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tv   At This Hour With Kate Bolduan  CNN  January 9, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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this is cnn breaking news. >> hello, everyone. >> i'm kate bolduan, thanks for being here-w at this hour. we're going to begin with breaking news on donald trump. the special grand jury in fulton county, georgia has completed its investigation now into trump's efforts and all of those
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around trump to over turn the 2020 election results in that state. we do not yet know the results of this special grand jury's findings but with do know there is a hearing on the books. the judge has scheduled it for later this month to decide whether the grand jury's report should be made public. the final decision on whether to bring any charges against trump or anyone for that matter will be made by the fulton county district attorney fannie willis. and sarah, what are you hearing about this? what is this judge saying? >> well we knew they were working on this final report and now the judge is saying their work is completed, that the special grand jury has been resolved. they were seated in may of 2022. they had the power to subpoena witnesses, and they the power to gather evidence, they have been doing this and they have now completed this final report. but again, prosecutors will get to see, but it is an open question whether the public will get to see it. that is something that we're
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talking about later on this month. and in that hearing. but this is an investigation that started with the now infamous phone call that donald trump made to georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger asking raffensperger to help him find the votes. take a listen to a portion of the call. >> all i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,780 votes. which is one more than we have. >> now district attorney fannie willis said after that call she felt she had to open this investigation. it is a expanded though well beyond the call to include the fake elector scheme, to include making presentations that were riddled with conspiracy theories about the election before state lawmakers, to include efforts by unauthorized people to access voting machines in at least one county. so there is a lot that this grand jury has been pouring over. everyone is very eager to see what is in the final report and to see if they recommended any
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indictments. if so, the district attorney could then pursue those charges. >> stick with us. and you have great perspective on the long investigation. and joining us right now is michael moore, a former u.s. attorney for the middle district of georgia. it is good to see you. >> good to see you. >> what do you think could be in this final -- in this grand jury final report? of course it has not been made public but could charging recommendations be included? >> yeah, well i'm glad to be with you. i think it is likely that there are charging recommendations in the report. remember that the report really is an instrument not just for the grand jury but for the d.a. and the prosecutors have had their hands all over it. the grand jury is not sitting in there with notepads listed out everything they want to have and somebody is typing this up at night. this is something that is done in conjunction with the prosecutor's office, getting them the wishing of the grand jury and any specific questions or comments they have about the evidence that was presented to them.
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so prosecutor knows what is in the report. no question about it. but at the same time, i also will kind of put the cautious instruction out there, this is the beginning of the process. the evidence presented to the grand jury, and the witness testimony presented to the special grand jury has not been challenged, it has not been tested by cross-examination or other defense counsel efforts. so this is the beginning of what we would see in a normal case. that is that is the prosecutor has to see if she's going to seek a regular indictment. i don't think we'll see a special report with no recommendations in it. the question will be who have te recommended that she charge. and on what charges. >> that is actually right. and also, michael, sarah was laying out there is a court date set for the parties involved to argue over whether the report should be made public. do you, michael, think it will? what do those arguments look like? >> well, i think it is a dangerous precedent for the
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judge to make it public in this case. in georgia we have an open record statute. and one of the reasons that we don't see investigative materials and investigate reports in any pending criminal case is because the statute said that is a reason not to disclose information until the case is concluded. so this would really change precedent and sort of, i guess, be an argument that you would see media organizations and defense counsel making from now on. if it is the normal thing now to release investigative materials before we get to a grand jury, we're going ask for that in every case. so there is a strong argument that this ought to remain in the press and the prosecutor that she could consider it and that she could then make her decision about moving forward with the regular grand jury. it's a double-edged sword, if it comes out public, it will justify her effort and expense this far. but at the same time it puts pressure on her to follow the
