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tv   CNN This Morning Weekend  CNN  January 28, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST

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♪ and good morning to you, everyone. it is saturday, january 28th. i'm amara walker in atlanta. >> good morning, amara. i'm boris sanchez coming to you live from memphis, tennessee. the city is still reeling from the brutal beating of tyre nichols by memphis police officers. the full video was released hours ago. >> as the nation watched this live on tv, as we all did, it was very difficult to watch. the video shows the deadly encounter between tyre nichols and memphis police officers earlier this month. nichols was pulled over on january 7th allegedly for reckless driving, but the police chief says they've been unable
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to find anything that substantiates those claims. >> reporter: it's very difficult, excruciating to watch. in all, the video covers 38 minutes from the moment that officers pull him over and rip him out of his vehicle to the moments after an ambulance arrives at the skrooencene and y renders aid. they kick him and beat him while he's on the ground. the unarmed individual is crying out for his mother. >> i said to someone that i had this really bad pain in my stomach earlier, not knowing what had happened.
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but once i found out what happened, that was my son's pain that i was feeling. >> that's right. >> and i didn't even know. for me to find out that my son was calling my name and i was only feet away and did not even hear him, you have no clue how i feel right now, no clue. >> tyre nichols mother has also said she hasn't had time to grieve for her son. >> five of the officers at the scene were fired, and on thursday indicted on numerous charges, including second-degree murder and kidnapping. the fallout continues this morning. following the release of the video, two deputies with the shelby county sheriff's office are on leave pending the investigation related to their involvement in the incident. >> and overnight in cities across the united states from new york to atlanta, san francisco and dallas, demonstrators voiced frustration with police killings. officials in some cities prepared for the worst, worried that protests could get out of hand, but things have remained
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largely calm with most people heeding calls directly from tyre nichols' family to demonstrate and march peacefully. >> now, the city released four clips, each taken from a different perspective, but all of them showing one thing, the killing of an unarmed man. now, these images are graphic, and they are disturbing, but they are critical to understanding the gravity of what happened and how this memphis police department failed tyre nichols. >> reporter: tyre nichols screamed for his mother as memphis police officers struck him multiple times including in the face while his hands were restrained. the city on friday night released body camera and surveillance video of the january 7 traffic stop and beating that led to the 29-year-old's death in the hospital three days later. >> you're going to see a disregard for life. >> reporter: after officers pulled nichols over and pulled him out of his car, a struggle
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ensued and he ran away. minutes later officers would catch up with him and hit him numerous times, video shows. during the initial encounter after the stop, body camera video from an officer arriving at the scene showed that nichols sounded calm. as an officer is approaching the scene, an officer is yelling at nichols. officers then pull him out of the car. nichols responds. >> i'm on the ground. >> reporter: officers yell at him to lie down and threaten to tase him. >> put your hands behind your back. >> you guys are doing a lot right now. >> lie down. >> i'm just trying to go home. >> reporter: a struggle ensues. nichols gets up and runs and the officers chase him. a different body cam video shows some of what happens when officers catch nichols on a neighborhood street just minutes later, nichols screaming for his mother as the video shows an officer arriving at the scene.
