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tv   At This Hour With Kate Bolduan  CNN  January 6, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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hello, everyone. "at this hour," the math in not in his favor. kevin mccarthy has failed 11 times to become house speaker. negotiation as mong republicans resume this morning. plus new audio captures the critical moments when medics on the scene on the field were
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fighting to save damar hamlin's life. and a stunning increase, that is how it is described. that is how the white house is describing the rise in a new covid subvariant. the white house joins us to talk about it. this is what we're watching "at this hour." e remain day. in a fight not seen in more than a century and that is not perbo. a century. next hour they will be heading back into that chamber for a fourth straight day of voting and in an exercise that, let's be honest, has become groundhog day. kevin mccarthy has failed on 11 ballots and the path ahead very uncertain. the big difference at this hour is a conference call, all getting on the phone to talk about what kevin has and what he's negotiating and what kevin
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is going to do. mccarthy is fighting to win over more support, making some extreme concessions to get there. but still right now he doesn't have the numbers to win the gavel. all of this comes on the two-year mark of the insurrection on the capitol. we're going to get to all of it. let's begin with manu raju on capitol hill. manu, what re h-- what are you hearing at this hour. >> reporter: kevin mccarthy is on a conference call with republican members talking about this emerging agreement. but did he not have an agreement yet with the holdouts, the people denying him the path to speakership. he said we don't have an agreement but we are in a good position and are having meetings. now in this call he and his top allies detailed this agreement which would allow some of the members on the far right to have more power and sway and equal representation across key committees and detailed some of the concessions that he has made. one of those issues is the issue of allowing one single member the power to call for a vote to oust a sitting speaker. that is a very significant
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issue. one that mccarthy has resisted for sometime but gave into but could create some instability on the speakership. mccarthy said that this rules package is the same other than this issue and he's not afraid of it. that is the same message that he reiterated to me last night when i asked him if he's concerned that this issue could make him a weaker speaker if he gets votes. >> are you concerned? you're giving one member the power to oust you if you're speaker. r >> that is the way it's always been with the speaker. >> has it undercut the power of the other speakers. >> it was used over john boehner. >> doesn't that mean that you could be a weaker speaker? >> no. >> explain. >> i would only be a weaker speaker if i was afraid of it and i'm not a weaker speaker. >> reporter: now sts till an open question about what exactly
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will happen in one hour's time when the house does come back into session. and whether they would actually have yet another ballot vote. he even -- even if that vote happens, lehe will not have the 218 votes he needed to be elected because some have flown home for various family issues and the holdouts are not there and this agreement as he acknowledged on the call has not yet been reached so he still wants to adjourn this chamber and allow for time for negotiations but needs the votes to adjourn and it is not clear if he has that. we'll see what he has in a matter of minutes. >> let's get more perspective. joining me now mike lawler. he supported kevin mccarthy on all of these ballots. congressman-elect, thank you for coming in. what happens on the conference call just now. >> i'm not going to get into the details, except to say that i do believe that progress is being
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made. i do believe that conversations over last 24 to 48 hours have been very productive and i do believe that people are going to be moving towards kevin and ultimately that kevin mccarthy will be the speaker of the house as i've said from the very beginning. look, you have over 200 members of conference who have supported kevin throughout this entire process. that is not changing. and we are going to continue to stand strong in support of kevin until he ultimately is elected as speaker of the house. so ultimately here you've had. >> like i said productive talks and many of the changes requested by the members of freedom caucus are changes embraced by the conference. so this is not a question of weakening kevin mccarthy to speaker. the motion to vacate going from five to one, there is no difference when you look at the
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fact that the number of holdouts has been 20. >> well there is -- >> so there is not a difference between five and one. >> there is a difference historically. or it won't even be an issue. >> nance is the one who eliminated the motion to vacate. >> i understand. but i will say. but i will say -- okay, but i will say some of your republican colleagues, they don't like the concessions that have been made. some of your republican colleagues say that he is now going too far and in what he's offering and that is not an outside analysis, that is from inside of your party. and max miller said on fox business, i believe we have given too many concessions to the 20. >> again, these -- this is part of negotiations. and at the end of the day, we're either going to sink or swim as a conference. there are only 222 of us, 18 of which are from biden districts and so you need someone like
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kevin mccarthy who will deal with members from across the political spectrum within the conference. you have to negotiate and come to a resolution here and that is what has happened over the last 24 to 48 hours. and i do believe significant progress is made. listen. >> do you think he has in -- do you think he is any closer to 218 this morning. >> in politics and government you're not going to love everything that comes out of a deal. but at the end of the day, you have to get to an agreement. and i do believe we are making significant progress towards getting there. we will see what happens in the next hour. but i do believe ultimately kevin mccarthy will have the votes to become speaker of house. whether that is today, or tomorrow, or early next week, whatever the situation will be. but we have made progress. and that to me is most important as we move forward here. >> some people are starting to talk about this in terms of the negotiations that could drag on for weeks, not days. are you thinking in that realm?
