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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  March 28, 2020 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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the u.s. reaches a grim milestone in the coronavirus pandemic. as almost 50% of its residents are ordered to stay home. doctors and nurs across the u.s. say they're feeling abandoned. why weeks into the pandemic they still don't have enough supplies to protect themselves. while in europe, we're seeing makeshift morgues as death tolls skyrocket. welcome to viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm anna coren, "cnn newsroom" starts right now.
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the rapid spread of covid-19 shows no sign of slowing with the united states now being the focal point to the global pandemic. infection there's have now soared past 100,000. more than 400 people died on friday, the country's highest one-day total yet. globally, john hopkins university now says more than 600,000 people are confirmed to be infected. and more than 2,700 have lost their lives. millions of people are out of work because of the pandemic. on friday, president trump signed a stimulus package that dwarfs others seen outside of the u.s. $2.2 trillion. the president is invoking an old cold war general law to get general motors to cranking on ventilators. as to how much, he would not
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commit. >> we distributed vast number of ventilators and are prepared to do vast numbers. i think we're in great shape. i hope that's the case. i hope we're going to have leftovers to help others. >> everybody will be able to get ventilators? >> look, look, don't be a cutie pie, okay? nobody's done what we've done. nobody's done what we've been able to do. >> covering the pandemic like only cnn can this hour, we're live in rome as italy records its highest death toll in one day since the outbreak began. also why coronavirus cases are suddenly on the rise in japan and south korea. plus, the staggering economic toll of all of this, how so many are struggling to make ends meet. with start with cnn's kaitlan collins at the white house with more on what prompted will trump to invoke the defense protection act. >> reporter: yeah, after days of prodding by with state governors, the president said he's actually going to use the
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defense production act that he signed. that gives federal powers to tell companies they ned to make a certain product. it's no longer used since wartimes but now it's used in this pandemic. his administration had already been in talking with general motors and this other smaller company to produce ventilators that, of course, hospitals say they are in desperately short supply of. those talks got put on hold there was a bit of a disagreement with gm and the administration and the time line how long it was going to take to produce those ventilators. despite the talks being installed, general motors said it's still moving forward with the process like it was producing them. it didn't appear there was a lot of time to be lost. we're told the president grewer tated by the reports about the hold on the talks, today he moved ahead saying he was going to use the defense production
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act to require general motors to make the ventilators. gm still has to retool its factories in order to get them to make ventilators. and these are complex machines, they take a lot of time. we should also note we're told by sources that the administration did not give general motors the heads-up that it was going to be signing the dpa to get the ventilators made. it comes trat when the president had been critical that they weren't getting what they needed from the federal government, people like new york governor andrew cuomo who said his state is going to need 30,000 ventilators when they hit heir apex of coronavirus cases in new york city. but the president is putting peter navarro in charge of coordinating the dpa, so a question of whether or not they're going to be using it more aggressively or this one right now. kaitlan collins, cnn, the white
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house. as it moves through, the reality is not matching the growing assessments. many nurses and doctors are forced to put their own lives at risk. drew griffieffin looks the it. >> reporter: what does proper protective gear look like, this anesthesiologist sent this vivid yo, double gloves, face mask and shield. whose contact while intubating coronavirus patients is near cheek to cheek. >> as you can see, my head is this close to the patient. if they're coughing or having sputum, that's going to my face. >> reporter: is a far cry from this, a mask stapled together to last until the end of a shift. nurses in upstate new york being told they get one surgical masks for five days with medical personnel getting sick onlines.
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>> we have about 41 people in our hospital who have tested positive for the coronavirus. >> reporter: an assistant nurse manager kelly who suffered from asthma died. his sister said the last time she heard from him was wednesday. >> he texted said he was in icu. he had the coronavirus. he said i can't talk because i choke. he was having difficulty breathing. he said i'm going to be okay. >> reporter: many medical workers are fighting without the thinnest level of protection. the face mask. the plastic face shield. the flimsiest of plastic gowns that could mean the difference between treating them and becoming one of them, kelly cabrera a nurse in new york said she gets one a day, masks to be removed to for five days. >> it's like we're going into eye awar with no protection. we flow how this is transmitted.
