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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  March 8, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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nationwide. that's positive for snapchat. >> tim was a heartthrob in college, it should come as no surprise his daughter's here, but so is his fan club from georgetown class of 1980. listen, make some noise in the ndckgrou. [ cheers and applause ] >> my mission is simple. to make you money. i am here to level the playing field for all investors. there is always a sign in there somewhere. i will help you find it. hey, i'm jim cramer. my job is not just to entertain but put days in today in context. thank god to those momentum
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stocks today. didn't they? the enterprise, celebrated, they were beginning to feel like they would never go down. why? we had a couple noisy quarterly reports. now, i got to tell you this artificial intelligence, you don't believe in a theme, these stocks have gotten overextended and even myself to ai, well, let's just say i have been on it for a long time. today is the climb. 69 points losing .65%. nasdaq 106%. for once, little to do with interest rates that are plate or last night -- flat or last night's state of the union speech but it stung because the stocks that have been the most beloved some became the most hated. >> buy, buy, buy. >> sell, sell, sell. >> you can not blame the investors, that is the nature of the business. that is why we will play it later in the show and i don't
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want you to say i have been blown up by the bear. this morning, 8:30 a.m., withy have a pathetic system, it showed in ways in the way that gave the bull very good news. now, they grew by 275,000 jobs last month. wow. i thought that was going to crush the market. too hot. but it turns out the previous two months were over stated by 167,000 jobs. plenty of do way to keep it flying, rate cuts, not trying to do a soft landing, hard landing, keeping it flat. wage is diminishing with income just up .1% from the month before. obviously not good if that is what you are trying to make. the feds maybe you are winning. still strong, no longer white hot. 3.7%. that combination did lead to confusion, confusion. some say it puts may rate cutback on the table. next week it tells me we should wait for more data points to
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jump to the conclusions, consumer price index on thursday and these are important inflation numbers, they make trading go a little upside down. why not wait and see before you make any conclusions? well, what else is coming on what used to be a slow week that is not anymore? earning season instead of weeks devoted to quarters report, now it seems like every week is a report week. now, oracle, we sold it at a loss, i have a two strikes policy. they missed bad. maybe they can put up big numbers that would be terrific for people with it but i will not look back. now, the stock is in the penalty box. we heard from vail resorts that had a downgrade today. wherever you see a analyst stick his neck out like that before the quarter i call it
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worrisome. >> now, this got to me. the reports on tuesday morning, this business is hot, it is fashion, fashion gets not hot very quickly. i have been recommending nonholding for a long time. it still gave me pause. hesitant to recommend this one. now, tom worked miracles in stores when he ran it from 20008 until 2008-2018 now he is running kohl's. they are rebranding at kohl's and sephora. i think it might be worth speculating. the other day i was pleasantly surprised the other day. now, dollar tree on wednesday morning. they had a long relationship with dollar tree. now, i actually find it embarrassing but dollar tree
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has good handle on the psyche of the american consumer. they have not done anything with it, but the stock, it may be like me, well, we love the candy aisle. where i used to go with my late pop. here we are at the south philly location about the sox ahead of an eagles game. we get more results from williams sonoma. no one talks about it. it was 121 now it is 100 points higher. the stock never should have been that low but it was clobbered by the fed. i worry the stock is coming in too hot. that is why i like to see it pulling back. think of costco, and now lennar we heard last night. invasion is the new name for their home. we got a massive housing shortage in this country. the biggest winners are the home builders themselves. hard to find a better one than
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lennar. now, as usual executive chair and co-ceo will give us info on the industry, i can predict what he is going to say, tremendous orders, spring work. this thing is a horse. thursday morning the dollar star love affair continues this time it is with dollar general that brought back the much loved ceo. now, memo to take, fill the aisles at my general dollar. now, i bet it will tell a story of price-cutting. we hear from another company that is hot stock and that is dick's sporting good. long favorite of cramer, by the way. went from 100 to 181. too hot, let's be careful. at the close we get the most quarter at the week.
