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tv   Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  September 16, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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tim kaine and chris christie. that is it for the l.e.e.d. i'm jake tapper. i'm wishing you a great weekend. i will see you sunday morning and i now turn you over to one mr. wolf blitzer. he's right next door in "the situation room." thanks for watching. happening now, breaking news, birther battle. for the first time donald trump admits that president obama was born in the united states. but he doesn't say he's sorry or take responsible for the years he spent pushing the phony conspiracy. why did it take him so long until now to say it? hillary clinton says trump owes president obama and all americans an apology for what she calls his racist effort to delegit maze tanaiegitimize the black president. and threatened by a reb billion group that the u.s. is arming even as the pept gop confirms the killing after a top
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isis leader. where is the war in syria headed? i'm wolf blitzer and you're in "the situation room." after five years of leading the birther conspiracy trying to discredit the nation's first african-american president, donald trump has finally come out and said it and i'm quoting him now, president barack obama was born in the united states, period. but trump offered no apology and no explanation for his long series of attacks on the president's legitimacy. hillary clinton falsely blamed by trump for starting the rumor, accuses him of outrageous lies. she says trump must apologize to the entire country. the congressional black caucus chairman calls trump and i'm
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quoting him now a disgusting fraud. president obama shrugged off trump's statement on his heritage and first lady michelle obama says her husband has set an example by going high when they go low. she warned being president isn't anything like reality tv. i'll speak with a trump supporter congressman sean duffy of wisconsin. and our guests will have full coverage of the day's top stories. let's begin with donald trump finally admitting that the president of the united states was born in the united states. jim acosta is in miami for us where trump is due to speak this evening. jim, what was trump hoping to achieve today? >> reporter: i think he was trying to put a matter to rest, it's not working out that way. he tried to take back a falsehood that he has said repeatedly that president obama is not an american citizen. and today he seemed do just the opposite of putting it to rest.
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>> nice hotel. >> reporter: today donald trump once the leader of this nation's birther movement finally said he accepted the truth, that president obama was boorn born in the u.s. but in doing so, he told more whoppers. >> hillary clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. i finished it. i finished it. you know what i mean. president barack obama was born in the united states, period. >> reporter: trump's claim that hillary clinton is responsible for the worst political smears is false, same goes for the statement that he ended the birther controversy. trump was considering a run for president fire years ago and he brought it up. >> why doesn't he show his birth certificate? >> reporter: time and again. >> i've been told very recently
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that the birth certificate is missing. >> reporter: even after president obama he released his birth certificate to the country in 2011 -- >> we're not going to be able to solve our problems if we get distracted by side shows and carnival barters. >> reporter: trump kept spreading doubts. >> a lot of people don't think it was authentic certificate. >> reporter: and in 2014. >> they're saying lease don't give up. a lot of people questioning the birth certificate. frt frtsp. >> was he a natural born citizen? >> who knows. >> reporter: no surprise when asked that the president was not impressed. >> i was pretty confident about where i was born. i think most people were, as well. >> reporter: as for clinton, she slammed trump's attempts to blame her as a disgrace saying in a series of tweets trump has spent years pedaling a racist conspiracy aimed at undermining the first african-american president, he can't just take it back. >> barack obama was born in america, plain and simple. and donald trump owes him and
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the american people an apology. >> reporter: frump's birther reversal comes as he's trying to reach out to african-american voters, a key voting bloc that supports clinton. democrats say they felt insul d insulted. >> this is a disgusting day. donald trump is a disgusting fraud. >> reporter: trump spent more time promoting his new hotel and listened to military leaders supporting his campaign including one retired general who also questioned mr. obama's citizenship. >> it's very simple. we all warrior here. >> reporter: and trump never addressed the question why he's changing his mind now, ducking out as reporters were shouting for answers. we should point out back in 2008, a low level unpaid volunteer for hillary clinton's
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campaign then was spreading rumors about president obama's citizenship, but that volunteer was fired at the time and there is no evidence that hillary clinton or in anybody from her campaign staff was engaged in spreading those rumors. fud wi donald trump will be here for a rally and we'll be watch to go see if he's tempted to say that hillary clinton was involved in spreading birth arism which is an outright lie. >> let's turn to dana bash. after five years of promoting the birther lie, about if you will, all of a sudden he has come out and said the president of the united states was born here in the united states. you're getting inside information. where did he do it today? >> the short answer is the straw that broke the camel's back was that he was asked about it by the "washington post" a couple of days ago and he didn't have an answer. and he basically left it open which made the story continue to go. and so i'm told that people who