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officers tell nichols to give them his hand as a struggle ensues on the ground. two officers hit and kick nichols as he's on the ground. >> mom! >> reporter: nichols continues calling for his mom. an officer is eventually heard yelling at nichols. a remotely operated pole-mounted police surveillance video of the neighborhood gives the clearest view of the blows. this shows officers hitting nichols at least nine times without provocation. when the camera first turns toward the scene, an officer shoves nichols hard with a knee or leg and nichols is pulled up by his shoulders and kicked in the face twice. after being pulled up into a sitting position, nichols is hit in the back with what appears to be a nightstick after being pulled to his knees, nicholls is hit again. once pulled to his feet, the video shows officers hitting nichols in the face multiple
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times while his hands are restrained behind his body after which he falls to his knees. less than a minute later, an officer appears to kick nichols again. more than three minutes after the encounter is first seen on this camera, officers let go of tyre nichols and he rolls on his back. one minute later nichols is dragged along the pavement and propped up in a sitting position against the side of a car where he's largely ignored by officers for the next 3 1/2 minutes. some ten minutes into the video a person who appears to be a paramedic finally engages with nichols. the u.s. department of justice has said it is conducting a federal civil rights investigation of tyre nichols' death. >> reaction to the release of the video has been swift from around the country including president biden who says he was outraged and deeply pained to see the video of that horrific
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beating that resulted in tyre nichols' death. >> yeah. it's hard not to have an emotional reaction. let's go to cnn senior white house reporter jasmine wright. what else did the president say? >> reporter: yeah, amara, boris, president biden reacted really emotionally after the video was released. he put out a lengthy statement about 30 minutes after it went live. i want to read you a line of it because it is really quite strong language. the president said, like so many, i was outraged and deeply pained to see the horrific video that resulted in the beating that resulted in tyre nichols death. it's another example of the pain and exhaustion that black and browns experience every single day. president biden wrote really a nod of the overpolicing that black and brown people see not only in memphis but across the country. now, over the course of the day the white house said the president did not view the video in advance. obviously that changed after 7:00, but he was doing things to
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show americans that this issue was at the top of his mind including calling tyre nichols' family over the course of the day. now, a "washington post" reporter was in the room with him when they received that call, so we got a rare view into how the president uses his own trauma of losing his various family members over the course of the years really to try to connect with those who are experiencing grief. take a listen. >> your comments today were moving. i know tyre's death is devastating. >> yes, sir. >> i know people say that to you, but i do know. i lost my son in the war -- as a consequence of the war in iraq over the years. i lost my daughter when a track tore trailer broadsided the car. i lost my wife and daughter. i didn't have the courage to do what you did.
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>> so that was a personal phone call for him. a few hours later when he was leaving for camp david some hours later, he told reporter as what's at stake is the image of america, whether or not we can live up to our democratic ideals and peaceably protest. after that he joined in with the nichols family and called for peaceful protests, which is what we largely saw last name. boris, amara? >> yeah, jasmine, the president pointing out what so many of us have admired, the courage of tyre nichols' family in these circles. jasmine wright from washington, dc. thank you so much. now, protesters here in memphis and around the country have so far heeded calls to keep demonstrations peaceful, and one organization is at the forefront of that. the ncaa p. joining us now is van turner. he's the president of the memphis chapter and a candidate for maier of memphis. van, we're grateful to have you this morning. when we arrived last night, there was a palpable sense of fear. i was in a business that closed
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early. our hotel shut its doors early. people were afraid things might have gotten out of hand. but there's a sense in this family, a belief, a faith, that there will be justice for tyre nichols. >> absolutely. you know, the last time something in memphis sparked a national protest was 1968. we are not far from where dr. king lost his life, and so we've suffered things like this in the past, bur our city has been able to come back and we've been able to bounce back. this is painful. just watching that video again and you just see the brutality and the inhumane treatment of mr. nichols. but we shall rise back up. we will get through this, fight through this, and we will continue to ask for justice for tyre nichols. >> sir, i have spoken to many activists who are outraged about police brutality, and they say that one avenue to fixing it is
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to diversifying who is behind the badge, and in this situation, you have a police chief who's african american and you have five officers who are now charged with second-degree murder who are also african american. i'm curious to get your perspective on that. >> yeah, i mean, there was no color here other than blue, and there's a culture that unfortunately resulted in what we saw. i mean these guys were trained better, there were procedures in place that they knew, and they just violated everything. search and seizure, probable cause, reasonable suspicion, when you detain someone, what are the protocols in place, and these were violated. and so we want diversity in the police force, but we still want good officers. and so i think it's important that we continue to ask for diversity, we continue to push for reforms, but yet we have to hold whoever's behind that badge
