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tv   At This Hour With Berman and Bolduan  CNN  September 13, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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i just didn't think it was going to be that big a deal. >> she just got severely dehydrated. >> i think really only twice that i recall. >> this last week i took a physical. i'll be releasing when the numbers come in. >> donald trump's doctor said he'd be the healthiest president in history. that's just not even serious. >> donald trump hasn't given any of his own money to the foundation that bears his name
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since his last donation in 2008. >> this is a man who's given away tens of millions of dollars to charitable causes. >> my opponent slanders you as deplorable. i call you hard-working american patriots. hello, everyone, i'm john berman. >> i'm kate bolduan. eight weeks to election day. this morning, one candidate complains in clyde, iowa while the other recovers in chappaqua, new york. donald trump taking full advantage of hillary clinton's unscheduled break from the campaign trail and he is pounding the pavement, hitting battleground states as hard as he can while he has the field basically to himself at the moment. he'll be holding a rally in iowa a short time from now. we'll be watching closely for that. while hillary clinton is still home resting under doctor's orders due to pneumonia. the campaign only admitting the
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illness after this video surfaced of clinton apparently unable to walk on sunday. >> donald trump and his team of course think it is a big deal. they're happy to talk about it. they're also happy to talk about hillary clinton's description of some trump supporters as a basket of deplorables. that is fair game in trump's world. not fair game, his tax returns or records of his charitable giving. so the one exemption we know he is claiming is himself when it companies to financial transparency. more on that in a moment. first, let's get to cnn's jason carol following donald trump in iowa where the smart money says we will hear the word deplorable, jason. >> very smart money. even before i walked in here, john, i ran into a woman, she was wearing a t-shirt that said, i love deplorables. this is something that has really struck a nerve with many trump supporters who were out
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here in iowa. so expect donald trump to hammer home on this issue today, just like he did last night. you know, when hillary clinton made this comment what she was basically referring to are what she called a number of people who she says have racist or homophobic leanings who support donald trump, people like david duke, former head of the kkk. just a little earlier this morning, mike pence was asked about this very same issue and whether or not he thought david duke was deplorable. he said he wasn't into name calling. listen ton how he responded to the question. >> donald trump and i have denounced david duke repeatedly. we have said that we do not want his support and we do not want his support of the people who think like him. yesterday, inwas -- i was asked a question about that. i repeated that again. and the simple fact is that i'm not in the name calling
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business. my colleagues in the house know that i believe the civility is essential in a vibrant democracy. it's just never been my practice. i'm also not going to validate the language that hillary clinton used to describe the american people. >> well, trump's critics certainly will not be satisfied with that particular response. despite all the name calling going on back and forth, john, a number of voters we talk to, some of those out here, say they're hoping to hear more about issues. once again, we're going to hear about the deplorables. later on tonight, we are expected to hear donald trump address a specific issue. that has to deal with child care and child care affordability. he's going to be unveiling his child care affordability plan at another rally later on tonight. his daughter ivanka will be there with him apparently she helped him craft some of this proposal. to rewrite the tax code to allow working parents to deduct from
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their income taxes child care expenses for up to four children. that will come later on. but for here, for right now, expect to hear a lot more criticism about hillary clinton making that deplorable comment when he takes the stage here just outside of des moines. john. >> we will be watching. jason carroll for us, thank you so much. meanwhile, new questions about trump and the foundation that bears his name. how does it work? how much money does he have? how much is it donald trump's money? how much has there been really? answers to this could be in his taxes if he released them. >> so many questions, so little time. cnn senior investigative correspondent drew given has been digging into all of these questions. you've been digging into his charity and details about his giving for months now. >> ever since he started with his vets charity thing back in the iowa primary days. it's confusing because we're
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talking about donald trump's personal donations which are somewhere buried in his hidden tax records and his donald j. trump foundation which is very public. you have to file these 990 reports with the irs to keep the status. that's where we get these records from, the foundation. we learned he hasn't given any money to his own foundation, the one that bears his napme, since 2008. before that, he did give a significant amount. so where does the rest of the money come from? well, it's not a lot. this foundation is pretty smart. just over $1 million in its latest tax returns. trump has gotten individual donations from nbc. the company gave him $500,000 in 2012. comedy central donated $400,000. world wrestling entertainment gave his foundation $1 million. all entities he was having business dealings with. >> none of his own money to his