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specific recommendations of the special purpose grand jury that she asked to be convened in the case. while she may make some statements about making the report public, secretly she's hoping to make it private and decide what she could present to the regular grand jury. >> that is very interesting. and sarah, you could remind people the long list of the big names who were called and some of them forced after legal battles to try to avoid it to appear before this special grand jury. >> yeah. i mean, we've seen a lot of big names go into this grand jury. we don't know everyone who has gone in there and they've heard from many witnesses. but we know that rudy giuliani was one of the people who showed up before the grand jury. we nor that boris epstein who is another attorney to former president trump was there. south carolina senator lindsey graham fought this tooth and nail. he appeared before the grand jury. brad raffensperger and brian kemp and mark meadow was ordered to appear after he had been fighting a subpoena for his appearance as well. so they got information from a number of these people and one
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of the things that we heard from witnesses is that the grand jury was very involved in sort of asking these witnesses follow-up questions. they had very clearly been read in on the materials. so as mike was saying, they work with the district attorney to pull together this final report. but witnesses have described a very active grand jury throughout this process. >> absolutely. and michael, of course, as you mentioned, the big question will be how and when anyone learned if this years' long investigation leads to an indictment. just on that question of timing, when do you think we would know? >> well, i think that the district attorney is probably been working on the indictments as we speak. since they know what is in the report. so it is simple to call together a grand jury, in a regular criminal term and make a fairly concise presentation to a grand jury. to make a case before regular criminal grand jury, she would have to lay out every witness and every piece of evidence. she could do that in a summary presentation. so she could bring in a couple
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of a witnesses and some recording statements if she wants to, some documents if she has them and lay out the findings that were made by the special purpose grand jury. and any other investigative find that she's made. so she could get an indictment within a couple of days, i think. and her team will take a month or two to develop the case a little further. once the decision is made about the report and then if indictments are going to come out, i think you'll see them certainly by spring. >> it was also, sarah, just to wrap it up, it was said by a lot of smart legal minds throughout -- over the last year that this really was the investigation that the people around donald trump were most nervous about, most concerned about and a lot of -- and a lot of legal analysts saying that they should be most concerned about it in terms of donald trump's exposure if he -- any kind of legal exposure that he does have. i'm curious as to how people
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feel about this no as it moves into the next phase. >> i think it is shifted a lot because the concern was before we knew the justice department has such a robust investigation into efforts to overturn the 2020 election and around january 6. we know more about the scope of the investigation and that is before the mar-a-lago investigation became a problem, sort of hoarding these sensitive documents at mar-a-lago. i do think one thing is very clear, donald trump has always been at the center of the district attorney's case in georgia. the federal case may reach to donald trump, and merrick garland may have a decision to make but i think it was always very clear at least in georgia, this was an investigation into the former president. >> great reporting as always, sarah. michael, thank you for jumping on. i appreciate it. >> glad to be with you. >> let's see what comes next. two weeks from tomorrow this hearing is scheduled for. we'll be covering that. thanks, guys. so scenes similar to january
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6, an aemt it-- an attempted co. after a storming of the government buildings. the very latest from brazil is next. plusus points for your future travels. so you can think about the next trip. and the next trip and the next next trip. so wherever you go, you'll know you're getting the most out of your travels and you can keep thinking, “where next?” did you know if you turn to cold with tide you can save up to $150 a year on your energy bill? how? e lower the temp, the lower your bill. tide cleans great inold and saves money? i am so in. save $150 wh you turn to cold with tide.
