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tv   At This Hour With Kate Bolduan  CNN  January 26, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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department. >> for director wray, you could talk about how unusual this sort of operation is? has the fbi ever before penetrated a ran some ware network. >> so, we've been listening to this, of course, jim, was an announcement about some ran some wear gang and we shared that with our evan perez. there was more than one effort there to ask some questions about these classified documents that have been found. of course, among former president trump, president biden and former vice president pence's other files and they were having none of it. it was the easiest way to put it. there was a district question asked to the attorney general general and he piv yosted and talked about this. >> we'll continue to follow that story for sure. thanks for join ug today. i'm jim sciutto.
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>> and i'm erica hill. kate bolduan will pick things up righ t now. [ no audio ] -- as they wait for the city to release videos showing police officers beating tyre nichols. the city's police chief spoke directly to this overnight. describing the video as heinous. that is the word that she used and she's pleading with residents to not react violently when they see it. we know that nichol's family has
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already seen the video. the family attorney said that it shows officers beating nichols, quote, like a pinata for three minutes after a traffic stop on january 7th. nichols died three days later. the five officers involved in the traffic stop have already been fired. the police chief also spoke to that overnight in that video saying that this was not just a professional failing, but also a failing of basic humanity and she said that there are additional officers also under investigation. the nichols family for their part is calling for murder charges now. and we've just learned that the district attorney there will be holding a news conference at 3:00 eastern this afternoon to the way it is described right now is to give an update on the case. let's get the very latest from the ground, sara sidner is standing by. sarah, what are yo
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and brown people and criminal defendants in general. that the speed with which the city and the law enforcement entities could be transparent with what is lapped and what they're going to do about it is a-s often crucial to keeping.
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>> two twoerns are planning a press conference as well. it sure suggests that big things could be happening at 3:00. what could the district attorney knowing that so many highs are on this, what could be happening at 3:00? what do you think? >> i think the district attorney who is in his first term, he was just elected last year, is going to announce a time table for the release of the videos. he also may announce charges but that would first go through a grand jury and i think that is to come. >> you think it is too fast to have charges to be auns noed from the d.a. this afternoon. >> i think the first step is the video and then the charges. but he could still do the charges. but for me, i think for the cause of transparency, it is important to release the video. and i get it. d.a. didn't want to compromise witness testimony because they want them to remember what they saw and not base it on the video. but this case is all about the video. >> it is. >> right. and it is not going to matter. if there is a conflict between the videos and eyewitness testimony, it is going to be the
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videos. so there is no reason to keep holding on though these videos. >> and it is not like this all happens in a vacuum. we know how critical video has been to right wrongs and to really show what happened when someone is dying in the plhandsf police. we've known this and seen this over and over. and this leads, andy, to a question i wanted to ask you. because we have learned from deadly encounters from police in recent past, that there are gaps sometimes big gaps in i'll describe it as the time line but the account that is first put out from police and what reality is that we learn in the end. what we have so far from the police statement is officers stopped tyre nichols for reckless driving. the officers approached nichols and a confrontation occurred and a suspect fled the scene on foot. then we know -- they say officers pursued nichols and tried to take him into custody that is when another
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confrontation as it was described took place between the officers and nichols and then they take heim into custody. nichols complains of quote/unquote shortness of breath and an ambulance is call and then nichols is then transported to the hospital in quote/unquote critical condition. that is what we -- that is what we have so far in terms of what happened and we know that then we know that tyre nichols died three days later. we know that the police chief has described this beating as heinous. what questions do you have and in just from the facts of this place statement that we see so far? >> yeah. so we talked about what the city has done right in terms of their response to the officers. this highlights what i think the city has done wrong. part of that importance of quick transparency is letting the public know what happened. at least the raw facts and in a time line. and this time line raises more questions than it resolves.
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to describe -- describing these two interactions between the police and mr. nichols as simply a confrontation with no further detail. that is going to -- that is going to look even worse when this video comes out, if it lives up to its description. which i anticipate it will. that will make the use of the word confrontation look ridiculous and somewhat like they were trying to hide the ball a bit. we don't have any details about why he was pulled over and what was the reason to pull -- to initiate this interaction with law enforcement? what circumstances surrounded his apparent decision to flee that first, quote/unquote confrontation. there is a lot of room for details here that i think the city could have been more forward-leaning in revealing to the public. but we're about to find out when the video comes forth. >> that is a great point. much to learn and there will be some answers that we could expect at 3:00 this afternoon.