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own foundation in 2008. that is some information there. what about where his foundation is going? >> it's very broad. the foundation doesn't seem to have a central cause. he's given money to the clinton foundation for instance. it's been widely reported. $100,000 to citizens united foundation, the conservative political group, whose president has just joined trump's campaign. for two years, he gave to the palm beach police foundation. the group holds its policemen balls at trump resort every winter. get this, trump's mor alargo resort charges. it's like $500,000 over two different balls. so on the one hand he's giving to this group. on the other hand, he's charging them for use of the ballroom. >> put it into perspective, the foundation broadly. how does the trump charity, how does the foundation compare to
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other charities? >> let's compare it to the clinton foundation. the clinton foundation is huge. in 2014, had $1.3 million in the bank. they don't do a lot. there's not a lot of activity. trump foundation hires a lot of people. they have projects. the trump foundation doesn't have a single employee. they're very, very small. compared to the actual clinton foundation. now, the trump campaign did get back to us last night saying all the questions about the foundation are inaccurate. here's a statement.ated tens of millions of dollars to charts both through his foundation and otherwise. in addition, friends plaintiff trump have generously donated to his foundation. the statement points out trump doesn't receive compensation and he makes regular personal contributions to charities and causes of his choosing outside the foundation it here's the
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problem, we can't find any records of it. we just don't take his word for it. we can't at this point in his presidential election. we're not seeing signs of it. >> nord ro records of it and n returns to check it. we want you to join our panel. also with us, senior cnn washington correspondent jeff zeleny. cnn political analyst kristin powers. cnn senior political reporter nia mallika henderson. i want to start with you because on this issue of charity, trump's campaign manager was asked this morning on cnn will trump release exactly how much he himself has given to charity and kellyanne conway's response was i doubt it. i'm not sure that's transparen e transparency. >> it's definitely not transparency. i have to ask, like, how is this an acceptable answer? why is he allowed to go out and talk about how charitable he is? but he doesn't have any
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obligation to prove what he's saying. he needs to release this information. we need to see what his charitable giving has been over the years because he's made a lot of claims about it and people have a right to know, to have some sort of verification this has happened. >> when you talk about the kind of the umbrella theme of transparency here, nia, this is exactly what the clinton campaign points to as a double standard. >> that's right. they're pointing to the double standard. not only looking at the press saying the press hasn't covered this well, but also that donald trump gets away with saying things that are either not provable or not accurate and doesn't really pay a price for them. it looks like he is able to do that. it hasn't damaged him in the polls. if you talk about the tax returns and him not releasing those, at this point, it's hard to see if he has any incentive in doing those. we know hillary clinton has given to charity because she's
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released her tax returns. they've given about 10% of their income to charity, and we don't know that from donald trump about his charities. we would know from the tax returns. that's something hae hasn't been willing to do. it certainly i think takings it away from the sharpness, the effectiveness of his argument. he can't continue to effectively tag hillary clinton. he for instance, hillary's hiding meme that they kept blasting out to supporters and e-mails. he himself hasn't been transparent in any number of things. >> the trump campaign says he's under audit which is why he can't release his taxes. don't have exact proof. just taking trump at his word for that. that only covers back to 2008. have they given information why
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they're not relosing earlier tax returns? >> no, they haven't. he can give a list of the charities personally if he wants to. he can go through his own records, item ooiz. we could call those charities and say, hey, did you get this check from donald trump? yes, no, he gave us that much money. there's any number of ways he can release the information without having to release his tax returns. the fact is, john if somebody gave me $1 million, i would tell you. this guy gave me $1 million. i'm happy for it, thank you. donald trump for instance. we don't have it. >> what's plaguing hillary clinton still is the fact that -- the whole issue related to the pneumonia and how the type line and how it all was revealed or seemed to be kind of forced for the campaign to reveal. last night, hillary clinton called in, spoke to anderson cooper, when asked why she didn't reveal it sooner, she said she didn't think it was a big deal. is that the standard?
