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tv   24 7 Mayweather Ortiz  CNN  September 4, 2011 12:30am-1:00am PDT

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♪ it is saturday night in las vegas, nevada, and the stars are out for a rapper 50 cent is filming for charity in the suite at the palm hotel. floyd mayweather is among the big names on hand for his friend, fresh off of a sizable payday from a wager on an nfl pre-season game. >> 50, where are you at? >> i'm chilling here on the shoot. what you doing? >> got mills on on the of mills, got mills on top of mills. >> that is funny, because i was sitting here wondering how to get some money. >> you know, same old program. hold on, somebody is clicking on my other line. hold on real quick.
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yeah, mom, what is going on? yeah, i seen my daddy on "24/7" and yeah, he was hating. mom, i will get the money to you. it is going right through the line right now. ma, i will call you back right now. yeah, 50, i'm back. >> yeah, man. >> that was my mother. she wasn't talking about nothing but talking about how my daddy was hating, but it is all right. >> i told you, man, don't be arguing with your daddy, man. >> yeah, you told me that, told me that a few times. >> he look at you and see how good you actually became and he want to be a part of that, and he always think that -- he is always going to feel like it is his responsibility that you did good because of him. >> he is probably watching right now, because we feel that people is watching us, and i feel that people are following me and watch meg. >> you feel liking that, too? i feel some clicks on the phone. the feds is on this phone. >> hey, wait a minute, let me check the line. i'm hearing the same click you
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are hearing. >> hey, they are listening in on the conversations, so don't say anything that you are not supposed to be saying. >> all right. i will holler at you later on. >> reporter: mayweather has not spoken to his father since the blowup at the gym a few days ago. but the boxer says his resolve has only strengthened. >> my father and me having a disagreement -- all that going to do is to make me go out and work harder. all that is next is september 1th. that is what is next. i could care a less. i'm not fighting my father. i could care a less about what my father is doing, and i could care a less, because i don't have to speak to him ever again in life. i don't care. i am fine with or without him in my life. i'm fine. >> don't stop. keep it coming. hard work. dedication. >> hard work. >> dedication.
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>> reporter: his father may no longer be welcomed at the mayweather boxing club, but he is hardly going at it alone as hi bout with victor ortiz is fast approaching. >> give me that mic. yeah, baby, we are working hard, baby. we are working hard, baby. i'm going to tell ortiz, he is scared and petrified. >> that boy is scared, man. >> he tried to put it in my head, when i fought that one fighter, i was not there that night. who was there? i wasn't there that night. ♪ >> reporter: it is a land scape of contrasts, the oil fields of ventura, california, juxtaposed with the extravagance of the bay harbor.
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close by, there is also something incongruous about the laid back scene of victor ortiz. he is two weeks away from the fight of his life and as the morning of media obligations begins you would hardly know it, and as for the taunts of his opponents, ortiz says they are all for nought. >> floyd has made a point the talk to get into people's heads, and in their faces, and you know, if you are talking to me, you are literally talking to a tree, bro. hey, what are you going to do to me that hasn't been done already? there's nothing that this man can say to me or even try to say to me that hasn't been said to me. >> reporter: the drive to l.a. down u.s. 101 is smooth and traffic-free which means that the team arrives with ample time to spare before the scheduled taping of the "piers morgan show" on cnn. that is something ortiz has grown accustomed to, but hanging out with his boyhood idol is a thrill.
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>> what is up, bro? it is like talking to a brick wall. >> oscar de la hoya is someone i look up to. i look at him like a god. >> he is not only the promoter, but to join him on the set of the show. and while boxers are not typical guests on the nightly program, sometimes simple questions can produce surprisingly revealing answers. >> does fear enter your thinking at all? >> no, not at all. fear doesn't even exist in my dictionary anymore. my upbringing alone got rid of all of that. i can go into ease and into battle with nothing to worry about. >> nice. >> reporter: it is an intriguing theory that losing everything and surviving it can beget
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fearlessness, and that in turn could produce boundless ambition. >> i was 9 years old when i said to myself, i'm going to beat him one day, bro, i'm going to give him his first loss. everybody made fun of me. everybody pointed and laughed. everybody said, you wish, you can't get to that level. you don't even have parents. >> i said, you'll see. one day i'm going to destroy him. that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. that's yours. lower cholesterol. lower cholesterol. i'm yummy. lower cholesterol. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste?
