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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 1, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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oand you go through artificial tears in the blink of an eye, disease for years or...your eyes feel like they're getting kicked in the backside, it's not too late for another treatment option for thyroid eye disease, also known as t-e-d. to learn more visit that's i'm christine mahon. i'm retired from public health nursing and from the army reserve. my retirement funds allow me to enjoy what i love to do. as long as you can make an impact, why stop?
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we moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. but then he got us t-mobile home internet. i was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. i might've taken it a step too far. (chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch.
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jpmorgan chase swoops in to buy failed first republic bank and likely preventing a wider banking crisis by doing so, and
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thus avoiding second largest bank failure in history and what it means for your money is next. police and protesters are clashing on the streets of paris and tear gas filling the air in the largest may day protest france has ever seen. we go live to france. and in texas, law officers are searching for this man accused of killing five people including a 9-year-old boy. these stories and more coming in right now to cnn news central. right now, a man accused of shooting and killing five of his neighbors in texas, including a child is on the run. investigators say that this all happened simply because the neighbors asked him to stop firing his gun late at night near their home while their baby was sleeping.
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this is the suspect, francisco oropeza. law enforcement, including the fbi, has zero leads on his wran whereabouts, and they are warning the public that he is armed an dangerous. more than 250 officers are on the case. an $80,000 reward is being offered. josh campbell is on the case. and zero leads and not a good look this morning. >> yeah, this is painstaking work, sara. we are told by the authorities that they were tracking the suspect's cell phone after this incident friday night, but saturday that phone was discarded, and the authorities were not able to monitor where this individual was, and they found a collection of the clothing that was discarded, and they were able to use the canines that can track people based on the scent, but the dogs lost the scent, so what the authorities are doing is going door-to-door and asking the witnesses if they have seen this
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person or any type of doorbell or camera footage to again try to identify where he is. this suspect 30-year-old francisco oropeza is accused of the truly heinous crime. it happened saturday night, and the neighbors went over to oropeza's home, and hearing gun fire and they asked him to shoot the rifle on the other side of the home, and sbecause there is baby and it is disturbing baby. so instead, he charged into the home and killing four people as well as 9-year-old boy, and i don't want to get too graphic, but the authorities described it execution-style killing. one of the persons in the home described the shooting as truly horrific. >> translator: i miraculously managed to escape. ten of us managed to survive and 15 of us there.
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of the 15, we lost my 9-year-old s son, my wife as well. and two people who died were protecting my 2 1/2-year-old daughter and my 1-year-old son. they protected him with a bunch of clothing. so the murderer would not kill him, too. >> now, sara, at this hour, authorities are offering an $80,000 reward leading to the suspect's arrest and he should be considered armed and deadly. >> so hard to hear that report. kate. and now after the second largest failing of the largest
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bank first republic bank, jpmorgan chase stepped in, and it has branchs in beverly hills and silicon valley, palm beach, greenwich, connecticut, and all of the branchs are reopening today as jpmorgan chase. we have vanessa outside of one of the branchesb and how are you learning that this all came together. >> well, as you mentioned, kate, branches around the country, including one behind me opening up under new ownership with jpmorgan inking deal to buy first republic bank and announced by the fdic early this morning and we are learning now details of how this came together after a media deal with jpmorgan president jamie diamond, and this was held by
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auction by 4:00 eastern time, and jpmorgan was the winning bid, and it took over 400 employees to make this deal come to fruition and people at first republic bank and the fdic and the treasury. but jpmorgan chase has assumed $92 million deposits. so if you are going to the bank, your deposits are safe, and they are taking $173 billion in loans as well as paying the fdic10.6 billion to close this deal. a lot of the questions that we are starting to hear is what this means for the potential bank failures in the future. jamie diamond spoke about that very issue on the media call moments ago. >> this is getting to the end of it, and this is going to stabilize everything. the american banking system is extraordinarily sound. obviously, going forward, you
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will have recessions, and rates going up and stuff like that, and you will see other cracks in the system which is to be expected. the system is very, very sound. >> reporter: and jamie dimon went on the say that he does not believe this deal is going to back into be a recession, and nor was the recession a reason that he closed this deal. but big news around the country as the people are going to the first republic bank they once knew now owned and operated by jpmorgan. >> thank you for the update. >> thank you, kate. today, the president is going to blast the bill presented by the republicans, and saying it is a concession of the u.s. to pay the bills that it has already incurred. the senate majority whip and committee chair dick durbin is joining us.