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are close to him, his advisers, his friends, anybody who could get to him said you got to he said this and you got to say the words that he did say today, which is the president of the united states was born in the united states. but it was hard to get him this i'm told. and because of that, that is as far as he would go. so never mind an apology, there was no explanation for it why he got there, what changed, did anything change. sf he have any regrets. all the obvious questions that everybody would have. so he left more questions than answer. and so what it means is thats next time he's in front of a reporter, hard to imagine he won't be asked those question, never mind the debate a week from monday. and i was talking to a republican strategist who knows a lot about kind of how these things work who said remember, it was just six weeks ago donald trump would have done this kind of thing and people would have gone, oh, either he's another terrorismism, but he's had a normal campaign, reading from
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prompter, relatively on message for the past month or so and that is's one of the reasons why this is so jarring. >> what are you hearing from your democratic party sources about the impact of all of this, developments today that it will have on the african-american vote internally? >> one of the reasons why republicans wanted to do this is because they see what democrats are seeing as well xhrks is the old obama coalition which relied a lot to getting out the vote in big numbers and urban areas and swing states was not really there for hillary clinton. so the hope was that you kind of put this off the table and maybe you can keep that suppressed, if you will. but what happened really i think genuinely organically today, we saw with the press conference, members of the congressional black caucus and others from around the country that it was five years of pent up anger and frustration that came bursting out from a lot of never mind black voters, but activists.
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so they're hoping that they can turn what really has been lackluster enthusiasm for hillary clinton, they can help them to say, look, you don't really want this guy donald trump in the white house, especially after having barack obama for the past eight years. but here is the but. i was talk took a gm democratic strategist and said that could be helpful. the big issue, millennial tri s african-americans. and they're not so sure that the birther issue will compel them to get out and vote. >> we did see the congressional black caucus leadership come out passionately and denounce donald trump. thank you very much. joining us now, sean duffy, a donald trump supporter. thanks very much for joining us. >> thanks for having me on. >> do you believe donald trump's statement today first time in years he's acknowledged the president was born in the united states, is that enough in your opinion or does he need to go
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further? >> no, i think that's enough. i think the american people want to have the question answered, do you believe he's a zint or not. and today he did what he had to do and looking at donald trump's record he did it more quickly than he normally would and said no, the president was born in the united states. that was the right move on his part and i think this should be put to rest. >> it's taken him five years. that's not exactly very quickly to acknowledge what we all know once hawaii released the official birth certificate. >> if you look back in history, you mentioned this earlier, it was a clinton campaign staffer who pushed this story out in the '08 race. i don't know that clinton came out and apologized for that staffer to barack obama for pushing that story. and spreading that mistruth. and -- >> let me point out what you're referring to because we did speak to the clinton campaign manager earlier today in which she told us that there was presumably an unpaid young
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staffer in iowa, may have been a volunteer, maybe not even a staffer, a volunteer who was spreading this kind of stuff. once she found out about it, once hillary clinton found out about it, they immediately fired this individual and patti solis doyle said she called david plouffe to officially apologize. so there really wasn't afternoon effort to spread the birth erbi. >> but did hillary clinton apologize to hillary clinton and i don't believe that she did. look at donald trump, i agree, some people might say it's fine for trump to push this issue until the president came out and showed his birth presented the certificate, the issue is over, leave it alone. but -- >> there is no evidence at all that hillary clinton ever raised the birth place of then senator
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barack obama. >> no but her team did. and frankly, if it's someone who has a position that -- >> but the team didn't. there was one volunteer in iowa who was fired for doing that. but there was never any team effort if you will to smear the democratic presidential candidate. >> wolf, when we look at teams, win we look at manafort, people fried to throw it on him. it goes both ways. candidates have to be responsible for their team member. i think this comes -- this is a big issue because donald trump has been making up numbers with the african-american community. they want jobs and they want opportunity. and he's been doing great outreach, going to african-american churches. this story does a real number on his ability to win the