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january 6 insurrection. the rioters in brazil attacked the congress and supreme court and the government buildings. rafael has been tracking this for us. things have calmed down but are things settled? >> that is the real question. and it is hard to overstate the seriousness of what happened. imagine for a moment that the january 6 mob here in the united states had not only breached the capital, but also the white house and the supreme court building. that is what happened on sunday in brazil. an insurrection that led to the arrest of the 4 00 people and that may increase. it left the buildings in the country inoperable and a political crisis that has been brewing for months and the similarities don't end there. there is also a former president by the name of jair bolsonaro who lost the run of election in october but has yet to concede. this has emboldened his
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supporters, they breached security barriers and occupied the country's congress, presidential palace, and supreme court. masses of protesters, kate, flooding the country's seat of power, many dressed in the colors of yellow and green fueled by anger and distress over bolsonaro's defeat. he loss been less than 2% to da silva. the chaos was one example, the multiple instances of this polarization in brazil. back to you. >> well da silva saying that people will be held accountable. but they have a lot of work to do now. it is good to see you. thank you very much. and also at this hour, president biden is in mexico city where he's attending an important summit with other north american leaders and just about that, biden made his first trip as president to the u.s./mexico border. prescilla alvarez is in mexico city for us. so that trip to the border, it is getting quite a range of
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reactions. what is happening with that and also what is in store today? >> reporter: well, that and migration which is a hot-button issue is among the slew of issues that they will discuss t summit including about what transpired in bralsz over the weekend. just moments ago we received a joint statement from president biden, mexico president and canadian prime minister trudeau in which they say that they condemn attacks on brazil's democracy and stand with brazil and they look forward to working with president lula. now this is the type of unrest in latin america that has contributed to massive movement landing at the u.s. doorstep. and it is become a major political liability for president biden who, as you mentioned there, went to the u.s./mexico border just yesterday for the first time as president and he is now in a position where he's trying to find solutions at home, while
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also seeking assistance in mexico. and that is what we're expecting to hear while he is here for the summit. now the u.s. has historically looked to mexico to try to stem the flow of irregular migration looking to force theiren borders. so we'll hear about that today and administration officials that i've been talking to say that they have been emphasizing the coordination between the two countries and hoping that the discussion between the two presidents will reinvigorate that keep of coordination. and they want to show the predicament that biden is in. it is a tough issue of migration, especially at a moment like now when there is hun precedented movement and seek those solutions domestically in congress and trying to call for reform, but also down south and with partners like mexico. kate. >> absolutely. it is good to see you. thank you very much for that. in new york city, more than 7,000 nurses are on strike as of
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this morning. from two major hospitals. this is after failing to reach a deal with their bosses over a new contract. vanessa yurkevich is joining us now. i've been watching all morning out on the streets as you see the nurses have been out there all morning. what is happening with this? >> reporter: that is right, kate. there have been hundreds of nurses lining madison avenue between 99th street all the way up to 101st street outside of mt. sinai hospital. they are at four locations around the city striking this morning. and mt. sinai were unable to reach deals with the union over one key issue and that is staffing. nurses tell us that here at this hospital, staffing is about one nurse for 20 patients and it should be one nurse to four patients. and that is creating difficult working conditions and that is ultimately leading to labor shortages, hard to attract nurses to the profession.
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it is a vicious cycle. i want to introduce you to rachel she's a oncology nurse and you worked through the pandemic. why are you hear today. >> we're out here fighting for our patient's safety and their lives. we have close to 4,000 nurses out here today specifically for that alone. it is not about wages, it is never about been wages. it is truly about safety of our patients. and you know, to be completely honest, we have no medical benefits right now. we're not getting paid. that is how important this is to us. and we really care about our patients and we want the community to know that this fight is for them really. >> thank you so much. mt. sinai said that they offered the nurses association the same exact deal that other hospitals and the union agreed to but that it was rejected. now because of this strike the hospital has made other plans rerouting ambulances and patients to other hospitals. moving nicu babies to other locations and canceling any elected surgeries but the nurses
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out here, they tell me that they would rather be inside, kate, with their patients, but they feel like that being out here fighting for what they deserve will ultimately make care better for their patients in the future. kate. >> well let's see what happens in the coming hours. really appreciate it. vanessa, thank you. also this, a story book ending to an emotional week in buffalo. >> got an alley down the right side line to the 40, 50, down to the 40, 35, 30 -- >> the bills honoring damar hamlin and delivering a win. that game and the latest on damar hamlin's condition is next. in just two weeks. uhhhh... here, i'll takake that. [woo hoo!] ensure max protein, with 30 grams s of protein, one gram of sugar and nunutrients for immune health. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life iurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps.
