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tv   Early Start With John Berman and Christine Romans  CNN  September 21, 2016 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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♪ breaking overnight, anger and frustration as protesters take to the streets after an armed plaque man is gunned down by police in north carolina. demonstrations getting violent in the early morning hours, all of this happening after video captured another black man being shot and killed by police in tulsa. we have all the developments in both of these cases. new details emerging about the suspect in the new york and new jersey bombing. he now faces federal charges. and surprising revelations what he allegedly did in the days before the bombings. good morning, everyone, welcome
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to "early start." i'm john berman. >> i'm christine romans, it's wednesday, september 21st. it's 4:00 a.m. in the east. tensions rising in north carolina after a fatal shooting. protesters and at least a dozen officers injured in the clashes that turned violent. protesters later setting a fire on the road, looting trucks forced to stop in place. the mayor of charlotte calling for calm, calling for a full investigation into the shooting of 43-year-old keith lamont scott of officer brently vincent. both the officer and the victim are african-american. listen to the police chief to describe what led up to the shooting. >> at this point, all we know they're in the apartment complex parking lot. the subject gets out with a weapon, they engage him.
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and one of the officers caused lethal death and fired a weapon. >> so the weapons were fired? >> absolutely, they're not specific to the deceased, we don't know theres in a connection to the deceased. >> that explanation of what happened in that parking lot is not sitting were with protesters. >> as far as my child, my nephews, i'm worried about them. something has to be done, whether it's our city leaders. whether our state leaders. these presidential candidates coming on to the scene. there was a terrorist in new jersey and new york, he was taken alive. they say they wanted to question him. because you wanting to question him does his life mean more than our black men across the nation? it doesn't make any sense. >> officer vincent has been placed on paid administrative leave while this shooting is updated. we'll have updates throughout
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the morning. >> to be clear, this has been going on all night. i was just looking at local reports that a local walmart there had been broken into. police still trying to deal with protesters who are very angry about this situation. scott, 42-year-old is dead. this comes on the heels of an unarmed black man in tulsa, oklahoma. police say pcp was found in the home of terence crutcher that suggests he may have been on some kind of drug. an attorney for crutcher's family says while they're looking into that, this remains a situation for how to handle someone in that situation. dash cam video shows crutcher being shot as he walked towards his suv. let's get the latest from cnn's annika cabrera. >> reporter: john and christine, outrage is growing in this
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community, with protesters gathering in front of the police station calling for the arrest of officer betty shelby who opened fire on terence crutcher. his family calling the video leading up to the shooting devastating. saying there was no evidence, reason for her to open fire. now, there are two separate indications as to whether or not the shooting was justified first, the criminal investigation by the tulsa homicide unit, there's also a federal rights probe that was sparked after the department of justice officials saw the video. the video of the police dash camera as well as the helicopter both show him with his hands in the air. but in neither video can you see officer shelby open fire. that is the crucial moment and the big question mark here. officer shelby's attorney telling us leading up to that moment, terence crutcher had
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refused to obey several demands. and that he reached into his vehicle, which is why officer shelby opened fire fearing he was grabbing for a weapon. now, we know there was no weapon, he was unarmed and there's no weapon in the vehicle. as this continues to grow in our nation, the police chief is asking people to not open judgment until details prevail. new details on ahmad rahami, investigators revealed cell phone video from a rahami family member, setting off an incendiary device partially buried in the ground. documents say he lights the fuse, there's a loud noise, flames, billowing smoke and laughter. cnn learned that two years ago,
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the fbi investigated rahami following a violent family fight. pamela brown has the latest. >> good morning, john and christine, the bombing inspect ahmad rahami has been charged on use of a destructive device. it says 12 fingerprints recovered from duct tape in chelsea. it says that he bought some of the bomb items used over ebay. cnn has learned two years before that the fbi opened up an inquiry with rahami after he was charged with a domestic dispute. a neighbor heard the father call his son a terrorist. the fbi interviewed his father who we're told rekavnted the fact that his son is a terrorist and worried about people he was hanging out with. apparently, the fbi did not interview rahami in jail. the fbi revealed in a statement that it conducted internal
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database reviews and multiple check and interviews none of which with ties to terrorism. meantime, were we've learned that pakistani wife of rahami was cooperating with u.s. officials. she apparently was on her way back to the united states after her overseas trip. she's not accused of any wrongdoing at this point in the investigation. john and christine. >> pamela, we have new information about the bopping suspect. cnn has learned u.s. customs and border protection set to report about rahami and others in 2014. border patrol flagged rahami for his excessive travel and time spent in areas associated with terror groups. the contents of his notebook are emerging in newport documents they indicate mentions of osama bin laden and anwar al awlaki.