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what are you hearing from team clinton? is that the standard they're comfortable with? >> they were comfortable with it at the time. the people aren't her were comfortable at the time. that lies the problem. i talk to a lot of people who were very supportive of clinton. they're so frustrated by yet another sort of self-inflicted wound here. and one of the consistent things i'm hearing from is that, you know, they're really questioning who is directly around her saying, yes, ma'am, that's a fine idea to not talk about this. should she have some new blood around her. that interview last night, shes senior senator from new york. he had pneumonia as well. different people. she's running for president of the united states. it's a different moment in her life. you know, she talks about how much information we have about her past life. we do have a lot of information about her tax returns. absolutely true. the transparency argument is not equal here at all. she's given a ton more stuff. the burden on her with the
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health information is serious. she's 68 years old. she has a health history here. we simply don't know enough information. i'm told that she is going to release some more things in the coming days here. it will not be on dr. oz like donald trump is going on dr. oz. but it is still going to hang over her somewhat. >> i want to come back to dr. oz in one second. k christine powers, the dnc chair said the democrats need some kind of contingency plan or the politico reported he needed some kind of contin gin se plan in case something happened to hillary clinton. you talked to the dnc. what can you tell us? >> i talked to don about an hour ago, he does say he believes they need to have a contingency plan. he said he didn't say, which was reported in politico, was they need to identify a successor. so that's a distinction he would make. he does feel it would make sense
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they would have sort of a contingency plan. said to me in an e-mail, i asked if you feel you need to have a contingency plan, and she said we support our nominee. the dnc has rules in terms how to deal with the situation if they did need to select a nominee. it's possible don fowler feels it needs to be discussed in more detail. but it looks like the dnc, at least the official position is, they don't feel they need to do that. >> nia, here's your choose your own adventure. you can either talk about dr. oz and the fact donald trump is revealing his physical results -- it's great for tv but i don't know if it's great for transparency purposes. or how concerned hillary clinton is just simply that she's still off the trail and he's pounding the pavement, regardless of what he's doing, it's a stop on dr. oz, but the fact he's on the trail, and she's not. >> i think ideally if you're hillary clinton, you want to be
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out there. listen, she pushed through pneumonia to get out there, to fund raise and be at different events. but the campaign never stops. you're going to have a president obama out in pennsylvania. michelle obama will be in virginia on friday. hillary clinton campaign has released ads targeting black millennials in florida and north carolina. the campaign unfortunately in some ways for many of us who have to, you know, sit through commercials for instance, the campaign never really goes away. sure, she wants to be out there. she will be out there at least addressing these groups on friday. she'll be addressing a group of black women. a conference of black women on friday. on thursday, i believe, she'll there's a group of latino lawmakers. at some point, she'll get out there. you want to ideally be out there so you can get the local press and local newspapers and local news broadcasts at 5:00 and 7:00. soon enough, she will be out there.
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in the meantime, she's got these people out there in her stead. >> you think she's itching to get back out there. >> she was supposed to be in los angeles at two fund-raisers. her only battleground stop of the whole week was supposed to be in nevada tomorrow. so this isn't disrupting her schedule all that much. it's much more of a political issue than it is i think an on the ground issue right now. >> very close, i'm sure she would want to be there. >> and bill clinton is going tomorrow. >> jeff zeleny, drew griffin, nia mallika pierson and christen power, thank you very much. >> next, the clinton campaign is trying to turn those attacks right back around on him. will it work? >> plus, just a short time from now, president obama, he goes on the trail for hillary clinton alone. headed to philadelphia. what will he talk about? will he talk about hillary clinton's health? i bet he talks about donald trump. we'll hear what he has to say about that. hey! nikki! what are you doing here? you tell me, stephen.