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to the correct standard, and we can't lose that either. >> i'm also curious to get your perspective on that reform because it wasn't very long ago after the murder of george floyd that the george floyd justice and policing act got momentum in congress. there was bipartisan support for it and then it faltered. what needs to change in congress among lawmakers for police reform to advance? >> that was advanced. it was a bipartisan bill. senator cory booker pushed for it. i think he's calling for it again. i don't know what needs to change. how many more citizens, innocent individuals have to die for us to get this law passed? hopefully with this renewed request, that this law be put back out, it would pass this tomb around. but we can't allow another tyre nichols to lose his life waiting on the senate, waiting on congress to act. the president has called in. he knows that this was just a
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tragedy. we know it's a travesty. america knows this is not the correct way to police. we have to get that bill passed, and that's what we have to fight for. >> you gave us some of the historical context for memphis, right? this is a city that has in the past had a strained relationship between the black community and law enforcement and we are, as you pointed out, blocks away from lorraine motel where dr. king was assassinated. he was a civility rights icon and he was spied on and harassed by law enforcement. in the historical context, what do you hope is going to be the legacy of tyre nichols? >> the family has asked for a tyre nichols bill. and what they want in that bill is a duty to intervene. part of what we saw that evening were officers who just stood around and allowed this man to die. so i think the legacy should be
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that we need a tyre nichols bill passed in the general assembly. we called on governor bill lee to promote this bill, fight for this bill. that would allow us to say years from now tyre nichols did not die in vachblt i'm the father of two sons. that's the district i represented for eight years, and my sons have driven up and down that road several times, and i just thought, what if it was them? one of them? so my heart goes out to the family of tyre nichols. we've got to fight to make sure he did not die in vain. we have to pass the bill that the family's asked us go pass, and we have to do better. this is not a condemnation of our law enforcement, but what we are asking for is better policing, better training, and to follow the rules of law. they are not abow the law. >> you mentioned your two sons. for so many in communities of
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color, having the talk with young men and women about the relationship between law enforcement and communities of color is a difficult thing. i'm curious what you're sharing with your sons about what you witnessed, especially as we watched this awful video? >> yeah. when i got home, i asked my son did he see the video. he said he did. i asked what did he think. he shook his head. it's horrible. it's a coming of age now. i'm reminded of rodney king when i was graduating high school in 1992 and there was a coming of age for me. and so unfortunately we have to tell our black and brown sons, if you're pulled over and stopped, the key is to make it home that evening. but guess what? tyre nichols was trying to make it home that evening. he cried out for his mother three times. he died asking what did i do wrong? and so yet we still have to
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teach our young men and women to try to abide by the law and try to make it home, but we have to ask our officers to allow them to get home. and so we have to continue what we're doing. we have to continue to fight for legislation, to make what happened to tyre nichols something that we don't have to go through again. and so this is what we have to do. this is a call to action. this is not where we give up and we just cry out and protest and go home. this is where we get moving. this is where we get into the legislative halls. this is where we get into the courts, and this is where we fight, and this is the time to do it. >> that was one of the most painful things you pointed out, watching the video, when they first arrive at the scene. it doesn't appear he even has a chance to comply. >> no. >> because they rip him out of the vehicle. i hope as you do that this is an inflection point, a moment for change. van turner, it's unfortunate that we meet under these
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circumstances, but it's a pleasure. >> thank you. >> appreciate you. so, amara, as we come back to you in atlanta, there's so many key moments to reflect on here, but one of the open questions is how does this community move forward and heals and what justice looks like for tyre nichols and his family. >> absolutely. of course, that's the big question, what does this country do moving forward? will we see police reforms? will they be meaningful, and how will we react on all of this. boris, thank you so much for being on the ground there. those five officers involved in that beating are now facing several charges. we're going to discuss the legal implications involved for them and the city coming up. also, we're following a developing story out of jerusalem where a gunman opened fire in a synagogue. what we know about that attack is next. a new clinical study showed that centrum silver supports cognitive health in older adults. it's one morore step towards taking charge of your health.