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the phrase and there was a bullet hole through the pages. cnn is learning that rahami's family members are telling investigators they had no contact with him after the first blast in seaside park, new jersey. his arraignment tentatively scheduled for next wednesday. grilling john stumpf yesterday on the hill. senator elizabeth warren giving a forceful of his role. >> if one of your tellers took a handful of $20 bills out of the cash drawer, they'd probably be looking at criminal charges for theft. they could end up in prison. but you squeezed your employees to the breaking point so they would cheat customers, and you could drive up the value of your stock and put hundreds of millions of dollars in your own pocket. and when it all blue up, you kept your job, you kept your
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multimillion-dollar bonuses, and you went on television to blame thousands of $12 an hour please were just trying to meet cross-sale quotas that made you rich. this is about accountability. you should resign. you should give back the money that you took while this scam was going on. and you should be criminally investigated. >> big questions this morning about those bonuses. this is 2011 and 2015. that is the span of this time when this culture of cross-selling caused all of these problems and really screwed customers. should those bonuses be paid back for those years? that's the big question. elizabeth warren says yes. we could see more fireworks today as the house picks this up, the oversight committee is hosting mylan ceo.
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and remember mylan, the controversy over the epipen. don't mess with that. >> you're going to see bipartisan outrage falling over each other this morning. we're going to have the latest on overnight protests in charlotte over the break. i say overnight, this is still going on there. new developments on the streets there after a black man killed by police. all right. also this morning, donald trump is making his case for how to battle terror in this country. profiling is the answer. new defense on that from donald trump. that's next.
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be the you who doesn't cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. be the you who shows up in that dress. who hugs a friend. who is done with treatments that don't give you clearer skin. be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. most people using stelara® saw 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks.
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be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®.
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all right. the breaking news out of charlotte, north carolina, is this an ongoing situation there, with protests erupting after police fatally shot a black man. that man, 43-year-old keith lamont scott. you can see police riot gear. they've been using tear gas in effort to control the crowd. police and a dozen officers were
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injured there. no word on how many protesters were injured. the protesters are asking for answers after scott was shot in an apartment complex by an officer there serving a warrant for someone else. the mayor of charlotte is calling for calm and a full investigation this morning into the shooting. much more on this coming up. this morning, the trump campaign is defending the candidate's support of profiling to prevent those that happened over the weekend. a approximately special for kelley anne conway is saying there's the idea of profiling. >> the idea that people have a reason to be suspicious and don't feel comfortable to say that. i talked to may giuliani about this. we used to have police officers able to patrol certain places of worship based on reasonable suspicion. that's just all gone away. >> donald trump himself is
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slamming hillary clinton for saying that he was inspiring isis recruits. cnn's joe acosta is north carolina. >> reporter: in hillary clinton's ability to win the war on isis in a rally here in north carolina, trump held up the recent terror attack in new york that terrorism the way to go -- >> a claim that my opposition to radical terrorism is a recruiting tool. what does that have to do -- i'm being tough. why because i'm tough it's a recruiting tool? it demonstrates a level of ignorance about the terror theft that is disqualifying for a people seeking presidency. when she says my opposition to radical terrorism provides aid to the country, we know hillary clinton has once again demonstrated she's really unfit for office. >> reporter: and the trump campaign is defending donald
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trump jr.'s comparison of terrorism to a bowl of skittles. trump is saying he was speaking the truth on the issue of sear marine refugees. a new report in "the washington post" suggests that donald trump may have broken the law by using his family charity to settle lawsuit against his for profit businesses. campaign manager conway dismissed the report, disputed it without disputing the facts of the case. report cites four separate donations totaling more than 450,000 that's the trump foundation used to settle these disputes. the report says trump may have violated self-dealing laws for clarity to do your profit business. nonprofit leaders, you're not allowed to use charity money to benefit your own business. >> interesting. the presidential debate commission has announced the topics of the first presidential debate which is monday, folks. those topics are achieving
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prosperity, america and america's direction which seems to focus down to just about everything. nevertheless, both candidates seem prepared. >> if she treats me with respect i will treat her with respect. i don't know what i'm going to do exactly. depend what level she sits me with. if it's fair or unfair. >> i can take that kind of stuff. i've been at this and i understand it's a contact sport. but i'm not going to take what he says about everybody else. >> our debate starts this monday. and i can't wait for the first one. a gesture, one answer contains the course of a campaign. >> absolutely. america's direction really narrows down the focus of that debate. razor focused on one subject there. going on now, angry protests in charlotte after another fatal shooting of a black man. we've got that ahead.