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when we hear from the district attorney. thank you very much. i areally appreciate. new developments on out of virginia. about the school teacher. they have voted to remove the superintendent and the principal has not resigned. a lawyer for the teacher claims that she and others repeatedly warned school officials that the boy had a gun. but officials did not take action. brian todd has been following this for us. he's in newport news for us once again this morning. brian, what does it mean now that school officials are out? >> well, kate, i just corresponded with the newport news police. we have been pressing them on whether charges could be pressed again the parents or school administrators. we don't have any word on that yet. so no word on the administrators or the parents. as the superintendent is now out of air job, the assistant principle here has also resigned
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and we did get detail yesterday on a time line of three different warningings that according to the attorney for abby zerner, her attorney said there were three different warnings issued here at richnick on the day of the shootings in the hours before the shooting and we could go through the time line with you quickly. according to abby zerner's attorney, at 11:15 she told a school administrator that the boy in question threatened to beat up another child. at 12:30, another teacher told administrators that she had searched the boy's book bag and suspected that he had put the gun in his pocket and went to recess. and this all of these warnings by the way, they way were brushed off by administrators. at 1:00 p.m., they say at third teacher told the administrators that another child was crying and was fearful because he said that the boy had threatened him with a gun that showed him the gun at recess and threatened to him shoot him if he told
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anybody. at about that time, according to abby zerner's attorney, another school employee asked if they could search the boy for thoroughly and they were denied permission saying that he should ride it out and that the school day was almost over. so we have that time line. the superintendent of the school george parker in an email that cnn obtained from one of our affiliates that said he was dismissed without cause. >> it is just maddening as it is described by that attorney. thank you so much. also at this hour, the murder trial of alex murdaugh is underway. the man accused of murdering his wife and youngest son is back in court in south carolina. court is right now in a short break after the prosecution today called its first witness, dianne gallagher is tracking this outside of the courthouse for us. what has happened so far? >> reporter: yeah, kate, we're hearing from sergeant green with the colton county sheriff's off.
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he was the first emergency responder to arrive on scene and essentially the prosecution has had him working through his body cam video, step by step, pausing to explain things, be asked questions throughout the morning. now, look, there were different periods, he had the first initial interaction with alex murdaugh and we hear his voice on the body camera, explain things and talking to sergeant green. what is interesting, he was asked how alex appeared and he said he appeared upset and agitated but at no point cried or shed any tears. he interacted with family members and you could hear that an owe the body camera as well. but in court we're seeing a different alex murdaugh. he is now a disbarred but former very prominent attorney here in the low country of south carolina. and he's become exceptionally emotional. shaking at times and crying as they hear the descriptions and see this video in court.
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i want you to take a listen to one of those moments here. [ inaudible ]. >> to the left, what did you see right there on the screen. >> to left was paul's body, he was laying face down on the ground. large pool of blood around him. >> reporter: now, again, the sergeant and others have explained many times, kate, this is a very gruesome scene. at one point they talked about trying to lift up paul's body to make sure that he had not shot himself and shot maggie. we're hearing intense details. the defense will be questioning this witness when we come back from this break. >> diane, thank you. so the west promises tanks
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big news that the united states and germany and other western allies will be sending dozens of battle tanks to ukraine. sam kiley is in kyiv for us. he's standing by. sam, what are you learning about these attacks today? >> reporter: well, kate, they followed the pattern that we've seen elsewhere in many times sadly from the ukrainian perspective over the last few months in which iranian made fires were fired and then the cruise missiles all fired. all 20 fired at kyiv according to local authorities here were shot down. the debris from one of them killed a 50 plus-year-old man here. quite close to a significant energy generating plant here in the capital. elsewhere in the country, ten people were killed. the level of violence of these attacks, the ukrainians have got