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>> no, i don't think we're looking at weeks here. i think the bottom line for all of us is that we want to get about the work of the american people. i ran for my district, a district that has 70,000 more democrats than republicans to focus in on key issues. affordability, securing our southern border, increasing domestic production of energy. we cannot get about the work unless we elect a speaker and i think the conference is coming together. i do believe there has been significant progress made over the last 24 to 48 hours. and i do believe we will get there within the next day or two. >> in terms of the negotiations as you say, there is being progress made. is there a line for you for what would be a step too far in a concession being offered to the 20 to get them to come over? or any of them to come over? >> based on the conversations that i'm aware of and the information that has been presented, i am fine with the
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concessions that have been made. and again, many of these are frankly rules and budgetary processes that have been long advocated for by conservatives. somebody who served in the state legislature in new york where they have recklessly spent and i've voted against multiple budgets, i'm happy to push to vote on individual budget bills as opposed to an omnibus package. that is the way it should be. >> yep. >> so i don't have a problem with the budgetary changes that have been requested. and the bottom line is we need a speaker and if we could get about the business of the american people, that is most important to me. and that is why i ran for office. i didn't run for office to fight about rules, i didn't run for office to worry about process. i ran to get something done. and that to me is fundamental and that is why i am supporting kevin mccarthy from beginning to end. >> and that is -- that process that you're speak being is definitely holding you up from
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getting to the agenda right now. as you said, let's see what happens when you head back into the chamber in the next hour. congressman-elect thank you for coming in. >> thank you. so as the house is stuck at a stand still, members are marking this day for a different reason. two years since the attack on the capitol, today they are -- they have been and will be also continuing to honor the victims and the heroes of that day. lawmakers just wrapped up an event on the house steps which included a moment of silence an a prayer and reading of the names of the fallen officers. this ceremony is in stark contrast to the scenes at that same place two years ago. a violent mob storming the complex in a failed attempt to overturn the 2020 election results in the name of donald trump. five people ended up dying. more than 100 others were injured in that attack. this afternoon president biden will also be marking this day. that capitol attack, he will
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honor 12 people including law enforcement officers and election officials who all played a major role in protecting the capitol that day on january 6 and also protecting the entire electorate process from election day 2020 on ward. mj lee is live at the white house for us right now. what are we going to see today? >> reporter: well, kate, as you said, this afternoon, the president will be honoring 12 individuals that he sees as heroes to have emerging from january 6 and the 2020 election by presenting them with the presidential citizens medal. it is one of the highest civilian honors that a person could be given. and to give you a sense of what kinds of people are included in this list, there is capitol police officer eugene goodman who famously lured rioters away from lawmakers. shay moss and ruby freeman were election workers who had been targeted and publicly disparaged by president trump and his allies as they were trying to do their work. all week we have been talking
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about the stark contrast we have seen between what has been happening on the house floor and here at the -- at the white house, and there is also this important through line running through the two scenes. kevin mccarthy is in the very building that was overrun with rioters two years bag trying to get the speaker's gavel and some people opposing that effort are election deniers who were elected into office in november and some very loyal trump supporters who by the way are not changing their minds even as the former president is telling them to do so. and then on the other hand, we got such a great window into president biden's thinking on all of this. when he said earlier this week, look, i think we're just starting to sort of move on and settle down after january 6. and now here we are confronted with this absolute mess of a situation in the house. so i think it is just important to note that two years after the insurrection, we are very much this week seeing washington still grappling with these very
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core themes of threats to american democracy. kate. >> great point, m.j., thank you so much. so the buffalo bills just made a big announcement, an important update on damar hamlin's condition. that is next. versus 16 grams in ensurere® high protein. boosost® high protein. now available inin cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at i'm javi, i'm 31, and d i'm a fitness instructor. i saw myself in a photograph. and we were all smiling, and i looked closer, i'm backand i got botox® cosmetic. the lines were so prominent it's all i saw in the photograph, so now when i ke photos, and i see myself in photos, its- it's me, i just have fewer lines. botox® cosmetic is fda-approved to temporarily make frown lines, crow's feet, and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms.