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adobe, 630 to 551. highly unusual decline for this stock. if it keeps falling thanks to enterprise stocks it could be a buyer opportunity. sell buy i get it with my daughter. incredible. especially good for maland medium businesses that want dynamite websites it makes you look like a big company. then, want a roller coaster? hop on the ulta beauty call. we had them on if you want to do a cosmetic trade. finally on friday, well, i should say oddity is for consumer but ulta when you go through the aisles you are amazed to see how much elf they have, it has been a big win for the show. this manufacture is on fire. they told us how incredible the year has been but i can not get enough of jabil. you learn so much. by the end of next week the
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buzz will be about conference that wong thoughs running from march 18th to the 21st, don't let the cynics get you down about that, what i regard as being special couple days for us. now, there is real power in there. and the evolution is going on in the head quart. bottom line, you need to keep an eye on the consumer and producer prices next week. don't forget to fall in, earning season just never ends these days. and secretly i kind of like that. austin in minnesota, austin? >> how are you doing. >> doing, well, how are you doing? >> i am doing great. your picks have done amazing for me in the past. i wonder what you think about metaand the metaand the metaverse. >> they got a hit because of what is going on with tiktok. i think you stick with it no
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matter what. i am standing by him 100%. >> >>caller: what is up? >> long time watcher first time caller. thank you for your service to people like us. [ laughter ] >> you are quite welcome. i do my job every day, i come to work and try to do good and i appreciate what you are saying, thank you. >> okay. my question is, it seems like it is behind publicly even though they have been going ai for so many years, shall i sell it? >> so, i go over it every day with jeff who is my partner, he runs the trust with me. i don't care for alphabet. it is what they can do that makes me want to keep it. not what it is doing. what they can do. i want to go to alex in
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south carolina, alex? >>caller: i am calling about the company toast, they had a good quarter. >> they did. >> i am a long-term investor. i don't like these highfliers i want to see your intake. >> i was surprised they had a good quarter. the technology, the reason i was surprised having been in the restaurant business these companies come and go and people rip them out and do it, but tost has staying power. and, i still think it is not worth $13 billion. i got to tell you but it is doing well. don't forget to follow the companies that are reporting next week. you need to keep your eyes on the inflation readings to get a sense of where the market might be heading next. mad money tonight, you know about the magnificent 7 what about super 7? we are taking a trip overseas to dig into the list of foreign winners, gold is having fun is it a rally or just getting started or are we late to the game.
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even if we are near record highs you need a diversified portfolio, i am breaking it down when we play mi diversify. so stay with cramer
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[falcon screech] [ominous background sounds] hyah! sheriff! the adversaries are back! [gasps] not again. sheriff, i got this. protecting your business from cyber attacks can be unrelenting. [triumphant adventure music plays] today's adversaries move fast. crowdstrike moves faster. crowdstrike. we stop breaches. power e*trade's easy-to-use tools, like dynamic charting and risk-reward analysis, help make trading feel effortless. and its customizable scans with social sentiment help you find and unlock opportunities in the market.
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e*trade from morgan stanley. with powerful, easy-to-use tools, power e*trade makes complex trading easier. react to fast-moving markets with dynamic charting and a futures ladder that lets you place, flatten, or reverse orders so you won't miss an opportunity. e*trade from morgan stanley.
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my name is oluseyi or r and some of myo you won' favorite momentsnity. throughout my life are watching sports with my dad. now, i work at comcast as part of the team that created our ai highlights technology, which uses ai to detect the major plays in a sports game. giving millions of fans, like my dad and me, new ways of catching up on their favorite sport. . all of the magnificent 7 dominating the action here. our stock market is not the only one with a breath problem,
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if we are taking about a narrowing of the market europe has it worse than we do. did you know five stocks account for 5% of the europe index gains in january and february? something of the strategy team pointed out. in a fantastic note that we loved and passed around last week. i want to thank him for coming up with it. the analyst went a accept further. running a scream for europe is magnificent 7. solid earnings, big votes, if you use that standard it would be the magnificent 6 at best because tesla no longer makes the cut. it was the remake, but, citi's is the remake of ours and call it the super 7. they are cheaper than american's originals and the analysts believe the group has a lot more room to play. maybe take some of these down. household names i really like
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them. citi's super 7 makes for a great list. all trade over here. liquid over-the-counter names you can buy through your normal brokerage cap. the first one is obvious, coming out with diabetes and weight loss. ozemic. today, the fda expanded the label to include helping to prevent heart attacks the insurers would think that is great. i still love lily. the investing club you will know that, they put in a lot of money of scaling up production, that matters at this moment and the rest of the pipeline is strong. no denying this will be there for some time. that is why i feel that you can not go wrong with either of the stocks. there is more than enough room
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for both of them. now, up 28% year to date and 88% over the past 12 months, i bet it has more room to run. next up, citi calls out the asml company. their equipment is the size of a bus. okay. now, a city bus. this is another industry with a handful of major players with limited competition, even here asml stands out for being reliable. it could be a 31% gain since the beginning of the new year. when asml reported in january the net bookings coming in at 9.2 billion euros: that is up 258% since the previous quarter.