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calling it a story book ending to a roller coaster week for the buffalo bills really is not overstating it. days after safety damar hamlin's collapse and cardiac arrest on the field, the team was back on the field for the patriots and from the opening kickoff, it was clear the bills were back. >> going to be short and coming straight up to the middle to the 25, he has an alley down the right side line to the 40, 50, 40, 35, 30, 20, 15, 10, 5, touchdown! >> the bills went on to win the game and ending a week none of
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them will ever forget for sure. now damar hamlin, he watched the game from his hospital room. adrienne broaddus is live in cincinnati for an update there. there is new reporting on what he's doing and the progress he's making. what are you hearing? >> reporter: kate, good morning to you. doctors are calling damar hamlin's neurological function excellent. and i tell you, witnessing the journey of damar hamlin has been incredible. those frightening moments happened one week ago today. and the days following have been remarkable. i want to share with you and our viewers what damar posted on the social media accounts ahead of the game. listen to the lyrics. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: it is a vid of
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damar before the accident of course and the caption said it is game day. and there is nothing i want more than to be running out that tunnel with my brothers. and he said god is using me in a different way today. tell someone you love them, #pray for 3 and 3 is the number damar wears on the field. so many people have shown support and damar is showing an abundance of gratitude tweeting play-by-play reaction throughout the game that was cool to watch as well, kate. >> absolutely. it is good to see you. adrienne, thank you so much for that update. joining me now for more on this and that game, catherine fitzgerald, a reporter for the buffalo news and coy wire, a former safety for the bills and they were both there. what was it like in that stadium? >> what was it like? it was bone-chilling according
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to josh allen and not chilling because of the sub freezing temperatures here in buffalo. he also called it spiritual. it was this magical culmination of moments that have built up of a week, kate, that started with tears of fears that became tears of joy as you started getting these positive updates about damar hamlin's health status throughout the week. this team, this city just absolutely erupted with joy on the first play that they step back out on that field since that tragic injury and it's a kickoff return for a touchdown. that never happens. right. the last time it happened here in buffalo for the bills it was three years ago, three months ago and he wears number three, it is just absolutely unreal. >> and even watching it, it just looks like he hit turbo jets. after he had gone 20 yards it was just unbelievable walking him pick up speed as he was heading toward the end zone. catherine, what are you hearing
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from people in buffalo about last night and what this moment means for this city? >> yeah, i think it was really needed obviously for damar hamlin who was watching for his teammates on the field. but for western new york as welcome. this community has been through so much lately and they cling to the bills, they're so important for them and i think this is really meaningful for people who have absorbed a lot lately, to see a moment like this when everyone is rooting for damar hamlin and a remarkable recovery. >> absolutely. you spoke with damar's teammate after the game. it was a great interview. i want to play some of what he told you about -- about the challenge that they all had and what it was like for them to get back on the field. >> it was extremely hard. i don't want to sugar coat it. it was extremely hard and it still is. because our brother is still not physically here. but the fact that he's in high spirits making him here.
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but until he physically touched his toes down, then it is full ahh. but it is just -- it is a crazy balance. >> first off, i'm falling in love with dan dawkins. the way he speaks to candidly, he wears his heart on his s sleeve. how do they then approach sunday's big game that they now have to turn their focus to. >> they think this momentum and they let it build and this is a team where you could say they've been through such emotional roller coaster that maybe there will be a lull or a letdown. but this city and this team has been through several tragedies over the past several months and they're mourned than rally for each other and the city. they are some mental giants in there. coach sean mcdermott is well aware of the players mental
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health and involved in the move not to let them go back on the field and well aware of the moments and not wanting to put a video message because he didn't want to overwhelm his players. they're very cognizant of their meant and look out for buffalo in the playoffs, kate. >> absolutely. and catherine, to that point, i want to play what quarterback josh allen said about that opening drive and what it meant to him. >> i can't remember a play that touched me like that i don't think in my life. so it is probably number one. >> i was going around and saying god is real. you can't -- you can't draw that one up or write that one up any better. and i was just told by kevin kerns it has been three years and three months -- since the last kickoff return. so it is pretty cool.