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people don't know what those five police officers did to our family . >> they have brought shame to their own families. they brought shame to the black community. i just feel sorry -- i feel sorry for them. i really do. i really feel sorry for them. >> why you do say that? because they didn't have to do this. >> we're back now live in memphis following the release of police video showing the arrest and beating of 29-year-old tyre nichols. nichols' death led to five memphis police officers being fired and charged with
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second-degree murder, assault, and kidnapping, and we learned overnight that two deputies with the shelby county sheriff's department have also been placed on leave pending an investigation. let's discuss the legal aspect of this with defense attorney and former federal prosecutor shan wu. shan, as always, a pleasure to get your thoughts on these matters. first, your reaction to the release of this video, how critical it might be in building a case a these officers. >> it's the . looking at that as an attorney, prosecutor, defense attorney, there's no evidence of any lille justification for what they did, and i believe likely, based on what we're hearing, even the reason for originally stopping tyre nichols is going to turn out to be pretextural, so there's really -- you don't need anything beyond that video, and, frankly, these defendants should be advised to simply cut the
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best guilty plea they can because any defense they put on is just going to look ridiculously transparent. you can hear some of them on the video already beginning to justify it claiming that mr. nichols had gone for their gun. there's nothing we can see on the tape that indicates that. there's just no justification for that whatsoever. >> you hear the officers almost seth a narrative saying he must have been on drugs, he reached for their gun, getting their stories straight, it seems like. shan, when you say the stop was pretextural, what does that mean? >> that means you need to have some basis for making the stop. in legal terms it's a reasonable, articctic label rea. was there a broken headlight, something along those lights.
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with this patrol-type squad, they often are doing protect ural stops. often times they're out doing that, and actually they don't care if it's an ununconstitutional stop because what they're looking to do is find guns and drugs and they're not looking at the constitutionality of it. that's why i think it was a pretextural stop. we're not seeing any evidence for why they stopped him. >> the other thing, shan, that really stands out to me is the fact that as he was slumped over on the side of the car, nobody helps him. nobody rendersed a for several minutes. could that be seen as negligence? could they be liable for not rendering aid. >> i think so. and that's probably what the issue is going to be also with regard to the emts that
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occurred. you know, we can certainly have laws, we can have training about intervention, but the kind of mentality that we see in that videotape, no amount of training is going to stop people who have a predilection toward beating a defenseless person that lay. but, absolutely, they should be held accountable for the failure to render aid. there are many cases where in a legitimate police confrontation the defendant or suspect gets injured, and the police will immediately call for aid. even gunshot victim, sometimes the police are administering cpr to them. there's no evidence to do that whatsoever here, even though these are the same officers who were basically just beating on him for no reason, kicking him, hitting him. he was handcuffed. there's no excuse for it whatsoever. they absolutely should have called for aid. >> and some of the most vicious attacks on him were done when he
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was not a threat, clearly not a threat, shan. one last thing, i'm curious about the kidnapping charge because when you think about kidnapping, it connotes something that i don't know relates to this video, but obviously there's a legal basis for the da to seek that charge. >> yes, a lot of times we think of kidnapping as someone's held for ransom, a ransom note, that sort of thing, held someplace else, but usually kidnapping is unlawfully restraining someone. that could take place in moments. obviously he was restrained here. he was handcuffed, and that's the basis of the charge. that's something the prosecutors if it goes to the jury will need to explain that because often times there's a misconception. there was nothing about this that was a police action. this was a gang of predators who set upon a defenseless person. they restrained him and sat upon
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him and beat him to death. it's completely backed up by the video. >> a gang of predators. shan wu, we have to leave it there. they you so much. >> good to see you, boris. still ahead this morning, encouraging news for consumers. new data showing a clear cool-off on inflation. we're going to walk through how the economy is trending. ur momem find your potential then own it support yourur immune system with a potent blend of nutrients and emerge your best every day with emergrgen-c knowing where you came from, itit gives you a sense of “this is who i am”. oh my goodness... wow, look at all those! you get hungry for me and then you're just like, “wow, i'm learning about myamily.” yeah, yep. whh one, what'd you find? lorraine banks, look, unty of macomb, michigan? look at andma... hey grandma! unbelievable. everybody desees to know who they are and where they came from.