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honey nut cheerios. want whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. it's a win win. good? [ crunching, sipping ] be happy. be healthy. can i try yours?
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>> reporter: for a young fighter sustaining the physical pace of camp is often on its own not so difficult, but the mental drain can be something else altogether, and that is where a good trainer comes in with the knowledge of what to say and when to say it. >> i don't believe in overwork. i think that if a trainer knows what he is doing, nobody is going to be overworked.
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he will do what we tell him to do, you know. >> reporter: but danny garcia also knows it is important for other voices to reach his 24-year-old boxer. today, oscar de la hoya is visiting ventura as headlines swirl into his recent admission with drugs, and alcohol, and suicidal thoughts. in the gym after the workout, there is a similar openness in his appraisal of ortiz' opponent. >> you don't know how he is going to be. when you are 34 years old, like off a year, it is a whole different mentally and different fight game against a guy who is 24 years old and strong and fast and talented like you. it is a whole different animal and hungry. that is what people have to realize. come on, he was a little hand, and who else did he fight? marquez.
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and he fought who? me. i was done. he fought me. he is fighting you now, and it is a whole different animal. you are hungry and stronger and faster. he fought mosley, come on. this is a whole different game for him, okay. he should be the underdog. >> reporter: conversations like these shape the mind for the clash ahead. the body meanwhile is a machine to be constantly tweaked and tended to. sometimes, a painful process in and of itself. >> ah! ow! jesus. >> yeah, boy. >> that is not so bad. you see it is actually loosening up. you see that? >> yes. >> there was always a couple of things before my mom and dad left us, they always said that we could never ever do. >> ow!
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>> getting earrings and tattoos, and the moment it was official that they were long gone my brother was piercing his ears. i was, hey, i want to do that. and then probably a couple of years later i ended up getting a tattoo. >> but the tattoo that spreads across ortiz' back these days is different from what he had inscribed a few years ago. it was the meeting he had with his father, victor ortiz, that changed. >> and when i saw him he said if it weren't for me you wouldn't be half the piece of -- that i was. and he said, you know what i like to see, my name on your back. that is my name. i said, okay. see no more. i went to my buddies and i said, cover up my back, bro. do some artwork or whatever, and
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those are memories long gone and i don't want to carry any of those memories on me. the old school tattoo was passed. there may be no other place that comes more wondrously in night fall than las vegas, but the mayweather boxing club closes once the namesake completes his afternoon training, and that sun less it is a night like this, a boxer decides he has more work to do. >> it is midnight right now. you get the call, and you have to do it no matter what. some people was at a club, and some people at home with their lady. i think i was at the movies, i think. yeah. how far y'all have?
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>> i have to leave the house first. >> oh, all right. because everybody on deck. >> hard work. >> dedication. >> what time it is, but i know it is late. and why am i here? because my nephew is supposed to come, but he ain't come yet. >> and the people are sleeping bush we have to work. it is true. >> when i call him, i heard a bunch of women in the background. >> oh, you is lying. you is lying. i heard a bunch of women in the background. >> i was sleeping. >> the call has came in and it is the real "24/7." we are 24/7 and we do not sleep. this [ muted ] keeps moving and moving and moving. >> reporter: he arrives on his own time, 1:00 a.m., and firmly focused for the workout. >> you have to be serious, because i have to feed my family. i can't just, you know, that is
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all said and done, you know. this is serious. because today, when i work out, i want to have my third workout today, down want to make any mistakes. so i have to come in here and be serious. >> reporter: accordingly the sound track of "love against hit" does not portray the hour. >> late night workout. we call these three-a-days, and the fighter start doing three-a-days, you come talk to me. >> keep going.