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also ahead, the president with an 11th hour plea for help in syria. are world leaders receptive? we go live to damascus. sì? polo! marco...! polo! scusa? ma io sono marco polo, ma... marco...! playing "marco polo" with marco polo? surprising. ragazzini, io sono marco polo. sì, sono qui... what's not surprising? how much money amanda and keith saved by switching to geico. ahhh... polo. marco...! polo! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. polo! ""you don't want to ride the 13l checkiforever, do you?"ore?" "credit karma huh?" "yeah, it's free." "credit karma. give youself some credit."
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all right. more on that breaking news from north carolina. you see the images here of protesters in charlotte. they are furious about a police officer shooting a man. they are throwing rocks and water bottles at officers in riot gear. police are still trying to control the demonstrators going on for hours now. firing tear gas at the proud. at least a dozen officers have been injured. protesters demanding answers after a police officer shot
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keith lamont scott at an apartment complex tuesday. that officer was there serving a warrant for someone else. charlotte's mayor is urging calm and full investigation of the shooting is under way. president obama says the world needs to step up and unify to ease the suffering in syria. in a speech to the united nations general assembly the president urges to welcome all refugees from war. he calls the situation unfolding in syria unacceptable as for the bombing of a bombing lefgt of aleppo monday night. the u.s. says russia is responsible. to make the argument that the attack was the work of terrorists. cnn's frederik pleitgen tracking the latest developments live in syria. fred, here in new york, the u.n. secretary-general outraged that this u.n. was hit and targeted. >> reporter: yeah, word from the secretary-general ban ki-moon,
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which we haven't heard before, president obama also saying he believes there's no military solution to this conflict. both sides should get together and negotiate. right now, that's not happening. the russians have come out and cat gorically denied that they are in any way, shape or form involved all of this. they say they were tracking the convoy earlier that day when it stopped tracking it when it actually reached the warehouse it was supposed to go to. and they say they have no idea who hit it. they also suggest there may have been rebel groups in that area to hide around that convoy to move around the battlefield. of course, that's a very contested area out there. you just said it, the u.s. believes that russian jets is responsible for that bombing. certainly, right now what you have here in syria is the u.s. and russia supposed to find a solution to all of this. very much not on the same page. very much at odds and that the cease-fire still in place in any
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way shape or form, we're certainly not seeing it here on the ground. >> it doesn't seem to be in place in any way, shape or form. fred pleitgen so much. let's go to north carolina. protesters in the streets after police shot and killed an armed black man. we'll be live there. be the you who doesn't cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. be the you who shows up in that dress. who hugs a friend. who is done with treatments that don't give you clearer skin.
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be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. most people using stelara® saw 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®.
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the breaking news this morning. a tense situation in charlotte, north carolina right now. protesters on the streets after a black man is shot and killed by police. some of these demonstrations have become violent. all of this after a different black man was shot and killed by police in tulsa. we have the very latest. and new details about the suspect in the bombings in new york and new jersey he now faces several charges about new revelations about his alleged activities in the days before the bombings. welcome back to "early start," everyone. i'm christine romans. >> i'm john berman. a lot going on in the developing situation in north carolina after police shot and killed a black man there. police in riot gear. you see it right here using tear gas to disperse the protesters. some protesters having thrown rocks and water bottles. police say at least a dozen
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officers were injured in the blasts. no injuries among the protesters. protesters did set a fire on the road and there was looting in front of trucks set in place. the mayor is calling for calm into the investigation into the shooting of 43-year-old keith lamont scott by an officer brentley vinson. both the officer and victim were african-american. we want to listen to the local police chief describe what led up to the shooting. >> at this point, all we know, they're in the apartment complex parking lot. and this subject gets out with a weapon. they engage him. and one of the officers felt a lethal threat and fired his weapon because of that. >> so the warrants weren't for the man, but we're not sure if this man was connected? >> absolutely. they were not specific to the deceased but we don't know if there's a connection with the deceased with the suspect. >> again, the warrant was not