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miralax is different. it works naturally with the water in your body to unblock your gut. your gut. and your mood will follow. some very encouraging news is coming in. the buffalo bills announcing doom har hamlin has had his breathing tube removed and talking with teammates and he continues to make remarkable progress since what happened to him on monday. we're also hearing from for the first time this morning the real-time conversations on the field as the medics were fighting to save his life. listen. >> go ahead with the cot. i don't like how he went down. >> we need everybody. all call. all call. >> bring everybody. we need everybody. the cot, the paramedics, and all
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of them get out here. >> adrienne broaddus is in cincinnati for us. what are you hearing about the improvement. >> reporter: the bills telling us damar hamlin was able to join the team meeting today. he used facetime to talk to the players and the coaches, telling them love you boys. this as you mentioned after his breathing tube was removed overnight. now members of his care team here at the university of cincinnati medical center, when he woke up his mind was still on the game, asking did we win? >> when he asked did we win, the answer is, yes, damar, you won, you've won the game of life. and that is probably most important thing out of this and we really need to he keep him in the center of everything else that is going on. >> reporter: and his care team also saying damar still has a long road ahead when it comes to recovery. but the updates they've been
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sharing have been a necessary corner for damar to turn in terms of his recovery. and this, kate, it is so nice to smile on a friday because so many of these stories we share with our viewers don't lead to ending with a smile. back to you. >> a long road ahead, but man, this is some good news. thank you so much, adrianne. and joining me is the mayor of buffalo, new york, byron brown, thank you for coming in. what is your reaction to this very good news about the continuing progress that damar is making? >> absolutely great news. uplifting news. community has been through a lot. what happened to damar hamlin, his injury was another gut punch to the city of buffalo and to see him recovering so remarkably is certainly lifting spirits throughout our community and across the country. >> absolutely. you know, mayor, we just heard -- we heard adrienne
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played some sound from his care team and doctors treating him and we heard that doctors said that his first question when he woke up was, did we win? what do you think when you heard that? >> it is amazing. you hear so many stories of dammar ma'am lynn being a giving spirit and being a loving person and sharing his love for his teammates. it is not surprising that the first thing that he would say when he woke up is did we win? certainly someone that has worked hard to become a professional football player and it just shows the type of character he has and the way he cares for his teammates. >> and as you were kind of alluding to, what happened to damar hamlin comes on top of an already rough time for your city. you called it another gut punch. in may, that racist deadly shooting at the tops supermarket. and then the blizzard that led
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to at least 40 people dying. and then just last week, we were talking about a house fire in buffalo that killed five children. what have the last -- i think it is been eight months since that time period. what have the last eight months meant for buffalo? >> a lot of challenges. a lot of pain, anger, heartbreak, anguish. but also through all of that, seeing the best of people, people helping each other in typical city of good neighbors fashion. people trying to lift each other up and show their love for each other. buffalo is a great city. it is a resilient city with strong people and through all of these challenging situations, there are literally hundreds of examples of people trying to help each other and trying to keep the community strong. >> yeah. back to the good news that is coming for buffalo in terms of dammar an the bills.
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they are playing again on sunday. let me play for you, but let me play with quarterback josh allen said about it. >> i think putting that helmet back on today was a really good thing for our team. and just to -- to kind of go through that process. but i'd be lying if i didn't say some people will be changed forever after being on the field and witnessing that and feeling those emotions. >> what is sunday's game going to mean for everyone in buffalo? >> it is going to be uplifting. it is going to be an opportunity to exhale. so many of us that were watching the game when damar hamlin stood up and fell backwards, we were absolutely horrified in that moment. watching the anguish on the faces of his teammates and the
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members of the cincinnati bengals was, again, horrific. your heart went out to all of the players, the members of the buffalo bills that loved dammar so much and the opposing team, the cincinnati bengals. so this is going to be a real uplifting experience. the game on sunday is going to be a home game. you're going to see a lot of number 3 jerseys i'm sure. every number 3 jersey in buffalo and western new york will be completely sold out. it will be probably impossible to get one. if you don't get one soon. and it will be a boost to the collective spirit of our community. >> yep. a community that could definitely use a boost and you could see it in that beautiful community of yours. it is also boosting the spirits of everybody around the country. thank you for coming in.