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african-american -- >> so should he apologize to the president of the united states and the american people? >> no, i don't think so. >> wouldn't that help him? if you say he's trying to get support with african-americans, wouldn't that go further in trying to get that kind of support if he were to say, you know, what i was mistaken, he was born in the united states, let let me take this opportunity to apologize to the president? >> it will never be over, that won't be enough for hillary clinton or barack obama. we're in campaign season. i think it's important that you kill the story, you make sure you are dead clear that barack obama is an american citizen, born in the u.s., now let's go talk about the real issues that americans care about. i saw a quote though that came from bill clinton when he was talking to senator kennedy. this is some offensive stuff that hillary has to answer for, as well. bill said a few years ago go this guy would have been serving us coffee in reference to barack obamaago go this guy would have been serving us coffee in reference to barack obama there are some real things
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that the clinton campaign was doing in the '08 race that i think would make folks scratch their head and go what was hillary up to in the '08 campaign? >> i want to reiterate -- >> looking -- >> let me reiterate that there is no evidence that hillary clinton herself ever discussed the so-called birther issue and when her campaign found out a volunteer was doing so this iowa, they immediately fired that volunteer, got rid of that volunteer and the campaign manager from the clinton campaign formally called up the campaign manager from the obama campaign and apologized. >> and i agree with those facts, wolf. you're right on that. i was making a note that hillary never made an apology herself for a team member. your viewers will judge that and voters will judge that on its merits. but going to donald trump, i think he kept the story alive way too long. now it's become a political
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liability for him. and i think it was smart for him to come out and say listen, again, i don't believe what i had thought before. the president is a citizen. and let's put this story behind us and talk about issues that can grow the economy and keep us safe. >> don't you think he should are gun th done that once the birth certificate came out? >> yes, and he kept the story alive way too long, but i'm happy that he ended it today because it's a negative story for him. >> i need to you stand by. we have more to discuss. there is a lot going on today. we'll be right back. now that fedex has helped us simplify our e-commerce, we could focus on bigger issues, like our passive aggressive environment. we're not passive aggressive.
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congressman, donald trump has been invited to speak at several african-american groups, the naacp convention, before the black women's agenda meeting. today he's in the city in washington, he declined. you spoke about needing to get more african-american support. is it a mistake for trump not to address these groups? >> well, i think it depends about how the campaign feels about the political speaker persuasion of each of the groups. any candidate wants to make sure they are going before groups that will be fair with them. and i'm notice saying that either would not be fair with mr. trump, but i think the campaign probably assesses that and wants to make sure that they will get a fair shot for any crowd that they go before. and maybe they felt like the naacp and the woman's group you referenced wouldn't be as balanced as if he went to
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another group. but i don't know that for sure because i don't sit in those meetings. but i will note that he is doing the outreach. he's going to african-american churches and he's going to swing sfats that are necessary. targeting the communities in which he's reaching out to in the state that's needs to win. so i think it's more important than going to washington. it's better to be in pennsylvania and ohio and michigan and the important people that you have to reach out and touch and talk to. >> what about wisconsin, your state? >> he's been here a number of times. he hasn't been in anywhere african-american churches thus far, but i know that there has been outreach from his campaign to those churches especially in the milwaukee area. we're on the cusp of being in play. we haven't moved as much as colorado and michigan has. but if we do, i think take he will be back and i think that he will be here talking to not just the african-american community, but the hispanic community in wisconsin. >> last time we spoke, you told
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me that yyou believyou do belie trump should release his tax returns. what did you make of his son, his reasoning as to why he shouldn't release the tax returns saying essentially it's because it would take the focus off of trump's message, there are thousands ever pages and that would be a mistake? >> as i told you before, i think th transparency for both candidates is incredibly important. we don't want to see this in january or february. now, his son is probably right, it would take focus off the bigger issue that's wants to speak about. but again, i think that there is a higher calling. we want to see his taxes. we want to see the money he's made and where he made that money. just the same as i've said, i want to see hillary clinton's e-mails and it concerns knee they were destroyed after that he they had the subpoena from congress to hold thoseknee they were destroyed after that he they had the subpoena from congress to hold those e-mails for us, the fact that they took
