mexico, so why are we seeing all these migrants? there are tens of thousands of migrants waiting for the listing of title xlii, for the lifting, rather. ha a lot have grown impatient, are frustrated. they've sold everything they own to come to united states and they are losing patience. jake, some of them are crossing legally, turning themselves in to authorities at ports of entry, and others are deciding to cross illegally. what you're seeing here is a mix of both who turned themselves in to border patrol and others who lost their patience and crossed the border illegally. jake? >> rose flores, thanks so much. phil mattingly is at the white house and manu raju is on capitol hill. the biden administration sending another 1,500 active duty troops to the southern border ahead of this expected surge.
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they must be concerned in the west wing that they're not prepared for what might happen next week. >> reporter: it's worth noting. for months, administration officials have been racing to prepare for this moment, a moment they've known was going to come on may 11th, trying to set up a system to deal with a surge that they knew was going to be coming, shifting resources, trying to surge operational capabilities, trying to address root causes, a multipronged effort including some rule changes that many democrats opposed, trying to set up for what's coming and yet still, when you talk to administration officials, they will candidly acknowledge they will likely to some degree be overwhelmed by what they expect in the weeks ahead. now, they believe that to some degree over the course of time, particularly as long-standing pre-title xlii protocols start to kick into gear, they will be able to maintain control of things. but you can tell by the resources it is larger and more
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widespread than just the u.s. troops than joining the national guard troops already down there, that they understand what's coming. and you can see the flow by the thousands that have started to increase and uptick. it will be something that will not just be a policy problem over the course of the coming weeks and months but also very acutely a political one, jake. >> manu, today house republicans unveiled what they're calling a border security package. tell us some of what's in there. >> reporter: this has been part of an internal process for the past several months. republicans have not been on the same page in the house on this issue. now they believe they are. it includes a whole wide range of issues including to restart construction of the border wall at the southern border with mexico in addition to new limits on asylum seekers, enhanced requirements for the so-called everify program for employers and the end to the catch and release portion. kevin mccarthy wants to put this on the house floor the week of may 11th, coinciding with the
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end of title xlii. it is expected it will pass the house. the question is will it pass the united states senate. that is highly, highly unlikely. chuck schumer has no plans to bring it up in the democratic-led senate. but the republicans believe it will be part of what they campaigned on, an issue to voters, this issue of pushing for more security at the border now that they believe they have the conference on the same page. >> the house passes legislation that can't get through the senate. interesting. manu, the other impending crisis, the national debt. house republicans did the same thing, passed something they knew had no chance of passing in the senate. now that president biden and speaker mccarthy have agreed to sit down with other congressional leaders, does that suggest in any way that they're closer in any way, in any measurable way to a deal? >> reporter: it does not seem like that at the moment. in fact, the two sides are still completely opposite when it comes to this issue. the democrat, the leaders on down to the rank-and-file are saying that the debt ceiling needs to be raised first before they would even consider any
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spending cults. republicans say there must be significant spending cuts tied to the debt ceiling increase, and that's what they'll have to discuss next week sitting down at the white house. significantly today, senate leader mitch mcconnell, someone in the past who's resolved these standoffs came up with novel ways, he says he has no plans of intervening and will let kevin mccarthy take the lead. are you ruling gout getting involved at all if there's -- >> what i'm saying is the reasons to reach an agreement change depend tong nature of the bodies. many people point back to ten years ago when president biden and i were involved in reaching an agreement. that was a different set of players than we have today. it should be clear to the administration that the senate is not a relevant player this time. they have got to have a measure that can pass the house. how does it pass the house? it has to have the support of