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thank you for joining us, senator. >> good to be here. >> senate majority leader mccarthy is in israel, and the fact that president biden and benjamin netanyahu have not spokenen and he has not spoken to him about the debt ceiling, and so they may be in good company if he is treating him the same way. >> well, senate leader mccarthy is playing a dangerous game. we put money there to make sure that the bank did not fail and cause some recession in this economy, and there is a lot at stake with a small bank in comparison to the national economy and $23 trillion and the debt ceiling economy that sen senator mccarthy is trying to use to default or if he is close to default or a serious threat of default, it is going to have
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an impact on this economy and business and growth and the number of jobs across america. we should not be playing this dangerous game, and the president is right. >> is the dangerous game just a talk? >> it is certainly a discussion, but it is clear that the discussion is of the budget and appropriations bills. we do it every year, and to start the process of the appropriations bills, you have to start the standard of how much money is involved and that is what the debate should be about. >> and it is not like there have not been discussions in the past over the debt ceiling, and we found this in politico, in 2017 when president trump was in office, there was a article about if the democrats should get something, and senator chris murphy said, everything is negotiatable, and why should we give away a vote to pass a debt ceiling, and then at the time, dick durbin added, put me in
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that camp of the democrats looking for leverage, and why okay to talk then and not now? >> it is okay to talk about the leverage, but when you are talking about the speaker and the majority leader, you are down to serious business. we know in the heart of hearts what has to be done. and speaker mccarthy waited for the last moment and without any committee hearings moved forward and got just barely enough votes, and then said, wait until we see how close we get to the debt. we cannot and must avoid debt. >> in your heart of hearts do, you think that people must talk? >> yes, people must come to their common sense and get this revolved and not at the expense of the american people.
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>> and now, coming to the supreme court ethics, the chief justice asked you to come to testify, and all nine justices came on to say, no, thanks, and what do you say to not just justice roberts and all nine justices? >> we cannot excuse what has been reported about justice clarence thomas, and the yacht trips and the gorsuch real estate transaction have raised questions if things have gone unreported and how does justice thomas explains that the billionaire decided to buy his mother's home as a gift to him, and $100,000 plus to his mother's home and never reported it? this sort of thing is unacceptable at every branch of the government and save the nine members of the supreme court. >> what if they don't do it willingly? >> we can enact a law to have a
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code of ethics saying they will be treated like any other entity. as a member of congress, i have a $50 gift rule, and i have seen the colleagues go to plead the case for something more than that. i have not done that, and i don't plan on doing that, but it is the thing that we live with. and why not the supreme court justices report a $100,000 gift or a trip on a yacht to indonesia? >> you are criticized by the people on the left sometimes for your role as the chairman of the judiciary committee because of the blue slip process. people who don't know what that means, it means that the senators can object or block the nomination to the federal bench from people of their own state, and if i have described it correctly, and they say you cannot block nominees that president biden wants, and why would you tell them that this process is so important?