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>> yeah, i mean, catherine, to coy's point, that really showed the long road, the long journey and how all of these players and this team, what they've all really been through and what this shows about them. >> yeah, it is been really incredible to hear the transparency from players this week about just being so honest what this is like to go through, chard airus white said when he closes his eyes he sees his friend damar hamlin collapse and while it is good news i think it is good that they are prioritizing this mental health aspect. this is not something that you move past. even while damar is recovering, you support each other and there has been hard and heavy conversations if the locker room that has led to real support and when you see moments like that from josh allen, of really taking us behind the scenes at
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the emotion, that is not what we're used to seeing in a press conference after a game and they are there for each other during all of this. >> catherine thanks so much for coming on. coy, thank you. it is great to see you. so kevin mccarthy won the gavel and he survived that leadership fight. but is the real fight yet to come. details on the next big leadership test just hours from now. that is next. their new mini-va! yeah, you'll get used to it. this mom's depositing money with tools on-hand. cha ching. and this mom, well, she's setting an appointment here, so her son can get set up there and start his own financial journey. that's because these moms all have chase. smart bankers. convenient tools. one bank with the power of both. chase. make more of what's yours. if your business kept on employees through the pandemic, can see if it may qualify for a payroll tax refund of up to $26,000 per employee
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hill tracking all of this. manu, what are you looking at today? >> reporter: yeah, this is going to be one of the first actual legislative tests for kevin mccarthy and this new majority. a raiser thin majority. he could only lose four republican votes on any party line measures including this rules package that is going to be aunsannounced on the floor t includes what he cut to get the speakership, to allow one member to call for a vote to oust a sitting speaker something that has caused concerns within the ranks. and there are other concessions including capping spending levels in this coming years that could lead to a cut on defense programs as well as raising the national debt ceiling. tieing that to spending cuts. all of that those provisions have not been publicly released but part of the policies going forward and in talking to republicans today, some are still trying to figure out what it means for the majority and are offering some concerns.
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>> i'm not the speaker so -- it should concern kevin more than it concerns me. but that is just the way it was originally and i don't think that is going to change the way we do business around here. >> but do you think everybody agrees with that? >> probable not. >> i understand the concerns on the right about addressing those issues. but at the same time, we have to compete with china. we have to compete with russia. >> so increases -- >> to cut spending, i'm not willing to cut defense and that is half of the discretionary budget. >> reporter: but the first order of business is trying to pass this rules package tonight that includes some of the concessions that are already at least one republican member of the house was raised concerns about this package and plans to vote against it. there are others who have been concerned as well and the leadership is moving behind the scenes to quell the concerns. but kate, this is the issue on bill after bill if there are some defections that could scutting mccarthy's plans going
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forward. >> it is good to see you. thank you. and joining me now is charlie dent. so this immediate issue at hand is this house rules package. agreed to by kevin mccarthy will be voted on today by the whole -- the whole group. some republicans as manu was alluding to, they've described what has been agreed to which we don't know all of the contours of it. it will tie up m mccarthy and t gop, other republicans are not so concerned about it. which is it, do you think? >> well first let me say, i think as surrendering your way to victory really winning and that is what happened here. i think far too many concessions were made to the hardliners on vacating the chair, promising the freedom caucus seats on the rules committee and capping spending at 2022 levels and the debt ceiling provision about tieing it to spending cuts. some of these relate to the rules like vacating the chair.