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staggering pick up in new orders, that is what wall street likes, the u.s. is trying to block the chinese from getting asml's best machines but the company crushed the numbers. the third one is an exciting one for a lot of people out there. lvmh. this is the largest of luxury goods on earth. built by the world's richest man. high end apparel. l lewis vuitton, bulgari, dior, fendi, veuve and more. champagne, they have a lot of them. go for the gold we served at our wedding. it completely irrelevant. they own sephora. we did not have our wedding at kohl that also features them. they are aimed at the rich.
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they delivered a blow out quarter, the stock has been a phenomenal long-term performer, i bet it will keep winning but you might want to wait for a pull back. now, the fourth one, a swiss luxury goods at play. you know them i thought we owned the company from the boxes in the hallway but it is owned by lvmh. now, the quarter was slow they had positive things to say about china. few european companies are thriving in china. they have something special going. the next one, is sap. software company that comes to the show. last time in july. took time to adjust to the cloud. they got up to speed and now they are making big money off of artificial intelligence, stock up 25% for the year. it is probably not done. i should of caught it, i just
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decided to focus on service now. next, i was very happy to see snide schneider electric. the other night i told you the demand for electricity is growing rapidly for the first time in ages thanks to all of the energy intensive data centers that you need for artificial intelligence. they are ready to play that. the stocks had a terrific year, up from october. analysts downgraded it on evaluation grounds but i am a believer. people don't understand the scale the data center built out or the upgrade cycle. last week sales told me sutter was using einstein and loving it and being big on it now. it is apparently done to a great effect. ninely, it is ferrari. stock is up 700% since it
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started trading in the stock exchange. i got one effort red coats, my wife said take it off you look silly. ferrari is an excellent business. the demand is incredible. they limit the supply intentionally. giving them insane pricing power. unlike every other automaker they did not pour money into ev but hybrid power change that is what people want. roughly account for half of the cars they sell. they have a fully electric car in the works they plan to unveil later this year. we get formula 1 running in ferrari. the longest racing team. the long-term numbers are excellent, too. i wish i pounded the table. that was my bad, too. now, as great as the super 7 may be, you are not early to any of these stories, most of them are trading at or near their all-time highs, you can say the same about magnificent 7 but it makes me queasy to recommend something that
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already had a good run. shopping list of high quality european stocks that could be attractive on a pull back. brought to you by citi . coming up, metal heads, shine. it is a 24ct opportunity 24kt rylee! from rylee's realty! hi! this listing sounds incredible.
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let's check it out. says here it gets plenty of light. and this must be the ocean view? of aruba? huh. this listing is misleading. well, when at&t says we give businesses get our best deal, on the iphone 15 pro made with titanium. we mean it. amazing. all my agents want it. says here...“inviting pool”. come on over! too inviting. only at&t gives businesses our best deals on any iphone. get iphone 15 pro on us. (♪♪)
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encore energy, america's clean energy company, now in production in south texas. energizing america with reliable and affordable uranium for nuclear energy fuel from our environmentally friendly extraction process. encore energy.
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. lately everyone has been laser focused on the incredible run on artificial intelligence, and then there was crypto. wall street was consumed by it we have seen a move in something else, in gold. the price in made an all new time high today, gold! wherever you hear people at a bit coin against the u.s. dollar, courtesy of the budget deficit. got to remember it is the hedge against that. it protects you against indisplaigz inflation. i long told you if we treat this insurance policy for your portfolio that is the best way to look at it. gold is a better hedge against it because it is a hard asset.