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sledgehammers to her i phoiphon. if we're limited on information, we're not makings best choice as voters possible. and i think it's a shame on both sides of the aisle that we don't have more sunlight shining in to the campaign so we can see all the skeletons that they have, all the great at the friday buttes and then on balance we get to make a decision on who is the best person to leads america. both campaigns have issues about transparency and it would be nice if we could clear that up before november 8. >> congressman, thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you, wolf. have a good day. next hour i'll speak with adam schiff of california. coming up, new details about a previously undisclosed u.s. drone strike targeting another top member of isis. also coming up, michelle obama hits the campaign trail praising
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hillary clinton and blasting donald trump without ever mentioning his name. >> the minute that individual takes that oath, they are under the hottest harshest lights there is. and there is no way to hide who they really are. and at that point, it's too late. t let dust and allergens get between you and life's beautiful moments. flonase gives you more complete allergy relief. most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. flonase controls 6. and six is greater than one. flonase changes everything. ♪
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2:28 pm together, we're building a better california. we're following breaking news in donald trump's latest flip-flop, he now says president obama was in fact born in the united states. trump has been the main
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cheerleader for the so-called bir birther movement for the past five years. starting in february 2011, trump repeatedly questioned whether the president was born in this country. more than half of those incidents came after the president released his birth certificate. so will this brief announcement persuade voters to move on? >> president barack obama was born in the united states, period. >> let's bring in our political experts, gloria borger he, to you first. so he admitted the president was worn in the united states.he, tu first. so he admitted the president was worn in the united states.e, to first. so he admitted the president was worn in the united states., to first. so he admitted the president was worn in the united states. this exchange i had with him back in 2012 after the birth certificate was released. >> i don't understand why you're doubling down on this birther issue after the state of hawaii formally says this is the legitimate birth certificate he was born in hawaii, why are you going through all of this? >> a lot of people don't agree
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with that birth certificate. >> but if the state of hawaii says this is official, he was born in hawaii on this dates here it is, why do you deny that? >> a lot of people do not think it was an authentic certificate. >> how can you -- >> many people do not think it was authentic. >> that was back in 2012. this is an exchange i had with donald trump in january of this year. >> his mother was a u.s. citizen. was he a natural born citizen? >> who know. who cares right now? we're talking about something else, okay? i have himy own theory on obama. some day i'll write a book and it will do successfully. >> so even this year he's expressing his doubts about whether the president was born in the united states. and he'll write a book about it. >> i'd like read that book.
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you can't delete history with a sentence. with one sentence he said barack obama was born in the united states, period. and that would presume that everybody could just say, okay, fine, you didn't spread this lie for years and years. you know, his campaign also said that it was something that hillary clinton spread which is not true. and that he in fact should be credited for putting an end to it. when in fact he was somebody up until an interview the other day with the "washington post" where, you know, he wouldn't definitively say anything, so he's continued to stoke the flames. and this is an issue that has catapulted him to the national stage in politics. and it was also an issue that was threatening to derail him from the presidency. so they felt they had to do something about it. they wanted to put to rest, but by doing this way, they have
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ended up raising more questions and guaranteeing that it will continue to be an issue. >> they wanted to put to rest, but. i don't think he wanted to delete all that history in one sentence. because from a crass political calculation, you have to remember his most fervent supporters are in line with him on this. many of them are -- >> but he wanted votes. >> but i don't think he wanted -- if he wanted to erase history and really walk away from this, then he would have come out and apologized and explained that he got it wrong. >> but key never e he could nev. >> politically that doesn't serve him. >> i think that you are giving him a lot of credit as an astute politician, which is he, he got the republican nomination and he's never run for anything in his life. however my read on this, and
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some of it is informed talking to sources about it, is it's not so much that he's worried about angering his base. he doesn't want to go there. he doesn't want to do it. he doesn't want to say that he was wrong. and that is why in the statement it it was so short and he didn't even entertain the idea of going those extra stra miles miles to basic questions that would come. >> and listen, we're all adults here. let's be honest. you know when someone means something. you know when someone is being disingenuous. if i say wolf, i'm really sorry, you know when i'm being honest. so i watched today along with millions of other people and donald trump was not being honest. he did not want to say those words. and he insulted -- this is something that is very personal for african-americans. not only for african-americans, but for any decent human being out there will.
