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tv   Giuliani What Happened to Americas Mayor  CNN  January 21, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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quickly by the police, which happened, and i think it is telling that most of these people are not from atlanta. not even from georgia. these organizations, those who want to disrupt peaceful protest often come in to interrupt. so it looks like it's under control now, but the distinction between, oh, going after cop cars or buildings really is not a distinction that is knowable in realtime. you simply don't know how this will escalate. and that is why the police have to deal with it as if it were -- as if it were just violence, if that's what it is. >> david, do you know if more protests are planned? >> i mean, i -- you know, i follow social media, and i'm sure there will be more protests. but you know, to be clear, i'm not condoning the property
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destruction or any of that. i -- and i agree that the police had to stop it. and, you know, that makes perfect sense. i guess, you know -- the one thing i would be curious about, though, is what -- why is the distinction of people being from out of town so important? i mean, the first amendment certainly applies to the people out of town as well. their contention would be that these are national issues, that the questions around policing, around the environmental issues, the construction of the police training facility, all of these issues are national, and in fact global issues. so i'm confused a little bit sometimes when there's so much emphasis placed on people being from out of town, as if that takes away their right to protest. >> yeah, what do you make of that, juliette? we did hear the police sort of
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emphasize that point. >> here's why the police were emphasizing it, and i totally agree with david, these are national issues, you're going to have people from out of state. if you have a community protest around, say, a community facility, you would assume that most of the members are from the community. they also want to protect their community, they do not want this kind of vandalism as we have seen in the past. it benefits no one who lives near the community or in the community for this kind of violence. i mean, this kind of behavior. so then if your pool of arrested people, the people who are actually instigating, happened to all be from out of state, that's telling you, from a law enforcement purpose, that, in fact, this is not community engagement, this is not a local protest. people are coming in, and those people are 100% of the people arrested. which would suggest then that this is a group that doesn't have ties to the protest,
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doesn't have ties to the community. and that's why it's of relevance. because it's not people can't come in to plan that to protest, it's why are almost all the arrestees from out of state? that suggests one of two things. and we don't know yet who these people are. an organization that is more radical than the community organization, would yous eye lens, an organization that opposes police or police training facility. or an organization that wants to make the protesters look bad. as we've seen this in past cases as well. i am just laying out the range of possibilities at this stage, but it is very relevant if all those arrested were from out of state. >> juliette kayam, david piesner, thank you both. this is cnn breaking news. >> top of the hour, i'm pamela brown, you are in the "cnn
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newsroom" on this busy saturday night. breaking news, fbi investigators on friday found additional classified material while conducting a search of president joe biden's will meeting ton, delaware, home. cnn's arlette saenz is in rehoboth beach, delaware. what more are we learning about this, arlette? >> reporter: pamela, president biden's personal attorney, bob bauer, revealed this evening that more materials bearing classified markings were found at his wilmington, delaware, home during a search that was conducted yesterday by the department of justice. sources say specifically that this search was carried out by officials from the fbi. really marking an extraordinary moment where the fbi is searching through the home of a c current sitting president. this search was done in full cooperation with president biden's personal attorneys, both his personal attorneys and attorneys from the white house counsel's office were on-site for this search. bob bauer said that they opened
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up the home so that they could -- the justice department could search through all quarters of the home. that includes the living, the working, and the storage areas. i want to read you a bit detailing what this search consisted of, what kinds of materials they were looking through. bob bauer said in a statement, "doj had full access to the president's home, including personally handwritten notes, files, papers, binders, memorabilia, to-do lists, schedules, reminders going back decades. doj took possession of materials it deemed within the scope of its inquiry, including six items consisting of documents with classification markings and surrounding materials. some of which were from the president's service in the senate, some of which were from his tenure as vice president. doj also took for further review personally handwritten notes from the vice presidential years." now, this search which was conducted yesterday over the course of nearly 13 hours marks
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the fifth instance where documents were found at either the wilmington residence or that personal office at the penn biden center in washington, d.c. there is a pretty lengthy timeline between which all of these searches were conducted. the very first search conducted on november 2nd at that washington, d.c. think tank. then a month later searches began at the personal home in wilmington. then additional searches just last week in january. what's also significant about this is that it was actually conducted by the justice department. all of those previous searches had been conducted by personal attorneys for president biden. but it really marks a remarkable moment as this investigation continues to play out. we've seen this drip, drip, drip nature of revelations of the discoveries of these classified documents. and that is something that the white house has faced some criticism for. the fact that they weren't initially revealing when that