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bit coin has a lot more momentum. gold has less risk and carry it anywhere if you want to. what about buying the precious metal for investment not just insurance. it shot up, so we have the ask the question, can it keep run something to answer that question we are going off of the charts. that is garner, now, the author of higher probability. they nailed both the top, and bottom two, she is feeling very good about gold. i want you to take a look at the weekly chart. garner points out that they spend years stuck in trading range all for large and explosive rallies just so investors least expect it. once they start running, traders sidelined by hand toes in that is fomo. that is fear of missing out
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speaking. it increases the levels, unimaginable. right now she thinks gold is making that fomo move. gold has been stuck bouncing around. you can see this, right, between 1,690 -- [indiscernible] -- it was 2100 on four different occasions. all right. and it did not work, right? this year, we witnessed the fifth attempt. this time it blew right through the ceiling to new highs, now, look at what happened before when gold tried and failed to clear this hurdle the first two failed break outs were met with sharp sell offs that pushed it down to the 1700 area. that was brutal. these were brutal, decline. a lot of people lost heart right there. they did not get down as low as that. in fact, the last time they
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failed to break out. barely dipped below 2,000. and gold finally cleared the 2100 hurdle or keep running to the point where it is running most of the way to 2200. so, you see. we really just have been taking off here. now, for garner it feels like 5th time is the charm scenario, as long as the gold can hold the price and we have a nice buffer between where it currently is trading and that support she says, well, there is almost no resistance until the precious metal gets into the $2600 range. in fact, the next one does not kick in until $2640 which would be obviously a rally that you definitely want to catch. how does garner arrive at that target? simple. if you look at the 2016 high to the 2020 high and project it out it takes you to 2,640.
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don't forget her original theseis. they finally break out they can experience explosive moves in a relatively short period of time. she is so confident she would not bake away unless gold made a weekly close below 2,000. but, i got to tell you that is far from here. frankly, gold has been a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside of an anigma. even with a conflict in the middle east gold came back down to the highs from back in 2011. it was really stuck. think about it. for four years they said it should be roaring, it slows down. now, gold, finally broken out. garner thinks it is catching up that the market basically is ignoring for years, she says you should not be too surprised by that. this is where it unfolded.
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the gold market is drench by emotion, gets in a rut, then makes a move the upside or downside and back to sleep. something unusual about this rally. take a look at the june gold futures, how the futures for any given year trade historically. at the moment he points out that the seasonal pattern is not on your side. the most common pattern is for it to peak and then make another high for going in the summer. that is what we are seeing right there. this week's rally, contradicts it. and, according to garner it tends to be dramatic. of course he has it. let's go back to gold's monthly chart. he thinks the rally is similar to the gold rally in 2010. prices started taking off in late 2009. let's go all of the way back here. and, a shell correction in january and february before it
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made a massive break out. but, you know, what? 2150. and after that break out the metal it kept running, the buying did not exhaust itself until 2011. gold peaked. if you got it when it broke out in twenty10 and sold 2010 and then sold it in 2011 you would of had a 60% gain. that might be a conservative forecast n2011 we got a $700 break out rally, taking it to 2,800 this time. we are talking about a move all of the way out. it does seem like a bit of a stretch. here is the bottom line. even though gold has a big move. they suggest it has a lot more room to run. i would not bet against her on this one. let's take calls, let's go to
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mark in iowa. mark? >>caller: i am a happy club member. a good annual meeting. i would like to see them be bi- annual or more. >> oh, thanks. how can i help you? >> you know, i know this company has a 22pne and 2.5 dividend, up a couple bucks the past couple of weeks. but, what i really want to know is, what the price it has what the price is going to do for the working in the company. highlight now. it reached that today. and how is that going to effect the workings of gold? >> -- barrick gold. >> i don't know, what he is
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going to say, we are doing great and we are not. it is disappointing. he has been on many, many times, i looked at the stock. i failed it. not happening. when it is not happening i get concerned. that is all i can say. i am concerned. how about larry in oklahoma. >> hello, jim >>caller: we are going to ask your opinion on one oak. >> it is my favorite company. a great yield, 5%, and at the, i don't know the ceo that well but the cfo is my former neighbor who say genius in finance. much more than wall street realizes. the stock is a horse. they had a run already. charging it for garner, suggesting it, going higher, maybe it even just gotten started. i would not bet against her. there is much more mad money.
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i will put your portfolio to the test. we will make changes. then, betting one of the best to do it in this business. yes, the outgoing cfo of costco and telling you why they should be hanging his jersey in the rafters. of course, all of your calls and rapid fire of the lightning round so, stay with cramer this thing, it's making me get an ice bath again. what do you mean? these straps are mind-blowing! they collect hundreds of data points like hrv and rem sleep, so you know all you need for recovery. and you are? i'm an invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to... nasdaq 100 innovations like... wearable training optimization tech. uh, how long are you... i'm done. i'm okay.