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the speaker, and i'm behind the speaker. >> reporter: and the speaker has said repeatedly he will not simply raise the national debt limit without any conditions of cleaning out. on the senate side, there are not 60 votes to advance a clean debt ceiling increase because republican support simply is not there. so there are a lot of questions how to resolve what could be a significant crisis if the debt ceiling is not raised in a matter of weeks. >> phil, this afternoon, the white house press secretary, karine jean-pierre, talked about before meetings with leaders. what did she say? >> the president is in agreement to hold talks. when it comes to position on the debt limit, there is no dwir jens where they and democratic leaders on capitol hill have been over the course of months. i think that underscores the reality here. yes, the meeting is movement in and of itself, primarily because
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the bar was so low, there hadn't been anything but a staredown for several months, but the positions remain completely unchanged, which means the question of how does this end, one of the off-ramps, white house officials making clear they're the ones who can or should break, that should be republicans, as manu reported, saying they won't either. >> phil mattingly and manu raju, on opposite ends of capitol hill. thanks so much. a debt default will have serious consequences for you and for your family and for the u.s. economy, from possible layoffs to higher borrowing costs, even a likely recession. cnn's tom foreman takes a closer look at how bad things could get if lawmakers cannot figure out a way to avoid a default and do their jobs. >> reporter: air travel, transportation, mail delivery, and many others might face severe interruptions. social security checks could be cut off. thousands of federal workers
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furloughed. and as all that money drained away from consumer spending, it might send the u.s. and global economies into a tailspin and perhaps even a major depression. >> we know that it would be a catastrophe for our country to default. >> reporter: yet treasury secretary jessica yellin in a letter to house speaker kevin mccarthy warns it could all happen, potentially as early as june 1st, and it would cause severe hardship to american families. financial analysts broadly agree the stock market would plummet, tanking 401(k)s and other investment savings for millions of families. unemployment would leap up. state programs which rely on federal backing could also be sent reeling. and the banking system, already rattled by recent problems, it's not in a position of strength that you could throw on another issue like the debt ceiling and say, well, the markets will just, you know -- this will be water off a duck's back. no, it won't.
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this could be something that is metastasize into a bigger problem when you already start with markets that are in the position they're in right now. >> reporter: it's all a guessing game since the federal government has never defaulted before. but in 2011, the obama administration and congressional republicans fought to the wire over spending and debt with then vice president joe biden in the negotiating chair. >> we have to get this out of the way to get to the issue of growing the economy. >> reporter: and based on just coming that close to default -- >> the stock market lost 17% in a seven-week stand. the credit rating of the u.s. was downgraded. and we had a noticeable tightening of credit. >> reporter: all these dire warnings are hooked to the idea of just a few days of default. if it goes on longer, all these experts say it will get much, much worse and lit not matter if you're a democrat or a republican, progressive or conservative. it could be harder for you to earn more money, borrow more
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money, or even keep the money you have. jake? >> yep. i wonder what it would be like if we just stopped doing our jobs the way the politicians decide not to do their jobs. sorry. coming up, three stabbings near a college campus, two victims killed. what's holding police back from calling the a serial attack? and the stern warnings to supreme court justice about their conduct on bench and their activities outside of court and the first case of its kind, abortion care refused for a pregnant woman's medical emergency. did two hospitals violate federal law? safelite came right to us, and we could see exactly when they'd arrive with a replacement we could trust. that's servicece the way we want it. >> singers: ♪ safelitite repai, safelite replace. ♪ asking the right question can greatly impact your future. - are, are you qualified to do this? - what? - especially when it comes to your finances. - are you a certified financial planne™? - i'm a cfp® professional. - cfp® professionals are committed to acting in your best intert.