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very first discovery happened on november 2nd. it wasn't until media reports just this very month that that first came to light. president biden was asked specifically about that and whether he has any regrets with how the white house has handled disclosing this classified document saga, take a listen. >> [ inaudible ] november before the midterms? >> hang on. okay, look. we found a handful of documents were filed in the wrong place. we're fully cooperating, looking forward to getting this resolved quickly. i think you're going to find there's nothing there. i have no regrets, i'm following what the lawyers have told me they want me to do. it's exactly what we're doing. there's no there there. >> reporter: the president trying to make clear what we've also heard from the personal attorneys and the white house counsel. they are trying to cooperate
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every step of the way with the justice department. one thing that they have been trying to do is draw in implicit contrast with the way they're handling it versus the way former president donald trump has handled the classified documents that were at his mar-a-lago home. of course, there is a special counsel also looking into him and looking into whether there was obstruction that went on with former president donald trump. but what the biden lawyers what president biden are trying to say is they're trying to follow the book here. they're trying to cooperate as the justice department needs. but certainly this constant trickling out of information is always presenting new challenges for the white house as they're still trying to grapple with this issue. this is all things that the special counsel investigation could unearth and look into in the coming months. >> we should note that the drip, drip could continue because there are other properties connected to joe biden that the fbi, to our knowledge, has not
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searched. thank you, arlette. we have a number of experts to discuss. cnn senior crime and justice reporter kaitlin polant. former fbi director andrew mccabe. former u.s. assistant attorney alec koenig. i want to talk about what we heard from arlette, emphasizing the cooperation aspect. it is clear that the white house is going above and beyond to say, hey, this is different. look, i know we have a special counsel investigation into biden's handling of the classified documents. this is so different, though, from what's going on with donald trump. we are cooperating, we're being forthcoming, we are -- we opened the door for the fbi to come in and search the property. but no doubt about it, this is still a significant development. now you have the fbi searching the former president's home and the current president's home, different circumstances, one under a search warrant, the other with consent. but still.
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>> yeah. absolutely, pam. it's unprecedented. it is almost unthinkable, about of this crazy time we're living in today. but to be clear are the biden team has gone out of their way to respond to this issue on the legal side as differently as they possibly can in every way from the trump team's response in the mar-a-lago documents case. i think this is the most recent and most extreme example. they basically invited the department of justice and the fbi in, handed them the keys to the house, and said, have fun, we're going to rehoboth for the weekend. and that's what they did. by doing that, it's very -- it's a smart move because it takes them -- it takes the pressure off of the biden team from being responsible for telling the world how many documents there are, how many more there might be, did we find any more lately?
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they can step back and say, we're done, at least with this location. the justice department and the fbi came in, they took everything they wanted, we didn't resist, we gave them whatever they were interested in, now it's up to them and special counsel rob hur to decide what to do about it. i might expect we might see those sort of consent searches at the other locations that have been of interest, particularly the penn biden office where the first tranche of documents was found, then of course the rehoboth residence where nothing has been found so far. but we'll see. i think it's the same, what we've seen from the biden team from the beginning, trying to cooperate proactively in every way they can. >> right. and on that note, new year's the pr part of this. from a pr perspective, this is really bad. this drip, drip, drip. now the fifth time we're learning a batch of classified information was found at a biden property. when it comes to the cooperation angle, it is clear that the biden white house is trying to
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influence the court of public opinion, to make that clear, this is different. but in terms of doj investigators, how much does that factor in, the cooperation of joe biden and his team in this case, ellie? >> pam, it's better to cooperate than not cooperate. by all appearances, joe biden's team is trying to cooperate. two things. first of all, they're cooperating quite ineptly thus far. this is the fifth separate batch of documents found in five separate locations between the residence and the office. that is just bad news for joe biden any way you put it. and the fact that joe biden's team is trying to cooperates does not wipe the slate clean. it doesn't mean, well, they're cooperating, hence no problem with the documents. this is a real problem. because it gets harder and harder, the more document that is are found, the more different locations, it gets tougher and tougher to write this off as an accident. we just heard the clip of joe biden saying, well, it was a small batch of documents that was filed improperly.