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quite cused to and they're deliberate effects of infrastructure to function during the winter months when power is so dearly needed. they're getting good at fims things. in the last few hours they've been able to bring up the power systems to be able to supply most of the capital city with what it needs in terms of the critical areas such as hospitals and elsewhere. they're not being seen as some kind of resvenge attack frommer agreement led by nato to contribute tanks, more modern battle tanks to the ukrainian effort led by the united states and germany but also the united kingdom and others joining in. those tanks may start arriving in the next few weeks. certainly the british tanks. but they're not being seen as a cause of revenge attacks here of the missiles. >> sam, thank you. joining me now is military
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analyst retired lieutenant general mark hertling. and these 55 missiles launched this morning targeting energy facilities once again. sam said it is not being seen in ukraine as direct retaliation for these tank announcements from the united states and western allies. but it does have me wonder what retaliation or direct response look like from russia on this? >> i think you have a great point there, kate. first of all, when you take a look at where the missiles landed, it wasn't just in kyiv as sam said. it was all over the country. there were some that were fired into the odesa ob last so we're talking about a continual criminal attempt to intimidate the civilian population of ukraine to attempt to break their will. it hasn't been so successful so so far but it continues and i find sort of a correlation between the announcements
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yesterday and these attacks today. because every time something new has come from the west, mr. putin has attempted to try and -- and send more military attacks arbitrarily throughout their country of ukraine, just to tell them, hey, you're still under attack. so, it is hard to plan a missile strike and a drone strike like this. but it is too coincidental for my military mind. >> for your comfort at least. general, we have the nato secretary general on the show yesterday and i asked him if he thinks that these tanks that are going to be sent over, if there are enough to now help ukraine not just fight russia, but win this war. let me play what he said. >> we feed to provide even more support, not only to ensure that ukraine survives, but actually ensure that ukraine is able to liberate more territory, and win and prevail as a sovereign independent nation in ukraine
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and that is exactly what nato allies are doing with the announcements that we saw last week but also with the announcement of battle tanks today. >> what do you think of that, general? do you think that this announcement, this -- if it is something near 100 tanks that is -- that reaches ukraine eventually, do you think it is enough to help them win the war? >> you know what it is, kate. it is both a short and a long-termp commitment. the short-term commitment from the others and the brits are trying to get their leos and challenges there quickly to help in offensive operations which continues to put russia on their heel in the east and the southeast. the long-term commitment of the abrams tanks which will take a long time to get there because of the development of the support infrastructure that has to take place. that is also saying, hey, we're in it for the long-term. what is going to be very interesting, there has been a
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lot of material given to ukraine from a variety of nato and u.s. elements. but i'm going to continue to watch the ramstein contact groups because you're going to see increasingly more modern style weapons provided to ukraine. and i think secretary austin has been masterful. that has been said many times before by others in terms of guiding that group. but he's getting the alliance to continue to contribute. and th and the alliance is stronger now than it has ever been in my 40 years in uniform. so we're seeing a unified effort behind ukraine and this -- the dedication of the tanks, which you've shown on your screen a little while ago, that is not enough. but certainly is a start and is it shows both ukraine we're behind them and shows russian we're behind ukraine. >> yeah. and russia we're not going away. it is great to see you general.
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the gdp grew nearly 3% in the last quarter of 2022. higher than economists have forecasted. let's get over to christine romans. make sense of it. >> all right, kate. well, look, it is the latest in the yes-but economy. but the economy ended last year strong. this is gdp, gross domestic product, produced in the world's largest economy. gdp bounced back from a stall in the first half of the year, to register a solid fall and winter. for the year overall 2.1% growth. that follows a blockbuster 2021. that was the strongest economy since ronald reagan was president. now the u.s. economy has now recovered all of the lost output from the covid crash and returned to its growth potential. that is a milestone. now eyou've heard about big tec names, layoffs in the news every day. but overall layoffs are low.