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>> well, it has been in place for over 100 years as tradition of the committee. if you appoint a federal court judge you need the approval of the senators from that state, so we had the last word. some senators and even as the same party of the president like to have that opportunity, and it is bringing the white house into the conversations before the choice is made. i want to preserve it, and the republicans do, too. and i think that we can do it and continue the record-breaking pace of filling the judicial vacancies. >> it is not going away under your watch? >> not at that time. >> and sara? >> thank you. exclusive images of a 100-foot long military blimp flying over the desert by china and some say it is a submarine in the skies. and a may day, these
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protests because of french authorities the raising retirement age. and a massive tornado moving through tornado as officials say over 100 homes have been damaged there. in the clouds of your choice. with flexible multi-cloudd services that enable digital innonovation and enterprise control, vmware helps youou innovate and grow. with cpap for their sleep apnea. but stephanie got inspire, an implanted device that works inside the body. there's no reason to keep struggling. inspire. learn more and view important safety information at hey, man. you could save hundreds for safe driving with liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance. so you only pay for what you need! whoo! we gotta go again. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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this morning, we are seeing the clashes of police and protesters in france. this is shaping up to be the largest may day protest that france has seen in years. the demonstrations over the labor rights are coming after months of protests over the macron overhaul of the pension
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system which includes raising retirement age by two years. this is from this morning, and police are flooding the streets. we check back in with melissa bell. last hour, you were in a cloud of tear gas. what are you seeing now? >> well, it has gone quieter, and the tear gas has disbursed, and ki see and breathe again. these are the block protesters who are preceding the trade union march which is happening more peacefully no doubt behind us, but ahead of us, two groups of those black block protesters are cordoned off by the police as they are trying to limit the amount of chaos out on the streets of paris today, and compared to the last couple of weeks and the scuffle with the
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trash burned and the confrontations with the police. a lot more black block confrontations and chaotic scenes. what we have also seen, kate, as result of the chaos is indiscriminant police attempts to draw fairly random people off of the street. there was a lot of chaos back there, and all along the march, what is happening is that as we are heading away from the square p publique to run into the protesters, and this is what you are likely to see for the rest of the day, and this is a important part of the protesters to say what they feel about this
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reform, and e protesters are hoping that after this, they will have life to go on, and they are hoping with the protests, that with this particular reform, as much as it is focused on the rest of the president, they are hoping to make the rest of the term as ungovernable as they can. it is backed up by 62% of the french who are opposed be i this particular raising of the retirement age, kate, from 62 to 64. >> just a juxtaposition of the scenes in paris, and you are amongst the largely peaceful prot protesters, and the man walking down the street with the black kin, you can see them clashing in a violent way already with the police.
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we will keep up with you. john? >> now, china's airship program, and we have never before seen photos obtained by cnn and this is a picture of a satellite at a remote desert base from china, and these are pictures of november 2022 which is three months before a chinese balloon was shot down off of the coach of north carolina. and now, you are part of the team who broke this news of the balloon, and what are we looking at and why is this important? >> yes, my colleague paul johnson and i have obtained the imagery is to be some part of the chinese arsenal, and this is what we have seen?
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>> this is a satellite imagery look of a chinese blimp, but what we have not seen is a chinese blimp associated with the chinese military. what we have not seen is the blimp that is 130 meters long which is outside of the hangar, and what this is indicating, john, experts are telling us that it is an advancement of the chinese airship militaryk the and it is sophisticated, and they have an airship program, and the americans know all too well, they have been using the spyship balloons as we have seen that crossed our country. and it is a balloon that is more navigata navigatable, and one likened it to a submarine in the skies, and it has its own propulsion and navigation system, and carries out intelligence, surveillance
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and reconnaissance, and so it does represent according to a number of experts that it is a progress in the airship program, and they are doing more to advance it. blimps are a lot more advantageous on a number of levels, because they are cheaper than planes and satellites to carry out isr, and they can stay in the air a lot longer than plane, and john, what is interesting what is around this blimp and how big it could be, and indications they are building abi one, and so they are keeping an eye on this. h t the the biden administration, and other administrations, but the cia said, if it is visible from the sky, you can be assured we are
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tracking it. >> and also, one official said that the chinese had found a way to exploit the western defenses with these airships. thank you for that report. it is a full day for the district attorney bonnie willis and what she must do. and also, a year's old dispute with donald trump, and what those details may mean. that is ahead. inspired by, created for and powered byby you. ♪ [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and hoyou enjoy life.