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how do you explain that for five separate sets of documents that were now found? yes, good that they're cooperating. that's a little bit different than donald trump. but they're not doing a great job cooperating, number one. number two, it doesn't mean everything's all good and they're in the clear. >> that's a really important point. kaitlin, you've been covering the story, what's your take? >> we're talking about the differences here. one of the things, cooperation, we keep talking about, that's what the white house is saying today there has been, that is what the record appears to be happening. there's no search warrant, no subpoena. but when you look at what's under investigation here, it's the same thing in both of these investigations. donald trump's and joe biden's. it's whether there was mishandling of classified records. when you look at the law there, it says in the law that if there is a chargeable case, there's willful retention. there would have to be some sort of willful retention. i've been talking to people about how often this happens. unfortunately, this does happen in the federal government where
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classified records are found in people's homes, outside of the office, unprotected locations. obviously it's much more alarming when it's the president of the united states, the former president, and his home. however, no one gets charged if they're handing them back to the federal government. that is not something that you see in the history of cases here. people get charged when they won't give them back or whenever they're concealing things from the justice department. going back through the documentation that we have on what happened in the trump investigation leading up to that search, under a search warrant, following a subpoena, asking for them to hand over more documents. and at that time, in august of last year, the justice department was already saying that they had developed evidence that government records may have been concealed and removed and that there was possible obstruction. that is a different thing. >> that is so different. my reporting that is they subpoenaed the video showing
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someone moving the classified documents. so again, very different case. important perspective there as viewers at home try to digest this unprecedented situation here. just the fact that the president's private residence was searched is unprecedented in modern history, as far as i know. the backdrop of the trump investigation. the parallels there and the key differences there. you're talking about as well, how does the fact that the fbi searched the residence, how does this impact the investigation? what is the -- how does this elevate anything legally or politically for joe biden? >> yeah, well, in both these -- obviously there is quite a bit of political fallout with the drip, drip, drip of information, that they still are finding additional records. on the legal side, what they're doing now is continuing their investigation. that's going to build in to what they're going to want to talk
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did people about. it's all going to become the facts of whatever they might be looking about. whether they may or may not have a chargeable case. at this point in time, as far as we know, it appears that there is cooperation here. this opening up of the doors. we'll have to see if this escalates. in both these cases, they're on different timelines. the trump investigation has been going on for many, many months. that subpoena that the justice department still believes donald trump and his team, they have not complied with, is eight months old at this point. >> good point. >> this situation is still quite young. we're going to have to see where it goes from here. but the justice department's going to keep investigating both these things. >> you used to be in the fbi. you were involved in a lot of investigations. as we see this play out, what would be some of the key questions you would have as an investigator with the biden investigation? >> well, pam, as those of us who
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have been involved in these investigations know, they come down to the issue of intent. as kaitlin mentioned just a few minutes ago. so every time classified material ends up someplace that it's not supposed to be, you have a problem on your hands. the vast majority of those times when you begin the investigation, conduct a damage assessment, to understand how things got outside of an authorize the storage fa sellty, the vast majority of the time what you find it to be is inadvertent, somebody took something in their bag, when they got home called the office, saying they have something they shouldn't have. that's why most of these cases don't get charged criminally. that's at the heart of this distinction right now between how the biden team is handling these things, adeptly or inadeptly, and how the trump team handled theirs.