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state benefits dropped 6,000 to 186,000. no one knows for sure what will happen this year. but it will happen from a strong base for jobs and the overall economy, kate. >> just keeps dhuging along. christine will join us at the tanl and also joining us is analyst rona fro. rona, let me start with you. if this is a report card on the health of the economy right now, what does this checkup tell you? >> you know, it tells me that we're in a pretty darn good place. you know, one of the things that that we've been trying to do, the fed has been trying to do and the biden administration has been trying to do is figure out how to take a little bit of the heat out of the economy without crashing it. right. that is the difference between a soft landing and a hard landing. and what these figures say to me is, yes, growth has slowed a little bit in part because of the fed has been jacking up
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interest rates and that is appropriate. that is what we wanted. we haven't had a major slowdown with the -- aside from the covid blip which was its own thing in a very long time. and in fact, business cycle has been stretched out. we have easy money for a long time. we're due for a softening. but we don't want to crash the economy as you're trying to deflate that bubble. so what this says to me is that the administration and the fed is doing a pretty good job so far. now, i'm going to be watching really carefully though in the next couple of quarters, as that stimulus money that -- that $2 trillion money dump that we got following the pandemic begins to wear off. are consumers still spending some how many more job cuts will we see outside of the technology sector can probably needed to make some. these are the big picture questions. but so far so good. >> and consumers are spending. one thing that we've seen. and kind of putting this altogether and looking forward, our colleague matt egan spoke
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with goldman sack and they think this doesn't coming. >> this shows that the economy is strong but slowing a little bit from the quarter before. it shows the job market is still strong. maybe i'm guessing early this year it will start to show less strength than it used to. and that is what the fed wants to see. >> that is what people want. >> but i think, what i've been getting from my sources all morning this feeds into the soft landing camp. it fits in the camp that think a soft landing is possible if washington doesn't screw up with the debt ceiling. >> well, you like throw that in as like it is just a little bit of a thing. washington is going to screw it up. we just don't now what the ripple effects are going to be around it. it is good to see you. thanks for sticking around. great to see you, thank you. we have new developments we need to get to. there are new developments just coming in from memphis. we're learning more about what
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happened before tyre nichols was arrested. there is now audio just in to cnn and a new warning ahead of potential protests. we'll be right back. we w will work with you every step of the way to help you achieve it. so let us focus on t the how. just tell us - what's your whwhy? [ marcia ] my dental health was not good. i had periodontal disease, and i just didn't feel well. but then iound clearchoice. [ forde ] replacing marcia's teeth th dental implants at clearchoice was going to afford her that permanent solution. [ marcia ] clearchoice dental implants gave me the ability to take on the world. i feel so much better, and i think that that is the key. you see, son, with a little elbow grease, you can do just about anything. thanks, dad. that's right, robert. and it's never too early to learn
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so every day, you can say... ♪ youuu did it! ♪ with centrum silver. we have this just into cnn, for the first time we're hearing some audio from memphis police scanners of the traffic stop involving tyre nichols. this is separate from the videos that everyone is waiting for to be released how tyre nichols was beaten by police. those videos have yet to come out. let's get back to memphis. sara sidner standing by once again. tell us about the police scanner recording. >> reporter: kate, we're just
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having a section of it that we were able to hear. some of it in inaudible. there is some distress at shimon prokupecz -- at some point. as you know, tyre nichols was killed, he died on january 10th after being pulled over on the 7th for what police at the time said was reckless driving. and somehow ended up getting beaten and so we have now heard from the police chief and we now heard from the family that that beating was absolutely inhumane. five police officers have been fired. we are awaiting the potential of charges. we expect to hear from the d.a. at 2:00. but what we have now is this dispatch audio which is between the dispatcher and the police on the ground. would you like you to listen to a section of it. >> one male opening. >> set up a perimeter.
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>> one running on foot. >> running -- [ inaudible ]. >> he's fighting at this time. >> reporter: what stands out to me here is you hear what sounds like distress. then you hear the dispatcher it sounds like saying he's fighting at this time. but you also hear the officer say run that tag and see what is the address. the question is, did they not run the tag when they first pulled him over, which often officers do, especially if they are coming up on to a car. and so it is a question as to the seek wquence of things here. what we do know is that everybody here is on tender hooks waiting to see the video and we know that that video is supposed to be released. we just don't know exactly when, kate. >> standing by tor that. and also standing by for that
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3:00 update from the district attorney. thank you so much, sarah. so cnn has also just learned that law enforcement agency across the country are being told to prepare for the potential violent protests after that video is released of the police beating of tyre nichols. whitney wild has new details from washington. what are you learning? >> reporter: well, kate, law enforcement agencies nationwide are bracing for potential protests, bracing for potential unrest, which could include violence following the release of that brutal beating video of tyre nichols by a memphis police officers. this is according to multiple sources who are familiar with the nationwide coordination here. what we are told is that the association, this is one of the leading professional law enforcement organizations across the country, they have 77 agencies who are members of that organization, they've convened several calls this week with member agencies to try to loop everybody in and ensure that the information that is coming out of the memphis police department is reaching relevant agencies across country. because as we know, kate, the major concern here will be in
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what way protests and potential unrest will pop up across the country. a law enforcement source familiar with the national coordination tells cnn that at least one of those calls, memphis police led that call, shared information with the member agencies and basically the big message here is yes there is a potential for unrest, yes, you must be prepared for that. although, whether or not there was any operational suggestion, it sounds like that did not come out of much -- of the memphis police department. here in washington, there was an additional call surrounding the metropolitan, washington area because as we know the nationwide themes converge right here in washington, d.c. we're told that the metropolitan police department and capitol police are preparing for any potential fallout from this very brutal video, kate. >> thank you so much for that. i need to get back down to memphis. i'm told there is new news coming in. sarah, what rare you learning?