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we know that this is incredibly contagious. and we're seeing it -- we're being exposed over and over again. this is criminal. it's absolutely criminal. >> reporter: supplies across the country are dwindling in arizona. >> i can tell you my biggest concern right now is an emergency physician, the lack of ppe. >> reporter: and in michigan? >> i've got doctors and nurses on the front lines using one mask for the entire shift. >> reporter: the biggest question is where is it? what are the strategic stockpiles that the president and his administration talk about. >> we've got tremendous amounts of equipment coming in. >> reporter: only 12% of health care facilities said they received supplies from the federal government according to a recent survey of providers. nearly half don't have enough face shields. and yearly one-third are almost out or completely out of masks. desperate medical workers don't know where to turn.
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>> we just feel like we've been abandoned. we're being told to do things that are really dangerous. >> reporter: they're telling us, because of the shortage of equipment they are being asked to do what would have gotten them fired just a month ago. they are in a desperate situation for plies. drew griffin, cnn, atlanta. we have dr. richard do ywar joining us live from london. doctor, great to the have you with us. as you heard that health professional in that story moments ago she said we're at war, is that you how you feel? >> yeah, is this a call to all of us in the medical community to really go above and beyond. it's a very difficult situation. i understand, you know, all. fear and anxiety, but also -- this is also bringing out the best in people from all walks of
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life in sense of volunteering and applying themselves to this complex and unprecedented situation. >> let's talk about the toll that it's taking on health professionals. we know in italy, that 51 doctors have died treating coronavirus patients. as have many other health care professionals around the world. as a doctor yourself, tell us about the risks that you are taking every day. >> well, i'm very fortunate in that i've just come through this, i just got over what was a very mild infection. and i think that there are -- and i know two other colleagues who are, you know, at a similar stage in this process. and i think one of the things that's going to happen is there's going to be a body of people who have come through the infection who can then put themselves back in the front
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line, without any real fear. and, ask perhaps relieve some of the pressure on here currently working there. i think that's one of the things we really need to do -- that's one of the advantages of testing. we need to test and support people where they have the infection and get them back into the workforce at the earliest point. >> so, dr. dawood, just to be clear, you contracted coronavirus? >> yes. but i was very fortunate. i had a really mild case. i was perhaps four or five days, but that's now over, and i'm back at work. and i've put myself forward to work in an emergency setting. and i can see that lots of my other colleagues who have been treated are doing exactly the same thing and get back into action. i think before long, we will have a workforce that's
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relatively protected. that doesn't diminish the need for us to do everything possible to protect those who are in the front line who have not yet become infected with this. we must get good working practices out there and protect the front line. >> well, it's great to hear that you have made a full recovery and you're back at work treating these people. we are weeks if not months into this crisis, and yet governments continue to be scrambling. whether it be equipment, the hospitals, whether it be protective gear for health professionals. why is this happening? >> well, i don't -- you know, one could spend a lot of time examining the reasons and the delay, i think what we can do that's more positive is to apply the mass of human engineers that we have to call responsible to get ourselves out of this situation and find ways around
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it, to ramp up production of medical equipment, to make sure where it exists and where supplies exist, they're being distributed to people who need them. so, yeah, i'm not sure how productive it is to keep exploring the reasons. what we really need now is for people to explore the solutions. >> and what are the solutions? >> well, i mean, i can speak to what's going on in the uk, for example, where there's been a massive upgrade in the production of ventilators and ventilator technology. businesses, companies, whatever manufacturers that don't normally produce that kind of equipment have ramped things up. there's been a call for innovation. a number of new are in production as we speak. and this is being scaled up. there must be any number of