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he insulted millions of people and the sitting president of the united states today.will. he insulted millions of people and the sitting president of the united states today.ill. he insulted millions of people and the sitting president of the united states today.ll. he insulted millions of people and the sitting president of the united states today.. he insulted millions of people and the sitting president of the united states today.. he insulted millions of people and the sitting president of the united states today. what he did was insulting and there are other words that i could say but i one of the use on television. and the problem with all of this is that donald trump and his surrogates and his supporters, they think that this is an issue that is behind him, this is something that will help him. it's not going to help him with african-americans. it's not going to help him with decent people in america and it certainly won't help his people when they come on to shows like ours because they're being disingenuous. even john did you ever if ove t turning cart wheels to make this right. those same people will come on and say to say he can't be
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responsible for his supporters-of-well, if he can't responsible for 240es people, then hillary clinton can't be responsible for these people, as well. i don't believe what donald trump said. i don't think most of america believes what donald trump said. and if you really did -- if he really did believe what he said, he would say i apologize to the president of the united states, not only for put nag oting that there, i should never have done it in the first place. not for not believing that his birth certificate isn't rule, but i shouldn't have fried to delegitimize the first african-american president. >> everyone stand by.fried to delegitimize the first african-american president. >> everyone stand by. we'll resume the conversation right after this. with this level of engineering... it's a performance machine.
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we're following breaking news. just a while ago, michelle obama wrapped up an appearance for hillary clinton and her disdain for donald trump was loud and clear. michelle kozinski is there. she had very tough words for trump, didn't she. >> reporter: that was the question, how much would she get into that. but it is now clear that even as it concerns the first lady, the time has passed for keeping things completely positive. this isn't exactly how the campaign wants to try to maximize michelle obama's star power. more than 60% approval rating
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that everybody else would love to have. and the crowd young, diverse, precisely the people this campaign needs to actually go out and vote. so that was part of her message. but what stood out the most, the first lady repeatedly and harshly slamming donald trump. >> but back then, people had all kinds of questions about what kind of president barack would be. things like does he understand us? will he protect us? and then of course there were those who questioned and continue to question for the past eight years up through this very day whether my husband was even born in this country. well, during his time in office, i think barack has answered those questions with the examples he set by going high
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when they go low. >> reporter: she got into the birther issue pretty quickly, but she also said that a candidate cannot be erratic and threatening, complaian't spread and prejudice on the trail. calling it excruciatingly clear that only hillary clinton has the temperament and qualifications to be president of the united states. >> michelle kozinski in virginia for us, thanks. let's get back to our political experts. gloria, first lady can be an enormous asset for hillary clinton in generating trying to recreate that barack obama coalition that twice got him elected president of the united states. >> and i think you saw that today. she was freely talking about donald trump without mentioning his name. and she said a candidate is not going to suddenly change when they get into office. you know who she's talking about. and i think she can. what she was doing in that speech today specifically was motivating people, saying to them get out and vote. it's not good enough to come to
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these rallies. it's not good enough to just shake your head. you have to go out and vote and register to vote and get your friends to vote. and that is what she is going to be doing for the rest of this campaign. >> david, it's not surprising that she went to virginia. that is a state that is still very much in play. >> yeah, hillary clinton has had pretty significant lead there. we saw recent polling come out like in the national polls with a narrowing a little bit, but this has been one of the those barack obama converted old red states to the obama coalition that they were feeling pretty good about to this day and they still do. remember, it's the kind of state where barack obama was able to alter the makeup of the electorate and that's exactly what michelle obama is there to try to, to to ensure that thel young people, more minorities, to make certain that those voters are there for hillary clinton on election day. you got to remember, hillary
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clinton really started down the road two-fold. get the pom companyobama coalitt also completely disqualify donald trump. the concern is the disqualification of donald trump is not entirely successful so the emergence ever the obama coalition is all that much more important. >> she has the two efforts under way. she was dead serious and she takes it it seriously and i expect almost all african-americans take it seriously what donald trump has been doing over these years. >> no question about it. don lemon talked about this in the last segment and just from engaging with african-americans about this over the past five years, but more importantly, to see the way for example the congressional black caucus really organically reacted to what they saw today.