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you have such a low opinion for its citizens. how stupid are the people of the country? we're building a wall. he's a mexican. you got to see this guy. ahh, don't know what i said, i don't remember. you're living in poverty. your schools are no good. you have no jobs. what the hell do you have to lose? if you look at his wife, she had nothing to say, she probably maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. >> so this ad comes as donald trump is hammering clinton for, in her remarks at a fund-raiser, saying half of trump's supporters belong in a basket of deplorables. joining us, congressman meeks of new york, democrat from new york. he's chairman of the congressional black caucus and a hillary clinton supporter. thank you so much for joining us. >> good being with you. >> thank you. we know now hillary clinton after saying the basket of deplorables, she says she regrets the remark but she only regrets saying half of his supporters should fit into a basket of deplorables.
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listen, hear, how donald trump is using her remark to his advantage. this is from last night. >> she looks down on the people who cook her meals, drive her cars and dig the coal that power her electricity. >> so no matter what you think, i mean, obviously you agree with hillary clinton. didn't hillary clinton hand donald trump a gift with her remark? what donald trump said right there, that's a powerful line. >> you know what, common sense tells you because donald trump himself, from what was indicated on those commercials and what you heard from his mouth all along, he is deplorable. and deplorable individual, it's only reasonable to believe, will attract other deplorable people. when you think about donald trump, for example what he said about megyn kelly, bleeding out of her, that's deplorable. when you think about what he said about the mexican american judge who said he couldn't do his job simply because he was
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mexican, that's deplorable. when you think about the fact he said he was going to pay the legal fees of one of his supporters to attack someone at his rally, that's deplorable. i could go on and on about the things donald trump has said or done is deplorable. so that indicates that donald trump himself is deplorable. and it only is rational to believe that deplorables are attracted to deplorables. >> again, you were talking most noticeably about donald trump right there but hillary clinton was talking about donald trump voters. mike pence and donald trump and trump's supports say, you know, we're not a basket full of anything, we're americans. and should a candidate be talking, hillary clinton in this case, be talking about voters this way? >> well, you know what, some americans unfortunately are deplorable. i would say david duke is deplorable. mr. pence said he would not put him in that category as being deplorable. there are some americans by their actions and what they do -- >> -- denounced david duke, has denounced association with david duke, and he said he just wasn't
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going to get in the game of using the word that hillary clinton used and wasn't going to validate it by using that remark. >> the fact of the matter is, is david duke deplorable? the answer yes. should be yes for anyone right off their mouth. not to say as donald trump attempted to do during the primary. he claimed he didn't even know who david duke was. why? he wanted his support to help win the primary. so it is a deplorable act. so there's nothing wrong with telling the truth if you see something that's deplorable. dr. king once said if there's a good people are silent about deplorable acts of others, then you can fit in that category alsos. >> you think she should not apologize? >> i think what she said was appropriate. there are some. and i mean i know some individuals who are supporting trump interest, they won't go out and stand up for hip. they're not, you know, vouching for hip. they're supporting him.
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i know those individuals. there's a lot of individuals that are not deplorable who are supporting him. but there's no questioning the fact that because of his deplorable statements and actions, he has attracted a lot of deplorable people. >> congressman, hillary clinton at home in chappaqua right now, recovering from pneumonia. a former chair of the dnc don fowler says the party committee should be coming up with cont contingency plans in case her health doesn't improve. do you think the party needs to start addressing this issue? >> we are just fine. hillary clinton is the equivalent to a strong and star athlete who happens to compa sn with an inellness. the doctor has advised she rest and she'll be back on the field. this is nothing serious, you know. i tell folks from my own experience. when i'm ill, once i know i'm ill, i try to fight through it -- >> congressman, you say it's
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nothing serious, how do we know? how do we know? we know pneumonia at this point. we're told it's not serious by hillary clinton. we haven't been told by a doctor that it's not serious. we haven't been told by the records. we don't know what kind of that known pneumonia she has. >> the doctor made the announcement, he's been treating her. >> you're right about that. >> the doctor has told you and stated, you know, what he's doing to treat it and she's going to be okay. she has been, you know, people talk about transpash i. i don't know of anybody who has been -- you know more about than hillary clinton. the same standard should be placed on trp trump. >> congressman, would you like to know if donald trump had pneumonia? >> i'd like to know his health records, at least give the same kind of information that hillary has given. some doctor saying he's going to be the healthiest president of the united states history. that's a medical record? we should demand more. he won't give his tax rushes.