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factories, production facilities, manufacturers that have got products and goods that can be used to help make hand sanitizer, ppe masks, people in the clothing industry, there's so many things people can do to help and that's what we really need to happen. one of the things that's going to reduce mortality in this crisis is if we can do more to get this kind of equipment out to people in places that need it. equally, what doesn't seem to have much coverage lately is the huge response by the scientific community in terms of compressing the pace of drug development, uniting facilities from all over the world, in this huge crowd source effort to get things moving. and, so, that's, i think, that really is what each of us needs to do is to consider exactly
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what we can do to help and how we can contribute. >> yes. countless people around the world working like yourselves to try and get on top of this virus. dr. richard dawood, great to have you with us. many thanks. >> thank. the democratic presidential candidates are giving their suggestions for how to take on the growing coronavirus pandemic. cnn's jessica dean has more on what they told their supporters and the nation. >> reporter: he's currently leading the delegate count in the democratic nomination. and on friday night former vice president joe biden took part in a cnn town hall focused on the coronavirus pandemic. and the response do it. the former vice president saying that if he were president he would support a national lockdown. he is also asked a question about freezing rent payments. he said he advocates freezing rent payments across the board for up to three months. the former vice president also
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had a very strong message to president donald trump. >> this is not personal. it has nothing to do with you donald trump. nothing to do with you. do your job. stop personalizing everything. >> reporter: former vice president biden also talking about how he's been personally dealing with the coronavirus pandemic in his household. and he's saying that advisers he's talking to currently think this could go well into late may, early june. but stressed nobody really knows right now for sure. also on friday night, the other person in the running for the democratic nomination senator bernie sanders holding a virtual town hall. he was talking about the coronavirus pandemic and response as well. and advocating strongly that now is the time to listen to scientists. >> this is not a time for political rhetoric. this is time for science and the american people to understand the reality of what we're facing. >> reporter: of course senator sanders and vice president joe biden have both be forced off the campaign trail due to the
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coronavirus pandemic. all of their events are virtual like the ones on friday night. jessica dean, cnn, philadelphia. well, lots of criticism to go around. after prime minister boris johnson and other britch officials test positive for coronavirus. the health crisis at the top of the uk government at the worst time possible. plus, spain is taking some new drastic measures to fight the virus. there's also new data that's giving people hope. all of that and much more, coming up. microsculpting cream makes my skin feel so hydrated. i can face anything with my olay. and my latest beauty secret... for bright, smooth skin... olay regenerist cream cleanser. choose boldly. feria haircolor by l'oreal. pure dyes, with triple highlights. multi-faceted, shimmering color- with multiple tones in every strand. never dull, never flat. live in color. live in feria. by l'oreal.
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donate critically needed supplies. it's highlighted how medical workers to people we need most right now are struggling to fight the war. well, many are wondering if british prime minister boris johnson has been following his own advice during this pandemic now that he has tested positive for the coronavirus. the prime minister made the announcement on social media. minutes later, his health secretary also said he had the virus. and hours after that england's chief medical officer said he is having symptoms. the cabinet officers in the meanwhile said the rate of infection has been doubling every three to four days, that's even though the country has been on virtual lockdown for days now. also france is confining its measures to april 15th. saying the epidemic there is just beginning and almost 2,000 people have already died. in spain, that number is more than 5,000, based on data from
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john hopkins university. it that's to convert into a morgue and a convention center into a giant military hospital. but some officials say they had hoped now that the number of new cases each day seem to be going down and the increase in the death rate appears to be slow. cnn's nick watt joining us in london. boris johnson refused to shut down the uk, with him contracting the coronavirus. this is a wake-up to the british public. >> it's certainly a warning. if they hadn't taken the prime minister before, they may do a little bit now, the social distancing, the stay at home, it's all been in place now for a week, about a week now. but the fact that the prime minister is now working from behind closed doors. you know, his office staff have to knock on the door, leave