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that was about a very deep wound with the scab being ripped off. i mean, there is no question about that. that is what that was about. and that will continue. obviously for michelle obama, it's incredibly personal. this is her husband that they're talking about and not just saying that he wasn't born here. it's to make the case that he is other and he is somebody different and therefore as others have said, delegitimize him. >> and don, as some of their friends have said to me, you can only imagine what their two daughters go through when they hear this kind of stuff leveled at hatheir dad. >> yeah, can you imagine? and look at the first lady today. she is the first lady of the united states so i feel that i can speak that way about her because she is my first lady and barack obama is my president until there is someone else. she is a class act. she looked beautiful and represented the united states in the way that the united states
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should be represented. you don't have to agree with her ideology, you don't have to be a democrat to see that. but this is as dana and david said, this is the kicking in of the obama machine and the el electorate that he electrified back in 2008 and 2012. and donald trump could not have handed hillary clinton a better gift today. what hillary clinton needed most of all in these times is enthusiasm especially from young people, from african-americans and from women professionals. she didn't have to be on the campaign trail today. michelle obama did it for her. donald trump did it for her, as well. >> a lot of people already think today could be a turning point in this election. but we shall see. be sure to watch cnn later tonight with don lemon, 10:00 p.m. eastern, he will have a lot more on this very subject. we're counting down also to the first presidential debate. hillary clinton and donald trump faceoff on monday september 26th. you will see them live of course
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right here on cnn. also coming up, we get new details about a u.s. drone strike that killed another top isis leader. 're constantly goingr our data limit. oh, well, now - all of our new plans come with no data overages. wow, no more overages? so that means... go on...say it... we'll finally be in control... and we're back... introducing new at&t plans with no data overage charges. so we know how to cover almost alanything.ything, even mer-mutts. (1940s aqua music)
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what are you learning, jim? >> a significant loss. this is one of the very few isis lead that had direct access.
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it is described as the chief propaganda item. it is so key to isis's global message. they use add drone argumentitare capitol of isis's this aid rebels in the assault on isis but the rebels gave u.s. forces risking their lives chilling and demeaning reception. american special operations forces taunted as they leave syria by the same rebel group the u.s. government is arming and backing. in an embarrassing confrontation the rebels chant down with america while the man behind the camera calls the americans pigs and threatens to cut off their thanes. these troops are part of 40
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american operations forces accompanying and assisting turkish troops in an attempt to clear isis. this end off shows their presence may not always be welcomed. one person filming the departure says the rebels cannot fighting alongside america. >> obviously the rhetoric is not acceptable as part of what should be a coalition designed to go after a common economy which is dash and we wouldn't condone that kind of bombastic rhetoric against frankly our forces or anybody else. >> in a separate incident u.s. special forces raised the american flag at an outpost in northern syria after coming under fire by what they believe were the u.s. allied turkey.
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they brokered cease fire appears to be holding as it enters the fifth day. c convoys are still blocked. the hardest hit is fittingly nicknamed death row. until that relief starts flowing the pentagon does not consider russia or the syrian regime to be in compliance with the cease fire. it is aimed at coordinating air strikes against isis and other terror groups. now to the terms of this deal, if the peace holds for seven days russia and the isis will establish this located in switzerland. this is for cooperation on military cooperations in syria targeting terror groups. the syrian government would be barred from conducting air operations at least in those areas. still, a lot of questions, a lot
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of bars to be met that haven't been met yet. >> so they will have a need to come in. thank you very very much. coming up, after five years donald trump admits president obama was born in the united states but democrats demand an apology for what they call trump's racist effort to discredit the first african american president. to help you hold the curve... and bold styling to stay ahead of the curve. the lexus rx, rx hybrid and rx f sport. this is the rx, elevated. this is the pursuit of perfection. then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raises your rates. maybe you should've done more research on them.
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refuses to explain why. no erasing history. hillary clinton says trump can't undo the damage from what he calls outrageous lies. how will it play in the very close presidential race with the first debate only ten days away? going through, michelle obama takes on trump during her debut appearance. did the first lady make it in a way other democrats can't? . an isis leader killed. we are getting new information ability the isis propaganda, the close connection. i'll ask the house intelligence committee what he is learning. we want to welcome our viewers around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation


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