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>> we are asking those questions. we are asking those questions. same as -- whoever has pneumonia. they should fess up and tell us. >> congressman meeks, thank you. >> good to be with you. all right, as this debate over basket of deplorables breaks out, violence breaks out at a donald trump rally. see what happened and how the trump campaign is responding? under way right now, a hearing about hillary clinton's missing e-mails. what are members of congress looking for. (f♪ot steps) (crickets chirping) ♪ (jet engine) ♪ (heart beat) ♪ (water splashing) (rain drops)
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some breaking news out of iraq. cnn learning that u.s. warplanes that bombed the factory that isis might have been using to make chemical weapons. cnn pentagon correspondent barbara starr is here. >> we just concluded a press briefing from the top u.s. air official, air ops official that is overseeing the mission against isis in iraq and syria. the general told reporters a short time ago there had been a series of strikes against the suspected isis chemical weapons plant in iraq. u.s. warplanes, fighters and bombers strishgsing this facility at some 50 specific points in this complex. they believed it was a chemical weapons headquarters for isis that they might have been using it to make either chlorine or mustard agent. something isis repeatedly used against civilians in iraq. its agents are not did i cfficu
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make. u.s. warplanes go after them. it is really about trying to protect the civilians against this activity from isis. back to you guys. >> barbara starr, thank you so much. we'll keep an eye on that. we'll also keep our eye on politics. brand-new pushback this morning from bill clinton over the transparency of the clinton foundation. and claims that donors received special access while secretary chin be wnen was secretary of s. >> we have been as transparent as we can be and we've been more transparent than any other foundation. more transparent than any foundation has been asked to be. certainly more transparent than anybody else in this line of work is. >> reports he's not personally donated to it since 2008.
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executive director of the new york state democratic party. also harlan hill, a former bernie sanders supporter. thank you for being here. >> let the hazing begin. >> exactly, now we will haze you. hillary clinton has come under a lot of fire. you heard bill clinton responding to it right there, transparency and accounting for it over the years. why isn't it fair to ask about donald trump and his foundation and the fact he hasn't given money to it since 2008 and where the money's coming from? >> it's a totally fair question. don't know whether the clintons last game money to their foundation -- >> it's in the tax returns. parent of their 2015 tax returns. that answer is answerable because they released them. >> my issue is there's an attempt to drive a false moral equivalency between the actions of the clinton foundation and the actions of trump through his foundation. there isn't. the clintons foundation has
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acted to advance the interest of foreign nationals, including saudi arabia, bahrain, places that really, you know, suppress people of lgbt rights and women's rights -- >> sorry, sorry, they have taken money from them. >> yes. >> you say they worked to advance the interest of them. where's the proof the clinton foundation has ever done anything against -- >> for instance, saudi arabia, they also took money from boeing. within two months, there's a contract negotiated where the saudis bought new fighters. this is without answering human rights -- >> you're saying they advanced the interests of these nations. that's a mohorrendous allegatio. with respect to what trump has done. look, think the face said that has been erected around his business dealings is becoming more porous either day. the fact of the matter is here is an individual who engages in
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what looks like pay to play, number one. and number two, with respect to the foundation, it's nothing of his own money, except perhaps one specific foundation. all he's doing is moving money from one individual group to another through his organization. coming across as he's a charitable individual. we believe now that's not the case. we don't really know for sure -- >> this is an outrageous statement -- >> hold on, isn't that kind of what's hanging over, no matter how strong the organization, the clinton foundation has appearance of problems, is that no one knows, because donald trump won't release records to prove anything one way or another. with regard to his charitable givings. >> there are five disbursements in question. totaling $51,000. you contrast that with the questions on pay to play with