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food. leave the paper, whatever it is outside. and he'll continue to sort of lead britain's fight against the coronavirus pandemic by video link. that's how he planned to do it. so it is a very clear and stark message that the virus touches everyone. but there still is a lot of concern. the british government announced friday that it was building an additional two emergency hospitals on top of the one it was building in london on man caster and birmingham. and announced as well that it was going to give health care workers coronavirus tests over this weekend. and hoping to ramp up the numbers further into the thousands over the coming week. but the reality is, this government compared to some others in europe has been slow to accept that. it didn't need to ask people to stay indoors, stay away from work, to exercise social distancing. and indeed, perhaps most critically at the moment does
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seem to lag behind its neighbors in having enough coronavirus test kits available. remember, it is only beginning to get to the critical health care workers now who are works in hospitals and only at the moment testing those already in hospital, the expected increase, increased 24% yesterday, on the number of cases testing positive, there is going to be a huge demand on the virus testing capabilities of this country. and it does seem, at the moment, while the prime minister is behind closed doors, those at the cold face of fighting this, the front line, if you will, the medical workers, are at the moment still waiting in some cases to get tests if they can come out of isolation. and they'll continue to work safely. >> yes. it's crazy, isn't it? al, if i can go to you now in madrid. i know that there are officials in spain who believe that the country will turn a corner soon.
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but spain suffered its deadliest day on friday. so what does this mean? >> reporter: in terms of the absolute increase in the number of deaths, but what's giving officials encouragement, anna, is that we're halfway through the nationwide lockdown, the stay-at-home order, the social distancing. now, there are some prompted activities. shopping is one of them at a green grocers my neighborhood, people are out for their saturday morning. police are enforcing this. in? of the two minutes i've come on live here, two officers have stopped me to check my cnn documents and a letter for cnn saying i'm authorized to be out and working for them and on the streets. now, the death rate, the percentage rate has been evened, just a little bit, down from a spike, still going up and down. the authorities have said they are expecting the peak of the curve within days. that's what they said at the beginning of this past week.
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now, they've moderated that saying they are hoping it would become soon. in addition to that temporary manager, that ice rink, there's going to be a temporary morgue set up at the airport. and the fallout from rapidly tested tests that the government got from a supplier in spain who imported from china, this continues the government following protocol, tested it in their own labs, they determined that it wouldn't really tell hue had covid or not. so they had to discard that and find other suppliers. there's a massive still going on in spain, like so many other countries to get the protective gear. and one indication that they haven't had it is that more than 9,000 medical workers in spain have the covid-19 virus. back to you, anna. >> al goodman joining from us madrid. nic robertson in london. great to have you both with us. many thanks. well, the pandemic is having a huge impact on the american
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workforce. how the report number of unemployed are dealing with the closed businesses. plus, we go life to show the spike in fatalities on friday. we will check in with a woman who has been living in lockdown there for weeks. she'll give us a lesson in italian to help us all stay safe. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> -- means to stay home. 123450 are your asthma treatments just not enough? then see what could open up for you with fasenra. it is not a steroid or inhaler. it is not a rescue medicine or for other eosinophilic conditions. it's an add-on injection for people 12 and up with asthma driven by eosinophils. nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. fasenra is designed to target and remove eosinophils,
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we are working to make things a little easier on everyone. download the xfinity my account app today. welcome back to our viewers in the united states and around the world. you're watching "cnn newsroom." i'm anna coren in hong kong.