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appreciate your time. >> thank you, kate. >> thank you. so an eyewitness account, the evidence left behind, and the odd behavior. there are new details coming out on how investigators tracked down the man that is now charged in the idaho college murders. that is next. when it does, aspen dental is here for r you. we offer the custom dental treatments you need, all under one roof, right t nearby. so we can bring more life to yourur smile... and more smile to your life.... affordably. new patients without insurance can get a free complete exam and x-rays, and 20 percent off treatment plans. schedule your appointment today.
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a new jobs report out today and the markets are responding very favorably. dow is up nearly 600 points. the report shows that the u.s. just wrapped a banner year for the labor market. adding 223,000 jobs in december. but how does this all fit into the very complicated picture that we've been tracking in the economy so far. matt egan is looking into it and here with must. what does the report tell you? >> well this looks very much like the goldilocks report, because the fed have to do more of the tough medicine. too cold would have been bad, because that would have signaled a potential recession. this is in the middle. payroll growth did slow down 223,000 jobs added last month. that is pretty solid but it is a step down from previous months. what has the attention of investors is wages. they were red hot, they are cooling off. wage growth is still above
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average. but it actually slowed to a 16-month low. now if you're sitting at home and dealing with the high cost of groceries, the high price of eggs for example. >> exactly. >> you're not happy about this. but this is exactly what the federal reserve wants to see. because they want confidence that inflation is under control and there won't by a wage price spiral. where the high cost of living demands forces to pass along costs to consumers and it could become a negative feedback. so the slowdown is encouraging. if one part doesn't look goldilock is the rate. that is tied for the lowest since 1969 which is pretty amazing. if you take a step back, big might, it does look like the jobs market is going in the direction the fed wants to. the question is if it is getting there fast enough to persuade the fed to stop raising interest rates. >> so we continue to be bored with data. and now that we have the final jobs report of the year, put
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this year in context that we just wrapped. >> despite this year of recession fears. >> yeah. >> this was a historically strong year for the jobs market. we saw 4.5 million jobs added in 2022. that is the second most ever topping the ome one that was ever better was 2021 which was 6.7 million. so it is just another reminder of how historically strong the job market is, but how long will it last. >> and how historically complicated this entire picture is. >> it is so complicated. >> thank you for coming in. we appreciate it. and we're learning more about the night that four college students were killed, murdered in idaho. and hearing much more as well about the strange behavior that helped lead investigators to the man that is now charged with their deaths. including cleaning his car. veronica mere acle is joining us now with the very latest on this. tell us more about what you're
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learning about this. >> reporter: in addition to cleaning the car, a source telling cnn that bryan kohberger was seen around the family home wearing surgical gloves and at one time around 4:00 in the morning taking garbage and playing it in other garbage bins around the neighbors yards and that is information apparently because police were surveilling that family home for a time while they were watching him. we also understand from the affidavit that released a ton of information that a knife sheath was found near one of the victim's bed and the dna found on that knife sheath was similar enough to his father's dna that was recovered from one of those trash bins. the document also stated that one of the surviving roommates may have seen the victim in that house. it was around 4:00 in the morning that surviving roommate was woken up by some kind of noise and she heard a voice saying something to the effect, it is okay, i'm going to help you. she heard crying from another
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room. and the affidavit states when she opened the door, she saw a figure in black walk past her and walk out the sliding sunglasses door. one of the biggest questions that so many have is that if this all happened around 4:00 a.m., that roommate saw the suspect leave the house, why wasn't there a 911 phone call made until eight hours later. one of the surviving -- one of the victim's fathers telling cnn that he doesn't hold it against her. there may have been a medical issue. but more details should be coming in the weeks to come. kate. >> we'll wait for those details for sure. thank you, vorrenica. so the top white house covid doctor is seeing what he is calling a stunning increase in the new covid subvariant. what has him so concerned? our conversation is next. nice pace! clearly, you're a safe driver.. you could saveve hundreds for safe driving with liberty mutual. they customize your carar insurance...