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>> reporter: kate, this is just come to us. our nick valencia got this information from his sources that the shelby county district attorney is going to announce charges this afternoon. tyre nichols, as you know, was beaten according to police. there is video of it. he died after three days in the hospital, after there was a traffic stop. and an attempt to arrest him. and, so, we are in the position now because of nick valencia sources to say that we do believe that we will get this update on this particular case and we will hear it from the district attorney who is the person that is responsible for charges in the case. we also know that two of the attorneys for the five officers who have already been fired and who could face charges, are also going to be having a press conference not long after we
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hear from the district attorney. we're expecting that in the next couple of hours or so. and so we will let you know what they said. i will tell you what the family has said. the family has said, his mother in particular, nichol's mother has said i do not want to see anything less than murder charges. and so, it depends on what happens here. how the family will feel about this. it depends on how the community will respond to this. and it certainly depends on what the video shows to the community, how people will feel about this, kate. >> absolutely. sarah, you could remind folks, because we know from our reporting, and i'm also seeing this is coming from cnn's don lemon as well, that it is going to include an announcement of criminal charges when the district attorney speaks this afternoon at 3:00 and also is it -- as it said, and the source tells cnn that authorities are
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expecting to release police video of the stop on friday. so what i think is also critical in this moment is not only we're going to see the video on friday, we're going to hear about charges before then. what is known about the five officers that we know have been fired? >> so, there are a few things that have been given to the public for -- from police. one is that they had a duty to help, they didn't. that there was excessive force used. and so there is -- those were two major things that we heard from the police department. and a duty to intervene, apparently that doesn't happen. remember, this is five officers and one person who they told in their report, they pulled over for reckless driving. we have, of course, no evidence of anything yet, because we haven't seen the video ourselves.
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but they were certainly fired for violating policy of the police department. that is what the police department would have to use to fire these officers. but i think the reason why you are getting charges before the video is put out, video expected to put -- to be put out on friday and charges coming today is to give the community what they've been asking for, which is transparency, and action. they wanted to see charges in this case, they believe that they should see charges in this case. especially because of the police chief herself has said what she saw from her own officers was inhumane. so, you know right there that something is very, very, very wrong with what happened in what was allegedly just a traffic stop. so, and now we've heard that dispatch audio, a bit of it.
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as to what happened. but we are all waiting to see for ourselves what happened. the family has already seen it. and are completely and utterly zrushed by it. the family attorneys have said that it looked like police were treating tyre nichols has a pinata. and we heard from benjamin crump, one of the family attorneys who said this beating looks very much like or is akin to the 1991 police beating of rodney king in los angeles. now you'll remember what happened after that in los angeles. there was a huge uprising that turned violent. there is a question about whether that is going to happen not only in this community, but across the country. once this video is released. everybody is bracing themselves but they are also trying to quell this. the way to help the community get flew this is to be transparent and to put forth immediate action once they see
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if laws were broken to charge the officers. that seems to be what is happening now. we talked to community leaders, a pastor from the mississippi boulevard christian church, who told us that, you know, he is very concerned about things blowing up, but if the transparency is there, if there is the ability of people to be able to talk to the authorities including the district attorney from this community, that hopefully that will have a big effect on the way that people respond once they see this really horrific video, kate. >> things are moving quickly. this is important reporting of what we'll be learning at 3:00. i think we -- i'm told don lemon is joining us on the phone. this is your reporting. what more are you learning? >> reporter: well, we're learning, again, what you're reporting that charges are expected to be announced today at 2:00 against these officers. i spoke to a source saying,
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listen, if my -- if someone i knew or was representing was involved in this, a source close to the investigation is saying that somebody will be charged. and somebody should be expected to go to jail and when that happens, first there's an indictment, then that indictment will trigger -- there has to be an arrest warrant issued and that will trigger a surrendering or an apprehension, anything to come after that. so if you're logically thinking about this, kate, the charges would be announced after the charges are announced, there would be this process that triggers this either surrendering or an on henkes and thus the press conference after the press conference that is going to happen from the district attorney, so the officers' representative, the officers and their representatives are waiting, word from the district attorney.