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the headlines at this hour. the coronavirus pandemic is exploding across the united states. some 17,000 new infections are were confirmed on friday, raising the national number to more than 101,000. that's far more than any other country. on friday, more than 400 americans died of the country's highest one-day death toll so far. u.s. president donald trump says he has invoked the defense production act to compel u.s. automaker general motors to make hospital ventilators. but it's unclear if such an order was required. sources tell cnn that general motors was already proceeding with plans to make the ventilators before the act was invoked. mr. trump signed a $2.2 trillion stimulus bill soon after it passed congress on friday. it provides emergency cash payments to americans and increased jobless benefits to people out of work by the
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pandemic. as coronavirus pandemic cases in the u.s. soar, so do the number of people out of work. cnn's jason carroll has been speaking to several of those directly impacted by the closures and layoffs in one of the worst hit parts of the country new york. >> reporter: millions ordered to stay home. and a growing number of people across the country out of work, now that more and more businesses have been forced to close. >> frustrating is one word. impossible is another. >> reporter: connor zach was laid off his production job last week. his savings will last until next month or so, zapp worries that federal measures to stem foreclosures won't help people like him because he's a renter. >> if you have any sympathy for people like me, please, dear god, at least a 90-day for let us get back on our feet. >> reporter: not much bet for the uber driver islam he's still
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working but without passengers he's not sure he can make april's car payment. >> i'm working but it's a really big problem right now. i don't have any money in my hands right now. >> reporter: word of some businesses has been trickling in. pizza hut aims to hire more than 30,000 employees due to takeout and delivery. instacart plans to hire 300,000 more workers to meet surges for grocery deliveries. still, the national outlook is staggering. and for many people, they're counting on federal help. >> everyone needs that money as quickly as possible. the challenge is, you want the money to go out quickly, you want it to be spent well. and some of those objectives hurt with intentions. >> reporter: for now, closed businesses like the iconic new york city restaurants, cafeteria and empire diner have a gofundme page for employees. >> it's been two weeks of sheer financial devastation.
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>> reporter: stacy pissone said he had to lay off the entire staff from both restaurants. how much longer can you sustain this? >> well, you know, that's the question. that's the million dollar question. and we really can't sustain it very long. >> reporter: jason carroll, cnn, new york. to italy now which on friday reported the highest number of coronavirus fatalities since the beginning of this crisis. civil protection authorities say that there were 969 deaths, amid 4,400 new cases. there have been more than 8,600 -- i beg your pardon, 86,000 confirmed cases of covid-19 in italy, including those who died and those who recovered. at least 66,000 of those are still considered active. italian authorities say the
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country has not yet reached the peak of contagion. let's go to rome where we find our ben wedeman. ben, when are authorities expecting to reach the peak? >> reporter: well, that were hoping to reach it sometime, since the totally lockdown in the country happened about two weeks ago. they're hoping by now there would be at least some leveling off of the number of new cases. but what we've seen, earlier this week, a decrease in the number of -- rather, a decrease in the increase of new cases. but that shot up yesterday. and, of course, this death toll of 969 people in just one day that was reported on friday evening, indicates that, really, that leveling off just isn't happening yet. so the italian authorities are originally talking about easing restrictions on the 3rd of april. that clearly is not going to
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happen. as long as these numbers continue to increase. and, in fact, you know, italy now has surpassed china with the total number of recorded cases. it long ago surpassed china the number of reported deaths. so this really, you know, people are talking about a light at the end of the tunnel. it is not appearing yet as far as italy is concerned. anna. >> okay. ben wedeman, great to have you on the ground there many thanks for your reporting. we've been following a british citizen who moved to italy a few months ago to become a language teacher. she lives in a small town in the north and has been keeping a video. it includes what life is life in a lockdown. take a look. >> the first one, the one that you'll see every related to covid-19 content is -- [ speaking foreign language ]
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>> yeah, everything will be okay. it's a way to just remind ourselves to hang in there. >> joining us now. great to have you with us. how are you doing? >> we're holding up. and the mood is very slow, tedious now. it's a long, distant memory, when we could walk outside, having run, going on our bikes. we're kind of in a state of acceptance now. it's day 20 of a national lockdown. it's been two weeks now we can't even step outside without saying what we're doing and where we're going. it's tough at this point. especially since the weather has taken a toll for the worse and we're seeing snow and rain. it's taken a toll on italy this week. >> i bet. i bet.