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welcome back to "cnn news central." there is another huge bank failure that we are following. first republic bank is bought by jpmorgan chase after a frenzy of emergency moves that happened this weekend ending with the regulators seizing first republic bank's $233 billion worth of assets. first republic bank is now the third bank to fail in just the past seven weeks. jpmorgan's ceo jamie dimon tried to reassure the markets and quite frankly everyone else on a call this morning saying that the american banking system is extraordinarily sound. john? >> thank you, kate. later today, hunter biden,
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president biden's son, is expected to stand in front of a, a -- of an arkansas judge over a years' old child payment suit, but it has ballooned into more than that? >> yes. in 2020, hunter biden started to pay child support monthly, and we don't know the amount, but last year, the attorneys said that his income has changed and we need to readjust what that monthly amount is. that has reopened the court case that is the mother london and the attorneys to reopen his finances and like, how is he
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paying for so many lawyers? we know that he has legal issues not just in this arkansas court for child support, but also in delaware related to taxes and other issues for several years now, and london roberts and her attorneys have been asking for financial information. they want to know about the income that he has been generating, and if he has income right now, how he has properties that he is living in, and they want the child to be able to take the biden name. right now, the name of the child is undisclose and not biden, and the judge should consider to have the prestige that comes along with the president's last name. the child's grandfather. and then on the other side of things, hunter biden and his lawyers, they do not want some of the people on london roberts' legal team to have access to the
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information, and it is all moving to trial, and this is why the court case today. >> thank you for explaining what is at stake here. sara. the criminal charges of former president trump is due back to have a report of a grand jury thrown out. the report of the investigation of whether or not he attempted to interfere in the state's 2020 election. and they are trying to get d.a. willis disqualified, but the case in georgia is one of the several legal issues facing the former president. joining us is care line pulisi who is a lecturer of law in law school, and a former criminal attorney, and so you are a member of so many things.
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and so, tell us what this is about. >> the deadline is to be for this motion to disqualify willis, and this is not going to have chance, and to expunge the record entirely based on the argument that we have seen in the court of public opinion which is that this is a witch hunt, and politically motivated and all of the same arguments that trump uses in all of the legal trouble. they work to the public base in public, but not in court. to motions will be playing out, and the judge is going to let each party brief the issue, and then decide. >> we know that there is fund-raising on some of this as well regardless of what happens in court. the report is not out by the grand jury, but they want to get rid of it and not be part of the
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record, and what does that tell you about what is in the report? >> well, portions of it has been released but it is with so many redactions so we don't get the meaning. and there are reasons of that, and bonunny phyllis has been building this case, and that is for the person of the grand jury who has been giving candid interviews of what went on, and it is highly likely they have been recommending indictments, and that should come out later in the summer, but for fauny wi -- fani willis, but i don't believe it is going to going to go away. it is going to go forward. >> that is one of the pressing
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cases that people will be watching, but there are other cases in the middle of things, and in the middle of a rape trial of e. jean carroll, and any chance that is going to be dismissed? >> no. i understand that as a criminal attorney, that you have to defend your client vigorously, and this is building the record of appeal on joe tacopina's part, and every instance of the court could have been conceivably be seeing as a allegiance to e. jean carroll, but it is not going to be winning either, and this case is going to be going forward and it is a civil case, and even though it is complicated legally, she is alleging battery and rape, but because it is wrapped up in a defamation case, and much
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lower standard, and this trial is going to be moving of pace, and we should see a verdict this week. >> fairly quick, and it is partly because he did not show up to caourt in this case, and that may have an impact of the jury, and thank you for explaining each of the cases and the impact. >> sure. >> kate. >> the ocean blob is getting bigger and things that i don't think that i will say on television, but the update on the giant mass of seaweed stretching across the atlanta and now it is headed to florida. we will be right back. i'm christine mahon. i'm retired from public health nursing and from the army reserve. my retirement funds allow me to enjoy what i love to do.