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once the district attorney has said what he is going to say at this press conference, then they will react accordingly to whatever is announced and so those charges are expected to be announced and then that will trigger what happens next in this investigation. also, according to a source, unless you catch, you know, a camera or video of these officers at their homes or in some other places, you will not see them going in to turn themselves over because of safety issues and there are private entrances in order to get into the facilities. so unless there is some chance meeting of these officers, you won't see that. also, the release of the videotape, the plan as of now according to a source with knowledge of the investigation is to release the videotape tomorrow on a friday, on friday
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and not today. that is the plan as of now as they're meeting trying to coordinate and figure it out. that could change but that is the plan as of now so you see this investigation now rolling, picking up steam and so it will culminate now into the announcement of charges, we'll see exactly what those charges are and then after those charges, the surrendering of the officers to either turn themselves in or the apprehension and then the following day the plan is to release the videotape and if all goes as planned because this is more coordinated than any of the police involved beatings or shootings or any of the things that we cover, this has been better coordinated than most and they're hoping that this will stem to tamp down on the possibility of vice to handle it in this -- they're going by the book with this. the police chief is trying to do what she can in order to lower
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the temperature on this and do everything by the book. police chief not giving any interviews, releasing video statements and putting any sort of reaction, response, statement out via their social media only. if there's going to be any interview from the police chief, that will happen much later, it's not going to happen now while tensions are high and when they're trying to figure out what comes next when it comes to these officers and also don't forget, we have two members of the fire department as well who are involved in this. >> that's right. don, thank you so much for your great reporting and thanks for jumpingen. i appreciate it. stick with me. cnn chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst john miller is here as well. john, what do you make of where we are right now and what we've learned? >> i think what you're seeing is a plan coming together, a lot of that is because of what sara said which is they're trying to figure out what can we do to choreograph this in a way to
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give us the least chance of violence or disorder. the best chance of communicating, so as don laid out there is a process, grand jury is going to take grand jury action. that would come in the form of indictments. the district attorney would announce those charges. this has been pushed back a little later in the day, probably for the mechanics of the operation. >> would you describe this as fast? are you surprised at the speed at all? are you surprised at the coordination? are you surprised that criminal charges are going to be announced before the video is released? what do you think? >> i think there is a process here, and when you look at -- they did a swift investigation by the tennessee bureau of investigation outside the memphis pd, handed that over to the pd. the chief very quickly fired all of the officers. that's usually something that takes a lot longer. that was a clear sign. they have done a fairly rapid
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grand jury investigation that's unfolded just in a few weeks, but you have advantages here which is you have the advantage of probably multiple video angles, one from a pole camera. others from possibly body cameras, so -- >> pole camera would give an important view. >> the overview and this is a memphis police pole camera that seem to be just in the right place at just the right time. i think when we see that, that will probably give us the clearest oversue but you'll have the officers surrender, they'll be booked. there will be court things that have to follow. >> do they get bail? what. >> so, bail is going to be complicated here in that, of course, they have roots in the community, and, of course, they're going to be argued to be less of a flight risk. on the other hand, there's going to be a safety issue for them if they are put into custody. there's going to be safety issues for them if they are not in custody.
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so this is given the seriousness of the charges, which could be murder one, could be murder two, could be involuntary manslaughter, could be a combination of the three and that's the part we have to wait to get through. why are they doing this this way to get back to the core of your question, announcing the charges sends this message to the general public that the wheels of justice are turning, turning fairly quickly for the system they operate in and that these are going to be very serious charges. that gives them a whole day to do community outreach before they release that video. >> john, thanks for running up. i appreciate it. we'll have a very big moment coming up, charges -- the announcement this afternoon with the district attorney, don lemon is reporting. we'll include an announcement of criminal charges. we'll continue this. our breaking news coverage continues on "inside politics" with john king after this break.
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hello and welcome to "inside politics." i'm john king in washington. thank you fo


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