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tell me what your day-to-day is like? obviously, you're doing this video diary. we shared some a little bit earlier. going out, getting groceries. going to essential services. is that possible? >> it's possible to go and buy food from the supermarket, and it's possible to go to the pharmacy. but those are the only things that we're allowed to do now as residents. as i mentioned, we can't go out and do something just for our health. we've got to that state now, we've got to that level of containment, as the authorities just try to keep up with the bureaucracy of the new cases and new deaths. so, we've had a self-declaration forum for a while now to allow us to go to the supermarket. but they change daily. it's really confusing as we get updates almost daily. and the forms to get to the supermarket get more and more complicated.
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it started with having to take your personal details, your i.d., like where you live, like what you're doing. yesterday, we have another form, and we have to say which supermarket we're going to. because if you get checked by the police, they will see where you are at that point. if you're on a road that doesn't make sense for that route for the supermarket, you could be checked and you could be fined. we now have fines up to 4,000 euros. if we do something that does not comply with the national decrees. >> that's a hefty fine, but obviously it needs to be in place for people to take it seriously. are italians abiding by these rules by these lockdowns? >> i would say the majority of us are. and we live in a very small place. and i finally went to the supermarket yesterday after an entire week of quarantine, being in the house. not being even able to step outside. and when i walked to the supermarket yesterday, i didn't see anybody.
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it was just completely empty. the church bells that chime, the empty piazza, absolutely nobody. there are clearly a handful of people who are not following these directions because there are still fines for people violating the decree. which is why we got to this level of containment and confinement. we started the lockdown with a basic validity. we could go for a walk. but that's since got harder and harder. i think because there are a few people, just a small amount making it really difficult for the entire nation. we're in this situation now because of that. >> karli, you said going outside, but it's very, very quiet. that must be rather eerie. do you also have a sense of fear, knowing how contagious coronavirus is, knowing also that you are in a part of italy that is the epicenter of
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covid-19? >> it is really eerie. it's such a strange surreal time. it feels like we're living a dystopian reality. it's a sad clapt chapter of our. i don't fear of catching the virus because i'm not the elderly and i don't have the underlying health conditions. but that's exactly the point that we all have to work together and be selves and help the people that could catch it and get extremely ill from this. perhaps, we could be a carrier. if you're a young person, you could be the carrier and be asymptomatic and don't know it. i'm not frightened for myself. i'm frightened for the rest of the country. i'm frightened for the health system that is rapidly collapsing. there are plenty of hospitals that rein out of icu beds. doctors are dying as well. there are people putting their lives on the lines for this.
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it's about everybody as a whole, not just me personally that feel the anxiety and fear. >> karli, a very important message to share. thank you for speaking to us. keep up the great work and please stay safe. >> thank you. restrictions on movement, seeing that much of the world are clearing more than just city streets, it appears also to be clearing the skies. this is satellite imagery from the european space agency. it shows what the agency is showing a drastic reduction in pollution. the information was compared to equivalent data from last year. coronavirus cases are spiking in parts of asia. we'll go to tokyo to find out what may be causing it. plus, why a cruise ship with dozens sick on board is not allowed through the panama candle. canal.
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welcome back. panamanian authorities are not sure if the coronavirus is what killed four people on board a cruise ship stuck outside of the panama canal. holland america has more than 200 sick. they've been tested for the covid-19 but others have not been tested at this time. panama does not allow ships with infections to pass through the canal. health officials in india report at least 149 new cases in the past 24 hours. it's india's biggest single-day jump so far. india has reported more than 900 coronavirus cases and 20 deaths. in mumbai, in some of the port neighborhoods, to curb the spread of the virus.