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our "national lead," three stabbings, zero arrest, and no suspect identified after a woman was attacked last night near the university of california, davis. this is the third stabbing near that campus in five days. the woman is in critical condition. the first two victims were killed. nick watt reports the community is on edge and police work to determine if the stabbings are connected. >> reporter: students ordered to shelter in place overnight as police tried an failed to find the suspect who stabbed a woman
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shortly before midnight on the city's street. >> we're following a multitude of leads, but as of this point, nobody has been identified. >> reporter: this laid-back california college town usually just sees one homicide in an entire year. now two within a week. three stabbings total. >> it's very obvious, the manner and brutality of these crimes are very similar. that is concerning to us. but at this stage, we can't definitively link them yet. >> reporter: david was found dead. we asked passersby to share their compassion. >> i started june 3rd of 2009 and have gotten about 5,000 entries and have talked to 10,000 people, known as the compassion guy. >> reporter: saturday night,
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this 20-year-old student stabbed, murdered on this bike path through another park on his way home. >> he was just six weeks away from graduating. he was so proud and so happy and so thankful. he said thanks, mom and dad. you paid my tuition. >> reporter: the family moved to california from lebanon in 2018. >> we came here hoping for safety. >> reporter: the latest victim of this apparent spree, a woman stabbed through her tent late last night. she remains in critical condition. >> you have a very dangerous person who seems to have struck out randomly in a very violent way against three very different victims. i think people of the city of davis are rightly very concerned right now. >> reporter: the fbi is now helping in the manhunt. local police are also upping their patrols hoping to reassure students and keep them safe. >> i did not expect my senior year, for any of this to be happening, especially in davis.
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a lot of students you don't want to go to school. >> reporter: and police are advising students in davis not to go out after dark alone. the chief says operate a buddy system. now, they don't have a name for the suspect, but they have a pretty good description from the last two incidents. the suspect is described as average height, thin, pale complexion, and the most identifying feature, long, dark, curly hair. now, the fbi is also involved. local police hope that criminal profilers will come in to try and determine if the suspect they're looking at here bears any of the hallmarks of a serial killer. jake? >> terrifying. nick, thank you so much. let's go to oklahoma for the search of two missing teenage girls ending even more tragically than anyone thought possible. seven bodies have been found on the property of a registered sex
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offender, two believed to be the missing teenagers, 14-year-old ivy webster and 16-year-old brittany brewer. horrible. the 39-year-old sex offender, jesse mcfadden, is also among the dead. we do not know the identities of the other four bodies. authorities made the discovery when mcfadden failed to show up for charges of solicitation of a minor. john miller joins us to talk about these stories and the one in texas. in oklahoma, the medical examiner will provide a final confirmation of the identities of these two teenage girls. so awful. what do you make of the fact that four other bodies were found? >> well, it appears jesse mcfadden went and arranged his weekend around gathering these people with an apparent plan to kill his family and his own step children as well as one of their -- one of his children's best friends, who was a regular kind of sleepover guest.
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she would sleep over her house or it would go the other way. and in this case, ivy webster, who they believe is one of these bodies, was sleeping over at mcfadden's stepdaughter's house. and mcfadden said i'm taking the kids to the ranch a couple towns away where we're going to do some work, and they didn't turn up. that's how they were reported missing and got the search going and how they went into the house and found everybody. the key here is he was due in court for another charge of soliciting a minor using the computer. he was just out of jail after serving 17 years for similar things and probably felt he was going back and made the decision, i'm going to take everybody with me and go and not go back to jail. >> so grip. let's discuss the three recent stabbings near the uc, davis, campus in california. the police say the subject's description lines up in all three cases, but authorities are not willing to say they're all
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definitively connected. at what point do you say we have a serial stabber here? >> well, i think you can say that right now. i think authorities are being cautious to the extent that they don't have blood and dna matches to say it's the same offender and they're being cautious. but they're certainly acting as if they have a serial offender in terms of their deployment in the investigation. >> in texas, officials apparently unbelievably remain no closer to finding this man accused of fatally shooting five people including a mother and her 9-year-old son on friday. a source tells cnn that u.s. border patrol is on the lookout in case he tries to escape back to mexico. he's a mexican national. he'd been deported four times previously. authorities are devoting substantial resources to tracking him down. why is this manhunt so complex? >> well, they say everything is bigger in texas, and it starts with texas. so you've got a small rural area where he runs into the woods. there they find clothing and a
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cell phone, so the concentration of the search is in the woods. there's two sightings in montgomery county, which is pretty far away, but a place where he may have fled to if he has contacts and support. and then there's the fact that a guy who's been deported four times to mexico and has found his way back is pretty familiar with the boarder, and that is six hours in the opposition direction from where he started if you drive straight from there to laredo. so they have an awful lot of ground to cover, and they don't have solid tips from people in that town saying he was seen here or there. what they are doing is using a lot of resources, fbi, customs and border, as well as the u.s. marshals and the fbi stationed in mexico watching both ends of this while they look in texas. >> john, briefly if you could, are individuals like this usually found through tips or by law enforcement searches? >> this is a guy without resources who escaped without a plan after a crime without a plan, an act of passion.