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. new all-time highs last week. we are seeing volatility creeping back in the market t. your portfolio prepared for what comes next? maybe you are loaded up with tech. that is why we play am i
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diversified? maybe you need to mix it up a little. let's start with corey, you are our first caller. >>caller: long time follower, back to '98, met you in your offices around 2000. appreciate the advice cut your loser and let it run. >> you got that, chief. you got that >> my five stocks are amv, mike microsoft and costco. >> all right. costco was down today, that is a retailer. builders first source is a remarkable company, profiled them, had them on. supplier to home buyers, those are okay. here is where you have a
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problem. amd and nvidia. we will have to pick one of these two. we are going to put this. microsoft and nvidia. this is a case to decide yes, a new one, general electric now that it is all aerospace, we have aerospace, drug company, tech, building supply company and retailer. i need to be worried about diversification here because of the tech stocks that all fell apart today. next we have kay in california. kay? >> hi, jim. i am a new viewer and have been impressed with what i have seen. >> thank you. thank you very much. >> my stocks are chevron, ely willie, visa, berkshire -- lily
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did not get the nod for the dementia drug. chevron, higher yielding oil company. that is great. hathaway i am calling it an insurance company, visa, it is a fantastic credit card company and one of the best. and walmart is the largest retailer. we have a retailer, credit card company, yes, calling it an insurance company with other divisions, obviously, and oil and gas and drug company. that is perfection. at home, take a picture of kay's portfolio. there is what you are trying to have. let's go to aj in illinois. aj? >>caller: big fan here, pleasure to be on the phone with you. >> thanks, aj, what is going on? >>caller: so, here is my portfolio
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crypto, i prefer the bit coin, i think it is good. uber is a technology moving company that is the way i regard it. moves people and other things, rivian is an auto company, introduced new models, concerned they will not get the georgia plant off of the ground because it is important. we want to go there. mcdonald's just had a quarter that people did not like but the stock is higher and supermick. i am fine with that. i think it is good. remember, this does have a little bit too much speculation, speculation, speculation, speculation, younger person, fine, a younger person might want to rethink that portfolio. >> tony? >>caller: i thank you and your
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team and i love the morning show with you and jeff. >> oh, thank you. we have a good time. we work hard. have a good time. how can i help. >> my five stocks that i have. two of them are down and out right now but i think they will come back. verizon, abbott, paloalto, pfizer and kraft. now, we bought it for the travel trust. i think it goes higher. they have 4 different divisions there. they are growing faster than the double digits than they have it during the pandemic. paloalto, i am not giving up. kraft heinz it does not
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intrigue me. pfizer, reignites the growth. meantime 5% your yield. abbott and pfizer you can not have both, pull out pfizer, put in ge. we will not keep the kraft heinz, if we are there we need to be in consumer goods, proctor and gamble. now, that is one. so we will have a 10 company, we will have an aerospace company, we will have a drug company, cybersecurity company and we will have a consumer and i will feel terrific and sleep good at night with that. now, sebastian. >> hi i am from miami, florida. >> love, love, love >>caller: my five stocks are:
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nvidia, blackrock and arm, and trans. i was talking to my partner about that being the next theme for the travel trust, maybe put it in the bullpen. arm they are partners with nvidia. we will have to take that out and put in lily on the discount. trane is a heating and cooling company. and hathaway, it is insurance. pipelines and big portfolio that includes apple. tech company, drug company, insurance company, we got a financial company and we have a heating and cooling technology company. we have perfection, thank you very much. thank you for all of our players and our team is amazing. mad money is back after he break >> coming up, cramer takes your calls and the skies the limit. fast firelightning round, next
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sheriff, i got this. protecting your business from cyber attacks can be unrelenting. today's adversaries move fast. crowdstrike moves faster. crowdstrike. we stop breaches. this is our future, ma. godaddy airo. creates a logo, website, even social posts... in minutes! -how? -a.i. (impressed) ay i like it! who wants to come see the future?! get your business online in minutes with godaddy airo so this is pickleball? it's basically tennis for babies, but for adults. it should be called wiffle tennis. pickle! yeah, aw! whoo! ♪♪ these guys are intense. we got nothing to worry about. with e*trade from morgan stanley, we're ready for whatever gets served up. dude, you gotta work on your trash talk. i'd rather work on saving for retirement.