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all right. keep going. >> reporter: at 2:30 a.m., the boxer finally calls it a night and his edge quickly fades. ♪ if you hate me cause i'm getting paid ♪ ♪ then that's my new song ♪ as long as my lady loves me ♪ and my babies love me ♪ that is all i really care about ♪ ♪ and all of the fans that pay to see me win ♪ ♪ y'all know i love you all ♪ and all of the ones that pay ♪ to see me lose ♪ you're not getting a refund ♪ on your pay-per-view money ♪ cause it's not-refundable >> oh, man.
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you better watch out. >> reporter: the california coast offers a veritable playground for different possibilities of camp ortiz which is just the way the fighter likes it. ♪ the devil's music
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>> victor is a restless soul, for somebody like me, it is interesting, because he never lets us have an easy day. we never do two things the same, so he keeps me hopping. >> separate, separate. >> you have to make sure you make the best out of each day. everybody is respectful and they enjoy a great day and smiling. and if for some reason they are not smiling, i will get them to smile sooner or later. >> that is a great job. >> yes, sir. >> you handcuffed? >> my brother ran. >> reporter: they are stubborn exceptions, the fighter and his brother, not just as boys who refuse to succumb to abandonment, but as men who regard the world of boxing as of all things a sanctuary of happiness. darkness always shadows the ring in one way or another, a fact apparent to danny garcia every time he looks out of his back
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window and sees the home of his brother robert he has not had a relationship with for five years. >> when we were little, we lived like that, close to each other, and we don't even say hi. >> reporter: just two weeks ago after an altercation between the brothers the police were called in. the sport they were raised onner to them apart when danny garcia replaced robert garcia as ortiz' trainer and for that reason no matter how thrilling it is to train a champion, garcia can't help but speak of the job as a means to the end. >> it is my life. it is my work. it is my family. if i can get a dollar from this place to bring it to my house, i'll do it. for my kids. >> reporter: but for a pair of brothers left in a trailer long
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ago, the brand of promise that the ring offers remains unconditional. alongside a hunger to thrash an opponent whose antics they find flabber gasing. >> burning $100 bills is a slap in if face to anyone. i grew up with nothing, and i know what that is like. seeing something like that is made of ignorance, pure ignorance, and that is just going to show what may take place in his life in the next few years, especially after i destroy him. if you are really that careless about money like that, then who knows where the rest of your life is going to take you, you know. i mean, i have been through it all. i am 24, but i have been through a whole lot more than our good friend floyd. so, as far as that goes, i don't think that he could quite handle the adversities that i have been
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faced with, so it will be surprising to see where he goes. >> ortiz is 24. i'm old enough to be the boy father, so i'm going to son him. [ laughter ] i'm going beat him, and beat him and throw him in the dungeon, naked. >> reporter: the clash is is two weeks away. the approaches are already at war. >> welcome to the boxing world. my daddy and roger's relationship and my daddy was jealous because he was not a fighter and de la hoya went down doing coke, and ortiz looking like a victoria secret's model. what is going on? you can call me one thing and call me what you want to call me, but i ain't no cheater. i earn mine.
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or is it that i'm young, black and rich that i speak my mind that you don't like me? that is what they tell you. another athlete work harder than me? no. showing is better than telling. let's go, baby. showing is better than telling. let's go. ♪ whether i'm right ♪ or whether i'm wrong >> you know my name. ♪ whether i find a place ♪ in this world or never belong i got to be me ♪ ♪ i got to be me ♪ the dream that i see makes me what i am ♪ ♪ that faraway prize ♪ a world of success --
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>> hard work. >> dedication. ♪ is waiting for me if i heed the call ♪ ♪ i won't set it down ♪ won't settle for less ♪ as long as there's a chance ♪ that i can have it all ♪ i'll go it alone ♪ that's how it must be ♪ i can't be right for somebody else if i'm not right for me ♪ ♪ i've got to be free -- >> save your gloves for somebody else. >> look, victor, work. ♪ i've just got to do it ♪ or die ♪ i've got to be me


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