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donald trump's response to the interactions with the national archives, to the interactions with the department of justice, to the search warrant itself, kind of he painted himself into a corner of not being able to rely on any sort of defense of inadvert tense. he's publicly stated the things were his, that he retained them intentionally. it's entirely different on the other side of the equation. okay, admittedly a difference that voters might not appreciate on the political side. but nevertheless, the biden team has maintained they didn't know they had this stuff, it was all inadvertent. i agree with ellie, as we get more and more documents, that excuse becomes harder and harder to take. but nevertheless, rob hur and his team are going to be stuck trying to look for evidence of the intentional retention, removal of classified documents of national defense information. and so far, we don't have any strong indications that that's
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present in this case. >> right. but the bottom line is, we don't know what exactly is in these documents. that is still a big question mark. >> we don't. >> it makes it really hard to assess the seriousness as well, right? >> that's right. >> to be transparent with our viewers what we know what we don't know. we'll be back on the other end of the break. humpty dumpty does it with a great fall. wonderfupistachios. get crackin'
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only at kay. breaking news, the
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president's personal attorney says more classified documents have been found at the president's home in wilmington. two days ago the president said he's cooperating with the investigation, and there's nothing to it. take a listen. >> [ inaudible ] november before the midterms? >> hang on, okay, look. as we found a handful of documents were filed in the wrong place. we're fully cooperating, looking forward to getting this resolved quickly. i think you're going to find there's nothing there. i have no regrets. i'm following what the lawyers have told me they want me to do. it's exactly what we're doing. there's no there there. >> cnn political commentators alice stewart, maria cardona. the president saying there's no there there. he doesn't have regrets. is that really persuasive enough at this point? >> i think if you look at how the president has handled this, yeah, i think it is.
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because there is a huge night and day difference here, pam. not just in how the president's team has handled this. let's remember that it was the president's personal attorneys who invited doj to come in and they opened up the bidens' house and they didn't say anything per doj protocols. they have been open. they have been cooperative. they have been collaborative. and that is a night and day difference between how they have handled it and how the trump team has handled it. there is also a night and day difference on intent. if there was nefarious intent here, they would not have opened up the bidens' home so casually and so openly the way that they did. there's also a night and day difference here on character, pam. i think this is the bottom line for american voters. and yes, it's disconcerting that there have been classified documents found, frankly, anywhere outside of where they should be.
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i'm sure this is disconcerting for the president and that's why he has had his lawyers and his team first and foremost be very open and collaborative with this whole process, with doj's protocols. they have been absolutely transparent when it comes to that. because the american voters can see a huge difference on character between biden and between trump, who has been nefarious, malicious, from the very start on this same issue. >> transparency, they weren't transparent in the beginning. i mean, the public didn't find out until it was reported by the media twice. the first batch, then there was a second batch, then the white house had to say, oh, yeah, that was found too, in december, and this is the fifth time now we're finding out about classified -- a batch of classified documents being found. can you concede that this is embarrassing from a pr perspective of how it's been handled by the white house? >> well, i think more importantly, the president's lawyers are focused on
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transparency with the investigators. with the law enforcement entity that is actually in charge of all of this. they have been absolutely transparent with the national archives, with the doj, with the fbi. for them, and i think this is the right thing to do, that is absolutely first and foremost their priority. they have now started to be very open with the public. you just announced the additional documents that have been found. so they are focused on making sure that they are cooperating with the investigators so as not to give up any of the integrity on this investigation. and then secondly, to be as open and transparent with the public as they can be. again, per those same doj protocols. again, night and day difference here, pam, on protocols, on intent, and on character when it comes to biden and trump. >> look, there are some parallels but a lot of the distinctions here, alice. it is true that the fbi searched mar-a-lago after a search
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warrant was issued by a judge because they had evidence that classified documents were being moved from a storage unit after there was a subpoena, after a trump attorney said everything had been turned over. there are some important differences. republicans are coming down on hard on biden, but where was this outrage with trump? doesn't their failure to criticize trump make this politics as usual in their protests? >> i was very critical of former president trump and his handling of documents. i think it was wrong did mishandle documents. me, from my perspective, i think just the sheer mishandling of classified documents is problematic require think it is laughable to make these comparisons with regard to the sheer fact of mishandling classified documents is a problem. where if you create this offense, you should face the consequences. i've talked with many republican members of the house this evening since this news came out. they are extremely concerned about this.