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you are looking at some of the damage left behind after a tornado touched down in virginia beach. at least 100 homes were damaged and three schools are closed this morning. fortunately, no injuries, at least none reported, and awaiting an update from the national weather service on how strong that twister was. russia launching a fresh round of missile attacks across ukraine this morning and the d region o f dviro region and we
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will have an update. and also, there is adidas who is planning to sue over the ye deal that went bad, and they are planning to defend themselves. and now, this is a mass that is setting a record in the caribbean sea, because in key west, the beaches are typically looking like this. i'd love to be there right now, and the people on the beach enjoying sand, sand and surf, but right now, patches of brown seaweed that have washed ashore which is impossible to find like a spare clean spot on the sand. laeyla santiago is there on key
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west taking a look at it. this isannoyance, and what are you seeing? >> okay. i will describe this and this is what they call sargassum, and the particular seaweed that we are talking about. and when we talk about annoyance, and we will talk about the smell. it is not great. it is awful over here. let me show you why. let me come over here, and this is why, it is going to pile up over here, and decays and smells frankly like a rotten egg, and some of the tourists are coming out here, and not getting into the ocean as much, and trying to find a dry patch. looking behind me, there are tourists here, but they are having to deal with this, and this is not new. it is coming to the coast of florida for new, but what is new is that it is coming earlier, and the record amounts that we are seeing is. and when it is out there, when it is in the ocean and a
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5,000-mile body of seaweed headed this way, it is growing. one scientist said that what we are seeing here is the tip of the iceberg and this is doubling in size in a week if not a month, and again, the tip of the iceberg we are dealing with here. we talked to one couple who came out here to celebrate the 60th birthday and let's just say that the vacation is not going as planned. let's listen. >> it is like 75 yards of seaweed before you hit clear water, and it is a shame, because the keys, and we have both never been here and i grew up in florida, and this is -- this is not what we expected to see when we came in here, this much seaweed. >> it is a big disappointment here, because i was wanting to be in the sun, and when i am on vacation, i want to be in the water. >> reporter: yeah, who doesn't? that is what you plan for when it is coming to vacation, and few things here before i wrap up, kate, the peak of this is expected to be june, july,
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summertime when you expect to see a lot of tourists, but important to note that it is not toxic. it is not something that they you should fear having out there, but it is when it is coming out here and decays and smells that, it can cause breathing problems, and this is someone who does like having it out here, and the fishermen, because they love to go out there to see a big patch of sargassum because it is bringing this the fish, but on the other side of it, if the boats are caught up in it, it can be a headache, kate. >> it is amaze how big it is, and it can double in size while it is out there in sea and coming in. it is remarkable, and yes, it happens annually and a thing, but it is really huge and really strange. >> yes. >> thank you, leyla. >> i like the way she described it. it does not smell great, kate. a new warning from the
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>> so, this morning a new spotlight on a reality that americans face everyday. extended periods of isolation and uncertainty in the pandemic only extended the isolation and it fueled other feelings that threaten to rip our country apart. and now joining us is dr.
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elizabeth cohen, and this has threatened, but how many americans are we talking about and who are they? >> yes, you are right. dr. murphy has been talking about this way before the pandemic and during his first term as surgeon general. this is so disconcerting, and what the surveys have shown is that more than 58% of americans in the survey said that they have experienced loneliness, and take a look at who is most likely to experience the loneliness, it is black people, and hispanic people, and people who are of lower incomes, and it is also parents which is interesting. it is also people who are under 25. you know, what is interesting about this essay, and it was so beautifully written, but dr. murphy talked about his own periods of loneliness and how he felt disconnected with the people who loves him and how it erodes the sense of who you are and chips away from the sense of self- self-esteem. john, he talked about the need to rebuild the infrastructure in
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our country so people can get over loneliness and we can all connect with one another. john? >> what can the impact of loneliness be? >> right. so loneliness obviously affects our mental health greatly and affect our physical health. when you are looking at the studies, what it shows is the rates of all sorts of diseases like alzheimer's and heart disease and other diseases, and how you feel has an effect on the physical health, and loneliness is a huge determinant of how you feel. >> look, it is so important to focus on this, and i have heard from former republican senator ben sasse about this, and what people can come together to focus on the weeks and years ahead. dr. cohen, thank you so much. and now, hundreds of officers in houston are going door-to-door accused of killing five of his neighbors, including a 9-year-old boy. we will have the latest on the
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an accused mass murderer on the run. hundreds of officers are search issing for this man suspected of killing five of his neighbors including a 9-year-old boy, and what is being said about the manhunt this morning. what is happening with your money after the second largest bank failure in u.s. history. cnn is live in saudi arabia where a ship carrying american


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