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let's take a look now at the other stories we're following this morning. secretary of state antony blinken visits egypt, israel, and the west bank as deadly violence escalates. police say at least seven people were killed friday near a jerusalem synagogue and a gunman was killed after a shoot-out with officers. and earlier this week israeli forces killed nine palestinians in a west bank refugee camp. three people are dead and at least one person is missing after a torrential rainfall triggered torrential flooding in new zealand this week.
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aucti auckland saw water. look at this remarkable picture. no severe injuries after an 85-vehicle pileup. 21 people were taken to area hospitals. the highway was shut down for nearly eight hours before it reopened. inflation is dropping a bit as we head into february, although, it's not likely being felt just yet in consumers' wallets as they pay for basics like rent, food, and gas, but there are a few things that consumers need to keep their eyes on. cnn's matt egan with more. >> reporter: amara, inflation is clearly cooling off, and that's
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a huge positive for the economy. the index will show that prices ticked up between november and december by 0.1%. on an annual basis, inflation slowed to 5% in december. normally that would not be a good number. it's more than double what is considered healthy. and food inflation, that's still a big problem as anyone who's bought eggs recently knows, but everything is relative here, and the trend is clearly moving in the right direction. that is, of course, what everyone wants to see, main street, wall street, the white house, and the federal reserve, which is set to meet next week to debate just how much more tough medicine the economy needs to try and fight inflation. meanwhile cooling inflation is boosting the mood of consumers. a university of michigan survey found consumer sentiment jumped
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in january to a nine-month high. the sendment is still low historically. it's still below precovid levels, but it is moving in the right direction. it's bouncing off those record lows that were hit last year when it felt like inflation kept getting worse and worse. one thing to watch out for is the price of gasoline. you've probably noticed that pump prices are once again moving sharply higher with the national average jumping above $3.50 a gallon, and gas prices are actually experiencing their biggest increase to start a year since 2009. this trend has been driven in part by refinery troubles that were caused by stream weather throughout the united states. we need to keep an eye on gas prices because a continued spike could undermine the improvement in both consumer confidence and inflation. amara? >> matt, thank you very much for that. up next, loved ones in the two boeing 737 crashes finally
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and emerge your best every day with emergen-c the families who lost their loved ones in the two 737 crashes in ethiopia and indonesia, they were finally able to confront the company at an arraignment hearing this week. >> nobody should have to go through this. we're here today to make a statement and whatever that takes. >> it's been three years, but for everybody standing here, for
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all of these people, we are still stuck on march 10, we're still stuck on that day. >> we live in pain and stress, unstable ground, and yet the martyr walking free, going home to their loved ones. >> so much heartache. boeing pleaded not guilty to the criminal charge of conspiracy to defraud the u.s. government regarding federal regulations surrounding its 737 max jets. brittany lost her husband and brother-in-law in the 2019 ethiopia crash. she was seven months' pregnant at the time and spoke this week at the trial. brittany, welcome. thank you so much for joining us this morning. your daughter, i understand, is about to turn 4 years old in a few months. what's it been like to raise your daughter without her father and did you talk about that when
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you spoke during the hearing thursday? >> yeah. thank you for having me. it's nice to meet you. so what is it like to raise my daughter without her father? as you all can imagine, it's extremely difficult, but as a mother and being in my situation, there's nothing more that i would rather do than to talk to her about her father. so the day she was born to now, she knows about her daddy, his personality, his traits. we talk about him all the time, so he is still very much in our lives. yeah, i did speak about that in the trial in my impact statement. you know, i made it very clear, you know, how it is to be living without him and my life and how it is for emma to be raised without a father. so it's obviously extremely