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they say the drip, drip, drip is not drying up. and in fact, also on top of this, we had biden's chief of staff announce that he is leaving the administration shortly. they don't see that as unrelated to this document scandal. look, you have a president that came into office promising transparency and truth to government. this has been far from transparent. as they say, there's no there there, but we had the current press secretary say recently that the search is completed. we had the president say that he is securing the documents along with his sports car. look, all of that pales in comparison to the truth of this matter, that he has mishandled classified documents. this is not a partisan issue, this is not a fact that i'm republican and maria is a democrat, this is an american issue about our national security and the fact that we continue to have additional documents discovered and found in a private residence, that is
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a national security concern. and i don't care if this president and his attorneys and the administration says that they are cooperating and they are allowing the doj to come in. that does not matter. the truth is that they continue to find classified -- >> it does matter, though. >> before we go on, i need to say something. that the white house says ron klain, the president's chief of staff's departure, expected departure, does not have to do with this investigation. >> yeah. >> there will still be republicans who will not believe that, but it is important to note that is what the white house is saying. but hold on, i want to get to alice is saying, look, this is about national security, this isn't about politics. but, you know, there are people who have watched all this play out with trump, now biden, who are maybe looking at how the democrats are responding saying, you can't have it both ways. the democrats were attacking trump, will they stick when biden has to defend his own behavior?
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what do you think? >> yes, absolutely it will stick, pam. because my dear friend alice is talking about how republicans are now up in arms. i'm sorry, but that laughable. because when they were confronted with the more than 300 documents that will donald trump took, stole, and then lied about and continues to lie about and says he doesn't want to turn them over and says they're his and says he didn't do anything wrong. that is, i mean -- if there is another, better comparison between -- that focuses on how different something is other than night and day, i'd like to find it. because this is exactly what that is. this could not be more different than how trump handled it. and alice is right, this is not a partisan issue. this should not be a partisan issue. and i was glad when she was outraged about how trump was so malicious and nefarious and uncaring about how he treated the classified documents. biden has not done that.
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biden invited the doj and the fbi and all of the investigators into his home to take a look. that, same sorry -- >> it was probably between that and a search warrant being executed. intent is important here and that is what investigators are looking at. >> i can just say, look, again, the comparisons and the what-ism is going to be natural. i will be the first to admit, as i've said many times, the volume regarding former president trump is much greater and the secrecy is much greater. there is a special counsel investigation looking into that. what we are talking about today and this weekend is a special counsel investigation of the current president who said there is no there there, and there apparently is something there. and let me remind everyone that when this was going on with the former president, president biden said said, how could anyone be so irresponsible with
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classified documents? that's the question we need to be asking the current president, how could he be so irresponsible? and it is one thing for him to say that it was accidental. it was not done on purpose. but the sheer fact remains, this was an irresponsible handling of class tied documents and there needs to be consequences for such. >> all right, alison -- >> that's why there's a special investigator on it. >> i think we can all agree -- >> thank you, pam. >> these class tied documents should have never ended up in prive residences of the current president or former president, and that in and of itself was irresponsible. thank you very much. much more ahead and another story we're following closely, chilling new details about the man accused of fatally stabbing four college students and how he may have tracked the victims. with leading ultra-capacity 5g coverage. t-mobile for business has 5g that's s ready right now.