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for the man who was killed. police say he did have a gun. the family of scott disputes that. nevertheless, what protesters are hearing from police not sitting well. listen. >> but as far as my child, my nephews, i am concerned, i'm worried about them. something has to be done, whether it's our city leaders. whether it's our state leaders. these presidential candidates that are coming on to the scene, something has to be done. there was a terrorist in new jersey, new york, he was taken alive. they say they wanted to question him. so because of you wanting to question him does his life mean more than our black men across the nation? it doesn't make any sense. >> officer vinson has been placed on paid administrative leave while the shooting is investigated. we're going to update this throughout the morning. >> joining us live on the phone from charlotte adam roux and associate editor. earlier adam you were there on the scene, you left to file your
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story for the magazine. tell us a little bit of what's happening now. >> yeah, it has died down a little bit christine, in really, the last hour. there are still small pockets of protesters still moving around the area, not far from where the shooting happened. but really the intensity of the evening has died down for for the moment. certainly, the mayor is calling for calm. i think a lot of folks and certainly a lot of people there earlier this evening are expecting another wave of protests at some point during the day today. what we saw earlier, though, were -- there was a large group of demonstrators. i would say several hundred people who had come out to the street in front of the apartment complex where the shooting had happened. and they were protesting, it started out as a peaceful protest. maybe around 10:30 is when i started to notice people throwing bottles and rocks and things like that at police officers. a small number of people in the
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crowd. and there were certainly protesters who were telling folks not to throw things at the police officers. but nonetheless, that's when really things started to pick up. i would say, not long before 11:00, police put tear gas for the first time they did so in several ways as they tried to clear the street. there was a little bit of a lull in the action for, i would say, maybe an hour. and then a little after midnight, the group got back together, they re-engaged with police. and then i would say maybe 1:30, 1:35 this morning is when the group of protesters actually walked out on interstate 85, one of the major interstates that runs through the city of charlotte. and blocked traffic there. and that's when some of the looting that you mentioned earlier started to happen. >> we also understand, we're seeing local force, that a walmart there -- some of the protesters ended up in a walmart there. there was some looting as well. we're looking at pictures of
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smashed cars. said that protesters numbered several hundred at one point. police were telling us about a dozen officers were injured with rocks and bottles thrown at them. did you see or hear of any injuries to the protesters? >> we're hearing that they transport about seven people from the crowd. whether bystanders or protesters we don't know. several people were transported to the hospitals with what we're hearing minor injuries. medics treated people on the scene. certainly, there were people dealing with the effects of the tear gas. as i mentioned police deployed that in several ways. multiple times throughout the evening. there were a number of people trying to catch their breath because of that. what i didn't notice is serious injuries to protesters or police. although we did hear with people getting hit with some of the flying objects. >> let me ask you, how is word spreading about the shooting. i know in other cases, other cities, we've seen social media
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spread news. and in some cases, misinformation about what's happening on the ground. how is word spreading through the community? >> certainly, social media is playing a huge role. and i think what we've seen in communities across the country when we've had these shootings involving law enforcement where people will come out to the scene. and many of them are live streaming from their phones. they're using periscope or others to show the police. i would say easily that maybe three-quarters of the people out tonight have their offense out are either actively recording, live streaming or taking pictures while interacting with police. >> what's interesting, you see the police van that's being kicked in. you can clearly see the faces of these folks here. everything is being recorded. you wonder what the police response will be to the looting and any charges in the days ahead. >> the facts of this case, at
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this point seem somewhat limited. police say they were at this apartment complex to serve a warrant for somebody, not the man they ultimately killed, keith lamont scott, 43 years old. police say that he, you know, came out of his car with a weapon. went back to his car. came out again. they say he had a gun. that's when they shot him. are we hearing from anyone yet who knew him or knows the family? what's the sense of the protester's connection to keith lamont scott skwlims. >> yeah, john, again, we're hearing from social media playing a big role in that. a woman who identified herself as mr. scott's daughter did a facebook live stream at some point, late in the evening, into the nighttime tonight. and she disputed the police department's account of what happened. she said that her father was disabled. that, in fact, he was not armed,