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difficult. >> so many lives impacted. what would justice look like for you? >> honestly i'm not even really sure that -- justice, for one, is getting somebody, you know, boeing and their head executives to be criminal liable for their criminal behavior. you know, nothing is going to take away the pain and the heartache that we feel and will feel for the rest of our lives, but it would be better if somebody was actually held accountable for murdering 346 people. >> i mean it is rare as i understand it to even see a corporation as large and public as boeing to be in a public arraignment for criminal charges. as you know very well, boeing entered into this agreement with the justice department. we understand families like you
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of the victims were not consulted regarding this agreement, and in this agreement, boeing admitted to defrauding the faa by concealing the safety problems with the 737 max planes. it agreed to pay $3 billion in fines, make changes in the culture. if boeing abide by these terms, it would make the company immune from further prosecution. where does that stand right now? i know there was huge objection from family members like you and the push to get the deal reversed? >> yes, of course. this entire dpa was done secretly behind everybody's backs. nobody knew about it besides boeing and the department of justice, and they violated our rights as crime victims, and essentially boeing got an immunity agreement against any criminal charges, and that
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stopped the entire criminal investigation. we, our families, our attorney as far as the conditions were released in the hearing, we want to get the immunity agreement rescinded along with the immunity that the boeing executives have for any criminal prosecution. >> and dpa stands for deferred prosecution agreement, by the way. >> right. >> i guess practically speaking, you know, what do you think about the fact that, you know, there are airlines that, you know, have put the 737 max plane back in service. apparently boeing has overhauled the plane's design and software. they've been trying to move past these deadly incidents. what are your thoughts on that, and how does that impact the way that you fly?
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>> i have never flown boeing since the accident -- or it wasn't even an accident, sorry about that. it was a crash. i have not flown boeing. i can't speak for anybody else. boeing doesn't care about our safety in the air, so why should we get on their planes. and the max-8 in my opinion is not safe. there still has been instances where they've had to ground the plane even after they have made all of their corrections, so they're doing everything like you said to move past this. they're still cutting safety, cutting corners. they have the max-10 coming up, and they're trying to get the old flight crew system in the
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max-10, when it's supposed to be a new modern one. they're still cutting corners. they're still trying to get away and save money when they have billions. >> well, look, i'm really glarksd britntney riffel, you were able to come on and fight for justice and make sure your daughter knows and feels her father. thank you so much. >> yes. >> we're going to take you back to memphis after a quick break. , prebiotic oat. it's clinically proven to moisturize dry skin for 24 hours. aveeno® ♪ this feels so right... ♪ adt systems now feature google products like the nest cam with floodlight, with intelligent alerts when a person or familiar face is detected. so you can listen in... and even speak up. sophie's not here tonight. can show her the video tomorrow, and you can keep playing. thank you. that would be great.
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we cannot let this go unaddressed. i'm sure my colleague will stand with me. we're going to have to have tough conversations with me. as i said before, people want to say these were black officers. i'm a black man, but i go back to some words i said previously. it's the culture of policing that says that when you have a black motorist, we can treat them any type of way. we just have to change the culture of police, and we have to hold people accountable. >> you know, i think that -- i did watch the interview from start to finish, and there was so much emotion, really a visceral reaction from martevious jones, and i think it
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struck a chord with so many people at home watching because his emotions at home were raw and that's how so many people were feeling. it's been so difficult for so many of us and so difficult for people to contain their hurt. >> yeah. and as we've watched those heart-wrenching scenes, i do want to take a moment to share with our viewers who tyre nichols was before the circumstances that played out on camera. his mom said he marched to the beat of his own drum. that he was a skater and photographer who loved taking pictures of sunsets. that is who his family and community lost, and now he will be remembered for more than that. we'll be back with more from memphis at 10:00 a.m. eastern. "smerconish" is up next. a little easasier. (moo) mabel says for you, it's momore like 5:15. man: mom, really?
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