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the clinton foundation. she took 85 meetings with people that donated $156 million to the clint foundation. if we're going to talk about pay to play -- >> to do hiv/aids work in africa -- >> you can't make that wide-open statement -- >> i can because i've gone to africa to see it in action. >> we have proof that without question there was a pay to play scheme that was run between uma abedin -- >> not the case, not the case -- >> people wanting to get jobs -- >> no, we do, we do know that. >> we know donald trump gave $100,000 to the citizens u fi s foundation and has -- >> has also hired -- >> and has hired the individual to run his campaign. so you tell me where -- tell me what the connection is. because i can see it quite clearly. what you fail to understand is the money the clinton foundation
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received went to do good works all over the world. that is proven. rating agencies have highlight rated the clint foundation as being incredibly charitable, doing good work and have kept their administrative costs low. we can talk about transparency but -- >> where is donald trump -- >> no one can understand when you guys talk over each other. bill clinton taking question, doing interviews about the foundation. bill clinton didn't like having questions asked of him. i think that's part of the problem. is both sides think that scrutiny is more of a one-way street the other way. kellyanne conway was on cnn this morning and was shocked when questions came to her of how much did donald trump give of his own money to his charity. even saying do you accuse him of lying. scrutiny doesn't go one way though, right. if you want to see scrutiny -- >> i've seen trump -- >> -- on the other side to be fair? >> absolutely. i think trump will step up to the plate and answer all the questions -- >> when, when? >> after the election perhaps --
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>> where's the evidence he's going to release his taxes? >> he has said he will absolutely release them as governor pence did once he's through this audit. >> he said he will release the taxes after barack obama released his birth certificate. he has said this before and then not do it. the fact is after the election doesn't count any more. >> that wasn't when he was candidate for president of the united states -- >> he also said to bill o'reilly i will release them immediately if hillary clinton releases all her missing e-mails. >> she hasn't released all her missing e-mails. >> that means he could if he wanted to. >> he's being hyper bolic to an extent -- look, he also said if she releases her full medical records, he'll release his tax returns too. >> let's talk about those medical records because she has said today she's actually releasing more and more medical records so she will become more transparent. donald trump is still hanging on -- >> going on dr. oz later this week. we'll see what he gives to
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dr. oz -- >> i feel like we worked out this whole problem right here. >> great to have you with us. >> under way right now, a hearing on hillary clinton's missing e-mailings. wi will the aide who set it up testify? we'll take you to capitol hill live. is that ice-t? lemonade. ice-t? what's with these people, man? lemonade, read the sign. lemonade. read it. ok. delicious. ice-t at a lemonade stand? surprising. what's not surprising? how much money marin saved by switching to geico. yo, ice-t! it's lemonade, man! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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happening now a former clinton aide who helped set up hillary clinton's private e-mail server in 2009 is testifying before the house's oversight committee. >> cnn's manu raju has been watching all of this. what are they going other right now? >> interesting development this morning, kate and john, brian bag lyono who helped set up that private server also did not show up at today's hearing even
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though he was served with a subpoena to serve -- to come to this hearing, citing his fifth amendment rights. his lawyers actually sending a letter to the committee saying that this -- he wouldn't show up because he called it a transparent effort and a purely political effort in the words of mr. pagliano's lawyers. mr. cooper who did set up that private -- who also helped mr. pagliano set up that private e-mail server in 2009. justin cooper, a former bill clinton aide, did testify this morning, to wit, in front of this house oversight committee. here's a little bit of an exchange he had with jason chaffetz, the chairman. >> you had full access to the server the entire time you were working for the clintons? >> yes, i had access to the server. >> and you have no security clearance? >> i have no security clearance. >> now, watch for the house republicans to go after mr
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mr. pagliano for not showing up at today's hearing. mr. chaffetz saying it was not an option for him not to show up, saying they're going to go through all possible options in order to go after him. democrats say he had an agreement with the fbi, limited immunity agreement that allowed him to not testify today. there's this legal argument going forward and another sign that this fight over the clinton e-mail server isn't going away any time soon. >> manu raju, up on capitol hill, thanks so much for watching, keep us posted. >> right now, donald trump's running mate is meeting with lawmakers in washington. he's also facing more questions about david dushgs tke, the for head the kkk. does david duke fit into the category of deplorable? when this busy family...