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that he was sitting in his car reading a book waiting for his son to get off the school bus. so, they -- the family, obviously, strongly disagrees with the narrative that the police department has related to the community that you heard the chief talk about a little bit ago. again, the police say that mr. scott was armed. that he did something in his interaction with officers that made them feel that they were in imminent danger. and that's why, ultimately, they fired their weapon. again, not really sure, obviously, lots of space between nose two versions of what happened. and clearly, that's where a lot of the angst in this community is coming from. because those are two very different narratives. >> it's not illegal to be armed in america. that's the other thing here. right, john? it would have to be something in the interaction with police that would cause them to be concerned. because in, i think, 46 states, you can have a permit to carry a
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gun. you know? it becomes an interesting and scary proposition when just having a gun can be so deadly when so many people in this country do have guns. what happens next with the investigation? do we know? >> well, we know that the officer who fired the fatal shot, officer vinson has been placed on administrative leave, as we all know, that's standard procedure in a situation like this. we know that part of the investigation was happening early in the afternoon on tuesday. and clearly, some of that got disrupted by the protests and some of the, you know, violence that was starting to happen in the overnight hours. it would be my sense that investigators would back out on the scene later this morning. and then, you know, really trying to piece together the stories and looking to see if there's surveillance video. what do we in terms of dash cam or body cam video of the officers involved, and what does
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that tell us? clearly, this is a community that's looking for answers. the mayor has promised a full investigation. that will begin, i think, in earnest, in the early morning hours today. >> adam rhew associate editor of north carolina magazine. adam we've been looking at some of your photos through the night. thank you very much for letting us know what's going on. details of an often armed black man of a black man in tulsa, oklahoma. police say pcp was found in the vehicle. an attorney for crutcher's family say they are looking into that. they say this san example of how not to handle someone in that situation. dash cam and helicopter video shows the man, crutcher, with his hands up. his hands are up, there you go, being shot by an officer as he walks towards his suv.
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protesters took to the streets outside of tulsa police headquarters tuesday. let's go to ana cabrera. >> reporter: john and christine, outrage is growing with protesters gathering outside of police station calling for the arrest of officer shelby. his family calling the video leading up to his shooting december stating. saying there was no evidence, reason for her to open fire. now, there are two separate investigations as to whether or not the shooting was justified. first, the criminal investigation by the tulsa police homicide unit. there's also a federal civil rights probe that was sparked after the department of justice officials saw the video. the video from the police dash camera, as well as the police helicopter, both videos showing terence crutcher with his arms in the air as he approaches his suv. but in neither video can you see officer shelby. open fire. that is the crucial moment.
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and the big question mark here. officer shelby's attorney telling us, leading up to that moment, terence crutcher had refused to obey several demands. and that he reached into his vehicle which is why officer shelby opened fire, fearing he may be grabbing for a weapon. now, we know there was no weapon. he was unarmed. and there was no weapon in the vehicle. as outrage continues to grow in this community and around the nation, the police chief is asking people to withhold judgment until the investigation, complete. and he vows justice will prevail. john and christine. >> ana cabrera, thank you so much. we'll have the latest on the protests in charlotte right after the break. and also this, what was the accused new york city bomber -- what was he up to in the days before the attack? there are new details on that as well. that's next.
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we are following breaking news right now from charlotte, north carolina. these are protesters you see overnight. they erupted after police fatally shot a black man. police in vie yet gear using tear gas in an effort to control the crowd. at least a dozen police officers were injured. we're told maybe seven protesters taken to the hospital. angry protesters demanding answers after keith lamont scott was shot at an apartment complex tuesday by an officer who was there serving a warrant for someone else. the mayor of charlotte calling for calm and a full investigation of the shooting. the police saying scott was armed. and that led to the confrontation. his family is disputing that. an investigation is under way. new details emerging about accused bomber ahmad rahami with authorities filing federal charges. court documents and investigation uncovered new video from the cell phone of a rahami family member. the video shows rahami setting
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off an insendier device partially in the ground. there's a loud noise, smoke billowing and some laughter. cnn has learned that the fbi two years ago investigating rahami involving a violent family fight. cnn's pamela brown has the latest. good morning, john and christine, the bombing suspect rahami has been named in use of weapons of mass destruction, bombing and use of a destructive device. the complaint says that 12 fingerprints were recover from the pressure cooker duct tape and cell phone recovered at 27th and chelsea. it says that he bought some of the bomb items used over ebay. and cnn has learned two years before that, the fbi opened up an inquiry into rahami after being charged with a neighborhood dispute. the father called authorities. the fbi interviewed his father who we're told recanted the fact that his son was a terrorist.