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top health officials in the united states are growing more concerned about a big increase in the new covid strain. a subvariant of omicron. it is spreading remarkably fast across the united states. and the biden white house is now working to get a handle on what this all could mean. >> and joining me now is dr. ashish jha, the white house coordinator. it is good to see you. you've described the increase of the omicron variant as stunning. what have you seen that concerned you? >> first of all, this is a new emerging subvariant and it has revenue very quickly across the
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country. it is gone from being almost nonexistent a month ago to making up a large portion of the all of the infections xd and that increase is very, very fast. now, of course, what we really care about is what is happening to people. are people getting sick more often and getting into the hospital or dying more frequently. so far that data suggests that if you've been vaccinated and gotten that booster, you're still have a good amount of protection. but we're just tracking this variant very closely because it is rising quickly, . >> and of course one of the questions still out there and top of the mind as you are alluding to, is at the end of the day, is this one more dangerous? do you have a sense of that yet? >> we don't have much data on that yet. it takes us a while to nail that down, the very preliminary look. how do you assess that. you look to see if it is causing a huge wave of hospitalizations for instance. we're not seeing that yet. but it is still early and infections are still rising. so we don't know for sure. but what we are seeing and
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again, i want to emphasize, people who have gotten the updated booster, all of the evident so far suggests they're protected against this xbb 15. >> and i was think being this in the context of what we're seeing across the world. when you look at the explosion of cases in china and also now what you're seeing, this subvariant in the united states, do you think we're looking for the measures to be reinstated again like mask requirements? where is your thinking on that. >> china have a unique case because obviously they had the zero covid policy that they have just turned completely 180 and that is what is driving that. when i look at things globally here is what i see. i see a lot of immunity. i see when people get vaccinated, we have access to treatments, all of that is keeping serious illness low,
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which is our number one goal. obviously things like masking and testing are important mitigation efforts. but do think we're at a very different point where man dates and requirements are a lot less necessary and what is important is for people to keep up or their vaccines and treatments. >> now that we have these vaccines readily available, now that we have these very effective treatments, it does change the game in how we're talking about what the pandemic and what covid means in our lives. but on the issue of china, the ex u. is recommending all passengers wear masks on flights from china and that two member states of the e.u. that once again require a negative covid test from people traveling from china. do you think the u.s. should recommend or require masks on planes from china? >> it is a comprehensive approach. and one of things that has gotten attention is having a negative test before you get on an airline and that applies
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whether you're an american in china, it applies to everybody. but we're doing increase surveillance of travelers to identify those variants. and them there is a recommendation if you're on a long flight, wearing a mask makes a lot of sense. and so i think that recommendation is still out there by the cdc. and that combination of testing, mask recommendation, genomic sequencing i think it the comprehensive approach that will keep america safe. >> when you look at travel, are you still wearing a mask when you travel? how are you feeling about it? >> yeah, i do. and i'll tell you why, kate. i do it because i travel a lot. i go back and forth a lot over of on weekends and for me, i don't want to get sick. i want to avoid flew and rsv. and i want to avoid covid. so i still wear a mask on airplanes. and i think it is just a good thing tor people to be doing right now when there is so much virus out in the community.
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>> and that is a good point. theres h there have been a lot of viruses hitting hard this season. which are you more concerned, this covid subvariant or the nasty wave of flu that people are dealing with in the united states. >> we're tracking them all very closely. and here is what we know. rsv is down. that is good. and flu looks like it is peaked in most parts of the country. that is good. so we've been tracking those closely and now covid looks like it is on the way out. so in the short to medium term, i'm concerned about covid, but we're looking at all of the viruses and thinking about all of the things that we could do to prevent people from getting sick and ending up in the hospital. but right now covid is a thing that is increasing that we need to pay most attention to. >> thank you so much for coming on. >> thank you. still ahead for us, vladimir putin ordered a temporary cease-fire in ukraine to coincide with the orthodox
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christmas but ukraine said putin only wants a pause. so is a cease-fire actually happened? a live report is next. neuriva plus is a multltitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain h health. to help keep m me sharp. neuriva: think bigger. (music throughout)
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a 36-hour cease-fire proposed by vladimir putin is supposed to be in effect right now in ukraine. the russian leader claims it will allow orthodox christians
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to attend christmas services. joining us now, scott, is the cease-fire real? >> the short answer is no, kate. it is certainly not holding if that is your question. the ukrainians have reported in the south and that one with deadly consequences as well. this cease-fire, though, was really doomed from the get-go and that is because the ukrainians never agreed to it. so the russians are blaming the ukrainians for violence today that we have seen, but the ukrainians thought that it was a cynical attempt at the russians to try to use the opportunity to resupply the front lines, get troops to the front lines and so shortly after this cease-fire, supposed cease-fire went into effect, my colleagues were in eastern ukraine near the front lines reported incoming and outgoing fire. and then not long after that,
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the air raid sirens went off here in kyiv. and across the country. that doesn't necessarily mean there was any incoming but at was at a prayer service at the church behind me for military leaders with the head of the orthodox church of ukraine and i spoke to the leader of the church who said the air raid irons are proof that you cannot trust the russians. that this cease-fire was never real. the former president of russia said that ukraine has rejected the christian hand of mercy. but you're hard pressed to find anyone in this country who thinks that what russia has done that were beneficial. and there were here, jack king and ang russ king, they told reporters that they are in spired to go back quickly expedite the sending of weapons so the war can end sooner, kate. >> great to see them there. thanks, scott. we'll be right back.