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or college, since you like to get schooled. that's a pretty good burn, right? got him. good game. thanks for coming to our clinic, first one's free. . lightning round is sponsored by: charles schwab, trade brilliantly. it is time. lightning round. call cramer of are you ready? lightning round. thank you, thank you, jonathan? >>caller: how is it going. >> hit me, hit me, what is up? >> i got a question for you about ge health care. gehc. >> oh, man. this is what i think of when i
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hear that one. what do you want? well, i tell you what you want, a stock that goes higher, that is ge health care. i did mention to jeff today, my partner at the trust, maybe, maybe we should do a little, taking it off. he suggested no, let's keep it going. i think he is right. it is still not expensive. joseph in california. joseph! >>caller: how are you doing? >> joseph. >> can you hear me? >> go ahead. >> doing, well, how are you? >> i am awesome. i wanted to ask you a quick question. what do you think of bw -- you get wind, you get nuke and you
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get terbins. >> duan. >> i i am out in san diego. i have qualcomm. >> you understand people want to own it, it is not for me. jc, let's go to florida. >> thank you for it what is up? >> you know my wife is more in love with you than me due to the amount of money you played for us over the years. >> whoever said money can not buy you love? totally inaccurate. >> she is thinking of naming our dog nvidia. >> i took that name already. what is up. >> my question is, what are your thoughts on arcc? >> here is the problem with this company. i have no idea what they really own. when i don't know what they really own i can not get behind it. i could be surprised. it has had a good run.
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kathy in arizona, kathy? >> hi, jim, first time long time. >> excellent. >> thank you for all of your teaching over the years, i am shopping for that cashmere sweater. >> you got to take the money off of the table when you win at the stocks or slots >> cohr. >> red hot laser stock. i will not tell you not to buy it. but wait for a bull back. it has that momentum feel. they are taking it apart. need to go to paul in florida. paul? >> cramer, good afternoon, sir. >> hi. >> hey, i had a question, i have a small position in a stock called pure storage. >> they are the storage winner, i remember when they were the storage loser, the ceo came to me. don't give up the ship. it took a long time to turn around it is a winner. let's go to california. >> hey, jim, how is it going. >> going well, how about you?
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>> pretty good. >> i love your show. i tune in every morning. >> thank you, thank you. >> that is a fun show. we don't know what we are going to say to each other. as soon as we sit down and the show starts i say hey, we don't want it to be canned. you can not have that. what can i do for you. exactly. >> just wanted to talk about the stock. long-term debt .06, the return on equity is 70%. annual sales growth over the last 5 years of 11%. the chart looks pretty good. fundamentals look good as well wanted to get your take on namh. >> it is a very, very good company. you described it better than i could t. say winner. i congratulate you. and that, ladies and gentlemen is the conclusion of the lightning round trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade,
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rich, you will be missed. he had his last earnings call for the last 40 years. he is the heart and soul of costco. the main reason it is what it is. i know the stock got clobbered today because it run up so much to what was a good quarter. that a lot of the advancement. so, what makes for a great cfo? someone that rolls up their sleeves, knows the stores, knows the people, knows the merchandise and the shareholders, someone that talks about profit and lost not adjusted and metric they made up. lip stick on a pick. how about a sense of humor when he asks the same questions over and over about the increase in membership fee, you need that,
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too. tirelessly explain it, it is about volume, not price. he wants you to get that $72 bottle of wind that cost $100 elsewhere, not because he loses but he wins, you are telling everyone how you beat costco you spend more $500 on other goods you did not think to buy. those that go often you know you have a melting pot of american workers with small business people taking advantage of the high prices and high quality to build their own businesses, look out you might be his signature pow! that house brand that is better than the big time goods, trading up is what i like to say. oh, then, the hot doing and soda for $1.50. and not to mention the free samples, i had salad there. it is delicious. i say that for someone with high standards. we go four or five times a year. we try to stay away from the
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meat, poultry and baking for health reasons. like i said many times i happening it is in the fight against inflation. they can keep prices lower. costco has enough scale to strong arm their suppliers, you have to sell there if you are going to reach the audience, you have to play by their reals by keeping the prices down. paper towel aisle to their liquor cabinet. on a personal level he seems to have, i don't know, something great for everybody. a few years back i had serious back surgeries, the kind that kept me in the hospital with enough pain and not enough morphine. only one part of my recovery, text from rich with jokes every day that were laugh out loud funny. my lista prayed for them to come in because i was being such a pill. now, we suggest his jersey to be hung in the rafters, he is
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that guy. i am not going to miss you, i am going to be seeing you. that said he will be missed professionally because there may never be another cfo as good as the wonderful rich gilanti. i'm jim cramer, see you monday . hear what biden said last night. trouble for the bulls, the clock, strike 12, why lawmakers racing towards a ban on tiktok. forget bit coin, cryptomean coins are hitting hyperdrive. now, in a wave of mergers and what it might mean for your money. and the oscars countdown is on. there is a lot more at stake for hollywood than just golden statues. all that and


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