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others are just side deals. i think this is a big mistake. if i were a rational pragmatic or moderate republican i would push back hard and i would not vote for this rules package with that -- with that rule to vacate the chair with one vote. i would push back hard. and frankly, that would me doing kevin mccarthy a huge favor. he doesn't want it. he agreed to it reluctantly and basically those guys put -- figuratively speaking put the gun to his head for that change. if i were a moderate republican, would you push back right now and what are they going to do? kevin mccarthy agrees with them. and by the way, retribution if this case it a dish best served hot. serve it up. >> i want to play for you some of the reaction kind of after the fact to what we've really saw play out last week and kind of explode on the house floor late friday night. this -- this republican in-fighting and the tension and drama that was revealed to publicly. let me play this for you. >> we need a little bit of this breaking the glass ford to get
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us to the table to fight for the american people and to change the way this place is dysfunctional. >> that case is a fraud. every time you voted against kevin mccarthy he sent out a fundraising mail. what you saw last week was a constitutional process diminished by those kinds of political actions. >> i think by having the disruption now, really built the trust with one another and learned how to work together. >> charlie, do you see it the mccarthy way? what is the dynamic now? >> well, look, the speaker vote is the easiest vote a member should cast in a session. not the hardest. so this disruption will only lead to more disruption. especially if these changes and side deals that have been announced are implemented. i to fear that we run the risk of government shutdowns and a real battle on the debt ceiling, of course if we crash through the debt ceiling that is not -- that is not just a problem, that is a catastrophic event.
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that would have global implications and send us into a severe recession or even a depression. so we're not playing games here. so if i were -- i think this is going to only lead to more difficulty in terms of governance, on all sorts of issues. for example, capping the spending at 2022 levels, we have something called united states senate and they have a say in this too, as will president biden and plenty of house republicans don't agree with that on defense. so that is one deal out of the window. and same with the debt ceiling, you'll have something close to a clean debt ceiling enacted. nas what will happen to happen. and that will disappoint the hardliners so he'll have to disappoint those folks and at least five house republicans will have to vote for the debt ceiling and some of the other deals. so the disruption is only going to get worse, not better. >> yeah. as you read a great piece for and you say when will this appeasement ever end?
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that is the question of the hour. we'll see what happened today and then plenty more time to talk about this in the future, charlie. thank you very much. i appreciate your time. >> thank you. so we're tracking today, prince harry not holding back. >> can you see a day when you would return as a full time member of the royal family? >> no. i can't see that happening. >> the prince and his first american tv interview, how the palace is responding, next. lightweight. clinically proven. 48-h-hour hydration. for that healthy skin glow. neneutrogena®. for people with skin. oh, what's this? the sofia vergara collection at america's best? wow, amazing styles and unbelievable prices? now that quite the duo. get two pairs of sofia vergara frames plus a free exam for $89.95 for a limited time at ameca's best.
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soul-baring interview with anderson cooper about "spare." one heartbreaking detail is harry describing his long struggle with grief following the death of his mother, princess diana. he says that he spent years believing that she might actually still be alive. here's part of the interview. >> you didn't believe she was dead. >> for a long time. i just refused to accept she was gone. part of the she would never do this to us, but also part of maybe this is part of a plan. >> reporter: you believe that maybe she had decided to disappear for a time. >> for a time, and then she would call and we would join her. >> reporter: how long did you believe that? >> years. many, many years. william and i talked about it, as well. he had similar thoughts. >> reporter: you write in the book, you say i'd often say to myself first thing in the morning maybe this is the day, maybe this is the day that she's going to reappear. >> yeah. hope.