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he's going to be caught just because he can run but he cannot hide. >> thanks so much. always appreciate it. coming up, the push to create at least a code of conduct for the u.s. supreme court and the chances those calls may fall upon deaf ears. k, neuriva plus is a multitasker supppporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger. now adt professionally installs google nest products... cool. you're all set. so your home is safe and smart. we're gunna miss you. you can check in on your home. arm the system, we should go. manage your system from virtually anywhere. (thump) (scream) and get intelligent alerts,
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ethical standards, it has to preserve and defend and protect the constitution of the united states, which is the high charge that the american people have bestowed upon the supreme court." that letter submitted as part of the senate hearing today on the supreme court ethics or lack thereof. and coming amid a cascade of reports on possible ethical violations from some of the justices, and those are just the ones we know about. joining us now, democratic senator sheldon whitehouse from wyoming, a you dish subcommittee member. always good to see you. there's a lot of criticism of justice thomas, some of justice roberts, but all nine justices, all nine seem to be on the same page they do not need increased oversight, including the three liberal justices. if you can't get them to align with you on the issue of oversight, what's the next step? >> well, first of all, let's not be so sure about that because
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one justice has said publicly the court has tried to put together an et ibs code together for itself in the past and it hasn't succeeded yet. it's fair to say none of the nine justices want it and haven't sorted it out yet. the other judges are getting quite fed up with the supreme court justices' behavior because they do have to live under ethics code and ethics processes they know would not permit the kind of behavior that the supreme court is both engaged in and trying to justify. so there's also going to be pressure from within the rest of the federal judiciary to clean up this mess. if push comes to shove, we've got legislation. >> i was reading an article about abe fortis being ousted from the court when he was under fire for his ethics -- his questionable behavior, ethically, and they talked about the justice earl warren wanting an ethics -- some ethics
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requirements. that was in 1969. that was the year i was born. senator lindsey graham slammed this renewed focus from democrats on supreme court ethics today, calling it an attempt to attack the court's legitimacy as the court becomes more conservative. we've seen that argument a lot from senate republicans including senator mike lee. how do you respond to that? >> i'll go with senator graham's earlier statements about how important it is for the court to make financial disclosures just the way senators and congressmen do, just the way senior executive officials do, frankly better, and just the way all the other federal judges do. i think that there's room for bipartisan improvement here. it really is not appropriate for the highest court in the land to be the one with the lowest ethics standards and the worst ethics process. >> i want to ask you about your colleague on the senate judiciary committee, senator dianne feinstein from
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california. she's had an extended absence from the senate as she recovers from shingles. this comes after years of questions about her faculties. alexandria ocasio-cortez from new york called for her to retire in a blue-sky social media post writing "her refusal to either retire or show up is causing great harm to the judiciary. precisely where reproduction rights are getting stripped. that failure means in this precious window democrats can only pass republican-approved nominees." how do you respond? the congresswoman, what she's saying there is em peerally factual. you're not able to do what you would be doing if you had a democrat on the committee that you need. >> the best response is for senator feinstein to get better and come back, because whether she's out of the committee because she's stemmed down
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temporarily or because she's left the committee or off the committee because she's left the senate, the same process has to be gone through to replace her on the committee. so the republican blockade that is presently preventing us from filling her seat on a temporary basis could just as easily prevent us from filling her seat in the judiciary committee on a permanent basis if she were to resign. the only clear solution is for her to come back, and we're hopeful she will. >> how do you respond to a democrat watching this who might say you sound more concerned about the feelings and the hurt feet feelings of a senator than about all of the important issues and rights of 350 million americans? >> well, first of all, i do care about her feelings. i served with her in the senate for a long time and admire her immensely. to the other point, remember, whether she's away for illness,