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more classified documents found at president biden's home in delaware. the fbi conducted the then-hour search yesterday with the consent of biden's attorneys. the president's personal attorney, bob bauer, says the justice department has taken possession of six items. they consist of documents with classification markings. also surrounding materials. bauer says some dated back to biden's time in the u.s. senate, others from his tenure as vice
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president. the search was overseen by u.s. attorney john loush, a trump appointee who has been handling the initial review of the doj's new probe while robert hur transitioned to his role as special counsel. in idaho, chilling new details are emerging about the man accused of fatally stabbing four college students. "people" magazine is now reporting that bryan kohberger followed all three of the female victims on instagram. and the suspect allegedly reached out to one of the women repeatedly just two weeks before the killings. cnn's camila bernal has the latest. >> reporter: a couple of new details in this case, and they are important because authorities have yet to confirm whether bryan kohberger and the victims had any sort of relationship or any sort of interaction. so of course everybody is trying to connect the dots. essentially that's what "people" magazine has done. they say bryan kohberger followed three of the victims on instagram. the three girls. they also say that the girls did not follow bryan kohberger back
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on instagram. and in addition to that, "people" magazine reporting that bryan kohberger messaged one of the girls on instagram multiple times about two weeks before the killings. she did not respond. it's unclear if she didn't see the messages or simply did not want to respond. another thing that "people" magazine article is saying is that bryan kohberger visited the restaurant where two of the girls worked. that was mad greek. we've previously reported the two girls worked at this restaurant. but it is a commonplace to be, essentially, it is right on main street. a lot of the students and people who live in moscow and pullman, washington, visit this area. so it is unclear whether bryan kohberger had interactions with two of these girls at the restaurant. now, it is also important to point out that the restaurant is saying that the article, that the "people" magazine reporting, is untrue. they released a lengthy statement. i want to read part of it where they say, "we all decided
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collectively to support the families and not share anything that could potentially harm the investigation or cause the families more stress. they are not the only ones that are not speaking out about this. there is a broad and sweeping gag order that does not allow people connected to this case or close to this case to speak out publicly. and then a couple of other things to remember here. bryan kohberger is charged with four counts of murder. he has not entered a plea yet. and we do know that he is expected in court in june for a preliminary hearing. so we'll have to wait and see how this court process plays out. we will likely not get a lot of information from authorities because of this gag order. >> camilla, thank you. update on tonight's breaking news. an fbi search of president biden's home in delaware has turned up more classified documents. a closer look at what it means a closer look at what it means that means that your goals are ours too. and vanguard retirement tools and advice
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asked whether he should have disclosed it sooner, said he didn't have regret. now we're learning of another batch of classified documents being found, the fifth time being found at his private residence in wilmington after an fbi search that was done with the consent of biden's team. politically this is causing more damage for biden and the white house given the drip, drip, trip. as dana bash said on this show, at some point the drip, drip, drip turns into flooding. >> right, right. that drip, drip, drip is creating that water that's going to stack up if this doesn't stop. and that's what's been so damaging about this for the biden white house. on top of the fact that this is an administration that really has promoted their commitment to transparency, they had also promoted their ability to really be the grownups in the room and know how to run a federal government and the contrasts to the last administration. this story also won't go away.
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you mentioned this is the fifth time that wave heard of a discovery at a place related to the bidens that's just more head headlines, more lack of clarity, more questions, this prolonging of this that they certainly, the people in the white house, do not want to talk about. we know that president biden, barring a major change in plans, is preparing to announce his re-election bid in the coming months. this is not the time for this white house to be focused on something like this. >> on that note, jeremy, do you get any sense talking to white house sources that this could impact the timing of the president's announcement for a run for re-election? or just making the announcement in and of itself? what are you hearing? >> well, look. up until recently what they have been saying is that their plans have not changed in terms of an announcement some time after the state of the union address. at the same time, it's important to note they haven't picked an actual date yet. so they have some flexibility there, especially if more information surfaces.
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and certainly the search of the president's home today by the fbi, the fact that that search turned up additional documents, despite the fact that it had already been searched by the president's personal attorneys at least twice over the last couple of months, certainly raisess the specter and possibility of the fbi conducting additional searches of some of the other areas, including the penn biden center where they found classified documents, perhaps even the president's home in rehoboth beach, delaware, where no classified documents were found. but that space was also only searched by the president's personal attorney. so there's certainly that possibility. now, one of the things that i think is important to note is that these six classified documents were found nine days after the last search of the president's home in wilmington, delaware. during that search, when the attorneys found that additional classified document which ended up being six pages of classified documents, they then suspended their search of that space.