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he said he was worried about people he was hanging out. but apparently the fbi did not interview rahami who was in jail at the time. the grand jury decided not to indict. the fbi revealed in a statement that it conducted database and checks and interviews none of which revealed tice terrorism. meantime, we're hearing the pakistani wife of rahami is cooperating with u.s. officials. she apparently is back on her way over after her overseas trip. she's not accused of any wrongdoing in the investigation. john and christine. it is decision day for janet yellen and the federal reserve. >> it's like the bachelor, who is going to get the rose? >> it's not like the bachelor. not like "dancing with the stars." >> it's real life. >> an early start to "your money" next.
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more now on that breaking news from north carolina. protesters in charlotte furious after a police officer shot a man. they are -- killed him. they are throwing rocks and water bottles at officers wearing riot gear. officers still trying to control the crowd firing tear gas at the crowd. we're told add least a dozen officers have been injured. some protesters taken to the hospital. protesters and political leaders are demanding answer as after an officer shot keith lamont scott. he was shot in an apartment complex tuesday. that officer was there serving a warrant for someone else. charlotte's mayor is urging calm and a full investigation underway. >> you can see the trucks being destroyed there. there's reports of looting. that's not asking for answers. in the meantime, president
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obama said the world needs to step up and unify to ease the suffering in syria. the speech in at the united nations general assembly, he called the situation unfolding in syria unacceptable. and then there is new information of a deadly bombing in an aid convoy west of aleppo on monday night. the u.s. insists that russia is responsible. but now the russian defense ministry has released their own footage. they make the argument the attack was the work of terrorists. cnn's frederik pleitgen is tracking the latest live from syria inside of damascus. one thing is clear, the secretary-general just outraged that this convoy was hit. >> reporter: yeah, yeah. it's not very often that you hear the u.n. secretary general ban ki-moon use strong language. but he certainly did when he commented on the hitting of this aid convoy. he said it was unacceptable. and those who targeted this
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convoy were cowards and the aid workers were heroes. at the same time, a lot of finger pointing and a lot of denial. the u.s. believes only the russian air force was operating in that area when those took place. the russians for their part completely denied they were in that area. they say they were tracking that convoy before. but hours before that air strike took place, they say they stopped and they believe militants could be responsible for targeting the convoy. the syrian air force also said it has nothing do with it either. of course, the fact that this was targeted makes no notion to stop the violence here in syria even more unlikely than before. and while the u.s. said it's still early to say that the cease-fire here in syria is dead. certainly judging by the worse on the ground, there's also fighting in syria as well. with more than 30 people killed
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over the past two days alone. the cease-fire was supposed to do two things. on one hand, stopping the violence, on the other hand, getting aid to people. right now, none of that's happening there. >> with the place in shambles, the last thing they needs. frederik pleitgen thank you very much. let's get an early start on "your money." it's investment for the federal reserve. european stock markets are rising and a big jump in tokyo overnight after central bankers there unveiled a new long-term interest rate target near zero. owners of the samsung galaxy note 7 can trade in their phones today at the retail location where they bought it. samsung shipped 500,000 replacements to u.s. stores but the recall covers 1 million. about 25% of customers have already turned theirs in. the batteries are causing some phones to overheat and catch fire. there are 92 reported incidents in the u.s. if note 7 owners do not return
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the older devices, samsung has a plan "b." get this, it's going to push a software update to all recall devices warning anyone looking at the screen to turn it off and return it. that's a good idea that they can force an update like that and tell you to turn off your phone. >> they're coming for us. "early start" continues right now. >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. the breaking news this morning -- anger and frustration as protesters take to the streets after an articled black man is gunned down by police in north carolina. now, the demonstrations getting violent in the early morning hours. all this, after video captured another situation. another black man being shot and killed by police in tulsa. with his hands up. we have the latest in both of those cases. good morning and welcome to "early start" this morning, this wednesday morning. i'm christine romans. >> i'm john berman. a lot going on. it's wednesday, september 21st, 5:00 a.m. in the east.
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there's a developing situation if charlotte, north carolina after plus shot and killed a black man. that black man is 43-year-old keith lamont scott. you can see pictures of what's been going on all night. police in riot gear to disperse protesters. some of those protesters throwing rocks and water bottles. at least a dozen officers were injured. we just got word that seven or more protesters, or bystanders taken to the hospital as well. you can see some of the protesters lit a fire on the road there. there was looting and trucks forced to stop in place. again, the dwindling but pockets of activity there. we're joined by brynn gingras. >> there's more we'll likely hear today with the


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