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the china new ban on most foreign visitors trying to curb the number of people coming into the country. officials say all 54 cases reported friday are people who traveled to china from abroad. well, meantime, south korea is reporting a spike in new cases and so is japan. the health ministry recording 112 on friday. well, that's the first time japan has reported more than 100 new infections in a day. cnn's will ripley joins us now from tokyo. will, what might be causing these spikes? >> reporter: you know what they say, the more you test, the more you find, anna. and japan is a tiny fraction. more than 1200 tests a day. they have the capacity to test around 8,000. they're actually testing less than a sixth of what their stated capacity is. that has a lot of people in japan wondering if they've only
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tested 20,000 people at the start of the crisis yesterday how many more cases are out there. and could there be a lot more cases that we saw in the tokyo parks and along the river this week when people were out in droves viewing the cherry blossoms. this week, china is starting to take steps that are precede precedented. even during the diaster of the fukushima plant, they never closed down. and the parks are empty. these are unprecedented measures taking place in japan. but they are just happening recently, anna. >> will, the timing of all of this is rather suspicious. the government only now taking it seriously, after the olympics have been postponed. >> reporter: it is interesting, isn't it? japan had such a relaxed approach before the announcement of the olympic postponement. they avoided the kind of firm restrictions on business and
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travel. they avoided declaring a state of emergency. and that seems to be changing. it has enacted big travel restrictions and beefing up the airports and moving in a state of emergency in this country all just days after announcing that tokyo 2020 is going to be postponed by a year. now, we don't know if there's any correlation of that. the japanese government saying they're going by the numbers that they have. but it has people wondering why only now that the governments have taken weeks or months ago. >> will, thank you for reporting. in the cloud of the coronavirus outbreak, some rays of light. ♪ ♪ somewhere over the rainbow >> how this beautiful school choir and many others are trying to brighten the day in the midst of the pandemic. ♪ there's a land that i dream
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family time during the coronavirus pandemic. alyssa burkes posted this picture of her husband, a
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doctor, saying hello to his son. the doctor and the family have been self-quarantining for a couple weeks. burks wants to remind people the sacrifices health care workers are making. what a beautiful shot. amid the pandemic, many people are coming together to do what they can do to make theirdy and their neighbor's day a little better. taking a look at how americans are bringing light to the darkness ♪ somewhere over the rainbow >> reporter: when the spring concert was cancel for this california high school chorus, the members sang anyway, each streaming them together online and the results are magical. ♪ >> reporter: they're not alone, coast to coast, people are finding way to be brave, optimistic. >> we're just kind of all getting together and figuring out how we can help the best way. >> reporter: in indiana police
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have been delivers groceries and medicine to older and disabled folks. in florida, volunteers are offering drive-up service for long lines in need of similar help. in tennessee, brad paisley -- >> we're mobilizing a group of volunteers to deliver groceries, one week's groceries to elderly people that should not be out shopping on their own in these times. >> reporter: in maryland volunteers have been working around the clock making so far 35,000 face shields for hospital workers -- a half hour away -- >> i pledge allegiance to the flag -- >> reporter: -- the lawrence family has been saying the pledge of allegiance, now the whole neighborhood is joining them, saying hello. checking out for and hear that a lot of animal shelters closing, now record adoptions are reported including this shelter set to shutter with 50 dogs now
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all have homes. ♪ >> reporter: and on it goes, from texas, where a couple learned a local restaurant was going dark and left the staff a $9,400 tip. to wisconsin where an artist rendered a fast mural for all who might pass. >> i'm just glad that i was able to do something that is bringing a little happiness to people. >> reporter: so, sure, the future is uncertain. the economy is in turmoil. but the business of kindness, gratitude and hope is booming. ♪ >> reporter: and remember, all of these generous folks are facing the same dangers, the same questions we all are. but they're doing good, anyway. tom foreman, cnn, washington. well, thanks so much for watching "cnn newsroom." thank you for your company. i'm anna coren in hong kong. "new day" is up next, after this short break.
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3:00 am
those in favor say aye. >> breaking news. the house just passed the $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill. largest aid package in history. this will deliver urgently need relief to our families, workers and businesses and this is what it's all about. when i became a nurse, you know, i never thought i would have to choose between my job and my family. >> more than 100,000 concerned in the u.s., new hot spots expose a growing need. >> we have doctors and nurses on the front lines who a


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