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whether she's away because of resignation from the committee, whether she's away because of resignation from the senate, the predicament that senate democrats have is the same. it requires unanimous consent or a vote beyond 60 in order to put a new senator on that committee and fill her seat. so, the problem doesn't go away whether she resigns or not. the problem only goes away when she comes back and sits in that seat and votes again. >> i want to ask you about the budget standoff. obviously, you're chairman of the budget committee and you're set to hold a hearing this thursday on the bill passed by house republicans. do senate democrats have the votes to pass their own bill? >> well, we haven't taken that up yet. i suspect that we do, but the first thing we need to do is to make sure that it's clear where
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the basically maga proposal that speaker mccarthy has launched will get us. it's a terrible choice that he's trying to force on the american people. default is a million lost jobs. his bill is 780,000 lost jobs. default is a recession. his bill is $160 billion-plus hit to the u.s. economy. we don't need to go either way. there's a sensible pathway if they -- the real extremists over there will come back and use the regular process of government that the founding fathers set up under the constitution to have this debate in the light of day. >> right. but they're not wrong that $32 trillion of debt is unsustainable. would you be willing -- let me put it this way. would you rather the u.s. default on its debt than accept a bill that includes some spending cuts? >> the u.s. cannot default on its debt.
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the damage will be severe and lasting. and a lot of americans will suffer probably for decades. this is a very serious thing. >> democratic senator -- >> to threaten it is inappropriate. >> sheldon whitehouse, thank you for joining us. appreciate it as always. my next guest is considered a pioneer in the new world of artificial intelligence. why he quit his job at google to be here today to warn about the technology. helping them achieve financial freedom. we're provividing greater acces to investing, with low-cost options to help maximize savings. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive.
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supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger. after a decade on google's team for artificial intelligence, jeffrey hinton said he resigned to speak more freely about the technology, saying it's quickly becoming smarter than humans. you left your job at google because you want to focus solely on your concerns about ai. you've said it could ma nip late or possibly figure out a way to
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kill humans? how could it kill humans? >> if it gets to be much smarter, it will gain manipulation because it will have learned that from us. so it would be a more intelligent thing being controlled by a less intelligent thing. it can figure out ways of manipulating people to do what it wants. >> what do we need to do, pull the plug, put in far more restrictions and back stops on this? how do we solve this problem? >> it's not clear to me that we can solve this problem. i believe we should put a big effort into thinking about ways to solve the problem. i don't have a solution presently. i just want people to be aware that this is a really serious problem and we need to be thinking about it very hard. i don't think we can stop the
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progress. i didn't stein the petition saying we should stop working on ai because if people stopped in mesh, people in china wouldn't. it's very hard to verify if people have been doing it. >> there have been whistle-blowers warning about the dangers of ai. one was forced out of google for voicing his concerns. looking back, do you wish you had stood behind these whistle blowers more? >> that's actually a woman. >> oh, sorry. >> so they were rather different concerns from mine. i think it's easier to voice concerns if you leave the company first. d idea is they'll get more intelligent and take us over. >> steve wozniak, to co-founder of apple, is also speaking out about the dangers of ai. >> ai is another more powerful tool and it will be used by those people, you know, for
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basically really evil purposes. and i hate to see technology being used that way. it shouldn't be, and some -- probably some types of regulation are needed. >> it sounds like you agree. >> i agree with that, yes. >> what should that regulation look like? >> i'm not often expert on how to do regulation. i'm just a scientist who suddenly realized these things are getting smarter than us. i want to blow the whistle and say we should worry seriously about how we stop these things getting control over us. and it's going to be very hard. and i don't have the solutions. i wish i did. >> does there need to be a meeting of all of the tech groups and governments working on this, google, china, whatever, in some sort of set of rules of the road? how do we've pardon text against bad actors or rogue nations harnessing ai?