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i had huge amounts of hope. >> so painful. joining me is cnn royal correspondent max foster, and social commentator and talk show host trisha goddard. good to see you both. max, there's so much here in the book, and in this interview it's very painful, very personal. is it clear -- is it clear now what harry's trying to do with putting this all out there now? >> i think his main issue -- he can't deny that part of the interview that anderson had. it was extraordinary, sort of revelation really about how harry felt after the death of his mother. your heart actually pulls out to what he went through and how he's still trying to make sense of it. and then there's the more modern-day narrative, here's the book, i just received it an hour ago, haven't had a chance to look through it. i feel like i've read it already because of all of the leaks and publicity around it. but he -- the book's called "spare," so one of his issues, of course, is being treated as
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the spare heir. he says he does believe in monarchy, but of course you can't have a monarchy without spare heirs. his main issue is this relationship as he sees it between the british press and the palace, a complicit relationship which didn't work for him. he reveals that camilla leaked stories about william and conversations she had had with william in the campaign, as he describes it, a dangerous campaign to marry charles and then subsequently become queen. behind the scenes, there's a lot of upset about that because it didn't play out like that, and camilla wouldn't do that. i can't really say that officially. we're not getting any of the palace side of the story. not talking about any of this. it's an imbalanced story, but that's because the palace aren't speaking. >> yeah. and i want to play a portion of that exact kind of part of the conversation about camilla. i want to play that for everyone because he was really unsparing in his criticism of camilla. listen to this.
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>> she was the villain, she was the third person in their marriage. she needed to rehabilitate her image. >> reporter: you wrote that she started campaigning in the british press to pave the way for a marriage, and you wrote "i even wanted camilla to be happy. maybe she'd be less dangerous if she was happy." >> uh-huh. >> reporter: how was she dangerous? >> because of the need for her to rehabilitate her image. that made her dangerous because of the connections that she was forging within the british press. and there was open willingness on both sides to trade information, and with a family built on hierarchy and with her on the way to being queen consort, there was going to be people or bodies left in the street because of that. >> it is really dramatic in how he describes this. i mean, max was talking about it. what do you think of that? >> well, he's later said in an interview on abc that he had great compassion for camilla because she was the third person
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in the relationship. so i don't think it's very different from any other family. you lose your mother in a really tragic situation, and then there is the woman who was the mistress becoming the wife and what have you. and i mean, i'm key -- i'm so envious of max that he's got his hands on the book because interested to see how he resolves that. remember, we are getting snippets and leaks and what have you, but those snippets and leaks have been very cleverly picked to whet our appetite in some cases or to make a case for those parts of the tabloid media that feel they specifically are being attacked. so i'm still a little bit suspicious that we're not getting the whole picture, and who knows in the book, that may well be resolved. but this is really a scream of pain about what has been for a very long time, as max said, that weird relationship between certain tabloids and certain sources.
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and again, as max said, there's been flow word from the pal -- no word from the palace. they're damned if they sent out a message through contacts and sources because that absolutely will undermine and say yeah, harry was right. so it's going to be interesting how they go about getting any message out at all because they're pretty hand strung. they can't do it with leaks and briefings and what have you because that's what harry is railing about. >> yeah. sure seems like it. very quickly, max, the palace has not -- as you noted -- they have not commented. do you get any indication that they're going to at all at any point? >> they're not, i don't think. i don't know why, but it's either because they don't want to add fuel to the fire or that they're rising above this, it's not entirely clear. allowing harry to speak his mind to get all of this out. something like camilla, they spent 20 years trying to rehabilitate her image. he knows this is going to damage him. he says he didn't want to hurt
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camilla or the family. >> there's a lot hear and you can get to reading. appreciate it, guys. thank you so much. you can watch the full interview with prince harry in a special edition of "ac 360" tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn. thank you so much for being here, i'm kate bolduan. "inside politics" after this. when they got a crack in their windshield. [smash] > dad: it's okay. pull over. >> tech:h: he wouldn't take his car just anywhere... ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tecech: he brought it to safelite. we replaced the windshshield and recalibrated their car's advanced safety system, so features like automatic emergency braking will work properly. >> tech: alright, all finished. >> dad: wow, that's great. thanks. >> tech: stay safe with safelite. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ when aspen dental told me that my dentures were ready, i was so excited. i love the confidence. i lovehat i can blast this beautiful smile and make t world smile with me. i would totay say aspen dental changed my life.
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