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"at this hour," donald trump running mate mike pence spoke with reporters a short time ago and asked about david duke. he refused to call the former kkk leader deplorable when asked
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about this exchange yesterday with wolf blitzer. >> i'm not really sure why the media keeps dropping david duke's name. donald trump denounced david duke repeatedly, we don't want his support and people whose support think like that. >> you would call him deplorable? >> i'm not in the name-calling business, wolf. you know me better than that. >> hillary clinton jumped on this at least on twitter saying if you won't say the kkk is deplorable, you have no business running the country. and joining us, rob whitman, a donald trump supporter and member of the armed forces services committee. thanks for being with us. >> good morning. great to you with you. >> congressman, what's wrong with calling david duke deplorable? >> i think you've heard both from mr. trump and mr. pence they denounced him, said he's not a good individual. i think that what's at issue here is where hillary clinton has identified a large group of people, folks in my district,
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farmers, fishermen, teachers, deputies, as being deplorable. she's the one now chastising an. both mr. trump and mr. pence have been clear about david duke, his words and his actions. to me it's trying to redirect the conversation away from hillary clinton's comments back to a single individual that's clearly been denounced by both mr. trump and mr. pence. >> would you call david duke deplorable? >> i do not agree with anything david duke has said or done, period. i denounce what he stands for, period. >> so, gregory meeks, calling in from the state of new york, congressman from new york just on earlier today and we pressed him on this. he said some americans are dough more ab -- deplorable. do you agree? >> people have different viewpoints and ideas. i respect those individuals and
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adamantly disagree with many of their viewpoints. we live in a society you can freely express those ideas and we know, too, when people cross over where the law says the things they can and cannot do. i believe in our society, that free choice is clear. >> what hillary clinton says is racist, sexist, islamophobic, xeno-february februarphobic xenophobic, deplorable. are they deplorable? >> i would say the way hillary clinton classified those groups people saying half of trump supporters, a large swath of the united states, how does she determine who individually is racist? who individually is doing things obje objectionable? not chastise large groups of people without any kind of determination about whether what they've done or what they've said is indeed by her definition deplorable. i think that -- that making these comments on vast groups o
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wrong way to go about this. i absolutely disagree with the behavior and i also, too, give respect to each individual and not providing gross generalities about what they may do or what they may say. i will judge each individual based on their words and their actions. >> congressman witman, thank you for your time. a lot more to discuss. >> thank you so much. >> a lot going on on capitol hill. >> the congressman met early e today. president obama heads to philadelphia, going on the trail for hillary clinton while she is distinctly off the trail. what will the president discuss? we'll be right back. magives youves that the perfect recipepie for catching up with family. so she takes the time to prepare a golden flakey crust made from scratch.
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9:00 am
hello everyone. i'm ashleigh banfield. welcome to "legal view." if you think you've seen it all in the 2016 race for president, a race with just 56 days remaining, we got news for you. literally on cnn. you have not seen it all. the next hour you're going to see a first. president obama campaigning solo for the woman he dearly hopes will succeed him in the battleground state of pennsylvania. donald trump will speak for himself. next hour, in the battleground state of iowa. tonight joined by his daughter ivanka, while hillary clinton is going to spend yet another day nursing the pneumonia that trump camp managed to use against her, while publicly sending their very best wishes for a speedy recovery. my cnn colleague jason carroll son the outskirts of des moines where donald trump is due to speak about 1:00 eastern time and jeff zeleny is here with me live in


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