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>> so, for some things it's very hard like using ai for manipulating electrics or for soldiers but for the existential threats taking over, we're all in the same boat. it's bad for all of us. so we might be able to get china and the u.s. to agree on things like that. it's like nuclear weapons. if there's a nuclear war, we all lose, and it's the same if these things take over. so since we're all in the same boat, we should be able to get agreement between china and the u.s. on things like that. >> do you think tech companies will be the solution or are they so invested in this financially and also, let's be frank, in terms of power, that they're not going to be part of the solution here? >> i think the tech companies are the people most likely to be able to see how to keep this stuff under control. >> jeffrey hinton, thank you so much. come back. we have more questions for you. we appreciate your candor.
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>> thank you. up next, the federal investigation now launched as abortion laws create a chilling effect on hospital care across the united states. stay with us. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. with the money we saved, we tried electric unicycles. i think ve got it! doggy-paddle! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liber. ♪ asking the right question can greatly impact your future. - are, are you qualified to do this? - what? - especially when it comes to your finances. - are you a certified financial planner™? - i'm a cfp® professional. - cfp® professionals are committed
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suffered a premature rupture in her membranes and her water broke. and according to the department of health and human serves doctors at both hospitals told farmer her condition could deteriorate but an abortion would violate hospital policies. abortions are banned in missouri and kansas with rare exceptions, and that's just one case. cnn's elizabeth cohen talked to one woman in florida who say abortion laws in her state have had devastating ramifications on her family. >> reporter: last fall they were excited to be giving their son caden a slibling. but at an ultrasound when debra was 24 weeks pregnant the doctor had terrible news. >> the baby has no kidneys, and you have little to no embryoatic fluid. i broke down crying in the room. >> reporter: it's a rare condition called potter
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syndrome. in many states doctors offer to terminate such doomed pregnancies, and that's what they wanted to do, but their doctor said it wasn't possible because of a florida law passed last year that bans nearly all abortions after 15 weeks. the law has an exception in cases of a fatal fetal abnormality that is incompatible with life outside the womb. dr. stephanie ross says she understands why deborah's doctor wouldn't terminate the pregnancy. >> the moment the law came out i think everyone was trying to figure out what the language intended to convey. >> reporter: the doctors who violate the law could face heavy fines and even prison terms. they had two choices, leave florida for a termination elsewhere or take the pregnancy to full-term. even though it's legal to leave florida for an abortion they said they were scared they'd get arrested so debra stayed pregnant. >> i continued to feel this baby
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move and knowing that i'm going to give birth and watch my child pass -- >> reporter: her mental health suffered. >> i really started having issues with depression and anxiety and just not wanting to get up out of bed. >> reporter: as caden grew more and more attached to his little sibling. >> he continued to see my belly grow, and he continued to feel my belly, feel the baby moved and he kept getting excited that he was going to have a sibling. >> reporter: a baby was born in march and as the doctors predicted his life was short. as deborah held millo in her arms he gasped for breath and died within an hour and a half. deborah doesn't want to get pregnant again. when told about the story a florida representative, a sponsor of the florida abortion law sent cnn this statement. we are providing mothers with the resources they need to raise
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healthy children, empowering doctors to help their patients make informed decisions and shifting the conversation to valuing life. but deborah says florida law forever damaged her family because she spent 13 weeks carrying a baby who was sure to die. elizabeth cohen, cnn, reporting. >> our thanks to elizabeth cohen for that reporting. >> coming up trevor reed and his family will be here. their message to the biden administration one year after the marine veteran was released from detention in russia. m. we're proud t to serve people everywhere, in investing for the retirement they envision. from thehe plains to the coast, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive.
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this hour on trike. thousands of writers walking off the job after contract negotiations fail. what this might for your favorite tv shows and movies and the future of entertainment. plus protecting kids on social media. there's a new bipartisan push in the new york senate. we're going to talk about what their bill does and does not do. does it block access to potentially lifesaving resources? and leading this hour, the kremlin pushing back on newly declassified u.s. intelligence that shows 20,000 russian soldiers have been killed in ukraine since december alone. a large portion of those are likely private wagner mercenary fighters killed around the area of bakhmut where you see these apocalyptic scenes we're showing you right now. despite the destruction russia says ukraine has not completely captured the city. cnn's nick paten w