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>> forget paris and forget london and forget everything else, new york city is where it's at. >> i don't know how close giuliani and trump were personally in the 1980s but i do know they occupied similar spaces. >> they're out of borough guys. one thing they have inherited from their fathers is a certain kind of awe and resentment of manhattan and those rich people. >> rudy represented the kind of every guy who came from the boroughs and came to new york and made it big. >> if you are a person that's looking at a snow globe, if you will, from the outside, even if you end up inside the snow globe, you always feel like an outsider. >> giuliani didn't come from the upper crust establishment. that may have fueled his ambition. did it also contribute to some deep sense of insecurity that he was an outsider and in that maybe he does identify with trump. >> joining me now is someone who
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knows a lot about that man. dominic carter. he's covered rudy giuliani for decades. good to see you, dominic. >> going to be here with you is good. >> this series goes through multiple theories and factors that could have contributed to the rise and dramatic fall of rudy giuliani. what do you think happened with him during the trump years? >> that's a great question. to understand rudy giuliani of today, and it's so ironic i'm here discussing this because he will tell you we had quite the contentious relationship when he was mayor and every day mayor giuliani and i would go at it. to understand the rudy giuliani of today in my opinion, you have to look at the rudy giuliani historically going back, meaning, keep in mind a republican that was successful running for mayor in new york city. a republican in an overwhelmingly democratic city. rudy giuliani is used to
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swimming upstream constantly and with the political noise, the critics, he takes them on. he takes them on. he does not know how to back down. he's full speed ahead, no matter what. and if you understand that about rudy giuliani, then -- and he's been quite successful, no denying when you look at his record as mayor of new york city, kate, he was quite successful at turning new york city around. i contend as someone who was a severe critic to begin with and now all these years later that history as far as mayor will judge him as perhaps the best mayor of new york city ever, but that's just as mayor. >> that's just one chapter of rudy giuliani's life. >> one chapter. >> and legacy. you still speak to him fairly regularly. does he believe the lies and conspiracies that he has pushed, that he has told on behalf of donald trump about the election? does he think he has done the right thing in sticking with
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him? >> when i talk to mayor giuliani, and we're friendly, we're friendly when you consider that we, again, were contentious, very contentious, he never discusses that with me. the only thing he has put on the record is that he is adamant in terms of continuing to fight for what he says is his innocence, kate, and that's the only thing that he talks about. he's very upbeat, very upbeat, extremely upbeat and, you know, it is what it is, kate. we'll see how history will turn out as it relates to this. >> absolutely is what it is and he is as -- he's upbeat but he is facing a litany and a slew of legal fallout from this latest chapter of his life and we will see, this is a fascinating series. it is really great to have you as part of it as you know him so well and great to have you here to speak with us about it. >> thank you, kate. >> i really appreciate it. thank you all so much for being with us. you can watch "giuliani: what happened to america's mayor?"
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premieres sunday, 9:00 p.m. a lot going on today. thanks for watching. i'm kate bolduan. all eyes on the floor of the house of representatives, there's a live look inside the chamber right now. our special coverage of the vote for speaker begins right now . in just seconds the house gavels in and stares down the same problem for a fourth straight day to adjourn or to vote again. kevin mccarthy's no good very bad historically awful week has featured 11 straight defeats on the floor, 11 ballots that ended without an election of the speaker of the house of representatives. i'm anderson cooper in new york. you're watching live cnn special coverage. >> you're watching history.


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