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so there's a big question here of whether or not these additional six documents that were found today, were those documents found in that same space, that adjacent -- that room adjacent to the garage where they found those documents in the final search by the president's personal attorneys? or were they elsewhere in the home? if they were elsewhere in the home, that suggests that the search by the president's attorneys was not as intensive as what fbi officials would do, and it certainly raises the chances of other locations that the president owns being searched as well. >> you do have to wonder, sungmen in washington, we're reporters covering politics and the white house. of course we're going to be all over this story. it is historic, right? you have the private residence of a sitting president being investigated and searched by the fbi. but at the same time, the real reality is, outside of washington, right, you know, people are dealing with the rising price of eggs, worried about child care. >> right. >> how much, long-term, will
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this really impact -- do you think that will impact the president politically? >> right, and that's what white house aides are trying to focus on right now. they've tried to steer our attention, certainly during press briefings, and other conversations, to the accomplishments the biden white house has achieved the last two years, their upcoming objectives. there's major events on abortion tomorrow on the 50th anniversary of roe v. wade. but the fact is that obviously, competence and transparency and handling of proper government processes, as dry as that may sound, that is a part of, a big part of a white house -- how the public judges the white house. so it remains to be seen how much this ultimately damages the president politically, but certainly you're going to hear about this a lot from republicans and especially headlines too, especially as more documents are found.
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>> i want to talk to you, jeremy, about ron klain, the president's chief of staff, reporting tonight he is expected to leave soon. our understanding is this is unrelated to what's going on with the classified document investigation, but republicans are going to try to connect the two. >> yeah, they are. i think we heard alice stewart doing exactly that with you a little bit ago. and that certainly is smart political strategy. talking to sources close to the white house over the last several weeks, it's been clear that ron klain was likely to depart, and that's certainly something that's been brewing for some time. he's someone who maintains a pretty insane work schedule, frankly, for two years straight. i think it's more a matter of that, than anything else. but it is going to be interesting. this is a time of incredible heated -- there's a huge microscope over this white house right now. to have this kind of major shift
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in staff at the same time is going to be something to watch. ron klain has been at president biden's side throughout these two years, more impactful than just about anybody else in terms of getting biden's agenda through. now that you shift to this period of preparing to announce the re-election campaign, with this investigation hanging over the white house, you're going to need somebody with a deft political hand to manage all of that. certainly to continue to staff president biden and ensure that the white house continues to move full steam ahead as they try and show that they're working, focusing on governing while this investigation is going on on a separate track. >> right. sungmen, to jeremy's point, it could be unrelated. the white house that is said this is unrelated to the investigation, but the timing really, could it be worse for biden, for his chief of staff to be leaving? >> right, right. i mean, if you contrast the top headlines on ap's page right now, it that is ron klain is
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expected to leave the white house imminently and that more of these documents were found at the home. when we were talking with sources, the white house was not eager to have this klain news leak out today. so certainly, you know, there will be dots that will try to be connected by certainly opponents of this white house to try to make something there there. but yes, you know, the timing did not look great for this white house in terms of the news. and a lot -- that's what happens with, like we said several times before on the show, the drip, drip, drip. there's -- there could be something going on, and then yet more revelations of these documents could really upend whatever else is happening in this administration. >> yeah, and you have to think administration officials are nervous that the fbi will likely do searches at other properties
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connected to biden such as the ten penn biden center and other residences. it is possible the drip, drip, drip will continue. we shall see. there's a lot of news on this saturday in january, wow. swearmy diamond, sungmen kim, great to have you on and hear your thoughts and analysis on the breaking news tonight. thank you both. ahead, much more on our breaking news. another story just in to cnn. embattled congressman george santos is talking tonight about photos and claims that he worked as a drag queen. what he's saying up next.
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jeremy diamond, seung min kim, as a drag queen. jeremy diamond, seung min kim,
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as a drag queen. etlyn polantz k
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kaetlyn polantz test. embatte santos is speaking out tonight on bizarre new claims that he performed as a drag queen when he lived in brazil several years ago. the openly gay republican who has cast himself as a staunch conservative on many social issues fired back at reporters tonight. he says the recent images that appear to show him cross dressing are being misconstrued by the media. >> congressman, were you ever a drag queen in brazil? >> no, way is not a drag queen
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in brazil, guys. i was young and i had fun at a festival. sue me for having a life. >> santos ignored a question on whether he's spoken recently with republican house speaker kevin mccarthy. you are in the "cnn newsroom" on saturday night. next hour, much more on our breaking news. what a night it has been. new classified documents were found at the wilmington home of president biden after an fbi search on friday. supply fuel for immune cells and sustain titissue health. ensure with twenty-five vitamins and minerals, and ensurere complete with thirty grams of protein.
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